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[Drama 2016/2017] The Legend of The Blue Sea 푸른 바다의 전설


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Hi everyone!!!   Belated HNY!!!

When MH gave his speech at the SBS 2016 awards, I realised that he was a man so poised, classy and intelligent as well as full of wits. He was so outstanding in the manner he talked and carried himself - a man of a different level and class. Honestly, when he did his speech back in SBS 2013, I thought so too but today his maturity and intellect shines totally.  


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You are absolutely right, chingu. You know, I noticed that as well, tbh. In just 1-2 episodes, we see our mermaid had fallen head over heels for HJJ, falling hard enough that she "swam for 3 months 10 days and thought that her tail was going to fall off (so says SC hahaha). 

I would like to think that it was the way it should be. The end of episode 13 *cries a bucket of tears first uhuhuhu* show that in the past, they both hoped to be reborn as they were so that they could recognize each other. It was a powerful promise that transcended space and time. For SC, it was an instant spark of familiar recognition and connection. That man was not ordinary. She kept her promise. She remembered his soul. HJJ, on the other hand took some time with the help of KDR, but we can see in the first few episodes that he already had this "feeling" that there is "something" about SC

Now in the present, it seems like the roles have been reversed. It is now HJJ with all the memories while he guides SC through their love story. SW was the keeper of memories in the past. But like I've said before, "What the mind cannot remember is what the heart cannot forget." This holds very true for KDR and SC :)

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@mythicalove I believe that KJY killed herself her own family members. Why? Because she used poison to weaken her husbands which proves to me that she is capable to kill someone with poison. However, since her husbands had life insurances, she always needed an alibi to make sure that she was not a suspect. Yet she is already a coldblooded killer in my opinion.   

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1 hour ago, mythicalove said:

I'll be the first to admit that I can watch 20 episodes and more of just the OTP's romantic love. I can't and will never get tired of skinship. There's no such thing as too much skinship for me lol.


Another 20 episodes of OTP scenes from romantic to dirty love? COUNT ME IN! :heart: I am obsessed with JunChong couple now :blush:. I think they should make spin off series of Kim Dam Ryeong and Se Hwa. We already know the ending but more KDR and SH on screen wouldn't hurt. :grin:

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Hello Lobsters!

@1ouise:  Thank for the additional category.  I have 15 so far.

1 hour ago, gentlelily12 said:

Hi everyone!!!   Belated HNY!!!

When MH gave his speech at the SBS 2016 awards, I realised that he was a man so poised, classy and intelligent as well as full of wits. He was so outstanding in the manner he talked and carried himself - a man of a different level and class. Honestly, when he did his speech back in SBS 2013, I thought so too but today his maturity and intellect shines totally.  


I agree @gentlelily12:  LMH is the total package.  He's just not a pretty face; there are lots of little things (for me it's that cute shyness that creeps in his interviews) that keep us glued to him.

I still have not read all the posts from ep 14 and 15, so I hope my questions have not already been answered.  

1.  Why did the Dr lie when asked if MDY visited him recently?

2.  did HJJ's mother leave him at the Tower of Hercules or when she left the family home?

3.  Am I the only one not able to forgive HJJ's mother?  I can accept that HJJ lived with the father if she believed that the father can give him the best education, secure home yada yada...  But, for the mother not to continually try to contact him or try to find out how HJJ was coping?  Sure, she placed a couple of calls to the the Dept Head Nam's wife, but why didn't she call DH Nam directly and try to arrange a mtg?  I said earlier that the aquarium is where he went on his birthday hoping to see her, why couldn't she go?  According to DH Nam's wife, the mother stopped calling once she heard HJJ supposedly went abroad to study.  Why?  Wouldn't she still want to know how her son is doing?  

4.  Not a question, but I did find it funny when the fashionista came to HJJ"s house for SC's B-day party, Nam Do put something under her so her rear would not touch the couch.  lol


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2 hours ago, mythicalove said:

Another OST I have been waiting FOREVER for them to release is the song playing when KDR carried lifeless SH and told her of his dreams. When are they ever going to release that song? 

Hi :))

I totally agree! I also LOVE that song!! I hope they use it again in the last 5 episodes!! :tears: Why has it not been released? It must be part of LBS ost!! 

PS  I cannot believe only 5 episodes are left! How I wish it was a 24 episode drama from the start. The story has such a great potentional to expand. We could have more of Joseon era story.:tears: 

PSS   It has been a while since our JunChung couple kissed! :D:D  Just saying! :D

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Guest Moonrain
3 hours ago, babyval22 said:


Hahahs. Oh wells. We have no idea on the reasoning for when her tail will appear. Maybe someone else here can shed some light on this if they have never questioned it? Hahahs. 

But yes! I am always wondering how she gets out of the pool. Hahahs. Can you imagine how she managed to get out of the pool in front of ND? Maybe she depends on her super strength to propel herself out of the water. Hahahahs 


she could have lifted her tail out of the water on the stairs hehe i dont know i cant remember how ariel or daryl hannah transformed in the movie splash either lol

2 hours ago, Visually-wandering said:

This is so "me" enough said.


