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[Drama 2017-2018] I am not a Robot, 로봇이 아니


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1 hour ago, heoesdanish90 said:

Sorry im new here. 

I just want to ask. In the scene where MK threw the food in the dustbin infront of JA,why they show of him looking at her hands? At that time she was wearinhg plastic hand gloves. Is there any significance? 

Before she delivered the food to him she hurt her hands in an accident so there is two possibilities 


1-He was concerned for her injured arm even when clouded with rage or


2-To quote sakura2016 he was terrified that she abandoned him when she didn't come to his home and that she may have been disgusted of his disease so hence wore gloves to protect herself from him when in reality she just hurt herself.I feel like this is more likely the case.


Min-Kyu's anger at Ji-Ah deceiving him about being the inventor of the heart lamps and fear at any signs of disgust from her in the misleading form of the gloves perhaps resulted in that violent and painful outburst between JA & MK.

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1 hour ago, k8telyn said:

 Also, how did Ji Ah know to go to the meteor shower place?  Did she see her heart lamp light up after all.  I think that may be the case.

As is the show's pattern, they will rewind a little for us to know all what took place after MK lit up the heart lamp. 

@moo1304, I agree with you on MBC's previews. (They're killing me, as well as these cliffhangers!)  Now I'm trying to just watch the previews without the translations, or just tell myself to separate them, because they never match up. I'm going to take a guess as to when the "Goodbye Aji3, Goodbye Jia" comes into play:   Somehow, I think it gets said at the park where they are, hence Jia's reaction of "So, you're just going to leave me here like this" comes from. Then at some point they work things out, which is where we see MK taking Jia home. (Here's hoping that's how that scene will play out).....


Really really REEEALLY, hoping this is the last week of all the sadness between MK and Jia. How is a supposedly rom-com going to give us like a whole month of sadness.  I know mellos have been YS's specialty in making us feel eh-vry lit-tle bit of pain that his characters go through, but they are really milking him in this one. I kinda feel like this 

betrayal angst should have happened a little bit sooner in this drama, but that's just me. 


I'm glad SH (What a gal!) went over there and try to open his eyes a little to see that Jia's actions as Aji-3 were should have been little signs to him, and to make him see a little beyond himself to put himself in Jia's place of how she was feeling. (YES! Make him think gurrl!).  

I also think that some of his anger may be at himself for not catching on sooner. (all those signs that she may have been real that he brushed off). I just want MK to replay EVERYTHING in his mind and connect ALL of the dots. 


I loved the interaction between BK and Pi in this episode.   I think BK gets a little taken a-back and intimidated as to how stubborn Pi can be - it's cute.  Loved it when they were eating together. They are so perfect for each other. 


Going back to the preview of  what looks like MK pulling Jia in for a kiss. I agree with someone else on here, in that I think he stops himself. Hopefully not, but the writers and MBC seem to like torturing us, so I think the real kiss may be another cliffhanger again till next week. Again, really really reeallly hoping not. If they feel the need to make it an end scene, just make it the ending for ep 27 so we can go right into it on episode 28.:wub:


p.s. I've only read the comments on the very last page, so now I'll go back and read the others. If I happen to have said something someone else has already said.....We're thinking alike HA HA! :lol:




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On a happy note I would to see a jealous MK over Dr. HBG. Him glaring and pouting at BG for petty things will be a delight to watch. Kekeke!:D


And I am guessing that Madam X is the butler. Their convo confirmed it all. When MK asked him if he is keeping something from him his answer was the hint.


Aigoo I am hesitant to watch tonight's episode though!:( 

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56 minutes ago, j9sshi said:

As is the show's pattern, they will rewind a little for us to know all what took place after MK lit up the heart lamp. 

@moo1304, I agree with you on MBC's previews. (They're killing me, as well as these cliffhangers!)  Now I'm trying to just watch the previews without the translations, or just tell myself to separate them, because they never match up. I'm going to take a guess as to when the "Goodbye Aji3, Goodbye Jia" comes into play:   Somehow, I think it gets said at the park where they are, hence Jia's reaction of "So, you're just going to leave me here like this" comes from. Then at some point they work things out, which is where we see MK taking Jia home. (Here's hoping that's how that scene will play out).....


