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[Drama 2017] Forest of Secrets / Stranger 비밀의숲 - Baeksang 2018 Daesang Award /Best Actor / Best Writer


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And Yeo Jin is lovely. I am so happy for Bae Doona havign taken the role. I am almost sad to let go of her in the drama. I know she'll probably be busy State side filming Sense8 but I do hope we get to see more of her in dramaland.

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22 minutes ago, desertflower said:

Very interesting episode where the writer gives us a little more insight into the characters personal lives.  

The strain of sitting in a madam Lee COMMANDED dinner with the overlying energy seemingly smacking of set-up for the possibility of accepting bribes or favors from higher ups.  Madam Lee grilling members of the team while faining civility was disturbing to say the least.

Yeojin was straight forward in her replies to the madam.  The madam saying to Shimok that she would introduce him to pretty potential marriage partners and then turning to Yeojin and asking her pointedly if that was ok with her.  Yeojin replying, with a quizzical expression, that she too likes pretty ladies...meaning that she has no problem with women and their looks.  Further, stating to the madam that only women who don't get along or be friends with other women would think like that.  Score for Yeojin....she will not tolerate injustice, prejudice or bigotry on any level and will not be manipulated by someone attempting to incite petty jealous.  Yeojin is the best thing going and the shinning light in this drama.  

Madam Lee pronounces to her husband after everyone left the dinner that now she knows that the team is essentially weak and worthless..paraphrasing here.   She will eat those words!

Guilty parties:  I'm beginning to suspect the ALL the obvious parties have some part in the crimes that have gone on,  Not that they know necessarily of one another's guilt.  

I don't detect any chemistry in the Eunsoo/ Shimok scenes in today's episode.  Eunsoo came to ask Shimok if she could be on the team and was coldly turned down especially because of her desire to seek revenge.  This only highlights to Shimok that Eunsoo will not be a trustworthy member who will flawlessly and without prejudice seek the truth.   Too many hidden agendas in this woman's life.  Telling was the fact that the borrowed sweater was placed on his back as he slept but fell to the floor effortlessly and was not picked up by him.  (if the sweater is a metaphor).  It was picked up by another team member later and Shimok saw that there was a bag on the floor and he bent down to inspect and found a new sweater had been purchased.  (In sweater metaphor does this mean she want to have control over him with her own ideas)?

Definition of Chemistry:  It is a feeling of romantic spark, sexual energy, obvious attraction and the feeling you belong next to the one you fall in love with.  Butterflies in the stomach, nervous energy, blushing, passion and other positive feelings we may experience towards a 'special someone.'

I don't see Shimok displaying any of the chemical reactions listed above toward Eunsoo and I'm not sure his mind can be on more than one thing since he is now in the fight for his career being made chief inspector of this whole mess.  



I am not sure with all the sweater symbolism but to me that sweater sleeve that fell during drying made one sleeve deformed and longer than the other, so she bought another sweater to replace it. It was a sweet gesture to me since she wasn't very well off and knits are quite expensive. 

The complication from the sweater is how it all looks to Yejin. Young, sweet prosecutor, 'returning' a sweater she washed and spoilt... hahahaha what is she going to think? Aaah, they are close enough where he lends her his sweater? LMAO ...
Poor Simok, it doesn't look good for you now... 

I agree that Eunsoo was the one all flustered from the exchange, Si Mok was like a block of ice...

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2 minutes ago, st4rdust said:


I am not sure with all the sweater symbolism but to me that sweater sleeve that fell during drying made one sleeve deformed and longer than the other, so she bought another sweater to replace it. It was a sweet gesture to me since she wasn't very well off and knits are quite expensive. 

The complication from the sweater is how it all looks to Yejin. Young, sweet prosecutor, 'returning' a sweater she washed and spoilt... hahahaha what is she going to think? Aaah, they are close enough where he lends her his sweater? LMAO ...
Poor Simok, it doesn't look good for you now... 

I agree that Eunsoo was the one all flustered from the exchange, Si Mok was like a block of ice...

I don't know about the sweater symbolism either but Eun Soo was flustered and insulted by that exchange. See how she touches her face while she left, you do when somebody has embarrassed you badly and you are warm all over your face from that exchange. I do think, it was a sweet gesture but one that we cannot expect Shi Mok to appreciate, he isn't there yet. I seriously wish Yeo Jin and Eun Soo start working together and she knocks some sense into her head. ES is going to get herself killed because she isn't going to back down at any rate. I also think her father has some sort of skeleton in the closet, he might not have committed crimes like LYB but he might have made mistakes he doesn't want revealed.

