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[Drama 2017] Chicago Typewriter 시카고 타자기


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@Yongzura she has a reason to be angry to him...but normally you go and shout at him and say why you lied to me?...but she getting into room with hitting a door in anger, directing a gun with "I have to shoot him but how I will do that? I love him!" type hesitated face, than she put her gun on his head...this is so much!!...you just learned his identity like you learned Yoo's identity after a long years but you didnt act same when Yoo hide it from you! it is not a big matter!..yeah he is the leader of you but why all this over dramatic acting?....this part made me think, ok writer was keep showing us her moment for able to make us think she was a killer but they thought when we show the real moment how we will find a reason for her behaviour?...than lets do it smth like this!"....ıts too much for me..ıt disappointed..at least create a situation that she believed he is the killer of his father...give a Taemin a real good fox role. make him someone who tell lie to Seol and make her believe HY is a bad guy....the reason they gave us is so mehh for me...I was expecting a very striking or a very dramatic reason for that big action.

I'm not saying HY's confession was bad...actually there were no confession...he just said "I hesitated"...thats all...ıf Seol couldnt remember the rest, ıt meaningless for her to say there was a love talk..maybe he mean I hesitated bc you are my sister and they would harm you bc of me....sure there were some love talk but they cut it so randomly...I was expecting him finish his words..at least in this moment, in this episode.

-you thought ı would hesitate?

-no because I thought I might hesitate! 

doesnt look like a real love confession that really completed.

I want more. smth more convincing. 

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11 minutes ago, evok said:

-you thought ı would hesitate?

-no because I thought I might hesitate! 

doesnt look like a real love confession that really completed.

I want more. smth more convincing. 


Hopefully, we'll get it more in the next episodes.  

There are still lots more words unsaid that need to be said...


and a lot more words to be typed...and completed into a book.

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11 minutes ago, Yongzura said:


Hopefully, we'll get it more in the next episodes.  

There are still lots more words unsaid that need to be said..

and a lot more words to be typed...and completed into a book.


hope so...I hope they cut the rest for able to give us more from past story. when he had a reason for not getting into relation with her this kind of sudden easy confession not going well with all that pain of can't tell the truth. at least make him confess with looking her eyes. give us love words, hug, kiss...smth worth to wait...

also readers like a end like this...



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Firstly, what I can say... Looking forward till the end, to the complete story!!

My thought about this ep. is the opposite of previous ep. about I love how reactions in this show give me. The emotions are unstable. From Jin-oh hard to accept feeling--but I don't think that he really use HSJ in present time to get with Seol, just... It's hard to accept. Anyway, when Seol finds out about what completely happened to her gun-and-HY, he glad about that. Also at the end scene he is in ease and say that 'I won't break our friendship' sturdily, he is already sacrificed his feelings but it just hard to accept, isn't?----then we have uhm--jokes about our new couple, then etc. Quite hard to find coherency in this ep. But aaaah~ who's will not falling for that scene when Seol finally can see Jin-oh :') that's the exact moment I think, for YJO treasures their friendship instead romantic feelings. And that is wonderful.

Till this point I can't understand the scene that we are waiting so much for--that we know now the scene is to mislead us--that pointing gun scene towards Hwi-young; why after she just found out his real identity then... The next action is pointing gun to him? I mean she knows that Hwi-young is Shin-yul true best friend at least. Why so foolish to get real confession? If that scene was because her suspicions towards leader because he may harm her parents or what, it would be better imo. She expresses her anger dramatically then~ and it was meh. But HY confession feels right tho, cause their love was though as the two were fighter, and it's kinda unexpected that these two knew each other feelings in past. Oh, Shin-yul...

THEN. The tensions coming up like my head just get banged to the wall at the end. When the lighter sends JS-HSJ to the past time--I thought that they will be lived as their past life there with modern clothes, but seems no? They are just watchers? Then why at the first 'kiss-to-save-nation' HSJ experienced that as HY? So when I'm live streaming it I'm so freakin' out that they are in really dangerous situation, at a mess time in the past and with their life as bet fuahahaha. And so now we came to know that the scene when SH pointing gun towards HY had different time with that time when SY killed and the process that lead to the scene will revealed in next ep.

