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[Drama 2016-2017] First Love Again 다시, 첫사랑 Thanks for Watch.


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GO won't be an ink blot on  Mdm Kim's mind once MH defies her going against what she has deemed things to be. Mdm Kim has to be in control of what she calls her people. She is not going to let MH get away with going against her wishes. The woman is going to destroy MH and DY knows it. 


This had to be one of the best wake up calls I've seen so far. 



GO has opened up a lot and he's happy DY is his father so he just might call him father or dad. 



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2 minutes ago, awsparkle said:

This had to be one of the best wake up calls I've seen so far

@awsparkle  MH just dont know Mistress will delivery that same blow she gave her.. Mistress will tell HR in front of MH MS and CDB that DY isn't her father and DY has a son that G/pa wants to bring home.. The same hurt MH inflicted on the Mistress HR will get it in return she's also going to inform her who her real father is Jw.. You know Mistress can't hold ice water once she calm down from CDB decite HR will be getting some news herself.. MH will see how much her decite to HR is hurting her but it won't be nothing she can do about it because she brought this upon her child with her greed..

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What a blow she got though. Not only were they divorce for 6 months but DB didn't want to put her on his registry nor give her any shares. After 30 years she's still what she started out as just a mistress. MH only told her the truth so telling HR would be useless for her. Mistress is not only greedy she's very calculating and only spills when it benefits her. Her anger  is going to be directed right at DB and she's going to find a way to get something out of those 30 years. Now that she knows MS has shares I think she's going doing something she thinks will get her some shares. 

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I've be following this serial patiently and as a foreigner, I always wondered the role of the police and Korean laws. It seem so easy to get away with such blatant crimes like kidnap ping of a child and attempted murder with such strong evidence. Everything is sweep under the carpet with the most illogical reasons and the smirk on MH's face everytime that happens, creates the urge in me to just slap the living daylights out of her. There's way too much evilness in this serial and it would end abruptly with all who have committed heinous crimes will end up behind bars. End of story. Personally, it would be nice and gratifying to see them grovel and suffer in the next 10 episode. That includes MH's father!




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1 hour ago, awsparkle said:

Now that she knows MS has shares I think she's going doing something she thinks will get her some shares. 

I wonder if MH knows that MS receives shares from CDB as agreement for the divorce because she didn't seem to question it when she found out. Maybe MH was too busy worrying about losing her chairman seat. Her father also told her that CDB's shares and her mothers makes up more than half and no one will be able to stop it. Stop what? removing MH as chairman? It will be interesting when the board meets to remove MH and reinstate CDB then MS shares will come into play. 

I think DY scheme of bringing MH down is really tiresome when he could have landed MH in jail with Nam's recording and the factory manager would have recognized Nam as the man who took GO. duhhhh!

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I don't think MH knows about MS having shares yet but when she does a blood vessel is going to burst in her head. Was it just a promise or was it put in writing that MS would use her votes for DB. If there's no written agreement there is no way MS will keep her promise to DB nor would she give her votes for MH. .MH did say she was going to make DB sell his shares so he won't have any to even smell the Chairman seat. MH doesn't have the money to buy them and her mother may not either. 

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Do Yoon's mother gave the point blank truth that Do Yoon's father never wanted Tae Yoon's mother to enter the family register as he deemed her unsuitable as a wife.

That is the kind of person he is and she wander why she (Tae Yoon's mother) can still love and adore him for so many years.

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I didn't want any of you to leave this thread and yet it would seem work is keeping me from being here myself!!  Thankful that when I am able to come your posts are always waiting for me!!!  Thanks to all of you and for all your posts they are sure the perfect ending to a long day...

Keep up the amazing work & writing hoping to join you all again soon!  Cheering you on and our drama too!  So thankful GO found out who his Dad really is.  And it was good to see HJ's Mom throw salt all over the Chairman it's great to see her be the grandmother she needs to be and Mother as well.  It's about time!!!!  Hoping tomorrow brings DY & HJ one step closer and GO closer to having the love & happiness he deserves and both parents loving him all together in the same home!!  I felt sorry for GO trying to understand why his parents are not together and his Dad living with another woman and child.  I think GO has had to grow up faster than most and I think by the way he was waving at DY while waiting for ice cream.  Proves that he trusts HJ and her words and knows what ever reasons DY has he is still his Dad and by that smile he is happy about it...  My best to all of you and thanks again....

