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[Drama 2017] Mystery Queen 추리의 여왕


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56 minutes ago, Nonglak Koomkamhaeng said:

Dont forget Jiwon, she would certainly be his lawyer.  She is the one that really loves WS.  For SO, I don't think she loves neither her husband nor WS (Chief Hong is her favourite though), she has never believed in love at all.  I jusr wonder why WS repeatedly teased her that she has fallen for him.


That's what I say the whole time :D Ji-Won really loves WS. I think she would not hesistate to be his lawyer. 

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But he definitely has no feelings for her other than brotherly concern if that. I do think in future IF he gets closure about HS and IF SO is not receptive of him,  they stay just good friends and IF She does not pressure and annoy him like she did they could get together.

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Ah,But he has for her and we know she cares for him as a person, thinks he is handsome and can be herself with him like she can with no one else other than her Besty and her marriage is DOA so she may be free in future so the potential at least  is there.

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Hi everyone! I just delurked after watching the latest episode... so mad with SO's husband and how he tried to weasel his way out of it. 

@USAFarmgirl you encapsulated everything that I felt with that scene. And the part where he betrayed her by telling her to forget her father and looking into the case won't bring him back just broke my heart.

But it got me wondering about their relationship as well... we know that SO is loyal to her husband and her in-laws. They've been together for how many years, even before he became a prosecutor. I'm just wondering, since SO's husband isn't devoted to her (I mean he's pretending to be single at work!), maybe one of the reasons why he stayed married to her was to keep track of her activities and better control the situation when she starts investigating on her own since he had a hand in the case. Or maybe he stayed with her because he felt guilty about his role in covering up the truth behind SO's father death.

However, the husband didn't bank of SO meeting the detective. She found an ally in him and now both have something to prove and uncover about that said case. I hope SO breaks things up with her husband and pursue her dreams of becoming a detective also.

@ross27 i also can't wait to see SO and the rest of the team working together to prove the detective's innocence. I wonder how SO will react when she learns that the woman that the detective has been pining over is the same woman whom her father allegedly killed... plus, when she learns that her husband covered something up from that case... hmm.. the upcoming episodes will be interesting!

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Mystery Queen: Episode 13

by Laica


Special Unit Seven is fully—if unofficially—functional, with all kinds of buddy dynamics warming my heart, and a secret headquarters to boot. But their newest case threatens to upset the delicate balance of Seol-ok’s home life, and disaster seems to be approaching our Scooby Squad from multiple directions. How long will they be able to enjoy their newfound camaraderie?


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The episodes have already been commented and I found many common thoughts but I want to bring just a few highlights for me of the last episodes.

- It was a surprise or maybe not that the prosecutor husband was with another woman buying her clothes (we thought he was a two timer from the beginning). He doesn`t seems to be into her either or maybe he doesn`t like to spend money on her. :wink: I don`t know what interest he has in that women but the fact that he is with her speaks volumes about himself. He is a weak man. I know that Ha Wan seung`s father is scary, even Jang Do Jang was trembling in fear, but the way he accepted to be corupt was not a surprise. He's just a pawn. I was glad Seol Ok found out the truth about her husband. The fatal blow was when he was trying to make her stop investigating her parents deaths. He should know it was an imposible request. Their marriage is over. I love how Seol Ok told him that even a "stranger" was more supportive. The members of Seok Ok`s family are not bad people per se but they all took Seol Ok for granted, they are selfish,  they did not appreciate her for years. At least, her mother in law knows how she might feel and suports her now to find the truth. 

Speaking about the truth about her parents`s death. I am shocked how they came up with such scenario. They even have the fake confesion and made up a story to justify the murder/ disapearence of Wan-Seung`s girlfirend. They distroyed a whole family. It`s good that Detective Ha knows that her father is not the murderer. Now both protagonists have a common goal to bring the light in all this story.

