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[Drama 2016-2017] Guardian: The Lonely and Great Goblin 도깨비

Go Seung Ji

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acordding the text preview it looks like she will learn to live with the sadness and  9 years later when she meets KS it comes back slowly the sadness first and the memory. Who will it be explained how KS comes back. Thank you @parisonheaven for the translation.

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3 hours ago, Princi_86 said:


But it's not fair to Sunny/Kim Sun! She will be around 38-39 that time. :blink:  And she will have no memories and leaving her another life with no love and no clue that she was close to it in this life? What are you doing, KES? 


Right so is Sunny never meant to get a happy ending because her one true love is WY that is actually quite sad. Maybe there will be some sort of twist for Grim and Sunny to be together but I actually would be more surprised if they did get a happy ending so far it is like they will get a sad ending.


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20 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

Finally, the mother who asked not to forget her child (after his death) because she had at least good memories of him... In my opinion, Kim Shin considers memories as something negative. He is too focused on death. Like JET mentioned to Sunny, where is death, there is life. Life is so bright... From the start, Kim Shin thinks more about death than life. He took God's words too literally. God told him, he would never forget any single death, but he never said that Kim Shin shouldn't enjoy the time spent with them. He only sees the end (death) and doesn't enjoy the journey (life). I guess, his attempt to lessen JET's pain by erasing his presence is totally wrong because he robs from her beautiful moments as well.   


Yes!!! Totally! He sees them as negative, and rightfully so too since he has lived with painful memories for 900 years. But like you said, he focused so much on death instead of life. I kept thinking of the scene in Quebec where hs is mourning his dead by just sitting there and how ET had a different reaction and viewved death as a more natural thing; the way she spoke of the dead there and about death was more "light." I don't mean to say she was showing irrespect but it was less... tragic... no? She also has been around death all her life and yet she views it differently. I always thought that her vision of death was so much more different than his.

I have said many times here that I thought GR/WY and KS were similar on many aspects. I too think that GR sees memories as sthg painful, sad, and that forgetting is a blessing. Sunny, like ET, view memories are two-fold: yes you remember the sad times, but you also remember the happy times!

I stopped watching TLOTBS a while back but I remember that great scene where she proposes to erase a mother's memories of her daughter, to erase the sadness. The mother refuses and she does not get why... it was because she wanted to remember the good times above anything else, because it is those memories that become precious once the sadness of mourning fades... Awesome scene.

@autumna Yeah, since the beginning I thought that GR and Sunny were bound to have a sad ending, like Samshin pointed out herself... (Please, people, don't hit me...).

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A source of happiness and sadness.

"On the day of the first snowfall every year, the goblin agrees to be summoned by me. I will be waiting for you."

(quoted from @rrmski)

In ep 14 preview, there was a candle blowing scene. Perhaps she blew it coincidentally on first snow-fall day at age 29.

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7 hours ago, dramu51ch0c10ve said:

Oh yeah!I forgot that scene until you mentioned it.Thanks:lol:

Remember that scene where the soul came back from the afterlife just to go to the toilet?It was desperation that drove him and the impossible happened.I don't know exactly how but it will perhaps be KS's desperation that will help him come back to life.Maybe he pleads the Almighty for a second chance,acknowledges that he exists and apologises for his arrogance?

Or...the words that the female deity,Samshin(?),said are true.She said "Once drawn,everything will turn to ashes...".But she also said"...and peace will be granted."Even the Almighty said the same thing.But what if KS only finds peace when he is with ET?Then wouldn't KS have to be brought back to life for peace to be granted?Maybe that's the hidden solution within the obvious problem in those words.Wow,to think that the possible hint of the ending was given at the very beginning.(I rewatched Episode 1 when this theory popped into my head)


@dramu51ch0c10ve Yes, rewatching the eps really helps to connect the dots! My personal guess is that ET's father may appear. Though it's quite impossible, I recalled Samshin Granny describing God as 'egoistic, arrogant, easily jealous' and ET's mom said, 'sounds like someone I know.'

Reading this forum helps me to prepare for the upcoming episodes. But, the downside is, when I watch the real ep, I was somehow prepared for the 'plot twists' that KES wanted to throw at the audience.

