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[Drama 2016] Doctors 닥터스


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Even if it is not a very good scenario and director's work ...
Even if will not high rankings ... (I do not always understand the tastes of Koreans)
I look forward to PSH's new character ...
Many actresses over 30 are still playing only romance.

She is 26 years old only, but she already trying to find new images and to get a new experience. She wants to grow as an actress in various directions. It's great.)

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From watching both A Warm Word from the Heart and High Society it seems like she write better story for the side characters as seen with Park Seo-Joon and Han Groo couple and Park Hyung Sik and Lim Ji Yeon couple. While the lead story tend to be frustrating, therefore I pray that Park Shin Hye  and Kim Rae-won character will not fall victim like Uee and Soon Joon in high society cause I hated their individual characters and how they love story was written


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yes,that why i really want shin hye to decline:tears: .I am so worry that writer's skill.And now again the richard simmons PD things send me to the hell.:sweatingbullets:You know i try to watch her previous scripted drama ''high society ''but before reaching eoisode2 ,i give up .Too boring to watch:angry:.I am really bad feeling about that doctors drama.Everyone told me to think positive and trust our shinhye.Yes i do what they say.I can only  hope that drama will get a good compliment from the people:wub:.Everyone can't wait to watch shinhye new drama.In my case,i truely afraid that june will come quickly:sweatingbullets: but at the other hand,i miss my princess's drama:tears: .I really love she is pairing with a senior actor too.Don't hate me for writing a bad thought .No doubt my i truely deeply SA heart.i love shin hye soo much thats why i am soooo worry about her choice.:blush:

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Exactly,  I too once wished that she would decline the offer but after seeing that it was the only new drama that she was attached too since her name was first brought up in december I decided to just go with the flow and support her decision as others have been saying.  But I cannot deny my worries for this writer and how she writes her main leads as both unlikable and uninteresting.  I hated the two main couple in Warm Worm and watched high society for the secondart couple. 

On the paper this story and shin hye character sound very interesting and so did the characters of the lead in high society when they were filming yet that interest was never seen when the show was airing. I feel like this writer do have good ideas about drama but the problem come during executing the materials from the draft to the final revisions. 

Therefore I can only pray that the ode will be in Shin hye favor and that her character and Rae-won character will become one of the best written main lead from this writer. I love shin hye and I want her to challenge herself even more and this role sounds like it could the one....I also pray for the writer to find that magic that she's been looking for to crafts better leads characters

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11 hours ago, Саша Rain said:

Even if it is not a very good scenario and director's work ...
Even if will not high rankings ... (I do not always understand the tastes of Koreans)
I look forward to PSH's new character ...
Many actresses over 30 are still playing only romance.

She is 26 years old only, but she already trying to find new images and to get a new experience. She wants to grow as an actress in various directions. It's great.)


I personally think it's the main reason why she picked this drama over 12345678 offers she have. 

Her characters stands out the most of of all current female lead offers right now. And this was originally female centric until they changed it to score KRW.  And I'm glad she is taking risk this time... and not taking her usual trendy dramas which she has made a name for herself.

It's medical drama and has no flower boy lead so it won't be as popular internationally either. But I'm proud that she dared to take the challenge


11 hours ago, JohariN said:

From watching both A Warm Word from the Heart and High Society it seems like she write better story for the side characters as seen with Park Seo-Joon and Han Groo couple and Park Hyung Sik and Lim Ji Yeon couple. While the lead story tend to be frustrating, therefore I pray that Park Shin Hye  and Kim Rae-won character will not fall victim like Uee and Soon Joon in high society cause I hated their individual characters and how they love story was written


That's one of my main concerns too... 

I don't actually care much about love line at this point. I just need to have good character and story that my girl can shine


5 hours ago, JohariN said:

Exactly,  I too once wished that she would decline the offer but after seeing that it was the only new drama that she was attached too since her name was first brought up in december I decided to just go with the flow and support her decision as others have been saying.  But I cannot deny my worries for this writer and how she writes her main leads as both unlikable and uninteresting.  I hated the two main couple in Warm Worm and watched high society for the secondart couple. 

On the paper this story and shin hye character sound very interesting and so did the characters of the lead in high society when they were filming yet that interest was never seen when the show was airing. I feel like this writer do have good ideas about drama but the problem come during executing the materials from the draft to the final revisions. 

Therefore I can only pray that the ode will be in Shin hye favor and that her character and Rae-won character will become one of the best written main lead from this writer. I love shin hye and I want her to challenge herself even more and this role sounds like it could the one....I also pray for the writer to find that magic that she's been looking for to crafts better leads characters


I'm sure with Shinhye has received many many scripts. She is at the position that many production would want her. I'm not even kidding. She is the only actress in the 20's with both domestic and hallyu power enough to sell the drama.

But she picked this one because of the character. And it's also a chance for her to work w a senior actor KRW.

I remember she praised him before so I'm sure she is happy to work with him. And that's why she didn't confirm it for a long time until KRW officially confirmed. 

A good PD can turn an ok- writing to something good but I don't have much faith on the PD either... so...

Either way, there is nothing we can do about it. I just her she has a really good character that can shine and will learn a from acting w KRW


I like that she dared to challenge herself. Since my girl is usually played safe and there won't be that many chances come upon. 

Don't forget the script has won an award in 2010 so at least it has to be decent.

KRW wouldn't pick crap after Punch either right? :) And it's the only thing PSH considered for a long time. I want to trust them.