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the fev scene that SM really know when YJ angry or talking to him less 

he just know something wrong with her and it make him nervous

how i can trust that will be no romance between this two that never is just a partner or friend look 

SM body language  voice and even his soften eyes and face show so much , when he around YJ he just don't know what to do 

the easy things is to ask her or to answer her honesty and he for sure can't let go any little change of her behavior towerd him 


9 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

@Tee- Sama..... LOL  Had a big smile on my face after reading your poste. OMO OMO,  He did not  know what to do since she wasn't talking to him. YJ has been spoiling him with lots of attention. Lol lol 

Chingu what are you using to post pictures. Photobucket want me to upgrade if I want to post pictures. 

agree she did really gave him so much attention and care to him feeling empty if she quiet or ignoring him a little :joy::joy:

4 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

I really loved the conversation between HYJ and HSM at the end: it really showed how much he trusts her. He doesn't investigate her behind her back. He doesn't need to. This man is smart and clever, always two steps ahead of the others.


yes i loved that scene too it show how much she mean to him , what i like about this two that the show there feeling so honest even when they don't know they so strange in  drama history , where did we saw last two people talk so straightforward to each other like that:wub: 

@Tee- Sama i liked your photo post so much how can i don't like it , it really make me happy and sure you just readed YJ and SM though in that scene and for sure our thoughs and feeling when we saw that too :joy: let me use the same  photo's to explian my feeling now after seeing this ep's and hearing people talking about no romance in this drama 


YJ : SM sorry people saying there no romance 


SM : what are you talking about


YJ : it was decided it over 


SM : then what this scene between us mean ???




YJ : you right let forget about it, it not like we easy to control us 


SM : enjoy eating but keep looking at me 



it a gift for @Tee- Sama and everyone here who ship or don't ship this two after all we all enjoy this two on the screen if it in romance way or not 




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So even though earlier I changed my vote in our little poll to Chairman Lee as the ultimate culprit, I’m now thinking that Young Il-Jae, Lee YeongJae, and Lee ChangJoon are all complicit in the crime. (lol I’ll probably change again after episode 10).  @ddeokbokkii they’re just all so obviously shady is why I’m changing my answer :D Even if the writer is just giving red herrings and none of them actually orchestrated CEO Park’s death, they’re still part of the problem in some manner, I’m sure of it!

Something I don’t quite understand about ChangJoon today is… what was with his pissy response to ShiMok’s request for all of Seo DongJae’s info?  Like, my dude, whatever game you’re playing is probably one of your own making (based upon the few insights we’ve had into your head thus far).  Why get mad at someone who’s just doing his job?  It’s not like you didn’t already tell ShiMok that you wanted rid of DongJae.  And it was you (wasn’t it??) who chose to have ShiMok play this part.  

Another thing: Going back to that little scene in the kitchen between ChangJoon and his wife, YeonJae.  When she asked if he’d be around if she wasn’t Chairman Lee’s daughter, I really got the feeling that ChangJoon had the upper-hand in their relationship.  Even if her behavior had been a little odd up to that point, the implication was that YeonJae had wanted to marry him for love.  Now, I’m wondering if that is really the case.  To me, she genuinely seemed like a different person this episode.  I wondered, after I saw her visibly hold back her desire to snap on our special investigation team, if ChangJoon also lives in constant fear that she’s going to take off her mask of dutiful wife and reveal her other, nastier side.  After all, it probably was her that tried to suffocate Kim GaYoung in her hospital room.  Who knows what their relationship is really like?  

And similarly, what’s up with the relationship between ChangJoon and Young Il-Jae?  Clearly, ChangJoon still respects him a lot.  But even as Young Il-Jae’s manner and words made it seem like he was threatening ChangJoon (to keep EunSoo and his wife safe), to me it felt as though Il-Jae was in actuality begging for mercy.  With the exception of a promise to keep his mouth shut about whatever it is (i really wanna know what it is, so thanks writer for not giving us even a hint about what it could be :expressionless:), Young Il-Jae has no cards in his hand.  And the matter of fact way that ChangJoon agreed to relay the message and then totally didn’t rise to the bait when Il-Jae was being snarky about resigning just sealed the deal for me.  

On a totally different note, did anyone else get the feeling that all of JungBon’s faux pas this episode (calling ShiMok by name several times, asking Chairman Lee to eat dinner with them, talking back to ChangJoon) were all on purpose?  It’s as though he was doing it to make himself seem less threatening.  But whatever look passed between him and Detective Jang was enough to set off some alarm bells for me. 

@Runa Chatterjee I had listened to OST 5 before watching the MV and already liked the song, but after watching the MV... Well, I had been trying to stop shipping YeoJin/ShiMok because of all the energy charged scenes between EunSoo and ShiMok, but not anymore! Thanks for sharing it!

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@st4rdust   I doubt that Yeojin has any complicated or proprietary feelings for Shimok at this point and I couldn't detect any reaction from Yeojin related to the sweater.  Yeojin is a caretaker type and let's people live without judgement.

