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[Drama 2017] Strong Woman Do Bong Soon 힘쎈여자 도봉순

Go Seung Ji

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2 minutes ago, nonski said:

hmmm i don't think we are gonna go to that direction.  I don't feel any bad vibes from Bong Ki and he seems well loved by his family and had a good relations with his twin.  I love their relationship.  they seem really very close.  Usually serial killers and physcopaths have childhood issues which seem to be not the case with DBS and family.  

I do hope BK ends up with GS and we get rid of the flirty cellist soon enough.  I don't think BS will be thankful but she will definitely feel sad for GD because by that time, she will already be deeply in love with our baby boy MH! 


BTW Avengers, do we already have a name for our couple? sorry not very good at this, how about BODYGUARD COUPLE?

I agree I don't think Bong Ki would be the culprit. He seems like a good person and like you said, has a good relationship with his parents! I also want to see BK and GS together :)

A lot of the knetizens call them the Puppy Couple so many that could be the name? :lol:

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32 minutes ago, Ainee Etp said:

I am so worry about Gyeongshim now. She seems sweet, a good friend to BS and accepts her for who she is.

Please don't kill her off. I actually wants her to develop with Bong Ki instead of the GD gf. 


hope she won't be badly harmed too and yes that would be a good thing!! 

12 minutes ago, stroppyse said:

Haven't actually seen the episode yet, just reading the livecaps. This drama is so funny. This scene just slays me with how cute the dynamic between the OTP is, even over a phone call. Translation under the video clip. 



MH’s flashback of drunk BS: You, the fact that you’re gay, just “logout” already! I want to return to being an unemployed person again! Your butt, I’m going to just remove it from your body!
MH: Aiii, Bong Soon. (calls BS)
BS: (answering phone) Yes, president? Did you sleep well?
MH: Yes, I slept well. Did you sleep well?
BS: Yes. Though does it matter that someone like me sleep well or not. 
MH: What are you talking about? 
BS: President, if you could just give me another chance, I’ll…
MH: Have you had breakfast?
BS: Yes? No, not yet. 
MH: Bong Soon-ah, you know that today is a day when I go to the office, don’t you? 
BS: Yes. 
MH: Okay then, I’ll see you at the office. Eat a good breakfast, and take your time getting to the office. I’m going to go exercise first before I go to work. So, you don’t have to get there early. 
BS: Yes. 
MH: Okay then, let’s see each other later. 
BS: Yes. (They hang up. BS dances around her room in delight.)
BS voiceover thoughts: At school when one hasn’t done one’s homework, but the teacher is ill so it’s not due after all; is this that kind of feeling? His voice was overflowing with such softness as if Jesus and Buddha were making their greetings. He’s really all right. 
MH: (looking at his phone) Oh, she’s really so cute, I could die. Heh. She’s going to remove my butt from my body? Wow. That’s really a new saying, and requires a lot of strength. That’s sexy. 



thank you so much for the translation chingu!! :wub: 

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It looks like we might get Min Hyuk trying to kiss Dong Bong Soon next week! When MH opens the door, BS is laying there on his bed. Plus Min Hyuk is wearing the exact same clothes from the first OST MV....!!

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45 minutes ago, sakura2016 said:


that was super sweet!! :wub: and she for the 1st time was touched by him and thought's he a good person!! and he think she's sexy!! awwwww :wub: 


Yes, so sweet.. right? I can't help but gets excited whenever he asks her if she had eaten, remember to eat, do not diet. He really worries about her not eating enough. They are couple who are going to be paired through their love for RPG, love of food, love of bickering.

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52 minutes ago, snowglobe147 said:



Thank you once again to all the screencappers, recappers, and video uploaders: @jellybellymonster @Ainee Etp @triplem @athena22 @briseis @lingx2

No prob at all. Thanks for the translation! 



