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[Drama 2017] My Father is Strange 아버지가 이상해

Go Seung Ji

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50 minutes ago, zoks said:

The preview for tomorrow isn't up yet anywhere I can find so I can't link it, the wedding is tomorrow.

 I have already watched ep 21 without sub and the only thing I can say for now is that I am a little confused.  At the end of the 21 ep, the preview for ep 22 was showed. 
The wedding is tomorrow and I was sad because I saw JH leaving the ceremony when they were making the family picture and he was not included. 

I watched in this link and the preview is included.


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I am watching episode 21 with Subs now. I am a bit disappointed,because the story around Jung hee doesn't seem to be developing. He is like more like a guest in the house than a new member of the family. He doesn't even have a normal conversation with the siblings and the mother of the family is a bit cautious and formal around him. I feel so sad and sorry for Jung Hee. Maybe I am impatient. :D:D  I do care for Jung Hee's character, which means he is doing a great job as an actor. I have come to dislike JY a bit. He and his girlfriend seem to be kinda selfish. She is so confidant around MY as if nothing has happend. MY is still uncomfortable around her. But Yoo Joo is so cool about it! I think MY is super lovely, nice and considerate. 

PS   in the preview I saw Jung Hee didn't take picture with the rest. It was sad :(

PSS  I wish there were more of JungHee and MY story.. 

PSSS  But I still like this drama. I like everything in the drama.But I just want Jungee to get family love and have more interaction with his dad. After all,he joined their family for the sake of his drama. I hope he acts better :D he was so nervous while he was acting and was sad to see him being looked down upon by the other cast. I am looking forward to seeing Junghee act very well and overcome this obstacle and become a popular actor. :)

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Episode 13 With Subs.....................................


Just viewed.

Mostly 13 is about HY's relationship and whether she wants to get married, and how the families feel. And, MY and JH are becoming close, empathetic, brother and sis. RY and CS  are cute people  but RY doesn't interest me much and that accidental meeting in and around lunch room flies in the face of logic. After vowing she must not see him for one day, why go to the central lunch room at all, bring lunch and/or eat out somewhere, duh.    

Ah, my other pet peeve is granny, who did not fail to irritate me with her intentional unprovoked violence to JH for pure malicious joy, ugh, I can't stand her worse than Ok Suk who is so silly, selfish and unabashedly filled with undeserved self importance that she is on the funny side of bizarre.

Question:  It appears Uncle Na said to JY that he gave up and had to close his photography studio? Is that translation correct? He was just  an employee, he did'n't own the studio,  so was he misleading the family that he was the owner?

Despite my complaints I really like this show. I like the actors who are doing a good job for the most part (AHS, you are too real a guy, with that clueless abstract sometimes zen like expression, you look like all the men in my life.  That doesn't work in drama,  you have to ham it up - boy and move your face muscles around a bit!, and use your beautiful eyes). Thought both he and his brother, looked tired in the episode.

I love that the Dad hung around waiting for MY and JH to get back from the first shoot, and anxious for his son to do well (and sad that JH thought he didn't care about him for 35 years). 

Thought the conversation between CJH and HY regarding living together and marriage was clever satire, a role reversal. on traditional boy/girl conversation. Especially that bit when HY says, "you never asked if my intention was marriage"  -  which was traditionally the nightmare line every woman dreaded.  :lol:




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Great HY-JHcentric episode today.

HY continues to be my hero.  CJH was magnificent in this episode.

I thought HY's reasons why she doesn't want to get married were convincing, well-reasoned, and heartfelt.  Her explanation to her mom sounded genuine. 

I also loved that even though HY's mother thinks her daughter's reasoning makes no sense, I loved the fact that she trots out HY's argument to defend her against her aunt's perceived criticism.

I think Papa Byun was really strategic in his dealing with CJH. He took the lead in expressing the parent's anger over the situation because he was less likely to say something that could not be taken back than Mama Na would. When enough reprimand was given he got rid of CJH before Mama Na could unload in a way that might just create more obstacles for the couple marriage. [It's a Korean family drama, they most likely will marry.] The result was the couple was scolded enough that Mama Na felt her position was represented without  irretrievable permanent damage was done to the possibility of HY-CJH future by HY's parent.  

