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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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hi..hi..stargazers! yeah it's been long time i don't come here ^^ Jieun's drama will be broadcasted soon, i can't wait to watch and so happy to know Joon Gi supporting her new post - Jang Man Wol character poster. He's going to watch the drama for sure kkk...

Will we have another moments from these two by this year? I hope so ^^ 


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On 6/27/2019 at 2:00 PM, hellostargazers57 said:

hi..hi..stargazers! yeah it's been long time i don't come here ^^ Jieun's drama will be broadcasted soon, i can't wait to watch and so happy to know Joon Gi supporting her new post - Jang Man Wol character poster. He's going to watch the drama for sure kkk...

Will we have another moments from these two by this year? I hope so ^^ 


Hi.. It's been quiet ...But now looking forward to Jieun's new drama!  Really hope to have crumbs from these two !

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On 6/27/2019 at 3:00 AM, hellostargazers57 said:

oi..hi..estrelas! Sim, faz muito tempo que eu não venho aqui ^^ O drama de Jieun será transmitido em breve, eu não posso esperar para assistir e tão feliz em saber Joon Gi apoiando seu novo post - Jang Man Wol. Ele vai assistir ao drama com certeza kkk ...

Teremos mais um momento destes dois até este ano? Espero que sim ^^ 


Yes chingu,  there is still hope...:love:

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To all stargazers celebrating their birthdays in July,



Let's continue to



keep the faith in JoonU prayer-hands-smiley-emoticon.gif and only spread love! drawing-the-love-sign-smiley-emoticon.gi






Let's do our chant!


1. MLSHR to have a Part 2 or a spin-off drama (Wishful thinking but nothing is impossible if you believe)   praising-the-lord-smiley-emoticon.gif        


2. JoonU to always be protected by their angel-with-wings-smiley-emoticon.gif and surrounded by tons of garlic thumb_COLOURBOX5549355.jpg to ward off evil-witches.gif



 3. the TRUTH to be revealed soon-arrow.png



4. the news reading-newspaper.gif we have been waiting for to be released by the time we hit 1,200 pages!   late.gif  (That's 96 pages to go, JoonGi!)


5. MLSHR cast to keep their close bond by showing support for each other's projects and endeavors like watching the other's concert or FM, liking and even commenting to each other's IG posts, sending food trucks, supporting comebacks and accompanying others when guesting on tv shows. smiley.giflove-heart-hand-smiley-emoticon.gif


6. JoonU to be featured in more shows or star in another drama. good-luck-smiley-emoticon.gif 







7. JoonGi to cheer for Jieun by sending a food truck to the Hotel Del Luna set  good-luck-smiley-emoticon.gif



8. Hotel Del Luna to be well-received by the audience and critics.


9. For Jieun to continue to show her diverse acting ability.


and our ultimate wish -


BBJX curse/blessing, come true! loving-thoughts-smiley-emoticon.gif


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello chingus! 

This is my first time joining/replying to this thread! and i'm very happy that i'm not the only one who thinks that there is something between JoonU. :wub:

i just recently watched their drama SHR and right after i finished the drama i find myself getting information or news about these two because tbh they really have a very strong chemistry i don't know but i immediately find them interesting. and the bts, awards night, fan meetings, concerts and the recent KB woah! i'm so happy about their strong friendship/relationship B)


i can say that i have a strong instincts when it comes to couples who play in a drama like songsong couple that time i had a feeling that they were dating and apparently they were and announced their marriage but i'm so sad about the divorce news anyway lets go back to JoonU couple, i just wanted to say that i can also see something special between the two. their stares, support to each other and more. i can say that they have a special friendship. though i really want them to be dating in RL haha but i know in time they will find their way. hoping for more interactions between the two. i have a strong feeling that JG likes JE a lot and vice versa :wub: 


thank you for this thread! i can freely say what i feel about these two beautiful people! :)

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On 10/07/2019 at 21:23, emafern said:

Olá chingus! 

Esta é a minha primeira vez juntando / respondendo a este tópico! e eu estou muito feliz que eu não sou o único que pensa que há algo entre JoonU. : wub:

Eu só recentemente assisti seu drama SHR e logo depois que eu terminei o drama eu me pego recebendo informações ou notícias sobre esses dois porque eles realmente têm uma química muito forte que eu não sei, mas eu imediatamente os acho interessantes. e os bts, prêmios noturnos, encontros de fãs, shows e o recente woah da KB! Estou muito feliz com a amizade / relacionamento deles B)


Eu posso dizer que eu tenho um forte instinto quando se trata de casais que tocam em um drama como o cantinho dos cantores. Naquela época eu tinha a sensação de que eles estavam namorando e aparentemente eles foram e anunciaram seu casamento, mas eu estou tão triste com as notícias sobre divórcio. De qualquer forma vamos voltar para o casal JoonU, eu só queria dizer que eu também posso ver algo especial entre os dois. seus olhares, apoio uns aos outros e muito mais. Eu posso dizer que eles têm uma amizade especial. embora eu realmente queira que eles estejam namorando em RL haha, mas eu sei que com o tempo eles vão encontrar o caminho. esperando por mais interações entre os dois. Eu tenho um forte sentimento de que JG gosta muito de JE e vice-versa : wub: 


Obrigado por esta discussão! Eu posso dizer livremente o que sinto sobre essas duas pessoas bonitas! :)

welcome, I'm glad we have one more member in this crew that supports and believes in Joonu.  Let's pray, believe God is blessing this beautiful friendship.:D

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3 hours ago, happyfanlgx said:

IT IS TRUE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

omo omo omo!!! that's great! thank you chingu! can't wait! :love:


Edited by angelangie
Mod Edit: Do not quote pictures
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