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[Drama 2017] Bride of the Water God, 하백의 신부


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On 15/07/2017 at 6:38 PM, hazeljrr_c922 said:


That piece of land of SA is supposedly included in the resort developer's plan, hence the offer to buy at 7x the appraised value, to encourage small land owners in the area to sell.    If SA sells, the land owned by the human servant of the gods will be unrecognizeable as it will form part of a new resort complex. The company will likely consolidate ownership of all the land they bought,  in the name of the firm or resort,  and dig up the land as well while being developed.   So in future,  if some god needs to find the servant in that land,  it will no longer be the servant's property. 

I also think there is a reason that this land has so far never changed hands but is inherited by servant ancestor to descendant.  Is there something in it?  Is it why it is being purchased now by the company, of which HY is CEO?  

idk, just speculating at this point,  as of ep 4  she has just been given the contract for her review, so thinking up possibilities in the next few eps. 

This land is supposed to be a door to the Realm god world hence it can not be sold or built. Since the land and building have been neglected (NSR compared it to before), the connection between the two worlds doesn't work well any longer. This explains why Ha Baek didn't arrive through this land, when he came to search for the god stones. Notice he stranded exactly where the servant was. First of all, she saw him as meteor which underlines her special bound with the Realm land and Ha Baek. Moreover, So Ah made a wish which is really important as it showed that Ha Baek's powers are somehow connected to So Ah and her faith/belief. She wished money in order to make her dream come true and Ha Baek appeared. 

All this leads me to the next explanation why Ha Baek's powers are not functioning well. Like everyone noticed it, his powers are connected to So Ah. I don't think that the rescue worked because of So Ah's blood. In my opinion, his powers are only working when So Ah believes in Ha Baek as a god. When she fell from the building, she saw him and asked him to save her. She knew deep down that only a god can save her. For a human, it would have been impossible. Let us not forget: Ha Baek is a god and a god only exists, if humans believe in them. So Ah questioned his nature as god in the episode 4, since he had no power. So she only linked god to extraordinary powers, however she is overooking a fact: the existence of a religion and gods can only exist, if there are people to believe in them. But Ha Baek did the same mistake too: he thought that the journey to the human world in order to gather god stones is obsolete and old-fashioned. Yet, without them how can a god exist? Due to the visit of the gods in the human world, the belief and faith in the existence of God or gods is reinforced. It took a long time before Ha Baek had to go to the human world hence people and especially So Ah lost her faith and belief in the supernatural. Hence she is only using her reason. That's why she chose psychiatrist as a profession. In this profession, you uses rational thoughts and analysis in order to explain the mental issues of the patients. Her biggest flaw is that due to her behavior (reason and logical analysis), she is forgetting one fundamental aspect: empathy and understanding. In her attitude she shows no understanding towards her patients hence the latter resent her. Since she has been hurt, she has closed her heart to anyone. This explains why So Ah has lost the ability to believe in anything except money. 

Another clue that So Ah's belief is linked to Ha Baek's powers is her jumps. In the first two episodes, she jumped twice. In the first, when she is in the water, she looks peaceful. habaek1-00084.jpg

In my opiniopn, she knows that Ha Baek is right out there. She believes in him. There is a French philosophist Blaise Pascal who used to say that for faith and belief, reason and rationalising will never work. For faith, you need to jump and believe.


Belief is a wise wager. Granted that faith cannot be proved, what harm will come to you if you gamble on its truth and it proves false? If you gain, you gain all; if you lose, you lose nothing. Wager, then, without hesitation, that He exists.
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/b/blaisepasc159845.html

Twice, we see her jumping and each time, she is rescued by Ha Baek as she begs for help.

The same person, Blaise Pascal,  is also famous for another quote:


Love has reasons which reason cannot understand.

 And this describes So Ah perfectly. She can not really love as long as she is always rationalising everything. Notice how she tried to reason her reaction (closing her eyes) to the kiss. She was attempting to diminish the effect of Ha Baek's kiss on her. Even after the rescue, she had a similar reaction. She used her reason again, however she had problems to overcome her trauma. Here, she needed understanding and comfort. Ha Baek provided it.

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On 7/14/2017 at 3:59 PM, bebebisous33 said:

Interesting is that So Ah mentioned to Ha Baek that she met a god during the afternoon and this latter was going to make her dream come true. While Ha Baek connected the god to Hoo Ye, So Ah was actually talking about something else and not Hoo Ye: money. Remember that in the episode 1, she was associating money to happiness. Then we had this scene in another episode, where NSR thought that he saw gold on the building and both gods had the impression that the buildings were like temples. In the end, this scene and So Ah's description of the god making her dream come true had something in common: gold and money represents the new "religion" in the human world and Hoo Ye is its representant, he is the new god. Notice that Hoo Ye uses his money to help people but he is not able to help humans otherwise. We shouldn't forget that he didn't help So Ah, when she was harrassed by Shin Ya Ja. He only watched the entire scene, while Ha Baek stopped the spoiled girl. Then he didn't take So Ah in his car, when she was sitting on the sidewalk. He really didn't think, she would accept his help. Sure, he helped SYJ with her face by giving her a handkerchief, but he didn't explain why hence his action had not the achieved result. To sum up, Hoo Ye is someone who thinks that money can solve everything, he can save people. Yet Ha Baek proves that he is wrong with this assumption. So Ah is helped differently by Ha Baek. He rescues her, gives her advices, criticises her in order to point out her flaws, he gives her support, when he notices her fear or her despair.  

Omo bebebisense, wow this is a great analysis, it's true modern man does have a tendency to equate the pursuit of money as a new religion. Just look at the elder Shin, he has money but just wants more to the point he doesn't seem to enjoy it and I really had not looked at this but you are so right HY wants to help but the only way he can is by giving it away. Our spoiled  Habaek is learning there is more to happiness than money, that there are more ways to help his 'servant' without it because he is being forced to. I believe that when he came to the earth that him losing his powers and having to depend on others is a part of his journey to find the stones. It was meant for him to lose everything when he came here.

I have spent a day back reading and just loved reading everyone's analysis, I usually don't go as far back as 20 pages but everyone's analysis has really been great and I didn't want to miss it. @athena22 @V thanks for the live recaps/screencaps and @jeonghyang our gifmaster for the gifcaps.

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