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Just to put people out of their misery....

The document DY provided JW with wasn't anything to do with DB's misdeeds. It was a medical certificate attesting that DY has suffered severe cognitive impairment as a consequence of his accident and ensuing surgery, which could possibly develop into dementia.

JW tells DB that if he persists in taking the custody suit to court, he will go public with this document, which will undermine confidence within the company and in the public at large about DY's capacity to continue as CEO and will lead to demands from all sides for his immediate dismissal. "And that would suit MH and her mother down to the ground, wouldn't it?" 

"So what is it you want?" DB responds. "You want me to drop the custody suit?" 

"That's not sufficient," JW replies. "You and  DY must renounce all rights concerning GO. From now on, you will make no claims over GO of any kind whatever. Ha Jin alone will have sole custody and powers of decision where GO is concerned."

"So DY has to give up all parental rights as well?" gasps DB. "That's right," JW confirms. "You must make him give up all rights and responsibilities."


Incidentally, I see that KBS are now trailing their next Load of Garbage  daily evening slot drama, with the first broadcast slated for Monday 24 March...  Stock up on those blood-pressure tablets before supplies run out.

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53 minutes ago, baduy said:

Incidentally, I see that KBS are now trailing their next Load of Garbage  daily evening slot drama, with the first broadcast slated for Monday 24 March...  Stock up on those blood-pressure tablets before supplies run out.

i saw the trailer its titled Nameless Woman and @0ly40 has started a thread on it. I will not make a promise not to watch because i tend to break that promise lol 

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1 hour ago, baduy said:

The document DY provided JW with wasn't anything to do with DB's misdeeds. It was a medical certificate attesting that DY has suffered severe cognitive impairment as a consequence of his accident and ensuing surgery, which could possibly develop into dementia.

JW tells DB that if he persists in taking the custody suit to court, he will go public with this document,

I had wished that the mistress had really smothered CDB with the pillow that will save DY and JW the trouble ...duhhh!

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15 minutes ago, ross27 said:

@baduy, thank you for the info on the document that DY gave to JW.


As you may have guessed, the document HJ is gawping at in such wonder in the teaser is the renunciation of parental rights that JW had demanded.

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15 hours ago, jessye said:

I've be following this serial patiently and as a foreigner, I always wondered the role of the police and Korean laws. It seem so easy to get away with such blatant crimes like kidnap ping of a child and attempted murder with such strong evidence. Everything is sweep under the carpet with the most illogical reasons and the smirk on MH's face everytime that happens, creates the urge in me to just slap the living daylights out of her. There's way too much evilness in this serial and it would end abruptly with all who have committed heinous crimes will end up behind bars. End of story. Personally, it would be nice and gratifying to see them grovel and suffer in the next 10 episode. That includes MH's father!




Oh my goodness I also feel the same way.  The police just take the word of the evil villains so easily.  It is disgusting.  Maybe this has been addressed and I missed it.   But does DY's dad not know the MH kid napped Go twice?  But then again one shouldn't expect righteousness from a crook like him I guess.


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16 hours ago, awsparkle said:


What a blow she got though. Not only were they divorce for 6 months but DB didn't want to put her on his registry nor give her any shares. After 30 years she's still what she started out as just a mistress. MH only told her the truth so telling HR would be useless for her. Mistress is not only greedy she's very calculating and only spills when it benefits her. Her anger  is going to be directed right at DB and she's going to find a way to get something out of those 30 years. Now that she knows MS has shares I think she's going doing something she thinks will get her some shares. 

@awsparkle  Maybe she'll steal his seal and sign a marriagw certifcate herself.. She's really mad I wouldn't be surprised if she don't have someone to bump him off.. I notice in todays episode it look there starting off with the downfall of CDB first..

