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[Drama 2017] Confession Couple / Go Back Spouses, 고백부부


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1 hour ago, V said:

We live recapped Go Back Spouses over on Bah+Doo! Y'all this show is so cute and it's giving me Fight for My Way vibes with the throwback feel and the epilogues. Especially the epilogues!


Here is the link and I'll post the actual recap in the spoiler.




We are going to try and do it again tomorrow for episode 4. It airs at 23:00 Seoul time which is 9am central time in the US and 10am NY time. If you're awake then come hang out with us!


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Okay, it was airing and then it went back to commercials. Weird. Alright it’s back on! They show several scenes from what happened in episodes 1 and 2 from the present. Things like how their life was and how they went back in time. Then they update us on how they were in the past, also by showing scenes from the first 2 episodes.

We start on a night club scene with people dancing in 2004. Some girls are dancing and having a great time. One of them gets a phone call

F - whats going on, I can’t here you
JJ - Eunnie, ah, I will call you back

JJ is already marrie and sitting at home looking depressed. She is still working at this time but both of their salaries aren’t enough to pay off all the bills. She talks about how when they were younger they could look forward to the future, in your 20s you have a right to enjoy your shining life, but for them they didn’t enjoy their 20s at all (for the main couple), but it looks like their friends did.

PAST 1999
Radio - enjoy your young life because it dissappears so quickly
Two of the friends are drinking makogli together, but they are not pouring drinks for each other. The friend is a femenist and wants to pour her own drink. A very famous song is playing from back then. She doesn’t like this song (It is Drunken Confession). She has a tirate about not liking the song so she starts drinking. But he passes out before her, lol! He is a very light weight when it comes to drinking.

She carries him to the boys dorm and drops him off there. He falls asleep on the floor of the entrance and stays there all night until morning.

She has woken up and screamed, she thought she would go back to her own life but she is still in her 20s. Her family thinks something is wrong with her.

He is also super happy that he woke up and is still 20

She continues to ignore her Dad and treat him meanly. He’s wondering why she is treating him that way.

He is wondering if he will stay in his 20s forever? He will have to go to the army again, but he thinks that is better than his old life. He starts looking around around and finds an old famous Chinese movie (Bee Jung Jung)  with a famous dancing scene in it. He says he is really going to enjoy his new life.

Internet stopped ARGHHHHHHH

Okay, it started again! Okay, they aer at the dinner table and BD is talking about making money in the future and his family thinks he is crazy. his Dad goes abolutely insane and tells his son to just study STUDY STUDY!! BD says to trust him, but his Dad just yells athim to study with a bat or hammer or something and chases him around the room.

Then it cuts to an empty room, BD sold all his belongings and has a lot of cash now. He feels so great in his young body with some cash and takes off running. His friends think he is trying to catch the bus so they tell the bus drivier to stop, but BD runs past the bus, lol. He just wants to run.

JJ is on a taxi and thinks that she has to see BD first. She tries to pay the taxi with a card but the driver is a real driver this time and says it won’t work. She looks for her purse and remembers that she dropped it in the last taxi. She she reaches in her pocket and gets her appa’s cash and gives it to the taxi driver.

Cute seonbae rotc guy
he is in his ROTC uniform and gets out of his car. JJ is looking for BD but can’t find him. Then she hides when she sees the rotc guy and remembers embarrassing him. She thinks he will think she is crazy. 

Her friends see her hiding and say that she is human so she is hiding from him because she made him embarrassed. JJ’s friends show up as well and try to have some small talk with them. JJ tries to kick them to go away and the ROTC guy sees this, lol. It looks really funny. Now it looks like the ROTC guy thinks JJ likes one of BDs tfriends.

Everyone leaves (after a little small talk) and we cut to ballerinas in the studio. It looks like BDs crush is super famous with the boys, they all like her but she doesn’t give them any time. BD is peaking in on them as well. We see a flashback to were BD couldn’t confess to her that he liked her. He was strange, but all of a sudden he is mature. The ballerina is thinking these things. His friends told him in the future that if he goes back he still wont be able to date her. he uses this as strength to approach her and he introdus=ces himself and gives her some tea. He tells her she is good and she says thank you. he also gives her friends some drinks too and says “See you later.” Then he tells her that he wants her phone number later and when he has it he wants to great her as a person he knows.


His friends can’t believe that he got the ballerinas phone number. BD tells them that he is not the same guy. He is experienced as an older man but has a young body like Iron man. They ask if he confessed to her and BD says you have to take all these steps but the friends don’t get it and just start laughing right away. They say that tons of guys like her so he should just give up. BD says why should he confess, young guys like to confess, but you have to date first and then confess. He things he can’t talk to these young boys.

They start to drink some traditional medicine, but it is to bitter. BD grabs it and starts drinking it like nothing, lol.

JJ goes into the classroom and yells at BD “YAAAA” she behaves just like an ajumma. Everyone turns to look at her and she quietly walks to BD and tells him that she needs to talk to him, but then class starts and she has to sit down so she tells him that she will talk to him later.

BDs friends think JJ is scary and has a problem controlling her anger. The teacher tells them to do some type of assignment. Think about someone you want to write about or are interested in. JJ wasn’t supposed to write the name, but she writes the name. People write all these bad things about someone and give it to them. JJ always says “Jong pang-i” to him which means stingy or narrow minded. So now BD knows that she is from the future as well. He tells her that they need to talk and pulls her out of the classroom. The friends think it is weird like some crazy love.

They go outside and start talking a lot of smack to each other. Now they both know that they are from the future. 

JJ - so what happened, why are we here
BD - 
JJ - I thought when we woke up we would go back, we might be here forever
BD - think about it, you became super young, 20 years old, when we go back we are old and divorced, I like this life
JJ - 
BD - I will enjoy this life, we can enjoy our life seperately, bye
JJ - Okay, bye
BD - fighting!

But then when BD walks away he wonders why they both went back together. he remembers JJ saying that she was so pitiful and suffering so much in the future.