Just super curious for the exact reason why SY locked in the typewriter cause by far it seems like punishment for him--interesting fact that ghost YJO can't watch himself at the past time--while clearing up big misunderstanding between three in past. Also, about what the watch hold meanings towards the three; when HSJ has it, it's ticking again then make the process continue to Seol; then when YJO has it, he remembers his death. Ugh, that bloody heartbreaking scene:bawling:

Ahhh @evok seems I agree with many points of what's you write.

Here waiting other posts about this episode... :) 


Always love the moment of the three being together, and they finally writing their stories together :heart:

Feels bad tho with the figure on painting, they keep the sunglasses on him. You are cool, sir!B) lol

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the moments that won my heart this episode were Seol and Yul....Yul's reactions broke my heart. I really think @evok and @CatchMine_ID you guys made some great points...the motivations didnt make sense for the gun scenes, however maybe we still don't have the full story...let's see how this will end...

I have a feeling Hwi Young killed Yul or even ordered Seol to do it because he/they thought Yul betrayed them...and was working with past Taemin....

I think the writer is trying to mislead us....by revealing that scene with Seol and Hwi Young

I still dont understand where the writer is trying to take us with stalker's sister story, it seems like she's the fan who became anti-fan...and I dont understand Seol's mom/ carpe diem madam story either

Yul's story is so heartbreaking...he gets killed and get's stuck in the typewriter for 80 years and cant get the girl....is this his punishment? did he really betray his friends? Even though we know he loves Seol, its quite heartbreaking to see him like that...I mean what did he expect? he is a ghost? he cant really be with her in this lifetime either way...

But why did I get 2nd Lead Syndrome at that point while I know for a fact he is dead and she's alive and he has no chance whatsoever?

Bang Jin's mom's words were kind of scary....that he may end up being an evil spirit with a grudge? and also Seol's mom...that the ill fate will keep repeating itself...is there going to be another misunderstanding among the three?

It was funny seeing HSJ getting jealous over Yul the ghost and after he wrote his part of the contract he's like ok that's it...and didnt really let the other two finish their contracts LOL

I was happy that Seol can see Yul herself because HSJ wasnt representing Yul well LOL

4 more episodes to go....

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Chicago Typewriter: Episode 11

by gummimochi


I swear this drama aims straight for my heart each and every episode. Protecting one’s emotions will be of utmost importance this hour when revelations hit an emotional bullseye for our main trio and threaten to take the wind out of their sails. But even in the face of constant peril, it will take more than words on a page to shake their resolve and knock the pen out of their hands.

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On 4/23/2017 at 2:17 AM, hushhh said:

New edits in this color.

 As someone wrote previously I don't think Bang Jin knows the people she is seeing are ghosts. The way she dropped the information on her mom and her mom's reaction suggest this might be a new development.  Is that is true it opens the question, why now? what was the trigger? Interesting this this turns out to be true.

I know that Jeon Seol had problems with "seeing" or "sensing" something relating to her killing in a past life.  I wonder why she doesn't sense Yoo Jin-O?

This hasn't  been proven as yet but the series seems to be moving in that direction.  I thought having Seol pointing a gun at 1930's Han Se-Joo was very likely a misdirection because it happened so soon in the series. 

On 4/23/2017 at 2:17 AM, hushhh said:

Without any evidence to support it, and in what would be the obvious arch, I think the person Jeon Seol killed in a past life who didn't deserve it is Yoo Jin-O. It would explain why he doesn't remember how he died, because that fact would be something so psychologically wounding that for sanity's sake he would repress it.  Also YJO being back might explain JS being able to return to a profession she was trained to do.



I really love how SeJoo was able to give a logical reinterpretation of their "ill-fated" connection to Seol in episode 11.  Accidents aren't happening because she brings him bad luck, but rescues happens because she bring him good luck.--excellent writing. 


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I just finished watching this week's episodes.. 

I never really bought into Hwi Young as the person that died in that way amongst the three-- just because that's not very interesting? And also because it's a game of: what's unlike the rest? For Jin Oh to not get a new life, it means somehow the three of them were on the same path of fighting for their home country, and then 2 may have died fighting for their noble cause, while 1 .. did something else... I've toyed with the possibility that they may have committed suicide to avoid getting tortured for information but that's pretty bleak for prime time tv.. 

