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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2019] Heavenly Sword Dragon Slaying Saber 倚天屠龙记


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2 hours ago, arcchidus said:

I think wuxia story is muddled but not by romance. It was muddled by all that political intrigue. It’s the political intrigue that causes all that angst in ZM and WJ relationship, none of it existed in the original. 


Personally, I don’t think the wuxia story is muddled.  It has always meant to be a complex story about jianghu/wulin and its social/political entanglements.  The way I know the story is that it wasn’t meant to be heavily focused on the romance side, but this version of the drama heavily emphasized the angst of it toward the end.  This is totally picking at the ending, but my preference would have been for ZM to stick to her plan and stay hidden from WJ until he finished his business and can finally relinquish his duties from Ming sect.  Even if ZM didn’t intend for WJ to find her (though she made it really easy), she shouldn’t have returned to Ming with WJ knowing how his followers disliked her and wanted to use her behind WJ’s back.  As smart as she is, I thought that was her first mistake.  Her second mistake was allowing WJ to meet her father.  Although WJ had good intentions and ZM trusted him, she should have been more cautious as she knew very well that the Ming followers have been waiting for the opportune moment to use her for the cause of their revolution.  In my opinion, these changes in the drama provided way more angst about WJ/ZM’s love story for my taste.  I think it would have been a cleaner ending if the last two episodes focused more on resolving the political aspects and then lead into their reunion at the end.  Aside from the happy ending, the only other part that I liked about the last episode was WJ and his great shi fu’s meeting/conversation.  While changing everything else, I am glad the writer incorporated that scene in this version.  Overall, I enjoyed this version, but I am not sure if I would occasionally re-watch it like I do with the ’86 version.  Regardless, I do believe Joseph and Yukee did an great job portraying the roles of WJ and ZM so best wishes to the both of them in their future projects.

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2 hours ago, insertusernamehere said:

I agree with everyone here about the payoff. All this drama would only be worth it if WJ dramatically left everything even when the war was still going - it would be a huge gesture from him since we know how guilt-trippable he is, and how he insists on keeping even the most stupid promise (marrying girls he didn't love, twice). 

I think the writer struggles with having an ending that feels epic enough. In the novel, the climax seems to be the Shaolin arc, after that it just kinda meanders for a while with not much going on. The reason why WJ left Ming sect in the novel also seems random (Zhu Yuan Zhang pretended to poison him, he got disappointed). In a way upping ZYZ's scheming level makes WJ's final decision to leave more compelling, but at the same time like you all said, we were robbed of that actual decision process. He was gonna leave after the war was done anyway, what did ZYZ's plot of killing ZM's dad even add? Maybe in this way, with all the most important people in their lives gone, they can truly be together unburdened. I don't dislike the concept of this ending, it's the execution that leaves much to be desired.

Re: kiss and whatnot, I've always thought him drawing her eyebrows was the most romantic gesture. The simplicity of her request, the intimacy, and the implication that he'd be by her side forever to do this, is what does it for me :)

I'm of the probably controversial school of thought that marriage is just a social contract to protect people, and having kids was an economic necessity (more labor, back when we didn't have machines), so I'm perfectly happy with no wedding and no kid. Commitment is more important, and we know that they're committed.

Re: YX, ommmggg where was YX in all of this?! I'm happy he wasn't involved in the s***ty plotting so he could remain Top Boss in terms of being Hot & Perfect, but I need YX on my screen! Re: YX & JXF, I think he knew how stubborn she was, and how committed she was to Er Mei, so if he had tried to find her, she'd probably kill herself or something like that. He also knew that being together would make JXF truly miserable. So I'm happy he respected her wish.

As for WJ and ZM, she's free and unburdened from everything, and already has the tendency to tell WJ to "go away" without ever really meaning it, so I think in this case WJ has better grounds to ignore her request and go find her.

Did they also have the eyebrow drawing scene in other versions? I dont quite remember.

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Omg am i the only person who think that this last two episodes are nice?? 


Luckily i lowered my expectations. I finally finish watching although i mentioned i wanna wait till weekends but i can't!!! 


At least i am satisfied to see WJ loving eyes throughout!! 

9 minutes ago, dramagirlslove said:

ZM made ZWJ leave ZRR at the alter only to leave him at the alter later. Thats so funny lol 


I actually laugh out loud at this part too!! 

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4 minutes ago, LaurenPanna said:

Omg am i the only person who think that this last two episodes are nice?? 


Luckily i lowered my expectations. I finally finish watching although i mentioned i wanna wait till weekends but i can't!!! 


At least i am satisfied to see WJ loving eyes throughout!! 


I actually laugh out loud at this part too!! 

