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[Drama 2016-2017] Blow Breeze 불어라 미풍아

Go Seung Ji

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I have to say today's episode was the worst ever..... I can't believe that JG divorced MP again. WTH were they thinkingggg???? TBH  I hope MP never takes him back when the truth comes out. That mother of  his tried o committ suicide to get them divorce. SHe has no shame and is a foool for believing the word of Ma Chung Ja.  Geum Sil know what type of person she is and she chose a good person over a greedy Person. What is the saying Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.  Geum Sil sure doesn't know that saying smh smh smh.

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thx @stroppyse@Ayame hello @sava2sava and all here, altho i only read your take on the latest epis i cldnt agree w/u guys any better than this, one of you  @chilis likewise i hv to stay away from this writer :) with only 6 episodes left  n we're still not seeing any positive progress of the MP fam being reunited, there's always an obstacle e.g. DH watching the home shopping n we get excited only to see this wicked witch stopping him to watch it! when is this writer gg to give us satisfaction? are waiting n waiting to no avail n then as it is w/some kdramas they end the story leaving us thinking or saying what? that's it? let's hope that's not the case on this one, still hopeful in spite of the ups/downs we've been experiencing watching this.

likewise @stroppyse what made me hung on till this epis is bc of SHJ & LJY albeit this is my first time watching both of them but i really like their part of the story other than that i can skip to those witches like SA/Cj n GS! sorry to rant here but altho i hvnt watched the latest epis i can just feel it's sameO sameO as it has been in the past! however, am still looking f/ward to watching the latest epis :)

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I noticed in Kdramas, the evil can be so evil and get away with it until the last few episodes. Is it this type of drama will draw more viewership.

what are we feeding the mimd of the viewers in general. Is the real word with this type of  evil people around. What we feed our mind is impt. 

As usual, the end the evil will found out but i never want to follow drama feeding my mind with all the creative ways an evil person can do. I watch the last 2 episodes, is better to feed my mind with good news to lead a joyful life each day.

i like the main cast acting but too much airtime is given to SA.

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2 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

I have to say today's episode was the worst ever..... I can't believe that JG divorced MP again. WTH were they thinkingggg???? TBH  I hope MP never takes him back when the truth comes out. That mother of  his tried o committ suicide to get them divorce. SHe has no shame and is a foool for believing the word of Ma Chung Ja.  Geum Sil know what type of person she is and she chose a good person over a greedy Person. What is the saying Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.  Geum Sil sure doesn't know that saying smh smh smh.

JG's mom is just plain stupid.  After a while wouldn't you wonder why Ma Chung is always in your families business?Every time you turn around this women is saying something about your family. Wouldn't you start to think something was up? She is going to  want to really commit suicide when it is all said and done.    Where is Ma Vhung's mother?   She needs to get back there and start talking.    I am very upset with this episode.   I hope the writers are going to make at least two people so some serious jail time in the end.   Because what SA has done has affected the basic lives.  Their ability to put food on the table and have a reasonable place to live.   Shaking my head at the writers.

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1 hour ago, janp said:

JG's mom is just plain stupid.  After a while wouldn't you wonder why Ma Chung is always in your families business?Every time you turn around this women is saying something about your family. Wouldn't you start to think something was up? She is going to  want to really commit suicide when it is all said and done.    Where is Ma Vhung's mother?   She needs to get back there and start talking.    I am very upset with this episode.   I hope the writers are going to make at least two people so some serious jail time in the end.   Because what SA has done has affected the basic lives.  Their ability to put food on the table and have a reasonable place to live.   Shaking my head at the writers.

Exactly chingu @janp......Well said about Geum Sil, why take the word of a woman who is always whispering to you what your In Laws was  framed of. What kind of woman would borrow money from you and never return that money back because she was going over her own budget. What kin of woman would pretend to like and take care of person whom they wish dead? What kind of person is willing to beat up an ill man because they don't want them living in his own home. What kind of woman would be happy to see someone die?????   

What bothers me the most is that they forgot how dangerous she is. I remeber when they were esscaping she abandoned them and stole from them. If someone can abandon you at a life and death situation they should not be trusted. Someone you took care of since young can abandon you, steal, frame, beat up and bullied don't deserve your respect.  

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Oh man, I don't know how much more of this idiocy I can take. I don't know how much more my favorite characters can take.  One thing is for sure...the writer is taking it as far as he/she can possibly take it.  I agree with you all... I am staying far away from this writer in the future.

In this episode, we see the three witches have reached an all-time low of desperateness. One threatens to commit suicide (go right ahead, have at it, be my guest), one slaps poor MP's dad and spreads lies--again, and the other..well..the other wickedest witch has added few more evil deeds to her list of atrocities, if that were even possible.  All I can say is if heads don't roll at the end of all of this, I'll be more than ecstatic to oblige.

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3 hours ago, Ayame said:

Episode 50 Preview



Translation of the preview. 


DC: You were trying so hard to find him. I’m sorry. (reading the flyer looking for Dae Hoon)

Man to YA and MP: If you pour one drink, will your wrist break? Let’s find out!! (threatening YA and MP)

YA to MP: His wife…

MP to YA: You mean Shin Ae’s mother-in-law?

SA to CJ: How could you say that you refuse?!

CJ to SA: There was nothing else I could do. 

SA to CJ: I’ll try to find out what happened. 

SA to HD: You promised you would stay with me no matter what.

DH on phone: Which way is she going?

MP to YA: Anyway I look into it, I think it’s Shin Ae’s doing. 

YA to MP: Chairman Duk Chun Ho is your grandfather? 

DC: Where is that? Let’s go. 

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I left this drama since ep 20++ but still reading this thread for updates. Ep 46 seems to be looking up but then these last two eps made me confirm that this writer is crazy. She is one of the worst if not the worst ever...

can't believe they made the leads suffer from the beginning till the end. Even worse i would never think that after those hardships,JG would really divorce MP bcause the mum pulled a suicide card.


i just hope MP and YA will get back their position soon. Live happily as a wealthy family so JG mum would be banging her head to the wall witnessing his son destroyed because of heartbreak (cause by herself) .MP can now step on that nasty woman ego..tsk

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Haven't posted here in a while maybe because I was so excited about this drama from the start and then it just got so hard to watch heartache after heartache covered up in so much darkness we seldom saw light!!!  And when we did have those brief moments of happiness and light they quickly faded as if they never were.  I always finish what I start no matter how painful it is. 

I think for me the disappointment  and anger in JG divorcing MP not once but twice was more then overwhelming it was over the top.  I was like what the heck is going on and are they really not going to give us a few episodes of happiness after all these two have been through.  Is he really going to be a Momma's boy to the end not wondering but knowing his Mother is a NUT CASE after all MP has gone through for him..  REALLY!!!