RIght now I'm also thinking of Jin Oh assuming (real or under pretense) the role of the leader of their youth alliance. As in if Hwi Young died, then the pocket watch and typewriter went to Jin Oh. Or when people come to capture the dude with the typewriter who writes codes in the newspapers (that's all we've ever seen Hwi Young as in the past, either with his typewriter or with his friends), it's Jin Oh who has that role and gets shot. It has to be more than him not letting go of the past and living in the typewriter, maybe something he needed to pass on to his friends who were no longer around or he wasn't around to do so. I think certain unforeseen things that blur the lines could have happened through manipulation or pretense for the greater good.. but I'm not sure why-- but I don't think any one of the three betrayed the rest.  

As for the next few episodes... the preview has Se Joo spying on Jin Oh in the past talking to Tae Min. It seems we're heading towards the direction of (misled or not) Jin Oh as a traitor or double agent. Not too sure about this though. I don't see Tae Min as THE VILLAIN. I can't take him in the present that seriously, and I think now that the stalker sister wants to mess with Seol, I think Tae Min will step in. Just working on a hunch, but I think this is the lifetime he redeems himself (I really hope I'm right, not for his sake but for us as the viewers- he's super annoying). 

Jin Oh not remembering his last moments does make everything fuzzy and throws our theories out the window. He is keeping in the dark that he can call out people's previous names to get them to see him, and did not tell Se Joo that he stole the first draft of Fate. Which directly sent Tae Min on a rampage. I'm sensing a very dumb yet noble troublemaker past and present. 


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Hello everyone!

So I watched a Viki clip of the kiss scene between Hwi Young and Soo Hyeon in 1930 from Episode 9 and that drew me to start watching the drama... Ehehe... I finished Episode 1-12 in two days... Yesterday and Today.... (I didn't stay up late watching it though! I slept at like 12:30 AM last night!) Anyways, I just finished Episode 12. New person to this thread! ^^ 

But oh boy.. This drama is so intriguing and I gotta say, I really really really like the 1930 story. The story between Shin Yool, Hwi Young and Soo Hyeon is really amazing. I love their friendship and story between them in 1930. I honestly really like the 1930 storyline... I wish they would reveal more about it.. I'm so thirsty for more scenes back in 1930 between the three of them and the full story. I'm really loving Yoo Ah In's 1930 look, hehe. So handsome :wub:

Well, now that I'm up to date with this drama so I have to wait for the next episode now T.T but this drama ends in two weeks! I went through this drama way too fast..

So major discussions that are going on... Probably the number one thing is Shin Yool's death, right? I don't think it's Soo Hyeon who killed Shin Yool or Hwi Young ordered her to kill her because they were all good friends and they would have no reason to do that....right? I honestly have no clue who could possibly kill Shin Yool. Tae Min maybe? Also why is Soo Hyeon shooting in the Episode 13 preview? And the biggest question of all though is why did Shin Yool get trapped in the typewriter as a ghost and Hwi Young and Soo Hyeon didn't? Ahh, so many questions that will probably be revealed in the next few episodes..

My thoughts about Shin Yool's death though... I'm thinking that maybe just maybe Shin Yool pretends and acts like the leader to protect Hwi Young or something, which leads to somebody shooting him like we see in his memories? Umm... the next question though is where is Hwi Young and Soo Hyeon in this situation and what happened to them? Did Hwi Young and Soo Hyeon already die so that's why we don't see them? Questions, questions, questions!!

But anywho, I so far am loving this drama! Although the Product placement sponsors in this drama is so strong haha.... I'm wondering why this drama has such low ratings though T.T I think it's really interesting and I'm loving the storyline... Can't believe this drama is going to be over in 4 episodes... Once again, I went through this drama way too fast... But I am excited to join you all here for the last two weeks of this drama in discussion! :D

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8 minutes ago, ferily said:

My thoughts about Shin Yool's death though... I'm thinking that maybe just maybe Shin Yool pretends and acts like the leader to protect Hwi Young or something, which leads to somebody shooting him like we see in his memories? Umm... the next question though is where is Hwi Young and Soo Hyeon in this situation and what happened to them? Did Hwi Young and Soo Hyeon already die so that's why we don't see them? Questions, questions, questions!!

