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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] Princess Agents 特工皇妃楚乔传


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I haven't been able to post anything here for the last few episodes as the reality of the many predictions for a sad, or at least incomplete, ending have become too substantive to deny.  I am still a little incredulous at the cheek of the production company to have marketed PA the way they have.  So many of the synopses for PA (including the one on the first page of this thread) refer to how CQ and YWY 'tear down the slavery system'.  When the hell is that supposed to happen now?!  That's like mentioning the destruction of the One Ring or Aragorn becoming king when providing the synopsis for The Fellowship of the Ring!  It's one thing to leave viewers on a cliff-hanger from one episode to the next, but for an entire expensive production like this when the cast haven't been locked in for the subsequent season?  Unbelievable!  To provide no closure to the fans is just plain rude and obnoxious.

I feel disillusioned and betrayed, and a little bit silly that I'm getting this worked up about a TV drama for pity's sake.  I realise that this is a business and there's money to be made, but surely you can do that while still respecting the commitment and passion of the fans.  And what about the artistic integrity of the literary source you're adapting or the credibility of the actors who probably signed on before they saw the hatchet job done on the script and the characters!  Why be Michael Bay when you can be Christopher Nolan or Steven Spielberg?
It may be vindictive of me but I really hope that in the case of this production company lightning doesn't strike twice when they move on to PA2 as they surely are itching to do after this current commercial success.  They've been unprincipled and mercenary, and they don't deserve the success that PA has amassed, goddammit.  I'm so annoyed that the production company will see these methods they've used reap rewards such as 40 billion views and feel that this is the best way to success, and screw the fans!

Tragedy is the difference between what is and what could have been.
- Abba Eban

This is a serious quote that I am using for something that is ultimately inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, but it feels like such an appalling waste of a great story and a great cast that have given us many flashes of brilliance.  Argghhhh! 

Apologies to everyone ... rant over.

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Did anyone tear up just watching the preview?  OMG that is one of the most beautifully emotional tragic scene I've seen in a long time from Cdrama! 

YWY/LGX tears just melts my heart! Omg ZLY 's CQ/XE finally cracking up her tears for him!  Ahhh !!

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4 minutes ago, mimimi26 said:

Did anyone tear up just watching the preview?  OMG that is one of the most beautifully emotional tragic scene I've seen in a long time from Cdrama! 

YWY/LGX tears just melts my heart! Omg ZLY 's CQ/XE finally cracking up her tears for him!  Ahhh !!

Everyone not only tear up by the preview, we were practically bawling our eyes out when it first posted here....:bawling:

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39 minutes ago, whome said:

To those that have read the novel, may I ask what chapter in the book that the icy lake takes place? Also, what chapter does the reunion happens as well?



didnt read it but ice lake is like chapter 151 and reunion is like 161, but that doesnt mean anything since the last week and a half was only like 4-5 chapters so for this last stretch they are really doing their own thing. 

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1 hour ago, whome said:

To those that have read the novel, may I ask what chapter in the book that the icy lake takes place? Also, what chapter does the reunion happens as well?





As far as I can remember, Ch 180 is the wedding night, so its a few chapters back when they reunite. They didn't reunite until 2 years after the icy lake. 

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50 minutes ago, cenching said:

After the icy lake preview and the preview of YX shooting his first arrow to YWY, every one in Youtube is hunting for YX's head.....:tongue:


I think its not just youtube, but everyone in China is also upset at him. When he walks outside, he'll have to wear a mask just like Wang YanLin. LOL 

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1 minute ago, sstormy said:

So is episode 67 the last episode. I read there will be a season 2 but with a different actress; does anyone know if this is true? If this is true I will be truly upset. 


Apparently yes, EP 67 is the last episode for TV version (ep 58 for uncut subbed version). Season 2 is still a rumor. It was rumored to have Angelababy take on the CQ role because ZLY schedule is crazy packed. However, netizens are against this. Everyone seems to like ZLY and LGX and have accepted these two as the perfect actress and actor to play CQ and YWY so if the producers do decide to change leaders, netizens will be so upset at them. PA wouldn't be as popular without these two leads. I have never seen Angelababy act before but I heard shes not good with her expressions. ZLY on the other hand is on point. In all her dramas, she's absorbed into her role and play the character as if she's really them. 