I love how the show built the relationship between the protagonists. I love the team. "Scooby Squad" alll the way! I was laughing how everybody came to their new "headquarters" one by one.  Kyung-Mi and Gwang-Tae are adorable. And Sweet Joon-O will look good with Ho-Soon. Maybe a future relationsip on the horizon? :lol: Now that I know more about Ji-Won, I understand her better. I think she and Wan are good as friends. She has romantic feelings for Wan despite her clame that it is all business and I want her to move from this. She and Wan will not be a couple but I want them as friends. 

I wish I had more sympathy for Profiler Woo. I understand his desperation to catch the killer of his colleague and friend but it annoyed me how he excluded everybody from his way. I liked him at first, then he upsets me but I am glad he is at peace now. I like how everyone showed him how a team should work.


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2 hours ago, larus said:

Mystery Queen: Episode 13

by Laica

Special Unit Seven is fully—if unofficially—functional, with all kinds of buddy dynamics warming my heart, and a secret headquarters to boot. But their newest case threatens to upset the delicate balance of Seol-ok’s home life, and disaster seems to be approaching our Scooby Squad from multiple directions. How long will they be able to enjoy their newfound camaraderie?


Ji-won says that cooking for Wan-seung is fun and offers to do it sometimes, but he says that he’s not interested in women who cook well. (Omo. Is that a confession?)

Wan-seung remarks that this is a perfect case for Seol-ok and agrees with feigned reluctance when Joon-oh suggests that they call her. (Sure, dude. You obviously miss her.)

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On 19.5.2017 at 1:46 AM, Dhakra said:

Finished watching, my thoughts:

  • SO's husband made a deal, so he's one of the baddies after all.
  • I can't stress it enough, even if @nona88will disagree, but I really like Ji-Won. Seems like I'm the only one who sees how much she cares about him. It's not like she doesn't want him to find out, she just cares about him and knows how dangerous it is. She is worried about him, she tells him to let go because she doesn't want him to end up dead aswell. Somehow I want her to receive the love she deserved, at least a little appreciation of WS.
  • WS getting arrested was somehow expected, what worries me is that he lied to SO. This will put her in an awkward spot, especially since he kept hiding crucial information from her. He should have opened up to her earlier. 
  • I think we won't have a love plot anymore, the remaining two episodes will be used to clear the main cases. 
  • I'm honest with you, I didn't like the dress. I think it didn't suit either of them. 


don't worry my friend i don't mind if you like her and i will not be angry if they decide  to make her a nice and good girl in the end and even gave her a chance to be WS lover ( sure i am on YSO and WS team ) but as long as the story keep going as good as it now i will accept any plot after all the writer prove himself with new style and fresh plot and i will respect his choice 

so like her as much as you want i couldn't do that but i don't see it wrong if people don't agree with me and see her in different view :thumbsup:after all i don't hate her i just say that she so away from being WS lover since it not about her feeling but about her way of life 

i am not worry about the romance plot the writer has shown that he have a reason and a good point of everything and hints he gave in the past  so he will gave us something , sure we wouldn't have normal romance but it wasn't normal story from the start 

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On 19.5.2017 at 4:27 AM, USAFarmgirl said:


Honestly there is so much I am angry:angry: about I don't even know where to start...  Except to say I will save the JERK for last...

When I think about SO about her life and her struggles that were everywhere we could see. Yet she never acted as though, she could.  She never complained or threw fits she just endured day after day.  Year after year. Kept in almost a prison where her voice was never heard and love was never really given.  The way the women in her family treated her daily as if she were hired help and nothing more. Even after risking her own life to save her sister-in-law who in fact would have died!!!  Where were the words of kindness??  Was there even a thought of being thankful towards her??  She worked like a dog and all the while with a smile on her face. The way she was held captive for years to everyone's needs, wants and expectations. Living in a type of fear and pressure in believing that somehow she deserved this kind of life and this type of treatment.  WHY??   Because this sweet soul was humbled and simply thankful  they gave her a home and a family which breaks my heart even more.  All the while having to hide her passion in a store room just to have something for herself. It's a wonder she could even breathe I think her friend deserves some thanks for that.  Yet she never allowed them to crush her spirit or take away all her happiness what little she could hang onto...

