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[Drama 2017] Strong Woman Do Bong Soon 힘쎈여자 도봉순

Go Seung Ji

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1 hour ago, uglypearl said:

MH calling his hyung asking help to capture the criminal.

I prefer he doesn't call him. His bro is very suspicious.

I agree, the nice brother is kind of suspicious... It's always the quiet ones that you have to be careful of... But it also seems like in the past, he was the one who helped Min Hyuk when the other two brothers locked him up... I don't know :mellow:

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9 minutes ago, nonski said:

nice thoughts as usual chingu @bebebisous33!

missed this discussions in a drama, haven't done this for a long time.

anyways your theory about IGD is possible but I don't think he is the one.

for one he is one for those with so much passion with his work, for being a cop that killing people would negate his very existence.

i perceive him as the example of straight-forward cops, those that do things by the book.

and speaking of which, aside from his work, i think his personality is such, by the book.

that is why he wanted a "candy" girlfriend.

but i also agree with you that his caring for BS is a sign that he actually have feelings for BS

and let me say it again, because he is by the book, he will stick with the cellist because by the usual standards she is perfect for a girlfriend.

only now that MH is around that GD is slowly seeing BS as a woman.

Chingu, I think, you misunderstand me. I never said that IGD is the killer! I tried to explain why he would treat DBS like that. When I mentioned "possession", I only meant, he took DBS for granted. IGD has such a huge sense of justice, he had no problem to arrest the assemblyman hence he got demoted.

Yes, you're right. Only when IGD sees DBS with AMH, he acts as her boyfriend as he doesn't like it, when she is with a man. She kept waiting for him, he would notice her but it never happened.

As for the killer, it seems to me that he is working at the hospital. He knows how to act as a doctor, moreover he knew how to take away the second victim (episode 2).   

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2 hours ago, Earth2KatyD said:
In tonight's episode, I have a feeling that Min Hyuk will connect the dots and realize that the girl in the pink hoodie who saved him years back and his current bodyguard are one and the same.
GIFs by me
Also, how many baddies do we have in this show? We have the psycho killer/kidnapper, MH's hostile enemy and the group of thugs.. These baddies will definitely keep our 3 main leads on their toes!

Yay, episode 4 is starting!! :)

i kinda think it's a big possibility that he has connected her to the girl in the past while watching her sideview profile for a bit.

or he may have just been smitten with her at that moment.

although things in kdramaland does not just happen without a purpose

him looking at her like that, then looking at the portrait/painting... we connect the dots then. :)

Made at FreeGifMaker.meMade at FreeGifMaker.me

gif by @Earth2KatyD

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31 minutes ago, snowglobe147 said:





MH: Ahhhh!

BS: You're awake!

MH: Ow, it hurts, ow it hurts, ow it hurts, ow ow it hurts-

BS: Are you okay?

MH: You did that on purpose right?

BS: Yes, we're so lucky. The sound was so loud I thought something cracked. Is your arm okay?

MH: My head hurts more right now. I think I'm going to die. am I alive right now?

BS: You're still alive, don't worry. We're going to go to the hospital.

MH: Which department do we have to go to? Special surgery, general surgery, neurosurgery?

BS: Umm, I'll take you to a good hospital.

MH: Whatever, just take me home.

BS: No, no we can't! you hurt your arm, you were shot!

MH: It wasn't a gun.

BS: Either way. You're bleeding. I'm taking you to the hospital.

MH: Do you go to the hospital whenever you bleed? My arm is not the problem here, I think my skull is split in two.

BS: How many?

MH: Two.

BS: In my experience, human skulls aren't that easy to crush.

MH: Really?

BS: I'm starting the car! Let's go!

MH: what! Ugh...

BS: We'll have to go to the hospital.





thank you so much chingu!! :wub:

31 minutes ago, ferily said:
32 minutes ago, Ainee Etp said:


We have seen PBY's CF and happy for her, but where is Hyung Sik's CF? Given his popularity and trending now, I thought I will have seen a CF or two by now. :cry:


Luckily today's live stream has adverts in between.

Learnt my lesson : always have food and drinks within reach for the one hour, go to washroom before the streaming starts. :astonished: I did not want to miss a single scene.

I'm sure we'll see Park Hyung Sik's CFs Soon if he decides to accept them :) in the past though, I haven't seen PHS really do CFs though..


I'm sure he have but maybe you didn't see them and aired other times when you didn't see them!! 

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"I will always love you " ?  It's more like "I will always hurt you" . :D

I wonder if BS and MH gets married.

If the couple always bicker and fight each other,

MH will often be admitting/visiting BS's brother 's hospital due to fractures and broken bones or he might end up paralyzed.