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I'm excited to announce that my Korean housemate and I are making a Goblin night this Friday and Saturday. So excited to share this moment with a Korean lol!!! And more BTSs! Wah! The filming continues...so excited for this weekend 

PS. On Episode 12 on my rewatch...

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TVN can't just drop the preview and not release any Bts!! Kyaaaa... :dissapointed_relieved: 

I love how KS is romancing ET by bringing her to the places they had gone to. He is not pushing/forcing her to remember him, instead he's guiding her hoping one of these places and his gestures will trigger her old memories. Great job, Kim Shin sshi....fight for your love!!  :wub: 

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Hmmm. It seems that the song lyrics and video clip matches really well with the drama. I remember watching the video clip that shows KS disappearing from all the scenes with ET. I wonder if KS is able to erase memory from GR as well. 

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@carolinedl Thanks for reminding me that the scene with the mother and the deceased child was from TLOFBS. Nevertheless, this scene impressed me. That's why I remembered it, when I wrote about the goblin because it had the same topic: grief-loss-memories- erasing memories! 

@hairuchiiNotice that God's answer is fate, but interesting is that Kim Shin sees it as "fatality"!! Notice that fatality has the same origin than fate (latin: fatalis - fatum). However, fatality is associated to death. The definition of fatality is 

- a disaster resulting in death

- predetermined liability to misfortune and death

Then, this sentence proves to us how Kim Shin views life: "death is the ultimate fatality of all human beings!"

Usually, God's words should never be taken literally and Kim Shin thought that his immortality was indeed a punishment. Yet, while he was immortal, he saved a lot of lives... so that some of them could go to the afterlife!!

Finally, when he began to live like a human and enjoy life, he had to give it up. Since he was each time devastated by the death of his "relatives" (DH's ancestors), he projected his own point of view into JET's mind. He thought, he was doing her a favour... as he wished, he would have experienced himself. Yet, JET did something else. She asked him to remember the good times with DH's grandfather and  the latter one would have wished that KS keeps living on well. She tried to overcome the grief with a total different approach. That's why I think that KS understands the word "fate" like "fatality", as something negative, since it is associated with death.  

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While the amesia card has been used in a lot of dramas, it makes sense in this ones since, it didn´t came out of nowhere. We have been introduced to the prospect of ET loosing her memory in one of the  previous episodes. Therefore it´s very consistent with the plot.  

After the preview and the fanpics I´m even more excited to see how it will work out.

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3 hours ago, pnaysurfer84 said:

Question for the theoriests (ha! Finally something from my brain): so, the sword was used as a reward and a punishment for the lives that were killed by General KS in Goryeo. Your thoughts of an additional blood on the swords handle: ETs. How do you perceive that blood "compact"? Is she a person that KS owes his life to, knowing that the white blooded bandana represents the lost lives of others? Anyways, just my thoughts...Please feel free to answer it with your already great expanse of knowledge. Thanks in advance! 


i'm missing Kim Shin ( and Gong Yoo ) right now, so i guess i'll answer. since i'm into history and i've been researching on the role of the sword from Ep.1 so i hope my insight could help. :) 


on seeing two swords, i guess someone's replied to this part already...so you'd probably know that there are two types of swords at use. but there are more stuff i learned after looking up about the sword than it reveals.

the one stuck to KS' chest with the bloodied cloth is the real one that was used to strike him 900+ years back in Goryeo.




but, i notice the bloodied cloth doesn't really have as much significance as we'd expect. it's a White Tiger Sword. in this case, i think it's a Twin White Tiger Sword. White Tiger swords are made in the rare hour, day and month of the Tiger in the year of the Tiger (this information will come in handy later )  so it's supposed to be for royal ceremonies, demon slaying and Shamanistic rituals during that period. there is one catch tho, i relied on KS's word about the sword when ET first described what was on the sword. he said it was a White Tiger. the thing is, in reality White Tiger Swords should also have inscribed on it's blade, the 28 Constellations and (from TV Tropes ) the incantation "The Heaven calls down the Jeong (Spirit), and The Earth helps the Yeong (Soul). The sun and the moon are shaped, mountains and rivers are formed, and Lightnings strike like storm. Move North Heaven to destroy evil in the land, make for righteousness in the natural order." but the blade ( on his body, doesn't seem to show any inscription ) so i'm only 90% sure it's the White Tiger Sword relying on KS' words.