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1 hour ago, cenching said:

After the icy lake preview and the preview of YX shooting his first arrow to YWY, every one in Youtube is hunting for YX's head.....:tongue:


Much deserved hate for YX. As XE told him about killing YWY, which I didn't take as she'll be glad or wouldn't care if he does but rather if he's thinking about it, he has to play fair. But he didn't. It was an ambush. YX knew that catching YWY off guard is the only chance of killing him. He doesn't stand a chance in a duel with YWY. 


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14 minutes ago, RealityDream said:


Apparently yes, EP 67 is the last episode for TV version (ep 58 for uncut subbed version). Season 2 is still a rumor. It was rumored to have Angelababy take on the CQ role because ZLY schedule is crazy packed. However, netizens are against this. Everyone seems to like ZLY and LGX and have accepted these two as the perfect actress and actor to play CQ and YWY so if the producers do decide to change leaders, netizens will be so upset at them. PA wouldn't be as popular without these two leads. I have never seen Angelababy act before but I heard shes not good with her expressions. ZLY on the other hand is on point. In all her dramas, she's absorbed into her role and play the character as if she's really them. 



Thanks for replying. That is exactly why I would want ZLY to continue as the actress if there was a season 2. I too have never seen Angelababy act but I wouldn't want to see her act for the first time as CQ.

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I’ve pretty much thrown this together Chu Qiao style—that is, with little preparation, revision, or forethought—so I apologize for any mistakes. The basic premise is that the short stories that will follow are several ways that CQ could’ve left YX before the icy lake scene. I’ve tried to be true to CQ’s character as I understand it and to flesh out a CQ who’s ready to leave a bit earlier than what the writers give us in canon. I’m not criticizing canon CQ because the writers were never going to let her make her own choices before the icy lake scene anyway, which was always slotted to be at the end of the series. There’s no point being too frustrated about things I can’t change, so I’ll take CQ’s approach and just change what I can.

This is the intro; it takes place during Eng-subbed ep 55 after some of her men have been executed and she’s sitting in her room trying to figure things out. Instead of coming to the conclusions that the writers want her to come to, however, she comes to a few conclusions of her own. Where, exactly, they will take her, nobody knows—least of all, herself.


Chu Qiao rarely had use for long bouts of introspection. After all, what good did lamenting about the past do anyway? No amount of regret could change a single thing about anything that had already happened, so the best course of action was to accept that you’d done the best that you could with what you had and get on with your life. And yet…

Once again, the image of her Xiulis—her men, regardless of what Yan Xun said—being knifed in the back played through her mind. She had sworn to protect them, to redeem them, to give them the good life that they’d craved for years. They’d trusted her, followed her, sworn loyalty to her...And yet…

Yan Xun’s voice interrupted her agonized thoughts as he talked to her through the window, a shadow that was both there and not there at the same time. His words pulled at her as they always had, recalling to her mind all of the trials that they’d been through together, all of the things that they’d done for one another, all of the promises that they’d made.

He promised her Chang’an and the world, causing her to sit down at the seat before the window with an undignified thump even as he admitted that he knew that that wasn’t what she really wanted.

So what do you really want? Chu Qiao thought as Yan Xun told her that she could never leave nor betray him. The question echoed in her mind as his footsteps faded away.

While she couldn’t yet answer that question in its entirety, one fact crystallized in her mind.

Yan Xun,” she whispered, “It’s a pity that you and I are no longer walking on the same path.”

So what path are you walking on? What do you really want? she thought as she stared off into the middle distance.

Yuwen Yue’s face suddenly popped into her head, but she ruthlessly shoved those thoughts to the side as she always did. She knew that no amount of wishing could change the past or the future, so she ruthlessly focused on the practical and the just.

To stop the war.

She nodded once, accepting that she’d moved beyond wanting vengeance to desiring nothing but peace and happiness for her people. After all, she’d already achieved her personal vengeance on behalf of her family and had killed all of the guilty parties involved in the human hunt. What good would more bloodshed achieve?