I though CJH's statement if they aren't together with the idea of marrying then they had no future was heartbreaking. In some ways they don't have a future because they haven't talked about what their future would be like. CJH went along assuming that HY wanted what most women wanted.  It was not a smart assumption since HY is not an average girl.  HY should have voiced her expectation since she knew that what she wanted was non-standard. It isn't clear that HY wants to have children, and if she and CJH disagree on that important point, then it a future together will be out of the question.

I really love how HY integrity and recognition of the importance of family made her not support CHJ intention of cutting off his mother.  Although she has serious issues with Oh Bok-Nyeo HY knew she couldn't have a successful relationship that required CHJ abandoning his mom because she isn't that much worse than most k-drama's mothers.  [the other thing to consider there are a lot of Korean mom watching the drama, they wouldn't applaud a mother being treated vengefully, even if she deserves it.]

It is charming and sweet that CJH volunteered to take the burden of traditional domestic responsibility off HY's shoulder.  Many men make that promise, but few keep it once the pressure of there careers, family, and societal expectation pressure them into defaulting to the community norm.

Other things happened but the HY-CJH story was so well written and performed it put the rest in shadow.

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CJH and HY's relationship was doomed from the start if they were going in with separate goals. That said, I feel like HY wanted to say they'll get married after his mother dies. :D

AJH made some good steps to ingratiating himself to the family, but then he shot himself in the foot with his petty (from their perspectives) requests. Poor guy had to navigate a discussion about his bad bowel movements while trying to be polite. MY has to be the best manager he could ask for, considering how much help she is to him. 

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1 hour ago, zoks said:

CJH and HY's relationship was doomed from the start if they were going in with separate goals. That said, I feel like HY wanted to say they'll get married after his mother dies. :D

AJH made some good steps to ingratiating himself to the family, but then he shot himself in the foot with his petty (from their perspectives) requests. Poor guy had to navigate a discussion about his bad bowel movements while trying to be polite. MY has to be the best manager he could ask for, considering how much help she is to him. 

Yes, that was awkward, could have spoken about it away from dinner table but the poor guy has painful hemorrhoids so his fixation is understandable (because we know).

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My  impresión about  episode  21

Because of my limited English is difficult for me to put in words what I think.   I want to make clear I love all characters, actors and actress in this Drama.

HY: My dear YH. What a complicated woman! OMG, I think she even doesn’t knows what she really wants, I mean she daid she doesn’tt want to get married and is ok,  she has the right to decide what to do with her life but she can’t pretend that JW wants the same thing that she wants. She said he didn’t ask her if she wanted to married in the future, but she   neither ask him. If she recognize herself like a modern woman she have to act like one. She  must had discussed about it openly with him before and make thinks clear so I can’t understand what kind of modern woman she is. Both were careless and irresponsible. 
I think she was rude and tactless when they were having the coffee and she commented about the life time expectation that people have now and that it is no fair for her to love only once and an only one men. Please those kind of words can break the heart of anybody. I would rather she to be sincere and talk about his mother. She wants a life style different than him. Why they skipped that conversation before live together? If she doesn’t want the same thing than him, he is no the man for her. 
She has two option:

1.    Go to live with him again against her parents and forget about them.
2.    Let him go because she could hurt him. 

RY: said a big true about JY being a good husband material, of course nothing is free, and his mother is a nightmare. 
Anybody can’t say that women in this drama have not the power over men. 

JH: I can’t wait when the complete family have to ask for forgiveness to JH. Granny is being to annoying with JH, she nee to stop. I love when he offered to help with the living expenses, he is being nice and sweet. 

Father:  He need to pay more attention to JH because He was who decided to took him to live with them and everybody are too mean with him

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On 2017-5-12 at 2:32 AM, TheMsChelsea91 said:

was hoping some kind soul would've given a rough translation of the preview but oh well, juicy parts seen w/o subs so i'm a happy fan :D..

1) Glad to see the progress with JW and HY. Yes, his dad got through to him so he's finally manning up and taking things to the next step. Clearly the only issue with them getting married would be the moms, but i think if his mom would crack first, then her mom would definitely approve. Glad to see JW screaming at his mom like that. That snobbish lady needs to learn that being rich doesnt mean she can control everyone around her, especially her retired husband and her almost 40 son. Kudos to HY for finally revealing why she dumped him years ago. Maybe his mom will crack when he finally for once, gets really really upset with her?

