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[Drama 2018] Live 살다


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Thanks @lollyminx . I went back to watch Ep12 again. Yup....the ear. Watching Lee Kwang Soo chasing the guy was like watching a giraffe outrunning an antelope. I didn't notice until now...as rookies, they had armed with a stun gun and tranquilizer darts?


Jung Yu Mi has such an irresponsible partner. He is always distracted and whenever he turns away from Yu Mi, my heart always skip a beat, anticipating Jung Yu Mi will encounter danger.


It's the first time I see a drama touching on the topic of a rapist's family. His crime has destroyed his own family as well. This drama deserves a Baeksang nomination.

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@triplem Thanks for the clips! Is there an audio clip there that explains why JO and SS are both crying in one scene? I CANNOT WAIT TO KNOW WHAT THAT'S ABOUT. :lol:


Also, speaking of the audience, I read one article about people not liking the JO-SS pairing especially since it was "just like that?" and it's too late now in the series. I agree with them, really, but after watching JO's back story, I feel like girl deserves to be fickle. I think what happened to her made it difficult to trust or build a normal, healthy relationship. I think she hasn't been in a relationship since that unfortunate event happened to her too. So I get where she is coming from. I just hope this love triangle is settled once and for all so we can all focus on the other goings on in the show.

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2 hours ago, triplem said:


Considering how quiet this thread is , this gem of a drama is quite undeappreciated with international audiences.

Fortunately, SK audience love it & the team will get rewarded


Does that me LKS gets to be Prince of Asia while he's there again? (Running Man reference for those who don't watch it.)

I think personally that this show has a really slow pitch and also the exact lack of [convincing] romance is why I like it... but international audiences like their fantasies a lot more, which is probably why Pretty Noona who buys me food is really popular. (There are three Older- sister romances./.. one in TW, one in JP and one in Korea... makes me wonder if there is some shared cultural phenomena, but I digress.) International audiences, probably due to Hollywood aren't trained to be that patient most of the time.

It hooks really late, say episode 7, and I would say it didn't hit its stride until 11-12? I really liked the whole inclusion and acknowledgment of Me too in the rape cases which wasn't included earlier. This writer tends to have those types of issues, though. Her earlier work also hooks late, and while she may have solid plot elements, she's also kinda slow on characterization.

I think the romance will shift, though--'cause LKS was promised ta male lead in a rom com.

For the writer's next project she could really benefit from rapid characterization techniques. They aren't inherently against the slice of life kind of drama she likes to write, but it would help people connect to her event structure more. (OK, I'm getting writer technical here since I've been tracking writers over actors... as a writer.)

Rapid characterization doesn't have to leak a tragic history in order to get people to connect, it's more like 1 thing that's interesting about the character--doesn't have to be cheap, but should be relatable to the masses (quirk-- a quirk usually works against itself.), at least a few relatable virtues, and few relatable vices, and then a twist to make the character unique. It can be done in slice of life dramas in interesting ways... but I think it would really help people connect faster (also make the random yelling feel a little less random.) And I say this out of love.

Example... off the top of my head Hotaru is really good at her job, super organized, but at home she's a dried fish woman. That's a quirk. Her relatable charm is that she tries her hardest to get things to work out for her, and sometimes overextends herself. That's a charm. Her foible is that she's terrible at cleaning up and keeps a dirty house, which annoys her landlord's son. There is no fragile history there to make us feel for the character and it's easy to connect to her. The drama was very slice of life as well.

Korean example... uhhh... Let's Eat, you had the Main male character who got all of his dry clothes from a dry cleaner (quirk). He's an insurance salesman, so he's often selling that to random people, thus he works hard. And he really likes food. (which we can relate to.) His downsides... IIRC somewhat nosy, and pushy, but presented in a way we were also curious as well.

Talking technical here, but character histories are usually slow to introduce into a story. Character traits usually can be done fairly rapidly through a chain of actions without underlining them. (virtues, vices, quirks). Character history is more like a highlighter, not the main event. (As in why is this quirk like it is...) (For Hotaru it was explained through her history with her grandfather? I think.)

Rapid characterization is also really good for minor one-off characters. For example, the suicidal person with panic attack from earlier could have benefited this way without throwing in much. So instead of his classmates gasping, they could have filled it with details of the character. Say, "But you said we'd go to a Noraebang later." humanizes the character and if you include song choice, it would also give the character dimension in one line. If it goes against what you'd expect, then that also adds another layer on top.

