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[Official] Gao Wei Guang / Vengo Gao / 高伟光 ❤ Dilraba Dilmurat / Di Li Re Ba / 迪丽热巴 - Next project "The Pillow Book"


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30 minutes ago, Arel Lee said:

the strange thing is, I cant find this fan made video again on Youtube.

It is still on YT. The eyeing was extremely short (less than 1 second) but they made a slow motion vid so it looked like a long stare :lol: and it wasnt clear what exactly he was glancing at, although it was the right direction....and we all hope it was her :wub::phew:

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4 minutes ago, NVKN said:

It is still on YT. The eyeing was like extremely short (less than 1 second) but they made a slow motion vid so it looked like a long stare :lol: and it wasnt clear what exactly he was glancing at, although it was the right direction....and we all hope it was her :wub::phew:

Eagle eyes or should I say, microscopic eyes lol 


Let's wait for tonight showing....I will try not to expect but but... Lol

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3 hours ago, NVKN said:

I am starting to worry for your heart [and mine too:lol:] when it comes to the real gx time...:joy:

 okay so I installed Flickr and uploaded the image there. hopefully it can be properly embedded now. 





meanwhile I'm anxiously waiting for the mystery guest. has the happy camp air? who is it who is it,

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It is only morning or nearly noon in Beijing, isnt it? So we have to wait for a while if it is on tonight...or was it last night already? 


Ashamed it is not broadcasted on a website channel (i.e. tencent tv), so we have to wait for the news here patiently....:bawling:

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26 minutes ago, euphoenix said:

 okay so I installed Flickr and uploaded the image there. hopefully it can be properly embedded now. 


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meanwhile I'm anxiously waiting for the mystery guest. has the happy camp air? who is it who is it,

@euphoenix can share/translate the conversation? Wow...reba replied <3 thought I don't understand lol


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48 minutes ago, euphoenix said:

 okay so I installed Flickr and uploaded the image there. hopefully it can be properly embedded now. 


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Omg! Now i know what you meant by heart attack! I thought it was real (from the account names to the profile pictures, they looked identical !!!), thanks to you mentioned that it was fanmade hahaha....even knowing so, reading the caption and their comments killed me! :w00t: 

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Just now, NVKN said:

Omg! Now i know what you meant by heart attack! I thought it was real, thanks to you mentioned that it was fanmade hahaha....even knowing so, reading the caption and their comments killed me! :w00t: 

Ohh! Fan made? Whatt!?!? Lol

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9 hours ago, 水蜜桃 said:

nope high school :( 


it's my own fault for being distracted :crazy:


OMG! you're in HS?! :o


I feel we are corrupting you  :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:  when you're procrastinating on your essay...


but then again we got  hooked on your analysis, so I think your HW will get you an A+



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1 hour ago, Anny said:

Is it the happy camp episode with Alan Yu?


I think so @Anny


51 minutes ago, cottonbuds2011 said:


OMG! you're in HS?! :o


I feel we are corrupting you  :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:  when you're procrastinating on your essay...


but then again we got  hooked on your analysis, so I think your HW will get you an A+


Agree with @cottonbuds2011 you get an A+ from us @水蜜桃


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3 minutes ago, janegao4lyf said:


I think so @Anny



Agree with @cottonbuds2011 you get an A+ from us @水蜜桃



haha thank you! bc of covid-19, we don't get any more letter grades or percentages, they've just switched everything to pass/fail grades


*humming to Pillowside Person & Even If There's No Possibility * waiting, waiting, waiting... we'll know soon enough

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13 minutes ago, 水蜜桃 said:

haha thank you! bc of covid-19, we don't get any more letter grades or percentages, they've just switched everything to pass/fail grades


*humming to Pillowside Person & Even If There's No Possibility * waiting, waiting, waiting... we'll know soon enough

Do let us know @水蜜桃 later, who is the guest.... The Happy camp is it available online or is it only in broadcasted in China then shown after?