Cutie CEO MinHyuk-ah, just don't mess with the adorable incredible BongSoon and you'll be fine for the rest of your life.



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1 hour ago, nonski said:

hmmm i don't think we are gonna go to that direction.  I don't feel any bad vibes from Bong Ki and he seems well loved by his family and had a good relations with his twin.  I love their relationship.  they seem really very close.  Usually serial killers and physcopaths have childhood issues which seem to be not the case with DBS and family.  

I do hope BK ends up with GS and we get rid of the flirty cellist soon enough.  I don't think BS will be thankful but she will definitely feel sad for GD because by that time, she will already be deeply in love with our baby boy MH! 

I'm with you on this. I don't want BK to be killer as well and I hope that flirty cellist does not become his gf (but the character chart seems to have the love line.

I'm also with you & @i.am.bugz.funny with regards to  uri bb JiSoo...let's hope like his bestie he will get a lead role soon..those pretty lips needs to be kissed.

@uglypearl...lol! I will always hurt you..Not sure whether they will show till marriage ,but I'm waiting for 1st kiss...

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1 hour ago, stroppyse said:

Haven't actually seen the episode yet, just reading the livecaps. This drama is so funny. This scene just slays me with how cute the dynamic between the OTP is, even over a phone call. Translation under the video clip. 


MH’s flashback of drunk BS: You, the fact that you’re gay, just “logout” already! I want to return to being an unemployed person again! Your butt, I’m going to just remove it from your body!
MH: Aiii, Bong Soon. (calls BS)
BS: (answering phone) Yes, president? Did you sleep well?
MH: Yes, I slept well. Did you sleep well?
BS: Yes. Though does it matter that someone like me sleep well or not. 
MH: What are you talking about? 
BS: President, if you could just give me another chance, I’ll…
MH: Have you had breakfast?
BS: Yes? No, not yet. 
MH: Bong Soon-ah, you know that today is a day when I go to the office, don’t you? 
BS: Yes. 
MH: Okay then, I’ll see you at the office. Eat a good breakfast, and take your time getting to the office. I’m going to go exercise first before I go to work. So, you don’t have to get there early. 
BS: Yes. 
MH: Okay then, let’s see each other later. 
BS: Yes. (They hang up. BS dances around her room in delight.)
BS voiceover thoughts: At school when one hasn’t done one’s homework, but the teacher is ill so it’s not due after all; is this that kind of feeling? His voice was overflowing with such softness, as if Jesus and Buddha were making their greetings. He’s really all right. 
MH: (looking at his phone) Oh, she’s really so cute, I could die. Heh. She’s going to remove my butt from my body? Wow. That’s really a new saying, and requires a lot of strength. That’s sexy. 

So, I like this scene for a number of reasons. First off is the understanding and care that MH shows to BS. While BS was feeling shame was not the time for him to tease her, and so he deals with it casually and straightforward, saying without actually saying it that he didn't take offense to what she said last night and that things are still copacetic between them. And, then it's adorable how he finds her so adorable and sexy. I also like it that this may cause BS to start looking at MH in a different light, not just a lazy, indulgent scion of a rich family, but as a person, and perhaps a person that she may want to get to know better. So sweet. Both of them. 



thank you so much for the translations dongsaeng!

this is one of my favorite parts... and the one at club where MH is looking at her, smitten puppy, like she is the sexiest woman on earth.

i agree with you, i love how MH dealt with the hilarity BS did the other night.

he made her feel at ease and i think he had been looking out for her ever since.

seeing MH's backstory made him even more human in our eyes and allowed us more room to love him.

with those gaze and lashes to boot!

i just love this couple to bits.

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55 minutes ago, snowglobe147 said:


(starting at 1:28)

MH: Ahhhh!

BS: You're awake!

MH: Ow, it hurts, ow it hurts, ow it hurts, ow ow it hurts-

BS: Are you okay?

MH: You did that on purpose right?

BS: Yes, we're so lucky. The sound was so loud I thought something cracked. Is your arm okay?

MH: My head hurts more right now. I think I'm going to die. am I alive right now?

BS: You're still alive, don't worry. We're going to go to the hospital.

MH: Which department do we have to go to? Special surgery, general surgery, neurosurgery?

BS: Umm, I'll take you to a good hospital.



