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[Drama 2017] Strong Woman Do Bong Soon 힘쎈여자 도봉순

Go Seung Ji

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Even the recappers on Dramabeans are completely in love with this show :wub:

Strong Woman Do Bong-soon: Adorable. I love the weird, comic-book-y surrealism and am hoping the show doesn’t phase it out, because it keeps the show feeling fresh and interesting. I love that this heroine is maybe not such a “good” person (she’s snippy, judgy, and a little self-absorbed) but Park Bo-young makes her an absolute hoot. That’s the magic of a great actor.  - javabens

That's one of the reasons why I love BD so freaking much. I'm so sick and tired of all those "perfect", "kind" kdrama female leads who would forgive everybody including people who hurt them (I'm looking at you, Hae Soo!). I'm so disappointed that javabeans and girlfriday don't do the recaps, they're the best writers on dramabeans and I hwas hoping they would write them considering how much they like the show.

Strong Woman Do Bong-soon: Adorable. I love the weird, comic-book-y surrealism and am hoping the show doesn’t phase it out, because it keeps the show feeling fresh and interesting. I love that this heroine is maybe not such a “good” person (she’s snippy, judgy, and a little self-absorbed) but Park Bo-young makes her an absolute hoot. That’s the magic of a great actor. - girlfriday

Strong Woman Do Bong-soon: I love this show so much, it hurts. Park “Loveshik” Hyung-shik is so pretty onscreen, and I love the ongoing misunderstandings about his character’s sexuality. Ji Soo is so wonderfully earnest, and I swear I could carry Park Bo-young around in my pocket. I’m still creeped out by the guy running around in a skin mask, but aside from those darker moments, I’m loving how adorable everyone else is. - gummimochi

Strong Woman Do Bong-soon: LOVE. It’s just as cute and weird as I had hoped! Both of our leads are delightful and their interplay even more so. I’m intrigued by the conflict presented by Bong-soon’s mysterious and seemingly capricious family curse. The thriller element is darker than I had anticipated, but it’s not unexpected to have some kind of danger threatening our characters when the premise is about a girl with superpowers that she can only use to protect people. (Is it out of the realm of possibility for Bong-soon to become a superhero? Roaming the alleyways of Dobong-dong in a mask and cape, bringing bullies and murderers to their knees? Maybe that’s a different drama.) Hyung-shik is the cutest I’ve ever seen him, and I’ve been following him since his awkward stint on The Romantic & Idol, that terrible dating reality show from a few years ago, in which he completely stole my heart. And Ji-soo is beautiful of course. Also a terrible detective, but here’s hoping it’s a lesson to his team to start watching more modern procedurals during their lunch break. And next week, Bong-soon had better send that three-way wrist grab to its rightful demise. I can’t wait! - Laica


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The culprits in the drama.

So far these are my main guesses who have the highest possibility to be the culprits.


The psycho serial killer that the cop GukDoo is looking for:

"The Eye Witness"




The person who threatens the AINSoft CEO MinHyuk :

MinHyuk's "gentle" second half-brother



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Well, like always, finished the subbed 4th episode and want to share some thoughts of me:

  • Right at the start of the episode I thought the following: It really gets hard to defend AH and his behavior towards BS sometimes. He really is sometimes someone that invites you to hate him, which is funny, because he shows that he is a profound person, he has so many layers that needs to be unraveled. PHS really does an amazing job with his facial expressions, he plays his character so well. It's a pleasure to watch him. When I have more time later, I will explain what I mean.
  • I really wish they didn't use Whitney Houstons 'I will always love you' there. The whole scene was so important, because AH protected his own bodyguard with his life, he didn't know at that point that it weren't actually bullets, just steel pellets. He didn't hesistate one second, as soon as he saw the danger, he went to BS in an instant and protected her with all he can think of. The moment BS grabs him, thinking that he may be seriously injured, was completely destroyed by the song. It felt like there was a touch of too much humour in that scene. I didn't like that, it could have been such an important moment in both their lifes. Wasted potential.
  • KD stills seems one-dimensional, they need to give him more quality screentime.
  • I loved the scene where AH just sits in front of the painting of BS, it feels like a small moment of peace. The guardian that he needs in the place where he suffered the most. 
  • I don't want to talk about the drinking/movie scenes much, what instead caught my interest were the scenes after that. BS accidentally managed to make AH uncomfortable. Just by being herself while partying, AH deepened his feeling for her, just by looking at her and see how she behaves and because of her gay-speech in front of her mother, you clearly saw that this is beginning to nag on him. He was making fun of her and all, but it seems that it starts to annoy him. And additional to that, he realizes that it will be quite a hard piece of work to get KD out of her heart. As a guy myself I know how hard it can be to get another man out of a girls heart. Once he is there, you have to do much to get him out of there. Especially since he owned this place since highschool. One way or the other, this will be a problem now or at a later stage. 
  • AH isn't stupid, if he would act like it's supposed to be, he will scare her forever or damage their relation. She did something stupid in front of him, but she somehow also opened up towards him. This was the first time she said straight to his face, that she thinks he's gay. With that kind of information he can work and it seems that he starts to be more serious towards her. The phone call also confirms that.
  • KD's girlfriend gets more ridicilious with every episode. The way she throws herself at BS brother makes me sick. She even lied to KD. I hope she won't have much screentime.
  • After all, not much happened this episode, it was purely an OTP episode to strengthen their relationship. We're exactly at the same (story)point where we were yesterday. No progression at all, this is okay for one episode, especially since we are at an early stage of the drama. Sure I want them to open up to each other, but somehow I want both worlds to continue.


Well, well, another week to wait until the next episodes. Thiiiiis really sucks.

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Trying really hard to get through ep. 3, and her acting is getting quite annoying, especially repetitive "whoa"s. Perhaps, it's actually the character herself and not the actress. (Frankly, I didn't find the scene with the taser funny.) What I'm grateful for is the fact the CEO isn't as arrogant and drama-like as I thought he would be, although bickering doesn't do it for me. I'm not invested in their relationship and can't bring myself to root for them for whatever reason. As a couple, they come across rather plain/flat to me.

Love the cop's attention to the rules and regulations, but if he ends up being that a** who preys on women, that would be some good writing right there.

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13 hours ago, snowglobe147 said:


Yeah I basically lost it at Whitney Houston!!! LMAO!!:lol: I just can't!!!! So random & her 4 syllable English issues!!!!!! Stop motion & Etude!!!!! Hahahahahahahah! This drama is hilarious!!!!!

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1 hour ago, dhakra said:

PHS really does an amazing job with his facial expressions, he plays his character so well. It's a pleasure to watch him. When I have more time later, I will explain what I mean.

So, I want to take some time to clarify what I was speaking of. 

PHS does something that not many actors out there are capable of, there are 3 scenes where he demonstrates that, where he doesn't say a word, doesn't do a specific thing and the scene just focuses on his expressions. And it's perfection. There are no words necessary, no interactions required, everything that needs to be said does his face. You see his sadness, his thinking on things that are either happy or depressing, his broken heart, his inner-self spinning around. Just by doing nothing. This is what seperates a good actor from an exceptional actor. It really is the first time I have to acknowledge an idol as capable actor who does very well at this job. He adapted to PBY's acting skills where she out-acted both of them.





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11 hours ago, briseis said:

MIN HYUK SPENDS TIME WITH BONG SOON BECAUSE HE LOVES BEING WITH HER! And when he is apart from her he keeps constantly thinking about her, keeps calling her and WAITING FOR HER! He doesn't need some practical reasons to meet her - in his cases all the "reasons" he tells BS to explain why he needs her to be with him are merely EXCUSES SO HE COULD SPEND TIME WITH HER AND BE AROUND HER. Unlike GD who thinks he knows BS, Min Hyuk is curious about her, keeps asking her questions about herself - he has been making an effort to actually get know her.