Maybe I am the crazy one for still watching but forgive me this just makes no sense.  The saddest part was seeing MP falling apart fish everywhere and still it's JG that lingers in her mind.  How can that much love be overlooked my hands are up because I just don't get it....:huh::blink::angry::vicx::wacko:

Forgive me but I had to add I wouldn't take JG back if he was covered in chocolate sitting on a million dollar bill.... And it was for me... NO WAY!!!

thanks to all original owners of photos and quote..

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Ratings are out for this week. The ratings actually went up slightly in comparison to last week, which surprised me.

Date Episode TNmS (%) Nielsen Korea (%)
Nationwide Seoul Nationwide Seoul
2017-02-11 48 18.5 (2nd) 18.3 (2nd) 18.4 (2nd) 18.9 (2nd)
2017-02-12 49 22.1 (2nd) 22.1 (2nd) 22.2 (2nd) 22.9 (2nd)
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Recap of episode 48. Fair warning. There may be less actual drama detail and more snarky comments than usual in this writeup. I was pretty fed up with this episode. So my apologies to anyone who is still reading these. 


Director Heo arranges to release a video online of a customer finding a bug in the MP and YA’s dumpling right before the show is about to broadcast. This causes their show to be cancelled. Apparently because home shopping networks don’t believe in checking anything and would rather have a broadcast failure. Oh yea, and a single video uploaded by an unknown person is enough to ruin an entire product line. Oh, also, the home shopping network decides to sue MP and YA for loss and damages. There is a riot at the dumpling store with people who want refunds for the dumplings because no one in Seoul apparently actually eats their fresh dumplings once they buy them. They save them intact for days, and then insist on refunds. MP and YA are shocked. JG thinks the timing of the release of the video is suspicious and wants to look into it. YA decides what is the point since it’s already happened anyway, because YA is a defeatist who only trusts SA apparently. JG insists since they need to know who would do such a thing, then goes to the police station. YA and MP bemoan their fate. MP gets a call from the factory.

DC is still comatose, but has convulsions. DH and Dae Hoon are not sure what’s going on. Doctors are called. CJ and SA come running also. The doctor says that DC is past the critical stage, but thinks there is a chance that DC may not wake up. DH asks if there is anything else they can do, but the doctor says they just have to watch and wait. CJ thinks nasty thoughts at Dae Hoon who wants his father to live while DH comforts him. SA fakes concern.  

SA hears from Director Heo that the Board of Directors are resisting SA as the new president of the company. while DC is in that state, and want to appoint a professional interim officer instead. SA tells Director Heo that he should instead suggest and push for SA to be made DC’s proxy while he’s in that state rather than naming her president. It would effectively give her power anyway without actually being named the president. 

NY and grandmother discuss the grandmother having provided their house as collateral for MP’s business loan.  They wonder if NY’s boyfriend would loan them the money to make the interest payment on the loan instead, but before they can actually ask, the president says anyone using their own things as collateral for someone else is foolish and one should but all ties. 

The factory is throwing away all of MP and YA’s dumplings since they didn’t sell and they have other products to make. And the factory wants their money for making the dumplings by the weekend. 

SA struts through the office as DC’s representative to the company. She sees JG’s file on her, and is angry. She fires JG. JG goes to talk to her, but is brushed off. JG makes his accusations at SA, claiming that he’s going to find out why SA worked so hard to frame MP twice, then leaves.

CJ rushes to tell GS that JG was fired because of MP. GS is pissed. Then GS gets a phone call from the bank about their house being collateral for a loan. Because all banks call the collateral owner before the owner of the loan to discuss the loan as soon as they hear that the loan holder may be having difficulties, even though the interest payment isn’t due or anything. Plus, the bank knows that it was the grandmother who put it up as collateral for the daughter-in-law’s home shopping business. *sigh* GS has another fit, so what else is new. GS tells the grandmother that JG was fired from his job because of MP in a triumphant I told you so. GS sits on her rear on the floor wailing. JG comes in, so GS confronts JG shouting at JG for not divorcing MP when she told him to. GS collapses then in order to make her dramatic point. GS lies down in her room and JG sits by her telling her that he’ll take care of it. So, GS finds the strength to sit up so that she can wail on JG. GS insists that MP pay back the loan now, then fakes yet another collapse. I guess they’re running out of histrionic behavior to write for GS because it is now all just repetition: scream, collapse, hit, scream, collapse, hit, repeat ad infinitum.

HR finally finds out that JR and JS used to be in a relationship. 

At the dumpling store, the home shopping channel person tell MP and YA that if they don’t pay for damages immediately, they’ll sue them and send them to jail. As they’re digesting this news, GS comes to the restaurant and breaks more stuff, screaming, and insisting that MP divorce JG. MP agrees to divorce JG. GS is finally triumphant, and records MP’s agreement to the divorcing JG and never seeing him again.

HD meets YJ to go on a date and explain that he and SA can’t be together. YJ decides that everything is her fault and starts crying. At least YJ is a better cryer than SA. YJ cries and begs HD not to divorce her mother. Unfortunately, I’m tired of all the freaking crying.

YA collapses from stress and goes to the hospital. I wonder how they’ll pay the hospital bill? They have no money after all and are being sued by everyone. Apparently, there is yet another riot from people who want refunds because they don’t actually eat the takeout food that they buy. They just save them for days and weeks so that they can ask for refunds. MP rushes to the store. 

Dae Hoon runs into YS at the hospital and greet each other.  Dae Hoon invites YS to come play in DC’s room for awhile. They’re playing in the room when CJ and SA come in, shocked and upset to see YS. They tell YS to leave immediately, so Dae Hoon offers to walk YS back to his grandmother. CJ insists on taking him instead, while SA pushes Dae Hoon to the floor. CJ just shoos YS out of the room, then proceeds to beat Dae Hoon up while SA looks at her phone. Dae Hoon cries for SA to save him, but she ignores him as CJ continues to wail on Dae Hoon. CJ chases Dae Hoon out of the room, then asks SA that they send Dae Hoon away quickly. SA says that she’s already planning on it. CJ is happy, saying even if DC should wake up, they can say that he became lost again. DC twitches and seems to open an eye a bit. 

Dae Hoon goes off to a stairwell to cry. DH sees him, and Dae Hoon says that CJ beat him up and yelled at him. DH is shocked and is about to rush off to yell at CJ, but Dae Hoon stops him by saying that if SA finds out what he said then she said that she’ll send him off to where no one knows him. Dae Hoon says he’s afraid. 

DH escorts Dae Hoon back to the room. CJ and SA pretend to worry about Dae Hoon, saying that they thought he had been lost. Dae Hoon is unable to say anything in fear. DH looks at both of them suspiciously.

GS plays the recording for her family, telling the family that anyone who contacts MP again will be chased out of the house. GS tells JG to get the divorce. JG refuses. GS threatens suicide, so everyone tells JG to get divorced.