Once I saw her husband eating a friendly lunch with that woman that SO overlooked and walked past.  It was a done deal my heart sank and I knew what was coming for her as most of you did too.  I'll be honest he gave me the creeps a long time ago and it matches his creepy taste in dresses too!  Dang!!!!  NO DOUBLE DANG!!!!  What the heck was the production team thinking giving her that homely looking dress..  Give me a break NO WAY would he have bought that dress for his girlfriend to wear unless he is legally blind!!! No offense intended... I wanted to see her in something with a WOW factor classic black heck anything would have beat what she got I wanted to strangle someone with that bow...  I wanted her husband and WS to see that side of her that is being hidden under all those layers upon layers of clothes...  Forgive me to those who loved the dress.  No offense meant everyone has their own sense of style...

SO's so called husband what a low life and I mean LOW to the pits of HADES this man really makes me angry to the max and believe me if I wasn't on Soompi my words would be a lot more colorful to say the least.  Since I am on my soap box let me add some truth I don't care if you're a man or woman if you don't love someone anymore fine move on but at least leave the other person whom you once loved with their dignity in tact.  Just watching SO have to go through that tonight it was was heart wrenching and no one deserves to be treated and humiliated like that...  Just when you think her husband couldn't get any lower...  WRONG...  He waits for her at home and his first words are unbelievable asking if she was with WS... REALLY WOW!!! No concern about what he had done or the fact that just hours ago he watched as she suffered in front of everyone on the outside while her heart was being ripped out and bleeding on the inside.   This man who was suppose to be her everything, never took one step to ease or help her or her pain!!!  No I'm SORRY or FORGIVE ME and he never even respected her enough to answer her questions which more than deserved an honest answer.  It only got worse when he tried to make excuses for not finding out after 9 years of waiting who was responsible. Just one more promise he couldn't keep... Instead he gives her the words that must have felt like being stabbed and betrayed completely.  He twisted and turned that knife within her soul and left her with absolutely NOTHING...  Not even a shadow of LOVE...



dear i loved your long and angry post , it make me feel better since i didn't like seeing YSO like that all the past 13 ep's but ep 14 break my heart 

as you said dear cheating on her with another women wasn't the first mistake , ignoring her there and not helping her wasn't the worst since the most painful wound was lying on her all this years about her parents cases and asking her coldly to move on from that , what a jerk he didn't know or understand her at all  , he didn't care about her feeling and talk so proud that he doing that protect her but no he selfish , he made a deal and gain something , he was afraid to tell YSO that he was weak and couldn't keep his promise so he keep lying and hidden all this years telling himself  he will do that someday when he have more power . but that night he didn't only  face YSO but he faced himself too and admit that he know he wouldn't do that ever 

he could say that it love and protection to YSO but dear that not love that cheating , lying and owning someone and trying to have him the way you wanted him not the way he is and that what the meaning of making him living in cage taken away anything from him in the name of loving him but i have no better answer then the answer YSO gave by herself to that selfish and arrogant man " some say they will help cause it dangerous  , and they are stranger"  that right that the  really love if it between partner , friends , lover and family and it to standing beside the one we love and helping him even if we don't  see everything he do it right , when we love we don't take someone wings to protect him but we choice to  help him to learn how to fly and we stay beside him to help him if he fall down while doing that   

p.s. i said before i will like anything the writer will do in the end - but i really hope YSO break with her husband she should be with  someone better and more important she really need a better chance in life to really choice her way of living , since she didn't really have that since her parent death 

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1 hour ago, nona88 said:


don't worry my friend i don't mind if you like her and i will not be angry if they decide  to make her a nice and good girl in the end and even gave her a chance to be WS lover ( sure i am on YSO and WS team ) but as long as the story keep going as good as it now i will accept any plot after all the writer prove himself with new style and fresh plot and i will respect his choice 

so like her as much as you want i couldn't do that but i don't see it wrong if people don't agree with me and see her in different view :thumbsup:after all i don't hate her i just say that she so away from being WS lover since it not about her feeling but about her way of life 

i am not worry about the romance plot the writer has shown that he have a reason and a good point of everything and hints he gave in the past  so he will gave us something , sure we wouldn't have normal romance but it wasn't normal story from the start 

