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[Drama 2017] Bride of the Water God, 하백의 신부


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36 minutes ago, dramu51ch0c10ve said:

Woah...your analysis is great but my head is spinning right now:blink:

I would like ask something though.What is the 'illness' that cannot be cured referring to?So Ah falling in love?Because if it is,then wouldn't that be a problem?

If there is a cure:

Advantages- May stop situations from becoming more complicated by stopping So Ah from falling in love with Habaek.

Disadvantages- It may be another tragic love story where So Ah will live her normal human life as Habaek suffers pining and being broken hearted for eternity.

Because,correct me if I'm wrong,it's not mentioned that there is a cure if Habaek falls in love. And maybe he said "Don't fall for me because there is no cure" because of his experience with Nak-Bin? For those who read the manga,did Nak-Bin fall in love with Habaek too?Because if she did then that's why Habaek warned So Ah not to fall in love with him.

Well, his advice to So Ah ("Don't fall for me because there is no cure") applies to him as well. To me, when he warned our heroine, his words were also a reminder for himself. He knows what will happen to him, if he falls in love with a human. Yes, he has already experienced it once with Nak Bin. There is no cure for him because the human can not live forever. The loss is even worse because his immortality will always remind him of the death of the loved one. That's why I proposed the cure, So Ah is a demi-god.... as such, she feels and acts like a human but she is immortal as well.

However although both know that they shouldn't give in, they can't help it and won't stop hence Ha Baek offered her to pick her up after work. He knows that he acts like a boyfriend now.

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2 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

However although both know that they shouldn't give in, they can't help it and won't stop hence Ha Baek offered her to pick her up after work. He knows that he acts like a boyfriend now.

and compliments her, which he learned how to do from the internet.

about HY i will probably be pretty upset if they make him an unjustifiable villain.   

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I am really overwhelmed reading all your insights and thoughts and theories. Some make sense, some don't..haha..but since it is fantasy drama..anything is possible so I'm keeping my sanity in check by not thinking too much and PATIENTLY wait for the next episodes.

What I really like about ep 8 is how both our OTP is being quite brave and true to themselves. We know they kind of  having a fight at the end of ep 7, but they called it a truce not long after. Habaek is trying to be good to SoAh in whatever  limited time that he has even though he knows he won't be staying for much longer with her (if the drama goes the smooth way and make him find the 3rd stone without anymore difficulty but I have a hunch that he won't be that lucky). His tone of voice while speaking at her has already changed from this loud autocratic "yeoja!!' or 'chung!!'  to gentler 'you' and her name. SoAh also even though she said she doesn't want to depend on him, she let herself does exactly that by having hopes and expectation. I think she knows she's going to be really unhappy when he's gone but I think she's decided to handle that later and basking in whatever happiness she can get from him for the time being. I really love how their romance is building up so ever slowly but steadily. It's not something that is forceful or unnatural like I saw in some dramas. I'm already giddy watching them being a good 'friends' to each other at the moment. I think i'm going to get diabetes in future episodes when they acknowledge their love to each other and Habaek being extra sweet with her ( call me lame but his gaze at the amusement park, the cemetery and while she asking for a date behind the close door are all soooo swoooony and melting!).

I really, really hope we will have a happy ending...

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6 hours ago, vangsweetie637 said:

@moodypie hahaha welcome to the eyeliner, long hair club of HB :tongue::lol: i too like seeing him in his water god outfit. Imagine SA when she sees it haha!

Even though that detail is interesting, I don't think HB will cease to exist. Why? Because SA will still believe in him and about him :wub:

The real question is..according to the elder, demigods are fire and they bring destruction. But can a demigod destroy the future King? And is he stronger than HB? The elder does not even know himself. 

Demigods are strong. But the elder is right. They have a choice to be good or bad. It is because they are also human. And humans have the options to choose their paths. Being a God has too many rules and rituals which is why HB would want to take it out. I also believe..that as long as SA believes in HB..wholeheartedly..he will become stronger than HY :wink: and..maybe there will be no need for another realm. Demigods can finally coexist with the Gods.



Thanks for welcoming me to the eyeliner, long hair club. Don't you think they look musculine with eyeliner and long hair? haha. I am not so into his outfit ..hehe. I have actually wondered too what would be SA's reaction if she ever sees him in long hair, with eyeliner and eyeshadow. 