Im sorry to cut your post. I don't know if this one or that one drunk scene was my favourite one from today's episode. I laughed so hard when suddenly she  threw Minhyuk to the car, he hit his head and "i will always love you" stopped XDDDDDDDDDDD i hope there will be still a lot hilarious scenes like this even if they decided to do something with their feelings for each other (like being a couple) :3 

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1 hour ago, ferily said:

I agree I don't think Bong Ki would be the culprit. He seems like a good person and like you said, has a good relationship with his parents! I also want to see BK and GS together :)

A lot of the knetizens call them the Puppy Couple so many that could be the name? :lol:



which one do you think would suit our couple guys?

Bodyguard Couple - they're together because he takes her as his bodyguard and will continue to get close to her using this reason. Love the scene where the theme song from Bodyguard was playing.

Puppy Couple - MH is such a puppy towards DBS. so cute and adorbs.

47 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

Chingu, I think, you misunderstand me. I never said that IGD is the killer! I tried to explain why he would treat DBS like that. When I mentioned "possession", I only meant, he took DBS for granted. IGD has such a huge sense of justice, he had no problem to arrest the assemblyman hence he got demoted.

Yes, you're right. Only when IGD sees DBS with AMH, he acts as her boyfriend as he doesn't like it, when she is with a man. She kept waiting for him, he would notice her but it never happened.

As for the killer, it seems to me that he is working at the hospital. He knows how to act as a doctor, moreover he knew how to take away the second victim (episode 2).   

Mian, i think i got you wrong chingu-deul!

I can't wait for when IGD will start seeing her as a woman and gets jealous with AMH and vice versa.  That would be lots of fun.


Thanks for that info, it makes sense if he is working at the hospital to be able to know his way around.

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1 hour ago, briseis said:

I think it's clear that he has no idea that the girl and BS are the same person. First of all, it's been 10 years and he only got a little glimpse of her profile and as episode 4 revealed (MH has begun to wonder how comes that BS is so powerful, where does her strength come from and how does it work,..), MH simply can't know that there is only one woman that is so powerful and that it is connected to the females in BS's family. Though, I think he will eventually connect the dots later in the story once he gets to spend more time with BS because when you are constantly with someone it becomes impossible to hide certain, private things from that person. And here I'd like to mention one of the main differences between MH and GD:

GD TAKES BONG SOON FOR GRANTED and he only spends time with her either to tell her not to do something, not to meet someone or to berate her for something she did. He meets with her only when it's neccessary and doesn't waste any of his time to actually do something fun with her.

MIN HYUK SPENDS TIME WITH BONG SOON BECAUSE HE LOVES BEING WITH HER! And when he is apart from her he keeps constantly thinking about her, keeps calling her and WAITING FOR HER! He doesn't need some practical reasons to meet her - in his cases all the "reasons" he tells BS to explain why he needs her to be with him are merely EXCUSES SO HE COULD SPEND TIME WITH HER AND BE AROUND HER. Unlike GD who thinks he knows BS, Min Hyuk is curious about her, keeps asking her questions about herself - he has been making an effort to actually get know her.


that is actually the main point of comparison between the two men.

the one treasures and adores her (already) while to the other, she is just your plain friend next door.

prolly the main reason why there is no SLS or second lead sydrome in this thread 

because it's is clearly shown how these two men treats DBS

and it's also clear, even not to her for now, that DBS will fall deeply for MH while she will leave her crush behind for IGD.

It would just be a matter of time.

tsk this look :) thanks for the screencap.

Night for now Avengers... it's about 2am here already, i'm gonna miss our BODYGUARD Couple.

but i am taking this picture to my sleep.


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I really love how MH looks at BS. Ahhhh BS, if you only have a clue. :wub:



"Oh, she's really so cute. I could die."



Can't wait for them to walk like this instead of MH feigning injury.



Chingus, what to do?! They're soooo cute I just want to squish them so much!




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Do we know for sure that the same person is both the killer and the kidnapper ?  

It would be a twisty plot if we are dealing with two different individuals.  One person kills, while the other kidnap and holds in a 'dungeon'.  Hmmm,  which character already has one dungeon? :tongue:

Also, the way the latest victim, ballerina, was shown, I wonder if there is a common link of physical injury among all the kidnapped victims. :blink::huh:

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Episode 3 was cute

Absolutely love the chemistry between MH and BS. I can't wait for her to develop feelings towards him since he's fallen head over heels for her since Day 1:lol: Their little arguments are just so funny ehehehehe :D

I wonder what's the motive behind kidnapping all these girls :crazy: 

I don't like GD's girlfriend...she has no shame to ask Bong Soon's brother for lunch when she has a boyfriend! 