Wooow what a binge catch up! Hahahah that kiss just too awesome. Super strong candidate for best kiss of this year:D ah yes, I think that the most possible way for the there-are-no-betrayer-in-three-of-them. Since the watch is already at Shin-yul's hands... I have question too then where is Hwi-young at that time... Did he die already? Or for the sake of disguise

yes it's just 4 more left aaaaah... :'



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What can i say, this drama continues to deliver.

Now i'm wondering why i ever questioned who got shot in front of that typewriter. It's obviously shin yul since he's the one trapped in it. There seems to be three possibilities: he pretended to be the leader, he betrayed the group, or the group thought he betrayed them. We can only wait and see. 

I'm not surprised that su hyeon pointed her gun at hwi young. She was an impulsive girl. Remember when she first found out about the group? She even threatened that she'd report them if they don't let her join. I found her so annoying then. Anyway, i think she was very upset that she acted high and mighty toward hwi young telling him to do something for the country blah blah blah, when in fact, she didn't know anything. She probably felt like a fool. 

If the subtitles on the episodes i watched were accurate, i believe se ju and seol are now officially a couple. I don't find anything wrong with their interactions. I love that they don't hide things from each other, at least not for too long. And can i just say i love how se ju interprets her presence as something that saves his life instead of her interpretation that her presence will bring him harm. 

About jin oh, this may be an unpopular opinion, but i don't feel sorry for him at all. I've mentioned this before. What was he actually expecting? Did he really believe se ju won't fall for seol? Did he think he has a chance with seol? I'm glad bang jin's mom knocked some sense in him. 

For a moment i thought tae min is on his way to changing his ways, but no, he has to do better than that. As for that stalker's sister, wow, just wow. It sure is easy to put the blame and the hate on others. Didn't it occur to her to talk to her brother back then because i don't know he was growing an unhealthy obsession on se ju and his stories? I guess se ju is surrounded by psycho families more than death. 

Awesome episodes, as always. Looking forward to the last four. 

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Love to read thoughts and comments by all of you here.

It is great development in both timeline of 1930s and present. It is scary though when blood appears in the pocket watch after YJO touched it, and heartbreaking as he is the one who found the answer, instead of JS (Even though there is still possibility other person killed him, or there was misunderstanding or something else happened that we do not know yet). By the way, looking forward the remaining four episodes!

p/s: I am quite busy these days. I usually stay up in the midnight to wait for subs to be released, then be offline. So there were some friends here send me PM about the link of subs but I replied late. Hence, if there are still chingus here who usually want to watch as soon as subs released but do not know the link of site that I usually share, you may send me PM in advance to avoid I respond late to your PM when subs released for upcoming episodes.

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I can't wait for next ep

so many question mark. what i think now, yoo jin-o betray Hui Young. 

but im not so sure about it. why jin-o stucked in typewriter not reincarnation. 

B) well, i have to say this. love their chemi between YAI & im soo jung.

and i will make shipper thread for them



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@supergal99 I can't with those hamster alike face, too ticklish hahahaha. See in below I just put one smile appearance of Han Se-joo and the rest is... :))


@DhilaM Save The Nation couple, idk I think it must be something related to save the nation since this drama based on that :)) HanSeol? Sounds---errr not really but look---alike Hangul and the typewriter in the story was the first typewriter in Hangul language. Heheh

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Chicago Typewriter: Episode 12

by gummimochi


Make sure you take a deep breath prior to watching this episode because I can attest that this hour will leave you breathless by the time you reach its cliffhanger. Our ghostly companion takes the spotlight in a chapter that focuses on duty, honor, and country, and makes us fall in love with him even more. Get ready to be put through the wringer, but don’t worry—I’ll be there waiting for you on the other end.

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19 hours ago, CatchMine_ID said:

@supergal99 I can't with those hamster alike face, too ticklish hahahaha. See in below I just put one smile appearance of Han Se-joo and the rest is... :))


@DhilaM Save The Nation couple, idk I think it must be something related to save the nation since this drama based on that :)) HanSeol? Sounds---errr not really but look---alike Hangul and the typewriter in the story was the first typewriter in Hangul language. Heheh




I thought it's time we started a thread for them Chicago Couple / NATION COUPLE

Edited by MadraRua
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