Really really REEEALLY, hoping this is the last week of all the sadness between MK and Jia. How is a supposedly rom-com going to give us like a whole month of sadness.  I know mellos have been YS's specialty in making us feel eh-vry lit-tle bit of pain that his characters go through, but they are really milking him in this one. I kinda feel like this 

betrayal angst should have happened a little bit sooner in this drama, but that's just me. 


I'm glad SH (What a gal!) went over there and try to open his eyes a little to see that Jia's actions as Aji-3 were should have been little signs to him, and to make him see a little beyond himself to put himself in Jia's place of how she was feeling. (YES! Make him think gurrl!).  

I also think that some of his anger may be at himself for not catching on sooner. (all those signs that she may have been real that he brushed off). I just want MK to replay EVERYTHING in his mind and connect ALL of the dots. 


I loved the interaction between BK and Pi in this episode.   I think BK gets a little taken a-back and intimidated as to how stubborn Pi can be - it's cute.  Loved it when they were eating together. They are so perfect for each other. 


Going back to the preview of  what looks like MK pulling Jia in for a kiss. I agree with someone else on here, in that I think he stops himself. Hopefully not, but the writers and MBC seem to like torturing us, so I think the real kiss may be another cliffhanger again till next week. Again, really really reeallly hoping not. If they feel the need to make it an end scene, just make it the ending for ep 27 so we can go right into it on episode 28.:wub:


p.s. I've only read the comments on the very last page, so now I'll go back and read the others. If I happen to have said something someone else has already said.....We're thinking alike HA HA! :lol:




I agree with you my friend. This is driving me insane!!!! Its like MSR all over again (my secret romance) its a freakin' ROMCOM not a MELODRAMA OR DRAMA geez! How the heck are they going to close off the numerous storylines in 6 episodes? 


This is pure torture!!!! :crazy:

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I was inspired by Heoesdanish90 to write an analysis.I don't know if anyone has written about this yet but I apologize if I plagiarized anyone.


To quote a fellow soompier communication is one of the aspects of Min-Kyu & Ji-Ah's relationship but touch is also the overall theme of their relationship and this drama.


It started the whole chain of Jia & Min-Kyu's relationship and the beginning of our drama.


When Min-Kyu first met Aji-3 he was terrified of her but she responded to his touch of a finger with her touch of a finger in kind to the ET movie gesture which gave him the idea to get a robot companion as a friend.After Min-Kyu chocked he once again attempted to touch Jia,now Aji-3 and she grabbed his hands.Take note that he didn't have an allergic reaction due to her saving him from choking to death he has started to cautiously trust her hence no allergic reaction.


Jia's touch later becomes his poison when he finds out the truth.She was hesitant to touch him when he went into shock due to his allergic reaction and her being the cause.She could have potentially worsened it if she touched him.He also begins to reject her touch.Later after Min-Kyu wakes up he questions her suit as he is terrified of her,his only friend and first love,being disgusted in him of his disease.After Jia didnt come to his house he started worrying she abandoned him.He noticed Jia wore the gloves to his house and something just snapped.He figured out she was the heart lamp inventor and prez Jo beforehand (I think)

and those glove led him to believe she was in fact disgusted of him.Two identity reveals and a misunderstanding resulted in his rejection of her.To him the touch that once soothed and healed him now terrified him as she was then one of betrayers from his youth in his mind that harbored ill intentions which equals all she did was an act to hurt him.


Jia's inventions also has the theme of touch.To activate the lamps and umbrella you have to touch them & let them touch your heart.Most people find her invention very useless because they don't understand the use of them.Most of her inventions helps to touch the heart of people when understood and cherished for it's use.To draw a parallel Jia's inventions are her essentially she feels useless and cast out just as people & family treats her inventions back in an earlier episode where they told her inventions were trash.In comes Min-Kyu the only person to call her smart and cherish her for who she is.That in turn was were the roots of her love for him blossomed.

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Many tears were shed, so much memories among them will be missed in this two episodes!


KMK has every right to expressed his anger towards those who lied to him ever since Aji-3 came to his house. I felt it was necessary and long-awaited closure for everything that happened so far between KMK, Ji-Ah and Santa Maria team, in order to move on with the story.


Now that they at the acceptance phase (for some of them, at least), they can start rebuilding all those memories and trust again, without any lies between them. I do hope the writers will make the most of it for the last 4 episodes next week, so we all can finally say "what a good drama; it deserves all my tears, laugh and attention for the past 16 weeks."