5 hours ago, Mau_Cherry said:


Hi Chingu! Yeah - you know my mind. Hmm.. My Guess was that it is a test for him - if he would have taken the Door he might be just the God as he was before. But there must be a reason the Stones are on the Earth. So my first guess was every God who needs to find the Stones need to loose his Power first. Maybe he can only get it back when when find out what is really importend for him - like that it can be linked to the one Person he will love. As for me - I don´t know anything about the Manwha - so I can´t tell it is a Story about recarnation... or what else. I just enjoy the Drama for itself.

When the High Prist can watch Ha Baek on Earth and it was not something he expected to happen - that Ha Baek loose his Power - I believe they would be somehow nervous about it too. As A god he needs to learn about Mankind - before he felt almighty about them. Like he did not even know why he have to protect them. So my Guess was - it was part of the test that he loose his Power. Somehow he entert the World like a Human Baby - naked and unaware. Was it Part of the Test that he landet on the wrong spot? he did not come to Earth as a Protector God - and why good it be a Test he must do to become the real God King if it would be just very easy - go to the Earth - ask for the Stones - get them - i will be King. There must be a challenge behind it.

I too agree that it's like a test/challenge for HB, to be the next king he has to know both worlds. But why do i think this is not only the reason ...i feel like there are more than just a test. Maybe we think too much? the High priest did ask him to stay a bit longer in the human world, and he said it in a chilled out way. Maybe there is no more depth or speculation to what we have seen so far. 

Anyone here knows how old is the high priest?


4 hours ago, Visually-wandering said:

Reading this gave "eureka" moment. Now, that's explained why SoAh survived after jumped down from the bridge into a freezing water. Because she's immortal too —is she's a demi-god. And explained why in the later time she'll jumped again in a peaceful self. She might be dead as a human but half of her is a god, rite? 

Lol... Don't mind me. Sometime I'm wondering too much.

I have always thought some kind of God has rescued her from the water. You are not the only one wondering...haha. I came to the thread in the hope to find some answers, but i find my head spinning even more with so many different analysis here. 

I am very amazed at how some of the chingus here could come up with a variety of analysis. Keep it up !!! Hope to read more while waiting for Monday to come. This week is just too slow to pass by.

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I personally think  Soah is human, not a demigod.  Just a smart cookie that made HY doubt, remove doubt, then doubt again. that she might be "one of them".

As for HY, MR is taking the careful route and I agree because it will not help to anger him. The boys are hotheads though, both HB and BR, who does a confrontational style and a teasing style, respectively. 

Some inconsistencies:  

Manhwa:   Joodong is god of fire.    Drama:  Joodong is god of earth.  

Manhwa:   Shin-nong, powerful god of earth with affinity to fire,  is the father of HY.  HY lived a free life.   Drama:   Demi-god HY has fire element.   He also seems to have earth---either inherited or whatever happened between him and Joodong (who has not been seen for 10 yrs).    I too, think it is possible  JD could be HY's. father--was happened to him?   That glowing mark,  the mark of JD,  is on HY;  could it also be the third stone imbedded inside him?  My head is spinning from all the what-ifs of HY and the still unseen JD.   As for Secretary Min being  JD, wouldn't MR have seen him somehow in the course of work? 

Manhwa and Drama:   HY is friend and confidant of SA,  he fell for her but she does not reciprocate, being in love with HB.    

I wish for a happy ending for HB and SA too, in this drama.  What  is a drama romance if it will end badly?   in the manhwa SA was not a human servant but a human sacrifice who survived,  and  she married HB.  


The blind girl...she puzzles me.  She calls him ajusshi though, so idk.   She is always in BaekReungGa where the trees are,  never anywhere else.  He does overprotect her.   

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I will tell you if I think SA is a demi god by next week. lol. It would be nice if she is...at least it's not so much of  a burden to ship my otp. I want to see more otp moments next week. Hope this is not too much to ask for haha. It's such a pain to wait for a week while we have so many questions going around our head. 

