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[Drama 2017] Sweet Enemy / Sweet revenge, 달콤한 원수


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2 minutes ago, Ldy Gmerm said:

I am really hoping that the batch she bought was before the poison that SN introduced but she could have gone back and bought more of the contaminated batch. Let's hope that someone in the house does not get sick from what SN has done now. I think that all ties to that family and Ruby need to be cut off from SK I just do not want anyone dead for it to happen. The baby does not need to have SK for a father. So if Ruby becomes a casualty of SN's plot due to her own obsessiveness then SK will only realize then when he has lost something that SN and himself are the cause. SK never gave a consideration for the baby he lost with DN due to his framing her.

@Ldy Gmerm.... I think SK and SN will only repent if something happened to their mother. Their mother are who they love the most in the world. I don't know if SK really love the baby and really want to be a father.  Like  you said YK 's greates lost are losing her kids.... It's sad that all three don't know the real meaning of love ... 

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51 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:

@Ldy Gmerm.... I think SK and SN will only repent if something happened to their mother. Their mother are who they love the most in the world. I don't know if SK really love the baby and really want to be a father.  Like  you said YK 's greates lost are losing her kids.... It's sad that all three don't know the real meaning of love ... 

SK will only repent if he looses his mother and is made to see he had two chances with two different women to live his life right but he messed up both chances and lost two babies because he continued to choose greed and his family over the women who loved him. SK does not love this baby its a means to an end for him unfortunately the way he disregarded the first child with DN he will not get to enjoy this second child that he is holding on to for the wrong reasons.


YK never thought of the h e l l she put YR through or Soon Hee. She willingly sacrificed these two women's children to protect her own and help them steal what did not and never would belong to them. YR has to loose her children because she pushed them and fed SN's crazy and obsession over SH and their greed. It all started with her being jealous of the life YR had. Once she is made to loose her children then she will finally see what she did. That is the only time she will get that she and her children did wrong to others. YK has to walk in YR's and Soon Hee's shoes.

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Enough of the Sena schemes and I may end up pulling my hair if there's more coming.  Another annoying character is BS.  He blames DN birth mom for causing his company to go bankrupt leading to all the bad things in his life there after  but he doesn't realize he is also to blame for sending an innocent person to go to jail and DN adopted mom missing for 4 years AND possibly the only person to clear DN's name.  Also, this Drama is a mess w/ too many evil people getting away w/ their evil deeds that in the end will not make up for whatever ending they come up with.  What the writer of this drama gave to the audience is very similar to when BS send Sena running to get the drive only to find out nothing is on it.  Each time Sena's crime is reveal, we thought we've gotten closer and closer to the reveal but no, nothing...like the Writers dangle a piece of carrot in our face hahahah and we go back and forth, back and forth...teasing us ahahahah....and in the end, that piece of carrot becomes worthless even if we hold it in our hand.  We end up tossing away.  Well, I'm watching Witch Court, the story line is good...no carrot dangling there.

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Episode 112 raw. It seems as though in this episode DN finally considers YR as a mother. However, this could either be interpreted as a birth mother or mother-in-law in DN’s eyes. 


@Ldy Gmerm You’ve mentioned something about DN giving the extra scarf to SH before. I was go to write a previous post about your comment before this episode but the episode won the race. I doubted the extra one being given to SH because throughout the episodes, DN started noticing YR as a mother to her. Maybe instead of recognizing YR as a mother-in-law, DN does understand and wants YR to be her birth mother. She even called her “mom” before giving her the scarf and helped her put it on. 


Think about this very open-mindedly. If DN did give the scarf to SH, JW and SH wouldn’t feel as special. They are both trying to win her heart and for the person they love to just give the same thing to another, it would saying that DN thinks equally of SH and JW. DN did give the same version of the scarf to YR and Soon Hee though. With my biased SH and DN self, here’s my reasoning. DN gave only her family the red scarf, meaning that she considers them all as family, meaning that she doesn’t have feelings for JW. Just like the red string of fate analogy in a previous episode, the scarf acts like a red rope tying the family together. They all love each as family, that’s it. 

