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[Drama 2016-2017] Blow Breeze 불어라 미풍아

Go Seung Ji

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41 minutes ago, dulceres said:

@hibiscus23, checking this drama; I know it will end this coming weekend yet looks promising will ditch/escape the daily that's giving me headache for now:(.

See you in the other thread:),

@dulceres yes u shld chk this one chingu, actually this is no. 2 which makes tailor no. 1 hence it kinda gave me an urge to chk out tailor for that matter & as u know i came to like tailor drama as well. yes both are wrapping up this w/end :( mind u i'm already feeling the w/drawal syndrome for both these dramas' closing :)

yes see u on other thread!

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Finale Preview with translation underneath.


SA: For loving me even under these circumstances, I won’t forget it even after I die.
DC: Must you do this?
HD: Grandfather, please be healthy. (parting greeting- guess he's going to be leaving either with SA or after SA goes to jail)
YA: Marrying her back into your house, I don’t want that. 
Grandmother: I am sorry.
Dae Hoon: I will approve it!
DC: You’re in big trouble. (I think he is speaking to Dae Hoon about YA being upset)
Dae Hoon: I haven’t said anything wrong. 
Dae Hoon: Wife, are you really very mad? Huh?
MP: Mom!
DC: What is all this that you’re talking about?
JG: What about mother?
JS: Nobody knows. 
GS: Mom… (think she's about to say something about herself, perhaps saying that she's gong to the mountains to become a monk?)


I think the main problem with these ending episodes is that they've been left too late. The penultimate and the finale episodes really needed to have come at least 10 or so episodes earlier to give time to resolve the various hurt feelings. Also, the main message of this drama seems to be that money does change everything, and it may be the only thing that can change things rather than love or hard work or a sense of justice of even family. 

CJ regrets her actions because she's been caught and the same for SA. While they say they regret their actions now, it's clearly because they've been found out and no longer enjoy the privileged life that was theirs before. There was very little remorse when they were flush with money and power, and the little that the drama showed them voicing was drowned out quickly in their respective avarice.

GS doesn't change at all, it seems, at least into the penultimate episode. She regrets her actions now that JG and therefor her family look to be losing out on a fortune, but she still justifies her actions saying that she just wanted JG to have a wealthy life, and MP kept getting in the way of JG doing well with HY. She still doesn't understand that her son never loved HY and had been basically emotionally blackmailed with a lie about her life being destroyed by him to get him to contemplate marriage with her. And, yet, she still doesn't understand the enormity of that, and that she basically was willing to sell out her child for a life he doesn't want so that she can be wealthy by proxy through his in-laws. MP being an heiress is the only reason she's regretting her actions now, and that isn't sufficient. 

So, I understand why YA is opposing the remarriage of JG and MP. JG's mother's despicable actions until she finally managed to get JG and MP divorced and miserable make her not want to ever be entangled with JG's mother again. However, its also the money that MP will inherit which means that MP will now enjoy a luxurious life that makes YA dig in her heels against JG now. MP no longer needs JG's help for anything, and while YA is grateful for his help in the past, YA no longer sees reason to put up with the family baggage that JG brings, nor could she bear to have GS going around crowing about her wealthy daughter-in-law when GS had made her so miserable before. YA, with money and position again, has again become the proud woman that she was at the start of the drama who won't put up with much, and is herself dismissive of others.

Money also changes MP as well. Without money, she didn't think she was good enough for JG which is why she fought so hard to get divorced. She, just like GS, never thought that she was good enough for him nor would be of any help to him in his life. So, it didn't matter how often JG told her that he loved her, wanted only to be with her, was miserable without her. While MP apparently never doubted that JG loved her and would always love her, she also couldn't see past her lack of wealth and a background that mattered in South Korea. 

In that sense, while both YA and MP were written with more sympathy than SA, CJ, or GS, at the end of the day, the predominant motivator and influence in all of these women's lives was money. And, that is just such a waste of potential that this drama could have been. Anyway, even factoring that in, if the reunion had happened even ten episodes earlier, the fall out could have been handled better, possibly with people feeling remorse and acting on it prior to the reveal and reunion, and thus show the OTP regaining their right to be together. However, as it is, even if the OTP do end up together tomorrow, I won't be happy about it. Not to mention, if the OTP do end up together, I feel it will be after a time jump of some kind. It wouldn't surprise me if the finale has the OTP apart for the entire episode, only to have them meet coincidentally after a few years and smiling at each other in anticipation that time heals and forgives all, and so the OTP may start a new courtship or some such nonsense like that. I can already feel that I won't like the finale. 

My comments here are based on having viewed some of the clips that  posted and the preview. I'll post the recap itself later. 


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On 2/21/2017 at 4:49 PM, hibiscus23 said:

i got so hooked on tailor drama that i halted watching BB :) oh i really love the tailor drama, it's well written, ea epis gets you riled up so to speak! luv the characters too! umm i know this w/end these two dramas will be ending head to head, am trying to catch up with tailor n i can't wait to cont tonight! your mom must love tailor drama too :)

@sava2savachingoo you're watching a lot these days incldg tailor drama? hahaha

Hey Hun, @hibiscus23 How are you these days, Yes I watch them both but never took a liking to YS character from the beginning. How can one person be so dumb to let someone lie and bully her for 10yrs without never thinking to check things out herself is beyond me..

Chello All, Just making it in from putting in my days taxes.. Been home long enough to take off the clothes and see whats todays sunject is about besides my dear chingu @stroppyse who has done and execellent job translated scenes in this drama as well as recaps and preview videos.. I must thank you for your hard work knowing how you hung in there.. I had to hang with you beause we can't leave our translator alone when everyone just about abandon this ship.. So once again thanks for all your efforts and tomorrowis the ending.. Well moving on to read up on todays subject before watching raw..  

@Ayame For bringing us videos clips and previews you also did a bang up job Kudos..  I knew SA would resot to selling that car if she in desperate need of money.. It's going to be hard being on the run on feet with a child.. LMAO Also please tell me CJ crazy son not begging G/pa to let her off for the child sake after all she did to MP and family what about G/pa GG/son she put through hell for her greed if he still wants to be with wife and daughter tell him to move out..          

@stroppyse  Love yor thoughts I could have said it better myself..                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


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@sava2sava hey chingoo just fine how about you? you are so right why for 10 yrs she didn't hear/sense anything that's one of the flaws but overall i think the story is well written hence it's no 1 viewership rating! i can't believe that BB is wrapping up too N as usual feeling the w/drawal syndrome LOL!

@stroppyse i can't wait to read ur recap but i'll save it for later once i watched the raw! thx for all your gr8 t/lations throughout this drama! reading your t/lation made us feel we've watched the raw vids with subs already :heart:!

@Oly40 as always thx for the OSTs :)

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Episode 52 recap.


JG meets MP at the office, and MP tells JG that she’s been rehired at the office. JG asks why MP started working so early, when she should rest some more. MP says that she had wanted to work again so much that she couldn’t wait. JG asks which department she’ll be working in, but MP doesn’t know yet. She is on her way to meet her grandfather first. However, she’ll tell JG as soon as she knows. JG congratulates MP on returning to Winners Group, but JG doesn’t look all that happy.
DC asks MP where she wants to work. MP says she wants to go back to her old position in the Marketing Team, wanting to work her way from the bottom of the company so that she can learn about the entire company and be useful in the future. DC is pleased, and agrees that she can do it her way, learning everything slowly. MP’s team is excited to see her again. The team tells her that upon finding out that it was SA and Director Heo who had sabotaged her design and given to a competitor, Director Heo has been sent to jail and SA is on the run. 