Like you, I have faith on the writer that he will give us something special since I have witnessed from the start to nearly end.  When SO said that she was really embarrassed, WS looked at her understandably, his eyes,  and the music, "Pretend not to know" (isn't it?) came., for me it was a classy romantic scene.  Their dialogue in the elevator was my favourite, your dress..you are much prettier.

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2 hours ago, nona88 said:


don't worry my friend i don't mind if you like her and i will not be angry if they decide  to make her a nice and good girl in the end and even gave her a chance to be WS lover ( sure i am on YSO and WS team ) but as long as the story keep going as good as it now i will accept any plot after all the writer prove himself with new style and fresh plot and i will respect his choice 

so like her as much as you want i couldn't do that but i don't see it wrong if people don't agree with me and see her in different view :thumbsup:after all i don't hate her i just say that she so away from being WS lover since it not about her feeling but about her way of life 

i am not worry about the romance plot the writer has shown that he have a reason and a good point of everything and hints he gave in the past  so he will gave us something , sure we wouldn't have normal romance but it wasn't normal story from the start 


Nah, I don't think she and WS will end up as lover. I think we won't have a loveline at all. Which isn't soo bad I guess. I agree with you, as long as the story keeps being good, I'm fine with everything.

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After Chief Kim, I'm good with dramas even without romance and I think MQ is one of those dramas.

From what I gather, what transpire between SO and her husband may not be romantic kind of love, but I sense that him and his family do care for SO even if they do take advantage of her and took her for granted. There are people like SO, who is happy to give, happy to serve and doesn't asks for something in return as long as she is seeing the people she care about is happy.

Yes her husband is a big jerk, but I'm not ready to peg him as a totally evil villain. I think that he is very ambitious but I think he does love SO in his own way. He knows that whoever is keeping the case of SO's parents are powerful and ready to hurt people so it could be that asking her to stop pursuing her parent's case is because he knows how dangerous it will be for her. I'm also not sure why her MIL was against her playing detective, but after ep 14, I felt that her MIL does care for her, more than being a slave. I don't feel like SO was treated very badly in that house. For as long as I have been watching kdramas, daughters-in-law are always the ones doing all the household chores and taking care of the family's household needs and are treated badly, and SO is closer to her in-law than other kdrama heroines out there. That's why that ahjumma who framed her MIL was jealous of her MIL because she saw how SO cared about her MIL

I still think that SO should break away from that family and try to pursue her own interest, She is a very good detective even without any degree or masterals. I've enjoyed every episodes so far. MQ has the making of an ongoing seasonal series and I wish there could be a second season because there could be more character development for SO and the gang.

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4 hours ago, sansukini-_- said:

After Chief Kim, I'm good with dramas even without romance and I think MQ is one of those dramas.

From what I gather, what transpire between SO and her husband may not be romantic kind of love, but I sense that him and his family do care for SO even if they do take advantage of her and took her for granted. There are people like SO, who is happy to give, happy to serve and doesn't asks for something in return as long as she is seeing the people she care about is happy.

Yes her husband is a big jerk, but I'm not ready to peg him as a totally evil villain. I think that he is very ambitious but I think he does love SO in his own way. He knows that whoever is keeping the case of SO's parents are powerful and ready to hurt people so it could be that asking her to stop pursuing her parent's case is because he knows how dangerous it will be for her. I'm also not sure why her MIL was against her playing detective, but after ep 14, I felt that her MIL does care for her, more than being a slave. I don't feel like SO was treated very badly in that house. For as long as I have been watching kdramas, daughters-in-law are always the ones doing all the household chores and taking care of the family's household needs and are treated badly, and SO is closer to her in-law than other kdrama heroines out there. That's why that ahjumma who framed her MIL was jealous of her MIL because she saw how SO cared about her MIL

I still think that SO should break away from that family and try to pursue her own interest, She is a very good detective even without any degree or masterals. I've enjoyed every episodes so far. MQ has the making of an ongoing seasonal series and I wish there could be a second season because there could be more character development for SO and the gang.

