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[SeokMin Spazzland] Ha Seok Jin x Jeon So Min <3 1% of Something's Jae In x Dada


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I was just reading an article on body language and then it hit me- that's why I can't move on from this couple. No doubt there's only a handful of us sad souls left but I'm sure everyone can pretty much identify.

I have watched so many dramas that have awkward skinship (not fond of this word but since we're on the context of kdramas, it'll suffice), and this couple is a breath of fresh air. I have read many viewers describing their chemistry as sizzling, and their skinship natural, and I think the beauty is in the fact that they took a ridiculous and overused premise like contract dating, and made the two seem relatable- like any other couple out there. Two people so in love with each other that they can't keep their hands off each other. I might have touched on the topic previously, but I wanted to expound on this.

HSJ especially goes above and beyond the call of duty (lol) in embodying the extra handsy characteristics of Jae In. However every time his hands land on her hips (not inappropriate but something I haven't seen in a kdrama) and just how he touches her in general gives me pause. Is this something the director expressly asked him to do? Pull her in by the hips almost every time he's angling for a hug? That's something terribly intimate (read: sensual) that indicates trust, familiarity and professionalism. I'm throwing in attraction to the mix as well because while he's a great actor, he's good but not that good haha! I choose to believe somewhere deep within, his subconscious thoughts were reeling in their tentacles hehe. Also, he can't help doing the face touching thing whenever she's being extra cute. I know in the FM he's said because she reciprocates so well he gets to try out all these romantic gestures, but the general vibe I get is that he can't help himself lol. Have you seen his eyes? In certain scenes he looks like he wants to jump her bones and there's such an undercurrent of sexual tension between the two that I feel a need to look away to give them space. But okay, perhaps he's really that good of an actor? Or is he? He chose a very interesting way of getting close to her as well- exchanging sexy (lewd? bawdy?) jokes. That's not a topic you could easily broach with someone if you didn't think they'd be easy-going enough to deal with it, and not take it the wrong way.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, I think the lack of restraint on both their ends (because if JSM doesn't just melt into HSJ's arms every single frickin' time as if it's second nature to her, and look at him all :wub: then I wouldn't be half-convinced) is exactly what exemplifies the 'natural' couple vibe we get. How much of that was acting vs. real feelings is the question here. I'm sure there were both involved, but how much of each? Hehe. Well whatever it is, I'm sure they're at least friends. And that's good enough for me :)

Oh and regarding HSJ's comments on his relationship status? Yeah I'm with you guys @canbeMIA @jellybellymonster in that we can trust him on anything but this. The public (us being at the forefront lol) will scavenge for scraps of information whether he makes his status known or not, so I imagine it's one bit of his life he wants to keep close to his heart. He honestly doesn't owe us anything and I'm cool with that. I actually like him better because of this.

I can't believe I wrote an essay but I feel like I need justification as to why I'm still stuck on them! I've always thought of myself as a rational person, and being so vested in business that doesn't concern me is very alarming indeed. Help!

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Me too needs justification @tibba as to why I'm still stuck on them and why I still cling to my "feeling" that THERE IS SOMETHING.... THERE MUST BE SOMETHING. I have honestly asked myself many times why I am still here. The ships that Ive been to were big, updated and NOISY. This is my first time being on a small ship that it makes me insanely nervous but comfortable at the same time. ㅜㅜ-ㅜㅜ

Everything that @tibba wrote above is one of the many reasons why I believe that is there is something. I am not good with words so thank you tibba for writing an essay based on their body language... hehe and I definitely agree with what you said.Those "icaneatyoualive look" small touches and undeniable sexual tension between them are enough to make my heart dugon-dugon.:lol:

On a serious note, if someone will ask me why I ship Somin and Seokjin, I honestly have nothing to show; something that is legit and solid that will prove why they are shippable, except the  WHOLE DRAMA, THEIR BTS AND THE FANMEETING. Everyone who has seen the drama has the same reaction like us and I know, actually all of us knows that it is not enough because they are actors and they might have just portrayed their roles, perfectly but something is really TELLING me to hold on and believe with whatever feelings I have.

I do not have something legit to justify why I am still here, because GUT FEEL is something that I can't explain. I wish I could explain how strong my feeling is about Seomin and Seokjin's "possibility", but I can't, no matter how rational I am. It is like falling in love; it does not need validations nor justifications because you just feel it and words are not enough to express it. :heart:


Belated Happy Valentine's Day, ladies. x~

Have you found your 1% already? If not, I hope that you will soon find him.  :lol:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Good morning/Good Afternoon/ Good evening!!!

How's everyone? IDK who this "everyone" will be because this side of the forum seems so quite already. Haha well... can't blame you,though. Having no single news about our OTP will really make anyone's heart bored and hopeless. 