EDIT: Just realized DN doesn’t have one herself, guess that’s my theory thrown out the window-ish. Interpret this however you wish! :)


So DN did confront SN about her newly found evidence, I don’t know how to feel about this. It would’ve been better to do a press conference. It seems in the previews, the executives hear that SN was the one to cause the food poisoning and Da Jung tells DN that she is fired. I would like to believe that DN gets fired first and then the executives hear about SN and try to stop her from losing the job. However if DN does lose the job, she should take the patents with her. We also see YR with Shilla Group in the preview, so we’ll see what’s to come tomorrow. 

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The scarf's were indeed given to YR and Soon Hee.. Clearly showing the unity of family. I don't think it matters if DN has one or not at this point. (She could very well end up making herself one to be seen at the end.)  DN and JW have looked at the family picture they each have on their phones as they think about their feelings I believe. Also we saw in this episode that DN defended YR in front of BS and called her mother hugging her and then later in the dinning room before she gave them each a scarf. JW saw that along with Soon Hee.   Nothing should rock that boat and to act on any feelings that JW has will do that. I want to think that JW is starting to see that.


As for SN it looks like she has again talked her way out  of the housekeeping ladies witness statement but its not done she will not be able to get out of this. We see YR talking to the buyer and SH talking to the board members who yelled and screamed at him in today's episode. It looks like SH was informing them about SN being a killer of JH perhaps and her other crimes and I am sure YR gave the buyer an earful as well. Once the board members hear it Hyun will hear it and then he will let SN have it for using him to incite the board to sell and for fooling him to push a sell. SN lied to his face and his wife ended up sick from what she did along with the loss profits. Once the board member who was at the plant that day hears she will remember SN wondering off on her own.


When SN can't produce that money for BS he will get very angry. SN will end up tricked out of those stocks the same way she got them. I have a feeling SN will be walking into a trap setup by the board and SH, DN and JW and be exposed and treated like the trash she is.



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@musiqueetharmonie @Ldy Gmerm


Those directors are a greedy and dirty bunch who go in the direction the scent of money is coming from. SN intends to stick to SH and DN as she tried to do before. The only thing about DN getting fired is the patent that made that company belongs to DN. If she leaves so does the patent and the glass root recipe that is also under her name. The guy who wants to buy the company because of what the company's success was built on. If he manages to get the company what does he have without the main ingredient. 


The biggest thing that SN fails to realize is she's not the only shareholder. A scenario that just might happen is all the employees along with DN, and the Choi's band together as shareholders in order to try and stop the sale. The Board of Directors only act on behalf of their shareholder and were elected to their position by the shareholders.   As a shareholder you have a right to disapprove of the boards decision. Shareholders can either apply pressure on the board to back off or put the decision to a vote. 


BS is never going to see a dime of money just for what he's done. He's only using the excuse of DN being YR's daughter. What was his reason in the beginning before he knew who DN was too YR. The little weasel is greedy and knows perfectly well what he did to DN was wrong. He wants money to keep quiet about the horrific act of murder. That money he wants will never touch his dirty little hands and he will be punished. 

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19 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

I agree with you @mel22... Their relationship was built on trust , understanding and love. I pity Jae Wook because i think this is the first time he was ever in love. Although to some he was selfish but i feel that DN was first person he considered his. I haven't seen any of that with SH. Their relations started so rocky and still haven't seen anything romantic between them. TBH DN is to busy trying to clear her name and stopping SN from ruining other people's lives. 

@UnniSarah  I also agree with you and @mel22  There is no chemistry between SN and SH and this late in the game there won't be.. DN as seem to push all relationships on the back burner with anyone I would believe a with her and SN would sparks before her and SH with so little episodes left..