I can understand your point of view, yet I see it differently. First, he had forgotten their marriage anniversary. But what really upsets me, is that KHC sent the umbrella to his wife as a present for the marriage anniversary. Fact is that he didn't want to spend any money on his wife. He only bought the second dress, when he heard from HS that the latter had destroyed the umbrella. HS must have called him and told him what had happened. Since he knows that YSO is very bright, he knew that she would discover that the umbrella was for free, if you buy the dress. Notice that he only gave her the dress, when he noticed that she was looking depressed. He knew that she had found out that the umbrella was a free gift for buying the dress. As conclusion, he never intended to buy her the second dress in the first place. He had to do it in order to hide his bad dealings that's why he asked not to give the second umbrella because it would mean that he had bought a second dress. Does he really love his wife? I am not so sure because of his lies. He lied to her too many times (working over time, eating lunch with that woman, letting her bring the clothes to the prosecutor office without allowing her to enter the building is a good example how he tried to hide her). No, to me he used her in order to get support from Ha. 

@Dhakra I haven't been able to write many comments nowadays because my parents and friends are visiting me. But I agree with you that JW doesn't seem to be that bad compared to her brother or KHC or that mysterious Kim. I guess, there is a struggle between Ha and Kim. The detective who knows HWS and took care of the Shinimdong suicide case is working for Mr. Kim. He is a real corrupted cop. 

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45 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

@Dhakra I haven't been able to write many comments nowadays because my parents and friends are visiting me. But I agree with you that JW doesn't seem to be that bad compared to her brother or KHC or that mysterious Kim. I guess, there is a struggle between Ha and Kim. The detective who knows HWS and took care of the Shinimdong suicide case is working for Mr. Kim. He is a real corrupted cop. 

Ah I already missed you on this thread here :D I hope your parents & friends have a nice stay in our beautiful country.

Glad you share the same view on this one with me. I think she's really one of the good ones out there. 

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14 hours ago, sansukini-_- said:

After Chief Kim, I'm good with dramas even without romance and I think MQ is one of those dramas.

From what I gather, what transpire between SO and her husband may not be romantic kind of love, but I sense that him and his family do care for SO even if they do take advantage of her and took her for granted. There are people like SO, who is happy to give, happy to serve and doesn't asks for something in return as long as she is seeing the people she care about is happy.

Yes her husband is a big jerk, but I'm not ready to peg him as a totally evil villain. I think that he is very ambitious but I think he does love SO in his own way. He knows that whoever is keeping the case of SO's parents are powerful and ready to hurt people so it could be that asking her to stop pursuing her parent's case is because he knows how dangerous it will be for her. I'm also not sure why her MIL was against her playing detective, but after ep 14, I felt that her MIL does care for her, more than being a slave. I don't feel like SO was treated very badly in that house. For as long as I have been watching kdramas, daughters-in-law are always the ones doing all the household chores and taking care of the family's household needs and are treated badly, and SO is closer to her in-law than other kdrama heroines out there. That's why that ahjumma who framed her MIL was jealous of her MIL because she saw how SO cared about her MIL

I still think that SO should break away from that family and try to pursue her own interest, She is a very good detective even without any degree or masterals. I've enjoyed every episodes so far. MQ has the making of an ongoing seasonal series and I wish there could be a second season because there could be more character development for SO and the gang.

I think the same in every point. For the two eps to go, I wish to see SO play the key role to help WS because he saved her many times.  I'm sure that WS loves SO and has longed  for her participation,  although he feels responsible for the missing of his girlfriend.  For SO she didn't show any signs that she even missed him. (She paid attention to him less than to Chief Hong when they met at the lunch-box office and she didn't call him in solving the pesticide case.) Or she didn't know such kind of feeling, KM may understand her well.  Consult her later, please, WS.

