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[Drama 2016-2017] Guardian: The Lonely and Great Goblin 도깨비

Go Seung Ji

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@winterdew @Princi_86 I don't think that the evil minister Park Joong Won had a daughter since he was an eunuch... he can not procreate. That's why he chose to become the surrogate king's father. He killed Wang Yeo's relatives and acted like Wang Yeo's father so that the boy would trust him. PJW manipulated the young boy and wanted to use him as his puppet. I agree that the king became aware of the possible poisoning targeting the Queen. That's why he refused her to take any medicine. I guess, the female GR Kim is involved in it. Maybe she is the one who served the poisoned tea to the king, when the latter started distancing himself from PJW.  

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Any chance that the "President" in the future scene with EunTak is actually just her class president friend? Like she's just meeting her friend for lunch. I've been thinking about this ever since they mentioned that that girl was the Class President and now she's being friendly to ET...just a random thought. I'm probably totally off. *sigh*

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14 minutes ago, hushhh said:


If @packmule3 is right, just about every "clue" we are given is a "slight of mind/slight of perception" a way of hiding information in plain sight through misdirection the principal in the historic setting is interesting.

I'm reluctantly more flexible on the idea of Wang Yeo being Sunny or Weepy. P3's work is either bringing me around or weakening my prior conviction.

I am not interested in the mystery and predictive analysis so much as I am in the narrative sense and how well it stand up to being deconstructed in retrospect. [Actually sometimes i find predictive analysis can diminish my enjoyment]

So the scene with the principal/teacher in the historic period, why is it there?

Why is it worth the time and money to film? 

I think the obvious answer is to suggest that Goblin saw ET future before he knew her. Well it doesn't seem that significant.  Seeing her didn't do anything to him, or for him.  

The scene itself is funny but fluff.  

The only significant piece of information that came out of it happened before the time slip. To paraphrase Goblin, "People are rarely reincarnated with their former face."

Therefore, in imagine in P3 world, that is a warning not to get too attach to the  LDW's face in the historic period. 

after watching ep 11.. me too still buying the idea of GR is the queen. especially the part when sunny said that she's feeling "much deeper" pain than normal heartache after listening to KS's story.. i bet only real king would feel such heartache due to feeling guilt.. and the way i see it, GR love towards sunny is much similar to the Queen to her king.. there's some longing feeling there.. his longing eyes every time he see sunny is similar to the way the queen look at his king.. IDK.. this is just the way i see it..

(pardon my english.. not a native speaker..)

1 minute ago, breathing2nd said:

Any chance that the "President" in the future scene with EunTak is actually just her class president friend? Like she's just meeting her friend for lunch. I've been thinking about this ever since they mentioned that that girl was the Class President and now she's being friendly to ET...just a random thought. I'm probably totally off. *sigh*

she told someone over the phone that she's meeting a guy.. so i think the chairman shouldn't be her classmate.

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6 minutes ago, chibimidori said:

she told someone over the phone that she's meeting a guy.. so i think the chairman shouldn't be her classmate.



Ah yes, you're right! I need to rewatch more episodes, lol. You guys here are great though! So helpful and everyone has such great theories! I'm so glad I found this place! XD <3

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I'm not totally sold on the Queen/Grim Weeper connection, but the more the series states it the more false it seems.

personality wise the GR has the same openness and open heart as the queen does and Sunny has the same imperial bearing and kind of pained dismissive that the king does.  And you may notice that Sunny and the King are usually the ones to walk away from the scene of the relationship. 


4 minutes ago, chibimidori said:

after watching ep 11.. me too still buying the idea of GR is the queen. especially the part when sunny said that she's feeling "much deeper" pain than normal heartache after listening to KS's story.. i bet only real king would feel such heartache due to feeling guilt.. and the way i see it, GR love towards sunny is much similar to the Queen to her king.. there's some longing feeling there.. his longing eyes every time he see sunny is similar to the way the queen look at his king.. IDK.. this is just the way i see it..

(pardon my english.. not a native speaker..)


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Today's episode was awesome, in terms of both narration and umping the tension. I am sure all the secrets will come out soon and then everyone will join forces to being together or atleast try for an happy ending for all of them.