SA eats cup ramen with YJ in a room somewhere, but YJ isn’t eating. SA asks why YJ isn’t eating when she’s hungry. YJ agrees that she’s hungry, but doesn’t want cup ramen. (Guess the kid is just not hungry enough yet.) SA says that they’ll have rice for lunch, and asks YJ what she wants to eat. YJ lists fried pork cutlet, seaweed soup, beef, and rice as things she wants to eat. SA agrees that they’ll eat those for lunch and dinner, so YJ digs into her ramen finally. SA checks her money to see how little she has. There is a knock on her door from the landlady. The landlady tells SA that she’s late with her rent, and if SA is planning on staying, she needs a week’s rent immediately. SA says that they’ll leave today, so the landlady leaves. YJ asks where they are going, so SA says that they’ll go to someplace better. 

SA sells her car for about US$2000. She asks the buyer for more money saying it’s a virtually new car, but he refuses because she doesn’t even have the pink slip for the car. SA and YJ leave on foot, and go to a restaurant where they eat pork cutlets. SA goes to the restroom where she sees wanted posters for herself. She panics and leaves in a rush with YJ. The store employer looks at her funny as she leaves.
JS goes looking for his mother at a sauna. GS is sleeping peacefully enough there. JS tells GS how much he’s looked for her. JS wants to take GS back home with him. GS says that she’s not going home, and will get a small room somewhere. JS tells GS that JG is worried about her so that she should come home. GS asks if the grandmother is also looking for her. JS says that they’ll just have to talk to the grandmother well, and takes her home. 

At home, JS brings some dumpling soup with ramen to GS and serves it to her in her old room. The grandmother comes in and upends the food tray, saying how dare GS come back here after ruining her son’s life. The grandmother scolds JS for bringing GS home, and tells him to leave with GS. GS says that she’s upset as well, but she did it all for JG so that he could live well, so she really wanted JG to marry HY, but MP kept getting in the way. The grandmother tells GS that she still has her head on wrong, and how dare she still bring up HY’s name in this situation. (So, the writer is clearly aware of how ridiculous GS is and deliberately chose to write her this way. *sigh*) GS gets on her knees to her grandmother, apologizing, crying, and saying that she did MP and JG wrong, and that she regrets it so much that she wants to die. The grandmother also cries.

HR is at her store wondering where and how CJ is. CJ comes into her store, asking HR for some food. HR hides her in the back room. CJ asks why, so HR tells her that the detectives had just been by looking for CJ. CJ asks again for some food, so HR brings her some bread. HR asks if CJ shouldn’t just turn herself in, that they had said that if she turns herself in, she’ll get a lighter sentence. CJ refuses, saying that she’s afraid of going to jail, and that this is all DC and DH’s fault. She doesn’t understand how they treat her like this regardless of what she might have done. She blames DC and DH for her troubles. HR scolds CJ, saying that CJ and SA had even kidnapped Dae Hoon, and those kidnappers had also confessed that it was CJ and SA who had ordered them to do so, and that’s why the police are looking for CJ and SA now. HR asks how CJ could do those things. CJ defends herself saying that it wasn’t just for herself, she did it all for HD and HR. CJ is upset that HR won’t understand her. HR continues to be upset, telling CJ to turn herself in. CJ says that she would rather die. HR tells CJ to just eat her bread and go, that CJ had caused even HD to be ruined. CJ asks what happened to HD, and is told by HR that HD is running around looking for SA, acting crazy. CJ is finally upset and wants to see HD one more time. It’s her final wish to see HD just once more. 

HD meets HR and CJ. HD tries to run away, but HR holds onto him. CJ asks why HD is looking for SA, that he should just stop looking for a bad person like SA and just live a good life. HD doesn’t say a word, just breaks free, and leaves. CJ falls to the ground crying, and apologizing. 
SA makes a deal with a man for passage to China for herself and YJ. The man names a price, but SA pleads for a discount saying that she doesn’t have enough money. The man finally agrees, but wants to be paid immediately. SA is suspicious of that, but finally pays him. The man tells her to come back at midnight, then leaves. 

DH is in his office when CJ comes in. DH tells CJ to leave, but CJ says that she’s on her way to turn herself in, and wanted to see DH one last time. CJ cries about HD deteriorating and asks DH to meet HD and try to save him. DH asks if a person who thinks about HD that much would go and do such things. CJ says that she’s reflecting a lot on her sins and that’s why she’s turning herself in. CJ asks DH that once she pays the price for her crimes, that he’ll take her back.  DH is aghast at that. CJ pleads for his forgiveness, that she’ll love only DH till the end of her days. DH says that CJ may not want to admit it, but they are through. CJ cries for DH not to throw him away, that she’ll do everything he tells her to do if only he won’t throw her away. (I am so not moved by this scene.) 
HR walks CJ to the police station. CJ tells HR to take care of her father and brother, and to ask DH to forgive her. CJ turns around again to ask if she really has to go in, and calls HR a bad girl for making her do it, before she finally runs into the police station.

JG wraps up his day and gets ready to go home. He gets a text from MP telling him that she’s back with her old team and is happy about it. She tells him that she’ll buy him a meal in celebration. JG texts her back that while he’s thankful, he’ll just accept her sentiment and they’ll eat some other time. MP wonders if JG is playing hard to get. 

JG gets into his car, and MP runs after him and gets into his car. MP wants black bean noodles and sweet and sour pork, and tells JG to go so that they can eat. JG smiles and gives in. JG and MP eat at a restaurant. MP watches JG eat, and remembers previous times when they had eaten black bean noodles and she had thought it was funny how JG dug into his noodles like a child, with sauce flying all over his face. JG sees MP watching him, and asks what’s wrong. MP tells JG that he’s cute when he eats noodles, and tries to wipe his face, but JG doesn’t let her. 

Afterwards, JG and MP stand on a hill overlooking Seoul. MP reminisces about that first time that they had eaten black bean noodles, and JG had brought her here to view the lights of Seoul. MP wonders if that was when she had started liking JG, but then decides she had liked him even before then. MP confesses that she never thought that she had the right to like JG since JG was an accomplished lawyer and she was just a refugee. MP confesses that she kept pushing for a divorce for the same reason, that she was afraid she would forever just be baggage for JG. However, she feels that now she has the right to love JG. She’s found her father and her grandfather, and she even has a job. MP asks JG to start again. JG says he doesn’t think that’s possible because he’s too sorry to MP for too many things. MP says that JG doesn’t have anything to be sorry for, that he had loved her even when she had nothing and had continued to work tirelessly to clear her name. He had even been fired over her, and he had gotten the dumpling shop for them as well. She says that JG did everything he could for her, and she has never doubted that he loved her.  MP says that even after the divorce, she thought about him every day and longed for him. MP says that JG also worried about her, and wants another chance now. MP tells JG she loves him. JG finally moves to hug MP.