Word chingu! I love that he accepts her for who she is, bone breaking, and unfiltered. She doesn't exactly hold back when she's around him. I love the way he teases her he just can't help himself. :D

@bebebisous33 I think that GD did have a crush on her at one point, found out how strong she is and couldn't deal with it. He keeps telling her she's a weak girl, it's almost like he's trying to convince himself that's she's normal. 

11 hours ago, nonski said:

i perceive him as the example of straight-forward cops, those that do things by the book.

and speaking of which, aside from his work, i think his personality is such, by the book.

that is why he wanted a "candy" girlfriend.

but i also agree with you that his caring for BS is a sign that he actually have feelings for BS

and let me say it again, because he is by the book, he will stick with the cellist because by the usual standards she is perfect for a girlfriend.

only now that MH is around that GD is slowly seeing BS as a woman.

jcdragon_hi.gifHello! It was so nice to get the roll call, GD has a very structured personality. Your so right that everything he does is by the book.  I hope that he ditches the girlfriend because I don't like that she's flirting w/ GK.

@i.am.bugz.funny  There's nothing with wrong w/the way GD is, he's a loyal friend who cares about BS. He's is being overprotective of her but who wouldn't if their frend ends up in the police station accused of beating a bunch of gangsters up and then is put in danger because she visited him in the hospital. Then he finds out she's going to sleep at a man's house for work, I'm happy he is looking out for her. Just because he's a straight laced guy doesn't make him a bad one.

@snowglobe147 and @stroppyse Thank you both for the translations


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i just find it amazing how MH tries to always let people see him as a self-absorbed, devil-may-care attitude

but in truth he is such a tender, loving and caring wounded person who needs all the love he can get and has all the love he can give

I am touched that despite everything when things get rough, he sees to it about BS' safety first

during the shooting incident, instead of just running away he jumps from the hoverboard and quickly gathered BS

while taking cover behind the tree, he made his body as a shield to cover BS

more than anything else, I appreciate how he took care of BS and hopefully in the future will be given due notice by his girl love


just a side note:

i hope they lessen PHS' make up, he is so sexy and looks sooooooo darn good with lesser make up, his features gets emphasized. the scene when he was drying his hair, that's when he's all yummy and sexy.

and i really hope he sings an OSt for SWDBS, he has such an amazing voice, crisp, clear and soothing to one's ear.




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This is such a funny drama! Episode 4 was hilarious :D 

I couldn't stop laughing when Whitney Houston came on :joy: Too funny! And Min-Hyuk's expression while being carried by Bong Soon is just too much. Funny how he got shot, but he's more worried about his head! 

I now know more about Min-Hyuk's family and past. It was such a touching scene where he ate the food Bong Soon made for him which was similar to his mother's cooking :( I feel that asking his half-brother for help may not be a good idea...it's always the *nice* ones you gotta look out for :wacko: 

Did Gook Doo's girlfriend lie to him!!!!??? :scream: 

Well the long wait for Friday begins again...sigh <_<


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Finally had the chance to watch episode 4...

PHS/MH's acting is very good in this episode. Showing emotion without saying anything, without even doing anything... his eyes is very expressive. When i first saw him act in Sirius, i was very impressed.. did not know that he was an idol and not an actor... but here in his latest acting gig... he is still showing improvement that if and when he is given future roles... i am sure i will be in awe..

scenes that i like

1. Club scene... when MH was watching BS dancing... his expression is so whipped... anyone looking at him will know that he is on the verge of falling hard for BS. 

2. The dad hiding money from mom and then giving everything for BS so she can buy some new clothes... (so touching) very much the dedicated dad to his children .

3. After club scene... when BS was mouthing off to his employer... and MH instead of being angry like a normal employer... just find his bodyguard / secretary so cute...