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1 hour ago, moodypie said:


I will tell you if I think SA is a demi god by next week. lol. It would be nice if she is...at least it's not so much of  a burden to ship my otp. I want to see more otp moments next week. Hope this is not too much to ask for haha. It's such a pain to wait for a week while we have so many questions going around our head. 

Yeah, because what I've been waiting is their cute closer intimate interactions as lovers. Lol. I'm an easy—cheap kind of viewer. Me only waiting for their next kiss and next and next and next.... And a demigod baby. Well, just ignore my delulu mind :tongue:


2 hours ago, amisyka77 said:

I really love how their romance is building up so ever slowly but steadily. It's not something that is forceful or unnatural like I saw in some dramas. I'm already giddy watching them being a good 'friends' to each other at the moment. I think i'm going to get diabetes in future episodes when they acknowledge their love to each other and Habaek being extra sweet with her ( call me lame but his gaze at the amusement park, the cemetery and while she asking for a date behind the close door are all soooo swoooony and melting!).

Me giddy too. And I will be inline with you on getting love diabetes. 

And yes @bebebisous33, HB has already acted as a boyfriend eventho he knew he can't stay forever with her. Calling her name "Yoon SoAh" and told her not to come home too late, because it's dark. Told her that she's cute. Aigoo... I'm flustered just to imagine it.

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@bebebisous33 thanks for tagging me, however I'm afraid I won't be able to contribute much to the discussions because I'm so lost about all this "godly" talks :tongue:

But I'd like to comment something about demi-god being able to choose to be evil or good... Because the way I see it, even a full-god can choose to do so as well, eg. BR (sorry to his supporters). He is not necessarily evil, but oftentimes he chose to do "not good" stuff... can we consider him as a good god then? What defines evil god? What defines good god?

And HB's advice "Don't fall for me because there's no cure." -- doesn't that apply to almost all romances? :D even for us, don't fall for kdramas, because there's no cure...

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2 minutes ago, hazeljrr_c922 said:

I personally think  Soah is human, not a demigod.  Just a smart cookie that made HY doubt, remove doubt, then doubt again. that she might be "one of them".


Me too. If Soah is a semi-god..she would have some super power of her own...and we know she doesn't have any...

3 minutes ago, hazeljrr_c922 said:

The blind girl...she puzzles me.  She calls him ajusshi though, so idk.   She is always in BaekReungGa where the trees are,  never anywhere else.   Someone who lives there with a caretaker family? 


I think she lived at the place with her grandmother. Remember she asked for HY to stay for some meals in ep 7 as her 'halmoni' told her so. The grandmother could be HY's adoptive parent. Could she be from Shin clan also? She must be of significant player in the drama because she made an appearance early in ep 1...

BTW, I found this video


If the description is right, Joo dong is the guy who explained about the world of gods to that little girl in ep 1. As to what is their relationship, I dont have anything to offer atm. It is hard for me to think JD as HY's father because if I am not mistaken, he is supposed to have a good personality so for him to be cruel to his own son is quite unacceptable. I'm more on the theory that HY is some Sky God's son as we know gods from Sky country are depicted as notorious, greedy and untrustful (like Biryeom).

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45 minutes ago, amisyka77 said:


Me too. If Soah is a semi-god..she would have some super power of her own...and we know she doesn't have any...


I think she lived at the place with her grandmother. Remember she asked for HY to stay for some meals in ep 7 as her 'halmoni' told her so. The grandmother could be HY's adoptive parent. Could she be from Shin clan also? She must be of significant player in the drama because she made an appearance early in ep 1...

BTW, I found this video

@hazeljrr_c922  I also don't think Soha is a demigod, but her survival from the suicide jump does give a hint something magical happened.   The opening scene shows her jumping again in 2018.  This is one depressed chick!  But  i bet you dollars to donuts she survives and goes to Hb heaven somehow.


45 minutes ago, amisyka77 said:


If the description is right, Joo dong is the guy who explained about the world of gods to that little girl in ep 1. As to what is their relationship, I dont have anything to offer atm. It is hard for me to think JD as HY's father because if I am not mistaken, he is supposed to have a good personality so for him to be cruel to his own son is quite unacceptable. I'm more on the theory that HY is some Sky God's son as we know gods from Sky country are depicted as notorious, greedy and untrustful (like Biryeom).