Dae Hoon is playing video games with DC and YS when YA brings fruit to them. Dae Hoon is upset that he loses to YS every day, and wonders if YS is a gaming genius. Happy family time again with DC, Dae Hoon, YS, and YA with fruit. Dae Hoon wonders where MP is, and tells DC not to have MP work too hard. Just then MP comes home where she is greeted happily by her family. Dae Hoon asks why MP is so late getting home. MP apologizes saying that she had to meet someone. YA asks if MP had dinner, so MP says that she ate with JG. Dae Hoon asks who JG is. YS tells him that JG is his uncle, meaning MP’s partner. Dae Hoon says that JG is MP’s boyfriend then to which MP agrees.  YA does not look happy.

Later on, YA gets ready for bed and gets in, but Dae Hoon jumps up to say that he’s sleeping with his father instead. YA tries to talk him out of that, saying that DC will be uncomfortable, but Dae Hoon insists that his father likes it better when Dae Hoon is with him and runs out of the bedroom with his pillow. YA doesn’t know what to make of this.

DC is about to go to sleep with YS when Dae Hoon comes in. DC says that Dae Hoon should sleep with YA, but Dae Hoon says that he wants to sleep wtih DC and YS. DC explains that Dae Hoon should sleep with his wife, and asks if Dae Hoon doesn’t like his wife. Dae Hoon says it’s because he’s embarrassed, and whenever his wife is near, his heart races so much, he can’t sleep. And, he can’t even fart in her presence. DC laughs and says that it’s because he isn’t used to YA yet, but that they are a married couple and that YA wants Dae Hoon to sleep with her. Otherwise, she’ll be sad, wondering if she did something wrong. DC leads Dae Hoon back to his room and sends him back in. 

In his bed with YA again, he stares at YA and brings his face close to hers. This wakes her up and she screams and bolts upright, hitting Dae Hoon in the nose and causing a nose bleed. Dae Hoon runs out of the room followed by YA, and MP and DC come rushing out as well. DC asks what’s happened, and YA tries to explain that she was startled and accidentally hit Dae Hoon. DC is about to get upset when Dae Hoon jumps in to explain that he woke up from his sleep to see YA, and she was so pretty that he wanted to look at her close up, and ended up waking and startling her. DC and MP are amused that Dae Hoon is so taken with YA. Everyone goes back to bed. 

SA carries YJ on her back and returns to the boat yard at midnight to find that the boat and the man she had paid earlier aren’t there. SA realizes that she’s been scammed out of all of her money, and starts panicking and crying. (So what else is new.) SA’s screams for the man wakes up YJ who starts crying as well. 
HR and JS go to visit CJ in prison. Lovefest between HR and her mother. JS also greets CJ, but she can’t look at him in the face. CJ claims that she is really regretting her actions and wishes she could turn back time. She asks JS to take care of HR, that if HR is treated poorly by his family because HR’s mother is a criminal that she won’t be able to live. JS promises to look after HR, makes his parting greetings to CJ, and leaves so that HR and her mother can talk as much as they want. CJ asks HR if HD is still looking for SA. HR says he is which makes CJ upset, and wonders why DH can’t do something about it. CJ asks if there is any word of SA, and when told that she hasn’t been apprehended yet, wonders if SA has escaped overseas illegally by boat. HR says that’s not the issue, that there is something more serious. CJ wonders if it’s about DH. HR tells CJ that DC has given DH a large apartment in Gangnam (pricey neighborhood in Seoul). CJ is happy to hear that. HR tells CJ that DC has also given the restaurant and the entire building with the restaurant to DH. CJ is ecstatic. HR says that’s not all which increases CJ’s excitement. HR says that DC’s previous will had finally been disclosed, and in it, DC had planned to give DH half of his wealth as his inheritance. CJ hears this and sits back down in shock. HR asks CJ why she had to do all that, that if CJ had just stayed still, DH would have inherited all that anyway. CJ is in shock at the news that DC was giving DH half of his wealth, and faints. HR is distraught, bringing JS and guards running into the room. 

The grandmother, NY, and NY’s president are having tea at the house when JS comes out of his room after having put HR to bed. NY asks JS if CJ really had collapsed at hearing that DH was inheriting half of DC’s wealth. JS says that he didn’t see CJ collapse, but it was mayhem with the guards picking up CJ and HR crying and distraught. The grandmother says it’s understandable that CJ would collapse. If she hadn’t done those wrongful actions because of her greed, she would have gotten the wealth that she so wanted, and then she wouldn’t have gotten divorced either. (Yay! I think this means that DH got his divorce from CJ after all!) JS says that CJ is really sorry and wishes that she could turn back time so that she could live as a good person, and so he feels really sorry for her. The president says that after doing all those evil deeds, what is the point of saying that she regrets them, and what’s the point of saying that she should have lived as a good person. It’s all because of her greed, so instead of thinking of pointless things like that, she should focus on how to live going forward; perhaps get a small store of some kind which she can work hard at and make bigger. He goes on to say that crimes are meant to be punished, and one must live an upright life. The grandmother agrees with him outwardly, though NY and JS look dismayed somewhat by his words. The grandmother thinks to herself that NY is going to have a bit of a headache on her hands living with such a straightlaced, preachy, self-satisfied kind of man. NY thinks to herself that there is no such thing as a perfect man. (I strongly dislike this treatment of this theme, and hat it’s being played somewhat for comedy. *sigh* I hate this writer.)

Dae Hoon tries on a suit at the store with YA, and says that he likes anything that she likes. Dae Hoon says that his father said that he should listen to his wife’s words and do as his wife says to do, so that’s what he plans to do. 

YJ eats more cup ramen at a convenience store while SA watches. YJ offers some to SA, but SA says that she’s fine. YJ says that she’s fine with just the broth, so SA should eat the noodles, however SA snaps at YJ to just eat. SA looks ill and starts coughing. (So not caring about this.) Later, SA is in a tunnel, and YJ covers her with some cardboard, then runs to a public phone and makes a call.

HD sits by the ocean, thinking of his time with SA. He gets a collect call from YJ who cries that her mother is very sick. YJ asks HD to come and take her mother to the hospital. HD agrees to go there immediately. 

SA wakes up in the tunnel to notice that YJ is gone, and starts calling for her. YJ goes to SA from where she had been on the lookout for HD. SA says that they have to go someplace warmer. YJ says that they can’t go anywhere else. SA asks why, and YJ confesses that she called HD since SA is sick. SA yells at YJ for doing that, so YJ says that SA is very sick and she’s coughing up blood, so she needs to go to a hospital, however, they don’t have any money. SA tries to drag YJ away, but YJ digs her heels in. SA says then YJ can live with HD, and she’ll leave on her own. Just as they leave, HD comes down to the subway tunnel. He starts calling for SA, so SA and YJ hide from him. (SA is still doing the heaving when she’s breathing to show emotion thing. She really doesn’t have any other emotional expression other than the heaving sobs, does she?)

