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[OFFICIAL] GUM COUPLE ❤ | Kim Nam Gil & Kim Ah Joong | Im ❤ Kyung


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"Let's eat dinner together"



Broadcast 20 Dec on JTBC.


The location is at Gyeongju. AJ said she went to Gyeongju recently, before the filming.

In interview after LUTYN she did say she wants to go there.


Preview on naver tv



Btw, that pic above, YK wore that tshirt and jeans when HI slept in the emergency ward then he ran following YK with messy hair, and also at the cafeteria when YK paid food for HI.

The man is cinematography director.

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Thank you @iamemilykay for always being so cheery in your posts! And I think even though our thread has gone quieter due to nothing much to spazz about, but we’re all still very optimistic shippers. All our posts are usually happy and positive. Yups. We’re all shipping them healthily. I guess we’ll be happy enough to know they have a place in each other’s hearts, whether it be good friends, close friends or significant others. But whatever happens, I know we’ll be there for one another. Hwaiting Gummers! :lol:


Thanks too, @imkyeong 128! I just watched the hugs compilation you shared with us! Just when I thought I’ve gotten rid of that addiction, that unhealthy addiction... haha. After watching the hugs, I could feel the addiction coming back! Help! Haha. But it’s good to be reminded occasionally of their powerful chemistry! Thanks for making me somewhat delusional again! It was great!  :lol:

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On Let's Eat Dinner Together preview they put Go Hyun Jung pict on stylist as if she was the guest. And that picture was from Queen Seondeok?


And here's BTS of QS where KNG joked with Uhm Tae Woong whom happened to work with KAJ in Wanted. Hehehe

Anything seem related to one another and nothing hurts except my delusional heart lol


And don't forget to eat! Cheers :D


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Actually the first location was at Shilla Millenium Park. It's a park built for Queen SeonDeok filming site. That's why they made reference to Queen SeonDoek and even the back ground music is from the drama.


It's cute that they're using LUTYN ost as the back ground music.


Can't wait to watch it! AJ looks happy and cute. The MC was trying to show her around like a guide but she already saw and knew everything lol!

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I saw on twitter 허그데이 (hug day) is trending. It's hug day in Korea!!! Dec 14.


Let's hug and stay warm :heart:

Btw, LUTYN DC gallery is preparing food support for AJ and NG when they will film the commentary.


Oh! Second batch of blue ray and dvd purchase will open on the 22. The writer has agreed to include the first script too!!

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Hi everyone, :wub::ph34r::wub:

I come back to finish what I've left off haha.

@boingboingracquet I hope this will entertain you from your stress at work lately. I miss you so much!!!!!


@fans123 hahaaaa, come prepared yourself :)))))

@icedmilktea I hope you will laugh harder reading your part :)))

@delusionalsquid  thanks for your cheer-up

@busy_listening thanks dear :)))

@Minbongyi nah nah, I'm still waiting for your P3!!!

@siena: oh dear, that's how i appreciate your detective skills

@curlygee  thanks dear :))), hope u will still enjoy it

@iamemilykay oh dear, how I love your cmt :))) it was like forever when i was waiting for your post :))))


Okay everyone,


(don't click the spoiler if you still can't prepare your heart for my dramatic silly plot :D=))))) )








He felt like dying. He felt like dying a thousand times all over again and again and again.


He took one shower. He took two showers. He took five showers, in cold water. He had never desperately wanna get sick like this before. He needed to be sick, so that he would go in a coma, he could sleep, even in a minute. But the memory of her kept haunting his mind, he was lying alone on the floor, but why did he feel that she was lying beside him, her soft broken voice slipping into his ears "Oppa, it's over! It's all over." He didn't seem to absorb the idea that he was losing her.


The air was too thick and intense inside his room, he couldn’t stand it anymore so he rushed out of the door with a light jacket on. On the wide and long road late at night, he caught no glimpse of people, he just staggered half-drunken alone with his shadow. He tried to call her multiple times but he couldn’t get through. The dead connection on the phone sent a bitter feeling to his entire being, from head to toe, and made his knees weak. He didn’t know where to go, where to find her or find himself again.