Tonight's episode plot wise, did not move much from yesterday. I don't see any particularly new development. Pretty much every story or love line enters the work in progress mode. But what was particularly poignant for me was seeing some childhood memories of our OTP. As I have mentioned in the past, I always felt that  Bong Soon was feeling conflicted about her gift. It was obvious she found it hard to not create a scene (pushing boulders and breaking water pipes!) . She wanted to be the kind of girl that would catch the attention of Gook Doo -shi . (Just open your eyes Bong Soon -ah...Min Hyuk is waiting). Her frustration of unheard prayers when she turned the Buddha statue around only underlines her struggles in her teen years.  Poor gal...

She wanted to be his "cosmos"220px-Cosmos_na_Mostra_de_Flor_de_Hong_Kong.JPG  but what did he do?

He friend-zoned her to her face giphy.gif

Though I do not blame him , GD, it's still hard for a gal to take that in.

And I think tonight Min Hyuk 's back story of being bullied and how lonely he really is with not much love from family touched me..PHS did well here..
This scene of him feeling so moved by BS's meal and him eating with almost tears in his eyes...giphy.gif


And this after the flashback of being bullied...how poignant that Bong Soon has always been his strength and inspiration




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2 minutes ago, Ainee Etp said:

No killing, right? I hope so too. Sorry, perhaps after Hwarang, I am getting a little over-suspicious if all kdrama writers. :lol:

yeah so true after that experience with hwarang writer sigh..sigh-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862519


4 minutes ago, nonski said:

hmmm i don't think we are gonna go to that direction.  I don't feel any bad vibes from Bong Ki and he seems well loved by his family and had a good relations with his twin.  I love their relationship.  they seem really very close.  Usually serial killers and physcopaths have childhood issues which seem to be not the case with DBS and family.  

I do hope BK ends up with GS and we get rid of the flirty cellist soon enough.  I don't think BS will be thankful but she will definitely feel sad for GD because by that time, she will already be deeply in love with our baby boy MH! 

yeah i completely agree with this point he doesn't seem like one with any such issues. But whatever it is i think it is going to be someone BS knows ... Cellist kind of makes me not to watch her scenes but i stll watch at least for continuity. anyway coming to the point of BS thanking to BK i don't think it will happen because by that time she will overcome her longtime crush and she will become more matured and feel bad just like a friend feels bad for you when something bad happens to you. She will start treating him like a friend and and our CEO as her BFcute1-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862498


Now off i go...dreaming-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862

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38 minutes ago, Ainee Etp said:

I am so worry about Gyeongshim now. She seems sweet, a good friend to BS and accepts her for who she is.

Please don't kill her off. I actually wants her to develop with Bong Ki instead of the GD gf. 


26 minutes ago, furu.vu217 said:

[17.03.04] Park Hyung Sik is #1 at Naver's Realtime Search 12:29 AM KST :D:D:D


Aw it's glad to see Park Hyung Sik trending on Naver :D He is just getting more and more noticed and popular!

19 minutes ago, natouuu said:


I feel Hyungsik is gonna to be popular a lot again in S. Korea just like during "What happenes to my family?". Especially after all these good responses from k-netizens. It's good, 'cause he hard works and deserves it. :blush:

Yes I agree!! I found out about PHS through What happens to my family~ I think knetizens are paying more attention to him now ever since Hwarang and now Strong Woman Do Bong Soon! It's nice to see him getting more recognition :)

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10 minutes ago, ferily said:

It looks like we might get Min Hyuk trying to kiss Dong Bong Soon next week! When MH opens the door, BS is laying there on his bed. Plus Min Hyuk is wearing the exact same clothes from the first OST MV....!!

Yep,  that's what I'm expecting too... 

 I have this feeling that MH already knows that BS is the girl that stopped the bus before...  That's why it's easy for him to fall for her...  Okay,  BS is really cute and all but MH gaze at her seems like he is deeply into her already.  

@triplem I second the motion...  PHS nailed that almost crying while eating scene.. and the atmosphere is not even sad before that, it's comedy and lite yet he was able to pull that emotion. 

