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Name of thread: Event: Goong Princess Hours re-watch
Name of poll: Goong Poll 3: Wedding feels  


1. What did you think of the wedding ceremony?
It was so lovely! I love traditional weddings, especially Korean. - 3
Could have been better, if the princess family had not almost ruined it. - 1
It was so dreamy! Reliving Princess Diana and Prince Charles' wedding again. - 0
Nah, I'm not into traditional weddings. Felt sorry for the tied up goose gifted to the princess. - 1


2. Which after wedding moment did you like the most? (choose up to 2)
The rituals when they almost fell asleep. - 2
The moment when Chae Kyung bit Prince Shin's hand - haha - 3
The way the prince showed ownership and grabbed the princess's hand and dragged her away in the presence of his family - 1
When they inadvertently bond over while being bored to death while watching the movie together with the King. - 2
When the princess decided the the prince with a bear has a vulnerable man-child inside the tough exterior. - 2
Chae Kyung's class celebrating her wedding. - 2
Something else. What? - 0


3. How do you feel about Chae Kyung's family?
Not liking them a bit. They seem to think that Chae Kyung is their cash cow.... - 1
On the fence. I love that dad is crying because he's missing his daugther, but the brother doing a stripshow on national TV was annoying. - 2
I (kinda) like them. They love Chae Kyung very much. - 2


In total: 5 votes
Played: August 2021

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Name of thread: Add subtract thread
Name of poll: Drop it like it's hot....  


1. Do you tend to drop dramas? (choose as many as you like)
I drop more dramas than I finish. - 7
Have you seen my "dropped dramas" list? It could win awards for its length. - 6
My oppa starring in a drama? Yeah, I will still drop it if the plot is boring - 4
50-50. - 0
Sometimes. I do finish more dramas than I drop though. - 7
Must. Finish. For. Oppa/Noona..... - 4
I just don't understand what the buzz about this drama is about. Imma gonna drop it. And I won't look back! - 6
I never drop a drama. I have perseverance. Unlike some of you. - 2
Rarely. I know all the bad writers and will stay away from their dramas. - 3
I wish I would drop dramas more often. I've finished too many bad dramas. - 4
Something else. What? - 3


2. Will you watch a drama just because your oppa/noona is starring in it?
Of course. I watch every drama he/she stars in. I need to support him/her - 7
Sometimes, even though I am not interested in the plot. - 9
No. Oppa/noona better start picking better roles or else.... - 2


3. Amount of dramas that I have dropped:
What dropped dramas? They are just on pause. Indefinitely. (Sleepy Owl's category) - 5
Less than 10 - 4
10-100 - 4
101-500 (partyon's category) - 4
More than 500 (Lmangla's category) - 1


In total: 18 votes
Played: August 2021

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Name of thread: Choi Daniel 최다니엘 チェダニエル |♥| Upcoming Drama : Fly High, Butterfly 날아올라라 나비 Premieres in 2021
Name of poll: Getting ready for Daniel Choi


1. What are the attractive points of Choi Daniel? (choose up to 5 options)

his eyes 4

his eye brows 1

his smile 5

his lips 2

his height 6

his pecs 1

his abs 3

his light beard 1

his hair bangs 1

his long and slender fingers 1

his glasses 4

his character 2

his acting 5

his voice 10

Something else (Please mention in comments!)