Monk's knowledge of god world:  

The little blind girl was in the opening with the monk (god JD?) He knew all about the three stones, which is surprising because it is not normal mortal knowledge, and he appears to be a Buddhist monk (because of the beads around his neck).    The little girls lives with a grandmother, so she is partially orphaned.

The Shins and the monk: My alternate theory about the Monk is that he is the brother of the greedy Shin and he gave up the material world - and became a Buddhist, and he is the one who found HY, that is how HY became the nephew of the greedy Shin.

Otherwise who is the other Shin brother who helped HY?

monk as god JD:

But the monk does look like JD.  So in that case HY may have met him later on during or after the battle, and if he is jD, somehow infused him with the seal on his body. The theory then, is as the physical father of HY,  he came back to repent in the mortal world for his "sin"  and that is why he became a Buddhist.

could the monk make the little girl see?

Note: When the monk points to the other god's world,  the little blind girl did say to him will you let me see as if she knew he had the power to let her see it.   

Shin relationship to Soha family:

The Shin family knew Soha's family,   Bratty Ms Shin spoke about how Soha's father loved orphans and disabled children.   She met Soha's father. And she teased her about how her charitable giving father dumped his own  family and went to save everyone else. That relationship could mean that there was at some point a switch, and that Soha took on the duties of the descendant that Ms Shin was supposed to do.   Question is how did that land got in to Soha's family, was it gifted by greedy Shin so that his daughter would not be the sacrifice?  Was the gift in distant past or this generation?

The land"

 Soha thinks the land was always in her family.  The name then "Shin" they were the servants I thought? But it they have but one child and it is a daughter, the daughter's child would take on another surname - so that Shin name was confusing to me.

2018 Jump:

Is that jump from the bridge that Soha makes in 2018 a sacrifice to the gods, to prove faith in them and they will not leave the earth?

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Call me crazy, but could it be possible this person JD (god) is SA's dad??!!

He came to earth and met SA's mom, fell in love, and had SA? Reason being why he's missing somewhere right now. Her father's storyline isn't clear yet...

So that means SA is also half god, and the possiblity of her being with Habaek is highly likely at the end?

Gosh, this drama got our heads twisted all types of ways.

Can't wait until Monday!

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Omg idk what is wrong is my eyes sometimes.  NJH is clearly both handsome modern day Habaek and GORGEOUS ancient times Habaek, but the way they do his make up for the ancient times version, my eyes play tricks on me and he looks like a completely different person.  Everyone else I can easily recognize in their other outfits and hairstyles, but not him.

Anyway, that said, NJH is attractive already but MAN I can't take my eyes of him at all when he's ancient style Habaek!
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Really hope Im Ju Hwan is NOT acting as baddie again. There appears to be some redeeming qualities for the Hoo Ye character. But the fact he's bent on acquiring the sacred land for some dubious purpose - makes me think he's up to no-good ...:P

And if he does develop romantic feelings towards So Ha. Would be interesting to see him challenge Habaek in the :heart::wub: department^^




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Hello Chingus! It is only Thursday here. Monday too far away LOL


@bebebisous33 I read your post last night right before sleeping, then thought about it before actually sleeping :lol: let me see if I can put all my thoughts together like I did last night before I slept haha.

I also am beginning to think that if JD is in hiding somewhere, he is in another person’s form, which can be the secretary. I find the secretary to be mysterious as well, almost as if he understands and accepts HY to be the way he is. He offers advice and suggestions. Hence, I do go with that theory as well. If JD is not floating somewhere in secret, he is in a human body, as a disguise. The question will be: Why can’t HY recognize him? If the secretary is JD in disguise, it will be hard to recognize him in his real form unless he gives off a Godly vibe or scent.

I still do not go with the theory that SA may be a demigod. But you do bring up very interesting points. I think she is full human. First, I am now starting to speculate that the monk from the beginning can be her dad. He seems to know a lot about the Gods, and I think SA’s dad has connections to the Gods. If she is a demigod, she would have known about it in some way. Even if she has fully accumulated into the human world, being raised as a human, her Godly side would be able to suffice somehow and she would still be able to feel something 'off' about her. I think when she drowned at the bridge, someone saved her. It was not her powers. I think..a God could have heard her prayers, and saved her. She mentioned that it was too cold and she used the skills she learned as a basic swimmer to go ashore. But even for a beginner, it will be hard to swim in that deep part of the water. There was also a scene when HB asks her about why did she jump into the cold water that night..and SA was taken aback because she did not mention that part of her life to anyone. At that moment, I had a feeling that someone or something saved her. Was it her own skills, or another party? This is something we still have to see.