My feeling about Eunsoo trying to join the team was double sided in that I believe she is also a guilty party and she wants to spy on the team to stay a step ahead.  Lots of twists and turns in this drama.  The sweater may be just a sweater and yet she used it as entree to join the team.  No action goes on without a purpose with her.  She may be manipulated by Shimok but she is a major manipulator herself behind the facade she displays.

Eunsoo's face when she set up the guy to commit suicide..changed in a split second from concerned young thing to a cold blooded killer face as she turned around when no one could see her face,  This is all I need to know about her.  She is very scary and very complicated.  Eunsoo may have killed her ex boyfriend.  Just a thought because she's big or revenge.

I can't wait for tomorrow's episode.   It's the perfect who done it mystery.


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okay before going to be ready to work the text of ep 10 is out

1. the girl wake up but have no memory of the criminal 

2. something danger going to happen to her since someone want to stop her from talking

3. the man that GY was meeting every monday was the police chief

sorry if i forget something , that what i get from it and that mean it really getting ride of everyone who know LEE dirty secrets ,i had feeling that  lee out of picture for now and everyone getting their dirty out with him leaving work  no body can threaten him since he leave everything and act as he gave up but after it al clean up and before he be next he going to br back and stop SM and his team from keep on ( not like SM and YJ is easy to control but i am fearing they planing to get ride of them ) 


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2 minutes ago, nona88 said:

okay before going to be ready to work the text of ep 10 is out

1. the girl wake up but have no memory of the criminal 

2. something danger going to happen to her since someone want to stop her from talking

3. the man that GY was meeting every monday was the police chief

sorry if i forget something , that what i get from it and that mean it really getting ride of everyone who know LEE dirty secrets ,i had feeling that  lee out of picture for now and everyone getting their dirty out with him leaving work  no body can threaten him since he leave everything and act as he gave up but after it al clean up and before he be next he going to br back and stop SM and his team from keep on ( not like SM and YJ is easy to control but i am fearing they planing to get ride of them ) 

What Lee is doing is similar to what some emperor did past rising to power, clean house and solidify their power by eliminating any and all who can bring them down or rise against him. 

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8 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

I think our ship is sinking @Tee- Sama. If the chemistry with ES and Shi Mok is off the chart, Our ship will remain platonic. sad-leaf-emoticon.gif. what are we going to do ??? big-eye-milk-bottle-emoticon.gif

I've been trying not to ship, but I can't help it!  Our ship will never sink!!! I don't know about YeoJin (whether she was serious, likes both, or was just choosing her words so that she could richard simmons with Lee YeonJae) but at the very least ShiMok is invested enough to leave an intriguing discussion about the case as soon as YeoJin summons him.  :blush:

@bebebisous33 chingu... is there any way to recover posts? Like I wrote a lot of replies but then they all disappeared except for one? :bawling:

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@ddeokbokkii  I am going to change my suspect to Eun Soo's mother.   Maybe she was the one in the hospital that tried to kill the girl, or look like she was trying to kill her.   She watched her daughter's life fall apart because of the scandal and the loss of status of her husband.  The way she held SM's hand.  Something.......off here?

I am still concerned about YJ's relationship with her superiors in the police dept.  What happened with that request that she keep that informed of everything SM is doing?  Is she still doing that? It worries me because she is the only one he seems to take for granted is trustworthy.

@desertflower  Is Eun Soo's ex boyfriend dead? Why do you think she killed him?

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8 minutes ago, maddymappo said:

@ddeokbokkii  I am going to change my suspect to Eun Soo's mother.   Maybe she was the one in the hospital that tried to kill the girl, or look like she was trying to kill her.   She watched her daughter's life fall apart because of the scandal and the loss of status of her husband.  The way she held SM's hand.  Something.......off here?

I am still concerned about YJ's relationship with her superiors in the police dept.  What happened with that request that she keep that informed of everything SM is doing?  Is she still doing that? It worries me because she is the only one he seems to take for granted is trustworthy.

@desertflower  Is Eun Soo's ex boyfriend dead? Why do you think she killed him?

What is going on, Eun Soo's boyfriend has died, when??

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8 minutes ago, maddymappo said:

@ddeokbokkii  I am going to change my suspect to Eun Soo's mother.   Maybe she was the one in the hospital that tried to kill the girl, or look like she was trying to kill her.   She watched her daughter's life fall apart because of the scandal and the loss of status of her husband.  The way she held SM's hand.  Something.......off here?

I am still concerned about YJ's relationship with her superiors in the police dept.  What happened with that request that she keep that informed of everything SM is doing?  Is she still doing that? It worries me because she is the only one he seems to take for granted is trustworthy.

@desertflower  Is Eun Soo's ex boyfriend dead? Why do you think she killed him?

