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[Drama 2016-2017] Still Loving You 빛나라 은수, Mon-Fri 20:25. Thanks for watch!


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Eun Soo's mother...GET OVER IT! That botox infused almost one expression man is undeserving of your love and I"m sorry you an adult it's kind of selfish to ask your daughter, son, and mother in law, to endure all this just because "you in love" No. You old, you been single for a long time. Stay that way or get with the department man or find some other guy to marry. Not him! Never him!

Sorry guys, I still can't forget the way the dad stayed spoiling Bit Na and when the s-h-i-t was starting to hit the fan about what she and her grandmother did and the tide was starting to turn on them and they were receiving their comeuppance....HE SHIELDED THEM AND PROTECTED THEM AND KEPT JUSTICE FROM BEING DONE, BY ALLOWING THEM TO RUNAWAY TO AMERICA. HE BROUGHT THE PLANE TICKETS! HE MADE THE PLAN! HE SHIELDED THEM FROM HARM TO PROTECT HIMSELF AND HIS BUSINESS SO YEAH HE CAN CHOKE  TOO!!

Do not get back together with him momma! He, his mother in law, and his spoilt brat of a daughter who simply became everything he (and his mother in law) raised her to be by enabling her and her behavior, all deserve and have earned nothing but misery. He was an accomplice in the destruction of your daughter's life and now you want her to call him daddy....hell nah! If I were the mom I could never, ever date a man knowing he and his family did that to my child (something she is still having to pay for today). I don't care how in love we was. The moment I find that out, my feelings for you are dead! I mean to this day BIthna is still torturing Eun Soo (though that idiot is such an easy target and basically asks to be a victim) not to mention that awfulness that is the grandmother/mother in law...why in the world would a grown person willingly marry themselves and their tortured child into such an environment! They hate her and continue to actively try and ruin her life!!! It makes me rage that they going to get married!

Eun Soo this the one time where I want a character to be selfish and petty. Tell your momma to choose. Either you or that botox robot! Refuse to become part of that family or call him dad or whatever!!

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47 minutes ago, jechoi1 said:

I wish ES's mom would just tell Beechna's dad that he raised a bad child.  Just that and nothing else. Keep it cryptic.  Because the thing is that he pretends he doesn't know what's going on, but he does.  He's known all along that Cranky Granny is an entitled witch and he lets her get away with it.  Only when she does something publicly embarrassing does he step in.  He also probably has some hints that Beechna is not all that either.  For example, the way he kept telling Smiling Idiot that Beechna has a hole in her heart.  Yes, she does and it's a huge black hole.  Instead of trying to fix that himself, he's basically telling Smiling Idiot to just give in to Beechna because it's a hole that will never be filled.  So I want him to suffer.  I want to see the consequences of his having buried his head in the ground all these years about the witches he lives with.  Let him stew on the fact that once again the two women in his life (that he's refused to assert any authority over) is the cause of his current pain.

Dr. Kim knew what happened at the school - he even saw the video that was circulated.  The bad thing is, like what @MrsSoJiSubsaid, he tolerated it and didn't do anything about it - and send them to America  - to hide.  But - Dr. Kim doesn't know the EunSoo teacher from 8 years ago is the same EunSoo who is the daughter of his girlfriend.  It's true they met but he was the only one left in the dark as  far as the relationships are concerned.

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Can someone explain Smiling Idiot's behavior to me?  I get that Cranky Granny is an important investor, but he also knows that Beechna will always side with him.  He's Beechna's kryptonite and he should know that.  Why is he putting up with Cranky Granny's texts?  To me, this is just another example of what an incompetent idiot he is.  To me, he is just like flotsam floating in an ocean going wherever the tide tells it to go.  Sooho is a force that tries to change his environmment.  Eunsoo (for all that she's got a major victim complex) is also a force.  Beechna totally tries to manipulate any environment that she's in.  Smiling Idiot--he just floats and tries to keep his head above water.  Life isn't a game, but there are certain aspects of it that can be.  And especially for a corporate director, he needs to know how to play games if he's going to make the company successful in a cutthroat corporate world.  Hasn't he learned his lesson yet from the financial disaster that caused him to sell his testicles to Cranky Granny?

When the texts turned from being annoying to harassing, he needed to put a stop to it.  Either confront Crank Granny directly (nope, he doesn't have the balls to do it), confront Beechna about it and tell her to leash her grandmother or else, or make Beechna's life extra miserable until she learns that she can't go crying to her grandma about her marital issues.  I'm so super annoyed by the waste that Smiling Idiot is.  

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if i were ES ma. i would just let him go. unless he cut tie with his grandma/rich brat.

we all know he will never chose his love over his family.

also the man have no ball too. he let his grandma/daughter get their way. that how they both look so stuck up.

if she married into his family. you can be sure grandma/rich brat will make her work like a maid.

