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[Drama 2017] Strong Woman Do Bong Soon 힘쎈여자 도봉순

Go Seung Ji

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5 hours ago, Chi Le said:

How is the DVD work in korea? only few dramas get to release dvd? only few drams gets dvd cut and commentary? 

All Korean drama usually will release DVD,but for director's cut,experienced from Pinocchio we must surpass 1000 order before the date,than they'll make it and release it,since it's limited edition we'll get many good things(2 ep script,postcard,booklet,and making,NG and commentary from the cast).











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13 hours ago, dhakra said:

asked for it? :D You brought KSJ to the party and the whole manhood. I was just lighten up the world :rolleyes:

But to be serios, I agree with you. It always nice to read about different point of views and discuss about thing that you aren't familiar with. More eyes, more opinions, more fun.

I innocently brought it up to give you an idea how I felt. :rolleyes:. Anyway i'm not appreciating the looks (gifs) you are giving bb JiSoo. 

But on a serious note and very objectively speaking, there's very little we know about GD and even with AMH, he is still giving mixed signals to our gal; the whole gay thing and sometimes ordering her around. As a viewer, we are all-seeing , as in we understand his intentions and we can clearly see his infatuation & growing affection.  But at this point, it is not something that she will take note of. Plus he is her boss. So there will be that emotional distance that she would have created. This romance may take sometime to take off. All these one way love lines are a nice set up for the hilarocity (new word I learned today) that awaits us.

@naritul hello dear! very happy to see you here. More spazzing ahead. :lol:

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3 hours ago, athena22 said:

@lingx2 You sure are becoming popular for having the link to ringtone innocent-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862.good-luck-onion-head-emoticon.gif?129286 I see many new faces(not literally:lol:) because of you.happy-leaf-emoticon.gif?1292794623

Fanart for your hardwork of sending so many DM to all requests..wow1-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862527



I'm surprised to the popularity of the ringtone request too.

Those who are interested for the link can just DM me and I'll reply to your request asap :D

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On 3/5/2017 at 3:48 PM, bebebisous33 said:

No, you're not alone. The way he mentioned it while he was looking at her, reveals that he wanted her to hear it. But this leads me to the next question: why did he date the famous high school student later? So when DBS wanted to declare her love with the scarf, she heard that he was dating someone else. But even so, since he has a new girlfriend, I am wondering why he has never tried to make a move on her all this time. So they missed the timing.

I agree with @dhakra and others who wrote that the story didn't move a lot in the episode 4, however it was important for the evolution of our OTP. Until the episode 4, DBS was not able to perceive AMH in a positive way. Nonetheless, the fact that he didn't fire her and even treated her nicely despite the insults she made the night before, made her see him in a better light. So the relationship between AMH and DBS has changed due to that night.  Besides, I have noticed that DBS didn't pay much attention how AMH treated her (tries to protect her, makes sure that she eats, brings her home, calls her often), while she paid more attention to his words hence she judged him in a negative way. She is doing the same with IGD. IGD might show concern towards her but the way he treats her reveals a certain coldness and distance. He doesn't listen to DBS or even hangs up on her. There is a discrepancy between his words and his actions too. IGD is criticising her a lot but she allows him to say this, whereas she will reply and act sassy towards AHM, if he dares say something annoying.

On the other hand, the episode 4 was important for another reason: we get to discover their past. Both have something in common: their loneliness. Sure, she has a friend and a family, but her powers makes her feel different from the others. AMH was bullied by his older brothers and left home very early.

What I liked in this episode is that AMH is the only one who seems interested in her and her powers. Actually, DBS is not just good at fighting, she can also cook. But IGD's words showed how little he knows about her. This proves to me that she has a low self-esteem somehow. I have the impression that her mother seems to favour BG because he is a good student. Moreover, her mother is trying to make sure that DBS doesn't use her powers as well. Hence DBS has never learnt how to control her strength. She could never be herself in the end. It was not just because of IGD that she hid her powers. We saw how her mother scolded her for creating a scene with her powers and it is clear that her mother sees DBS' powers as something negative. As conclusion, AMH will be the one who supports DBS to use her strength, to learn how to control her powers. We saw in the preview that he will test her. DBS saw her powers as a part of herself, but she felt unhappy as she was different from the others. IGD's description about his love burdened her even more. 