Professor - If I were your age I would do everything, I would enjoy your life, youth won’t wait for you so write down your bucket list that you want to do in your early 20s.

JJ starts to write her bucket list.

JJ tells her friends that they should play and do something outside but her friends are tired and took too many classes. JJ calls them youngsters and that their youth won’t last forever. They joke with her that she is a grandma and they tells her that young people drink and dance and go to nigh clubs. They are shocked that JJ wants to go. They tell her that she really didn’t want to go there before, but she wants to go there now? Okay, lets go!

They step out to go to the night club and they each have their own small scene with what they are wearing. It’s a really cute scene. But they get to a down hill and can’t walk down it because they are wearing high heels. JJ starts to go too fast and can’t stop. The ROTC guy is there and watches the entire scene. he doesn’t know what to do, it he stays there then she will crash into him. She tells him to move. Move! But intesd of moving he grabs her and stops her progress! They have a very nice hug and it looks so special.

He tells her that she landed, so she can leave. She tells him that he doesn’t smell today. Then she yells sorry at him and he wonders who she is. He looks so embarrassed, lol.

They saw the whole scene happen and think that they should stand down there so a girl will fall into their arms too. JJ doesn’t look happy.

The friends said they never thought they would go to a nightclub with JJ. Flash forward and they are wondering why they walked around with that type of makeup (Bad past). Then back to the past and her friend is putting on all this bad makeup, lol.

The waiter realizes that it is JJ’s first timea nd wants to introduce her to some men. the waiter drags all three of them away.

He is at the nightclub and is telling his future wife that he is studying and to sleep well. But then he ells his friend that that Btch doesnt go to sleep. He is a pretty bad person. The friend tells him to pick someone and the Bad Doctor picks Jang Nara.

They are at the club too and are in a private room. BD tells them that he will buy everything so just order whatever they want! if you like someone give them whiskey, if you don’t like them then give them beer. They have some girls in and the long hair friend tries to give her beer, but she says she wants whiskey. It looks like the girls they have work at the club and are not in college. The friends can’t talk to women, but BD is really good at that. He has a lot of jokes because he had to memorize them all for his job in the future.

They are also in a private room and the bad guy is there. he asks how old she is and she says she is 38, lol. then she says she is 20. he tells her that he is 26, he is Oppa. the friend says he should use Jongdemal and he says okay he will. But JJ says it is okay, he can use banmal. The friend of the bad guy says they should drink a lot. Cut to the friend passed out onthe table. They decide to leave and go dancing tot he techno music outside. But before they leave the bad doctor gives JJ his phone number.

Everyone is dancing and having a good time. The music is pretty good too. I need to check out some of these 90s songs.


BD and JJ bump into each other while dancing! Lol. he says she is going to nightclubs now and she says yes and they talk about how they can have their own new lives now! and goes back and dances the horse dance, from Gangnam style, lol.

he is at the spot where he caught JJ and remembers the scene. It looks like he is starting to fall for her. Another guy comes up and asks if he is waiting for someone and he says no and leaves.

JJ, BD and Friends are in a private room. Oh, it looks like JJ is drinking by herself outside in the club. She says that BD ruined her mood and pulls out the guys name and number. She tells the waiter that she wants to have a blind date

They are drinking a lot and the guy loses. She says if he wants a challenge she will be there. BD says she looks cute and the friend says, “Are you challenging me?” The friend is basically running the room. The friend then tells the baseball guy that he said he would see her later and he should keep the promise. Then a waitier rushes in and tells them that their friend is all drunk!

JJ Is super drunk and on the mic. BD says she has dementia or something. JJ tells BD that he is jong pang-i (all the bad things, stingy and all that) and tells him that she got someone elses phone number. The crowd cheers. She then tells teh bad doctor that he is the one that liked her. DB does not like that the doctor likes her. Then she addresses BD and says that because of him her life is destroyed and what is he going to do with Seo Jin-i, their son. So now everyone is shocked and thinks these 20 year olds had a baby together? Then the long haired friend throws up everywhere, IT IS SO GROSS. JJ keeps talking about Jong pang-i, but someone tekes the mic and eveyrone looks at the long haired friend who is throwing up everywhere. The baseball friend ignores him, lol.

The bouncers take the long haired guy out and tell him not to ever come again. The baseball friend gathers him up and BD sees JJ walking away. What JJ said is in his head. What is he going to do with Seo Jin-i? He is thinking about this deeply and it fades out.

Broadcast - This summer, what kind of summer will come to us? Lets listen to some songs.

BD - ya JJ
JJ - what are you doing?
BD - come here
JJ - what
BD - do you know what kind of guy he is?
JJ - what
BD - give me the phone number, do you really thin you ar 20?
JJ - if I get a phone number from a guy or not
BD - don’t contact him, he is a really bad guy
JJ - what do you care?


BD - So are you telling everyone that we are divorced and have a baby?
JJ - that is the truth
BD - fact, you are me, we go to hell if everyone knows about it

(Everyone is hearing this)

JJ - it is not the same, does your first love know that you are divored with a kid
BD - knoone knows that I am married, you also have a baby and are married
jj - I am going to get all the divorce money from you,
BD - I am a student, I don’t have money I won’t give you money!
JJ - Jong pang-i!
BD - you like small money

2004, JJ is sitting on a couch with BD and they are talking about how they don’t have money, how will they survive. You can live with my love! Kiss kiss kiss. They are still happy and in love.

BD - I made a contract, I am the first one making this much as a rookie
JJ - ah, good job, good job, by the way, what do you think if we didn’t get married?
BD - what? we just play and waste money, but I want to waste money like others
JJ - do you have anything to do, lets say at the same time
JJ and BD - nightclub!

And they went to a night club together in the past (when they were in 1999)

JJ - my young life was like pring with no flowers, but it came back with a better and stronger impact.

JJ’s parents - Jinjoo threw it away, why did you pick it up again? It is not dead yet, I can give it more water.