MP and JG talk. MP tells JG that they really need to get a divorce this time. JG says nothing. MP tells JG not to worry about her or her family any more, and to make sure that he comes to the courthouse this time. JG still says nothing. MP leaves. JG sits. Wait, is this episode 49, nearly the end? And, they still can’t think of anything for this couple to do then get a divorce? So, they get divorced. This is so lame. MP tells JG that she’ll submit the papers to the registry. They part. Lame. Lame. Lame. MP texts GS that the loan has been repaid. 

SA makes a phone call while staring at Dae Hoon, then tells Dae Hoon that they should go to America where there is a good hospital for him to get treatments for his memory loss. Dae Hoon refuses. SA tells Dae Hoon that DC will never recover. Dae Hoon says that the doctor said that DC could wake up. SA threatens Dae Hoon again with being sent to a mental hospital where he’ll rot to death if he doesn’t do what she says. SA says that DC is basically dead. Dae Hoon says that as soon as DC wakes up, he’s going to tell DC everything. Dae Hoon tells SA that he’s recorded their conversation and plays it back for her. SA pushes Dae Hoon to the ground, grabs his phone, then throws it down ad stamps on it. Fortunately, DH comes in then and asks what SA is doing. SA said that she was getting upset because even though Dae Hoon’s phone was broken, Dae Hoon wouldn’t give it to her to replace. DH yells at SA. Dae Hoon tells DH about SA wanting to send him to America. DH yells at SA again for wanting to send Dae Hoon away when DC is in this state. SA then changes her tactic to say that it’s DH who doesn’t care because he doesn’t share their blood, and so must be hoping that Dae Hoon will never recover and is impeding getting him treatment. Then she strides off on her high horse. DH comforts Dae Hoon. 

The dumpling store closes. MP, YA, and YS move to a cheaper place to live. Because in this world, one can be kicked out immediately upon finding out that someone is having a hard time regardless of whether they’ve paid rent or not.

DH gets Dae Hoon’s phone fixed and hears SA threatening Dae Hoon. DH is shocked. He says to himself that a real daughter couldn’t act this way to her father. DH goes home and gets new DNA samples for a new paternity test. 

DC wakes up.


End of episode.

Also, @euraka, I totally understand how you feel about dropping this drama, but we're so close to the end now. Don't you want to be miserable with the rest of us who are following this to the bitter end? Just come and be snarky with me about how poorly this thing is plotted and written. Also, we can heap scorn and curses on the ending, no matter what happens, because it's now official that almost every character is brain dead, except for the guy who actually has a strangely acting trauma disorder apparently. You also can be fed up with JG and MP as well, and the fact that nothing that any of these people do matter. At the end of the day, it's because SA and CJ shot off their big mouths assuming that DC was as good as dead that is going to prove their undoing, and not how smart and dogged JG is at putting together the various pieces of the puzzle nor how MP works on her suspicions to reclaim her good name. Nope, not in this drama. Everyone just rolls over and waits to be stepped on. 

Anyway, I'm glad I waited a while before actually watching this episode, since it was so annoying and boring, both at the same time. La la la. Will post recap for episode 49 shortly. Heck, actually, there will finally be some reveals happening. Yep, we're getting to the end of the series. So, basically 9 episodes of interesting and entertaining set up, 39 episodes of hysteria, screaming, crying, hitting, lying, scamming, and 5 episodes of the villains basically shooting themselves in the foot because everyone else is too stupid to put any clues together and would rather just roll over and be stepped on. Yep. Good drama this. My apologies if my bitterness at this drama is leaking out too much. 


Since no one else has posted since my last post, I'm editing the post to include the recap for episode 49.


DC wakes up with Dae Hoon by his side, but then DC’s monitoring equipment start going off. 

At a fancy restaurant, CJ congratulates SA on becoming the Head Representative of Winners Group, and congratulates herself for getting SA there. CJ asks SA to be good to HD. SA promises. CJ reminds SA that HD can’t adopt YJ. SA worries that HD is continuing to stay away. CJ promises to talk to HD to get him to return. They continue to be gleeful about having it all their way. SA gets a call that DC has woken up, and both are shocked. SA and CJ go to the hospital. The doctor says that CJ hasn’t quite woken up yet. CJ quizzes Dae Hoon about DC waking up, saying he had lied. Dae Hoon insists that DC had briefly woken up. CJ is upset about not being able to finish their expensive steaks, then pinches DC to show that he’s not waking up. DH and HD come in as well. CJ keeps yelling at Dae Hoon for being a liar and getting them all to the hospital when everyone is already so busy. DH scolds CJ. 

HD is leaving when SA grabs him for a talk in the hospital corridor. SA asks HD to come home, for his mother’s sake, or for YJ’s sake, if he doesn’t want to come home for her. SA says that HD is the one who brought YJ home when SA had been expecting that HD would never even know about YJ. HD says that he doesn’t want to talk about it while DC is in this state, then walks away. HD gets a call from the housekeeper saying that YJ had left him a letter and gone. 

HD and SA go home. YJ’s letter says that she wants HD to be happy with her mother so she’s taking herself back to the orphanage. SA cries loud, heaving sobs because that is the only way the actress knows how to cry apparently no matter the level of tears or the conditions or the emotions that apparently can’t be expressed. 

YJ is crying by herself when approached by a strange man. The strangers somehow knows to call SA who calls HD. HD runs to YJ so that they could talk, thanking the stranger for having helped YJ. YJ explains again that she’s going away so HD and SA would get back together. That is her only wish. HD explains again that it’s not her fault, but YJ is pulling the waterworks, and doing a much better job than her mother.  HD agrees to return home. HD and YJ hug. SA watches.

MP and YJ move to the cheapest place they can find. YS is ill, coughing a lot. YS doesn’t like the place since there isn’t even a bathroom in the place. MP goes out to find another job. YA apologizes to MP yet again because everything is her fault for some reason. Well, then again, YA is the one who bloody always believes in SA over anyone else. So, yep, it is her fault. Anyway, YA and MP agree to start again. MP leaves to go find work. YA cries because the tears are endless in this drama, especially when they run out of hysterical screaming scenes to film. YS comforts YA.

MP works back at the fish market. She drops a box of fish and hallucinates that JG is there for her. He’s not. He’s walking then standing on a hill instead, sighing deeply.

The grandmother visits NY at her store. They discuss JG’s divorce, worrying about JG. NY tells the grandmother that she had another premonition dream. The good luck and riches that she had dreamed about before, she had dreamed that it had left their house, and now she’s wondering if MP wasn’t the good luck charm rather than HR as they had thought back then. But, they both scoff at that. 

HR has fired JR, and as JR leaves, HR tells her that she shouldn’t go around chasing ex-girlfriends. JR tells HR that she should treat JS better. They get into a fight, pulling each other’s hair. JS sees them and comes in, pulling JR off before he goes to comfort HR. JR leaves, and JS goes after her to tell her not to worry about him since he and HR love each other, and he wants JR to live well as well. This is such a weak filler to put in because of the extension.