It might also be because her earlier event chain failed to recognize character agency. A lot of things happened *to* the characters and a lot less they *chose* to change that was out of the ordinary of what we'd expect.

I kind of would like this writer to pick up that sort of technique because I think her events would stick the emotional landing she wants a lot more and a lot earlier.

^^;; Sorry for the writer technical talk. I know some fans dislike it because it makes the magic kinda disappear.

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So sad what happened to JO. But she’s dabaek for being such a solid support for that young high school girl. Also I’m really sad about the chiefs cancer. I love the family as it is and it’s gonna be sad to see him go. I wonder if YC or the other guy, the one that was interested in JM and the chief said he would give his job to, are gonna replace him.

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@triplem said:  Considering how quiet this thread is , this gem of a drama is quite undeappreciated with international audiences

Fortunately, SK audience love it & the team will get rewarded 


I love this drama, too. I think more international viewers would be watching here but it's just so hard to watch it here. It's not on legal sub sites such as Viki, Kocowa, Drama Fever, not even Netflix in this country.  I just watched ep. 13 raw with Chinese subtitles and I was in tears  for YC's scenes with his wife and father and mom even though I didn't understand any of the dialogue.  Yesterday was finally able to watch 11 and 12 with English subs on the kind of website that's NSFW. :unsure:  I'm watching Pretty Noona this way, too, but Live might attract an older viewer maybe that wants an easier access?  Enjoying them both despite the total drag of trying of watch them.


So thanks for this quiet forum and for all the sharing. I watched the scene with YC and his wife and understood the "I love you" exchange but not much else.  I hope this means they have a chance of getting back together?  I hope it wasn't one of those "I love you" but goodbye, let's be good friends forever kind of conversations. 


Toward the end of the episode I really started being afraid that they would kill one of the leads especially YC.  From the preview clip,  it looks like the drama might be headed that way. I hope not.  Really like every single character. 

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8 hours ago, Kim Yunmi said:

I really liked the whole inclusion and acknowledgment of Me too in the rape cases which wasn't included earlier.

Agree! I really liked how JM taught his daughter (and therefore, the audience) about that too, and that the lesson is that if you already said no, then your partner should listen. I love that the lesson is consent. I hope many people will learn from this.

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52 minutes ago, lollyminx said:

Agree! I really liked how JM taught his daughter (and therefore, the audience) about that too, and that the lesson is that if you already said no, then your partner should listen. I love that the lesson is consent. I hope many people will learn from this.

The whole bit about victim blaming was pretty good too, because it felt rooted in something real, rather than tacked on top, too. It didn't go full tilt into the victim blaming, but it was just enough to give a taste of what it feels like and I loved the affirmation that trauma affects people differently and at different speeds and times. It felt a lot less like a lecture like some of the earlier inclusions because it was rooted in a characters' experience and struggle directly and acknowledged the range.

But the consent bit was good, the understanding how hard it is to leave and why women don't leave easily was good, how self blame works was really good, and also the whole consent bit--that nothing erases the need for consent. There is no balance scale there. Plus the whole thing was well rooted in character history, personality and the overall workings of the plot that it made sense.

Made me feel very satisfied with the show. If the writer keeps doing that sort of thing in that gentle build up so we understand the whys of sometimes difficult subjects with a bit less pure podium-ishness, I'll love the show more and more.

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Guys this is a Kdrama ost emergency. This song from the show has been stuck in my head all day but I can’t find the song on YouTube or google.


its in English and prt of it goes like “and the reason whyyy..lalala and I know nanana” I can’t remenber all the words for th life of me so pardon my horrible memory.


anybody know what song this is?!!

(plays at the beginning of ep 6)

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19 minutes ago, philosophie said:

Guys this is a Kdrama ost emergency. This song from the show has been stuck in my head all day but I can’t find the song on YouTube or google.


its in English and prt of it goes like “and the reason whyyy..lalala and I know nanana” I can’t remenber all the words for th life of me so pardon my horrible memory.


anybody know what song this is?!!

(plays at the beginning of ep 6)

Bump up! please help!!!


the scene after JO used the taser gun and also after HR found out that her senior got attacked right???