They are talking about the radio broadcast. JJ talks to the ballerina and she thinks he is different than before, she says she wants to know him better.



Thanks for the recap! I watched the clips in kbsdrama, cant wait to watch with subs :)

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Sometimes you think you would love to go back in time make those changes.  Do better, be better, when life was easier and more carefree.  Maybe for some when there was less instead of more and when living on love seemed more than enough.  Even for others when it was easy to smile because your life wasn't in a million pieces...  That is until it hit's you that by going back and making those so called simple changes.  You lose all those precious memories and the loved ones you created....


First time posting on this thread hoping you Chingus don't mind my stopping in.  This drama is about something I think most people have truly thought about at least once in their lifetime.  Which makes it even more interesting and relatable.  I love the OTP and not just in this drama I am a fan of both of their works in the past in other dramas. 


I think BD & JJ going back in time together will make this drama even more thought provoking and I look forward to having my heart moved.  I don't know about anyone else but just the thoughts of losing a child as sweet as that Choi Seo-Jin who has the sweetest little face already had my heart in my throat. :tears:

credit to original owners of photos...  :heart:usafarmgirl

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Watched with subs and here are some of my thoughts:


1. Bando still cares for jinjoo. He thinks pushing her away, not associating with him will make her happier. He always recall the part she told him she's unhappy. Eventhough bando obviously cares for jinjoo, i dont know about how jinjoo feels towards bando.


2. Imo, bando still has not processed the weight of this time travel. Will it have any impact on their present, past, future? Jinjoo reminding him about seojin might have triggered him to think more in depth. 


3. I had to do a doubletake when jinjoo said 'i am the best' ala 2ne1 during her drunk speech stint. It was funny. 


4. The accidental broadcast of bando-jinjoo's fight took me by surprise. I did not see that coming. I dont think this fight ever happened in the past. I'm interested to see how it will be played out.


5. I'm rooting for bando and jinjoo to figure things out with minimal emotional damage to both. Maybe they figure that altering the past doesnt mean happiness in the future. Or their present was the best it could have been and to just move on.


Bring it on episode 4! 

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I'm already have second lead syndrome... ROTC Oppa, Nam Gil is swoonworthy... I'm already shipping both alternate pairings, this is not going to go well. I also don't understand why JJ didn't work...


I'm not against the couple getting back together but I hope the show lives up to it's promise and they get to sort a few things out, such as their careers. I'd personally like to see JJ become a married career woman and BD as the stay at home dad. But before these two get together can we have them date the second leads first?


Oh and Dr. Park is terrible. I mean, I knew he was the same in 1999 as in 2017 from the previews but when we first saw 1999 Dr. Park I thought he was at least semi decent. Why is he even with his wife/gf when he isn't faithful to her? I at least assumed that he had once liked her enough to be faithful to her and that's why they were married, but man it puzzles me that he's like this already. Is his wife the daughter of some hospitals director or something? I mean I can't fathom why he's with her unless he had something to gain from their relationship.

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1 hour ago, katakwasabi said:

Watched with subs and here are some of my thoughts:


1. Bando still cares for jinjoo. He thinks pushing her away, not associating with him will make her happier. He always recall the part she told him she's unhappy. Eventhough bando obviously cares for jinjoo, i dont know about how jinjoo feels towards bando.


2. Imo, bando still has not processed the weight of this time travel. Will it have any impact on their present, past, future? Jinjoo reminding him about seojin might have triggered him to think more in depth. 


3. I had to do a doubletake when jinjoo said 'i am the best' ala 2ne1 during her drunk speech stint. It was funny. 


4. The accidental broadcast of bando-jinjoo's fight took me by surprise. I did not see that coming. I dont think this fight ever happened in the past. I'm interested to see how it will be played out.


5. I'm rooting for bando and jinjoo to figure things out with minimal emotional damage to both. Maybe they figure that altering the past doesnt mean happiness in the future. Or their present was the best it could have been and to just move on.


Bring it on episode 4! 

Who has subs? Can you dm me? I want my friends to watch this and they don't speak Korean. They will probably wait till it ends to marathon it though. The wait is so hard!

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14 hours ago, saanjh sena said:

Anyone else having feeling for upcoming second lead syndrome 

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@saanjh sena Me! Me! I am having second lead syndrome already.

You can see Nam Gil being affected by what she does and say. So i m interested to see how their relationship develops. 

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Love the drama so far.  It's funny.  Jang Nara looks so young.  I like her with the second lead already.

 I watch the english sub on fastdrama.co.  They are pretty fast with the sub.  By evening in my time sub is already out.  Dramafever is subbling too but they are pretty slow if the leads are not those hot market young actors and actresses.  

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The live recap is over! I'll slowly go through and correct typos and all that, but here is the recap in all its original glory! 




BD is talking to his Mom, he doesn’t want to go to the construction department. The year is 1998. The dancer is slowly running to the door entrance and BG is taken aback by her. He quickly opens the door for her and she smiles at him.

VO – for young people, different hearts exhist

Oh no, he wanted to be cool but he tripped and fell and the coffee rolld to the dancer. he said to just eat and drink and he ran away. The dancer came out and said that she will enjoy the drink and smiled. He also smiled

VO – I finally became an adult but my heart died/ dissappeared.


The drunk long haird friend and buff friend are trying to get home.

F – I didn’t drink it myself, she fed it to me!
F2 – crazy girl
F1 – I liked her

Their dorm is closed so they can’t go home. The hair friend says tonot worry because they can go under the door. He tries to do it, but his head gets stuck! h keeps trying to go insede but it isn’t working. Hes stuck! The friend sees the other door and goes inside, lol. The friend is inside now and the hair riend is stuck. Now the buff friend tries to take the hair friends head out by pulling him and putting his foot in his face to push him out. his friend says “I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you!”

F1 – just leave me here and leave
F2 – What
F1 – it is too late for me, if youstay here, we will both die, at least you should stay alive, after they check in, come and rescue me. Just leave Just leave! Now!

Now he is all by himself

F – he is so fast.