Pass for you in your essay subject ;)

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12 hours ago, 水蜜桃 said:

honestly, we don't really know if dlrb will show up for gwg. if she's not, then why would they even put her name up? (for views) 


argument for "yes she will be his guest": 

-they just finished broadcasting pillowbook

-dlrb & gwg together will bring the most views 

-rb & gwg are testing the waters about maybe going public <-- more fan theory than anything

-zhang yunlong won't boost views & neither will pan yueming


argument for "no she won't": 

-pan yueming & gwg are broadcasting candle in the tomb rn (but not very convincing evidence bc they're both men so there's no views from shippers) 

-jaywalk (no ex. needed) 

-zhang yunlong & pan yueming are a safer bet 


who i am sure isn't showing up: 

-yang mi: she's his boss (she has a lot of fans, but she can do her own variety shows alone and still get a lot of views) they also aren't  shipped (in real life) 

-li yifeng (they worked together 6 years ago, which is a long time ) (they aren't very close) 

I have just seen a preview for tonight show and they are all men there, excepting the 2 female hosts.....so it is more likely to think that it has to be a female guest right? I cannot imagine many male audiences like watching a bunch of men show(?!)  Lol ....if it is to attract viewers it should target both male and female audiences ....and to attract fans like us, Reba name has to be included strategically  :phew:


Well, there are still hours to the show, so im here analysing this hahaha, not that i can watch the show when it is aired anyways :lol:

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Hi! I've been a silent lurker on ELoD's thread and was one for this thread as well. Love the community here! Thank you to all who provided juicy news/hints/English translations for fans like myself who do not understand Chinese or read Chinese!


I read the analysis by @水蜜桃 (THANK YOU so much for your hard work dear!) and felt all kinds of emotions for these two beautiful individuals. So many different thoughts that went through my head.


Anyway, It was mentioned that MM likely visited GG when he was filming for 'Miss S' based on that one short clip of someone playing with the face changing filter on GG while he was playing games on the phone. There were speculations that the finger+thumb belong to MM. I've seen similar pictures/clips shown in this video, but was still not completely convinced. After seeing the video below with better picture/video quality, my foggy mind became more clearer. So, I decided to come out of my cave to join you all on this ship and sail onwards, and to share the video for those who may not have seen it. Honestly, I was extremely happy after watching this video. Knowing that GG and MM (she very much likely) visited each other during their respective drama filming. It starts at 1:24. Love all the detailed analysis trying to prove that the finger+thumb belongs to MM. :wub:



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20 minutes ago, HeyheyheyJ said:

听说三位公子@乔振宇 @深情的高伟光 @于朦胧 将会在这周的节目中被他们的神秘好友点名完成惊喜任务!TA就藏在下面的关系图中啦~一起来猜猜看分别是谁吧!


Realised it is not special guest appearance. Is asking them to do special tasks. 

So, the person does not appear on the show? It said a surprised mission by a mysterious friend right? ....well, lets just hope at least it's still be Reba hahaha :P

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19 minutes ago, NVKN said:

So, the person does not appear on the show? It said a surprised mission by a mysterious friend right? ....well, lets just hope at least it's still be Reba hahaha :P

I was thinking maybe a video message from Reba or something. *fingers crossed* from the preview it seems like one of the games that they play looks like the couple sword fight like what they did on ELOD when both of them fight with ML. Maybe they need to reenact the scene or something. 

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5 hours ago, janegao4lyf said:

Ohh! Fan made? Whatt!?!? Lol

@janegao4lyf lol, yeah, the news was really good, but i guess why it was fanmade: because it was too good to be true!!! Hahhah:phew:


The fan used the very same Vengo and Reba weibo account names + profile pictures to make it. So, a newbie like me could have felt for the trap:joy:


I had to use google translation app to read it. Here is the rough translation if you still want to know:



Vengo himself posted a comic picture of Dijun and the little fox, captioned "DH has FJ, [...] , but they will eventually end, *@Reba-weibo-account-name* i am yours, we will never end" *heart*


Then, Reba commented on his post: *bride&groom*


Vengo replied to her comment: when everything is ready, it is the day to dress up and marry you! *heart*


Reba replied to him: in spring



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2 minutes ago, NVKN said:


I had to use google translation app to read it. Here is the rough translation if you still want to know:


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Vengo himself posted a comic picture of Dijun and the little fox, captioned "DH has FJ, [...] , but they will eventually end, *@Reba-weibo-account-name* i am yours, we will never end *heart*


Then, Reba commented on his post: *bride&groom*


Vengo replied to her comment: when everything is ready, it is the day to dress up and marry you! *heart*


Reba replied to him: in spring



Ooo, didn't know this happened. When was this? When ELOD first came out? 

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