I've been trying to find the song since ep 6 too through youtube google naver spotify but nothing!

made me wonder if it is an original soundtrack from this drama which they havent release yet...

the lyrics i heard (which may be incorrect):

life's not easy without a dream and love

it often seem so close if you are away(?)(cant hear due to dialogues at the background) 

can't deny all the things that i bear(?)(cant hear due to dialogues at the background)

(cant hear due to dialogues at the background)

but if we could try better together everyday forever

need a reason why feelings never like for show

but i know we are better together


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don't think its underappreciated with international audience either..

its the subs.. people who are watching it are loving it.. others are waiting for the whole ting to come out.. because initial subs were d elayed considerably


15 hours ago, lollyminx said:

@triplem Thanks for the clips! Is there an audio clip there that explains why JO and SS are both crying in one scene? I CANNOT WAIT TO KNOW WHAT THAT'S ABOUT. :lol:


Also, speaking of the audience, I read one article about people not liking the JO-SS pairing especially since it was "just like that?" and it's too late now in the series. I agree with them, really, but after watching JO's back story, I feel like girl deserves to be fickle. I think what happened to her made it difficult to trust or build a normal, healthy relationship. I think she hasn't been in a relationship since that unfortunate event happened to her too. So I get where she is coming from. I just hope this love triangle is settled once and for all so we can all focus on the other goings on in the show.

JO frankly comes across as a mean flirty woman with no genuine feelings and acting upon lust kind of a person..


The police officer told KS that JO used to date his friend and then one day came and told him she wanted to break up. This was in college. Then Shindong.. that man has done nothing.. is it his fault that his father did not leave his mother and was not raised in poor condition for JO to feel a connect with him..


this whole angle is so disgusting .. jo is such an interesting character.. they could have not had a triangle in the first place.. i don't know what the message is.. if it is that she got raped but still likes to two time or move on man to man quickly.. then I'm sorry.. even that is not normal...

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1 hour ago, sljj said:

Bump up! please help!!!


the scene after JO used the taser gun and also after HR found out that her senior got attacked right???


I've been trying to find the song since ep 6 too through youtube google naver spotify but nothing!

made me wonder if it is an original soundtrack from this drama which they havent release yet...

the lyrics i heard (which may be incorrect):

life's not easy without a dream and love

it often seem so close if you are away(?)(cant hear due to dialogues at the background) 

can't deny all the things that i bear(?)(cant hear due to dialogues at the background)

(cant hear due to dialogues at the background)

but if we could try better together everyday forever

need a reason why feelings never like for show

but i know we are better together



Yes chingu thats the lyrics! Funny you mention the dialogue cause I also tried to tried to Shazam the song and im not sure if it was because of the background noise or what, but it couldn’t recognize it. Any one know what song this is?!!! 



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watched episode 12 with subs... loving LIVE even more because of:


1) unlike most typical Kdrama tropes which are lead character-driven, LIVE is stories-driven. each episode is filled with several stories: how the police officers are dealing with their work and personal lives, as well as the struggles and biases that spill / overlap between these two areas. it feels like we are witnessing the growth/ fall of the main characters, the growth/ fall of the team and the growth/ fall of society.

2) the scene where Jung Oh shared with Jang Mi about her insecurities regarding not seeming to have post-trauma disorders and how Jang Mi, in turn shared that despite her apparent professionalism, she's wounded and still hurting. that was refreshing! this further cements what some of you have pointed out: that the drama very quietly yet effectively resets certain stereotypes/ societal norms (if we allow it): there's no right or wrong timing when it comes to healing wounds. the same situation does affect people differently, even if they were to be from the same family/ upbringing. 
3)  also, as some of you have highlighted: the moment between Yang Chon & his daughter where he makes it very clear that even if it was one moment of "No", that in itself is a sign of refusal and that no one, no matter how "kind", "innocent" or "good" they have been, has the right to touch your body without your consent.

4) I know some viewers have expressed disappointment with the love triangle between Jung Oh, Sang Soo & Myeng Ho... I find the writer's approach natural and believable. it's almost like we are Jung Oh, experiencing being on the fence when faced with two potential romantic interests. unlike most romantic tropes in typical Kdramas, she does not fall deeply in love with either character from the beginning... between the episodes, she finds things lovable as well as off-putting about both men. the push-and-pull tangents are also tied in with her experiences/ reactions/ feelings about the cases/ victims she's dealing with. therefore, rather than being frustrated, I'm trying to appreciate the nuances the writer has so carefully designed. I can see why Jung Oh would be attracted to Myeong Ho... I can understand how she became drawn to Sang Soo (Sang Soo increasingly provides emotional support for Jung Oh while Myeong Ho became emotionally distant for Jung Oh due to his perhaps lingering attachment to ex girlfriend who's dead).
5) ...all of you! sometimes it feels quite lonely watching and thinking about the drama as there's no live updates and very few people in here actively discussing... so to everyone who has written something and shared your thoughts/ insights, THANK YOU SO MUCH!  :wub:

P.S. watched the raw of episode 13... loving how the scene between Yang Chon & Sang Soo post-arrest of serial rapist reminds us that real life doesn't end when the case closes and gives us a glimpse of how the offender's family can be affected.