What I really want to see is that SO can pass the examination to become a profiler and they can work together as a team.  Love can wait if they are certain their true feeling to each other.

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On 5/21/2017 at 2:18 PM, Nonglak Koomkamhaeng said:

I think the same in every point. For the two eps to go, I wish to see SO play the key role to help WS because he saved her many times.  I'm sure that WS loves SO and has longed  for her participation,  although he feels responsible for the missing of his girlfriend.  For SO she didn't show any signs that she even missed him. (She paid attention to him less than to Chief Hong when they met at the lunch-box office and she didn't call him in solving the pesticide case.) Or she didn't know such kind of feeling, KM may understand her well.  Consult her later, please, WS.

What I really want to see is that SO can pass the examination to become a profiler and they can work together as a team.  Love can wait if they are certain their true feeling to each other.

I agree with you that at this stage of SO's life, what is important to her is for her to build a career as a profiler, something she is competent at and interested in. Whether he admits it or not, WS is in love with ahjumma. His love could have began when time and time again she demonstrated her outstanding ability to solve cases; and time and time again he saw what a jerk her husband was. As for SO's love for WS, I guess, it will have to be pointed out to her by her BFF. 2 more days to the finale!

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I went back to Episode 9 and rewatched WS' past love life and how it relates to his current one. It appeared Hyun Soo was not his girlfriend that easily. WS was sort of a stalker in her theater play as he would have enough money, as a chaebol, to go every time. She asked him not to come again as he distracted her acting. The lines she used in that play kind of summed up their relationship, "I Love you, I love you, I will leave an empty shell after I am gone, but I would be with you, I love you, I love you." WS did leave that theater at her request and it appeared HS had a lot of good normal friends, "see you tomorrow..." and she was a cheerful person. But WS ran to her one day and gave her a "present" and at that time he had a cut on his chin. My interpretation back a few weeks was that he had to fight someone to get that "gift" and that it would be important to HS. I rewinded a few times and it appeared to be some ticket or some pass (not a USB or anything electronic, although back 10 years ago there wasn't anything like that) in a plastic wrap. At first glance, HS didn't know what that was either. I wonder if that gift got HS in subsequent trouble and eventually killed and thrown into the ocean. A few more episodes before ep.9, there was a scene of WS and HS walking along a pathway and they were happy as boy and girlfriend. I think that gift made the difference and HS actually made ramian for him and he was very happily eating it.

Fast-forward to the present, after the incidence with SO and BFF fighting to get to Woo's "concert" WS was very distraught, so much so he asked SO to delete his phone number and they would never meet again. SO was disappointed that her testimony didn't keep Jang in jail, not realizing that WS elected to not use it to protect SO. SO only kept his number on her phone because WS promised to look into the suicide case of the taxi driver. The scene which followed was WS eating ramyan and drinking alone. The ahjamma of the cafe asked where his wives are. WS said, "they are all out cheating on me (meaning SO likes Woo better)." He also ate the ramyan when it is way too hot, enough to concern the cafe owner. That point was also made in Episode 1, where WS drank hot coffee without waiting for it to cool down. I think that is a destructive behavior he has after losing his love.

Some of the people here were unhappy WS kept trying to get approval from SO, like asking her to say that he saved her life (that was actually reasonable), like telling her that she won't win his heart, like have you fallen for me yet? We have only seen Mr. Ha, WS' father, but WS' mother was never seen once, or even mentioned once. I think his dependence on female approval is very strong. He needs SO because she would be one that is very intelligent and could be understanding to his plight. Poor guy, he is so handsome too. He never once used his power as a chaebol to impress his woman, he just wants his woman's acceptance as who he is. I do love WS, I hope things will turn around for him a two special episodes. Yes, I still want romance, I will not give up.

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@docster6I really had a good time reading your thoughts and conclusions. 

I remember during the episode I also thought of WS being some sort of stalker, but he wasn't dangerous one. He just fell in love and felt attracted to her and her play.

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