BTW, dropping by to say hello and to share something about HSJ's interview in Section TV which was aired this afternoon. It was short and hmmmm has nothing to do with JSM of course. haha.. 

Just the summary... 

1. He said that his mom (i believe he is the only child no?) never mentioned about marriage before but this time, his mom told him TO HAVE IT A GO...TO GET MARRIED, THIS YEAR!

2. He is definitely OKAY about dating a co-star if he is really happy with what he feels, but he will never go public. He is against it (he's always been against about it though..haha) because there will be many eyes. 

3. When he was asked about his take about Park hasun and her husband's relationship (I think it means being open to the public), he said that, let me quote, "I do not think I can do it, but I don't want to have an unusual love." (IDK what he meant with the "unusual" love but to my opinion, I think he meant, he does not want his relationship to be different from normal couples, even if he will not go public.)

4. He was praised about his kissing skill (as always LOL) He said that his mouth is GOOD these days because he learnt a lot from his opponents/costars. And when asked how he prepares his kissing scenes, he said that he always tries to brush his teeth and  minimize its smell through running a lot of water. Haha~

NOTE: Again, this was translated using GT..Feel free to correct me. :)

BTW, 1% of something won an award last Friday, hence the BTS pictures released by Godinmedia. as a form of thank you, maybe, :)


I am still posting, so this means that I am still one of those "Sad Souls" like how @tibba called it haha who is still waiting for "something". Yeah, I may be MIA and chooses to LURK most of the times but I don't easily give up. Haha..That's how I trust my gut-feels so much, :tongue:


he may have mentioned that taping 1% was difficult but there is no doubt that he enjoyed doing it. I can vouch from this million dollar smiles. :heart:



**Make sure to find someone who can make you smile like an idiot no matter how bipolar the weather is, and no matter how the season changes. :)

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Haha @canbeMIA I have no recollection of labelling ourselves sad souls, but it does sound like the sort of thing I'd say.

Popping by to say hello so you don't feel quite so solitary lol.

I've been drowning in work, and other than the cursory scrolling through instagram I don't really know what's been happening with them. I think I saw Somin liking something related to Seokjin's new drama earlier, but I can't even be sure about anything these days because I've been a mess. If I wasn't imagining things, then they have a cute friendship, in a let's-root-for-each-other-in-a-roundabout-way-in-public manner lol.


Awww hang in there and feel better soon @canbeMIA I'm on a short vacation now to help me recharge :D Glad to know my senses still work fine though haha. They have interesting instagram habits towards each other lol, I say this again- they have a cute friendship.


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Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii @tibba you are not imagining things. She liked haseokjin_4u's instagram post this afternoon, around 1:30 PM. :D

AND THIS OUT OF THE BLUE IG LIKE JUST MADE MY DAY!!!!!! Thanks to an IG friend who informed me about this immediately. 



Somin is not following this account nor any accounts which is related to SeokJin and none of her IG follows are connected to seokjin either. So it's either she purposely checked this fanpage of seokjin or she searched for the hashtag #haseokjin.  HEHE:wub::wub:


Just in case someone will ask, this is the legit fanpage of SeokJin that he knows and follows. This is also acknowledged in his DAUM site. I think this is run by his Korean fans,^^

PS: I hope that life will be good to you in the upcoming dayssssss.. hehe..And you've been a mess? me toooo... hahaha but I am trying to get my sh*ts together. I Need to.

I still quite feel solitary though. It is only you @jellybellymonster and I are here I think.  Haha~ but I'm okay. It is okay. Cheers!:D

EDIT: hahahahha trust me your senses @tibba still work so fine. Mighty fine. LOL.. Yes, they have that "cute-strange-instagram-liking-thingy" haha.. Yeah, their friendship is cute. *winksss*

Enjoy your vacay!!xo~

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  • 2 months later...

I'm very late in finding this OTP...I've been on other shipping threads...but wanted to write in to say how much I've enjoyed 1% of Something. I've liked it so much that I've watched it around 4 times now. Yes, I have a life but OMG, these two are so cute together.:wub:  The episodes (length of each ep) are shorter than other dramas and these two are so fun to watch that it flies. I enjoyed reading all the posts from page 1. I was happy that I was not the only one seeing something magical between these two. I'm sorry to see there hasn't been any new posts here for a while. Perhaps things are very under the radar with these two :ph34r: or maybe there has been signs to the contrary?  Anyway, wanted to leave my post to say how much fun and how refreshing it is to see this OTP act so openly lovey dovey and hope to hear some news about them sometime in the future. 