P.P.S watching episode 14 live now... that scene between Sang Soo & Jung Mi crying in front of each other and baring their sadness made me appreciate Lee Kwang Soo and Jung Yumi even more. 

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It is a pitty that I couldn't focus on this drama, because of the subs , that took ages at the beginning. I almost gave up on this master-piece because of that. But I got back to it and Oh boy! This drama is just so fantastic. Not your typical fancy characters . Every memember of this  police squad are equally important . Every case is filled with so much realism and raw emotions. I can not describe in words, how much I enjoy every episode, every character's developement and every new case they are facing and every private conflicts shown.

I can not engage in decoding every character but I can't help myself but give my 2 cents about MH and JO  . MH seemed like the perfect sweet and handsome guy that every girl might dream of. However as the days goes by , I can't help but find him annoying by hanging on the past . It is unfair for JO to see him still carrying around his necklace. It is a total turn off. As for JO she is not giving him the attention and warmth and love he needs to not feel alone in this relationship. It might be because of her background that she herself, who grow up deprived from her fatherly love and a stable home and being used to her chronically tired mom, she didn't get enough love to be able to give this love and affection to anyone easily. Also MH not letting go of his past makes her maybe doubt if he is the one she wants to give her all to. She has all the rights to be on gards and not fall completely  for him. She is very strong mentally to be able to control her emotions like that. In the other hand  SangSoo is giving her all his heart without any presevation. She feels secure and comfortable arround him (maybe she is sure about his intentions and he shows her that his very sure about his feelings for  200% and he is not ready to give up on her. As a woman I won't be able to resist that. Feeling secure and loved is what counts the most, not the looks and not the sweet but half hearted confessions)

Sang Soo fighting!

I am eagerly waiting for episode 13 and 14 to be subbed.     


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I am starting to loath Netflix. They get the rights to all these bombs dramas and air it everywhere EXPECT NORTH AMERICA and then take 80 thousand years to finally stream it to us North Americans *cries in frustrated fangirl* Was you do this to me. My heart legit shattered when I was informed weekly episodes were coming out one week after airing (?) on Netflix in countries not the the U.S. TvN do you not understand the torture that was waiting for Stranger to finally be allowed to the US so I could binge watch? Do you know the agony I still feel waiting for Avengers Social Club (yeah that's JTBC drama but Netflix has the right to many JTBC dramas as well)? How I thought I was going to go crazy waiting for Bad Guys: City of Evil to come or Prison Playbook. By the time most these dramas finally are allowed on Netflix US, my interest in them have reduced because fresh new subbed available drama is there for the watching. Aka unbreak my fangirl heart tvN and give content to same day subbers (and better in my humble opinion) Viki or let Netflix show it in the Americas as they do other countries.  GIVE ME MY DRAMAS AS THEY AIR OR GIVE ME DEATH!!


Dear Drama,


Please don't let anyone die. Also please let my baby girl Jeong Oh find a way to truly confront and cope with what happened to her all those years ago because my poor girl  has so much still burning with her (the least of which is her father) and she keep kind of self sabotaging and breaking her own hear (and those of others) out of fear and so many conflicted emotions and sad knowings about how society is. The harsh truths this drama reveals, the sad harsh truths of life :( Myeong-Ho you one of the MVP for me. Such a sweet, caring, understanding, mature, and upstanding guy. That was a mature way for both to do things (and why do I get the feeling it's over but not over. I need subs *raises fist of fangirl fury at Netflix*).


I have only watched clips and not the full ep but this drama is soooo good and all the characters feel so real (in all their good and bad). I want to jump in the screen and help them all resolve their internal conflict, aid them in finding mature healthy ways to cope, and move forward in their own sense of happiness and a good life (the psychologist in me just wants counsel them all) . All of them kick so my much richard simmons. What shall I do what this show ends in two weeks and their are no more episodes to look forward to? Bitter brain: Wait the 80,000 years till Netflix has it up in the US so you can binge with as much excitement and hopefully less anxiety *yes I do talk to myself :tongue:*


ETA: I don't think Jeong-Oh's hiccups in relationships have anything (okay, maybe a small some) to do with her inferiority complex of being a child out of wedlock or having a mentaly ill mother. Much of how she is in relationships has everything to do with her rape or sexual assail she experienced when younger. Remember that ep where the engaged chick was worried about wha her fiancé would say? I feel like part of Jeong-Oh (that maybe even she doesn't recognize) see herself as tainted and dirty. She knows (and she's not lying) society would see her as tainted and dirty were they to know.