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16 hours ago, nonski said:


on a side note:

eck! GD gf is clearly flirting now with Bong Ki!!!!

does anyone else ship Bong Ki with Gyeong Shim? (had not taken particular note if they are relatives but i hope not)

anyone else love the dynamics between the twins... BS and BK? i like that they are so close and care for each other.

btw, what is the deal with the head of the gangsters following BS? i initially thought he knew her mom.

oh ugh! someone took a picture of DBS at the club holding that pole! this will prolly mess things up in the future.


what a colorful post you have here chingu ... I ship Gyeong Shim with Bong Ki too like @Ainee Etp because she's like a family member already ...why not make real?...just a big NO 02 6 15 Lovely Capricorn emoji gifs to download to GD's SNAKE girlfriend... It's a shame that she's asking for a guy who she just met to have a lunch with her when she's already taken...arrgghh!! I hate her 01 6 15 Lovely Capricorn emoji gifs to download...GD deserve someone who will understand the nature of his work and just love him the way he is...


I'm glad that BS came into the rescue...before the killer hurt her... I hate it when a guy take advantage with woman's vulnerability...I'm glad this drama shows women's empowerment in the form of Bong Soonie...someone who won't back down with guys who bullies and fight with bad boys... 

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5 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

I have been thinking about IGD's behaviour. He can be so distant but also very gentle and protective. Since we saw the preview and heard that IGD declared the kind of girl he likes, it is clear that's the reason why DBS is hiding her true personality in front of her friend. She wanted to make sure that she is exactly the type of girls he likes.

But his words made me wonder, how he could describe his type of girlfriend so precisely. He doesn't seem the type of man who dates a lot. In my opinion, this has something to do with his mother. Sure, we only saw her once. Yet I believe, she is definitely involved why IGD could never realise that he likes DBS. Notice that his description is the total opposite of DBS and her mother. The latter might be greedy, selfish and rough, but she speaks her mind and she does care for people. We shouldn't forget that she is against the new development of DB and she is trying to gather signatures. So she is not entirely self-absorbed.

My theory is that IGB's mother loved DBS's father but the latter had always been attracted by DBS's mother. Maybe she played a part, how DBS' mother could lose her power, as she thought that if she lost her powers, DBS's father would stop loving her. However, the opposite happened. Since she became weak, he could finally approach her. He loved her not because of her powers but because of her character. So IGD's mother failed. And when she moved to the same district than DBS, she realised that DBS was in love with her son and moreover, the latter was very close to her as well which she didn't like. We shouldn't forget that she tries to paint DBS as bad, when she ratted out that DBS had been visiting the police station. Moreover this comment underlines that IGD is very close to his mother. He tells her everything. Hence his mother must have played a role in it, how he should perceive his future girlfriend. She manipulated him, him unaware of her tricks. To me, IGD loves DBS but he doesn't realise his own feelings yet. He already considers her as his own property, but maybe her mother influenced him by saying that's how friendship is. IGD is the one who is allowed to criticise her, protect her aso. Since DBS is very shy, she thought, IGB would notice her as she tried to meet his expectations. However, IGD never made the first move  because he already considered her as his "possession" (I can't say girlfriend because he already has one) and his mother kept saying that's normal for a friendship between a boy and a girl. Moreover, the fact she hid her true personality played a part as well. As soon as he discovers her true character (sassy, brave, aso), he will get aware that he has been in love with her all this time.  I agree with @dhakra that DBS' mother is really interesting and entertaining. I do think that she is not that bad, she is actually jealous of IGB's mother as she has the impression that her husband is more attracted to IGD's mother than herself. There is some rivalry between these two women. 

What do you think about it?


nice thoughts as usual chingu @bebebisous33!

missed this discussions in a drama, haven't done this for a long time.

anyways your theory about IGD is possible but I don't think he is the one.

for one he is one for those with so much passion with his work, for being a cop that killing people would negate his very existence.

i perceive him as the example of straight-forward cops, those that do things by the book.

and speaking of which, aside from his work, i think his personality is such, by the book.

that is why he wanted a "candy" girlfriend.

but i also agree with you that his caring for BS is a sign that he actually have feelings for BS

and let me say it again, because he is by the book, he will stick with the cellist because by the usual standards she is perfect for a girlfriend.

only now that MH is around that GD is slowly seeing BS as a woman.