2. Would you love to see Choi Daniel in a variety show?

Yes, of course! Oppa will rock it! 6

No, thanks! Oppa is a shy guy! 1 Maybe, one day! 3

Something else (Please mention in comments!) 1


3. What would you do if you ever meet Choi Daniel in real life?

Oh My God, I would ask him to marry me! 1

He is so handsome! Ask him for an autograph and a selfie. 8

I am literary shocked that my heart's gone all blank! 1

I'd run away because I'm shy. 1

I already met him, and can't wait to meet him again. 0

Something else (Please mention in comments!) 0


In total: 11 votes
Played: August 2021

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Name of thread [Current Drama 2021] The Devil Judge ⚖️ 악마판사


Name of poll: K, Ga On's Savior and Jin Joo taking side  


1. Do you think K died?

  1. Yes, he died. - 4
  2. No, I think he survived the fall. - 8
  3. Maybe he did, but he could also survive the fall - 3
  4. Something else (Please mention). - 0

2. Who do you think will save Ga On?

  1. Soo Hyun - 6
  2. One of Yo Han's men as he must have told someone to keep an eye on him. - 2
  3. Ga On will manage to save himself and run away. - 4
  4. No one will save him, he's gonna end up in hospital. - 2 
  5. Something else (Please Mention) - 1

3. Do you think Jin Joo will realize she is on the wrong side?

  1. Yes, Ga On will convince her. - 6
  2. No, she will continue to believe that she is doing the right thing. - 3
  3. She might try to change sides, but Sun Ah will manage to bring her on their side again. - 5
  4. Something Else (Please Mention) - 1

In total:   15 votes

Played: August 2021

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Name of thread: Hospital Playlist

Name of poll: Hospital Playlist 2: Adversity, tears, hope  


1. Which storylines in ep 8 made you most emotional? (choose as many as you like)
Rosa facing illness - 24
Song Hwa's mother facing illness - 35
Gyeo Wool's mother being admitted to the hospital - 3
Old haraboji with breathing difficulties and a hole in his heart - 4
Old mother and her kids debating whether to get brain surgery or not - 14
Man and his family worrying about whether their lucky charm Gyeo Wool would come to the surgery or not - 5
Jeong Won worrying about Gyeo Wool and his mother - 11
Ik Jun caring for Song Hwa in his own special way - 27
The band practice - Rosa was wonderful - 17
Jun Wan seeing Ik Sun again - 21
New mother who nearly died giving birth - 6
Min Ha's hardships and Seok Hyeong appearing by her bedside - 16
Our doctors eating food together, the humor - 11
Something else. What? - 3


2. Do you think Hospital Playlist should have a third season?
Oh yeah, sign me up for it! - 32
Maybe, depends on how season 2 ends - 15
No, I think 2 seasons is enough. - 5


3. Which ship do you think will set sail next? (choose up to 2)
Rosa and Jong Su - 12
Jun Wan and Ik Sun - 17
Jun Wan and Do Jae Hak - lol - 7
Ik Jun and Song Hwa - 23
Seok Hyeong and Min Ha - 33
Seok Hyeong and his ex-wife - 0
Someone else. Who? - 0


In total: 52 votes
Played: August 2021

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Name of thread [Current Drama 2021] The Devil Judge ⚖️ 악마판사


Name of poll: The Fire Incident, Soo Hyun's Killer, Justice Min  


1. Who do you think caused the fire in the Church

  1. Yo Han - 0
  2. Sun Ah - 1
  3. The Foundation people - 5
  4. Elijah - 5
  5. Justice Min - 3
  6. It was an accident - 4
  7. Someone Else (Please Mention) - 0

2. Who do you think got Soo Hyun killed

  1. Yo Han - 0
  2. Sun Ah - 2
  3. Foundation guys - The President and the other two dudes - 4
  4. The killer intended to attack the judges, but ended up shooting her - 7
  5. Justice Min - 4
  6. Someone else (Please mention) - 1

3. Do you think Justice Min is shady

  1. No, he is just too narrow-minded and self righteous. - 7
  2. Yes, all he does somewhat ends up helping the foundation guys. - 5
  3. I tell you, he is the actual big baddie - 6
  4. Something Else (Please Mention) - 0

In total:   18 votes

Played: August 2021

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Name of thread: The Second Husband, 두번째 남편


Name of poll: What do you think will happen?  


Q1. What do you think will happen to baby?