He woke up on a long bench in Central Park, cold, hungry and exhausted. His whole body ached as if he was beaten. It was early in the morning, he saw some sunbeam shining through small branches on the trees, but he couldn’t feel any warmth. Suddenly a black dog appeared from nowhere, staring hostilely at him, and scared him out of his wits when it started barking and moving forward to bite his sleeve. He struggled hard to escape and ran off without turning his head once, not sure if it kept chasing behind him. Only when he was out of breath did he stop outside a glass window of a store on some street he couldn’t reminisce the name. He saw a slovenly weary man looking back at him, with torn clothes and a shoe missing from his feet. It was not so long when it occurred to him that man was himself, a pitiful humiliating loser, a coward trying to be tough. He broke down crying, unable to stop the outpouring of grief and sorrow.




“I’m Nam Gil oppa’s younger sister”. The girl introduced herself while Ah Joong was still in shock.


The tragical story was told in a calm narrative voice, just as after the storm everything remained surprisingly peaceful as ever. “My boyfriend escaped to another country when we found out I was pregnant. He was too scared. I lost my mind in despression and shock. I unsuccessfully committed suicide myself but I couldn’t abort the baby. You know, she is a living soul.” Even now, the word of abortion still made her wanna vomit. “I gave birth when I was only fifteen, so we had no choice but registered the baby as oppa’s daughter.”


Her last revealation explained everything, the mysterious attraction that drew her attention to him from the first time they met, the reason why he looked so isolated even in a huge crowd, and the pain he always seemed to restrain within himself, his hesitation and dilemma the other night.


 “You mean that you and fans123 are not the same person?” She asked the last thing that confused her.


“What? Oh no, we’re not! She’s just a typical crazy sasaeng fan of him, who happens to share the same hair style with me.” Bongyi shook her head fiercely as if she would die when she stopped.


Ah Joong felt relieved at last. “Where is Yumi now?”, asked she.


"She’s now living with me in USA. By the way, Yumi really wants to meet you!"


"She knows me?" Ah Joong asked amusedly.


"Yeah! She is a fan of you! She watched drama Live Up To Your Name with me and fell hard for you! She even yelled at her blood uncle Nam Gil everytime she saw you cry."


Bongyi took time to tell her many stories about her big brother, their family, their childhood, they both laughed over his silly naughty jokes Nam Gil made when he was a kid. Ah Joong found herself falling in love with both 5-year-old boy and 37-year-old man he was all over again. How she regretted not knowing him since they were born, she had been so lonely without him for so many years in her life, and she didn’t intend to live that way in the future.


“Please forgive him, and me too. Jebal, eonnie”. Bongyi grasped her hand and held it between her own. “He sacrificed his life for me, and I can’t stand seeing him throw away his happiness again this time. ”




Bongyi was so thin and small when she was a kid that Nam Gil used to call her Min Bongyi all the time. She was the precious treasure of his family. Her unsploiled innocent eyes always gave him orders to willingly fulfill his responsibility as a brother. He could risk anything to protect her peaceful life and so did he, no matter how much it hurt him.


All his dramas were absurd mockery of his hopeless life, until he starred in that TvN drama, until he met Ah Joong. He did try to pretend normal, act professional and keep distance with her, but everytime when she stood in front of him, smiling like an angel, he just wondered "was it hurt when she fell all the way from heaven?". Everything became unstoppable ever since he secretly held her hand under the table when they were sitting next to each other at the wrap-up party of the drama. He blamed it for the soju, or the desperate sorrow of not wanting to say goodbye to her. Or perhaps it was all because the moonlight and her smile was too beautiful to resist.


They promised to always be there for each other in any situation. They planned their wedding ceremony even when he hadn’t found a chance to propose to her properly, he intended to make it superb romantic and unforgetable. They wanted to travel all over the world together. They promised to go hiking next week with their mutal friends. Her eyes, her nose, her lips, her embrace, her kiss, her everything. He started to believe in fairy tales and now his “happy-ever-after” was shattered and burst out like soap bubbles. All their promises were made to break.


He was racking his brain to find the right time and right words to tell her the truth. But everytime he looked at her deep intoxicating eyes and glossy lips, he forgot what he was about to say. He forgot everything.


No matter how hard he cried, the pain didn’t seem to subside. He always found ways to deal with it in the past, putting on his smiling mask, making fun of people around him, pretending that he was accustomed to it. But now it wasn’t his only pain he had to endure himself. That night unexpectedly came in like a wrecking ball, nothing ever hit him so hard. He couldn’t manage to speak. He was torn between his love and his family’s biggest crisis, between his happiness and his sister’s future. He couldn’t dare to hold the girl he loved so much in his arms. Her tear-wrenched face was reason enough for him to kill himself various times. Maybe he didn’t deserve her love. Maybe he didn’t deserve happiness. Maybe he was condemned to eternal loneliness.