I am really impressed at the way, the smallest of narrative details have been taken care of here. I read in many comments from previous pages many are not happy with the  teacher's scene. But its a small but brilliant way to shed light on certain things. 

One, When Kim Shin, met the teacher in her Josen era life, he both glimpsed a future, where his bride will be( which he probably didnt know at the time) and also the time/era when all things come to a close. And in a smart move, that scene  also craftily explained how the wealth of the Yu family sort of began. I am sure, as time flew, the descendants kept Shin advice in mind and invested at the right things at the right time to be where they are. Of course, such details are not necessary when other important things come to play, but its a beautiful knowledge and kudos to the writer for fusing all this. 

I am really impressed with the writer and the way she has been taking the story so far. I read in an interview that apparently the script for Goblin was years in the making, so she had ample time to make the script to utmost perfection.  I am sure there is more to come.

Frankly I am glad Shin told about the whole life-death scenario those two have, at least now she wont hesitate and will immediately call him at the slightest trouble. Really I want them to put their heads together and live rather than just fearing when and how she will die again. 

As for Sunny and Reaper, I am more worried about those two not getting a happy ending because I WANT THEM TO BE HAPPY in this life. Please drama gods, please make it happen, every time the Reaper cries, my heart just :heartbreak:.......

Anyway, again as usual, the ending... This drama is such a tease, it leaves us all hanging and craving for it so badly. Its filler and cute for 50 mins and BANG, high value cliffhangers in the last 10 mins. 

:cold_sweat:  waiting for episode 12... 


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2 hours ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

goblin mentioned that.. that was the first time he interfered with life and death.. aka. saved the boy



Yes, I am not denying that. He did save him. But I was wondering if he saved him alone. The boy stayed a long time in the water!!! Shouldn't he have died? And, if I am not mistaken, I don't think the Goblin can bring back people from death (otherwise he wouldn't see so worried for ET, no?)... Hence my saying that perhaps someone else also interviened.


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1 hour ago, Sunshine_Her said:

Im going to put my 2 cents on what I think is going to happen with KS-ET in the end. Just a quick outline. Not going to dive into GR-Sunny. Thats another whole story. 

ET somehow dies from something dramatic. 

KS is devastated and bury her.

We as viewers are going to be crying our eyes out. 

Years go by..... ET is reincarnated. since reincarnation is a big thing in this drama and JET herself said in ep. 11 if she dies she will be reincarnated and find KS again. 

KS knows ET reincarnated and he sets up a plan to meet ET in Quebec. 

We are shown the restaurant scene... A guys walks in...Sits down.. camera pans to KS being the famous "Deputy-nim". FINALLY WE KNOW WHO THIS DUDE IS!

KS and ET looking sweetly at each other.

We are shown flashbacks of reincarnated ET in Quebec.. KS has secretly been watching her all a long. They "accidentally" meet. 

Back in current time again, restaurant scene..

Camera gives us one last look of happiness..... The rest is history.



I don't think it's going to happen like that... If that were the case, then the waiter would have to work at the same place till he is very old... Because it is through his eyes that he saw ET in Quebec at 29. So I don't think we will get such a long time jump.

However, the idea that ET might die did cross my mind too...


ETA: Sorry for the double post... I thought they would merge.

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25 minutes ago, chibimidori said:

after watching ep 11.. me too still buying the idea of GR is the queen. especially the part when sunny said that she's feeling "much deeper" pain than normal heartache after listening to KS's story.. i bet only real king would feel such heartache due to feeling guilt.. and the way i see it, GR love towards sunny is much similar to the Queen to her king.. there's some longing feeling there.. his longing eyes every time he see sunny is similar to the way the queen look at his king.. IDK.. this is just the way i see it..

(pardon my english.. not a native speaker..)

she told someone over the phone that she's meeting a guy.. so i think the chairman shouldn't be her classmate.

maybe it  was kind of like a memory of the pain that, the queen felt when the arrow hits her heart?

After watching the episode one thing has been bothering me. How did Sunny knew that GR was there? 