Onto our other couple, Dr. Hong finally noticed Pai's feeling towards him but tried to act oblivious about it! Their scene in the van when Dr. Hong told Pai to accept the professor position was cute and awkward at most! The way Dr. Hong looked at Pai when she went inside the school was sad but then surprised that she came back into the van and just drove off from there! What a cute, yet awkward couple we got here :lol:

Last but not least, the MVP for episode 25-26 goes to :



Edited by JiraM
words, typo.
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3 hours ago, cecentre said:

This episode really is something else... Long reflection ahead!


- That first scene scares me!! It is so intense I was yelling "GET THE INJECTION NOW" as JA was crying. Why did they make that scene so long and make MK lay there in absolute torture and pain and JA stand there crying. It makes me as the audience very stressed. I was so stressed out by that scene that I couldn't fully register the events following for a while :huh: HE CRIED BLOOD Y'ALL. I will never ever see that scene again when I rewatch this ep ==


- I personally love JA very much in this episode. If it was me, when I saw the person I love writhing in pain because of me I would leave very fast and never return because I would be so ashamed that I'm scared I will hurt them more, so it's best that I disappear forever from his life. However, just like the butler said, "it's wrong to leave when someone's suffering", JA realized that MK has effectively kicked everyone out of his life and isolated himself again, and she knows that if she feels guilty, she should stay, not leave. It takes too much mental power to be able to stay despite seeing her food thrown away and being totally ignored and yelled at by MK. Because leaving in this case is being irresponsible, so by staying JA wants to own up to her mistakes and take the responsibility for it.


- MK goes from "the cinnamon roll I will do everything to protect" to "the jerk I can't hate". I get it, he's hurt and this betrayal is horrendous, my heart aches with him when he struggles in pain, and I can even empathize with him for throwing away her food. I get it, it's terrible, he has all the right to be mad, but saying that she's "not human enough so she's a good robot", that she enjoys it when she saw him in pain, that she finds it funny when he confessed, that she didn't feel a thing for him for even a second? That's way over the line for me. I know he's upset, but frankly son, the reason why she's "a good robot" is because you missed all the obvious clues; she formed a heart by your books and kissed you and hugged you during your hard time, you're just too blind to see that she loved you. Now you hurled it at her that she doesn't feel a thing?


That is the worst stab to JA especially after what she had gone through and endured. It is the biggest invalidation directed at her, worse than that of her brother and HBG, because she got her feelings and endeavor completely invalidated and stomped on. It said that none of your feelings get received, I didn't see your affection and what you have done for me for the past month. Imagine loving someone and being as real and as authentic as you can for them and doing everything you can for them, even if it means you are destroying yourself, only to get a response akin to "all of your actions are fake and I didn't notice a thing". I personally cannot accept the fact that JA got yelled at for this when it's MK who did not see things clearly. This is why the outburst scene hurts so much for me but in apparently in a different way than it intends to be? But AGAIN he's not in the right mind that's why I can't hate him ughhhh


Also I'm mad that he didn't know she got into an accident! If he knew he wouldn't yell at her like this! He would know he was right for worrying and that she kept her promise despite everything! She would be worried for and cared for and not felt so unfair that her effort went unrecognized! Writer nim why do you do this!! 


- I also see why this episode is kinda... touchy and controversial in how MK treated JA? I guess this is one of the grey areas for me, that some of his behaviors are unacceptable, such as the throwing glass (that's straight up violence), but the thing is, JA leaves after that outburst! She didn't come back to endure it the morning after that level of aggression. Not until MK touched the lamp that JA met him again. I wouldn't go so far to say that he is "abusive", since abusive means prolonged violence and power imbalance, which is not the case here, as their power difference went away after the first few episodes and this aggressive behavior is recent and it's the first time that this happened. But indeed these behaviors are a bit icky to me and I hope he will apologize for it.


- I LOVE HYE SUN!!! She appeared at the right time especially after the whole "do you even feel anything for me for just a second" outburst that angers me so much. The second I saw her I was like YES GIRL YOU TELL HIM. She's the savior. I bet she wanted to hit him so hard when she saw that blood stain on the floor. I'm actually happy that she was so sassy and angry with him and slap the truth like it is because that's exactly what someone needs to do finally, people can't let him be destructive to this level and be silent about it. 