2) JH and MY, and of course the girls. How cute is it that he's helping them wash their hair. Yeah, JY being sulky as usual. Although, i dont think JY's all that bad, really. I mean, i get why he's acting like that to JH but in general, he is a good son and brother. Regarding YJ, he still has no idea about her and MY's past so we shouldnt blame him for that. I really want to see if he'll pass the civil servant exam. Back to JH and MY, i really want the truth that JH isnt Dad's biological son to be revealed soon as it is very hard for me to see JH and MY develop romantically whilst they think that they're related.

3) CS's brother is clearly a new minor character now. Glad to see the gay confusion resolved. It'll be interesting to see how CS will respond to his brother's very bold attempt at hitting on RY since they have very contrasting personalities for twins. And it seems like RY's crush on CS isnt returning despite knowing the truth now, at least not yet. I didnt understand the preview but it seems like CS wants to continue being RY's friend?

@TheMsChelsea91 Chinggu..it's good to see the familiar minion here who likes this show too..:D

This drama just started to get to me after ep 16..hehehe

Generally there are 2 couples that I am really rooting for - RY-CS and MY-JH (I know..I know..I too cringe at the idea of this couple together..hehe..because they thought there are siblings..but I am feeling this Autumn in My Heart mode here between MY-JH..The brotherly love and the protective feelings JH had might made him a better person i.e MY will be the one changing him and I think this when he felt very conflicted later. And that conflict will help him later when he found out that Papa Byun is not his real dad and all this is just lies to keep the identity. I can imagine how torn he would be when he found out later. First to grow up without a father and then to find out the father he thought he had - and I say this after he was touch by Papa Byun's feeding him the end of the gimbap thingy - is not his father at all and he was accepted only because Papa and Mama Byun felt sorry on him. I can imagine how hurt his pride would be. That is when his feelings for MY, real feeling will soften all this..

As for RY-CS, I really want to see the jealousy CS more..hehehe..to light the drama up..hehe

As for HY and CJH - well they are the well-established couple who will naturally go thru all the usual obstacles of family protest, self-discovery etc. So..to me their story is rather normal. What I really want to see out of this couple's story is how CJH's mother would change from this conflict. I really want for her to snap from her self-praised self and see.finally see how she had made people around her miserable. I mean how many times she said " What did I do was so wrong?" every time she got into a fight with either her usband, CJH, the Byuns? Everytime she said that, I wish someone would spell all her misdeeds out for her instead of scoffing on her and just walk away? She is really airhead, hence such thing would not occur to her..so please someone, knock some senses into her head..

I agree with some of you chinggus. The writer is a bit 'cruel' on the extended family chars esp the grandma. She is rather annoying and childish. The sis-in-law @ auntie is another one. I hope they would have good char development later..

Overall, I still love this drama. A relief to watch in weekends.. 

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Annyeong chingus!:) I'm watching this series bcoz of jung somin & lee joon. But when the time I finished the 1st ep I was like omooo.. all the casts are really good. And I was like this drama for me is very realistic. It is really happening in real life that is why I was hooked in this drama. The reason also why I love this drama is bcoz there is romance, comedy, drama etc... you can find it all here. 

I'm looking forward for Mi Young & Joon Hee fall for each other.:D They're really cute together that is why I really ship this them.:wub:

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Broke my heart watching HY and JH because there is actually no way for them to be together. If he cuts off ties to his mother which I was actually shocked to hear he would do no woman would want to start a marriage being the cause of the destruction of a family. I know I would not because even if you do marry and then things don't go smoothly the probability that your husband will resent and hate you will be high. How can you live with that burden. I know people who have married against their parents' will and they were not happy campers for sure especially when the inevitable fights happen and one spouse yells at the other "I left my family for you !!!"

The fact that his mother was the one which revealed it makes it even harder for him to forgive her. He must be so upset that all these years he had blamed HY only to find out that the real reason she left him was his mother. I think he will really leave and not see his mother any more. This will leave her alone as her husband is only staying now because of the allowance he is getting meaning no one really wants to be around her. She deserves it too. I really hope she does some reflecting and approaches HY herself. That would be a scene to watch.