He lurked his both hands into the hairs at his nape, he couldn’t give up easily like that. If he was always a fighter in his life then this time would be the greatest battle he couldn’t let himself be defeated. What was family? What was responsibility? What was dignity? What was sacrifice? What was belief?


He didn't care it all! He couldn't lose her!




It was one dry cold winter morning in December. Ah Joong took a look around and immersed herself into the splendid view beforehead, the rolling green hills, the smell of ripe grapes in the air, some people playing or taking pictures on the grass, their joyous laughters echoed under the cerulean sky. The atmosphere was so comfortable even though it chilled to her bone. Just a few days had passed but she felt like a thousand years had reeled over her.


She really wanted to make a wish. It was not everyday when you closed your eyes, praying your dearest wish and it came true when your eyes opened. She pinched herself so hard when she saw the familiar face of the man she longed for in so many sleepless nights.


 “I'm sorry for coming late”, his gaze fixed on her. She looked both glamorous and elegant even in her simple outfits. He walked toward her, stopped at only some inches far from her but didn’t dare to touch.


Out of the blue, she felt like they were filming the last scene of their drama together. And so did he. He eventually managed to find a way to travel back to her after 400 years of separation.


“I came here with an explanation”, said an achingly gentle deep voice.


“You don't have to, I know it all. Bongyi has told me everything”. She reassured him.


“Even so, I still want you to know! For half of my lifetime, I've been living as a good son for my parents, a good brother for my sister, a good figure for everyone. Now I just wanna be a good man of you and for you. I belong to you”, he continued, “I'm entirely and exclusively yours”, with confirmation.


Being afraid of what he said wasn’t persuasive enough he kept on explaining in a hurry. “My agency’s boss got angry over my answer when he asked me to attend the press conference for the scandal this morning. I was at the airport, so I told him “No, I’m on my way to negotiate the biggest scandal in my life! I don’t care anything else!” and just flatly turned off my phone”. His eyes looked straight to her eyes in a begging gaze.


“Am I your scandal?”, she smiled one of her bewitching smiles.


“No, you are my savior.”


Nam Gil tried to hold his breath when he realised what she did next. She rose up on her toes, caught his face between her palms, and gently laid her lips on his eyes, kissing his tears away. A shudder ran through his body, with a shallow groan he jerked her close, wrapped his arms around her and kissed her with the hunger that had been torturing him for days. His hand shifted, tormented, carressed up and down her back. He kissed her fiercely, tenderly, his mouth opening wide on hers but still he couldn’t get enough of her. And she kissed him back with all the suppressed longing and love until he lost all control.


They both gasped for air after their exploding stormy kiss, clinging to each other. He pressed her against his pounding heart, burying his face in her velvet hairs, his arms wrapped around her waist, holding her so tight as if he wanted to absorb her body into him.


“You have to save me”, he said part pleading, part teasing, “My mom threatened to send me to Jupiter if I couldn't bring you back. Yumi said she wouldn't talk to me. Young Min hyung said there would be no coorperation between King Ent and OnEnt in the future, which made my boss extremely furious. And...”


“And?”, asked she.


“I can't live without you.” He said in a heart melting way, which earned him bombarding kisses from her afterwards.




Ah Joong was lost for words when she realized Nam Gil was getting down on his one knee, and on the top of his fingers sparkled a diamond ring that led to an unbelieving smile on her lips.


 “I’m sitting on my knee, and I’m gonna ask a question. Miss Kim Ah Joong, I love you. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”


He looked at her beautiful face and radiant eyes, the sun must have given a special preferential treatment to her hairs because they looked stunningly smooth under the sunshine.


She was the sun and the moon.


She was love and peace.


She was the answer to his past question “What’s the shape of happiness?”


 “Oh darling, none of those was question.”, she flushed.


“Will you marry me?” he asked without hesitation.


“Yes, of course.” She flipped her hairs like a “girl crush ppum ppum” while looking intentionally seductive to him. He would never forget that moment for the rest of his life, hundred of colourful airballoons floating among the clouds, some gradually disappeared into the horizon, and the light breeze embracing themselves, he swore that he even heard some whistle in the air and the landscape around them seemed brighter, the whole world seemed brighter.




"Why don't we spend our honeymoon here in advance?" Ah Joong noticed some strange light in his eyes and when he lowered his head and said in his husky voice with his lips pressed so close to her ears, her whole body shivered with sensual excitement. She struggled a little to escaped from his embrace and took a small step aback. She saw the anxiety in his eyes and the rigid tension in his broad shoulder. He looked so nervous even when he was seducing her.