Okay, so how are you going to stop the war? What resources do you have at your disposal?

He Xiao’s strong face flashed through her mind.

The Xiulis are not only people I’m responsible for but are also a valuable resource that I could offer to a potential ally.

Chu Qiao’s eyes widened in shock as she realized that she’d already made her choice to leave even though she hadn’t yet admitted it to herself. She acknowledged that she’d never been good at making long-term plans, but she was also proud of the way that her agile mind would often make the swift leaps and bounds necessary to craft an excellent short-term plan.

So you want to stop the war, and the best way to accomplish this is by leaving and taking your Xiulis with you. So where will you go? How will you get there? What will you do once you’re--

She cut off those thoughts, figuring that she’d work out more of the particulars once she’d made her escape.

Escape? It’s not like Yan Xun would physically stop you from leaving...would he?

Memories of the Xiuli execution assaulted her again, making her doubt everything that she’d once believed about the man who had been her closest friend and ally not all that long ago. She was troubled that she couldn’t give a definitive answer to that question. All she knew was that that familiar feeling of panic that told her that she had to get out now was building in her again.

Perversely, she welcomed that feeling as it was something familiar to her, something within her comfort zone. True, her world was much larger now that it had once been and her responsibilities were greater, but she was still confident that she’d be able to not only see her people and herself to safety but to also stop the seemingly inevitable war between Wei and Yan Bei.

What other choice do you have other than to be confident? Too much thinking slows you down, and too much slowing down gets you killed. The key is to never stop moving.

Threads of a plan began weaving themselves together in her mind, and she let them come together just as they always had. She knew realistically that so much could go wrong and that the entire scheme could end in disaster, but she mentally shrugged because she figured that since her current course was heading for disaster, she may as well try something new to save her people.

Life in chaotic times is just that way. You do your best to hold on to those you love, but you end up losing them anyway one by one. So you pick your target, pull back the string, aim your arrow, and let it fly. And if you go down swinging your sword in the end…

Her eyes fell on Can Hong Jian, remembering the way that she’d felt when Yuwen Yue had first handed it to her. She picked up the sword, relishing the feelings of safety and security that she felt from its familiar heft in her hand. Her eyes fell on the flute that Yan Xun had given her not long after Yuwen Yue had given her the sword that she could’ve stopped carrying long ago.

She looked at the flute before tightening her hand on the scabbard of Can Hong Jian. Turning away, she walked to the door and firmly pushed it open. After all, she had things to do, and thinking too hard about the things that she had to do would lessen her odds of being able to do them.

Even now, a large part of her was shocked at how ready she was to throw away much of the last three years just to chase after the unknown. And yet was that not how her life had always been? Had she not always been forced to give up those she loved in order to live to fight another day?

She briefly thought about saying goodbye to her adoptive sisters, who were safely tucked away in anonymity in a small town that only a few people close to her knew about. Her mouth tightened as she acknowledged the sad truth.

The farther they are away from me, the better off they’ll be.

Chu Qiao knew that the same couldn’t be said for Yan Xun, but the events of earlier had driven home just how little influence she now had over the man who had once grinned impishly at her and called her his little wild kitten. That man was dead, and a battlefield shade was all that was left in his place. Her first duty must be to the people that she actually stood a chance of being able to save, and that’s just what she intended to do—or die trying.

The first step was to find her Xiulis, and then...

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Although I have largely been disappointed at how this show has panned out in the latter half, I have never really doubted XE-CQ's love for YWY. I know many people here think that she should have been a lot more demonstrative or responsive but under the circumstances I can understand why she wasn't. One clear indication was that she had so much difficulty killing him despite having the opportunity to do so on several occasions. YWY knew it too. I have the greatest respect for his intelligence and his ability to understand the people around him perfectly. She may have been able to fool others even herself at times by her apparent indifference but she couldn't fool him on that point. When he kissed her at Xiao Ce's place, she didn't make an effort to put up any kind of resistance. Knowing her and knowing what she's like, do we really think he could have got away with that if she didn't have the slightest bit of feelings for him? She would have punched and kicked him before she would even let him get that close to her much less lock lips with her for almost a minute. (Think of their previous altercations) He kissed her knowing exactly how she felt about him. So love was never the issue. (Not like it is for us)