1. some health issue but it won't be Sang Hyuk's fault ~ 2

2. combination of bad luck + Sang Hyuk's negligence -- he could have helped but doesn't ~ 6

3. completely his fault and negligence! ~ 3

4. nothing will happen to baby - grandma will end up raising baby alone ~ 1

5. something else (describe in post) ~ 1


Q2. Who do you think will pin the murder plot on sun hwa? (pick your top 3)

1. Sang Hyuk ofcourse ~ 1

2. Sang Hyuk and his mom! ~ 2

3. Jae Kyung ~ 2

4. Jae Kyung and Sang Hyuk plan it together! ~ 7

5. Jae Kyung and Sae Chool plan it together! ~ 1

6. Jae Kyung, Sang Hyuk, Sae Chool plan it together! ~ 4

7. It isn't planned by anyone. Sun Hwa just ends up in the wrong place at wrong time. ~ 1

8. other - describe in post ~ 1


In total:  13 members have voted

Played: Aug 2021

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Name of thread: Be My Dream Family, 속아도 꿈결


Name of poll: love is in the air?  


Q1. Who will Young Hye tell about Ga Eun & Sang Min?

1. hubby Sang Baek ~ 2

2. Oh Min Hee ~ 0

3. Min Ah or In Seo ~ 0

4. her doctor friend ~ 3

5. mom or dad ~ 0

6. someone else (describe in post) ~ 0


In total:  5 members have voted

Played: Aug 2021

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Name of thread: Red Shoes, 빨강 구두


Name of poll: where will this lead?  


Q1. Who will be the last to find out about Gemma's identity? (pick two)

1. Hye Bin ~ 6

2. chairman ~ 3

3. aunt (chairman's sister) ~ 2

4. loan grandma ~ 3

5. Hyun Seok ~ 1


Q2. Who do you find most annoying? (pick two)

1. the coffee sisters -- not funny! ~ 10

2. best friend and heart brother ~ 6

3. Hyun Seok ~ 0

4. Hye Bin ~ 2

5. Hee Kyung ~ 0

6. Gemma ~ 0

7. Ki Seok ~ 0

8. loan grandma ~ 0

9. chairman ~ 0

10. aunt (chairman's sister) ~ 0


In total:   10 members have voted

Played: Aug 2021

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Name of thread: Add/Subtract

Name of Poll: Warfare: Burning Issues  


1. What do you think about Ji Chang Wook's new (long) hairstyle (see Exhibit A)?

  • Looks great (Exhibit A)! Ji Chang Wook is handsome as always <3 and his passion for his drama shows! 4
  • It's acceptable. Ji Chang Wook looks Ji Chang Wook and I accept his new hairstyle for his drama. Nevertheless, ... I prefer other hairstyles (see Exhibit B). 2
  • It's a crime against humanity and I want to see his forehead again, even at cost of burning his hair and rendering JCW bald (see Exhibit C). 4
  • Sort of ambivalent? If pressed for answer, I'd choose historical!Ji Chang Wook (see Exhibit D). 0
  • I don't care, because I don't like oppas, even Ji Chang Wook. 0
  • Please don't make me answer, I don't want to incur agenth's wrath (cop-out answer). 2
  • Something else. Please comment in thread. 3


2. What should Min2206's oppa (Jinyoung from GOT7) be called?

  • Jinyoung Oppa (classic but boring) 1
  • Joppa 3
  • Jinpa 0
  • Jinoppa 5
  • J-oppa 1
  • Jinyoungpa 1
  • Foolppa 1
  • Something else (Please mention in thread). 3