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17 minutes ago, furu.vu217 said:

I don't watch "WHTMF" because i become his fan after his great acting in Hwarang so i don't know how popular he is in that time. But now i can feel this hehee :D He's a scene stealer & received a lot of love from Knet with his Sam Maek Jong in Hwarang and now An Min Hyuk again. Nice timing :wub: He deserved all of love because his hard work ^^


We have seen PBY's CF and happy for her, but where is Hyung Sik's CF? Given his popularity and trending now, I thought I will have seen a CF or two by now. :cry:


Luckily today's live stream has adverts in between.

Learnt my lesson : always have food and drinks within reach for the one hour, go to washroom before the streaming starts. :astonished: I did not want to miss a single scene.

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59 minutes ago, uglypearl said:

Stills for next week's episode, It seems BS's friend is the next victim. (I'm not sure, It kinda looks like her friend but her face is almost on the road floor)

Uh oh... looks like the next victim is Gyeong Shim? :o Also does Do bong Soon confront the killer? I'm just afraid something bad will happen to Bong Soon with her getting involved with the crimes..

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7 minutes ago, Ainee Etp said:

Yes, so sweet.. right? I can't help but gets excited whenever he asks her if she had eaten, remember to eat, do not diet. He really worries about her not eating enough. They are couple who are going to be paired through their love for RPG, love of food, love of bickering.


hhhhhhhhhhh yes!! they are perfect for each other!! :tongue: 

and I also loved how he calles her "Bong Soon-ah" in the preview while she's crying and the look in his eyes!! he really cares and falling for her!! :wub: 

8 minutes ago, triplem said:

And this after the flashback of being bullied...how poignant that Bong Soon has always been his strength and inspiration



yeah!! :wub: 

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(starting at 1:28)

MH: Ahhhh!

BS: You're awake!

MH: Ow, it hurts, ow it hurts, ow it hurts, ow ow it hurts-

BS: Are you okay?

MH: You did that on purpose right?

BS: Yes, we're so lucky. The sound was so loud I thought something cracked. Is your arm okay?

MH: My head hurts more right now. I think I'm going to die. am I alive right now?

BS: You're still alive, don't worry. We're going to go to the hospital.

MH: Which department do we have to go to? Special surgery, general surgery, neurosurgery?

BS: Umm, I'll take you to a good hospital.

MH: Whatever, just take me home.

BS: No, no we can't! you hurt your arm, you were shot!

MH: It wasn't a gun.

BS: Either way. You're bleeding. I'm taking you to the hospital.

MH: Do you go to the hospital whenever you bleed? My arm is not the problem here, I think my skull is split in two.

BS: How many?

MH: Two.

BS: In my experience, human skulls aren't that easy to crush.

MH: Really?

BS: I'm starting the car! Let's go!

MH: what! Ugh...

BS: We'll have to go to the hospital.


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Just now, Ainee Etp said:


We have seen PBY's CF and happy for her, but where is Hyung Sik's CF? Given his popularity and trending now, I thought I will have seen a CF or two by now. :cry:


Luckily today's live stream has adverts in between.

Learnt my lesson : always have food and drinks within reach for the one hour, go to washroom before the streaming starts. :astonished: I did not want to miss a single scene.

I'm sure we'll see Park Hyung Sik's CFs Soon if he decides to accept them :) in the past though, I haven't seen PHS really do CFs though..

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27 minutes ago, Ainee Etp said:


Ahhh... it's called monkey bars? I was thinking what's to call it, then i use the word 'pole'. :tongue:

@Ainee Etp @athena22 I actually do not know what to call it. Just typed monkey bars and I googled it now and I'm wrong hahaha! :lol:

Thank you for your translations @stroppyse @snowglobe147! Always appreciate it! 

What is MH doing here? Was he pretending to be unconscious? The BG music makes it doubly hilarious! 



@triplem Yeah, big boss and mom's vibe hmmm. They seem awkward and weird. 