4. The shooting incident... omg! MH even shielded BS from the pellet shots  ... even knowing that BS is the strongest person he has encounter...

5. MH being curious on BS's strength origins... (all superheros have origins) 

oh i will stop at five items.. this post is getting longer...:wub:

now... for the week LONG wait AGAIN.....

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5 hours ago, Chi Le said:

oh my god the rating, i cant believe my eyes... park bo young beat her last drama by 4th episode.

now we really dont know how high this can go

3.829% -> 5.758% - > 6.081% -> 8.301%

this drama rating jump seem much bigger than tvn usual jump, tvn mostly have 1% change, this drama has 2% change

wow the power of park bo young, plus the bonus of park hyung sik

at this rate even 20% is possible >.<


Very good news for us viewers... yehey!!!

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I think GD does seem to have a crush on BS at one point. On the flashback scene when GD was talking about how he likes a cosmos-like girl with his friend, he looked as if he's saying that purposefully so that BS could hear him. You can see how GD was saying that while looking at BS. Imo that definitely means something. Perhaps he's sorta giving hints to BS back then? Sorta referring to her? Idk, need more of their background story to make sure.

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OMG.. I just finished the 4 eps.. Love love love this so much! :heart: But now, we have to wait for another week to watch. Huhuhuu!
I love the slow burning of AMH's love to DBS. It's adorable to see him keeps crushing on DBS. And without BS's realizing it, she has become the center of his world: her cooking reminds him of his mom, he's drawn to her amazing strength and weirdness, yet at the same time finds her cute and sexy! Cute usually doesnt translate to sexy. But to him, she's sexy! Aaawww...!
Their banter is super interesting. He purposely trying to annoy her - which is super cute. Reminds me of boys who pull girls' pigtails. I just wish that BS will realize sooner than later, of AMH's interest in her. 

PBY is so great at acting. BS's love to GD is real and I feel it. I'm sad for her for feeling this way - unrequited love is hard. I hope she can move past it and let go. But I'm a bit upset about how she moved the Buddha statue. I get that she was just a teenage thus tend to do childish thing. If she's mature enough, she probably - hopefully, would not have done it. The show keeps hinting that BS cannot control her feelings and power anymore. I wonder where it will take us? BS no longer a secret but a real superhero that shows up in public? But aside from that, I wonder what GD will respond when he knows about it?

She already displayed a lot of her power in public: soccer ball, carrying AMH, club scene (I see some people already whipped out their phone to record this - aarrgghh). I'm worried now. 

I love the scene between BS and her dad. They are really adorable! 
But it seems that BS's parents don't recognize the mob boss? It could mean: he's not the kidnapper or he is the kidnapper but he got away (it's not like her parents can file case since it means revealing BS's power).

Ep 4 shows more layers of GD. We know that he already dreamt of becoming a policeman since high school. He likes gentle girls (in his pov, this means weak and fragile.. uuughh!), but the one that weirded me out is the early scene where he said, "I'm saying this because I'm your friend. You're not a kid anymore. You're at a marriageable age now. Be more mature and live a more disciplined life... " - forget friend, this feels like a dad's lecture! So, exactly what he sees BS as? 

On a serious note: 

I think we can safely confirm that there are 2 culprits: 1) the stalker/creepy caller, 2) the psycho

Stalker - under Creepy Caller's order?



details: not too tall, rather stocky, and perhaps older? but man, he sure can run!

and the psycho: 
details; tall and lanky, keep his hair long
Why is BS surrounded by tall lanky guys I wonder. 
It's kinda scary that the psycho is so close to BS. I'm sure that's not intentional. Perhaps it's just fate? But I see in the next preview, someone is out to harm BS's friend? It couldnt be the psycho since he prefers skinny chicks. (no offense BS's friends, but you're great just the way you are).

Aaarrggghh.. I wish there are more clues! 

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