3. Oppas with abs or without? (please pick as many options as apply to you)

  • I am the president of the Pervy Ahjummas club 2
  • Oppas with abs are preferable 6
  • I wish I could call Joo Won my oppa... 1
  • I am a proud share holder of Joo Won oppa! I had to fight for it hard. 2
  • I just lick Joo Won's abs from time to time 1 Hello Chansung!!!!!!!!!!!! His YouTube videos are on repeat. 2
  • My oppa used to have abs, but he's on a diet 3
  • I want my oppa to have abs, but can't find any on him sadly 1
  • I don't care if my oppas have abs or not. I only care about his face (and maybe biceps) 7
  • Nah, I prefer my oppas without abs. Lean is mean. 2 I don't have time to look at abs. I mostly admire bathroom fittings in dramas anyway. 2
  • I fight over abs all the time with my twin 1
  • Too few female abs in dramas. Sadly. 3
  • I am just relegated to mopping up drool from chingus who like abs 0
  • My oppa(s) is/are perfect - with or without abs. 7
  • I have only one oppa - the question of abs/no abs doesn't arise. It's beneath him. 2
  • Something else. What? 4
  • LMH - nuff said. 1


In total:   15 members have voted

Played: Aug 2021

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Name of thread: EVENT: Too Stupid To Live

Name of Poll: EVENT: Too Stupid To Live


1. Female Too Stupid To Live (Please pick your Top 4.)

  • Park Gae In (Son Ye Jin) in Personal Taste 6
  • Yoon Soo Hyun (Park Gyu Young) in Devil Judge 8
  • Cheon Song Yi (Jun Ji Hyun) in My Love from a Star 11
  • Han Ji Eun (Song Hye Kyo) in Full House 16
  • Ma Hye Ri (Kim So Yeon) in Prosecutor Princess: 2
  • Kim Mi Young (Lee Yoo Young) in My Fellow Citizens!: 3
  • Oh Ha Ni (Jung So Min) in Playful Kiss 12
  • Go Mi Nyeo (Park Shin Hye) in You're Beautiful 8
  • Go An Na (Im Yoona) in The K2 15
  • Kang Seo Wool (Nam Ji Hyun) in What happens to my family?" 11
  • Someone else (Please nominate). 2
  • Ahn Yoona (Ji Sung) in Kill Me, Heal Me 4
  • Yu Na Bi (Han Seo Hee) in Nevertheless, nominated by @confusedheart 12


2. Male Too Stupid To Live (Please pick your Top 4.)

  • Lee Young Joon (Park Seo Joon) in What's Wrong With Secretary Kim? 11
  • Gu Jun Pyo (Lee Min Ho) in Boys over Flowers 21
  • Kim Joo Won (Hyun Bin) in Secret Garden 5
  • Yook Dong Sik (Yoon Shi Yoon) in Psychopath Diary 5
  • Kang Ji Sung/Louie (Seo In Guk) in Shopping King Louie 9
  • Kim Ga On (Jinyoung) in Devil Judge 11
  • Yoo Hyun Jae (Yoon Shi Yoon) in The Best Hit 5
  • Ki Seon Gyeom (Im Si Wan) in Run On 5
  • Park Jae Won (Ji Chang Wook) in Lovestruck in the City 14
  • Jeong Gyo Bin (Byun Woo Min) in Temptation of Wife 11
  • Someone else (Please nominate). 1
  • Zhao Yujin (Sheng Yilun) in Oh My General (nominated by @partyon) 2
  • Shin Yoo Shin (Lee Tae Gon) in Love feat. Marriage and Divorce 1 and 2 (nominated by @carolynh and @partyon) 8


3. Ensemble Too Stupid To Live (Please pick your Top 4.)

  • Modern Farmer 7
  • Welcome to Waikiki 14
  • High School King of Savvy 6
  • Good Casting 4
  • The Last Empress 22
  • The Sound of Your Heart 3
  • The detectives in Zombie Detective 7
  • Thugs in Strong Woman Do Bong Soon 14
  • Someone else (Please nominate). 0
  • Mr. Queen  (nominated by @louie_999)  9
  • Man in a Veil (nominated by @maribella) 2


In total:   40 members have voted

Played: Aug 2021

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Name of thread: The Second Husband, 두번째 남편


Name of poll: secrets  


Q1. what do you think about grandma?