I wanted to reply to this earlier. Just  got too bogged down with work &  keeping up with all the ongoing dramas. Since we've discussed quite a bit about GD in the previous posts, I wanted to address some of the other stuff you brought up 

With regards to the first highlight, I believe the whole employer - employee relationship that they have is also a "hindrance" to her noticing that he is being nice. Prior to what we saw at the end of eps 4, she might perceive all his kindness was bcoz he was just being a good boss. Plus her fixation has always been on GD, so i doubt she will be noticing anyone else.

Yes, loneliness was something that struck me about the two. It was like they felt they were outcasts.

Ahh, Queen Bee. She does have strange ways of showing affection to BS.Two things work against BS with regards to mum. First she was a girl. When she was born, i remember mum asking where was the boy. Sadly i come from this part of the world and there is still the obsession with having a male heir. Then BS inherited this power. Queen Bee sees it as a curse rather than blessing given all that has happened to herself and this negative perception has been passed down to BS . What makes it worse is her drilling these stereotypical ideas of how a girl of 27 should be married to a rich man etc.  Actually I blame mum most for causing BS to have such a low self-esteem.She tends to make BS feel inferior to her brother. So here you have a girl who thinks she is a freak of nature who has nothing else going  on for her.

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5 hours ago, athena22 said:

I do really like how the show is turning some of the bad guys into backup for Bong-soon. The high school punks have now pretty much bound themselves to her for life, and I think Boss Tak and Jaw aren’t too far from falling for her as well. I’m hoping for a storyline where the kiddos and gangsters end up joining Bong-soon and Min-hyuk so that they can all bring down the big bad guy(s) together. Team Do Bong-soon, fighting!

I'm thinking the same why that both of that gangs were basically like worship Bong Soon as their Boss I even think that if someone wants to harm Bong Soon they are going to help and I think one of them will sacrifice (not going to die I hope) their own self when Bong soon is in danger. 

6 hours ago, athena22 said:

He’s been called gay to his face and hasn’t bothered correcting anyone, so either it’s partially right, or he’s just having fun with the assumption.

I think the new BTS Min Hyuk says (PHS) that he pretends to be a gay so he could be close to Bong Soon or he pretend to be gay because he like Bong Soon (some sort) 

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1 hour ago, triplem said:

I innocently brought it up to give you an idea how I felt. :rolleyes:. Anyway i'm not appreciating the looks (gifs) you are giving bb JiSoo. 

But on a serious note and very objectively speaking, there's very little we know about GD and even with AMH, he is still giving mixed signals to our gal; the whole gay thing and sometimes ordering her around. As a viewer, we are all-seeing , as in we understand his intentions and we can clearly see his infatuation & growing affection.  But at this point, it is not something that she will take note of. Plus he is her boss. So there will be that emotional distance that she would have created. This romance may take sometime to take off. All these one way love lines are a nice set up for the hilarocity (new word I learned today) that awaits us.

@naritul hello dear! very happy to see you here. More spazzing ahead. :lol:

Yeah, of course :D

I think AMH doesn't know exactly what he wants himself, after all, he's just a man that is beginning to create a crush on someone with someone else in his heart. Although he might a clue, he's still confused. And I think he enjoys ordering her around, because that forces her to focus on him and leads to some minor skinship. It's a manly way of flirting.

I hate things that take some time to take off. -_-  

21 minutes ago, sebastian27 said:

It is wednesday...

two more days...

Still Tuesday here :( 

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On 04/03/2017 at 1:54 PM, filmstrip said:




I hope we got to see a flashback from MH depyumim's pov this coming episode why he ended up sleeping in the couch *wink (I'm guessing something lol just like what it shows in the preview where BS is sleeping and he is in the door watching then I think that's the scene from the MV that he will try to kiss BS) omigaaaah I can't wait Friday pali pali 

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57 minutes ago, sebastian27 said:

It is wednesday...

two more days...

Still Tuesday morning here :( Have alot of assignments due this Friday too...

6 minutes ago, JackieOnTheRocks said:


I hope we got to see a flashback from MH depyumim's pov this coming episode why he ended up sleeping in the couch *wink (I'm guessing something lol just like what it shows in the preview where BS is sleeping and he is in the door watching then I think that's the scene from the MV that he will try to kiss BS) omigaaaah I can't wait Friday pali pali 

I feel like we'll get a scene of MH trying to kiss DBS and she'll wake up shocked and smack MH or something with her strength :lol:

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1 hour ago, sebastian27 said:

It is wednesday...

two more days...

yeah!!!!! finally its already Wednesday too!!!!! two more days...two more sleep...friday comes faster!!!!!