but let's first assume it is the sword. there are still Tiger swords being made, even in this age. so i don't suppose only one exist. but they are rare. the sword itself first isn't supposed to be used for war so for this one, the tang and grip was made smooth and black ( as newly presented by the WY to KS before he asked KS to leave and die ).  the cloth wrapped on it, most logically works for KS to keep his grip on the sword ( i guess because he couldn't get a weaver or a blacksmith to temporarily wrap it around the tang for better grip because out of respect, i don't believe he would do anything to the sword but use it and prove his worth to WY ) while he goes to war. but it also helps us as viewer to see the difference between the one on his chest, with the bloody cloth and the one he regularly conjures that looks like new.

now we come to ET's blood on the conjured sword. it reminded me of Bleach, the anime.

KS could conjure his sword and it would react to him because it is the only inanimate object that is a part of him. another thing is, the sword itself is meant to kill evil. Tiger Swords have very, very strong positive Yang energy and when faced with another positive energy ( pure soul ones like ET ) it should retract, like two positive magnets avoiding each other. but, ET probably was too sudden to grab at it that only when she injured her hand and her blood dripped on it that it retracted immediately, which was why the blade sort of dissolved itself to exit from her hands before KS could move it out of her hands.

For Bleach, every Shinigami ( which are technically Grim Reapers in their own right ) of a higher state should have a sword they own called the Zanpakutō that has it's own spirit embedded in it. a Shinigami must earn the right to wield a Zanpakutō for it to be useful more than just a shallow hilt sword. after reaching a higher state, the Shinigami can also develop the spirit of his sword so that it manifests into a being as a part of the sword or separate from the sword even in it's evolved form.

Sounds familiar?

Although Bleach has such far unrelated themes and canon compared to Goblin's, this is where i understood what KS meant after realising that the Sword, since the beginning at Goryeo was meant to kill PJW. it's also probably how the writer came to have them both together, KS and WY present in his Reaper uniform ( they must have planned this earlier, which is why both of them met their ladies before their duel with PJW ) to do the sword-pulling scene on a helipad instead of the fields. the amount of Yang energy would be amplified when pulled out, therefore they needed to be on high ground.


side note:

i feel like, PJW was like a glitch in the system of the Almighty's cosmos, or something like that.  i wish there were longer episodes for me to understand why PJW did what he did in the past to hate both WY's royal family and KS. but, i feel PJW...when he was created, the Almighty wasn't in a good mood. but that was PJW's fate.

technically KS is supposed to be dead, 900+ years ago. i took that canon and went along to understand that since the Almighty Deity needed to both punish and reward him, sending him to the Afterworld wouldn't be easy. he himself could have been an anomaly since both the Heavens and the Underworld would not know where to place him. but instead he stays in living limbo with the sword as the Tokkaebi. though, he seems more like an ogre than a goblin to me. 

although now i understood that he was hoping WY decreed with the sword to let him kill PJW, he followed the orders of taking the sword to use to announce his death. out of duty i guess he also accepted the fate of being sent again and again to war by WY so that if he did die, he would die with the sword in honour at war. i'm sure as a General, KS would have his own sword meant for practical use for war but he must have also decidedly used the Twin Tiger Sword to make a point that if he did die with the sword, it would be sent back to the Kim Sun and in return, informed to WY. the man saved a country and killed anyone in his path trying to stop him because it was his duty to the country. but i also think the reason he won so many wars was because of the sword and it's magical powers. seeing that he used a probable ceremonial sword for war, the Almighty Deity himself would find it disturbing since it's meant to kill demons instead of humans. so yeah, KS somewhat may have done wrong there to kill so many in his hands.

so, when KS died in Goryeo i was wondering who KS met as a Grim Reaper if he died, then. but there was nobody. technically, to me when he was reanimated after 20 years of prayers it means he was not given a chance to be welcomed to the Tea Room by a Grim Reaper...yet. and i hope he won't be, anytime soon. at that time in Goreyo the Great Almighty rather, left him in a deep sleep like a handsome beauty until he reanimated and manifested as his human form, from the sword struck at his chest. he isn't awake ( more like 'wasn't' now until ET came into his life. sobs. ) but he was alive because of the sword. so i hope that in these final, since she broke the spell in the most devastating way...that everything would pick up from where he left off.