1. she stole baby sun hwa on purpose. she is a kidnapper! ~ 5

2. no, there must be some mistake. she seemed shocked to find out about bakery mom losing a baby ~ 8

3. something else (describe in post) ~ 1


Q2. do you think there will be a baby swap? will jae kyung take sun hwa's child?

1. ummm, surely someone would notice a difference between a newborn and a one year old babe? ~ 5

2. this is dramaland, all things are possible! ~ 8

3. something else (describe in post) ~ 1


In total:  13 members have voted

Played: Aug 2021

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Name of thread [Drama 2021] The Devil Judge ⚖️ 악마판사


Name of poll: The End, The drama, and the MVPs  


1. How did you find the ending of the drama?

  1. It was great, couldn't be better than this. --- 5
  2. I expected more, but it was still good. --- 9
  3. It was just fine. --- 4 
  4. It wasn't really good, I hoped we would see more of trials and better mind games. --- 4
  5. It was bad. --- 0

2. How will rate you the drama (on scale of 10)?

  1. 10 --- 3
  2. 9.5 --- 0
  3. 9 --- 5
  4. 8.5 --- 2
  5. 8 --- 4
  6. 7.5 --- 4
  7. 7 --- 2
  8. 6.5 --- 2
  9. 6 --- 0
  10. 5.5 --- 0
  11. 5 --- 0
  12. 4.5 --- 0
  13. 4 --- 0
  14. 3.5 --- 0
  15. 3 --- 0
  16. 2.5 --- 0
  17. 2 --- 0
  18. 1.5 --- 0
  19. 1 --- 0
  20. 0 --- 0

3. Who do you think were the best performers (good and evil characters both) in this drama? (Choose as many as you want)

  1. Yo Han (The Devil Judge) --- 22
  2. Sun Ah (The kingmaker, the lover of Shiny Things) --- 12
  3. Ga On (The wise, the fool, the national hero) --- 5
  4. Soo Hyun (The partner-less Detective) --- 1
  5. Elijah (The hacker, and Jenga Champion) --- 14
  6. Jin Joo (The only hardworking judge in live court) --- 5
  7. Heo Jeong Se (The President a.k.a the Clown) --- 5
  8. Justice Min (The sly old dude) --- 1
  9. Cha Kyung Hee (Minister of Justice) --- 7
  10. The First Lady (Heo Jeong Se The Clown's wife) --- 1
  11. Jae Hee (Sun Ah's assistant) --- 0
  12. Attorney Ko In Guk (from Team Yo Han) --- 4
  13. Han So Yoon (The young actress from Team Yo Han) --- 2
  14. The nanny/housemaid working at Yo Han's home (The Best Cook) --- 4
  15. Juk Chang (The self proclaimed patriot) --- 1
  16. Chairman Seo Jung Hak (The pervert old guy of Foundation) --- 1
  17. Chairman Park Duman of Saram Media (Foundation Dude 1) --- 1
  18. Chairman Min Yong Shik of Minbo group (Foundation Dude 2) --- 1
  19. Live Court's PD --- 5
  20. Something Else (Please Mention) --- 0

In total:   21 votes

Played: August 2021


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Name of thread [Drama 2021] The Road: The Tragedy of One, 더 로드: 1의 비극


Name of poll: Jung Young's killer, Yeon Woo's Parents and Lee Mi Do  


1. Who do you think killed Jun Young?

  1. Seo Eun Soo --- 2
  2. Choi Nam Kyu --- 0
  3. Choi Se Ra --- 0
  4. Seo Ki Tae --- 0
  5. Seo Jung Wook --- 0
  6. Secretary Jo Moon Do (SKT's secretary) --- 2
  7. Hwang Tae Seob --- 0
  8. Oh Jang Ho --- 1
  9. Kim Seok Pil (Yoong Dong Pil) --- 0
  10. Someone Else (Please Mention) --- 3