8 hours ago, i.am.bugz.funny said:

guys aren't you tired of complaining about Guk Doo's character ...

Agree with everything you said, Actually I want to read about GD more but I think everyone already said about him enough and after read your posts it makes me  realize my decision was right. No matter how much ppl will critize him, I still thinks that’s how his character written, that’s his charms, that’s his flaws, and like you said that’s what makes him different with other 2nd lead in other dramas. that always so kind and sweet, caring and always on the heroine side all the time, and in the end there will be always many ppl said 2nd lead deserved more than the 1st lead. GD really really unique characters, this characters still have mysterious side about him that we don’t know yet. I mean, we know more about MH and BS in 4 episode, but we don’t know much about GD all this time, and it will makes me curious more about him, I want to see his story too. Like I don’t know the reason why he become a police if I didn’t read characters translation back then. Yeah there is more story that should be told about GD, and im waiting for it

4 hours ago, allegramente said:

I consider Gook-Doo like Mary Jane Watson of Spiderman. Just as Peter Parker did to MJ, Bong-Soon hides an important part of herself from him. She dons a different persona in front of Gook-Doo that he makes incorrect conclusions or assumptions. She never bothers to correct it because she wishes that persona is true. Whether it's partly due to her wish to win Gook-Doo's affection or a conditioning (lifetime of telling off by people around her), at the end of the day, she made the choice to hide it. Gook-Doo and Bong-Soon's story is sad, really... 

Should Gook-Doo have known or at least pursued further, pressed for the truth? 

He asks, "why are you always like this... even back then during exams, you sleep all day but stay awake all night in the library?" Aww. He knows her habit because he cares. Even Min-Hyeok looks a little jealous when he learns that they've got long history...

She falters. She chooses to be silent. I bet there have been many similar instances in their past. And unlike Min-Hyeok, who's got "authority" over her as her "boss" to demand answers, Gook-Doo can't press her if she doesn't want to.

But I understand Bong-Soon. One-sided crush, especially when the other party is giving mixed signals and one has one's own wishful thinking, is debilitating. I guess part of the reason Gook-Doo insists that they're friends is for her to open up to him like a friend would without the burden of romantic attachment. Looking at his string of girlfriends, his love life isn't working well either.

Huh... never thought that I'd be "defending" Gook-Doo or Bong-Soon's love for him. I am all for Bong-Soon feeding Min-Hyeok three times a day for life. (Let's face it. You're way too skinny this time, Hyungsik-ah!)...... but as Min-Hyeok's aptly puts it, she needs perspective. Hers is a misery she brings onto herself.  Mostly. Gyeong-Shim (please let her be alive and well by the end of this drama!), her best friend, says so as well (paraphrasing...) "you let your feeling run unchecked..."

agree with this one too....keep nodding when read it..

i never thought GD is that care to BS. I know he is care but not to the point knows about her "bad" habits like that, i thought he is just a cool type and really not care much about other ppl back then. its awww me and surprising me, how GD silently have eyes in BS too.now i know.  he really cares since a long time ago, not only after he become police and want to protect BS so much. 

yeah about GS,,,,please let her alive...let her be on BS side, to give a good advice about love..hahahahaha...and let me ship her with BG too...BG is better with her than GD Girlfirend... at theater and club scenes last week, in my eyes always see it as BS-MH-BG-GS did double date....MH with BS and GS with BG, uhhhh that perfect...


my 2 cents, In my eyes, both MH and GD did almost the same things to BS, usually in other drama 1st lead will annoying the heroine while the 2nd lead will comfort her, But in my eyes (or more if I were BS) both of this man really annoying, disturbing and yeah kinda like a jerk in their own ways. You know both always told BS to do this and not to do that. MH always ask BS to do anything as he want, like want BS to always around him (yeah that’s one of BS jobs ofc), ask her to come to him as he pleased, ordering her around, ask her to makes his food (though this is not a part of this job, you better ask more salary BS) and GD also did the same things, he ask BS not to do this and do that as he pleased too, like he ask BS not to always be careful to MH, ask BS to not stay at MH place that night, ask her not just walk around and find job etc.  look both of them really did almost the same thing right??