Meaningfully smiling, she turned to another direction of a female visitor taking pictures of the landscape not faraway from them. "Excuse me, lady" she shouted out. "We're spending our honeymoon here, but we forgot our camera at home. Could you please take some pictures for us! Your camera looks great!"


"Oh, congratulations! Of course, my pleasure!". The girl answered with eagerness.


Despite so many years working in the entertainment industry, they had never ever seen such an enthusiastic photographer! She insisted on doing a thousand of poses, and they had to smile until their jaws so numb. "Omo, omo, you two look so beautiful together!", repeated she.


"My name is Theresa, my email is icedmilktea@mail.com, send me your contact and I'll send you all the pictures." She said when she reluctantly waved to say goodbye to them. She was so nice. What a nice day to meet nice people!




Their honeymoon plan was cancelled at the very last minute when Nam Gil got a phonecall telling that his boss was having a heart-attack and wouldn’t allow to be taken to hospital if he didn’t come back to Korean immediately. On the way to the airport, even though Nam Gil didn’t seem to care about his boss’s health at all, Ah Joong still noticed his frown face so she asked, and he slowly explained. “Honey, I just want to carry out our wedding ceremony right when we’re back in Korea, I can’t wait anymore. So I tried to make a reservation at BluehopeATM Grand Hotel! But it was fully booked until next year’s middle so I had to talk to the hotel’s owner. After so much help from my friends and my endless attempt, I finally had her contact and tried to talk and beg her in a very very humble and polite way. But that ugly arrogant witch”, he assumed, “just dryly raised her voice to me and said, “Nah nah, I don’t care if you are King Nam Gil or Kim Nam Gil. You have to wait just like any other. By the way, I’m not sure when it will be available, especially for anyone named Nam Gil. Bye!”, what the hell was she talking?”.


He bent his head to lean on her shoulder, pretended to cry like a child, and Ah Joong kept patting on his back to console him. Her other hand secretly opened the phone and texted someone.


“Ya, Blue, how dare you do that to him? I’ll kill you when I get back to Korea.”


“Nah nah, eonnie. It’s nothing compared to what you had to suffer. Btw, it’s super fun playing him around. Haha. How can you forgive him so easily?” The reply backfired right away.


“Stop doing that”, she threatened.


“Eonnie, I’m thinking of charge him double. And I’ll send it back to you as my gift! He said he would pay any cost! What a fool!”


Ah Joong could imagine Blue’s grinning face and she also knew there was nothing she could do to prevent her for-fun joke so she just told her man, “Yeobo, I won’t mind if we find another venue for our wedding”.




People said all good things came at once. His boss got well right when he was informed that they’re back in Korea. The owner of BluehopeATM Grand Hotel finally gave in and said that they could open their wedding party at anytime they wanted. Siena made an official apology and removed all her previous posts about Nam Gil out of the main and related forums. She seemed to leave a private message to him but everyone didn’t pay attention to it because they were too busy criticizing her. “Sorry for any trouble I’ve caused you lately. Now that I believe you’ve found the very best partner of your life, I hope that there’s no remaining secret between you two now. Let you throw away the weight on your shoulder and enjoy your life together.” Ah Joong just couldn’t understand her purpose while Nam Gil said he couldn’t decide if she was an evil or an angel.


Fans123 was reported to have been forcibly sent to hospital for her mental illness treatment under supervision.


They said all good things came at once, except for one. No matter how many times they emailed to Theresa, there was no answer at all, and they wondered why she kept all their picture in Napa Valley personally. It was only 2 days before their D-day did they receive her email, what they saw when they opened the attached file just exceeded their expectations and sent touched tears to their eyes. It was full of their pictures carefully photoshoped and she even turned some of them into breathtakingly beautiful drawing illustrations.


They decided that they liked her very much and they would invite her to their wedding.




One year after the wedding,


Ah Joong was lying on the bed, pregnant with their first child. Her husband just kissed her goodbye early this morning and told her that he would come home soon. It’s one hour late already and she was a little worried.


Her mobile rang on the makeup table next to her bed. A strange frightening low voice echoed from the other side when she picked up the phone.


"Hello, Mrs Ah Joong. Long time no see, do you remember me? I am Fans-one-two-three! Nam Gil oppa is now in my hands!"