2. Who do you think are Yeon Woo's real parents

  1. Seo Eun Ho and Oh Jang Ho --- 6
  2. Seo Eun Soo and Oh Jang Ho --- 1
  3. Seo Eun Soo and Baek Soo Hyun --- 1
  4. Something Else (Please Mention) --- 0

3. Do you think Lee Mi Do is blind?

  1. Yes, she is. --- 1
  2. No, she is faking it. --- 6
  3. Something else (Please mention) --- 1

In total:   8 votes

Played: August 2021

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Name of thread: Red Shoes, 빨강 구두


Name of poll: on your feet  




Q1. what do you think of those shoes?

1. they are kind of funky! ~ 2

2. the design is fine - it just looks poorly made like a child glued on stickers! ~ 4

3. they are so bad they can sink a company ~ 2

4. they are bad but not bad enough to sink anyone's reputation ~ 4

5. neither bad, neither good- much like this drama! ~ 0

6. other (describe in post) ~ 0


In total:   12 members have voted

Played: Sept 2021

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Name of thread: The Second Husband, 두번째 남편


Name of poll: forecasts  


Q1. Who is the 'them' that gets killed? (pick two that you are leaning towards)

1. witness + some innocent person who happened to be in the room (neighbour/friend etc) ~ 4

2. witness + Sang Hyuk's mom ~ 4

3. witness + Sang Hyuk ~ 4

4. some folks we haven't met yet ~ 1

5. other (describe in post) ~ 0


Q2. Will Jae Min tell his folks the truth about baby and Sang Hyuk?

1. he won't; he will forever keep his peace ~ 2

2. no; before he can open his mouth, something will happen that will shut him up ~ 8

3. he will tell them the truth ~ 0

4. other (describe in post) ~ 1


Q3. Is chairman's wife (Jae Min's mom) having an affair?

1. no, there is some corporate espionage happening ~ 9

2. maybe? if the chairman can, why not her? ~ 1

3. yes, she is! ~ 1


In total:  11 members have voted

Played: Sept 2021

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Name of thread: Quick Poll: Double Trouble - Best DUO Bromance


Name of poll


Which bromances are your favourites? (please vote up to 4)

  • Goblin: Goblin/Kim Shin (Gong Yoo) & Grim Reaper/Kim Woo Bin (Grim Reaper) 40
  • Descendants of the Sun: "Dumb & Dumber" Yoo Si Jin (Song Joong Ki) & Seo Dae Young (Jin Goo) 17
  • Navillera: Shim Deok Chul (Park In Hwan) & Lee Chae Rok (Song Kang) 7
  • Suspicious Partner: Noh Ji Wook (Ji Chang Wook) & Ji Eun Hyuk (Choi Tae Joon) 5
  • Korean Odyssey: Son Oh Gong (Lee Seung Gi) & Woo Ma Wang (Cha Seung Won) 6
  • The King: Eternal Monarch: Lee Gon (Lee Min Ho) & Jo Young (Woo Do Hwan) 16
  • W: Kang Chul (Lee Jong Suk) & Seo Do Yoon (Lee Tae Hwan) 2
  • Jealousy Incarnate: Lee Hwa Sin (Jo Jong Suk) & Go Jung Won (Go Kyung Po) 3
  • Kill Me, Heal Me: Ahn Yoona (Ji Sung) & Oh Ri On (Park Seo Jun) 11
  • School 2012: Go Nam Soon (Lee Jong Suk) & Park Heung Soo (Kim Woo Bin) 6
  • Hwarang: Kim Sun Woo (Park Seo Jun) & Kim Ji Dwi (Park Hyung Sik) 5
  • Good Manager: Kim Sung Ryong (Namgoong Min) & Seo Yul (Lee Jun Ho) 11
  • The Heirs: Kim Tan (Lee Min Ho) & Choi Young Do (Kim Woo Bin) 13
  • True Beauty: Lee Soo Ho (Cha Eun Woo) & Han Seo Joon (Hwang In Yeop) 9
  • Start Up: Han Ji Pyeong (Kim Seon Ho) & Nam Do San (Nam Joo Hyuk) 2
  • Vincenzo: Vincenzo Cassano (Song Joong Ki) & Jang Han Seo (Kwak Dong Yeon) 10
  • Chicago Typewriter: Seo HwiYoung/ Han Sejoo (Yoo Ah In) & Shin Yool (Go Kyung Po) 9
  • Man to Man: Kim Seol Woo (Park Hae Jin) & Yeo Woon Gwang (Park Sun-Woong) 1
  • Hospital Playlist 1 & 2: Kim Jun Wan (Jung Kyung Ho) & Do Jae Hak (Jung Moon Sung) 19
  • Someone else. Who? 5