16 hours ago, jessye said:

I've be following this serial patiently and as a foreigner, I always wondered the role of the police and Korean laws. It seem so easy to get away with such blatant crimes like kidnap ping of a child and attempted murder with such strong evidence. Everything is sweep under the carpet with the most illogical reasons and the smirk on MH's face everytime that happens, creates the urge in me to just slap the living daylights out of her. There's way too much evilness in this serial and it would end abruptly with all who have committed heinous crimes will end up behind bars. End of story. Personally, it would be nice and gratifying to see them grovel and suffer in the next 10 episode. That includes MH's father!

@jessye  Welcome aboard.. MH yes she has way to many crimes. And she lies like a rug, one good thing about it she will put the nail in her own coffin.. HJ got a voice recorder with her saying she'll kill the person that kidnap her child and thats going to seal her fate.. She has forgotten all about it but I think that voice recorder and all those witness that was there and heard and seen her say it.. She'll send herslf to prison for a very long time.. HR might be a granny when she gets out.. 

15 hours ago, imgreatgal said:

I wonder if MH knows that MS receives shares from CDB as agreement for the divorce because she didn't seem to question it when she found out. Maybe MH was too busy worrying about losing her chairman seat. Her father also told her that CDB's shares and her mothers makes up more than half and no one will be able to stop it. Stop what? removing MH as chairman? It will be interesting when the board meets to remove MH and reinstate CDB then MS shares will come into play. 

I think DY scheme of bringing MH down is really tiresome when he could have landed MH in jail with Nam's recording and the factory manager would have recognized Nam as the man who took GO. duhhhh!

13 hours ago, awsparkle said:


I don't think MH knows about MS having shares yet but when she does a blood vessel is going to burst in her head. Was it just a promise or was it put in writing that MS would use her votes for DB. If there's no written agreement there is no way MS will keep her promise to DB nor would she give her votes for MH. .MH did say she was going to make DB sell his shares so he won't have any to even smell the Chairman seat. MH doesn't have the money to buy them and her mother may not either. 


@imgreatgal & @awsparkle  No MH don't know about CDB giving shares to his ex wife. Yes a blood vessel with burst for her and Mdm Kim when DY will hold quite a lot of shares himself and no way they be able to touch them or blackmail him to vote the way the want.. Mistress is trying to figure out a way to get her hands on some she thinks she supposed to have more them what MS have so I want to see what stunt she will try and pull.. What MH father was telling her that she's in a losing battle and to give up the seat or between her and CDB they have enough share to kick her out and it's nothing she could do about it..

12 hours ago, jacquelinetan said:

Do Yoon's mother gave the point blank truth that Do Yoon's father never wanted Tae Yoon's mother to enter the family register as he deemed her unsuitable as a wife.

That is the kind of person he is and she wander why she (Tae Yoon's mother) can still love and adore him for so many years.

@jacquelinetan  Yes MS told her the truth and it hit her like a mac truck and called him the snake he is.. She told her he'll never put her on his family registry because she's not fit to be on it.. Sorry Mdm you'll never be the Mdm of Lk group ot no group for that matters I think if there's a mistress club she wouldn't be allowed to join.. She so uncouth.

7 hours ago, ross27 said:

Just a short scene of GO smiling and waving at his father, while waiting for his ice cream. Brings a happy smile to my face! 

@ross27  It made me kind of sad father and son has to watch each other from a far all because of selfish and greedy people.. 

2 hours ago, imgreatgal said:

i saw the trailer its titled Nameless Woman and @0ly40 has started a thread on it. I will not make a promise not to watch because i tend to break that promise lol 

@imgreatgal LMAO I gave up on making those kinds of promises..

48 minutes ago, janp said:

Oh my goodness I also feel the same way.  The police just take the word of the evil villains so easily.  It is disgusting.  Maybe this has been addressed and I missed it.   But does DY's dad not know the MH kid napped Go twice?  But then again one shouldn't expect righteousness from a crook like him I guess.

No @janp  CDB don't know MH is behind GO's kidnapping I think he has and idea but for him to be so gun ho over his G/son one would think he would ask about it but he's not I think he knows nobody else would do it but her.. In one sense he was right to make Mdm Kim have MH to list him as her child it would keep him safe sort of speak but also put him in more danger again not that he's out of danger.. I think when MH has no where to run or turn she'll go after GO again trying to use him as leverage for money to leave the country..

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