And both also  try to protect BS in their own way, So far we see MH more in action to protect BS like protect him from gun shot, or makes him always on her side at that night. but GD also did the same things, he always want to protect BS from the mask killer. Like he ask choi si won policer to protect her, he comes himself to MH house to protect BS from gae man (I mean MH), yeah both really care to BS and always want to protect her too.

For me what makes MH a bit lead is BS and MH always open to each other. She didn’t hide her powers, she always become herself too, and she didn’t even afraid to said bad things in front of his eyes, while with GD, she hide her true self, and even hide her powers too, she tries to become or match with GD ideal type too, yeah she isn’t herself if she were with GD. Though nowadays, BS cant control her feelings (when mad or angry) that’s why she let her feeling out to GD too, (usually she tries to hide it).  

Must agree with what MH said that BS looks more like friend to MH than GD, and GD really looks like his boss more than MH.Not only from how different BS tone when speak to MH and GD but she also looks really freely with MH and always extra careful and tries not to make a mistake in GD eyes like he is her boss. Hahahahahaha. And even MH easily can read BS thoroughly though he only know her in short time, while GD as BS old friend, whom she knows since elementary school have difficulty to read her, to understand her (maybe that’s why GD-BS always missed signal to each other). That’s how differently the writers write MH and GD, both really have contrast characteristic, have their own charms and strength, and ofc both not perfect and have a flaws and need development too in future..looking forward to these MH-BS-GD relationship.

ps: thanks for everything that be shared here....love all the pics, the gifts, the videos making, the fan art...in the making video PBY really looks stunned when see minseok..hahahahahaha...minseok is beautiful right???she keeps watch minseok closely and mention minseok stocking, make up, mascara, and PHS adam apple...hahahahahahaha....

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Regarding the masked kidnapper -- He reminds me of the character, Casanova from the 1997 American psychological thriller, "Kiss The Girls" (adapted from James Patterson's novel of the same title) who also preyed on beautiful young women. He abducted these women, held them captive in his lair and forced them to bend to his demands (I wonder if this particular plot of SWDBS is based on that..?). However, there were 2 perpetrators in "Kiss The Girls"..... Is there anyone here who thinks that we may have 2 sick psychos prowling the streets of Dobong-dong? If indeed we have 2, then my guess would be -- 
1st perp > the man who murdered the 1st victim.
2nd perp > the man who 'saved' the 2nd victim. I think he's the very same person who abducted said victim from the hospital, and the one whom Bong-soon keeps encountering.
If this has already been discussed, my apologies.. It's hard to keep up with such an active thread! It goes to show how popular this drama is with just 4 episodes in. :)
3 more days of wait until the next episode! :crazy:
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On 5.3.2017 at 7:47 AM, allegramente said:

But I like that Min-Hyeok can't stand her being sad. He would rather she be mad and annoyed at him than be forlorn about her unrequited love.


On 5.3.2017 at 5:24 AM, nonski said:

I am touched that despite everything when things get rough, he sees to it about BS' safety first

during the shooting incident, instead of just running away he jumps from the hoverboard and quickly gathered BS

while taking cover behind the tree, he made his body as a shield to cover BS

more than anything else, I appreciate how he took care of BS and hopefully in the future will be given due notice by his girl love

 I love how you guys discribe MH  to BS 


On 5.3.2017 at 5:11 PM, Mio- said:

 He already has feelings for her and is definitely the best boss (Ever!). (He will automatically turn that like into 'love and let's get married' when he finds out that she is the girl who saved him when he was in that bus, right? XD) I think I'll die when romance starts... they'll kill me. So, that's one other reason, why they should not start it yet... just wait for me to get ready, oki?


i thought I'm the only one wish of that side of Min Hyuk when he found out that his first love is the same girl he's so into now... I wish he would say "I fell in love with the same girl twice" kekeke 


On 5.3.2017 at 6:13 PM, dhakra said:

I think he somehow interrogates her, because he worships the girl that saved him so much that he asks himself if BS could be strong enough to stop a moving bus.

Good point that's why he always ask even in the phone... I thought it's just another antics of him teasing her to get annoyed kekeke

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