after all, the Almighty Deity loves him particularly. 



but, then one question came to mind :

did KS became a Tokkaebi because he lived that kind of life and died that fate

OR was KS meant to live that fate in his life and died that fate, to become a Tokkaebi?


i have my own answer. but i hope this keeps the thought going until we reach Friday.

hope my reply helps. ^_^ 

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‘Goblin’ Episode 14 Spoilers: The Deity’s Will; Eun Tak Loses Her Memories, Grim Reaper Pines For Sunny

Goblin episode 14 spoilers reveal that the upcoming episode will continue to be heart-wrenching. The previous episode ended with the Goblin’s death, hence fulfilling Eun Tak’s (Kim Go Eun) role as the Goblin’s bride. Eun Tak’s sorrow over Kim Shin’s (Gong Yoo) death will be the central theme for the upcoming episode and the preview reveals that she will lose her memory but not the pain in her heart.

Forgotten Memories

Before the Goblin turned into dust, he professed his love to Eun Tak while telling her that she was his reward. As the man he loved vanished in thin air, Eun Tak cried her eyes out. The Goblin episode 14 spoilers show Eun Tak suffering from the loss of the man she loves. Ten years later, Eun Tak is playing with the necklace the Goblin gave her while crying. Eun Tak still feels the loss although she has no memories of why her heart feels like its breaking or whose face she is missing.

In the previous episodes, the Goblin asked the Grim Reaper (Lee Dong Wok) to erase Eun Tak’s memory after she pulls out the sword. He wants to spare her from the pain and the last thing he wants is for Eun Tak to blame herself. Since this was the Goblin’s dying wish, it is highly possible that the Reaper decided to honor that promise.

"you promised that
you will never leave me"
– ji euntak ???? ???? #goblin pic.twitter.com/ayJvMgT2lm

— ♡ (@GONGJlCHEOL) January 13, 2017

Now that the Goblin is dead, Eun Tak will no longer be on harm’s way. Despite being a missing soul, the Reaper will definitely allow the Goblin’s bride to continue living as it is what Shin would have wanted.

There are also theories that the deity who looks after children has something to do with the lost memories. However, it would be more likely for the Grim Reaper to be the one behind it. After all, the Reaper has the power to erase any memory although his abilities do not extend to erasing a person’s emotions.

The Missing Soul

In the previous episode of Goblin, the Grim Reaper told Eun Tak one truth -she will meet another Reaper when she is 29. Eun Tak is considered to be a missing soul but the Goblin meddled with her death. Eun Tak successfully evaded the Reaper when she was 9 with the help of the deity who looked after children. For ten years, Eun Tak was not bothered by the Reaper and the only time they crossed each other’s path was when she was 19.

The Reaper already told Eun Tak that she will meet another Reaper when she turns 29. She will be more vulnerable before her age becomes a whole number -a number which is considered perfect. During the special interim episode of Goblin, Mr. Kim hinted that the future that Kim Shin saw will play a bigger part in the series finale of the Korean drama.

Loose Ends

From the previous episodes of Goblin, every character had a role to play. Kim Shin’s immortality may have ended but there are still some loose ends. One question that begs to be answered is the story behind Eun Tak’s last ghost. The woman wearing a hospital gown has been around Eun Tak since the first episode of Goblin. She was the one who introduced other ghosts to the Goblin’s bride. She was even the one who brought Park Joong Won into Eun Tak’s circle. All the other ghosts already left and she is the last one who did not fulfill her unfinished business.

In the last episode, however, Eun Tak lost her ability to see ghosts as the mark started to fade. In fact, Joong Won possessed Eun Tak’s body easily because she could not see his ghost. The story of this last ghost could also play a vital role in the last three episodes of Goblin.

The Almighty’s Riddle

In the previous episode, the Almighty God appeared before Goblin and the Reaper by possessing Deok Hwa’s body. He was firm in telling the two that he has always been listening. Before leaving the boy’s body he left them with a cryptic line.