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  • 7 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Is this thread not active anymore? I have been a fan of Jeon so min since 1% and I was all squeals and smiles while watching the drama. I also wondered about the possibility of them dating IRL. I recently rewatched it and I could feel the same excitement all over. I am not that much of Seokmin shipper right now, maybe because I have already watched him in other projects. But Jeon so min has become my permanent girl crush ever since. I searched about her but there was so little I could find (compared to others) and many of her interviews and videos are unsubbed.

I think she struggled a lot as an actress. I watched one of her interviews and she said that there was a time when only her shoulder appeared on screen and her parents were waiting to watch her. So I am really happy for her as it seems that she finally caught a break. Hope this will continue. Though she is already in her thirties I pray that she accomplish a lot more.

That's when I came across this thread. I couldn't find one dedicated to Jeon so min so I decided to sign up and pour my heart out here. if any of you are aware of a thread actively dedicated to jeon So min  please let me know.

BTW I read all the 28 pages and have to say that you guys are soooo resourceful and talented. I was reading it in the library and I was grinning from ear to ear reading different accounts. People around me were eyeing me and I had to control laughing out.

As for Seokmin ship, I think they really had a lot of fun while filming and their chemistry seamed so real. I think they suit each other well but other than that its their personal life. But as you have already mentioned there is this confirmed bachelor air around him. I read the earlier post about lack of chemistry between Park ha sun and HSJ. Maybe that is because he was being cautious around her since she was already in a public relationship. There was a Happy Together ep in which Park Ha sun's husband appeared. He said that he doesn't really like when his wife does intimate scenes onscreen and he also said something like HSJ was sorry to him. He said all this jokingly of course. Another thing against the ship is that JSM may not be ready to be in a relationship now. Since there is a progressive growth in her career she might be focusing on it and she may have also got advice from her agency or seniors regarding this. She seems a really sincere and beautiful person I wish her well. I actually wish that she will get to work with a lot of handsome high profile actors and will get a lot of CFs and all. i would like to see her trying out her kissing technique with other actors (Yoo yeon Seok may be). From the running man eps I have watched she has this image of a person who is easily charmed by handsome men, So I want her to enjoy her single life a little more. 

But there is a part in me that says that inspite of all this there is a chance that they might be dating. Since HSJ seem so capable, he could be understanding of her career aspects and since he is really against going public with the relationship they could be dating secretly.


I am sorry If any of the things I said offended you guys, I only have best feelings for both of them. English is not my first language so pardon my mistakes. Hope this will not be the last post on this thread. 


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  • 1 month later...

@akiera,  It would be fun to see this thread active...so it was nice to read your post. 

SeokMin are too cute. I can't help but continue to delulu that there is something between them. I was so happy to see  @triplem post of HSJ's ig with the two of them together after such a long time. I always found it suspicious that they didn't follow each other on ig which is usually a hint...and then their pix together when actors don't usually see each other after their drama is over. Notice too, HSJ really hasn't had a romantic skinship role after 1%...JSM either. Both keeping to doing their variety shows Running Man and Sexy Brain aka Problematic Man. Altho' JSM currently has a new drama. I guess I'm hoping they are flying under the radar. LOL!  I'm still rooting for them and hoping someday we'll hear some wonderful news. :blush:

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yayyy a new post.  I was worried that this thread is gone for good and that I came late to the party. @sscllccrazy I was also curious why he was not doing any new dramas.

Have you guys heard that Hyunmoo and Han hye jin are dating, she was a potential girlfriend for Seok-jin in my mind because of a Radio star ep they were together.

It will be a waste of potential if she decides to keep away from rom-com and dramas with skinship.

BTW Seok jin made an appearance in 1n2d and are you guys watching Running man.

Does anyone know when did they start following each other in IG?

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20 hours ago, akiera said:

yayyy a new post.  I was worried that this thread is gone for good and that I came late to the party. @sscllccrazy I was also curious why he was not doing any new dramas.

Have you guys heard that Hyunmoo and Han hye jin are dating, she was a potential girlfriend for Seok-jin in my mind because of a Radio star ep they were together.

It will be a waste of potential if she decides to keep away from rom-com and dramas with skinship.

BTW Seok jin made an appearance in 1n2d and are you guys watching Running man.

Does anyone know when did they start following each other in IG?


@akiera, we need to get the real seasoned detectives to post on this thread to help us with updated clues to this ship kkkkk. @gladys57 and @triplem can you help us with what you know of late?  :ph34r:  :D

No, I did not know HSJ was on 1n2d! Thank you for that update. I will look it up. I just read seokmin did not follow each other on IG after their drama ended. HSJ usually follows his costars but not JSM. Not sure if I have that accurate or not? I don't have an IG account so I have to rely on our sources here to keep us posted.

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I hope this tread active again. I have so many things to talk about. English is not my mother language so I'm sorry for my bad English. 