I haven't watched episode 4 yet but after reading the recap it seems that Bong Soon's friend got hit by the psycho? Oh no...I hope she doesn't become a next victim :unsure: 



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guys can we just appreciate the way Guk Doo cares about his friend Bong Soon (maybe not in a romantic way but in a really friendly way) plus his effort in making her safe... 'cause I somehow think that it's being ignored by others ... Yeah he just always commands BS whenever he wants… and just warns her about men but we know for a fact that he doesn't let BS to be in danger... You can't just expect him to be sweet and be attentive to BS because first : he have a girlfriend, second he’s so commited to his work that he doesn't even have time for his girl and third being attentive to BS while having a gf would make him look bad… plus we should be thankful that his character was written like this so that Min Hyuk's character would shine a lot here... If ever his character will be all caring and being good to her even from the start then some fans would take pity with GD character... It might look like I'm defending him ..yes I admit it ...Ji Soo is my bias afterall... and I'm not saying for shipping reason ...LOL... It's okay if BS end up with MH... I have no hard feelings with it ...like I said both suits BS nothing more ...nothing less... All I want to say is let's not just look on one side of the story... GD maybe has this weird way of expressing his thoughts & feelings but he doesn't just neglect people around him... I remember what Bong Soon eomma said nobody is perfect these days so it's alright... that’s all…let’s just enjoy this journey because all of these will just pass by … gotta wait for subs… Hwaiting!!! SWDBS… ratings up…up…up 2iur 60 + Super cute dog girl chat emoji gifs images are downloaded dog emoticons dog emoji

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4 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

As for the killer, it seems to me that he is working at the hospital. He knows how to act as a doctor, moreover he knew how to take away the second victim (episode 2).   


I agree with you he has medical knowledge for sure and seems to be extremely smart and knows how to cover up his actions as well as disguise himself and easily slips in and out.  It would seem from the height difference between him and BS knowing her height is 5'2" he looks to be at least 6'3" or more. He seems to be right handed.  I kind of wonder if there are two different people I mean one being the Groom abductor who is collecting brides  and one who is after MH.  My first gut feeling was that the person collecting brides might work with BS's brother or even be her brother...  I'm so confused :huh:Something about him is a little odd!  I mean who would go out with another guys girl not to mention a friend?  I mean he grew up with GD who does that?  I don't like the girlfriend either but it takes two to tango.  And to be honest I can't stand men or women who don't have the guts to break up before checking out where the grass in greener!!!  If you don't care or love that person fine move on but at least remember when you did and show them some respect...  And a true friend never goes out with another friends boyfriend or girlfriend just ain't right...

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I love this drama, make me laugh more and more...

My opinion is, for the current episodes, I think BS brother is just being polite with GDs girlfriend, she invited him and at first he already said that she doesnt need to do that, and he think GD will come also, its your buddys girlfriend so i think it is right also to be friend with her, so technically BS brother is quite honest here still. 

GDs girlfriend is the one who feel something first i guess..

i love all the characters here, with a flaws yes but it gives more funny vibes on this drama..

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1 hour ago, jina_bing_bang said:

I loved Ep. 3 too! The serial killer or kidnapper is interesting, he did mention multiple brides and wonder what the motive is too?! GD's girlfriend doesn't seem as "innocent" as GD sees her


Watched Ep. 3 a little late..loving the comedy from BongSoon’s mom and GukDoo’s face when the mom was like let her stay at MinHyuk’s house was hilarious! Her mom Is just SO FUNNY!


Loved MinHyuk making fun of BS in the cutest way by acting he is gay…with GukDoo by giving him compliments and wishing that he stayed over too haha


So many great BS and MH moments- them getting to know one another personally about MH’s family life and how BS began to like GukDoo


I really want GD to have his moment in solving the case of the serial killer or at least get recognition and appreciation for his work- those other cops in his field don’t know what they are missing


Oh man the hospital interactions were great, funny and deep feelings coming out. I see something between Hee Ji (DG’s girlfriend) and BongKi..more from her side


The gangsters and the high schooler scenes are hilarious.  I love seeing BS use her strength! Even the guy who was the original owner of the motorcycle who was “chasing MH”


I wonder the connection between MH and the gangsters are, I am sure it has to do with his dad because MH first noticed the leader at the hospital and the leader said what a connection when he heard that BS was working at Ainsoft


The umbrella scene from the OST music video came a lot faster than I thought!



Oh my gosh, is Ep. 4 where BS gets drunk? The preview and scenes from that were so funny and can't wait to see Ep. 4 after lunch!

Excited to catch up on the posts here too

Oh hehe :D Those parts gave me a good laugh! Funny how they underestimate Bong Soon as a weak girl then she uses her full strength on them :joy: 

I believe so! Can't wait to see episode 4 later after work is done :)

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