Me too, me too *raises hand* :blush: i cant believe cheong still uses the attic when she can sleep next to Joon Jae :confused: kekeke

Anyways, im sure mom in law will move in to Joon's house, where is she going to sleep???:astonished: Dont tell me she'll sleep next to Cheong?!?! :dizzy:




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Hello Everyone,

Not sure if you know but Soompi is having their annual awards which means it's time to vote for your favorites!!! Here are the links:

If you want to vote for Lee Min Ho for actor of the year  https://www.soompi.com/soompi-awards-2016-vote/?c=27

If you want to vote for Jun Ji Hyun for actress of the year https://www.soompi.com/soompi-awards-2016-vote/?c=28

If you want to vote for Legend of the Blue Sea for drama of the year https://www.soompi.com/soompi-awards-2016-vote/?c=29

If you want to vote for Lee Min Ho and Jun Ji Hyun for Best Couple https://www.soompi.com/soompi-awards-2016-vote/?c=26

If you want to vote for the con-artist trio for best bromance  https://www.soompi.com/soompi-awards-2016-vote/?c=23


You can vote up to 24 times a day, so after voting you can click refresh and vote again. Voting ends on January 16th so make sure you vote before then. :heart:

Edited by JadeL
Wrong info
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4 hours ago, mythicalove said:

I'll be the first to admit that I can watch 20 episodes and more of just the OTP's romantic love. I can't and will never get tired of skinship. There's no such thing as too much skinship for me lol. But, that being said, I hope in the next 5 episodes, the writer will actually take some time to shed light on MDY and KJY's beginning. From what she has offered up so far, the root started when they were young. I saw some discussion a few pages back about whether there's a correlation between being an orphan and comitting crimes. I think most people will agree here that the writer did not intend to say that committing crimes had anything to do being an orphan. The purpose of having them both be orphans is perhaps, simply to show how and where they met.

MDY said to the professor that he had always felt he was being punished from the moment he was born. He was born into the world without a family and I can sympathize him to some degree. However, not having a family alone couldn't have turned him into such an evil person. So there's definitely more to it than just that. We also know that he suffers from psychological disorders. But we don't know how he developed these disorders. Was he already suffering from bipolar disorder to begin with, or did something that happened cause it? All we are certain of is that he harbor bitter feelings towards the world. Other than being born without a family, how else has the world wronged him? 

KJY's adopted family mysteriously died. We can only assume that MDY was involved in helping her kill them. But what drove them to kill her adopted family? I believe there is more to it than just MDY's uncontrollably anger. Perhaps, did they not love her? Did they treat her badly? Given this is a romantic comedy, I'm sure she won't pull the majorly abused or harassed card on us right? Would that be too heavy? 

Anyhow, for the sake of completeness, I wouldn't mind the writer sacrificing a few otp moments to tell more about the villains. I actually need her to explain to me why they kill. Of course, no reason is ever good enough but I'd like to believe she spent time thinking about it. I don't like the "kill for money" idea. Frankly, it's weak and overdone in korean dramas. So, writer, I have faith in you. 



Hahahaha, this makes sense to me.

My sister and I were joking that when HJJ almost saw her swimming at the end of episode 9, wouldn't he have heard her flopping to get out and wondered "what the heck is going on in there?" Hahaha. 

But I am settling with your explanantion, she's so strong that she uses her stregth to pull herself out. Lol.

@puppy8888 I like your explanation as well lol.

Of course, we're not supposed to think about these things while watching this drama. I mean, for god's sake, we have a mermaid who can walk on land, she cries pearls, and her heart only beats for one man in all eternity. And we are questioning why she can't walk in the rain and how she gets out of a pool? Hahahaha. 

Anyway, writing that just made me realize, anyone still don't know why SC fell for HJJ? Think about it, she is SH and SH's heart already loved KDR. A mermaid's heart can only beat for one person for all eternity. HJJ is KDR, and so SC's heart had always loved him, inevitably. 

@leramin welcome to the thread. I am waiting eagerly with you and @puppy8888 for them to release that beuriful OST. Ever since I heard it, I've been loving it and it served as a perfect background song for the scene in the rain! :wub:

Another OST I have been waiting FOREVER for them to release is the song playing when KDR carried lifeless SH and told her of his dreams. When are they ever going to release that song? 

Yes  I  agree  wiht you . I`m wiait this OST very much and i hope it will be a coupie of days/

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8 hours ago, mythicalove said:

Of course, we're not supposed to think about these things while watching this drama. I mean, for god's sake, we have a mermaid who can walk on land, she cries pearls, and her heart only beats for one man in all eternity. And we are questioning why she can't walk in the rain and how she gets out of a pool? Hahahaha. 

Anyway, writing that just made me realize, anyone still don't know why SC fell for HJJ? Think about it, she is SH and SH's heart already loved KDR. A mermaid's heart can only beat for one person for all eternity. HJJ is KDR, and so SC's heart had always loved him, inevitably. 


I LOL when I read your reply! Trust us to go over the nitty gritty details when we have a much bigger stake on hand. Hahahahs. 

8 hours ago, puppy8888 said:

@babyval22 @mythicalove

Interesting thoughts, chingus haha. As much as I always like thinking deep into this drama, I'm afraid that I don't have any ideas about the puddle part hahaha. With regards to getting out of the pool in front of ND without looking like a flopping fish out of water, maybe she gets out of the pool facing backwards, lifting her body with her hands and making her land in a sitting position then taking her feet out? Looks more elegant that way. Hahaha





I din think of this at all! Now this looks like a more plausible explanation. Hahahs she prolly wore her gown the moment she sat to cover her tail becoming legs. Hahahs. 

Last 5 ep alr.. Can they surprise us with something additional? Hahahs. And I would love to go back to gutter-land and watch their love progress from romantic to dirty love! Hehe. 


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I just thought of this so I can be wrong but when MDY said that it wasn't him who killed KDR, it was someone else, right? In the present he's played out as the big villain. Could this be a diversionary tactic from the writer? We are getting the impression that CH will turn into a killer but looking at how he reacted when he removed ahjussi's nasal cannula, he panicked. I don't think that he's that capable of killing.

Also, CH's transformation seemed hasty to me. All too sudden with too much a transformation considering what triggered it.


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