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I sure hope they get fast over the Eunuch-Ghost 
He is not a happy sight to behold and also brings no joy to ALL relationships :/

Yes, yes ... I know ... There is a twist to come ... still 5 episodes to go and no big twist

1. I do NOT believe that ET will die and reincarnate and THEN meet KS again

2. Do I believe (since last year) that ET is a fresh new soul, that is unspoilt and unharmed by sin and evil.

3. The looks alone make everyone see that the "new" ghost is evil, so even an unspoilt soul would know

4. The preview showns two hands holding (which I believe are Sunny and GR) and thru that will uriGR see, that KS is indeed the brother and himself the king

5. KS will send the evilGhost-eunuch on his way to somewhere "not so nice"

6. the relatives will find ET, but as she is now way out of reach (also mentally) they will have no chance on her

7. do I have NO clue whatsoever how KS will slip past the dying part, but in the end I still believe, that thru his faith and believe in the deity he will get saved and just lose the immortality 

I don't like the idea of him and ET die and reincarnate, saw that in Arang & the Magistrate and I am fine in just having that twist just once .... thank you very much

Each peak into the future is just a possibility, not a given thing. You pave your own path and it just depends on which road you take, which turn you make or what door will open before you. Even the smallest change can have a huge impact


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39 minutes ago, Sarang21 said:

maybe it  was kind of like a memory of the pain that, the queen felt when the arrow hits her heart?

After watching the episode one thing has been bothering me. How did Sunny knew that GR was there? 

i believe she saw as she turned around the corner at the exact moment GR put on his hat... it was just a fraction of a second, but she definitely saw him disappear..

* first time writing here after lurking for so long.. ep 12 left me with my mouth open with the appearance of the evil eunuch... 

my question is, can a person with the same face as his previous life be reincarnated even if the soul is still running about in the present? 

i mean, KS said that 2 or 3 people of a 100 are reincarnated with the same face of their previous life, so how can the guy who works at the company ( i forgot his name- the one with the same face of that evil eunuch of the king) can be reincarnated with the same face but without the soul of that previous life??  i'm confused...

can't wait for ep 13!! 


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It also looks as if he is introducing his family to his sister for her approval.

7 hours ago, rrmski said:

This was so cute! He's like: "you come here and stand next to me. It's too weird I say I live only with him" LOL! 






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Are we watching The Walking Dead or what? I must say, smart move by writer in the sense that we actually kept scratching our brains about second missing soul all this time but never thought of eunuch being that. Not smart because IMO, this is a fantasy not horror or thriller. Did we need a villain at this stage when all four lives are already inches deep in quagmires? I thought he was dead for good. Anyways, I am not sure why would eunuch help GR now when he did meet him 20 years back.

Coming to the couples; GR-Sunny my heart overwhelms seeing their tragedy more because unlike the Goblin-ET couple, they hardly have any happy moments to reminisce. It's more bitter-bitter than bitter-sweet for them. Not believing the precap again, I don't think GR is erasing Sunny's memories rather asking her to forget him. Fair enough but I think this time Sunny won't be the one to end things. Gosh..can we get over this  break-up thing now?

Andd..Deak Hwa. Lols..finally his role is getting exciting. I am more inclining towards him being god/butterfly theory than him being only a deity. If we are looking for clues than the first major hint is the very first poster of Goblin where all four of them are posing on couch, DH is the only one sitting 'above' them and looking away too. He fooled Red Woman twice one on bridge and second on some street I guess..don't remember exactly. It looked like Red Woman is fooling him but it's the other way around. 

Lets see..things are building up to climax now...keep another box of tissues just in case.:tears:


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Sad fate between wang yeo and sunny :( 

At the moment, she was shocked? Though she knows her lover wasnt normal human. Her tears describe she was feel hurt not because the fact he was "grim reaper" but the fact they living in different world, while she love him very much, and wanting him so badly.. then he asked her to break up with him? I think It was the most hurtful words for her to heard, after the time they were spend together :(   


Credit to owner

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Guest ktiminie


AGB Nielsen: 13.894% (Seoul: 15.749%) 

Daebak, best Goblin's ratings ever!! :heart:




Source: Nielsen


Goblin TV Ratings Recap:




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I think the writer make reference from vampire diaries, walking dead,supenatural and many more that can be used this drama.

I hope can hear dialogue from the Kim Shin similar to damon vampire diaries:w00t:


When I killed someone its supossed to be dead...LoL

 5 hours more in tv....

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