Me to everyone in the drama #Goblin pic.twitter.com/CI7bCV57Td

— ???? (@exonied) January 14, 2017

Through the events in the prior episode, the Goblin and Grim Reaper answered some questions that have been bothering them for almost a century. Some questions still remain unanswered, however, including the Reaper’s fate for meddling with the living. His memories of being King Wang Yeo were returned as his punishment but what awaits him after that is yet to be disclosed. Whatever it is, his heart continues to ache for Sunny.

In the Goblin episode 14 preview, the Reaper still keeps tabs on Sunny and while looking from a distance, he looks at her with longing. Sunny already broke up with him and as the Grim Reaper he should not be involved with her. However, the love he feels for her continues to torment him.

[EP14] What did I forget? Who did I forget? Whose face…., what promise, did I forget? #Goblin pic.twitter.com/j49gVZveMY

— ???? (@exonied) January 17, 2017

Goblin episode 14 is scheduled to air on Friday, Jan 20 at tvN at 8:30 p.m. Korea Standard Time.

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54 minutes ago, autumna said:


Right so is Sunny never meant to get a happy ending because her one true love is WY that is actually quite sad. Maybe there will be some sort of twist for Grim and Sunny to be together but I actually would be more surprised if they did get a happy ending so far it is like they will get a sad ending.


@autumna if KES will make sa ending to everybody there will be logic...and she will be killed lol. but if she will make sad ending to WangSun only I think that she will be killed as well, since we can't even imagine how popular Grim Reaper as a character is in Korea and how Korean blogs are praying for Grim Reaper/Wang Yeo's happy ending. She didn't grant her other fav second lead Yong Do from Heirs (who was extremely loved by audience like GR now) happy ending and she will do the same here...even worse? I believe she will not. I really expect a plot twist but I'm worryied for Sunny since she will be almost 40 in 9 years. 

I guess the image of GR and Sunny in preview are from present and ET from future. What if we will see future in ep 14, but we will have lots of flashbacks to present days and what has happaned after KS's death. I still pray for miracle that GR and Sunny will reunite in present, cos it's too unfair for mortal Sunny to get back (if case of happy ending) her love at the age of 40. 

And what bothers me that GR should receive punishment after he has disobeyed so many times. 

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16 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

@carolinedl Thanks for reminding me that the scene with the mother and the deceased child was from TLOFBS. Nevertheless, this scene impressed me. That's why I remembered it, when I wrote about the goblin because it had the same topic: grief-loss-memories- erasing memories!


Ah oops, I actually had not noticed the confusion. I thought such scenes had happened in the two dramas actually! Ha ha... Wasn't there at similar scene with the GR and the tea?!... :blink:

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2 hours ago, hairuchii said:

Someone (is it @bebebisous33 ?)  has very precisely described how Kim Shin has forgotten to consider how the heart does not ever forget. He is wrong about her life being "perfectly complete" because it just isn't. Like our Grim Reapers who have not forgotten their emotional pain, Eun Tak herself does not forget the unrest and turmoil she experiences after Kim Shin has left her.


Exactly. You would think that he would've realized this considering he was living with a grim reaper who could not remember his past but cried as soon as he saw a picture of his past love. I love this trope. This idea that you may be able to erase memories, but you cannot erase feelings because they are attached to the heart. The heart operates on a wavelength that is different from everything else. You cannot control it. Wang Yeo learned this himself. He allowed himself to be manipulated by Eunuch Park, but his heart couldn't control the loneliness and despair it felt after all of his people were killed, especially Kim Sun.

I really love Kim Sun and Wang Yeo's relationship. Yes, they had this tragic end, but that love was so powerful it existed into another lifetime. Just because you loved someone in your PAST life, doesn't mean you have to love them in THIS life. You may feel a connection to them, but it takes a mighty powerful love for it to happen twice like that. And they fell for one another before they remembered anything from their past life. Wow!

Kim Shin and Eun Tak are both steadfast. Kim Shin was constantly moving ahead, working hard, winning wars and fighting to protect the king, despite how tireless war can be and despite having to constantly be away from his loved ones. Eun Tak kept living, and working hard in school and putting herself in a great position to achieve her mom's dream of going to college, despite living in an abusive household and receiving no love or care from her aunt. I hope their fate continues to be just as steadfast as they've always been.

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