In DC’s room, DH listens to the recording again of SA threatening Dae Hoon, and is upset. DH confesses to the comatose DC that he’s had the DNA test redone, apologizes for acting on his own, and begs him to wake up. DH gets a call saying the results of the DNA test are back. DH goes to find out that SA could not be the be Dae Hoon’s daughter, and despite suspecting it, is still shocked. He wonders about the previous DNA test, and thinks to himself that SA is a fake granddaughter after all.

Back in DC’s room, DC wakes up again. HD comes into the room to see DC awake. DH comes into the room to see DC awake. HD and DH are both happy and relieved. CJ and SA come in to hear that DC is awake. They are shocked, but fake happiness. DH is about to confront them but DC signals DH not to. Crocodile tears by CJ and SA. Actually, CJ’s tears are real since her disappointment is profound. CJ and SA talk in a stairway, wondering whether DC could have heard any of their conversations. They reassure themselves that he didn’t. They’re upset and angry that DC had the nerve to wake up again. CJ is worried that DC might find MP now. SA says that they’ve been completely destroyed so how can they find them.

DC talks to DH to confirm that SA really isn’t DC’s granddaughter. DH shows DC the DNA test result. They wonder about the previous test. DH thinks that SA must have stolen the true granddaughter’s toothbrush for the previous test, so DC and DH realize that SA knows the true granddaughter. DH wants to chase SA out immediately, but DC tells DH to wait until they can find the true granddaughter, otherwise, SA may do something to them before they can be found. DC tells DH that he thinks CJ must be involved as well, telling DH that CJ knew about the DNA test that only the two of them were supposed to know about. Also, CJ seemed to know about the issues of a fake granddaughter. DH is shocked. 

DH walks out the hospital room and is greeted happily by CJ with some coffee. DH slaps CJ, causing a nose bleed. CJ screams at DH how he could hit her, but DH just walks off. So, more hysterical screaming. They really have run out of things to write about. 

SA accosts Dae Hoon outside the room to ask if he’s told DC about being scolded a little by her. Dae Hoon says that he hasn’t yet, and that it wasn’t a little but a lot. SA pretends to be surprised at his lies, saying he was lying again. SA also tells Dae Hoon that if he tells DC, then DC may get upset and collapse again. SA gives Dae Hoon some candy so that he won’t tell DC. Then they go into the room. SA offers to take Dae Hoon home so that he can have a proper bath. Dae Hoon refuses. DC tells SA that she can go home to rest since now. As soon as she leaves, Dae Hoon tells DC that SA thinks he’s a ten year old idiot since SA gave him candy to not tell DC that SA and CJ scolded him and beat him. DC thinks an apology, but doesn’t say anything. Dae Hoon thinks that DC doesn’t believe him and starts repeating that it was true, but then stops himself not wanting to upset DC. DC just warns Dae Hoon that he must never go anywhere alone with SA again. Dae Hoon agrees that he doesn’t want to be alone with SA anyway.

DH meets with a private investigator to try to find the real Kim Seung Hee. He tells the PI that SA must know the real Kim Seung Hee, so that he should try tailing her. 

MP works at the seafood market. YA works at another restaurant. YS is ill and lies down at YA’s workplace, coughing. The manager is not pleased. Later that night, the coughing gets worse. As MP and YA tend to YS, the loan sharks that MP borrowed money from to pay back GS come looking for them, taking their money and the ring that JG gave MP. They also try to take the silver ring that YA is wearing, but throw it back as being worthless. They throw a phone at MP and tell her to answer it when he calls, then they leave. They’re crying when the owner comes in to tell them to leave immediately or be kicked out. They leave with their things and YS on YA’s back.

HD and YJ come inside the house. SA, DH, DC, and Dae Hoon are also in the living room. DC is surprised to see HD back, and talks to DH about whether SA should be allowed to stay with HD or not. DC thinks that HD should know the full truth at least, but DH doesn’t want to tell HD the full extent since it’ll hurt HD even more. DH says that he will talk to HD about getting a divorce.

DH tells HD that SA isn’t trustworthy, having deceived their entire family about so much, and he hopes that HD will get a divorce. It’s too bad about YJ, but she’s not actually his charge. CJ comes in to hear DH telling HD to get a divorce, and starts yelling at DH and tells HD that he can’t get a divorce. CJ calls DH crazy, and screeches to know why DH hit her. DH gets up, tells HD that he hopes he gets a divorce, and tries to leave. CJ wails that DH should at least tell her why he hit her. DH says if CJ doesn’t know why, then she’s not even a human being, then leaves. CJ cries to HD that she’ll kill herself if HD gets a divorce, then leaves still screeching and crying.

GS is eating when the grandmother comes in and asks if she’s happy now that she’s finally gotten her son to be a divorcee. JG comes in, and the grandmother fusses over him. JG goes to his room to see that every trace of MP has been cleared out. GS comes in and tells him that she got rid of everything, then tells JG to come out to eat. JG takes off the wedding rings that he had been wearing, and puts them in the drawer before he leaves the room.

At a subway station, YS has lost consciousness, so YA and MP rush him to the hospital. The doctor thinks it may be childhood encephalitis, and need tests and treatments soon. The nurse tells them that they have to pay the initial fee in order to admit YS. MP goes to her part-time work place to see if she can get an advance, but the owner isn’t there. YA goes to DH and asks to borrow money. DH gives it to her, then asks what she needs it for. YA doesn’t answer, but promises that she’ll never forget his kindness and will definitely repay the money. YA goes back to the hospital. At the hospital, they do a lumbar puncture on YS to aid diagnosis of his illness. Poor kid. 

DC and DH meet the PI at his office. The PI has examined SA, and have found that the only North Koreans that she has talked to are MP and YA. DC and DH are surprised to hear this. The PI wonders if the true granddaughter isn’t Kim Mi Poong but DC denies that she could be the one since he already knows about her. The PI agrees to keep looking. DH looks pensive. 

MP works at the seafood market, and doesn’t even have time to eat lunch. DH wonders that perhaps they should at least meet with MP and hear her story. However, DH can’t contact either MP or YA. DH admits that YA had come to him a few days ago and borrowed some money from him for an emergency. Because he had worried about her, DH had gone to their dumpling store as well, and seen that it was closed. DC tells DH to ask the PI to look into MP.

MP passes the man who SA had paid to pretend to be their grandfather. He has an attack of conscience and tells them that someone had paid for him to act as if he was MP’s grandfather, but that they’re not actually related at all. He doesn’t know the names of the people who hired him, but that it was an older woman and a younger woman, and he still has their contact phone number which he gives to YA. YA goes and calls the number, eventually realizing that it’s DH’s wife. CJ gets upset to realize that it’s YA on the phone and hangs up as a wrong number. 