What kept them apart wasn't love or a lack of it but freedom. More than anything she wanted to be free to think, to act and to live in a place of her own choosing. YWY understood that because the first thing he did for her when they reunited after 3 years was give her her freedom. However at the time there was still so much misunderstanding and emotional baggage between them. I think she really believed that she would only find real freedom with YX so she hitched her wagon with his. But the problem was that YX was full of rage and soon became a prisoner or enslaved (to put it in those terms) to that rage. She, however, had no idea how deep that hate ran. So while she thought she had finally escaped captivity because of YX, she found herself enslaved to his rage and his new agenda. In effect, she had only exchanged one form of captivity for another. The tiredness she talked about was that. She thought she had found something to believe in, only to reach a dead end.

I think it's a case of someone leaving home going in search of something they think they will find out there in the big wide world. But the more they travel the world and encounter different situations and people, the more they realise that what they were looking for was there all along. It's like Anne Shirley who at the end of Anne of the Island realises that the ideal that one envisages seldom meshes with the reality. That point was made even more explicit in the mini-series, Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel. "I went looking for my ideals outside of myself. I discovered that it's not what the world holds for you but what you bring to it. The dreams dearest to my heart are right here." Like Dorothy who hated home and Kansas and had to make her way to Oz before understanding the importance of home. CQ was looking for a man and/or a cause like her that she could rally around. She thought she had found it in YX but in effect the man she was looking for was there all along. 

CQ was looking for freedom outside of QIng Shan Yuan and YWY when all along, YWY was already showing her the way to true freedom not just by imparting her crucial survival skills but by demonstrating how he chose to use his freedom... to love and protect her unconditionally while giving her the space to find her way home. Some have said that he should have spoken up sooner but I don't know if that would have made a difference because she was hellbent on going her own way.

Sadly she was blindsided by the difference in status. He was the Young Master of QSY, lofty and beyond reach. YX, while he was bleeding out in prison, stripped of his status momentarily, seemed to be the ideal rallying point. Overnight, he had become a nobody. He was her kind of person... so she thought. They were both of the oppressed.

The reality was, captive or not, YX was always still the hereditary prince of Yanbei. His name still meant something to a lot of people. When he was finally let loose to do his own thing, he regained his power and was no longer thinking from that position of oppression.

Freedom is a glorious privilege that comes from knowing yourself and what the truth is. One can't be free when there's fear and second-guessing.

This is CQ's journey I imagine. The road to true freedom doesn't begin with some external reality but an internal understanding of what makes the world work. This is why freedom of expression is the bedrock of a free society in order to think critically and assess judiciously. Shouting others down with labels and accusing them of hate speech without listening to what they have to say prevents individuals from having all the facts to make the best decisions. When YX started hiding things from her whatever his motives, she was frustrated at every turn, unable to act in the best interest of the people she was trying to protect. Then the realisation that he was no longer interested in freedom hit her.

She had to go through this journey because she had to come to grips with the real world not some kind of Utopia that doesn't exist.


On another note...

As someone who has watched quite a few C dramas in the last few years, I can attest to the fact that it is the normal practice of most dramas to rush the ending. They almost always do with a handful of exceptions. Even the overall quite decent Legend of the Condor Heroes 2017 did it too to my chagrin.  I imagine in large part that it has something to do with ratings and maintaining audience interest right to the end. 

I can't say for certain that YWY will survive the icy lake debacle to father CQ's offspring but there is something noticeably magical, fairytale like about the icy lake scene that gives me reason to hope. It is beautifully sad seeing YWY bleeding out while tears roll down his cheek but to see CQ weeping with him as well... has a certain kind of tragic beauty.

What to do... I love my angst... :cry:

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We have some talented writers here. Thank you for sharing your ideas and thoughts. 

@rampantwolfhound thanks for posting your story. It was really good. If only she had left :bawling: 

@40somethingahjumma I really enjoy your analysis like always. I am still hoping for a happy ending. Honestly, I have a lot of complaints about the recent episodes, but overall I have really enjoyed this drama and its characters. 