This is a good way to prolong this drama they have and eyewitness to place SN at the scene of the lab why didn;t they secure her testimony with the police and had them to investigate I can't figure it out

17 hours ago, Ldy Gmerm said:

YK's greatest loss will be her children I believe. She created these monsters and they will end up being caught for their crimes. When the time comes she will want to be on her knees to everyone pleading for mercy but then she nor her children gave any to anyone else.

@Ldy Gmerm  Yes YK will be going around town begging people to forgive her children and I hope the  writer don't pass up giving her jail time also the trio needs to be lock away in order for them to realize they're crimes.. SN will not go down without trying to harm DN she's going to go out for the kill once she realizes her plans have failed and on the wanted list..

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15 hours ago, awsparkle said:

The only thing about DN getting fired is the patent that made that company belongs to DN. If she leaves so does the patent and the glass root recipe that is also under her name.


Amen, Chingu, amen...  I was just about to post this... how can SN "sell" a company when she's not the "owner".  She may be a major shareholder but she's not the "owner".  The most she can do is sell her shares to the competition which would make the competition a major shareholder in CF.  That becomes a management problem for DN and SH... they either need to buy out the competition or merge or put together a coalition from the remaining shareholders and employees to buy out or force out the competition.  Then there is the legal route... CF can claim that SN conspired with the competition to commit theft and fraud by approaching them to sell a company that doesn't belong to her... but that's just SN, she's done nothing but steal, lie, threaten and murder through this entire drama (I digress)...  if YR did something wrong by inflating the price of a stock in order to pay more for it and take it over, how is it not wrong for SN to enter into an agreement to sell something that doesn't belong to her for her personal benefit.  I'm hoping the drama has taken this route for the big reveal to come... that DN is the owner of CF and the patents since this has not yet been revealed.  Then there is the "evidence" showing that SN was guilty of food poisoning and that makes stronger the legal case against her, i.e., that she purposely risked the lives of CF customers in order to force the sale of the company for her own personal profit.  I'm no business major but I'm thinking even if the entire Board decides they want to sell, they can only sell their shares, the can't force the sale of the company.  And if CF shares tank because of the recent bout of food poisoning, then DN, YR and the Chois can buy back those shares for a pittance and retake control of the company while getting rid of SN, Hyun and his supporters.  The Board members then have a choice...  let DN and SH save the company and keep their shares and profits or sell to DN and SH for a pittance and walk away with nothing but their trust in Hyun and SN...


In the meanwhile, until things heat up, I'm not bothering to watch the drama with subs... just too painful...  Ciao for now...

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I honestly have no idea what to say for episode 113 raw. I thought we were going to be a minuscule closer to getting SN arrested, but SN just had to spread fake news around by sharing that DN was a murderer. She really is using JH’s death for everything. JW was right in the last episode - SN doesn’t care about who she hurts, she will even poison consumers to get what she wants. 


I still can’t believe that even though SH told the executives that SN’s a murderer in the beginning of the episode, they yell at DN and SH for I assume, lying about who the murderer is. Does SN really hold that much power as a major shareholder? It’s not like she’s the only shareholder, everybody working at Choigo Foods is one, and many believe that SN isn’t innocent. Okay, probably not many, there’s only a handful (Da Jung, Mr. Coworker, DN -obviously-, SH, SH’s personal assistant, maybe a couple others). Not sure if the people who previously worked or is working at the restaurant have shares too, but if they did, that would be an additional JW, GS, Dong Jae, female chef, that one male waiter, and Hye Ri (I doubt she has shares due to the fact that she was either working at the restaurant or was fired during the time Madame Cha distributed her shares).  


So is Choigo Foods going to get sold, or is everything about that disregarded now that the “fact” of DN being the murderer is out? 


Nice to see DN calling YR her mom, I would’ve thought it would’ve taken so much longer. Seems like Moon Joo also gains two motherly figures in this episode. 


I believe at the end of the episode DN got fired. SH is definitely not taking this calmly. First he slams his fist into his desk then he doesn’t even have the ability to stop himself from pushing SN against a wall, considering how he never slapped her before, which takes strength if you ask me. To be honest, SN probably doesn’t even mind getting pushed against a wall. The guy she’s obsessed with is sharing physical contact with her, if anything she loves the fact that she’s getting shoved against a wall. 