No, you not the only one. I like the ending too. I thought it was nice that he did keep his promise to look for MinMin when he done with his duties. I love his loving eyes lookng at MinMin. Also telling her she so "Beautiful" with his smiles.

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1 minute ago, bluesky888 said:

No, you not the only one. I like the ending too. I thought it was nice that he did keep his promise to look for MinMin when he done with his duties. I love his loving eyes lookng at MinMin. Also telling her she so "Beautiful" with his smiles.


I not only like the ending but i really love the flow of everything from episode 49 all the way to end of 50.

I don't feel its too rush at all. Throughout the two episodes, even though both of them are not alone sometimes, you can still feel WJ love for her, through his eyes, there is a love energy lingering around his aura. They really have great chemistry 

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13 minutes ago, LaurenPanna said:


I not only like the ending but i really love the flow of everything from episode 49 all the way to end of 50.

I don't feel its too rush at all. Throughout the two episodes, even though both of them are not alone sometimes, you can still feel WJ love for her, through his eyes, there is a love energy lingering around his aura. They really have great chemistry 

I'm fine with eps 49+50 and the ending is nice happy ever together. Even those no baby WJ but it on the way once they together. There will be a baby WJ and a baby MinMin.


The love that WJ had for MinMin is in his heart and you can tell from his eyes. I love that scene on eps 49 when he closed his eyes, must thinking about MinMin and she is just next to him. He must missed her a lot and that what he told her and asked if she know. That is so sweet.

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I actually can see the hurt in WJ eyes when minmin reject getting married. I actually feel heart pain for that scene lol. And he even begged her to stay one more night, look at those eyes!! 


Am going to keep repeating these scenes, as well as the lantern scene 

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I absolutely love this version of ZM. What a remarkable young lady. She has so much love for WJ and so much love and loyalty for her family. I love, as well, that this version didn't have her (and WJ) leaving their responsibilities and family quite so easily to live together. It makes their reunion and lives together at the end all the more so romantic, to be cherished and treasured. So many sweet moments - the lantern scenes, the 1st reunion, the eyebrow, ZM sweet moment with YL and WJ being so sweet with her during the big meeting with her family... my heart... I only wish we can see more of their reunion at the end.. and I wish we didn't have to wait till episode 23 for ZM to make her appearance. 

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48 minutes ago, LaurenPanna said:

I actually can see the hurt in WJ eyes when minmin reject getting married. I actually feel heart pain for that scene lol. And he even begged her to stay one more night, look at those eyes!! 


Am going to keep repeating these scenes, as well as the lantern scene 

I love all the scene from eps 43 on until the end. Same here will repeat and I will watch the cantonese version to see if there any different. 

He so sweet beg her to stay for one more night.

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ZM kept on voicing throughout the episodes that she will leave and tell him to meet up with her in Mongolia but he kept on insisting that she stays. Stay another night lol.Had he just let her leave like they had planned, finish his business, and meet up with her later, there would have been no need to meet up with her father and whatnot. 

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3 hours ago, dramagirlslove said:

In the eyes of the Ming Sect, I think ZWJ merely served as a figurehead. Someone who is known as the leader, but the ones behind him is the ones pulling the strings. He represented everything the Ming Sect wanted to portray from the outside. So having him serve as the figurehead works out as ZWJ is know as a gentleman with good morals. So if he known as leader, people from the outside would believe it too. I believed in the beginning, they truly did want him to lead them through this rebellion, but slowly realized he was unfit to rule with his entanglements with the Mongolian Princess and every chance to kill her was refuted every time by him. And plus, i don't think this ZWJ is very smart. How he believed that his sect approved this wedding with no strings attached was....come on now, they tried to assassinate her like what, 3-4 times now? Why would you think they would approve now? 

ZWJ is not smart but I don't call him dumb neither.  Isn't he's the ZWJ we know, (righteous, kind heart, naive, nationalism, etc).  I understand why he want the wedding with ZM.  He lost his yifu, so before he found out MM is still alive he basically lost all his most important people and family members (I don't count his uncle because hes a bastard).  The scene where he released the lantern with MM name on it into the river when he closed his eyes is so sad.:bawling:  Once he knew MM is alive, he wanted to be with her every seconds without parting again. He even lied about the hair stick so he can see her one last time before she leave again.  Even though MM said he can come look for her after he finish his duties.  But we're talking about how many years later that he will finally completing his duties, plus he needed her support.  At the end of the day WJ is just a simple young man desperately not wanting to be separated again with the love of his life who he thought she is dead but end up still alive.  Marrying her at that moment is the only way to keep her by his side 24/7 so his mind was not thinking straight, a little foolish decision being too emotional.  Imagine when you just found the most precious person in your life back (fortunate, MM talk some senses and explained the schemes behind it).  IMO, maybe being a little greedy and selfish for the first time in his life when he agree the wedding.  WJ looks so happy, he thought his Ming Sect. brothers finally accepted MM that I feels pain for him.  Too bad ZYZ is such a despicable person and the Ming sect. people (with individual goals) all fall for his schemes and plotting to used WJ and MM to gains all there needs.