MP brings JG home for dinner, to introduce him to Dae Hoon. Everyone other than YA greets him. YA rebukes MP for bringing a guest home so suddenly. MP just responds that he isn’t a guest. YA wonders why JG is here anyway, so MP says that they’ve decided to start again, so she wanted him to greet her family properly. This news is received with some surprise by DC who wonders why they got divorced if they were just going to get back together. JG says that he’s wronged MP a lot, but he wants to make it up to her. YA asks MP why she’s suddenly springing such news on them, but MP says that JG isn’t a stranger that they need to stand on ceremony. YA is not pleased. However, DC, Dae Hoon, and YS are happy to hear that, and treat JG warmly. Dae Hoon takes JG and YS away, saying that there is something they have to do. They go and play paper snappers. YA rakes MP to another room to tell MP that she can’t be with JG again. YA asks if MP has forgotten how JG’s mother treated them, and she no longer wants to be involved with his family. MP is surprised, saying YA had always liked JG, and had wanted them to be together no matter what. YA agrees that was the case because MP and JG loved each other so much, but in the end, they got divorced anyway, and now she won’t have JG as a son-in-law since she can’t forgive JG’s mother. YA asks MP to reconsider being with JG, even if it’s hard. 

Later, JG goes home to his family. He tells them that he had dinner with MP’s family, and that he and MP are going to start again. This news is greeted with joy and relief by JG’s family. Even GS has a happy, satisfied smile on her face. Later that night, JG asks MP if he’s offended her mother, since she looked unhappy earlier. MP says that her mother likes JG a lot and not to worry. JG tells MP that he told his family as well, and the grandmother is really looking forward to seeing MP again. They exchange text kisses, and JG even actually kisses his phone. Cute. Too bad their happiness is going to be short-lived if the preview is to be believed.

SA wakes up coughing under more cardboard to find YJ gone. YJ steals some kimbap from a store, but is caught by the store owner. YJ kneels to the store owner in apology, crying and saying that she has no money right now, but her mother is very sick right now, and hasn’t had anything to eat. SA watches as YJ does that. The store owner lets YJ take the kimbap rolls, then sees her mother sitting in the street, crying. YJ gives both of the rolls she stole to SA, telling her she has to eat. SA flashes back to her own mother dying of hunger as she tries to feed her. (So not caring about this scene, no matter how many times they show it in this drama. I think this is at least the fourth or fifth time, they’ve shown this, trying to gain sympathy for SA.) SA and YJ both start wailing and crying. Later, SA walks YJ to an orphanage. YJ doesn’t want to be here, but SA just tells YJ that she has something to tell her. SA tells YJ that she’s lived her life telling too many lies, and so she couldn’t be happy. SA tells YJ to live a happy life. Then, SA tells YJ to stay here, so that SA can go and earn some money, then she’ll be back for her one day so that they can live together. SA leaves YJ at the orphanage and walks away as YJ cries and runs after her. SA runs away as YJ falls down, still yelling and crying after SA. (These crying scenes are long and endless.)

HD sits in his car at oceanside again, and sees SA walking towards the water. HD runs to SA and grabs her by her coat lapels. SA asks for forgiveness, but HD yells that he can’t forgive her. 

End of episode. 


Having watched episode 52, I'm not sure I have much else to say actually. It's a disappointing penultimate episode as I expected, especially after watching the clips that were posted earlier. It spends a lot of time on the saga of SA which I really could care less about. And, I swear if they somehow manage to squeeze in yet another flashback of SA crying over her mother's death. It may be heartless of me, but I would say that the overuse of that flashback plus the poor writing and poor acting relating to that storyline in general has me just rolling my eyes at this point. SA has a change of heart as shown by her advising her own daughter to live a happy life and try not to tell so many lies since lying is what caused her own life to be miserable. Umm, yeah. There is a lot of truth to that, but all I can do is yawn at hearing of it. I'm still not seeing SA brought to justice, and I'm thinking that HD may decide to immigrate to another country with SA and YJ rather than let SA pay for her crimes. If that happens, then this drama is just so much BS, I can't even. In that case, my recap for the finale may consist of only two letters. A "B" and an "S". :)

Otherwise, JG allows himself to be talked into starting again by MP, but now it's MP's family who are going to be in an uproar. It's to be expected after GS' story arc of being monster-in-law from hell for the entire drama, and actually if MP and JG part because of it, I may actually be okay with it. I was not impressed to see GS' smiles of relief and joy at hearing that JG is starting again with MP. I wouldn't put it past her to start patting herself on the back somehow for JG finally having a rich wife. Whatever. 

I'm sorry, but I am so done with this drama. Tomorrow is the last episode, so I'll put up a recap, and then never speak of this drama again. However, I did want to thank everyone on this thread who hung in with me through all those, dark, dark, depressing episodes. I will honestly say that if not for your continued encouragement, I would have dropped this drama a long time ago, despite my fondness for the leads. It's been an interesting experience writing recaps of the episodes of a drama regardless of how I feel about the drama itself. I still think I was far too verbose in my recaps, so I'm really grateful to everyone who bothered to read them and comment on them. Thank you very much. See you tomorrow for the final episode. 

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1 hour ago, stroppyse said:

I was not impressed to see GS' smiles of relief and joy at hearing that JG is starting again with MP. I wouldn't put it past her to start patting herself on the back somehow for JG finally having a rich wife. Whatever. 

Absolutely, let MP and JG get back together at DC's house and GS only gets let in to be the housekeeper for her rich, working DIL, har-de-har-har.

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i just finished the raw of epi 52 & i agree w/you @stroppyse this epis had more SA airtime & why is CJ the only one in jail? with all the wealth of haraboji why not send a PI to look for this wicked witch N dragging her innocent child with her mess? yup me too nadu i wasn't please with GS smile, now that she find MP to be the heiress she's changing her course? shame on MIL like that! i hvn't read your recap or if u hv t/lation of epi 52 but it seems that MP's mom isn't too keen in letting MP/JG back together?  it also showed how the other members of JG's family are now happy to hear JG/MP come-back bc she now belongs to a rich family? i don't blame u for being frustrated with this drama but thx to u too & others like @Ayame for bids @Oly40 for Osts & others who contributed here!

I can only hope that we all will see each other again in another drama thread so pls stay in touch as to what drama you guys will be following so we can share our thoughts/sentiments/raves/rants, etc. again! this drama had it's ups/downs but we stayed till the end :) altho this drama has its flaws, it's been nice to know all of you here and of course my chingoos @sava2sava @dulceres whom i've known from soompi thread for a while now also @Ayame  i'll also miss new chingoos i've met here.....so pls stay in touch till the nxt drama but chk if it's same writer coz we don't want to go through what we've been through w/this writer LOL! well will see ea other tmrw with the finale fingers crossed that it will be a happy ending & that SA will join CJ in jail, she doesn't hv to kill herself that's too easy for all the troubles she's done - she needs to serve her time in jail! :ph34r:

I'm sure i missed some of your names here so pls mian mian (sorry)



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@stroppyse i just started rdg your t/lation and i agree with your quote here:

I think the main problem with these ending episodes is that they've been left too late. The penultimate and the finale episodes really needed to have come at least 10 or so episodes earlier to give time to resolve the various hurt feelings. Also, the main message of this drama seems to be that money does change everything, and it may be the only thing that can change things rather than love or hard work or a sense of justice of even family. 

you're absolutely right & i hope i'm wrong but most of us here hv watched a lot of kdramas with some if not all had rushed endings & i reckon this would be one of them, i just can't comprehend how some writers could hv us so excited in first few episodes then bam they halt or rush the ending! there was a drama i watched i can't recall the title i was hoping they'd show the marriage taking place, instead they ended it with just a still photo of the OTPs wedding, dah! :( like in this latest epis they hardly got the OTP airtime but pushes through SA's scene where for us we cldn't care less what happened to her, what we wanted to see is she be put to trial & spend the rest of her life in prison, that wld be a favourable ending! I noticed too while watching raw that MP's mother is now opposing their relationship but like you said the bad rap that MP experienced in the hands of GS wld be the paramount reason but then again JG helped them through in the past through thick & thin so i think YS shld give credit where credit is due!