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51 minutes ago, rampantwolfhound said:

I’ve pretty much thrown this together Chu Qiao style—that is, with little preparation, revision, or forethought—so I apologize for any mistakes. The basic premise is that the short stories that will follow are several ways that CQ could’ve left YX before the icy lake scene. I’ve tried to be true to CQ’s character as I understand it and to flesh out a CQ who’s ready to leave a bit earlier than what the writers give us in canon. I’m not criticizing canon CQ because the writers were never going to let her make her own choices before the icy lake scene anyway, which was always slotted to be at the end of the series. There’s no point being too frustrated about things I can’t change, so I’ll take CQ’s approach and just change what I can.

This is the intro; it takes place during Eng-subbed ep 55 after some of her men have been executed and she’s sitting in her room trying to figure things out. Instead of coming to the conclusions that the writers want her to come to, however, she comes to a few conclusions of her own. Where, exactly, they will take her, nobody knows—least of all, herself.


Chu Qiao rarely had use for long bouts of introspection. After all, what good did lamenting about the past do anyway? No amount of regret could change a single thing about anything that had already happened, so the best course of action was to accept that you’d done the best that you could with what you had and get on with your life. And yet…

Once again, the image of her Xiulis—her men, regardless of what Yan Xun said—being knifed in the back played through her mind. She had sworn to protect them, to redeem them, to give them the good life that they’d craved for years. They’d trusted her, followed her, sworn loyalty to her...And yet…

Yan Xun’s voice interrupted her agonized thoughts as he talked to her through the window, a shadow that was both there and not there at the same time. His words pulled at her as they always had, recalling to her mind all of the trials that they’d been through together, all of the things that they’d done for one another, all of the promises that they’d made.

He promised her Chang’an and the world, causing her to sit down at the seat before the window with an undignified thump even as he admitted that he knew that that wasn’t what she really wanted.

So what do you really want? Chu Qiao thought as Yan Xun told her that she could never leave nor betray him. The question echoed in her mind as his footsteps faded away.

While she couldn’t yet answer that question in its entirety, one fact crystallized in her mind.

Yan Xun,” she whispered, “It’s a pity that you and I are no longer walking on the same path.”

So what path are you walking on? What do you really want? she thought as she stared off into the middle distance.

Yuwen Yue’s face suddenly popped into her head, but she ruthlessly shoved those thoughts to the side as she always did. She knew that no amount of wishing could change the past or the future, so she ruthlessly focused on the practical and the just.

To stop the war.

She nodded once, accepting that she’d moved beyond wanting vengeance to desiring nothing but peace and happiness for her people. After all, she’d already achieved her personal vengeance on behalf of her family and had killed all of the guilty parties involved in the human hunt. What good would more bloodshed achieve?

Okay, so how are you going to stop the war? What resources do you have at your disposal?

He Xiao’s strong face flashed through her mind.

The Xiulis are not only people I’m responsible for but are also a valuable resource that I could offer to a potential ally.

Chu Qiao’s eyes widened in shock as she realized that she’d already made her choice to leave even though she hadn’t yet admitted it to herself. She acknowledged that she’d never been good at making long-term plans, but she was also proud of the way that her agile mind would often make the swift leaps and bounds necessary to craft an excellent short-term plan.

So you want to stop the war, and the best way to accomplish this is by leaving and taking your Xiulis with you. So where will you go? How will you get there? What will you do once you’re--

She cut off those thoughts, figuring that she’d work out more of the particulars once she’d made her escape.

Escape? It’s not like Yan Xun would physically stop you from leaving...would he?

Memories of the Xiuli execution assaulted her again, making her doubt everything that she’d once believed about the man who had been her closest friend and ally not all that long ago. She was troubled that she couldn’t give a definitive answer to that question. All she knew was that that familiar feeling of panic that told her that she had to get out now was building in her again.

Perversely, she welcomed that feeling as it was something familiar to her, something within her comfort zone. True, her world was much larger now that it had once been and her responsibilities were greater, but she was still confident that she’d be able to not only see her people and herself to safety but to also stop the seemingly inevitable war between Wei and Yan Bei.