Whatever the case, if DN is in fact getting fired and the company is in fact going to be sold, take the dang patents with you. 


Raw Episode 114 Video Previews. 

I’m assuming BS is running away but SH managed to follow him.  Later in the previews, we see him and GS at YR’s place. Doubt that he’s ready to confess, maybe he’s there to admit that he was indeed running away. JW is with DN again, telling her something about his feelings, I think. As a SH and DN biased person, the fact that JW is not in the slightest trying to get over DN even when she accepts YR as her birth mother (not as a mother-in-law/JW’s mom) agitates me a little. From this episode’s subbed video previews, I sort of remember him asking DN to take care of him forever, or at least something similar. 


Also something I want to add about the previous episode. BS asks YR to bring his mother back from the grave and give him back his wife and son. BS doesn’t even deserve to say things like that. DN has had her freedom stolen away for four years due to BS’s greed of money. He indirectly was the reason why her baby died and her birth mother resented her. BS also helped kidnapped her foster mother. Instead of telling BS that he was a nice guy deep down, DN should’ve listed these reasons as why he doesn’t deserve his three things back. Not to mention he can’t bring JH (or her baby) back from the grave, and was the primary reason why the true murderer get away for four years. 


However, BS is also controlling the Hongs. They thought that BS would never betray them, and look at where we are now, he’s controlling them. 


Hooray for us, we have a few more of SN’s sins to be added to the grocery list of crimes and sins. Attempting to push DN off the stairs; kidnapping GS; poisoning consumers; spreading fake news around by saying that DN is the murderer; and possibly more!

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4 minutes ago, musiqueetharmonie said:

However, BS is also controlling the Hongs. They thought that BS would never betray them, and look at where we are now, he’s controlling them. 

I noticed in kdrama land that people never see what consequences of their action are wrong. All they see is that they are the ones suffering and don't care about other people than their own blood @musiqueetharmonie.... It is a real shame that they only noticed their sins when they are dying. Some of these characters are willing to go all the way to the end and pay for their  sins as long as they get what they want.

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SN blows up everything pushing it on others.  The problem now is when things are outed as her being the cause of everything and the real killer she will have no where to run.


The cliff hanger seems to be BS handing over the video of SN confessing to her crimes finally. Did his conscience finally get him or was this because of SN and YK? I have to wonder if he passed that video on to DN before he went to meet SN or did he do it after the men she sent after him failed to get him like they were suppose to?


Either way with that in their possession going into the second to last week of this drama I hope that DN and the rest can keep quiet that they have that video. I would love for it to be played on every news channel and uploaded on every video stream in South Korea. Here she has said DN was the killer and yet there is her confessing to the crimes. I would also want them to make sure they turn it over to the police as well as all the evidence of her tampering with that food.


Anyone that continued on with the deal to sell that company is going to be in big trouble when SN is outed because they will now become accessories to what she did with the food poison all to sell that company. They were warned and they did not listen and believed all that SN said.


I would have loved for the employees who are shareholders to ban together with DN and SH to stop that sale. There is no way this sale is legal with the way they pushed it. Hyun and the rest are going to look like fools for going along with SN.

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Episode 114 Written Previews.

최고식품 매각이 결정되자 달님, 선호, 재욱은 매각을 막기 위해 주주들을 만나 설득하며 의기투합한다. 세나는 동영상 복사본을 가지고 있는 병수를 더 이상 그대로 둘 수 없어 돈과 맞교환하기로 해놓고 병수를 죽일 계획을 세운다. 병수는 금숙을 찾아와 마지막 인사를 전하고 이를 알게 된 달님은 세나와 병수에게 미행을 붙여 현장을 덮치려 하는데...


Google Translate Version.