The buff friend runs insed an tells the first person he sees that his friends head is trapped inside. He gets a phone call and it looks like he got a date? He is really happy now.

Oh nos! It has started raining and thundering! The hair friend is stuck outside in the rain with his head stuch inside.

F – ahn jae woo!! Ahn jae woo!

He goes to sleep outside.

He slept there all night and looks dead. Someone sees him and checks on him and then the hair friend wakes up and looks like a zombie. He scared the &&^% out of the guy and he runs away.

Their home. He is talking to his father. His father wants him to change his major. The ROTC guy is resisting his father. They don’t look like they have the best relationship. His mother comes out and gives him something, but it looks like maybe it is his step-mother? The father says that he should cut his money and the mother is upset at the father.

The mother calls the ROTC guy, a different mom, and asks for money. The ROTC guy says he can’t give money because he doesn’t have any, his dad cut it off. The rotc guy is upset at the mom because he forgot his birthday. OH!!!! This is when JJ got in the car. He was crying from screaming at his mom and then JJ gets in the car and she is crying.

Everyone is standing outside looking at him. Poor guy. There is a big crowd around him and it looks like they have to cut him out. He thinks they are going to cut his head off, lol.

Ah, now they are showing the broadcast! JJ and BD are arguing over the radio broadcat and everyone stops to listen to it. Everyone on campus is stopping and listening to them talk about how they are married with a kid and the guy is dating his first love and all that stuff. The entire campus is hearing them and they are using a lot of words that people don’t use in 1999. So a lot of campus kids are like, what is that word? What is that word?

JJ and BD
JJ – Jongpang-i, you like small money
BD – ajumma, you can’t just go to the club and drink because you havent done that before, you will get hurt
BD – yay JJ, don’t talk to that guy, hes a bad guy, he is playing with someone like you
JJ – he is wangjang, the doctor huh, maybe I should date him because he is a doctor, I will be a rich woman
BD – wow, how long am I going to stay here

A girl friend is hiding, it looks like she heard everything.

Everyone is talking about it. They are talking about a divorce guy is in the school. F1 is trying to explain it to him. BD doesn’t relize it is him. His friend is basically filling him in on the conversation. But then BD recognizes that it is him! He asks how he knows and the friend says they know from the radio speaker. Now BD knows that everyone heard them.

JJ also hers everyone talking about it! The femenist friend gets up and taks smack to everyone. It looks like she is famous as a drinking woman at school

Friend – wow, it is so cool, to get a divorce and still be in school!

Broadcast – that was not a drama, we are not related to that broadcast.

Everyone is talking about the school.

Everyone is still taking about it.

JJ – what should we do?
BD – what?
F – horrible guy, make a woman get pregnant, not giving the divorce money!
BD – why are you telling me that?
F – why are you so, everyone is talking about the divorced people, do you know anyone around you
BD – I don’t know, do you JJ
JJ – I don’t know, I don’t think so
BD – ah, that’s right, enjoy your meal
JJ – ah,

Some people behind them are talking about it. SHe hit a woman, she is a goal digger, the rumors are spreading and getting bigger and bigger.

They are secretly talking about it. JJ says she is not a gold digger. BD says he never hit her. They said they shouldn’t fight in front of other kids. JJ – why did you take me to that room. BD – is it my fault!

Friends – What are you doing here!
JJ – ah, meeting
BD – meeting

The friends leave.

The doctor sees her and starts to talk to her at the school. he says he made a mistake or something and that it is their destiny meeting each other. He asks for her number.

JJ – oh, yeah, this is my number
bad guy – I will call you
ROTC guy can’t focus on what he is doing becaue he is thinking about that girl. he is trying to swim.

Girl 1 – Are you really going to do it?
Girl 2 – I am going to do it!

She runs and jumps in the water and says she needs help! Help! ROTC guy throws her a board and walks away.

They are talking in the library or something like that.

ROTC – hey
JJ – hey?
ROTC – I am just telling you thin just in case, do you think I like you
JJ – what are you talking about
ROTC – you think I like you
JJ – why?
?? – I told you I have a date
JJ – are you getting revenge on me know because I told you that
ROTC – so no more misunderstandings, so no more hugging or anything like that, don’t do that, I am leaving
JJ – is he telling me that just becaue I am infront of him, so he never loved me and waited for 18 years. He shouldn’t hve told me.

ROTC guy is walking away, but his heart is pumping.

The tough friend invited the guy to her dance practice. She want to recruit him to the team.

F – I didn’t write it, you wrote it
F2 – is that my fingr print
F – I don’t do strange things to drunk people

FLASHBACK SHOWS That she is trying to recruit him to the cheerleading team and he says yes.

They start practicing and he can’t do anything because he is so weak. he is the only one that is tired. he watches the pro’s do it and he looks like he is pretty impressed at all their energy. In the future he is leader of the LG baseball team cheerleaders, so maybe this is how it started. He keeps looking at her, he is amazed by her. She does a Dirty Dncing kind of lift and he can’t watch. Maybe he wants to be the one todo it.

They all fall to the ground because they are weak.
A lot of guys want to give the ballerina gifts. Her teacher calls her out and tells her that she can’t jump as well because she is gaining weight. She is confused at that. Then she goes back to the practice and sees that BD is there and has a lot of donuts for everyone. he offers her one, but she says that she doesn’t want one. All the guys at the door are wondering how BD is talking to all those girls so BD invites them all in and tells everyone to practice hard. He tells the ballerina that whenever he thinks she is low in sugar he will bring some sweets.

The ballerina’s are talking about how he must really like the ballerina because he brought snacks for everyone. The ballerina passes out! Everyone rushes to her side. BD runs and picks her up and starts to take her to the nurse. he wonders why she is so skinny and light.

Someone in the front of the class is talking about a ghost of a student who died a long time ago. If any of you guys go to that room and pick up the document we want you to, we will buy drinks! Everyone cheers but they also wonder how they can go to that room. The older people think that is not scary, lol. it is only scary for younger people.