DH tells DC about having found out about YS’ illness, but that he had been discharged, and he was unable to get their contact details. DC finally decides to ask at the refugee center to see if anyone was looking for Dae Hoon. At the refugee center, the man confirms that Kim Mi Poong had been looking for a Kim Dae Hoon and registered at the center. DC and DH watch the video that MP and YA had made when they had been looking for Dae Hoon. DC cries, hopefully realizing what a big bastard he has been to MP and YA, even though it was while being lied to by SA. 


End of episode.

Not as much snark as the last recap, though I may not have been able to completely restrain myself. I think they have to start revealing since they are nearing the end. However, it's a strangely boring episode for the amount of reveals that are finally happening. Again, I think the timing and pace of the writing is just wrong, as well as the writing itself being very weak, and the plot is non-existent. Darn, I miss the early episodes of this drama which were so full of promise and tugged at my heartstrings. Oh well. 

@hibiscus23, @Ayame, @anniekissbel, thought I would shout out to you to let you know that the episode 49 recap is up and appended to the episode 48 recap, just in case you are reading these still. :) 

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5 hours ago, USAFarmgirl said:

Forgive me but I had to add I wouldn't take JG back if he was covered in chocolate sitting on a million dollar bill.... And it was for me... NO WAY!!!

@USAFarmgirl...... CLAPPING. !!!!!!! Chingu we are so on the same page. There is no way, no way , no way MP SHOULD GET BACK TOGETHER. I just can't see any  apology that will be sincere enough for MP to accept Hwang Guem Sil as a MIL. Geum Sil has done so many horrible things to MP because of her lack of empathy. If she is forgiven how will she treat her Second DIL ( WHEN SHE FINDS OUT THAT SDIL'S MOTHER HAS BEEEN LYING, PLOTTING AND COMMITTING CRIME AGAINST MP). Will Geum Sil be a changed woman and will accept her SDIL with love and respect. Geum Sil isn't the type to be nice without something is in it for her. Once she finds out MP is rich, she will welcome her with open arms. She won't welcome her because of all the horrible things that happen to her.

Geum Sil is selfish , how can a character change 360 degrees over night. It's not possible even in Drama land because she has beeeeeen soooooo repulsive  and cruel. She decided to side with a woman she knows isn't sincere and she trield to steal from GS. How can you truest someone who spends so much time gossiping, spending money that isn't hers and having terrible thought. Look at the way she treats Duk Chan. A man who doesn't have to take care of these ingrates, give them living expenses, a place to live , send their children aboard to study and buy a store for them to make money. smh smh smh Even Hee Ra doesn't visit Duk Chan or her father often. She too is selfish, have no manners, gossiped and spoiled. Hee Dong is kind but damn he is brainless. He finds out his wife lied to him, he accepts her, she manipulated him to taking care of and loving her daughter . He leaves but the little girl puts her life in danger which will push him to forgive his wife until he finds out she isn't Duk Chan's granddaughter. Hee Dong takes after his father because his father is still with wife after all the terrible things he knows his wife has done. Smh smh smh.  In the end because of the little girl Her Dong won't leave SA. If he does leave her , He should find someone who really loves him not what he can bring. SA doesn't love Hee Dong, but as the drama progress, she is doing a lot of crying and thinking that make me fear that the writer has already started to try to bring her to redeem herself. How the hell can that be???? The writer is confusing me completely because she stealing from the company, she took over DuK Chan's company . This biatttttttccccc. Deserves jail time for a longggggggggg time. One thing I am glad Hee Ra isn't a carbon copy of her mom. Money doesn't drive her like her mom is. Hee Ra needs be more filial to In laws because it is expected and will make her even more humble. 



I think everyone should be ready for an unsatisfactory ending. There will be forgiveness and it will leave you so unsatisfied because the writer is just not understanding what the viewers want. How the hell can they decide to add 2 more episode when it should have ended next week. Now they are going to give jose evil people a chance at forgiveness. 

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On February 11, 2017 at 4:18 PM, UnniSarah said:

I have to say today's episode was the worst ever..... I can't believe that JG divorced MP again. WTH were they thinkingggg???? TBH  I hope MP never takes him back when the truth comes out. That mother of  his tried o committ suicide to get them divorce. SHe has no shame and is a foool for believing the word of Ma Chung Ja.  Geum Sil know what type of person she is and she chose a good person over a greedy Person. What is the saying Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.  Geum Sil sure doesn't know that saying smh smh smh.


I'm fed up with both MP and JG. MP caved first to GS' histrionics then JG. And I think I finally agree that JG and MP shouldn't be together any more. Their trust in each other is fleeting at best, and they don't have the ability to talk with each other about serious things. MP just decides what's best than harangues JG with it. JG can't seem to speak for himself any more. It seems reading people's posts that everyone is castigating JG, but ultimately I feel he was in despair that MP was willing to give him up yet again, despite how hard he fought to win her all the times before. I'm also disappointed that he didn't stand firm, but I'm also pissed off at MP.

And in today's episode, MP and JG were basically non-existent aside from looking pathetic. You know, their happy moments were so few and far between. This close to the end when all were asking is for the OTP to be a united front and actualy be shown as a loving couple...and the drama goes and screws that up as well. This drama isn't all that fun to watch anyway, the only thing it does well is to make their characters pointless, spineless, brainless in either the carpet or the screeching versions.

Btw, the writer is listed as Kim Sa Kyung. Definitely never watching anything written by this person again, regardless of who they may get to play the leads in them.

If there aren't divorces for HD/SA and DH/CJ, then this really will be the most pointless drama.

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@sava2sava and chingoos here, am pausing watching epi 48 i know am late but had to tell u guys this drama is getting ridiculous! now this evil is acting pres bc gramps is not awake yet then fired JG & all that, woah this writer is making SA/CJ more/more greedy? also MP n her mom remains pitiful? my bp will shoot up again seeing this epis hahaha LOL if not for JG/MP characters as i said b4, i wld've discontinue watching this drama! then am rdg a bit of comments here that they got div again? argh enough already right?

just fin epi 48 where DH went to hv DNA sent to lab, but at the end of epi 48 none was seen of him getting the result, altho u guys may hv it here but i hvnt really had a chance to read through recaps! i hope that Dael ho will hv the result in epi 49!



i noticed that MP father actor was also in RD as in cameo in one of the episodes :)


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10 hours ago, stroppyse said:

Recap of episode 48. Fair warning. There may be less actual drama detail and more snarky comments than usual in this writeup. I was pretty fed up with this episode. So my apologies to anyone who is still reading these. 