I found this video is very lovely 

I'm sure this kiss is 99% ad-lib so JSM surprised but she still want to play along. And the rest of conversations are very adorable. I can replay it forever. 


I think i will ship this couple until one of them marry to someone else. The things that make my hope high are:

1. Until last year, JSM was lives with her parents. But now she have her own place. I hope she get more chances to meet someone (hopefully it's HSJ, kek kek kek).

2. JSM announce that she not into public-relationship anymore. HSJ is very against it from long time ago. She have bad experience from it, but maybe she got some influence "someone" (oh my poor delusional mind.... )

3. She still keep and use (in public) merchandise of 1%ofSomething (gorila stuff) 


Yes, they follow each other on IG and JSM react on new photo of HSJ birthday event. 



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Hii sayurikara

This is from the Japanese version, right? Omo it is slightly different from the version I watched. Is it available online? It wud have been nice if we could discuss about the new add ons to this version. And yes this seems like an ad-lib kiss. It seems like uri Jisoo, Hyun jin and Dada had a reunion but I don't know how to post the pic from ig. If you are following Jsomin86_love, her fanstagram, you can see it there. 

HSJ has signed up for a new film and JSM has gone for a vacation. These days I am so happy for Sundays as I can see her on Running man. 

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Yes, this is Japanese version. You can watch online (paid) in Gyao. But you can check on the IG account above, she/he also post some scene that extented. The birthday and balloon kisses are longer. Even they add extra kiss in juggle gym scene. And also Jae-In try to kiss Dada in the end of "I love... ice cream" scene. Gyaaaaaa....... :wub: You should see it.


I'm glad @akiera mention that reunion. I saw it from Hyun jin personal IG account and  HSJ put "like" on it. (Oh my poor shipper heart).


JSM just post her portrait on vacation, I wonder who took the picture??? :ph34r:


I'm sad that JSM don't be the female lead on HSJ's new drama. But I hope she will appear as cameo just like in "drinking solo". 


I just realized something funny in this BTS.

I believe this shooting is they real first kiss. In the fan meeting, HSJ said that he being scolded because JSM feel HSJ done it too much. But I think I found that right after the first kiss finished, JSM ask to do the kiss again, even she nod to convinced HSJ. Then they kissing again and then JSM "complaining". I guess HSJ just carried away. :tongue:

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If possible, can somebody translate JSM's IG post about the pretty noona who buys me food and also her recent interviews? I read articles in soompi but they are just excerpts. and also do you guys know if subs are available for JSM's life bar ep??


I am so shameless :expressionless: but my korean is really inadequate.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/4/2018 at 11:34 AM, akiera said:


If possible, can somebody translate JSM's IG post about the pretty noona who buys me food and also her recent interviews? I read articles in soompi but they are just excerpts. and also do you guys know if subs are available for JSM's life bar ep??


I am so shameless :expressionless: but my korean is really inadequate.


I'm sorry @akiera, I can't help with Korean :wacko:


Yesterday JSM and HSJ attending the same event.

And I found some people commenting on JSM's dress that it perfectly fit with Jae-In's preference (and I think HSJ's too) :wub: 



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On 4/18/2018 at 5:26 PM, sayurikara said:


I'm sorry @akiera, I can't help with Korean :wacko:


Yesterday JSM and HSJ attending the same event.

And I found some people commenting on JSM's dress that it perfectly fit with Jae-In's preference (and I think HSJ's too) :wub: 




Thanku sooo much. I totally missed this. Glad to know that they still meet up.:wub::wub:




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  • 4 months later...

I just watch 1percent of something and discovered this page because of the overflowing chemistry between SeokMin. They look so close with each other during the filming that it makes me curious to know more about them. but it’s so sad to see this forum has been so quite now ☹️ How i wish i knew about this drama earlier....  

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  • 3 weeks later...

I peek from time to time to see if there are any updates in this page so I was pleasantly surprised to see yours @shaamuel. Glad that you are enjoying the drama. From being a shipper of HA Seok jin and JSM I have moved on to become a full-time fan of JSM. She is so shippable with everyone. It would have been nice if they will act together in another drama, movie or at the least in a CF but that is unlikely.-_-  So I am cheering on them by watching their individual works. HSJ just finished the drama 'House Helper' and JSM has signed onto a new tvn drama 'Top star yoo beak' starring HSJ's close buddy Kim Ji seok as the lead and her KBS drama special 'My Embarrassing Days' is also releasing soon. She is also a cast member of running man. :blush:


Also, I have noticed that there is no official fan page for Jeon So-min in Soompi. I would like to create one if nobody else is interested but the only problem is that I am not well versed in such stuff. So can somebody help me out?

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