When the sale of the best food is decided, moon, preference, and Jowuk meet with shareholders to prevent the sale and cooperate. Sena can not keep the copy of the video with a copy of the video anymore, so she plans to exchange it for money and plans to kill her. The marshals come to Kimcheok and tell the last greeting, and the moon, who found out about it, is going to cover the scene with a follow-up to Sena and the sick person.


Different Translation Site Version.

Best selling products doeja decide moon, preferred jaeuk is to convince shareholders meeting in order to prevent the sale and coincides with prayer. Senna is a step up with money and plans to swap haenotgo kill byeongsu I can no longer leave it to byeongsu have a video copy. Byeongsu has come to tell the geumsuk goodbye know that this is the moon to cover the field chiryeo paste followed by Senna and byeongsu ...


What I Understood.

1) DN, SH, and JW meet up with the shareholders and try to cooperate with them to prevent the selling of Choigo Foods once it has been decided that Choigo will get sold.


2) SN decides to exchange the copy of the phone footage with money and plans on killing BS when she decides that she can no longer leave a copy with BS.


3) BS tells GS "good bye" and DN finds out about this. She decides to hide this fact from SN (or whatever).


Wow. . . Another murder attempt by Hong Se Na herself. . .

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Greetings, Chingu...


Well, what I liked from today's raw version--and thank you for the synopsis @musicqueetharmonie--was MJ at YR's place.  I'm hoping YR can find it in her heart to take MJ in as a surrogate daughter for JH...


And I go back to... how, legally, can a Board of Directors force the sale of a company when there is an owner and why aren't DN and company playing that card.  The Board oversees management of the company because they own shares so they share in the profits and have a say in the direction of the company for the purpose of increasing profits.  But selling a company is different from managing a company.  You can't sell something you don't own; especially if there is a legal owner registered somewhere which I'm sure DN is...  the most they should be able to do is sell their shares or force the company to buy back their stock and, perhaps,  forcing it into bankruptcy and out of business.  Is this k-drama trope or can this actually happen...  Anyone know?


And SN sure is getting mileage out of DN's "confession" and her time spent in jail, isn't she?


Finally, you would think that after all he saw while hanging out with the Hongs that BS would know that SN had a great big target painted on his back, right?  Is it too much to hope one of those thugs is actually an undercover cop and SN is about to be arrested for taking out a hit on BS?  Yeah, I know, it is....


Well, friends, until tomorrow....   Suoni d'oro...





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The board of directors are elected to their positions by the shareholders to act and make decision on their behalf. Shareholder do have a right to intervene on the boards decision if they disagree a decision the board makes. The shareholders can apply pressure to the board members because they are working for them and it's not what they want. If it comes down to some shareholders are for the sale and some are not then it would go into the voting process. At CF there are outside shareholders and there are the employees, DN and the Choi's who also own shares. Each share equals one vote per share and the majority of votes for or against will determine what would happen with the company. 

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At first I found it rather ridiculous for Ruby’s family to celebrate her 4th wedding anniversary considering her marital woes. But after rewatching Ep 113 with the subs, I understood a little better, i.e. despite the failure of the marriage, Ruby’s baby should nevertheless be cheered. 


SK finally said some worthwhile painful truth to his mother’s face!  And just as what DN said, evil mom doesn’t deserve to be a mother for covering up her children’s crimes. Really, at the end of the day, YK was the one who instigated her children’s evil ways. YK’s deficiencies and greed translated into her children’s insecurities and misplaced ambitiousness. 


Today’s episode goes to Team Evil again.  :angry: With only 11 episodes left, surely the  tides would soon turn for Team Good, right? (Patience :tongue:)  



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So looking at the subbed episode its definitely after SN tried to kill him that BS comes to DN with GS beside him. He must have got hurt trying to get away and made it to GS who helped him (even after the nasty words he said to her) and took him to DN and he gave her the memory card of the confession. (finally) SN never should have tried to kill BS. SN will prolly think that she succeeded at least I hope she does. I don't want them in a panic yet to learn that this murder attempted failed. I suspected that the only way to wake up BS who is out for money is to have SN try to kill him and fail and he knows it was her. He warned her what would happen if they again tried to trick or betray him. BS is not the same as all the other people they tried to use and get rid of. Now that it seems from the preview he got away he will be going after them because they tried to kill him but also because they did not give him what he feels he is owed.