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Director Heo arranges to release a video online of a customer finding a bug in the MP and YA’s dumpling right before the show is about to broadcast. This causes their show to be cancelled. Apparently because home shopping networks don’t believe in checking anything and would rather have a broadcast failure. Oh yea, and a single video uploaded by an unknown person is enough to ruin an entire product line. Oh, also, the home shopping network decides to sue MP and YA for loss and damages. There is a riot at the dumpling store with people who want refunds for the dumplings because no one in Seoul apparently actually eats their fresh dumplings once they buy them. They save them intact for days, and then insist on refunds. MP and YA are shocked. JG thinks the timing of the release of the video is suspicious and wants to look into it. YA decides what is the point since it’s already happened anyway, because YA is a defeatist who only trusts SA apparently. JG insists since they need to know who would do such a thing, then goes to the police station. YA and MP bemoan their fate. MP gets a call from the factory.

DC is still comatose, but has convulsions. DH and Dae Hoon are not sure what’s going on. Doctors are called. CJ and SA come running also. The doctor says that DC is past the critical stage, but thinks there is a chance that DC may not wake up. DH asks if there is anything else they can do, but the doctor says they just have to watch and wait. CJ thinks nasty thoughts at Dae Hoon who wants his father to live while DH comforts him. SA fakes concern.  

SA hears from Director Heo that the Board of Directors are resisting SA as the new president of the company. while DC is in that state, and want to appoint a professional interim officer instead. SA tells Director Heo that he should instead suggest and push for SA to be made DC’s proxy while he’s in that state rather than naming her president. It would effectively give her power anyway without actually being named the president. 

NY and grandmother discuss the grandmother having provided their house as collateral for MP’s business loan.  They wonder if NY’s boyfriend would loan them the money to make the interest payment on the loan instead, but before they can actually ask, the president says anyone using their own things as collateral for someone else is foolish and one should but all ties. 

The factory is throwing away all of MP and YA’s dumplings since they didn’t sell and they have other products to make. And the factory wants their money for making the dumplings by the weekend. 

SA struts through the office as DC’s representative to the company. She sees JG’s file on her, and is angry. She fires JG. JG goes to talk to her, but is brushed off. JG makes his accusations at SA, claiming that he’s going to find out why SA worked so hard to frame MP twice, then leaves.

CJ rushes to tell GS that JG was fired because of MP. GS is pissed. Then GS gets a phone call from the bank about their house being collateral for a loan. Because all banks call the collateral owner before the owner of the loan to discuss the loan as soon as they hear that the loan holder may be having difficulties, even though the interest payment isn’t due or anything. Plus, the bank knows that it was the grandmother who put it up as collateral for the daughter-in-law’s home shopping business. *sigh* GS has another fit, so what else is new. GS tells the grandmother that JG was fired from his job because of MP in a triumphant I told you so. GS sits on her rear on the floor wailing. JG comes in, so GS confronts JG shouting at JG for not divorcing MP when she told him to. GS collapses then in order to make her dramatic point. GS lies down in her room and JG sits by her telling her that he’ll take care of it. So, GS finds the strength to sit up so that she can wail on JG. GS insists that MP pay back the loan now, then fakes yet another collapse. I guess they’re running out of histrionic behavior to write for GS because it is now all just repetition: scream, collapse, hit, scream, collapse, hit, repeat ad infinitum.

HR finally finds out that JR and JS used to be in a relationship. 

At the dumpling store, the home shopping channel person tell MP and YA that if they don’t pay for damages immediately, they’ll sue them and send them to jail. As they’re digesting this news, GS comes to the restaurant and breaks more stuff, screaming, and insisting that MP divorce JG. MP agrees to divorce JG. GS is finally triumphant, and records MP’s agreement to the divorcing JG and never seeing him again.

HD meets YJ to go on a date and explain that he and SA can’t be together. YJ decides that everything is her fault and starts crying. At least YJ is a better cryer than SA. YJ cries and begs HD not to divorce her mother. Unfortunately, I’m tired of all the freaking crying.

YA collapses from stress and goes to the hospital. I wonder how they’ll pay the hospital bill? They have no money after all and are being sued by everyone. Apparently, there is yet another riot from people who want refunds because they don’t actually eat the takeout food that they buy. They just save them for days and weeks so that they can ask for refunds. MP rushes to the store. 

Dae Hoon runs into YS at the hospital and greet each other.  Dae Hoon invites YS to come play in DC’s room for awhile. They’re playing in the room when CJ and SA come in, shocked and upset to see YS. They tell YS to leave immediately, so Dae Hoon offers to walk YS back to his grandmother. CJ insists on taking him instead, while SA pushes Dae Hoon to the floor. CJ just shoos YS out of the room, then proceeds to beat Dae Hoon up while SA looks at her phone. Dae Hoon cries for SA to save him, but she ignores him as CJ continues to wail on Dae Hoon. CJ chases Dae Hoon out of the room, then asks SA that they send Dae Hoon away quickly. SA says that she’s already planning on it. CJ is happy, saying even if DC should wake up, they can say that he became lost again. DC twitches and seems to open an eye a bit. 

Dae Hoon goes off to a stairwell to cry. DH sees him, and Dae Hoon says that CJ beat him up and yelled at him. DH is shocked and is about to rush off to yell at CJ, but Dae Hoon stops him by saying that if SA finds out what he said then she said that she’ll send him off to where no one knows him. Dae Hoon says he’s afraid. 

DH escorts Dae Hoon back to the room. CJ and SA pretend to worry about Dae Hoon, saying that they thought he had been lost. Dae Hoon is unable to say anything in fear. DH looks at both of them suspiciously.

GS plays the recording for her family, telling the family that anyone who contacts MP again will be chased out of the house. GS tells JG to get the divorce. JG refuses. GS threatens suicide, so everyone tells JG to get divorced.

MP and JG talk. MP tells JG that they really need to get a divorce this time. JG says nothing. MP tells JG not to worry about her or her family any more, and to make sure that he comes to the courthouse this time. JG still says nothing. MP leaves. JG sits. Wait, is this episode 49, nearly the end? And, they still can’t think of anything for this couple to do then get a divorce? So, they get divorced. This is so lame. MP tells JG that she’ll submit the papers to the registry. They part. Lame. Lame. Lame. MP texts GS that the loan has been repaid. 

SA makes a phone call while staring at Dae Hoon, then tells Dae Hoon that they should go to America where there is a good hospital for him to get treatments for his memory loss. Dae Hoon refuses. SA tells Dae Hoon that DC will never recover. Dae Hoon says that the doctor said that DC could wake up. SA threatens Dae Hoon again with being sent to a mental hospital where he’ll rot to death if he doesn’t do what she says. SA says that DC is basically dead. Dae Hoon says that as soon as DC wakes up, he’s going to tell DC everything. Dae Hoon tells SA that he’s recorded their conversation and plays it back for her. SA pushes Dae Hoon to the ground, grabs his phone, then throws it down ad stamps on it. Fortunately, DH comes in then and asks what SA is doing. SA said that she was getting upset because even though Dae Hoon’s phone was broken, Dae Hoon wouldn’t give it to her to replace. DH yells at SA. Dae Hoon tells DH about SA wanting to send him to America. DH yells at SA again for wanting to send Dae Hoon away when DC is in this state. SA then changes her tactic to say that it’s DH who doesn’t care because he doesn’t share their blood, and so must be hoping that Dae Hoon will never recover and is impeding getting him treatment. Then she strides off on her high horse. DH comforts Dae Hoon. 