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Well, we more or less got a happy ending. (Also, I plan to post an updated OST post, ratings, and BTS pictures starting tomorrow and maybe the day after.)

Episode 53 (Final) Videos













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The finale recap. Episode 53.


HD meets SA on the beach. SA says that HD shouldn’t forgive her, and HD agrees that he’s not going to forgive her, he wants to kill her. HD starts dragging SA towards the ocean, but SA stops him to say that she’ll kill herself, but HD shouldn’t dirty his hands with her murder. She starts walking into the ocean by herself, so HD stops her to ask if she’s still only thinking about herself. What about him and YJ? HD asks SA why she did that to him and what she was to him. SA tells HD her real background and name, as well as that she was always starving from a child. She also says how her mother starved to death in front of her. (At least, there isn’t the same flashback shown again.) SA continues her litany of crimes in order to survive (with breathy sobs, of course), admitting that she was an animal rather than a person. But, meeting HD, she became a person for the first time. Basically she tells HD how much she loves him and how sorry she is for what she’s done. HD is upset and unsure how to take what SA is telling him. SA thanks HD for having loved her. HD tells SA that if she had any sincerity to him, she should live and pay for her crimes, then walks away, leaving SA on the beach.

DC and Dae Hoon go off to play golf, seen off by MP and YA. SA approaches MP and YA, and kneels in front of them in apology, asking for forgiveness. YA says does SA expect to be forgiven, even if they forgave her.  Meaning SA’s crimes were so numerous and horrible that SA would be punished by god even if forgiven my man. SA recounts how she wanted to kill herself, but didn’t so she could apologize to everyone and pay for her crimes. YA says that they want to live forgetting SA and never thinking about her. Police come just then and arrests SA just then.  (So, how did the police know to come to DC’s house to arrest her right then? Arggh. The sloppy writing continues to aggravate me.)

HD tells DC that he’s going to go leave the country for awhile. HD says that he wants to travel and experience a lot before coming back. DC tells HD that he’s always thought of HD as his grandchild, so HD shouldn’t forget him and he shouldn’t stay away for too long.

HR visits CJ in jail. CJ asks if there are women near DH, because now that he has money, there will be a lot of women after him. HR tells CJ that HD has left the country which upsets CJ for leaving, especially without coming to visit him. HR confirms that HD has already left, and he has left taking YJ with him. CJ is even more upset since YJ will remind him of SA all the time. HR says that HD seems to plan to raise YJ as his daughter. CJ flips out. So, HR flips out as well.

SA is convicted of fraudulently pretending to be DC’s granddaughter, kidnapping Dae Hoon, and various other crimes, and receives a sentence of 10 years in prison. CJ has been bullied by her cellmates. SA gets put in CJ’s cell, however. The other inmates try to bully SA, but she’s having none of it. CJ sees SA, however, and starts wailing on her which SA just takes. The guards come in to stop it. 

YA thinks about MP wanting to start with JG again, as well as remembering the times when GS harassed MP. 

GS is walking home when she sees YA coming out of a luxury sedan and going into her house. GS wonders if it’s because JG and MP are getting back together.

Inside, YA tells the grandmother that she doesn’t want MP to marry into this house again. Even though when she thinks of JG, her heart hurts, she can’t forget how much MP suffered in this house, and even wanting to divorce JG though she loved him so much. YA asks the grandmother if she’s being unreasonable, asking the grandmother to correct her if she should be thinking about it differently. The grandmother says that she understands how YA feels. YA says that now that MP has found her father and grandfather, she just wants MP to be able to forget about the past and live a good new life now. The grandmother agrees to talk to JG about it and explain it to him. YA apologizes to the grandmother, then departs. GS has overheard the conversation however, though she scurries into hiding so that she won’t run into YA. GS thinks to herself that YA is opposing the marriage because of her. The grandmother comes in and sees GS, and tells GS that because of her, JG is going to have to suffer again. The grandmother asks if this is the grand life that GS was so greedy for JG to have, to cause him such pain twice even. The grandmother cries how sorry she feels for JG to have met such a greedy mother like GS. GS starts apologizing and crying. 

MP and JG meet after work. They go to JG’s house where MP is paying her respects to JG’s family. MP is nervous about going inside again, but JG reassures her. MP is welcomed by everyone inside, though GS doesn’t come to the living room. Everyone congratulates MP on finding her father and grandfather. The grandmother sends HR to get some tea and fruits for them, which upsets HR. JG distributes MP’s presents to the family. JG asks after his mother, but the grandmother says that GS has gone out. However, GS is in her room, too ashamed to come out to face MP.  The grandmother asks HR what’s taking so long as HR cuts up fruit. They eat fruit, and then the grandmother asks everyone to leave the room since she has something to say to JG and MP. 

Once it’s just the three of them, the grandmother thanks MP for thinking of them and visiting them, then tells MP never to come back again. MP asks if she did something wrong, but the grandmother reassures her that MP didn’t do anything wrong. It was the family that did MP wrong. MP asks why then when she wants to see the grandmother every day. The grandmother says that MP and JG are divorced now, so they should each go their own ways. MP tells the grandmother that she and JG have decided to start again, so that’s why she came to pay her respects today. The grandmother also wanted MP and JG to do well together, however, after everything that MP went through as a daughter-in-law in this house, she can’t come back. MP protests that while it may have been hard, that there were also plenty of good times and the grandmother had always defended and loved her. MP says that she has forgotten all the things in the past, and that now she has found her grandfather, she won’t be a burden on JG either. The grandmother cries that’s why it’s even more impossible, because they would be too sorry, and that events in the past can’t be forgotten that easily. The grandmother mentions that YA who was normally so reserved and forgiving had even come by and asked that MP and JG not be a couple. MP and JG are shocked. The grandmother tells MP to meet someone new and start a new life, then goes to her room. GS cries in her room after overhearing this. MP and JG are in shock. MP apologizes to JG for her mother’s actions, but JG says that he understands her and that he feels he was being too selfish only thinking of himself. MP anxiously tells JG not to think about breaking up with her again. JG agrees that they’ll try to figure it out somehow. MP goes home and asks YA how she could do that. YA says that she can’t forget the things that GS had done to MP, including coming to the dumpling store trying to get MP’s ring and destroying things. MP says that GS won’t be like that to her any more. YA agrees that GS won’t treat the granddaughter of Winners Group like that, however, GS won’t change. She’s a materialistic person anxious to have a rich daughter-in-law and not a good person. MP says that it’s not because of GS that she wants to be with JG, it’s just that she can’t give JG up. YA insists that she can’t be in-laws with GS. YA tells MP to just forget it all and start a new life with a new man that she’ll meet. DC has overheard their conversation. DC, YA, and MP sit where DC asks whether everything he heard was true, about GS ordering MP to make kimchee from a hundreds of cabbage as well as the rest of it. He’s aghast that someone would do that to his granddaughter (umm, hypocritical old man who had security guards drag his granddaughter from the premises while scolding her that she didn’t know her place?) MP says it’s true, but that JG has always tried to help them and to stay married, that they got divorced because MP insisted. DC tells MP that he can’t accept JG’s family as in-laws since they had treated her poorly, that they had looked down on her because she was a poor North Korean refugee. Dae Hoon comes in on the tail end of the conversation.