In total:  66 members have voted

Played: Sept 2021

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Name of thread: [Current Drama 2021] Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha ☀️ 갯마을 차차차 - Shin Min Ah & Kim Seon HO ☀️ Sat. & Sun. 21:00


Name of poll: Dispatch Gongjin


1. What do you think is Du Sik's Trauma/past related to? [The five missing years]

  • Du Sik was in the military and suffered in combat many losses, which is why he has nightmares of what he did and the people he lost. He feels survivor's guilt. 1
  • Du Sik's professional life had consequences for him that ruined his life in Seoul, so he went back to Gongjin, turning his back to money + success and focuses on happiness by helping others. 10
  • Du Sik had a wife and a baby, but he lost them. Now he is in Gongjin and trying to "friendzone" Hye Jin as he lost his love and is still mourning. 13
  • Du Sik feels responsible for someone else's death or accident or a catastrophe. Now he helps people by day, but won't ever house animals (overnight). 30
  • Du Sik was a secret agent, but now he wants to build a life without secrets, except his past professional life. 1
  • Du Sik was a spy stationed in North Korea. Leaving the horrors of his life, he returned to Gongjin. 0
  • Something else. What? 1

2. Love Triangle or Bromance? Arrival of Seung Hyun (PD) in Gongjin

  • Seung Hyun and Chief Hong look cute together! They squabble over food, rescue each other, and generally have a good time together. 15
  • I'm getting second lead syndrome already... Seung Hyun has a great goofy smile that makes my heart flutter. 2
  • Why choose? Can't a girl have a cake and eat it too? Hye Jin, Du Sik and Seung Hyun have fun drinking! 12
  • Seung Hyun, because I want to get to know JUNE OPPA (D.O.S.) and he has connections! 2
  • Chief Hong, because I need a man who crosses the line, and makes coffee, food, fishes out shoes out of the ocean etc... Is there anything he can't do? 23
  • Something else. What? 2

3. Who are your other favourite Gongjin residents? (please pick four options)

  • Jang Yeong Guk (Village Chief) 2
  • Oh Chun Jae / Oh Yoon (Cafe owner/singer) 22
  • Yeo Hwa Jeong (Land lady / restaurant owner / town chief) 27
  • Choi Eun Cheol (police man, crush) 25
  • Kim Gam Ri (Du Sik's halmeoni) 31
  • Cho Nam Sook (Chinese restaurant owner, resident gossip) 4
  • Oh Ju Ri (cafe owner's daughter, D.O.S. fangirl "hacker") 18
  • Choi Geum Chul (Hardware store owner) 2
  • Ham Yun Kyung (Supermarket owner, married to hardware store owner) 5
  • Jang I Jun (son of landlady and village chief, smart boy) 19
  • Choi Bora (daughter of hardware store and supermarket, voice of angel) 12
  • Yu Cho Hui (village chief's first love, elementary school teacher) 3
  • Lee Ma Ji (grandma who talks too much) 6
  • Park Soo Ja (second grandma) 4
  • Ban Yong Hoon (Community center manager, village chief's right hand) 2
  • Pyo Mi Seon (Hye Jin's best friend, nurse) 22
  • Someone else. Who? 2

In total:  56 members have voted

Played: Sept 2021

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Name of thread: [Current Drama 2021] High Class, 하이클래스-Monday & Tuesday, 22:30 KST -Cho Yeo-Jeong, Kim Ji Soo


 Name of poll: High Class- Let's put on our thinking caps! 

