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[Drama 2016] Doctors 닥터스


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15 minutes ago, USAFarmgirl said:


 To me the kiss was perfect... I think the kiss was meant to be tender more than one filled with passion JH is thinking about treating her gently teaching her slowly about love.  He knows she has very little experience and understands & respects that.  He also knows as she herself once told her own father "my heart is already dead".  JH didn't just give her a kiss he gave her a song, a dance in the rain, an embrace and a memory she won't ever forget....:wub:

Credit & Thanks to original owner of Quote & Photo....



Absolutely right. You got it. To the point. I totally agree with you. We now all have something to look forward to for the next 15 episodes. Be read for the ride. Reason why it is a 1000 p.m. show.lol:blush:

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The last few pages are all about the kiss:blush: To me it's realistic. It's a kiss from a tall and considerate man. If YD were to kiss her, that might be awkward because he's so tall and is awkwardness itself. 

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7 minutes ago, jastubee said:

Today's storyline is fine until these became cringe-worthy

-telephone booth in a park?

-why take shelter in a telephone booth when there is shelter behind?

-JH starting to dance in the rain with the music

I think the writer is trying very hard to build up the romance until I do not really know what to look forward to for the next 14 episodes.By the 6th episode, there should be some kind of climax to it to give some depth to the story. Is it a revenge story or a character development story or is it just a daily doctor life with romance? 

The romance should be kept minimal to build up the depth of the story first, like a crisis to face before the romance comes in.

The mood to dance and kiss wasn't right at that moment when HJ is facing her step-mother issue and has not shown how much JH means to her. I think the right time to celebrate is after they have reciprocated their feelings.

I like the chemistry between PSH and KRW, but maybe the writer has made this relationship a little too fast which I thought it should tone down a little. Or maybe the writer has her reasons to build up their romance quickly as she might have planned for some obstacles that will go against their love for one another. Hopefully there is more content in the next few episodes.


Well, you speak my mind. I really want the scene like in beginning of the episode to be more in depth. I have this really crazy and insane theory that the guy attacked the boss might actually the older brother of SC(?), that maybe SC had an accident or something that might cause him an amnesia then he woke up somewhere without anyone knowing his true identity, become a 'gas labor' and that he cannot recognize SH in her Hawaii bar when he delivered the gas ordered(?)

sorry bad english hehe....

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21 minutes ago, angelangie said:

lols thanks for this... :D i definitely love her nails polish :D:D cant help it as i never be able to wear that :D

Why not?? hahaha! ok if your working maybe not.. but I have used crazy colours :D


Glad you like my pics...Im soooo behind, Mian patients I had so many pics and it took me like forever to post them :P

@nonski I cant wait for your roll call next week. :D

BTS of helicopter and wrestle scenes



Hope to find a full vid soon 

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:):):) ahahhaha... can't help to suppress my laugh seeing the pic of JH kissing HJ.. that's not the way you kissed your greatest love!! wahhaha.. seems to me like he just sniffing her face!!! lol.. we need to prepare for the passionate kiss since HJ alredy recieves her first kiss.. :wub::wub::wub:

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1 minute ago, jeijei said:

The last few pages are all about the kiss:blush: To me it's realistic. It's a kiss from a tall and considerate man. If YD were to kiss her, that might be awkward because he's so tall and is awkwardness itself. 

i can't image if YD were to kiss HJ... might need a ladder.  :flushed:

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7 minutes ago, liz-danielle said:

Hi chingu... we have forgotten the fact that Prof Hung has no "woman" in his life for over 13 years (not sure before) so give him a credit! You can see how prof react during the boxing ring scene... he is.. ah... middle-age virgin man afterall... :grimace:



eeemmmm.... i'm not sure about the virgin one LOL.

yeah totally agree give him a credit for his braveness. he could end up in ER because of his action but he still did it. 

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3 minutes ago, liz-danielle said:

Hi chingu... we have forgotten the fact that Prof Hung has no "woman" in his life for over 13 years (not sure before) so give him a credit!



You're so right and that makes JH even greater to me.  A man having to hold himself back after 13 years of waiting & longing maybe even dreaming for HJ & that moment.  Only proves how much he does in fact love her.  Enough to place her & her feelings above his own desires and himself..

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i mean, i want the story to be in a more depth and that each of the character introduced to be as important as they can be, not just passed by like a wind kekeke. i dont know is it just me but i want to know more about SC!!! Please writernim, build his character more! not just randomly appears a minutes or two keke:(

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8 minutes ago, AngelaC said:

:):):) ahahhaha... can't help to suppress my laugh seeing the pic of JH kissing HJ.. that's not the way you kissed your greatest love!! wahhaha.. seems to me like he just sniffing her face!!! lol.. we need to prepare for the passionate kiss since HJ alredy recieves her first kiss.. :wub::wub::wub:


i can't help to suppress my laugh seeing KRW DANCING!!! 

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26 minutes ago, Raquel Bastian said:

no preview? so what to expect on the next episode? hehe

they expect us to going crazy and wait till next week. just wait, there will be short clip arounddd... Sunday? LOL keep sene chingu

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37 minutes ago, hell59 said:

I get it that it is their first kiss and she is not experienced and he does not want to overwhelm her, but that was the most awkward kiss I have ever seen. Is KRW a good kisser? Has anyone seen him give a good kiss in his previous dramas? The dancing was also a little weird.


@hell59, He is a good kisser but remember that the director decide how he will do it. So, isn't his culprit. He's innocent! He's innocent! :D I think that in the near future we will see his kisser skills in all its glory. :blush: 


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