HY's very candid conversation with her friend was reflective of several surveys that have been carried out in South Korea where woman have been expressing how much of a disadvantage marriage is to women and how they are now eschewing it or delaying it. This is especially true for women with a career as Yoo Joo pointed out. There is also the meter of happiness where men in Korea remain more or less content but most women become unhappy after marriage and their husband's family is a large contributory factor to this dynamic. I think this drama is addressing this. She is such an amazing character. You recall what she said when her friend asked why she had not revealed the reason for her decision to break up with him and she spoke about her moving on but that he could not break up with his mum so she had remained silent. She really does love him deeply.

Loving how MY is supporting JH and I am enjoying the way he is much more patient with her mistakes which he would have fired her for before. Loving this dynamic because it shows a slow friendship and love growing. He had better find out from his mother or someone soon or this is going to get awkward fast. My favourite as everyone pointed out was the roof top meeting. I loved how he asked about what was going on and I loved how he was hovering and eavesdropping when JH had come to the house to apologize and state his intentions. He is already invested in this family and that is obvious and I am so worried when he finds out it is going to be very painful to see how much he will lose. See before he came to the house he would not have known what losing a family is like but now that he is getting involved and enjoying the family meals he will feel the loss so much more severely. Although it will solve the MY/JH issue with regards to their romance to make him lose a family to realise that is cruel.

RY and the twin story is light fun.

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How I love Mama Byun when she depends HY to her sister-in law about living-in with a man for a short period of time.  And I’m loving more of HY for standing up on her views on marriage.  She said it well,   indeed a lawyer.  Girl power on display, luv it.  LOL   However , this thing keeps popping up on my mind, that maybe HY’s unwillingness to get married is influenced by her painful experience eight years ago caused by CJH’s mother.  Would she be having the same stance in marriage if it didn’t happen?   

And yes, since when did the uncle own the photo studio? LOL  That’s the biggest mystery.

I know the grandma is annoying but this last episode, she went too far.  I can’t stand her.  Oh well, I guess she’s undergoing second childhood.



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What a fun episode. It was great to see JH finally bonding with his "sisters" for petty revenge and I really wish we would get more family fun and less mother-in-law cr** that is so boring and unoriginal, than I have to fast-forward it. Talking about overused drama tropes, we are definitely heading towards full blown fauxcest. JH is starting to realise his feelings for MY and I foresee lots of angst and drama in his future.

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Annyeong chingu's!:D  Jong Hee's reaction was epic.:lol: He was really stunned when he saw the transformation of Mi-young as if the world stop revolving.:lol: I really hope that this is the start of Jong Hee-sshi & Mi-young blossoming romance!:D:wub:  I'm super excited for my ship to sail hihihi... Rooting for JH & MY couple.:wub:

 love the wedding scene esp during the photoshoot together with the bride, hye-young, mi-young & ra-young I can't stop laughing while watching them.


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I just finished watching episode 21 with subs and correct me if I'm wrong but the scene where JH washes the sisters hair wasn't included?

It's possible I skipped it because I fast forward the parts about the in-laws and about Yoo-ju so i wanted to know if the scene was in the episode and I just missed it or if it really wasn't in episode 21.

Can't wait for episode 22 with subs, I love the developpement with MY and JH. But I wish the misunderstanding about them being half-sibling would be cleared up since it's gonna get messy if they fall in love while still thinking they are related.

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For the people who watched ep 22....you guys are making me so happy.  I don't know how I'm feeling about Kdrams dabbling in the "incest" thing but hey...whatever.  I've seen it plenty of times in my Jdoramas...normally they end in suicides.

However, I can see the knowledge that JH is not Papa Byun's son (well the fake one) will come out and it will be a massive deal.  JH is going to have a melt down. The only person he will be able to turn to is MY.  MY will have her own anger towards her father over this.  I think all the children will, when they find out they weren't Byun's and that the real Byun died. They may not know he had a record, but they would know real one passed away. 

Oh guys was there any CS and RY in this ep?!

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20 minutes ago, leeana21 said:

I just finished watching episode 21 with subs and correct me if I'm wrong but the scene where JH washes the sisters hair wasn't included?

It's possible I skipped it because I fast forward the parts about the in-laws and about Yoo-ju so i wanted to know if the scene was in the episode and I just missed it or if it really wasn't in episode 21.

Can't wait for episode 22 with subs, I love the developpement with MY and JH. But I wish the misunderstanding about them being half-sibling would be cleared up since it's gonna get messy if they fall in love while still thinking they are related.

I was waiting for that scene too but unfortunately it wasn't included :(

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