The dumpling store closes. MP, YA, and YS move to a cheaper place to live. Because in this world, one can be kicked out immediately upon finding out that someone is having a hard time regardless of whether they’ve paid rent or not.

DH gets Dae Hoon’s phone fixed and hears SA threatening Dae Hoon. DH is shocked. He says to himself that a real daughter couldn’t act this way to her father. DH goes home and gets new DNA samples for a new paternity test. 

DC wakes up.


End of episode.

Also, @euraka, I totally understand how you feel about dropping this drama, but we're so close to the end now. Don't you want to be miserable with the rest of us who are following this to the bitter end? Just come and be snarky with me about how poorly this thing is plotted and written. Also, we can heap scorn and curses on the ending, no matter what happens, because it's now official that almost every character is brain dead, except for the guy who actually has a strangely acting trauma disorder apparently. You also can be fed up with JG and MP as well, and the fact that nothing that any of these people do matter. At the end of the day, it's because SA and CJ shot off their big mouths assuming that DC was as good as dead that is going to prove their undoing, and not how smart and dogged JG is at putting together the various pieces of the puzzle nor how MP works on her suspicions to reclaim her good name. Nope, not in this drama. Everyone just rolls over and waits to be stepped on. 

Anyway, I'm glad I waited a while before actually watching this episode, since it was so annoying and boring, both at the same time. La la la. Will post recap for episode 49 shortly. Heck, actually, there will finally be some reveals happening. Yep, we're getting to the end of the series. So, basically 9 episodes of interesting and entertaining set up, 39 episodes of hysteria, screaming, crying, hitting, lying, scamming, and 5 episodes of the villains basically shooting themselves in the foot because everyone else is too stupid to put any clues together and would rather just roll over and be stepped on. Yep. Good drama this. My apologies if my bitterness at this drama is leaking out too much. 


Since no one else has posted since my last post, I'm editing the post to include the recap for episode 49.

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DC wakes up with Dae Hoon by his side, but then DC’s monitoring equipment start going off. 

At a fancy restaurant, CJ congratulates SA on becoming the Head Representative of Winners Group, and congratulates herself for getting SA there. CJ asks SA to be good to HD. SA promises. CJ reminds SA that HD can’t adopt YJ. SA worries that HD is continuing to stay away. CJ promises to talk to HD to get him to return. They continue to be gleeful about having it all their way. SA gets a call that DC has woken up, and both are shocked. SA and CJ go to the hospital. The doctor says that CJ hasn’t quite woken up yet. CJ quizzes Dae Hoon about DC waking up, saying he had lied. Dae Hoon insists that DC had briefly woken up. CJ is upset about not being able to finish their expensive steaks, then pinches DC to show that he’s not waking up. DH and HD come in as well. CJ keeps yelling at Dae Hoon for being a liar and getting them all to the hospital when everyone is already so busy. DH scolds CJ. 

HD is leaving when SA grabs him for a talk in the hospital corridor. SA asks HD to come home, for his mother’s sake, or for YJ’s sake, if he doesn’t want to come home for her. SA says that HD is the one who brought YJ home when SA had been expecting that HD would never even know about YJ. HD says that he doesn’t want to talk about it while DC is in this state, then walks away. HD gets a call from the housekeeper saying that YJ had left him a letter and gone. 

HD and SA go home. YJ’s letter says that she wants HD to be happy with her mother so she’s taking herself back to the orphanage. SA cries loud, heaving sobs because that is the only way the actress knows how to cry apparently no matter the level of tears or the conditions or the emotions that apparently can’t be expressed. 

YJ is crying by herself when approached by a strange man. The strangers somehow knows to call SA who calls HD. HD runs to YJ so that they could talk, thanking the stranger for having helped YJ. YJ explains again that she’s going away so HD and SA would get back together. That is her only wish. HD explains again that it’s not her fault, but YJ is pulling the waterworks, and doing a much better job than her mother.  HD agrees to return home. HD and YJ hug. SA watches.

MP and YJ move to the cheapest place they can find. YS is ill, coughing a lot. YS doesn’t like the place since there isn’t even a bathroom in the place. MP goes out to find another job. YA apologizes to MP yet again because everything is her fault for some reason. Well, then again, YA is the one who bloody always believes in SA over anyone else. So, yep, it is her fault. Anyway, YA and MP agree to start again. MP leaves to go find work. YA cries because the tears are endless in this drama, especially when they run out of hysterical screaming scenes to film. YS comforts YA.

MP works back at the fish market. She drops a box of fish and hallucinates that JG is there for her. He’s not. He’s walking then standing on a hill instead, sighing deeply.

The grandmother visits NY at her store. They discuss JG’s divorce, worrying about JG. NY tells the grandmother that she had another premonition dream. The good luck and riches that she had dreamed about before, she had dreamed that it had left their house, and now she’s wondering if MP wasn’t the good luck charm rather than HR as they had thought back then. But, they both scoff at that. 

HR has fired JR, and as JR leaves, HR tells her that she shouldn’t go around chasing ex-girlfriends. JR tells HR that she should treat JS better. They get into a fight, pulling each other’s hair. JS sees them and comes in, pulling JR off before he goes to comfort HR. JR leaves, and JS goes after her to tell her not to worry about him since he and HR love each other, and he wants JR to live well as well. This is such a weak filler to put in because of the extension.

In DC’s room, DH listens to the recording again of SA threatening Dae Hoon, and is upset. DH confesses to the comatose DC that he’s had the DNA test redone, apologizes for acting on his own, and begs him to wake up. DH gets a call saying the results of the DNA test are back. DH goes to find out that SA could not be the be Dae Hoon’s daughter, and despite suspecting it, is still shocked. He wonders about the previous DNA test, and thinks to himself that SA is a fake granddaughter after all.

Back in DC’s room, DC wakes up again. HD comes into the room to see DC awake. DH comes into the room to see DC awake. HD and DH are both happy and relieved. CJ and SA come in to hear that DC is awake. They are shocked, but fake happiness. DH is about to confront them but DC signals DH not to. Crocodile tears by CJ and SA. Actually, CJ’s tears are real since her disappointment is profound. CJ and SA talk in a stairway, wondering whether DC could have heard any of their conversations. They reassure themselves that he didn’t. They’re upset and angry that DC had the nerve to wake up again. CJ is worried that DC might find MP now. SA says that they’ve been completely destroyed so how can they find them.