I know this HSDS version is not everybody cup of tea, but I love it to dead beating 86 version.

I just treated the first half as a wuxia series and the second half as a wuxia/romance series.:love:


Funny that I used to loved to re-watched the GMD arc because I love it so much before WJ and ZM romance flourish.  But now I find myself love to re-watched the last 10 episodes of the series countless times more.




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14 minutes ago, jackieusa said:

ZWJ is not smart but I don't call him dumb neither.  Isn't he's the ZWJ we know, (righteous, kind heart, naive, nationalism, etc).  I understand why he want the wedding with ZM.  He lost his yifu, so before he found out MM is still alive he basically lost all his most important people and family members (I don't count his uncle because hes a bastard).  The scene where he released the lantern with MM name on it into the river when he closed his eyes is so sad.:bawling:  Once he knew MM is alive, he wanted to be with her every seconds without parting again. He even lied about the hair stick so he can see her one last time before she leave again.  Even though MM said he can come look for her after he finish his duties.  But we're talking about how many years later that he will finally completing his duties, plus he needed her support.  At the end of the day WJ is just a simple young man desperately not wanting to be separated again with the love of his life who he thought she is dead but end up still alive.  Marrying her at that moment is the only way to keep her by his side 24/7 so his mind was not thinking straight, a little foolish decision being too emotional.  Imagine when you just found the most precious person in your life back (fortunate, MM talk some senses and explained the schemes behind it).  IMO, maybe being a little greedy and selfish for the first time in his life when he agree the wedding.  WJ looks so happy, he thought his Ming Sect. brothers finally accepted MM that I feels pain for him.  Too bad ZYZ is such a despicable person and the Ming sect. people (with individual goals) all fall for his schemes and plotting to used WJ and MM to gains all there needs.


I know this HSDS version is not everybody cup of tea, but I love it to dead beating 86 version.

I just treated the first half as a wuxia series and the second half as a wuxia/romance series.:love:


Funny that I used to loved to re-watched the GMD arc because I love it so much before WJ and ZM romance flourish.  But now I find myself love to re-watched the last 10 episodes of the series countless times more.




True! Is this the first time we've seen ZWJ being really selfish and greedy in wanting ZM to stay? He was really not thinking straight. ZM is a smart girl. But it doesn't take a smart person to figure out that the wedding was just a pawn in a chess game. They didnt even have wedding attire on for godsake and ZWJ was just blissful in his own little world thinking this is wonderful. And is this the first time we see him lie for his own selfish reasons? Lying about not bringing the hairpin just so he could see her again? He also made her another box! 

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1 hour ago, bluesky888 said:

I'm fine with eps 49+50 and the ending is nice happy ever together. Even those no baby WJ but it on the way once they together. There will be a baby WJ and a baby MinMin.


The love that WJ had for MinMin is in his heart and you can tell from his eyes. I love that scene on eps 49 when he closed his eyes, must thinking about MinMin and she is just next to him. He must missed her a lot and that what he told her and asked if she know. That is so sweet.

Yes, the reunion hug and the "do you know I missed you so much'.  There last conversations when MM told WJ not to brother her and don't look for her again that she had given up on him then throw the hair stick away with the music.  :bawling::bawling:

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4 minutes ago, dramagirlslove said:

I know this HSDS version is not everybody cup of tea, but I love it to dead beating 86 versio

Yes, I don't know how many times I have repeated from eps 43 on until the last 2 esp release. I love esp 43+44 and the rain scene in eps 45 and the apply medicine on the back of WJ. So many scene to repeated and repeated in this version. But that only after MinMin appear starting on eps 23. 


I'm sure everyone have their favorite scene in every eps of WJ+MinMin. Too many right!!!!

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12 minutes ago, bluesky888 said:

Yes, I don't know how many times I have repeated from eps 43 on until the last 2 esp release. I love esp 43+44 and the rain scene in eps 45 and the apply medicine on the back of WJ. So many scene to repeated and repeated in this version. But that only after MinMin appear starting on eps 23. 


I'm sure everyone have their favorite scene in every eps of WJ+MinMin. Too many right!!!!

If i know how to edit videos i would do a compilation vid with ALL their scenes together!

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7 minutes ago, AppleBanana said:

If i know how to edit videos i would do a compilation vid with ALL their scenes together!

That is my wish too.  Please all the talented people out there do a compilation video of the OTP for us obsession fans.

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