Second, she owns the land that belongs to the Gods. It was mentioned that the land belong to the descendant of the God’s servants. The servants are human. I have the impression that if SA is a demigod, she would not need to have that land in the first place. I also do not think that the Sky King is waiting on HB to fall in love with another human. The scandals caused from BR may have been a direct order from the Sky King, perhaps in his attempt to take the throne from HB. It was mentioned that there had been opportunities for others. I think the Sky Kingdom committed an evil act on their own premises and failed. And for some reason, NB was involved. It could be that the Sky King had a liking to NB and grew jealous of HB’s love for her, and gave her the fruit on purpose, only to have her go crazy and died. I still don’t have the full story on how the humans became tied to the curse, but it did seem that the humans acknowledge the mistake such as the scene when HB’s mom put the curse out. The curse is: “Your descendants will only be granted one child, and your descendant’s spouse will leave once they give birth. The punishment for you deceiving the gods will be a short-lived love, and long life filled with betrayals. Your descendants will exist solely for the reason of serving the Gods and pay the price for your betrayal of the gods. Will you promise me this?” I still believe that SA’s dad is the descendant of the servants curse, and her real mom died from giving birth, and the mom that died was actually her stepmom (whom she is not fully aware of because she was never told). SA always mentions her bad luck, and how her love relationships don’t ever work out, and that her life is filled with too much burdens. In this way, these can be betrayals directly. As a human, she should have more luck in anything, and yet she feels like everything is not right and her fault entirely. Here, we still have no idea what the humans did wrong, or what was the betrayal. Did it have to do with NB? and did the Sky Kingdom really use a human body in order to bore a demigod whom can be SA? I cannot see the connection of SA being a demigod and her father being from the Sky Kingdom. Thus, to me, SA is full human, and not a demigod. If HB fell in love with NB who is a human, then there is always another chance for him to fall in love again, with another human. He may have locked up his love for a human long ago. But if he meets the one that can open his love again, then he can definitely fall in love once more. I also think that if HB is to come to an understanding about HY and his views on a demigod, it does not have to be SA being a demigod in order to show that. HB is beginning to empathize with SA as a human already. The deeper and more he falls in love with SA, he will begin to understand her world and pain even more. He will listen to her more, and remember her words even more. He can utilize what he is learning from being around SA to understand HY. As of now, I am like you. HB does not hate HY. He is jealous of him with SA. But the fact that he is a demigod put HB on the edge because BR made a point: What if HY feels obligated to have a servant too because he does have a God in him as well? HB caught onto that, and is even more on edge about HY being around SA. 

And you are correct. The problem then is: He is immortal while she is human. She will die. He will continue to live. But, what if she does not have to be born a demigod to break the curse? It was hinted way earlier that if the hungry God kissed HB to make him hungry, could another kiss break the curse? This idea was brushed off easily, but it may prove to be a hint for the future episodes. What if, the key to breaking the curse is not the answer of whether SA needs to be a God or not, but in the point that will she truly love him nonetheless, enough to bear the pain of a short-lived love? Will she truly be able to make sure he continues to exist by believing in him? And will she, a human, commit the same betrayal that brought upon the beginning of the curse, or will she be the different one, not tempted by any fruit-bearing trees, or other Gods, in order to reverse the curse?  

And for some reason, I keep having a feeling that maybe in the Realm of Gods, there is something as ancient and possible as a demigod-something that can make a human become a full God. In Greek mythology, a human can become full God if he/she eats the God’s sacred food: Ambrosia. I wonder if SA will become a God in the end, to live with HB, or will she remain a human. Or, it can also be as you speculated that she is indeed a Demigod but for this theory, I have to see if the episodes will provide more concrete hints. 

@moodypie hahaha I will imagine that SA will join the eyeliner, long hair club too with us! She does not have to like the outfit. She just has to love the bare front :wink:


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