Everyone is outside and wondering who will go in next. JJ goes inside! She doesn’t look super scared but she does say that it is really spooky. There is a ghost there, omg, but JJ doesn’t see her. She goes to the book section and remembers what happened before in a flashback! She also did this when she was young and sees that it is all not real. She know what will happen, lol. So now she just pretends like she is scared. she starts to scare the other person lol! She said she remembers that he was hiding there.

Manequin guy – why did that freshman die here?

JJ scares him as well.

JJ – okay, everyone went out, so now I should find that thing.

Everyone is outside screaming. The ROTC guys is inside and says, has it all ended? He is about to leave and sees JJ.

JJ – red envelope, red envelope, ah, I found it! it is here, so everyone will eat a lot tonight, this isn’t fun, young kids.

But then she starts to fall and the ROTC guy runs and grabs her! he spins her around and it looks so 90’s lol! They look at each other and ROTCs heart is pumping hard.

he drops her and she backs up and hits the stares, the stares all and he pulls her and blocks her from it with his body!

The ballerina wakes up because she is hungry and BD tells her that they should go eat. She doesn’t want to eat. he keeps trying to get her to eat. It’s a pretty cute scene.

[internet problems]

JJ – why is my heart poinding, he is so young
– you should tell me you are hiding
– I didn’t do anything to you, you recued me because I’m in front of you
– thank you
– its ended, aren’t you going out
– its a man’s leg
JJ – you are a man? It is swolen, you recued someone very softly, it will last forever
R – Its okay, why are you talking to me in banmal?

She tries to sturdy him
R – what are you doing
JJ – lets go
R – don’t do things like this, I told you

BD – thank you, we enjoyed the meal!
Ballerina – I went crazy, I shouldn’t have eaten this

BD bought her some sneakers by measuring the size of her ballet point shoes and bought some that are her size. She is shocked. He tells her that they need to workout because they ate a lot. They start to walk around and it is dark out.

BD – you shouldnt be under too much stress, after you do it you can recover, doctors tell patients to just do it once in a while
B – who told you this
BD – my wi – my sister did when she was pregnant
B – you couldn’t even talk to me not so long ago, but all of a sudden you ask me my number, you are a differnet person
BD – you knew I was hiding?
B – I never saw someone hiding so obviously
BD – forget about that guy from a few days ago

They show a gorgeous night scene of Seoul
B – wow!
BD – so nice, Seouls air was like this with no polluiont
B – what is small particle pollution
BD – it is the air from China
B – China sells air?
BD – you will know it in the future
B – how did you know my shoe size
BD – I just looked at it, eye balled it

They smile at each other as if they are falling in love.

The history department is out drinking and they say they never thought JJ could do it. JJ said ghosts aren’t scary, people are more scary. She looks at ROTC and then tells him to put some ice on his leg. He is actung all tough

R – what are you doing.
JJ – you got hurt because of me so I shouldn’t just forget about it. (she speaks like an ajumma) so until the swelling goes down, just put it there.
R – why is she using banmal to me?

Some cute music starts to play and JJ is having a fun time drinking one shot and being ajumma lively with a cute young face. It look slike he is in love with her know.

JJ – Seoul-ah, why don’t you drink
S – you and me, we don’t drink
JJ – lets drink, when you get married you won’t be able to drink because you wont have time
S – I don’t like drunk people
JJ – Seoul is it okay to be a little loose, when you get loose and broken when you are young, when you do it when you are old it looks dirty and pitiful

Cheer – If you don’t remember your history then there is no future for you!

The girl is drinking. Fast forward and almost all the people a drunk. S is drunk as well. She is super drunk and is packing up all the food. JJ is also druunk and hits her head on the table.

JJ – ah, it hurts.

Everyone starts laughing, you didn’t break the table yet? She starts laughing at herself.

Taje care of Sul-hee, take her home to the dormitory, she shouldn’t be late fo the head count.
S – take a piece of chicken.

ROTC guy is looking at her. JJ is barely walking straight. he follows her and watches her walking. JJ gets on the bus and ROTC guy is on the back of the bus. JJ makes a cute small foot on the window, that is so cool, I didn’t know you could do that. She thinks of Seo-jin and starts crying. She starts balling and the ROTC guy is looking at her. Jang Nara is a great cryer, omg.

She gets home and ROT guy looks at her go inside. he is contemplative and then he walks away.

BD – if you want to eat, just let me know, you are too young to just supress your desire
B – thank you, I always won the highschool, youth competitions because I endured all the pain, thank you so much, I want to know you more. My bus is here, bye, I’m leaving
BD – bye! bye! Yes! Yes! Yes! Ah, good job, good job, good job!

he sees JJ’s parents walking. he is completely paused, he can’t move at all. it looks like he is gripping his bag a lot tighter. he looks concerned and then he turns and watches them walking away.

JJ wakes up and says that she is still there. She looks at her ring mark, it is still there too. She does some dishes and her Mom is stunned.

M – why are you doing dishes, are you going to get married
JJ – I dont have to get married to do dishes
M – you will do it all the time, you don’t have to do it
JJ – you do it until you die, you can take a break, just take a break

M – how much is it
5000 won
M is the only one who likes grapes, everyone else likes watermelon so she never eats them. Nut JJ says she also likes grapes and wants to eat them like Umma.

They walk up the hill and M says she forgot to pick up something. JJ says she will go pick it up and for Umma to go home. Umma sees a lot of grapes outside their house and wonders who did it. Aw, it looks like BD gave them to her, but he is hiding. Some thugs runs into her and Umma says the thug should say sorry to her because it made her drop her things. They argue about it. The thug says, what should he do, what should he do? And BD comes out and pushes the thug

BD – you hit an older woman, you have to say sorry!
Thug – wow, who are you, why do you care
BD – I am her son, why!
Thug – sone? ah, it is your lucky day
BD – are you okay
M – yes, yes
BD – here
M – thank you, your mom will be super happy and safe with you, I only have two daughters.