@maddymappo.... They told her to do it but she never kept them in the loop. She has always kept it to herself. I think now Jang Gun maybe the one reporting what they are doing to the Section Chief at the prevent. Ofcourse I could be wrong and I hope I am wrong because YJ is all alone who believe in doing right by Kyung Wan. :bawling::bawling:

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Hi all, can I ask everyone for a little bit of patience?. We have 2 episodes release back to back every week. lets enjoy the 2 episodes first,

than make up our mind about if you need to change your main suspect or not. So, I'm not going to update the main suspect list until after

Ep 10, yeah?.

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what this cute angry or worry facse , okay new still's and i will be away today and will not be in live recap sorry

they start to be a like in everythings:heart: just what are they doing ???? i think i have to wait to see




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About the dinner scene at Chief Lee home, when Yeo-Jin said to Chief Lee's wife "I like
pretty women too". I think the writer is throwing in a funny parody here. Cause, the
actress Bae Doo-Na that play Yeo-Jin character recently star in a movie "A girl at my
door". In this movie, she played a lesbian character, and that character is also a 
female police officer. So, I think this part is a parody from the writer. It's possible
that Yeo-Jin is also a lesbian character in this drama too. You never know.
I highly recommend that movie "A girl at my door". it start slow at first, but you will
be reward with a very good ending. PM me if you can't find where to watch it.

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Love ep 9, it's not only moving 1 step ahead but so much more. Since when did SM have that throng of men in black so suddenly? :o

I think we have 2 cases here or perhaps 3: 
1. Bribery in Western Prosecution Office (WPO)
2. PMS's murder (and/or)
3. GY's attempted murder
@ddeokbokkii probably referring to the 2/3 right?
For now, if assuming PMS's murder and GY's attempted murder are done by the same person, we have 2 culprits. 
Reason why is the motive behind PMS's death - with him dead, PMS could no longer exposed the bribery so his death brings closure; but his very public murder seems to raise more questions than answers which means more eyes are looking into it - not exactly the kind of closure they want.
So, whoever killed PMS and later tipped the media about the bribery is actually against the corrupt prosecutors. 
The bribery case on the other hands, dirty prosectors or anyone involved like LCJ-LYB-SDJ would want to close the case and forget about it asap. 
Two contradictory motives makes me think of two different culprits. 

Bribery in WPO - the moment SM is announced to be the prosecuter in charge, everbody's scrambling to save their asses - like literary every one. 
Section Chief Kang may be dirty as well, but he has a point when he very publicly told off LCJ about dropping responsibilities. It's not only cowardice but also shows how scheming LCJ is. On the surface he looked very noble - admitting his impotence in leadership - but in reality, he may be doing this to throw off suspicion off himself. 
Is it just me or that Section Chief Kang's friend looks really high-strung. He looks dirty as hell. 

The 'Last Supper' as LYB called it was awkward awkward awkward. But YJ is amazing to be able to hold herself high. But isn't LYJ a shipper of SM-YJ? It's interesting how she drew that conclusion. She only heard from her husband and dad's conversation about a female detective that has been helping SM. But why would she think that YJ would be 'jealous' if she introduced SM to other ladies. Hahahaa.

Do you guys also notice several things in this ep: 
1. LCJ's tidying up SM's tie feels like he's tightening up a noose around SM's neck. 
2. The Last Supper - before all hell's loose? For who? For SM and team or for LYB and team? 
3. The second sweater that ES bought with price tags still on it. Is it another form of 'bribery' - she wanted to be included in the team and she wanted his attention. 
4. YSW's kid's death - happened 2 years ago. It's too far-fetched, but is it possible that YSW is like SM but less brilliant? His kid's death is a way to subdue him?

YIJ's saying t LCJ:
"I locked myself for three years. You must know my intentions. I'll take it to my grave. So all of you should also keep your promise. My wife and my daughter Eun Soo, leave them alone.... HSM is summoning my wife. He's protesting to make me unbury the truth. He's saying the investigation won't be over with just a few prosecutors caught. He intentionally got my wife involved to make me disclose what I know.... I won't say a word no matter what kind of ruckus he causes, so all of you shouldn't do anything either. Go tell your father-in-law exactly what I said."

His wife's testimonial makes me tend to believe that YIJ is innocent in the bribing case. Had he known he would receive 800M, he would ask PMS to deliver it in a different method so that his family wouldn't be involved. His message to LCJ and LYB sounds like he's keeping his mouth shut because he's protecting something greater than his own name and reputation, even family. He was publicly humiliated, stripped off his power and status, his health was failing and he was in depression because of it, yet he preferred to be buried with the truth. I wonder what the truth is. :huh:

@fattyfingers wooow.. great catch. I saw it but don't think too much of it. There's another one that I saw, when SM was asked by LCJ to go see Prosector General, on the way out passing by YJ she seemed to say something but not sure. But romance or bromance, I love their unspoken way of communication! :heart:

Can't wait for ep 10!

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