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19 hours ago, Jackie1048 said:


She will be the first Korean President in history to be impeached while in office. President Park Geun Hye is many first. She is a first lady President and the first child of a former President to be President. It is unfortunate she is going out in disgrace. I suppose just like the Korean dramas she left many things expose that lead to scandals. 

Interestingly, the Chief Justice of the Korean Supreme Court whose decision resulted in Park's removal is also a woman.

Park's father was a military dictator who ruled South Korea for the better part of two decades and was removed from office by assassination.


Park is the Korean equivalent of a very right-wing U.S. Republican.  My wife, who supported Hillary Clinton, bitterly opposes Park.

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2 hours ago, jechoi1 said:

Can someone explain Smiling Idiot's behavior to me?


No one with any manners would ever openly disagree with or reprimand an elder, particularly with someone who is two generations older. Being an in-law, rather than family, makes this four times as true.

This is also why Eun-soo *never* openly disagrees with her mother-in-law but rather tries to persuade her to change her mind or see her point of view. The same is true of Soo-ho. The entire time he was trying to convince Eun-soo's mother to approve of their marriage not once did he openly disagree or criticize. And the very same is true for Soo-hyun and even, for the most part,  Bit-na.

No proper son or daughter-in-law would ever do this.

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3 minutes ago, jimb said:

Interestingly, the Chief Justice of the Korean Supreme Court whose decision resulted in Park's removal is also a woman.

Park's father was a military dictator who ruled South Korea for the better part of two decades and was removed from office by assassination.


Park is the Korean equivalent of a very right-wing U.S. Republican.  My wife, who supported Hillary Clinton, bitterly opposes Park.

I oppose Park too, but I oppose all extreme right wingers. 

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" Interestingly, the Chief Justice of the Korean Supreme Court whose decision resulted in Park's removal is also a woman. "

It is the Constitutional Court & Justice Lee (Yi) Jeong Mi was  Chief Justice. The court of 8 justices unanimously voted 8-0 in favour of President Park impeachment. Justice Lee Jeong Mi ends her serving term (6 years) on Monday

President Park will not be liable for a President pension because she didn't retire as President


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4 hours ago, wunwing1 said:

if i were ES ma. i would just let him go. unless he cut tie with his grandma/rich brat.

we all know he will never chose his love over his family.

also the man have no ball too. he let his grandma/daughter get their way. that how they both look so stuck up.

if she married into his family. you can be sure grandma/rich brat will make her work like a maid.

Probably not - especially if she has revenge in mind.  YM is a bit feisty.  If she does want revenge for her family especially ES, marry the doctor without telling BITCHna and show her a nice smirk until she faints.

i'm sure aunt will get her due as soon as YM finds out how she is treating ES.

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On 2017/3/9 at 3:40 PM, Mailelei said:

@sk0317 Hi there! Finally have the chance to reply. Haven't been feeling well this past week and a half due to changes in our weather, and my asthma/allergy symptoms have really made me miserable. At least  I have all my asthma inhalers and allergy medication to help alleviate my symptoms but they also make me sleepy and kind of lightheaded. Thank you for all those links and I enjoyed the link on the summer festival and the handicraftjapan.com. Yukatas are quite common here but haven't seen too many people wearing the jinbei. The jinbei looks very comfortable. My odori sensei also taught her pupils the "shamisen" , but I wasn't interested in learning how to play it. Took Japanese traditional dancing for eight years. Loved performing when I was young, but once I became a teenager, got too busy with other activities.

How are you feeling today @Mailelei. It sucks to be feeling under the weather. I hope you are doing better today.

You are most welcome on the links:). I found a few links on the internet for "jinbei" but choices are limited. It's better to get them here but these are summer clothing so you can only purchase them in summer.

Wow! Great to hear you did and was committed to traditional dancing:).

Here are a few interesting articles on trash disposal in Japan:

Back to the drama. ES does need to be more assertive and yes she might be trying too hard to please everyone and trying to fit in the household as a new addition to the family.

What happened to the make peace pact the two mothers had at the doenjiang jjigae restaurant? Soo Ho's mom isn't keeping her end of the pact already?! SMH.

How will things turn around for ES's mom and Dr. Kim next week? They are obviously not over each other so they need to talk it out like adults and work things out soon.



On 2017/3/8 at 8:43 AM, jina_bing_bang said:

The weather does play a large part in drama filming and something that isn’t so easily controlled, I remember when SooHo proposed with the big event, both their noses were red and it was winter in Korea. Excited to see the sun in Jeju for Ep. 70 though!

How's your weekend?

I am having a really bad case of hay fever so am late in replying. Sorry! m(_ _)m

I attended my daughter's annual choral competition yesterday morning and her class won the gold prize!

I wonder did Soo Ho personally stage and decorate the place for his proposal and what happened to the props after the failed proposal.:lol: We saw ES sending Soo Ho home and met the Chairman and Rich Brat in front of the Yoon's empty-handed.