Flash forward to their wedding and Umma says that she doesn’t have any sons but now she has a big son for free.

JJ gets there and yells and BD to leave. Umma goes inside.

BD – just stopping by
JJ – how come you came here, how dare you, you came here to see my mom?

Flashforward and BD is crying at Moms funeral, he says he is sorry mother in law, he is really sorry, really really sorry. JJ hits him a lot at the funeral.

The End

JJ hugs her Mom.
Are you dating Young boram
{Lots of scenes from the college, hard to catch, it they went by way to fast!}
ROTC – its not a confession, I am seducing you!



Oh my gosh y'all! The mystery behind the Moms death is really picking up. They don't say how she dies, but it kind of seems like BD was involved somehow?


Also, I sooooo have second lead syndrome with the ROTC guy. (I need to learn everyones names in this drama :-) )

21 minutes ago, lovehuche said:

Love the drama so far.  It's funny.  Jang Nara looks so young.  I like her with the second lead already.

 I watch the english sub on fastdrama.co.  They are pretty fast with the sub.  By evening in my time sub is already out.  Dramafever is subbling too but they are pretty slow if the leads are not those hot market young actors and actresses.  

Thank you so much! I'll check it out!

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16 minutes ago, V said:

The live recap is over! I'll slowly go through and correct typos and all that, but here is the recap in all its original glory! 


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BD is talking to his Mom, he doesn’t want to go to the construction department. The year is 1998. The dancer is slowly running to the door entrance and BG is taken aback by her. He quickly opens the door for her and she smiles at him.

VO – for young people, different hearts exhist

Oh no, he wanted to be cool but he tripped and fell and the coffee rolld to the dancer. he said to just eat and drink and he ran away. The dancer came out and said that she will enjoy the drink and smiled. He also smiled

VO – I finally became an adult but my heart died/ dissappeared.


The drunk long haird friend and buff friend are trying to get home.

F – I didn’t drink it myself, she fed it to me!
F2 – crazy girl
F1 – I liked her

Their dorm is closed so they can’t go home. The hair friend says tonot worry because they can go under the door. He tries to do it, but his head gets stuck! h keeps trying to go insede but it isn’t working. Hes stuck! The friend sees the other door and goes inside, lol. The friend is inside now and the hair riend is stuck. Now the buff friend tries to take the hair friends head out by pulling him and putting his foot in his face to push him out. his friend says “I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you!”

F1 – just leave me here and leave
F2 – What
F1 – it is too late for me, if youstay here, we will both die, at least you should stay alive, after they check in, come and rescue me. Just leave Just leave! Now!

Now he is all by himself

F – he is so fast.

The buff friend runs insed an tells the first person he sees that his friends head is trapped inside. He gets a phone call and it looks like he got a date? He is really happy now.

Oh nos! It has started raining and thundering! The hair friend is stuck outside in the rain with his head stuch inside.

F – ahn jae woo!! Ahn jae woo!

He goes to sleep outside.

He slept there all night and looks dead. Someone sees him and checks on him and then the hair friend wakes up and looks like a zombie. He scared the &&^% out of the guy and he runs away.

Their home. He is talking to his father. His father wants him to change his major. The ROTC guy is resisting his father. They don’t look like they have the best relationship. His mother comes out and gives him something, but it looks like maybe it is his step-mother? The father says that he should cut his money and the mother is upset at the father.

The mother calls the ROTC guy, a different mom, and asks for money. The ROTC guy says he can’t give money because he doesn’t have any, his dad cut it off. The rotc guy is upset at the mom because he forgot his birthday. OH!!!! This is when JJ got in the car. He was crying from screaming at his mom and then JJ gets in the car and she is crying.

Everyone is standing outside looking at him. Poor guy. There is a big crowd around him and it looks like they have to cut him out. He thinks they are going to cut his head off, lol.

Ah, now they are showing the broadcast! JJ and BD are arguing over the radio broadcat and everyone stops to listen to it. Everyone on campus is stopping and listening to them talk about how they are married with a kid and the guy is dating his first love and all that stuff. The entire campus is hearing them and they are using a lot of words that people don’t use in 1999. So a lot of campus kids are like, what is that word? What is that word?

JJ and BD
JJ – Jongpang-i, you like small money
BD – ajumma, you can’t just go to the club and drink because you havent done that before, you will get hurt
BD – yay JJ, don’t talk to that guy, hes a bad guy, he is playing with someone like you
JJ – he is wangjang, the doctor huh, maybe I should date him because he is a doctor, I will be a rich woman
BD – wow, how long am I going to stay here

A girl friend is hiding, it looks like she heard everything.

Everyone is talking about it. They are talking about a divorce guy is in the school. F1 is trying to explain it to him. BD doesn’t relize it is him. His friend is basically filling him in on the conversation. But then BD recognizes that it is him! He asks how he knows and the friend says they know from the radio speaker. Now BD knows that everyone heard them.

JJ also hers everyone talking about it! The femenist friend gets up and taks smack to everyone. It looks like she is famous as a drinking woman at school

Friend – wow, it is so cool, to get a divorce and still be in school!

Broadcast – that was not a drama, we are not related to that broadcast.

Everyone is talking about the school.

Everyone is still taking about it.

JJ – what should we do?
BD – what?
F – horrible guy, make a woman get pregnant, not giving the divorce money!
BD – why are you telling me that?
F – why are you so, everyone is talking about the divorced people, do you know anyone around you
BD – I don’t know, do you JJ
JJ – I don’t know, I don’t think so
BD – ah, that’s right, enjoy your meal
JJ – ah,

Some people behind them are talking about it. SHe hit a woman, she is a goal digger, the rumors are spreading and getting bigger and bigger.

They are secretly talking about it. JJ says she is not a gold digger. BD says he never hit her. They said they shouldn’t fight in front of other kids. JJ – why did you take me to that room. BD – is it my fault!

Friends – What are you doing here!
JJ – ah, meeting
BD – meeting

The friends leave.