- That ending UGGGHHHHH. I thought for sure we would have a kiss scene tonight, I was so sure about it, I looked at the time and it was two minutes left and they already met, so I got my hopes up sooooooo high then it ENDED???? apparently I forgot the ending credits and the preview so my bad I guess :sweatingbullets:

YES YES AND YESSSSSS!!!! To everything!!!!

And yes! Not gonna rewatch the beginning of the episode ever again, it was horrific!!!

I really hope MK will apologise for his outburst...even though it might be a stretch but I hope he realises what those words meant to JA, as a human.

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Hi everyone. Just finished eps 25 and 26 eng sub. I am in tears. I am happy that Min Kyu finally realized that Ji A invented the umbrella and the lamps.


I hope everything goes well for them.


I hope Min Kyu forgives her :bawling:


7 minutes ago, blademan said:


This scene will always have a special place in my heart :tears: 

Kudos to YSH and CSB for their outstanding performance! Even K-netz are raving about this scene!

Mine too. I was so emotional during this scene. He was so hurt. And you could see it in his eyes. Ji A had nothing to say because she knew how much she hurt him. When he threw the glass it was so sad, and Ji A got hurt. But did that also show that she was human? Because she was bleeding? Maybe I'm overthinking this. :D 

I agree kudos to YSH and CSB on the acting!

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8 hours ago, sakura2016 said:


thank you for the translation chingu!! :wub: 


I really don't know myself!! obviously his condition is for santa maria team's sake but why would he leave everything and everyone?!! :o:blink::crazy:


let's hope they won't do that to us.... :o:o:o 



Hi chingu, welcome :) 


I believe Min Kyu's reaction is totally understandable and won't say he was "abusive" toward Ji Ah, that's for sure!! he was going through a breakdown believing that he was taken advantage of, used, fooled and made fun of his feelings which is totally understandable!! she was the 1st person he opened up to after all these years and shared with her his deepest secrets and feelings that no one knew of, even confessed his love to her as Aji 3 then he opened to her again as Ji Ah only to realise that all he believed and lived was a big lie, we know that she and santa maria really cared for him and loved him but he doesn't, all he can see is that they approached him as KM Finanace's chairman to save/help their career (she as well needed him for the competition) and although they knew about his human allergy they  "risked" his life "for their own reasons" (again we know the full story while he doesn't) and to him since everything started with a lie that everything that he believed after that was a lie and an act to fool him and he was the only one on the losing end being left to suffer with his love for her while she left to carry on with her life and her not wanting anything with him and acting as a stranger with him when he met her as Hong Joo (again not her true identity) was another proove that she never loved him and was by his side as Aji 3 till she got what she wanted so him not accepting her food and not getting why she's coming everyday to his house when she was fine with leaving him before is understandable and his pain and frustration feeling betrayed is totally understandable!! it was painful yes but Ji Ah was aware of the pain she caused him and wanted to show him her sincere heart (which she did) but he needed time to collect himself and see their true love through all the lies they showerd him with!! now that he's getting there he'll be able to give and accept (sincere) love from those he loves and loves him back again!! :) 

I just think he is a bit of a brat really.  He needs to get over himself.  Sure, you feel betrayed but that is really no way to behave.  He is just lucky that Ji Ah is extremely patient and loves him unconditionally.   I think YSH's portrayal of this very flawed character is excellent.  


My guess about tonight's episode is this:  This insecure man, full of contradictory actions goes to the meteor shower hoping to find Ji Ah there.  When he sees her, he turns away.  WTH, didn't he go there to see if she'd come?  The insecure, low esteem person in him is fishing for an affirmation and assurance that she indeed loves him.  I think that's when JA says don't go.  I think he wanted to kiss her but she fell asleep from all that exhaustion dealing with him.  


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3 hours ago, charlieblue17 said:

Oh boy, that was brutal.


MK's reaction was very much in character - if immensely heartbreaking. He's essentially reverting to his pre-Jia days. Still, the mark she left on him is too strong.  He is no longer that person - even if it takes him some time to work it out.


Love love love Jia's answer to his anger, mostly because it is the only right one: I'll stand by you no matter what. That's exactly what he needed to hear although it will take a lot of work to make him believe it.