    1. What do you find the most annoying? (Choose any many as you wish)

  • The bitching/ bullying moms [4]
  • The moms randomly breaking into English (one syllabic ones) [4]
  • The passive victim-like Song Yeo-wool  [2]
  • The children who are clones of their adults.  [4]
  • The school system / parent involvement.   [3]
  •  Why are people having affairs in kitchen during Covid times when people should be swiping the surfaces with double duty Lyzol?  [0]
  • Why are the bathrooms so ugly in such an elite school?   [1]
  • The pace is slow. They are taking too long to build the story/ suspense   [2]
  • Anything else. (Please comment)   [0]

    2. How do you think sent the flowers? (Choose any many as you wish)

  • The ‘dead’ husband [3]
  • Hwang Na-yoon  [2]
  • Danny Oh   [0]
  • Nam Ji Sun  [1]
  • Foundation Chairwoman (The lady who sent the invite to school) [3]
  • The VIP Maid  [0]
  • Anyone else. (Please comment.) [0]

    3. Conspiracy Theories (Pick any two you are leaning towards)

  • The husband is not dead. [5]
  • The ‘dead’ husband is Danny Oh!  [0]
  • The ‘dead’ husband is the one secretly watching over Song Yeo-wool.  [4]
  • Hwang Na-yoon is out to avenge the death of her daughter’s ‘father’   [1]
  • Danny Oh is watching over her because he has his own secret mission.  [3]
  •  Kwak Sang Gun was a sleazebag who had multiple affairs with women.   [2]
  • The affair with Nam Ji Sun is ‘planted’ in Song Yeo-wool’s head.    [2]
  • The VIP cleaning maid is actually Hwang Na-yoon’s mother.    [2]
  • The PI is sus.   [2]
  • Any other conspiracy ideas (Please comment.)   [0]


In total:  5 members have voted

Played: Sept 2021

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Name of thread: One The Woman, 원더우먼

Name of poll: One The Woman: First impressions  


1. What do you think happened to the real Kang Mi Na? (choose as many as you like)
She planned her own disappearance. - 14
Someone kidnapped/killed her - 0
Housekeeper (director) Kim Kyung Shin helped her escape - 6
Kang Mi Na was on the airplane that killed her family - 3
Kang Mi Na had her family killed - 1
She planned this all along and is now about to seek revenge - 11
She's relaxing on a beach in the tropics, sipping on a drink - 1
She's gonna make her comeback victorious - 7
She was all along a gangster, but deceived her in-laws all these years... - 2
Something else. What? - 0


2. Do you think Kang Mi Na and Cho Yeon Joo are twins?
Definitely! Yeon Joo is a long lost chaebol heiress too. She just doesn't know it. - 6
Maybe. It's fishy that they look identical. - 10
Nah. It's a red herring. - 1


3. Who do you think will become fake Kang Mi Na's allies? (choose as many as you like)
Han Seung Wook (Lee Sang Yoon) - of course - 14
Robotic Han Seong Hye (oldest daughter) - 2
Bratty chips throwing Han Seon Woo (Jae Hee's son) - 5
Prosecutor friend Ahn Yoo Jun - 8
Noh Hak Tae (Hanju Group's legal team head) - 7
Kim Kyung Shin (Housekeeper) - 8
Trang (Vietnamese maid) - 14
Real Kang Mi Na - 5
Someone else. Who? - 0


In total: 17 votes
Played: September 2021

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