Dae Hoon goes to MP’s room later and asks what happened, and that he’ll figure it out for her. Dae Hoon says it’s a secret that he’ll share only with MP, but he is the one with the most power in this house since DC won’t go against him. MP tells her father everything, asking him to promise to sort it out for her. Thinking in bed later with YA beside him, Dae Hoon decides that he has to meet JG himself since DC and YA are against the match, and if he likes JG than he’s going to insist that MP be allowed to marry JG. Just then, he gets a text and photo message from YJ who is in Cuba with HD and having fun, though HD doesn’t smile any more. However, YJ is determined to make HD smile again. YA and Dae Hoon enjoy the pictures that YJ has sent. 

CJ is snoring away when another inmate throws something at her to get her to stop. SA wakes up to defend CJ. CJ in turn goes to SA’s defense as well. Ultimately, SA and CJ beat up the other three inmates, and have become the new bullies in their cell, having bonded as mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. They hold hands as they sleep. (Oh god. I don’t actually need to see them bonding or any of that bs.)

GS goes to see YA to apologize and to plead for her acceptance of JG as MP’s partner. YA is outraged that GS would come to their house. GS asks YA to think of her as a dead person and allow JG and MP to get married. YA reminds GS of how she had acted, the times GS had screamed at MP to leave, calling her names. YA tells the housekeeper to kick GS out. GS begs for forgiveness, saying that it’s her own greed at fault, and that she’ll cut ties with JG so that JG can be happy with MP. GS goes to her knees as YA leaves the room, still crying and apologizing and promising to cut ties with MP.

Dae Hoon, YS, MP, and JG go to an amusement park and have fun. Later, while JG has taken YS to the concession stand, Dae Hoon says to MP that JG seems like a good man to him, so he wonders why the opposition. MP reminds Dae Hoon that it’s because of JG’s mother. Dae Hoon thinks that the marriage is between MP and JG, so why does JG’s mother matter. Dae Hoon promises to sort it out for MP. MP asks what Dae Hoon likes about JG. Dae Hoon says JG is good at playing games, he’s good looking, and he’s a lot of fun. Dae Hoon asks MP why she wants to marry JG so much. MP responds that when she was at her lowest, JG was there for her, JG worked to prove her innocence when she was framed, and JG helped look for Dae Hoon as well, JG is the only man that she ever wants to marry. Just then JG and YS come back, and JG asks what they were talking about. Dae Hoon addresses JG as “JG oppa” which is what MP calls him, then changes his address to “Lee son-in-law,” and asks JG if he wants to marry MP to which JG enthusiastically responds yes, addressing Dae Hoon as his father-in-law.   

At JG’s house, JS looks for his mother, and finds a note that she’s left behind. It’s a note of apology, acknowledging that the things she did thinking it was for JG was actually because of her own ambition and greed. GS’s note asks JG to forget about her and that she hopes that he’s about to do well with MP. The note goes on to apologize to the grandmother, JS, and HR as well. 

JG has taken MP, YS, and Dae Hoon home when he gets a call from his grandmother, and leaves. 

MP, Dae Hoon, and YS go in to the house where Dae Hoon says that they’re returning from having gone to the amusement park with Lee son-in-law. YA gets upset to hear that, scolding MP that JG can’t be her husband. Dae Hoon asks why YA is opposed when MP and JG love each other so much. DC tells Dae Hoon to stay out of it. Dae Hoon, however, asks DC why he’s being told to stay out of it when he’s MP’s father. DC says that there are reasons why he and YA are objecting. Dae Hoon asks DC if MP is his daughter or DC’s daughter. If anyone should stay out of it, it should be DC. Dae Hoon also tells YA to stay out of it as well. Dae Hoon says that while JG’s mother may have treated MP poorly, that wasn’t JG, so why are they taking it out on JG. YA tries to protest, however, Dae Hoon isn’t done. Dae Hoon says that he doesn’t see that JG has done anything wrong, and that when YA and MP were going through hard times, JG was there for them and helped them. If they had received aid from JG, then they should also know how to be grateful for it. Dae Hoon says that people who don’t know how to be grateful for the kindness of others is the worst kind of people, asking DC if that isn’t true. DC reluctantly agrees. Dae Hoon says that he’s giving MP permission to be with JG. YA is upset and leaves the room. MP tells Dae Hoon that YA is very upset, and DC agrees, but Dae Hoon becomes worried.

Dae Hoon goes into their room after YA, and asks if she’s really angry. As much as they love each other, if his father had objected, wouldn’t YA be upset. Dae Hoon just wants MP to be happy also. YA is still mad, asking how Dae Hoon could make her look to be a heartless, ungrateful person and yelling at her. Dae Hoon apologizes for that, and gives her a present. Dae Hoon was sorry that he went to the amusement park without her, so he bought it for her. It’s a spider that jumps out of the box, and Dae Hoon falls over in laughter, hurting himself. He wonders if it’s his punishment for upsetting YA. He asks for forgiveness, and they both end up laughing. Dae Hoon asks if this means that YA is giving her permission for JG and MP to get married as well.

JG and JS are looking for GS without success. JG finally goes to the temple where GS goes to pray for JG’s father, and finds GS there. GS thanks JG for looking for her. JG wants to take GS home, but GS says she can’t go. Even though JG is willing to forgive her, she can’t forgive herself for what her greed led her to do. GS says that she wants to stay at the temple until she can. JG finally accepts it, asking her to come home at some point, then hugging her.

MP and JG meet on their hilltop again. MP tells JG that her father was able to clear DC and YA’s objections, so they have permission to be together. JG has brought the music box from the room from back when they were locked in together at the school in Macau. There had been a legend back then that if a boy and a girl heard ghostly music in that room together, they would end up together. So, now MP wonders if that legend had been true after all. Flashbacks to some of their time in Macau and then in their relationship afterwards. (Not that many happy moments to choose from, is there, writer?) JG says that when they parted in Macau, he thought he would never see her again, but when they met again in Seoul, he felt as if they were fated to be married after all. MP hugs JG who hugs her back while the music box plays. 

JS has a part in drama. JS, HR, their baby daughter, the grandmother, and NY are watching the drama at JG’s house. There is an implied time jump since JS and HR have a baby daughter now. I think the drama that JS is in is called something like Seoul Bumpkin, Fly Away, and is about a grandmother and a grandfather who are separated while living in North Korea when young, but meet via their grandchildren in Seoul. NY asks what happens in the drama, since the grandparent couple have met and still love each other, whether that means JS’ character has to break up with the female lead character. JS says that since he’s not a blood son of the line, but a foundling, that he won’t have to break up with the female lead. (This part was actually funny in its tacit acknowledgement of how silly kdramas can be with their various fauxcest reveals, etc.) NY wonders that they were separated for 65 years then, and thinks it’s a relief that they found each other. The grandmother asks what’s the point of a reunion when it’s real life that matters, and she goes on a diatribe about real life politics that can’t bring separated families together. (She’s speaking of the North-South divide.) She asks does it make sense that it’s been over 65 years already and that families still can’t find their blood relatives and be together. (The political rhetoric is a little too little and a little too late in this drama.) NY says that at least they met in the drama. NY wonders if GS has a tv at the temple when she had wanted to see JS’ drama so much.