The doctor sees her and starts to talk to her at the school. he says he made a mistake or something and that it is their destiny meeting each other. He asks for her number.

JJ – oh, yeah, this is my number
bad guy – I will call you
ROTC guy can’t focus on what he is doing becaue he is thinking about that girl. he is trying to swim.

Girl 1 – Are you really going to do it?
Girl 2 – I am going to do it!

She runs and jumps in the water and says she needs help! Help! ROTC guy throws her a board and walks away.

They are talking in the library or something like that.

ROTC – hey
JJ – hey?
ROTC – I am just telling you thin just in case, do you think I like you
JJ – what are you talking about
ROTC – you think I like you
JJ – why?
?? – I told you I have a date
JJ – are you getting revenge on me know because I told you that
ROTC – so no more misunderstandings, so no more hugging or anything like that, don’t do that, I am leaving
JJ – is he telling me that just becaue I am infront of him, so he never loved me and waited for 18 years. He shouldn’t hve told me.

ROTC guy is walking away, but his heart is pumping.

The tough friend invited the guy to her dance practice. She want to recruit him to the team.

F – I didn’t write it, you wrote it
F2 – is that my fingr print
F – I don’t do strange things to drunk people

FLASHBACK SHOWS That she is trying to recruit him to the cheerleading team and he says yes.

They start practicing and he can’t do anything because he is so weak. he is the only one that is tired. he watches the pro’s do it and he looks like he is pretty impressed at all their energy. In the future he is leader of the LG baseball team cheerleaders, so maybe this is how it started. He keeps looking at her, he is amazed by her. She does a Dirty Dncing kind of lift and he can’t watch. Maybe he wants to be the one todo it.

They all fall to the ground because they are weak.
A lot of guys want to give the ballerina gifts. Her teacher calls her out and tells her that she can’t jump as well because she is gaining weight. She is confused at that. Then she goes back to the practice and sees that BD is there and has a lot of donuts for everyone. he offers her one, but she says that she doesn’t want one. All the guys at the door are wondering how BD is talking to all those girls so BD invites them all in and tells everyone to practice hard. He tells the ballerina that whenever he thinks she is low in sugar he will bring some sweets.

The ballerina’s are talking about how he must really like the ballerina because he brought snacks for everyone. The ballerina passes out! Everyone rushes to her side. BD runs and picks her up and starts to take her to the nurse. he wonders why she is so skinny and light.

Someone in the front of the class is talking about a ghost of a student who died a long time ago. If any of you guys go to that room and pick up the document we want you to, we will buy drinks! Everyone cheers but they also wonder how they can go to that room. The older people think that is not scary, lol. it is only scary for younger people.

Everyone is outside and wondering who will go in next. JJ goes inside! She doesn’t look super scared but she does say that it is really spooky. There is a ghost there, omg, but JJ doesn’t see her. She goes to the book section and remembers what happened before in a flashback! She also did this when she was young and sees that it is all not real. She know what will happen, lol. So now she just pretends like she is scared. she starts to scare the other person lol! She said she remembers that he was hiding there.

Manequin guy – why did that freshman die here?

JJ scares him as well.

JJ – okay, everyone went out, so now I should find that thing.

Everyone is outside screaming. The ROTC guys is inside and says, has it all ended? He is about to leave and sees JJ.

JJ – red envelope, red envelope, ah, I found it! it is here, so everyone will eat a lot tonight, this isn’t fun, young kids.

But then she starts to fall and the ROTC guy runs and grabs her! he spins her around and it looks so 90’s lol! They look at each other and ROTCs heart is pumping hard.

he drops her and she backs up and hits the stares, the stares all and he pulls her and blocks her from it with his body!

The ballerina wakes up because she is hungry and BD tells her that they should go eat. She doesn’t want to eat. he keeps trying to get her to eat. It’s a pretty cute scene.

[internet problems]

JJ – why is my heart poinding, he is so young
– you should tell me you are hiding
– I didn’t do anything to you, you recued me because I’m in front of you
– thank you
– its ended, aren’t you going out
– its a man’s leg
JJ – you are a man? It is swolen, you recued someone very softly, it will last forever
R – Its okay, why are you talking to me in banmal?

She tries to sturdy him
R – what are you doing
JJ – lets go
R – don’t do things like this, I told you

BD – thank you, we enjoyed the meal!
Ballerina – I went crazy, I shouldn’t have eaten this

BD bought her some sneakers by measuring the size of her ballet point shoes and bought some that are her size. She is shocked. He tells her that they need to workout because they ate a lot. They start to walk around and it is dark out.

BD – you shouldnt be under too much stress, after you do it you can recover, doctors tell patients to just do it once in a while
B – who told you this
BD – my wi – my sister did when she was pregnant
B – you couldn’t even talk to me not so long ago, but all of a sudden you ask me my number, you are a differnet person
BD – you knew I was hiding?
B – I never saw someone hiding so obviously
BD – forget about that guy from a few days ago

They show a gorgeous night scene of Seoul
B – wow!
BD – so nice, Seouls air was like this with no polluiont
B – what is small particle pollution
BD – it is the air from China
B – China sells air?
BD – you will know it in the future
B – how did you know my shoe size
BD – I just looked at it, eye balled it

They smile at each other as if they are falling in love.

The history department is out drinking and they say they never thought JJ could do it. JJ said ghosts aren’t scary, people are more scary. She looks at ROTC and then tells him to put some ice on his leg. He is actung all tough

R – what are you doing.
JJ – you got hurt because of me so I shouldn’t just forget about it. (she speaks like an ajumma) so until the swelling goes down, just put it there.
R – why is she using banmal to me?

Some cute music starts to play and JJ is having a fun time drinking one shot and being ajumma lively with a cute young face. It look slike he is in love with her know.

JJ – Seoul-ah, why don’t you drink
S – you and me, we don’t drink
JJ – lets drink, when you get married you won’t be able to drink because you wont have time
S – I don’t like drunk people
JJ – Seoul is it okay to be a little loose, when you get loose and broken when you are young, when you do it when you are old it looks dirty and pitiful

Cheer – If you don’t remember your history then there is no future for you!