------- The end---------



Sorry for not being able to mention all of you in my ff. But as you may imagine, you could be the cab driver who took Joongie all the way to Napa Valley, or the one who helped her choose the wedding dress, or the MC of the wedding party. In my universe, no matter who we are, we all end up in their life, wishing the best for them. Just because, when we hold someone so dear to our heart, they can never be so far-away from us.


@fans123 :)) i was so cruel to you. But you won't be mad at me, right? Cause you know how much i love you keke :))))






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There was one moment when I want to throw my phone away because I cringed myself reading your ff @bluehopeatm, but then my phone is too precious lol.

And reaching the end, I want to gather all of you to search and find fans123. How dare she had KNG in her hands?! Over our dead bodies! Hahahahhahaha


Nice shot ladies. Kim bak suu to all of you involved in the story :D

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 EcoX16u.gifYaaa! @bluehopeatm how can you be a block of hotel building ?? :joy: Lmfao





He took one shower. He took two showers. He took five showers, in cold water. 

Fans123: yes let me join you :tongue:



 “My boyfriend escaped to another country when we found out I was pregnant. . “I gave birth when I was only fifteen, so we had no choice but registered the baby as oppa’s daughter.”

This is good @bluehopeatm I like this twisting idea 


the reason why he looked so isolated even in a huge crowd, and the pain he always seemed to restrain within himself, 

This is So like Ng-ssi, you nail it right


 “You mean that you and fans123 are not the same person?” She asked the last thing that confused her.


“What? Oh no, we’re not! She’s just a typical crazy sasaeng fan of him, who happens to share the same hair style with me.” Bongyi shook her head fiercely as if she would die when she stopped.

This is the part fans123 goes:




Bongyi was so thin and small when she was a kid that Nam Gil used to call her Min Bongyi all the time. She was the precious treasure of his family. Her unsploiled innocent eyes always gave him orders to willingly fulfill his responsibility as a brother. He could risk anything to protect her peaceful life and so did he, no matter how much it hurt him.

@Minbongyi dongsaeng I'm so jealous of you whuaaa :bawling:


Nam Gil tried to hold his breath when he realised what she did next. She rose up on her toes, caught his face between her palms, and gently laid her lips on his eyes, kissing his tears away. A shudder ran through his body, with a shallow groan he jerked her close, wrapped his arms around her and kissed her with the hunger that had been torturing him for days. His hand shifted, tormented, carressed up and down her back. He kissed her fiercely, tenderly, his mouth opening wide on hers but still he couldn’t get enough of her. And she kissed him back with all the suppressed longing and love until he lost all control.


They both gasped for air after their exploding stormy kiss, clinging to each other. He pressed her against his pounding heart, burying his face in her velvet hairs, his arms wrapped around her waist, holding her so tight as if he wanted to absorb her body into him.

@bluehopeatm you made this such a turn on, Now I need the cold shower :sweat_smile::tounge_wink:

“You had to save me”, he said part pleading, part teasing, “My mom threatened to send me to Jupiter if I couldn't bring you back. Yumi said she wouldn't talk to me.



Ah Joong was lost for words when she realized Nam Gil was getting down on his one knee, and on the top of his fingers sparkled a diamond ring that led to an unbelieving smile on her lips.


“Will you marry me?” he asked without hesitation.


“Yes, of course.” She flipped her hairs 



"My name is Theresa, my email is icedmilktea@mail.com, send me your contact and I'll send you all the pictures.":lol:


 reservation at BluehopeATM Grand Hotel! 

Now it's really impossible for your mom to sent a whole building to Jupiter hahaha :joy:


He bent his head to lean on her shoulder, pretended to cry like a child, and Ah Joong kept patting on his back to console him. Her other hand secretly opened the phone and texted someone.

This is so like Bongtak-ssi :tounge_wink:



Fans123 was reported to have been forcibly sent to hospital for her mental illness treatment under supervision.

Lmfao :joy::lol:



"Hello, Mrs Ah Joong. Long time no see, do you remember me? I am Fans-one-two-three! Nam Gil oppa is now in my hands!"

(Insert the twilight zone song) :joy::tounge_xd:

Hahahaha you had me stomach ache


@delusionalsquid hahaha can you imagine how an ajumma run like? :joy:


@iamemilykay :lol: :tounge_wink: I sort of gave my consent to @Minbongyi to write me as villain but never thought @bluehopeatm wrote it so hilarious, it's cracking me. 


@icedmilktea right? I love that twist idea lol :lol:


Miss you all too ((hugs)) :kiss_wink::heart:

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