But more than that her anger still over a man who was only nice to her a long time ago is just nuts. SN sells a company she have no right to and then dare to say its the company now then it will be DN she gets rid of. WOW, just WOW all because a man you tried to force to like and love you never did and now hates you for killing the woman he did love???


SN will think she has cleared up all the loose ends and the sale will go through with no problems. Counting her chickens thinking DN and SH can't do anything to stop it. I can only assume she is in for a big surprise at the last min and will be outed. If they play this right and let her continue to think that then there is no way she can talk her way out of it when the video is played because its her mother and her talking and BS steps out of the shadows to confirm along with DN's Mom.  Once they see and hear that video the board will be able to realize that she could have and did poison the food.  My question is how far did the sale get? Will it be right before papers are signed? Or will it be after and a press conference to announce the sale happens? Frankly I do not care when as long as the video is played publicly for all to see and hear.


I want to see Hyun's face when he realizes all of it was true but he still believed SN's lies and went along with her. I am hoping that this leads to his other crimes of stealing from that company as well and he goes back to jail for the things he has done.


This episode we see SK having a pity party wishing for the simpler times when they were not rich but where happy realizing that stepping on someone to be successful or steal from them does not bring happiness. Of course also pushing blame on his mom for his dumping DN for Ruby and now he has no one by his side. I love it every time he is told he had a choice to not do what they wanted and he did what they told him. But again we are shown that YK's own greed has ruined the lives of her children. She continues to push them to do wrong and its going to cost her.


SN and her family will try to run but I can see SK and YK getting caught first. While SN hides scared of the fact that she has been found out about most of her crimes and has no one to turn to. Next week we should see them finally exposing her and her trying to still lie and get away.

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15 hours ago, Chickpea said:

Finally, you would think that after all he saw while hanging out with the Hongs that BS would know that SN had a great big target painted on his back, right?  Is it too much to hope one of those thugs is actually an undercover cop and SN is about to be arrested for taking out a hit on BS?  Yeah, I know, it is...

Wishful thinking @Chickpea  To much like right.  SN will target DN again once her plans blows up in her face.. Selling that company thinking this her way to get back at DN and SH. In her mind it would leave them and family in a destitute state and him begging to be with her only to tell SK just wait Ruby will come back to him baby and all once the company is sold and he's dumb enough to beileve it.. 

My biggest problem with SK is that him and the so called lawyer who represent DN also should be behind bars and the both of them disbared.. Also BS needs to be behind bars to all did what they did to profit for themseles at the expense of other shouldn't be excused.. Send them all to jail.. I think DN should sue them all the Hong family and posse.. 


5 hours ago, mel22 said:

At first I found it rather ridiculous for Ruby’s family to celebrate her 4th wedding anniversary because of her marital woes. But after rewatching Ep 113 with the subs, I understood a little better, i.e. despite the failure of the marriage, Ruby’s baby should nevertheless be cheered. 

@mel22  I also thought what kind of crap is this. She's still married but headed to divorce court one's can celebrate the upcoming of a new sibiling to the clan but must it be done like this.. I guess the family choose this route to keep Ruby from feeling down in the dumps on a suppodsed to be special day that one shares with his or her spouse but whats to happen when she's legally divorced and this day comes around again added with a child will the family continue to celebrate such anniversary again or they hoping at said time the child would fill that void.. I think not . Ruby is in for some hard times being a single parent and I feel it's best to let her experience this fourth anniversary as a single parent alone while she's pregnant. That way when next comes around she will be well over it and have moved passed this stage altogether maybe has forgotten about it. Besides it's nothing memorable or special about this marriage..  The child would grow up with a mark on it's life because of what it's father family did..   

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