I am taking a hiatus from this drama and might return after things start to look better for ES? Maybe.

You are too kind and generous with your compliments and words. Since most supermarkets are shorthanded, it's true the elderly customers can get much quicker attention and help from those nearby who happen to be shoppers.:lol:

I do spend a lot of time in the kitchen. I drive my daughter to her tuition classes three times a week. I try to catch up on my reading (news) during my free time too. What about you @jina_bing_bang?

I have been to one Kenny G concert and he was fantastic. I have a couple of his CDs too. Karaoke? No.:) I'm rather shy and have stage fright.:lol: I do love to sing and will only "oblige" to singing in front of a crowd when I'm "forced" to.

No I don't think it's bad that you pick and choose the scenes to watch with ES's mom. I do that too!

Take care and have a nice weekend @jina_bing_bang and @Mailelei!

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ES's mother and BN's dad are going to suffer from this break up for a bit until they realize that they care too much about one another. ES's mother should have told this man the truth of who she was and that her daughter did nothing to BN but suffered for her lies and that is why she broke up with him finding out he was BN's father. I do not approve of breaking up without telling this man the truth of why she did it. She took away his free choice to decide if he wanted to continue or not. Perhaps he would have been on ok with it or got to the truth of what happen with BN and confronting her on what she did. Either way they are in love with one another and will suffer as we see in the preview for a bit before something will bring them back together.

I agree that BN is again effecting people with her lies. Her father is being effected and he has no idea. I do not think she anticipated that her lie from 8 years ago would cause so much damage but she needs to learn that all actions have repercussions. I have a feeling her next lesson is in ES's mother and her father getting married making ES her step sister now how much irony is that?

Please someone either take Hateful Granny's cell from her or give her a new hobby. I almost feel sorry for Soo Hyun (only a bit) the poor man is getting it constantly from that woman blowing his phone up with suggestions. This is precisely why BN is the way she is. She has no right to do this as BN is now someone's wife. Also why is she telling Soo Hyn to help that girl not do chores. I hope Soo Hyun is again made to realize that his wife is no where near where Soo Ho's is. He needs a few more reminders of how his wife is so not DIL material even if he does not love her.

It will be hard to get BN to do the right thing related to her fake injury because she will see the attention and the benefit from being able to get out of doing chores as well as Soo Hyun giving her the attentions she craved from him. She will not realize that if she gets caught things will be ten times worse for her as they will realize she lied to get out of helping and used her injury for sympathy and attention. They will not trust her again. Soo Hyun will especially angry at what she did as it is a reflection on him. But the one I want to learn the most from BN getting busted is Mama Yoon as she favors this lazy daughter in law and should learn a huge lesson from finding out that BN lied to them.

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13 hours ago, Jackie1048 said:

Lovely preview Bit Na got caught by Eun Soo with the fake injury. Now, Eun Soo got one up on Bit Na and can "command" her to do things.

I'm hoping this don't happen in front of the Yoon family because it will put ES in a bad situation.  We all know how hateful and manipulative BitNa is.  If ES starts asking her for help in the household, BitNa would make sure somebody who don't like ES is around and play pitiful.

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@sk0317 Feeling much better, thank you. It's funny how the weather controls how you feel. It's nice to live in year round warm sunny weather but it does take a toll on people like me who have respiratory health issues and allergies. It's amazing how many families have moved to states with dryer weather because of their children's health. Asthma is quite common in children here because of the humidity and tropical plants. Thank you for those additional links, will read them later. 

Episode 73 was quite hilarious for me, even though we are dealing with the breakup of YM and DR. Kim and ES's on going harassment from BN and Soo Ho's mother and Aunt. I so relate to Madam Yoon's menopausal symptoms. I remember all the emotional outbursts I had, the tantrums and crying; plus the "HOT" flashes. I'm so glad that phase of my life is over. Still get occasional "Hot" flashes but it's bearable. Those constant text messages that BN's GM sends to Soo Hyun is so funny also! Enjoyed the scene of SM and the twins. Can't wait until she and the webtoon artist, their father meet. What a surprise that will be for both of them.

Have a nice weekend!

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8 hours ago, auntyem said:

Is anyone on this thread also watching "strong woman, Do Bong Soon"???? Watch episode 6, Cranky Granny does a cameo! Not as Cranky Granny, as BS' halmoni, and it's a HOOT!!!!

Watched it. She is also one with super strength although she has the ache and pain that comes with age as well. So cute!

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4 minutes ago, Jackie1048 said:

Hah! She got found out BIG TIME in front of the family. Thank You, plastic cockroach!! Well Done, Soo Ho.

Soo Ho is  the best husband. He always protects Eun Soo and takes her side. Normally when a couple get married in a drama they become boring but not this couple. 

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