MP, JG, and their baby son Hye Sung go visit GS at the temple. (Heck, she did join a temple as I wondered after all. :) ) MP asks GS to come home with them, but GS refuses saying that she’s at peace here. GS greets her grandson adoringly.

Dae Hoon goes to visit SA, giving her some spending money and a picture of YJ. Dae Hoon tells SA that HD and YJ are in Cambodia now, and that HD has started to smile a little again, building houses for people in need. SA tells Dae Hoon not to come any more, but Dae Hoon says he’ll be back. 

Back in their cell, seeing the pictures of HD and YJ that SA brings in, CJ is upset that HD is still wandering around in other countries, raising another’s child, and building houses for others when he should be back in Korea, looking to get married again and start his life anew. SA tells CJ that HD is making atonement for CJ and her sins. This gets CJ upset again at SA saying that if only HD hadn’t met SA then his life wouldn’t have become messed up. CJ starts to wail on SA as the other inmates just ignore them, the implication being that it happens with some frequency. CJ calls for the guard, asking her to change her cell since she can’t be in the same room with SA. The guard responds that they had moved her before, but she kept crying that she wanted to be with SA again. 

DH drives up to the house with his new wife. They are there to celebrate DC’s birthday, and have a birthday party for him. JS and HR with their daughter, MP and JG with their son,YA and Dae Hoon with Yoo Sung, and DH and his new wife all congratulate DC on his birthday and sing for him.

At the DMZ, MP and JG light a red lantern and let it fly. YA calls out to her son Young Chul saying she’ll go to him some day. DC tells his sweetheart and Young Chul that he’ll be joining them soon, so they only have to wait a little longer. (This ending scene was actually very moving for me.)


End of drama. 


This ending wasn't as terrible as I thought it was going to be, and in some ways made me regret even more the potential that this drama had. As with so many dramas, it crammed a lot into the final episode and even managed to squeeze in a little bit of the happily after part after an undisclosed amount of time jump, though at least a year had to have passed since both JG/MP and JS/HR had infants in their arms. 

The biggest waste was the OTP and how their relationship was handled. Even till the end, while I believed that their love was true, thanks to the respective acting of SHJ and LJY, their relationship felt too much like sibling love versus lovers who wanted only to be with each other. In fact, it was only when they were begging for their relationship to others, namely MP to GS, and JG to YA, that any of the OTP passion actually came through. That elevator kiss was the one time when OTP passion for each other was demonstrated in a scene when they were together. The OTP's cute bickering and comfort was nice, but never quite took on the closeness and familiarity that lovers have/develop with each other. Actually, it made me wonder if SHJ and LJY was uncomfortable with being physically close to each other and kissing each other since there was such a dearth of scenes where they actually expressed any skinship with each other. Oh well. At least, I guess there won't be much shipping of these two actors. 

I also don't like the implication that CJ and SA are bonding, and that SA and Dae Hoon continue to have a relationship child-paternal relationship. SA's prison term is ten years, and while that is a long time, there is an implication that SA will be able to be with HD and YJ again. While CJ would protest that, she is clearly locked in a love-hate relationship with SA at this point, while accepts CJ as her mother-in-law and mother figure. Given that CJ hasn't learned her lesson and SA while apologizing still is a person greedy for things, for money, for love, I think there is an implication that ultimately there will be forgiveness for these two, and that they will be family with HD and YJ after all. And, Dae Hoon, I can see that for his love of YJ, that he may want to be nice to her mother SA, but he can't have forgotten how SA threatened him, had him kidnapped, tried to convince himself as well as others that he was delusional, stupid, and/or crazy, etc. That the drama decided to have him treat SA in a fatherly manner I guess is supposed to show how paternal feelings trump even the scammer who caused so much trouble and suffering not just to him but to all members of his family? That's just crazy. Then again, I guess perhaps since he still has the mind of a ten year old, this drama thinks that a ten year old mind is not very smart or able to be discerning. Not sure why the writer wrote it this way, of course. It's just stupid and silly.

I do like that DH has moved on with his life, even meeting and marrying a woman, though that was all off-screen. I hope that she is good to him and loves him without being a psycho like his ex-wife.

I also don't like how Dae Hoon was treated in this drama with a traumatic brain injury that caused partial amnesia that only left memories from his ten year old self with flashes of being back to his self. The drama finishes with Dae Hoon in his ten year old state still. Even if he starts at ten years old, shouldn't his mind be maturing again since he's able to learn and retain new memories? It bothers me that they chose to leave Dae Hoon so unfinished and unaddressed. Instead of those endless scenes of SA and her flashbacks, I thought that they could have spent some time with Dae Hoon and his condition, either showing a resolution of some kind of at least a maturing on Dae Hoon's part since he's not supposed to be developmentally retarded, just partly amnesiac. 

JS and HR also got short shrift in this drama, especially JS who was also severely underutilized. We only get snatches of what he may have gone through. Again, couldn't there be more of his arc rather than the endless flashbacks of SA and the endless shots of her dry heaving sobs?

The final scene in the DMZ was actually moving. And, it felt right that YA and DC called out to their loved ones. MP had done that before with some regularity. This time it's DC and YA who are the ones with the most memories, DC with both his sweetheart and the grandson who died before he could meet him, YA of the son that she lost. Dae Hoon has memories of his mother, DC's sweetheart, but no memories of the son that he lost. 

Anyway, it's ended. Thanks to everyone who stayed until the bitter end. I hope to see you all on other threads. And, especial thanks to @Ayame for posting clips during the entire length of this drama and to @0ly40 for posting the OST's. Bye. 

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@stroppyse thx a milln for your sharing the recaps/translation as if we hv watched the raw vids w/subs! i agree the ending wasn't so bad as we thought it would be!  i agree w/you re our OTP and i quote here what you said:

The biggest waste was the OTP and how their relationship was handled. Even till the end, while I believed that their love was true, thanks to the respective acting of SHJ and LJY, their relationship felt too much like sibling love versus lovers who wanted only to be with each other.

also the fact that the two evil witches are in same cell didn't really play well! so glad though that YS/MP ignored SA's pleas of forgiveness for what she'd done! what about GS woah she's now living as a monk to be? nice to see that MP/JG got a cute baby! it's sad that JG's family can only accept her (now) bc of her status, it reminds me of the saying: money talks! yes happy to see DH with his new love, he deserves it!

overall i think we shld be happy with this happy ending!

THANK YOU ALL for the pix/vids @Ayame for what you've shared w/u @Oly40 for the OSTs and it was nice to be on this thread meeting you all! sad that the 2 dramas i've been following both wrapped up this w/end but both did hv a happy ending which leaves us satisfied albeit i'm having a w/drawal syndrome now! It's hard to imagined we've stayed for a drama this long & it feels like we all have been through thick & thin as the drama progressed! I hope we can all see each other again in another drama thread soon!