His violent attempts at pushing her away feel like a test - can you really handle the whole of me? There's also fear there, fear that his diseases is back for good and that no-one can accept him in that state. The fear of rejection that kept him away from people for 15y is back with a vengeance.  Under that anger there's a lot of vulnerability; when he tried to touch her and she jumped back: he asked if she found him disgusting and it was clear that the answer really mattered. He is terrified of her rejecting him so she is pushing her away first - all the while hoping that she'll stay.


I love that he is still open about his feelings (in vino veritas). Communication was a key ingredient of their relationship before and I am very happy that they still get to talk. Telling her the truth that he still misses her despite imagining himself as a perfect fool in her eyes is a very good sign. 


I also love that instead of having someone telling him that Jia loves him he managed to work it out for himself. It's not going to be smooth sailing any time soon, but baby steps in the right direction. Rebuilding trust is a process, but reaching out to her is the first step.


Now everybody should stop this ridiculous self-sacrificial streak and start fighting for what they care about. I know you can do it! Jayo!


PS: SH, you rock!


PPS: The butler was right; the most important lesson that MK still needs to learn is that nobody is perfect. We often make mistakes and sometimes end up hurting the ones we love. But that's not reason enough to  stay away from the world. Even if sometimes it hurts, she is worth it. They are worth it.


PPPS: About people accusing MK of being unfair: first, he has no way of knowing how much she's been hurting because of him; second, to cite a very smart character from another drama with similar issues: once the deception is revealed, all past sincerity becomes a lie; the very nature of trust makes it hard for him to see the objective truth.  Lastly, love is not about keeping score - one good deed does not automatically cancel a hurt. I feel very bad for Jia because it was never her fault, but I cannot blame MK for his reaction either.


Your response for some reason is so soothing to me, especially the highlighted part! There was a great dilemma there, where he is still angry but the anger is not enough to stop him from loving her; where he wanted to push her away but also wanted her to stay. I really like that you said "test": people do this all the time actually, mainly because they believe that no one would stay, and so if they keep this behaviors up eventually this person (in this case JA) will too leave. And that is exactly the case with MK here. That moment where she jumped back from his touch is intense as you can clearly see it flips a switch in MK where he became shocked and fear that she too would reject him. 


The part where he told her how he waited for her and how he hated that he did is my favorite line of this episode. Like you said, communication is key, and he is being incredibly honest to her, even though he thought he would look like a fool in front of her for saying and feeling it.


16 minutes ago, blademan said:

 This scene will always have a special place in my heart :tears: 

Kudos to YSH and CSB for their outstanding performance! Even K-netz are raving about this scene!


This scene is incredibly heartbreaking, I love it but I'm not ready to watch it again :tears: It hurts so much I was scared of having to go through that emotions again :bawling: 


Lastly, it seems like the episodes today trigger a lot of opposing opinions, however, I'm glad that we're all stating our opinions in a peaceful way :heart: And so many analyses come out of this too kyahh thank you for writing about your analyses Pretty Squad!! I have a great time reading them :wub:

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hi @blademan can you please include credit when reposting my gifs from Tumblr .... thank you~! 

I've been a silent reader here and WOW this drama has seriously flipped/twisted/wrenched etc my emotions.  I need to re-hydrate myself from the floodgates my eyeballs let loose from today's episode... 

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This is just my 2 cents. I hope no one gets offended. But, I don't think its right to call MK's reaction as abusive. His reaction is the sum/collection of all the struggles/frustrations/hurt and betrayal he has undergone when JA/AJ3 came into his life. He is one conflicted soul. Remember when he realized that he is falling in love with a "robot"? All the confusion he felt, the self-doubt, and the hopelessness because you finally learned to love and feel loved, but its unacceptable? Now imagine finding out that all those confusion, hurt and doubts could have been prevented if the other party was truthful to him. Add to that, the confusion he again felt, when he saw her on that train, and all the grovelling/following he did, just so he could at least get to know the face behind his precious AJ3, finding out that she has the same  characteristics he loved from his "AJ3", but instead of her giving him a chance to get to know her more as herself, he was  pushed/turned away. We all know where Jia is coming from, she has a valid reason for doing this, but MK is not privy to that information yet. Then the final nail in the coffin: finding out that they are one and the same, and that she has been keeping a lot of things from you, but most hurtful of all, she was supposed to be the very source of his cure, the one woman who could give him the happiness and love he has longed for 15 years, but because of that secret, she took everything away from him. In his eyes, he was tricked, played at, made a fool of, his heart stomped-on, the very same thing his friend YC and his father did to him before, but much worse because it was done by the one woman he truly loves.