I think a part of her feels she's "dirty" for Myung-ho who is seemingly pure, has been through hardships of his own where it comes to love, and having been through that really need another heartbreak/burden of shouldering her secrets and the views of society as well (a good movie that kind of sort of touches on something similar is 'My Sunshine') I'm not saying Myeong-Ho or any man she shares her trauma with would view her with disgust or find her unworthy. But she's knows, it's been shown, it's proven, this is a real possibility. Simply, would a mother in law accept her? Not only is she a child out of wedlock, her mother has mental illness, and she doesn't exactly have a "woman's job" *roles eyes*(all this comes with many prejudice, discrimination, and stigma), but she's also been a victim of rape/sexual assault, something many in society won't even see her as a victim or even if they do, their own prejudice will scorn instead of comfort and help her.


I don't find her fickle, our wishy washy. My heart hurts for her because my goodness what happened to her is something so cruel and heavy to carry all your life. And she has and continues to carry it alone (she's never told her mom what happened). I can understand the weight of it. I can understand pushing love interest away. Not allowing yourself full happiness because, even if you can keep it from everyone; It's not easy to keep secrets from someone you are in love with and maybe trying to build a forever love or life with. Doing such a thing wears on you and your relationship (we're seeing that with her and MH). Tthe fear of what happens if/when they find out? Will they understand you? Will they feel cheated? betrayed? That big fear that, you'll lose them. They'll view you differently, they'll disappoint you in so many ways and then leave you. If they stay, then what? I think when Jeong-oh has been serious with or about anyone and knows that Pandora's box must be opened, she dumps them (with the other mentee's friend and now MH).


As more and more rape/sexual assault cases came to the precient and Jeong-oh got personally involved, and things with MH started to get more than surface deep, Jeong-Oh had to ask herself tough questions and face things she's never really allowed herself to confront (and still doesn't). I wish she would allow Myeong-ho, her mom, Sam-soo, Hye-ri, the squad, to see all of her and take her or leave her. Then again all of that is easier said than done and having watched the movie 'Han Gong Ju (I cannot recommend that move enough. So so so good in all its heartbreak) and just knowing the social rules and norms that govern the world in general; doing so has such harsh dire consequences for victims. It break my heart how society too often shuns and shames them for the horrors done unto them :bawling:


I'm in my feels because I feel so much for Jeong-oh. My heart bleeds for her for so many reasons. To me there was never a love triangle (again from what I've seen, she doesn't view Sam-soo as more than a really good, dependable, loyal, maturing, trustworthy, soulmate, friend she loves. The two love each other, and I adore their relationship and every scene of support, but not every love is a romantic love. Granted I haven't seen he latest episodes so if the writer turns it that way i'll side eye simply because "I ain't seen it" but, ok) and if there was one, it has always been between Myeong-oh/Jeong-ho/and the things they carry. Much like Yang-Chun and Jang-Mi, one or both, need to work on themselves, before they can work on being with each other (or anyone for that matter). I find the drama, it's characters, and subject matter to be complicated and not at all black and white. I think it's a disservice to Jeong-oh to brush of as a love flake or someone who jumps into relationship for superficial reasons such as "sunbae is tall handsome and nice to me" (let's not pull an immature ep 6, 7, or 8? Sam-soo -she likes him cause of his background).


There had been a sense of mutual attractiveness, intellectual respect (Myeong-ho was one of the first to recognize and trust her sense of duty and office capabilities), trust, comfort, dependability. Yes, it was soft and quiet and very much in the background (both are just such character who will never been open and flashy with things holding hands and stealing looking at the work place. They respect themselves, their jobs, and their colleagues too much for that) but it was still there. Jeong-oh is someone who feels an has a lot of depth for something that reads in my humble option, as hollow for her. 

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I was wondering if some drunkard has head-butt Song Hye-Ri's character in ep14... ...what a laugh. She wanted action but she ......


Do the real public have little respect for Korean police?  It's so frustrating watching them in self-deprecating acts. Let me understand this mother who tries to marry off her son, a police: A Korean police who sits in high office, not chasing any criminal has a bright future; while a Korean police chasing criminals on the street has no ambition, no future??

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