@sava2sava chingoo keep in touch & chingoos here let me know what drama/s you guys will be following!

once again @stroppyse and @Ayame u guys really gave me so many links to my new fave SHJ & altho i've seen some of them, i still have to see a lot more of what you've shared w/me! now that these 2 dramas i've been following folded, i can concentrate again on SHJ's projects such as his variety shows, etc. So long chingoos, i'll surely miss chatting with all of you aside from missing this drama! :dissapointed_relieved:

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Hopes, Dreams, and wishes...

It would seem they gave us a wrapped up ending which is what most of us were expecting seeing our OTP reunite and even a glimpse of their little boy and it would seem forgiveness for his Mom who honestly didn't deserve an ounce of it...

I guess my heartbreak as of lately is having great hopes for a drama only to have them disappoint me in that at least 80% of the time your given heartbreak and scenes filled with the evil characters and what they are up too! Very little time left for real relationship, romance and growth  I agree the ending wasn't as bad as I expected and the flashbacks were my favorite part along with letting go of their lantern...

But for some reason prison for the evil ones and seeming as if they were happy together there and even the evil Mother-in-law although seeing her on her knees was great it would have been better if she got back at least some of what she gave MP which was a nightmare of a life and a trip through hades and back...

There were moments of greatness that allowed our hearts to be filled with excitement & goosebumps but there just wasn't enough of them.  I would like to see some change maybe at least an ending that didn't feel rushed and started earlier so that all of those stressful and heartbreaking moments seemed further away and happiness giving us a chance to soak it in and enjoy it fully.  Not just a thrown in baby or two but a chance to see relationships really rebuild and healing taking place over some time instead of always shoving everything in the last episode...:(

All in all I am still glad I watched it but I think the best part was reading, writing, and enjoying being a part of this thread.  It's been great hoping to see all of you in the future!!  My very best to all of you...:wub:  Thanks for the memories....:D


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@USAFarmgirl well said chingoo! i also felt that it's an ending that most of us anticipated, at least a happy one with our OTP being together again with their bundle of joy! one of the things i was hoping to see was for haraboji to give SA/CJ a piece of his mind with all the sins they have inflicted on his family MP/YS/DH all this time!

Likewise, i really enjoyed being here on this thread & meeting all of you nice/warm/welcoming people since i came to this thread almost halfway to this drama! I also hope to see you all in another drama thread if not v soon, later :)

I miss this drama already as much as i miss chatting with all of you here! After all, we're just a SOOMPI away chingoos, keep in touch and let's hope we'll see our OTP again someday in another drama w/o SA/CJ :ph34r:.

Take care all of you wonderful chingoos! thx for the best days we've been a part of this drama! \o/

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@stroppyse @Ayame & @0ly40  I bow to you. Thanks for everything..

As always as @stroppyse Mentioned the ending is always rush but someone made a good call saying that GS should end up in the mountains at a temple.. I guess the writer or her asst had been reading some of our comments.. I thought she didn't beg for forgiveness enough.. But the writer did give me my happiness and that was to see CJ divorced and hubby has remarried to someone else thank you writer even though we did get yesterday episode sub fast todays seems like we will have to wait til next week..  

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Just posting some links/updates like I mentioned earlier~ (I'll be posting more stuff tomorrow)

For anyone who downloaded the raw episodes, the subtitles for all episodes (1-53) are now uploaded to subscene: https://subscene.com/subtitles/blow-breeze/english/1511460

And here are the ratings for the final episodes from this week. At least for the sake of the cast, the ratings were nice. ^^

Date Episode TNmS (%) Nielsen Korea (%)
Nationwide Seoul Nationwide Seoul
2017-02-25 52 21.5 (2nd) 22.3 (2nd) 22.7 (2nd) 24.3 (2nd)
2017-02-26 53 23.9 (2nd) 24.4 (2nd) 26.3 (2nd) 28.3 (2nd)

You can find the ratings for all the episodes here: http://wiki.d-addicts.com/Blow_Breeze/Episode_Ratings

And here's the final OST list with all the links to the songs and the lyrics translations:

Blow Breeze OST (Complete List)

Part Song Artist/Title Listen Lyrics
Hangul Romanized Translation
01 Lee Hyun - "그대 사랑 (Your Love)" Listen Hangul Romanized Translation
02 Gavy NJ - "사랑하고 원했죠 (I Loved and Wanted You)" Listen Hangul Romanized Translation
03 Han Byul - "그 말 (Those Words)" Listen Hangul Romanized Translation
04 Jang Yoon Jung - "살만합니다 (Livable)" Listen Hangul Romanized Translation
05 Park Seung Hwa - "늘 고마운 사람 (Always Thankful Person)" Listen Hangul Romanized Translation
06 Jo Hang Jo - "브라보 (Bravo)" Listen Hangul Romanized Translation
07 2LSON - "바람, 햇살, 기억 (Wind, Sunshine, Memories)" Listen Hangul Romanized Translation
08 Geum Jan Di - "세월아 (My Life)" Listen Hangul Romanized Translation
09 Postmen - "원하는대로 (As You Wish)" Listen Hangul Romanized Translation
10 Huh Gong - "그리움만 쌓이네 (Only Longing Grows)" Listen Hangul Romanized Translation
11 Eru - "못 (Nail)" Listen Hangul Romanized Translation
12 Eun Ga Eun - "이별같은 사랑 (Love Says Goodbye)" Listen Hangul Romanized Translation
13 Heo Young Saeng - "잊을 수 없다 (I Can't Forget)" Listen Hangul Romanized Translation
14 Ulala Session - "들려 (Listen)" Listen Hangul Romanized Translation
15 Song Ha Ye - "그대 사랑 (Your Love)" Listen Hangul Romanized Translation
16 J-Cera - "사랑도 단순하게 (Love Simply)" Listen Hangul Romanized Translation
17 Choi Hyo In - "소리 없이 간다 (Silently Leaving) (feat. 공나리)" Listen Hangul Romanized Translation
18 AirManGirl - "반을 잃었다 (Lost Half)" Listen Hangul Romanized Translation
19 Kim Hyun Min - "비의 멜로디 (Rain's Melody)" Listen Hangul Romanized Translation
20 Michelle Lee - "For you" Listen Hangul Romanized Translation
21 Romantic Punch - "Wait For Spring" Listen Hangul Romanized Translation
22 Woo Eun Mi - "My Teary Love" Listen Hangul Romanized Translation
23 Taesabiae - "I Really Wanted To Tell You" Listen Hangul Romanized Translation
24 Moon Joon Young (ZE:After) - "Like The First Day" Listen Hangul Romanized Translation
25 Kim Dae Hoon - "Hope It's Not A Dream" Listen Hangul Romanized Translation
26 Tarin - "Magic" Listen Hangul Romanized Translation

Also if anyone's interested here's a compilation of all the OTP scenes (except Episode 43, since for some reason the clips for that episode was deleted off youtube)-

Blow Breeze - OTP Compilation (Playlist)

Playlist URL: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWi-O73jua-wRvIYDJHTARRGX7ovxh0L6

Also a playlist of the press conference and interviews that they've done:

Blow Breeze (Press Conference and Various Interviews)

Playlist URL: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWi-O73jua-zfbiAXiIi_1ASHRjs4p4Pc


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