The girl is drinking. Fast forward and almost all the people a drunk. S is drunk as well. She is super drunk and is packing up all the food. JJ is also druunk and hits her head on the table.

JJ – ah, it hurts.

Everyone starts laughing, you didn’t break the table yet? She starts laughing at herself.

Taje care of Sul-hee, take her home to the dormitory, she shouldn’t be late fo the head count.
S – take a piece of chicken.

ROTC guy is looking at her. JJ is barely walking straight. he follows her and watches her walking. JJ gets on the bus and ROTC guy is on the back of the bus. JJ makes a cute small foot on the window, that is so cool, I didn’t know you could do that. She thinks of Seo-jin and starts crying. She starts balling and the ROTC guy is looking at her. Jang Nara is a great cryer, omg.

She gets home and ROT guy looks at her go inside. he is contemplative and then he walks away.

BD – if you want to eat, just let me know, you are too young to just supress your desire
B – thank you, I always won the highschool, youth competitions because I endured all the pain, thank you so much, I want to know you more. My bus is here, bye, I’m leaving
BD – bye! bye! Yes! Yes! Yes! Ah, good job, good job, good job!

he sees JJ’s parents walking. he is completely paused, he can’t move at all. it looks like he is gripping his bag a lot tighter. he looks concerned and then he turns and watches them walking away.

JJ wakes up and says that she is still there. She looks at her ring mark, it is still there too. She does some dishes and her Mom is stunned.

M – why are you doing dishes, are you going to get married
JJ – I dont have to get married to do dishes
M – you will do it all the time, you don’t have to do it
JJ – you do it until you die, you can take a break, just take a break

M – how much is it
5000 won
M is the only one who likes grapes, everyone else likes watermelon so she never eats them. Nut JJ says she also likes grapes and wants to eat them like Umma.

They walk up the hill and M says she forgot to pick up something. JJ says she will go pick it up and for Umma to go home. Umma sees a lot of grapes outside their house and wonders who did it. Aw, it looks like BD gave them to her, but he is hiding. Some thugs runs into her and Umma says the thug should say sorry to her because it made her drop her things. They argue about it. The thug says, what should he do, what should he do? And BD comes out and pushes the thug

BD – you hit an older woman, you have to say sorry!
Thug – wow, who are you, why do you care
BD – I am her son, why!
Thug – sone? ah, it is your lucky day
BD – are you okay
M – yes, yes
BD – here
M – thank you, your mom will be super happy and safe with you, I only have two daughters.

Flash forward to their wedding and Umma says that she doesn’t have any sons but now she has a big son for free.

JJ gets there and yells and BD to leave. Umma goes inside.

BD – just stopping by
JJ – how come you came here, how dare you, you came here to see my mom?

Flashforward and BD is crying at Moms funeral, he says he is sorry mother in law, he is really sorry, really really sorry. JJ hits him a lot at the funeral.

The End

JJ hugs her Mom.
Are you dating Young boram
{Lots of scenes from the college, hard to catch, it they went by way to fast!}
ROTC – its not a confession, I am seducing you!



Oh my gosh y'all! The mystery behind the Moms death is really picking up. They don't say how she dies, but it kind of seems like BD was involved somehow?


Also, I sooooo have second lead syndrome with the ROTC guy. (I need to learn everyones names in this drama :-) )

Thank you so much! I'll check it out!

Thank u v v v much for this.  U r amazing! 

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Hello everyone, I just started watching this drama. I like little gems like this one. Thought provoking, its different than the usually cliche drama, thats why I'm not surprise that this thread is not that active. I've been a fan of Jung Na-Ra for a long time, I love her acting.


I have second lead syndrome, I ship them so hard. I know I'll end up disappointed in the end because she'll probably end up with her husband again, however that 1% hope I have will keep my ship going lol


I love the way she's missing her child, I would find her very heartless if she didn't break down like that. Yes her marriage failed however she had a beautiful blessing out of it.

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starting lol.....middle romantic atmosphere and ending sad. This drama full package of fun emotions- all the feelings beautiful. 

I don't know how this drama going to end both the bang do and Nam gil with Jin joo I like both pairs......❤

Everytime when she think about her son she hurt and cry alone but Nam gil watching over her but he is not able to understand her hurting  condition...that little foot image so cute.

Năm Gil also having emotional conflicts with family .

Bang do emotions always drawn me towards him.

That funeral scene bang do sorry to her mother  ( I think due to some medical related problem....) it's not that much serious problem would be there because if her mother died because of him she divorced him that time as she loved her mother so much. SO , that's why I'm thinking it's not a big matter or may be he was late at funeral that's why saying sorry....that possibility also possible. 


Scenes of gate (starting ), Ghost so much fun.....lol. . . . :joy:



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Annyeong everyone


I just finished Ep4 and this drama is getting better and better. Jang Nara is looking so amazingly young. She really never ages just look a bit wiser compared to the first time I saw her in Successful Story of a Bright Girl. I starting to like Ahn Jae Woo and would like to see him with Ma Jin Joo but too bad, the OTP is after all Jin Joo and Ban Do. I'm sure later they will fall in love with each other all over again and realised where they have gone wrong. Rectify it and poof...back to the present time and still as husband and wife.


But I admit I prefer Jin Jo with Jae Woo. Don't really like Ban Do's attitude at all. Looking forward to next Friday and Saturday's new episodes.

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Since Scarlet heart I started to lose interests in K-drama. I just randomly clicked to this drama last week and it got me hooked! Great cast and a really good adaptation from the webtoon. Idk but I think I want Jin Joo and Jae Woo end up together because of  the second lead syndrome :)  

I love the retro vibe of the film and the flash back scenes. I hope Jin Joo and Ban do realize what went wrong between them and use this second chance to make things right. Those scenes about their son and Jin Joo's mother make me wanna cry so bad :'( 

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