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10 minutes ago, triplem said:

And I think tonight Min Hyuk 's back story of being bullied and how lonely he really is with not much love from family touched me..PHS did well here..

This scene of him feeling so moved by BS's meal and him eating with almost tears in his eyes...

And this after the flashback of being bullied...how poignant that Bong Soon has always been his strength and inspiration

Sorry to cut your post short... But I really love what you said about Min Hyuk. I haven't watched the scene where Bong Soon makes MH breakfast but that's so sweet that he was moved by it... I think somebody here mentioned it might've reminded him of his mom?

I love that in today's episode we got to see a glimpse of Min Hyuk's past~ with him being bullied by his brothers and he was lonely.. That's so awesome that Bong Soon has been his inpiration though :) I hope he finds out the girl who saved him 10 years ago is Bong Soon, if he doesn't already know.

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9 minutes ago, stroppyse said:


@snowglobe147, don't delete it, and don't worry.  It's really not a problem for me, and I don't think the readers on this thread mind if we occasionally both translations for a scene or preview. Since these are translations, anyway, I would think it would be interesting for most people to read different translations of it anyway. And, I wasn't planning on posting a lot of translations on this thread anyway since subs seem to come out fast for this drama. So, please feel free to post whatever translations take your fancy. I'll enjoy reading them also. 

my lovely translator dongsaengs @stroppyse and @snowglobe147

thankful always when you are in drama threads i am watching as i am updated with translations.

i'd say again as i had said it in previous threads, don't worry about having to do translations of the same clips.  

the thread moves fast that usually readers can't catch up and it's nice and easy for them to be able to bump into more translations.

just continue doing your great jobs and we will always be thankful to both of you.

as @stroppyse said, we always enjoy reading them, so post on!

9 minutes ago, athena22 said:

yeah so true after that experience with hwarang writer sigh..sigh-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862519


yeah i completely agree with this point he doesn't seem like one with any such issues. But whatever it is i think it is going to be someone BS knows ... Cellist kind of makes me not to watch her scenes but i stll watch at least for continuity. anyway coming to the point of BS thanking to BK i don't think it will happen because by that time she will overcome her longtime crush and she will become more matured and feel bad just like a friend feels bad for you when something bad happens to you. She will start treating him like a friend and and our CEO as her BFcute1-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862498


Now off i go...dreaming-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862

chingu i don't see the connection yet, but i am more inclined that the killer is someone random.

hehehe i do want her to be GF with CEO Ahn! fighting!

5 minutes ago, i.am.bugz.funny said:


what a colorful post you have here chingu ... I ship Gyeong Shim with Bong Ki too like @Ainee Etp because she's like a family member already ...why not make real?...just a big NO 02 6 15 Lovely Capricorn emoji gifs to download to GD's SNAKE girlfriend... It's a shame that she's asking for a guy who he just met to have a lunch with her when she's already taken...arrgghh!! I hate her 01 6 15 Lovely Capricorn emoji gifs to download...GD deserve someone who will understand the nature of his work and just love him the way he is...


I'm glad that BS came into the rescue...before the killer hurt her... I hate it when a guy take advantage with the vulnerability of a woman...I guess this drama shows women's empowerment just like Bong Soonnie... who won't back down with guys who bullies and fight with bad boys... 

hehehe chingu-deul, i went as far as having a different color for each line because each have different points and i wanted to know what others think about it.

yes this drama is themed on women empowerment and bulllying too.

one should not use his/her strength to bully others but to use it to help others.

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34 minutes ago, furu.vu217 said:

I don't watch "WHTMF" because i become his fan after his great acting in Hwarang so i don't know how popular he is in that time. But now i can feel this hehee :D He's a scene stealer & received a lot of love from Knet with his Sam Maek Jong in Hwarang and now An Min Hyuk again. Nice timing :wub: He deserved all of love because his hard work ^^

He always become trending after join real man(that time I keep think why this kid always appear:lol:)and than WHTMF,and he used become trending after that.

@stroppyse @snowglobe147 thanks for the translation :heart:

Ep 3 gifs





















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