DC talks to DH to confirm that SA really isn’t DC’s granddaughter. DH shows DC the DNA test result. They wonder about the previous test. DH thinks that SA must have stolen the true granddaughter’s toothbrush for the previous test, so DC and DH realize that SA knows the true granddaughter. DH wants to chase SA out immediately, but DC tells DH to wait until they can find the true granddaughter, otherwise, SA may do something to them before they can be found. DC tells DH that he thinks CJ must be involved as well, telling DH that CJ knew about the DNA test that only the two of them were supposed to know about. Also, CJ seemed to know about the issues of a fake granddaughter. DH is shocked. 

DH walks out the hospital room and is greeted happily by CJ with some coffee. DH slaps CJ, causing a nose bleed. CJ screams at DH how he could hit her, but DH just walks off. So, more hysterical screaming. They really have run out of things to write about. 

SA accosts Dae Hoon outside the room to ask if he’s told DC about being scolded a little by her. Dae Hoon says that he hasn’t yet, and that it wasn’t a little but a lot. SA pretends to be surprised at his lies, saying he was lying again. SA also tells Dae Hoon that if he tells DC, then DC may get upset and collapse again. SA gives Dae Hoon some candy so that he won’t tell DC. Then they go into the room. SA offers to take Dae Hoon home so that he can have a proper bath. Dae Hoon refuses. DC tells SA that she can go home to rest since now. As soon as she leaves, Dae Hoon tells DC that SA thinks he’s a ten year old idiot since SA gave him candy to not tell DC that SA and CJ scolded him and beat him. DC thinks an apology, but doesn’t say anything. Dae Hoon thinks that DC doesn’t believe him and starts repeating that it was true, but then stops himself not wanting to upset DC. DC just warns Dae Hoon that he must never go anywhere alone with SA again. Dae Hoon agrees that he doesn’t want to be alone with SA anyway.

DH meets with a private investigator to try to find the real Kim Seung Hee. He tells the PI that SA must know the real Kim Seung Hee, so that he should try tailing her. 

MP works at the seafood market. YA works at another restaurant. YS is ill and lies down at YA’s workplace, coughing. The manager is not pleased. Later that night, the coughing gets worse. As MP and YA tend to YS, the loan sharks that MP borrowed money from to pay back GS come looking for them, taking their money and the ring that JG gave MP. They also try to take the silver ring that YA is wearing, but throw it back as being worthless. They throw a phone at MP and tell her to answer it when he calls, then they leave. They’re crying when the owner comes in to tell them to leave immediately or be kicked out. They leave with their things and YS on YA’s back.

HD and YJ come inside the house. SA, DH, DC, and Dae Hoon are also in the living room. DC is surprised to see HD back, and talks to DH about whether SA should be allowed to stay with HD or not. DC thinks that HD should know the full truth at least, but DH doesn’t want to tell HD the full extent since it’ll hurt HD even more. DH says that he will talk to HD about getting a divorce.

DH tells HD that SA isn’t trustworthy, having deceived their entire family about so much, and he hopes that HD will get a divorce. It’s too bad about YJ, but she’s not actually his charge. CJ comes in to hear DH telling HD to get a divorce, and starts yelling at DH and tells HD that he can’t get a divorce. CJ calls DH crazy, and screeches to know why DH hit her. DH gets up, tells HD that he hopes he gets a divorce, and tries to leave. CJ wails that DH should at least tell her why he hit her. DH says if CJ doesn’t know why, then she’s not even a human being, then leaves. CJ cries to HD that she’ll kill herself if HD gets a divorce, then leaves still screeching and crying.

GS is eating when the grandmother comes in and asks if she’s happy now that she’s finally gotten her son to be a divorcee. JG comes in, and the grandmother fusses over him. JG goes to his room to see that every trace of MP has been cleared out. GS comes in and tells him that she got rid of everything, then tells JG to come out to eat. JG takes off the wedding rings that he had been wearing, and puts them in the drawer before he leaves the room.

At a subway station, YS has lost consciousness, so YA and MP rush him to the hospital. The doctor thinks it may be childhood encephalitis, and need tests and treatments soon. The nurse tells them that they have to pay the initial fee in order to admit YS. MP goes to her part-time work place to see if she can get an advance, but the owner isn’t there. YA goes to DH and asks to borrow money. DH gives it to her, then asks what she needs it for. YA doesn’t answer, but promises that she’ll never forget his kindness and will definitely repay the money. YA goes back to the hospital. At the hospital, they do a lumbar puncture on YS to aid diagnosis of his illness. Poor kid. 

DC and DH meet the PI at his office. The PI has examined SA, and have found that the only North Koreans that she has talked to are MP and YA. DC and DH are surprised to hear this. The PI wonders if the true granddaughter isn’t Kim Mi Poong but DC denies that she could be the one since he already knows about her. The PI agrees to keep looking. DH looks pensive. 

MP works at the seafood market, and doesn’t even have time to eat lunch. DH wonders that perhaps they should at least meet with MP and hear her story. However, DH can’t contact either MP or YA. DH admits that YA had come to him a few days ago and borrowed some money from him for an emergency. Because he had worried about her, DH had gone to their dumpling store as well, and seen that it was closed. DC tells DH to ask the PI to look into MP.

MP passes the man who SA had paid to pretend to be their grandfather. He has an attack of conscience and tells them that someone had paid for him to act as if he was MP’s grandfather, but that they’re not actually related at all. He doesn’t know the names of the people who hired him, but that it was an older woman and a younger woman, and he still has their contact phone number which he gives to YA. YA goes and calls the number, eventually realizing that it’s DH’s wife. CJ gets upset to realize that it’s YA on the phone and hangs up as a wrong number. 

DH tells DC about having found out about YS’ illness, but that he had been discharged, and he was unable to get their contact details. DC finally decides to ask at the refugee center to see if anyone was looking for Dae Hoon. At the refugee center, the man confirms that Kim Mi Poong had been looking for a Kim Dae Hoon and registered at the center. DC and DH watch the video that MP and YA had made when they had been looking for Dae Hoon. DC cries, hopefully realizing what a big bastard he has been to MP and YA, even though it was while being lied to by SA. 


End of episode.

Not as much snark as the last recap, though I may not have been able to completely restrain myself. I think they have to start revealing since they are nearing the end. However, it's a strangely boring episode for the amount of reveals that are finally happening. Again, I think the timing and pace of the writing is just wrong, as well as the writing itself being very weak, and the plot is non-existent. Darn, I miss the early episodes of this drama which were so full of promise and tugged at my heartstrings. Oh well. 

@hibiscus23, @Ayame, @anniekissbel, thought I would shout out to you to let you know that the episode 49 recap is up and appended to the episode 48 recap, just in case you are reading these still. :) 


@stroppyse dear friend let us stick to the end  together though I am afraid it is gonna give me a heart attack

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