What other choice do you have other than to be confident? Too much thinking slows you down, and too much slowing down gets you killed. The key is to never stop moving.

Threads of a plan began weaving themselves together in her mind, and she let them come together just as they always had. She knew realistically that so much could go wrong and that the entire scheme could end in disaster, but she mentally shrugged because she figured that since her current course was heading for disaster, she may as well try something new to save her people.

Life in chaotic times is just that way. You do your best to hold on to those you love, but you end up losing them anyway one by one. So you pick your target, pull back the string, aim your arrow, and let it fly. And if you go down swinging your sword in the end…

Her eyes fell on Can Hong Jian, remembering the way that she’d felt when Yuwen Yue had first handed it to her. She picked up the sword, relishing the feelings of safety and security that she felt from its familiar heft in her hand. Her eyes fell on the flute that Yan Xun had given her not long after Yuwen Yue had given her the sword that she could’ve stopped carrying long ago.

She looked at the flute before tightening her hand on the scabbard of Can Hong Jian. Turning away, she walked to the door and firmly pushed it open. After all, she had things to do, and thinking too hard about the things that she had to do would lessen her odds of being able to do them.

Even now, a large part of her was shocked at how ready she was to throw away much of the last three years just to chase after the unknown. And yet was that not how her life had always been? Had she not always been forced to give up those she loved in order to live to fight another day?

She briefly thought about saying goodbye to her adoptive sisters, who were safely tucked away in anonymity in a small town that only a few people close to her knew about. Her mouth tightened as she acknowledged the sad truth.

The farther they are away from me, the better off they’ll be.

Chu Qiao knew that the same couldn’t be said for Yan Xun, but the events of earlier had driven home just how little influence she now had over the man who had once grinned impishly at her and called her his little wild kitten. That man was dead, and a battlefield shade was all that was left in his place. Her first duty must be to the people that she actually stood a chance of being able to save, and that’s just what she intended to do—or die trying.

The first step was to find her Xiulis, and then...


Thank you! It helps to know what CQ's POV is. 

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@40somethingahjumma : I agree with @mrsyooknit . I really enjoy your responses. They're filled with depth and understanding of the characters. The part where you talked about she allowed him to lock lips with her made me re-called the bathroom scene where he accidentally peck her and she was hitting him like crazy afterwards. Do you understand why? Is it because she's just shock or is that how she reacts to her first kiss? 

I always find their conversations filled with a lot of bickering. They'll start by going against each other in words but at the end, they each show concern for one another. Is that how they show their love or longing for one another? 

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I'm crying because of YWY's emotion  and the tears .His face shows resignation that it's better to die since XE does not love him.OMG this is heartbreaking.If YWY is alive tomorrow ,XE has a lifetime to make up for all the richard simmons (excuse my expression) that YWY has to suffer  because of her. I 've seen so many dramas, in my opinion these pair has the perfect chemistry.Don't know how but. Just looking at them you can feel the attraction or the magnetic atmosphere surrounding them and that is just by looking at their eyes.Quite hard to explain and put into words.Hoping someone will make a video of this pair.Where can you buy the cd of the Ost?Lovely songs and music and I don't even speak or understand Chinese.

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@40somethingahjumma, Ooooh, I have never doubt her love for him....I think at some point XE has decided to stays with YX and try to forget YWY not bcoz she falls out of love but bcoz of the war where they both standing on the opposite sides. . Based upon the conversation over the hot pot, it getting clearer and clearer how impossible is that for them to be together. But it's obvious it's not an easy decision since she still go after him after he left. Interestingly though that out of many people the Dagger Man was the one able to tell that XE's heart is not belong to YX's....

The icy lake scene, I still stand on my ground that something very very interesting will happen since she will gain her power back....The preview was so heart wrenching and water work inducing to see the usual dapper clean mighty YWY looks disheveled with blood and tears oozing and XE bawling her eyes out refuses to leave him. I think at that point of her life she has decided to die together with him but he wants her to lives hence he pushes her away....For some viewers that never see any on-your-faces proves that she loves him will be quite shaken to hear YX's voice over that says in XE's heart a whole YanBei and himself can't compared/beyond YWY....She was killing her own YanBei Army to rescues him....

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