Could he have reacted better? Definitely! But then we have to consider, everything was always internal with MK, until Jia/AJ3 came into his life. Jia has the support of SunHye and his sister-in-law. She even has the support of the Santa Maria team, so she has some form of release, emotional support around her always available. MK, in his belief, only has Jia/AJ3, and she betrayed him. So who does he have now? Yes, he has warmed up to the Santa Maria team, but it was not on the same level as his precious "robot ", it's only Jia/AJ3 that he really trusted and pour his heart out whenever he's confused/has issues.


His verbal rant to Jia? That is him pouring everything out!! It's him being truthful to what he feels. [Actually, that is one character of MK that I really love - his (sometimes brutal) honesty.] Why do you think he only let go of it all to her? Because deep inside, he knows, that Jia is also the only person who would be able to understand where he is coming from. That's what I like about MK, he is always upfront to Jia on what he feels. He does not know how to keep it. And Jia knows him like that. She's the only one that truly understands and knows him.

I think that is why they are perfect for each other too. Jia knows how to handle him.


That glass that he threw away, he did not throw it at Jia. He threw it on that glass cabinet. He did it out of frustration because Jia was not giving him the answer that would satisfy him (though we all know nothing will because he is still clouded by all the hurt). But, see Jia is taking it all in. Not because she is a doormat, but because she knows MK needs to let it all out.


With regards to Jia, I love her growth in this episode. She ran away from BG when things are getting tough between them. This time, she chose to stay and try to explain her side of things. Despite knowing how hurt she would be, she chose to face it.

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OK I figured it out, hope the formatting is ok!




Naver - Osen: 'I'm Not a Robot' Yoo Seung Ho "Sue them all! even Chae Soo Bin"

1. [+41, -3] Seung Ho's blood tears ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

2. [+318, -11] Today was so sad ㅜㅜㅜ

3. [+280, -13] Yoo Seung Ho's blood tears ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

4. [+254, -10] When will they be happy?

5. [+208, -26] I saw it while turning channels. the scene where he throw the food ㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+121, -5] Wa Seung Ho's acting was good I felt Kim Min Kyun's feelings ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ It's so sad

7. [+104, -2] Yoo Seung Ho's acting did everything today...

8. [+99, -4] Am I the only one who cried while watching it ㅜㅜ  It's childish, cute and sad ㅜㅜ

9. [+94, -3] Seriously, today was daebak

10. [+90, -2] Oh, it's seriously the best drama ㅠㅠ It's so sad..




Naver - sports seoul: 'I'm Not a Robot' Yoo Seung Ho re-fated with Chae Soo Bin

1. [+1073, -31] Seung Ho's eyes did everything...

2. [+1019, -23] While watching the drama, without even knowing I was surprised by Yoo Seung Ho's face, how could he be this handome;ㅋㅋ❤

3. [+727, -29] I'm a man and I cried when Yoo Seung Ho cried

4. [+641, -20] I hope they make up~~ Seung Ho-ah, let go of your anger~~ in the meantime, why Yoo Seung Ho looks beautiful...his acting wow~♡♡

5. [+408, -28] What's this?

6. [+223, -12] Yoo Seung Ho is really good at acting ㅠㅠㅠ

7. [+206, -11] I understandd Yoo Seung Ho's feelings and I cried with him. He is good at acting

8. [+202, -11] Yoo Seung Ho's acting today wasn't a joke, I cried with him  ㅠㅠ

9. [+198, -10] Min Kyu cried and poured all his anger on Ji A but I could see how much he felt for her ㅠㅠ Min Kyu-ah ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Rating: 3% | 3.6%


Source: http://netizendrama.blogspot.com/2018/01/spoilers-im-not-robot-e25-26-rating.html


Edited by soontobe16
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48 minutes ago, juhee said:

hi @blademan can you please include credit when reposting my gifs from Tumblr .... thank you~! 

I've been a silent reader here and WOW this drama has seriously flipped/twisted/wrenched etc my emotions.  I need to re-hydrate myself from the floodgates my eyeballs let loose from today's episode... 

HEY I'm so sorry!!! Will do from now on :)

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