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Always considered the writer, cast and the director as the three key factors to the success of a drama. The more skilled and talented the triad ......the higher the probability of a watch-worthy drama. The bonus in the mix is .....the amount of experience of the people involved. 

Keeping these criteria in mind ......I cannot find any fault in the selection of the cast. I know the remaining two are causing varied concerns in everyone's minds. We can worry about something that has not taken place or look at positive things that are there...

1: we will definitely enjoy seeing this cast on the screen.

2: its a prize-winning script won a contest held by the Broadcasting Content Promotion Foundation ........sounds impressive! I must have posted this nth time by now....wonder why? :)

3: Everyone gets better with experience and if smart.....they don't repeat their mistakes. This PD has 'Doctors" as a debut drama and will definitely put his best foot forward because for the first time the success or failure will be associated with his name. As a director he will be totally responsible. Hoping he will be successful.....beginners luck and so on and so forth 

As far as I am concerned.....I am going to enjoy each moment and look forward to the drama with an open mind and clean plate. .... No preconceived notions or expectations ....just watch whatever story unfolds as envisioned , enacted and executed by the whole team. ...keeping my fingers crossed that it will be enough to pay dividends

( PS: Please excuse me while I shout with joy in celebrating Shinhye's comeback after 1 and 1/2 year.....) :)


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Waves to @rori0711   wave-smiley.gif

10 hours ago, Саша Rain said:

She is 26 years old only, but she already trying to find new images and to get a new experience. She wants to grow as an actress in various directions. It's great.)

I definitely applaud her for that....  !   smileys-applause-521130.gif  She certainly is making some smart decisions for her career.

10 hours ago, JohariN said:

therefore I pray that Park Shin Hye  and Kim Rae-won character will not fall victim.....

oh no....!   I am totally wanting our leads to have a strong story!

I think in Warm Word, it was not so much that she did not give us the good stories of the 4 leads, but somehow wrote it in a way that many of us failed to connect as much emotionally, as we did to PSJ-HG couple. She was analytical in presenting the 4 leads, and emotional in presenting the young couple.

@kilumar, I also gave up on High Society. I too thought it was boring. And it had some actors that I like in it, too...! 

Funny, how some of PSH fans and some of KRW fans - both wanted them to decline for whatever reasons.  All I can say, is that at this point it is a done deal, and we best support our actors-actresses and this drama.


2 hours ago, NileRose said:

Of course we will count days and nights before  broadcasting :D


Indeed. Esp. when we start seeing stills from the photo shoots.

1 hour ago, thao_2512 said:

Don't forget the script has won an award in 2010 so at least it has to be decent.

oh really? I did not realize that!  Good to know.  I am also glad she is challenging herself.  I did not know also, that she had waited for KRW to confirm before she did. That is good news, in the sense, that they both want to work with each other.

Also, I am glad that veteran actress Kim Young-Ae had accepted the role of PSH's character grandma.  KYA is a fabulous actress, and will also be able to offer guidance. Actually, she is the only one so far, who actually played a doctor (and brilliantly so, I might add) in Medical Top Team.


1 hour ago, maris1 said:

As far as I am concerned.....I am going to enjoy each moment and look forward to the drama with an open mind and clean plate. .... No preconceived notions or expectations ....just watch whatever story unfolds as envisioned , enacted and executed by the whole team. ...keeping my fingers crossed that it will be enough to pay dividends


Loving your post, @maris1  ! I am totally on board with you on this one!


Now, I am finding it interesting that one of our competition will also be a medical drama (Mon-Tues. 22:00) from KBS - Beautiful Mind - and they have the advantage of starting on June 6th. (Our drama starts June 20th.). No cast reported yet, for their drama - but this week there were reports that they offered the lead to Choi Jin-Hyuk. We don't know yet if he will accept.

Either way, it will be 2 drama about neurosurgeons running against each other for ratings, (unless the schedule changes)



KRW-PSH and this drama were mentioned in @Orion's new article (Thank you for that!)

[Orion's Drama News] Powerhouse Pairings and Another Exclusive

Keeping only relevant material


Summer Casting in Full Swing

Casting directors are having a field day again and we get to join them! We have some very popular drama pairings coming this summer, starting with Kim Rae-won and Park Shin-hye in "Doctors"



Read full article on Hancinema


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12 minutes ago, irilight said:

KRW-PSH and this drama were mentioned in @Orion's new article (Thank you for that!)

I can already smell the "Eww, he's OLD" and "Nooo, she is not good enough!" comments around this casting. I plan to just dive into the series and enjoy it while keeping the fandom/s well away from me, frankly. XD I have not experienced Kim Rae Won much and have not warmed up to Park Shin Hye yet, but I know enough about both to trust them with this work and if given good material to work with. So bring it on. Let's see some medical goodness! I think we might get some good chemistry. I don't know if they will be an OTP or not, but I am good either way.

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1 hour ago, irilight said:


oh really? I did not realize that!  Good to know.  I am also glad she is challenging herself.  I did not know also, that she had waited for KRW to confirm before she did. That is good news, in the sense, that they both want to work with each other.



Now, I am finding it interesting that one of our competition will also be a medical drama (Mon-Tues. 22:00) from KBS - Beautiful Mind - and they have the advantage of starting on June 6th. (Our drama starts June 20th.). No cast reported yet, for their drama - but this week there were reports that they offered the lead to Choi Jin-Hyuk. We don't know yet if he will accept.



Actually it's not uncommon for big star to official sign after knowing their partner or they'd get screwd up easily. At least they know who they are going to work with. 

In this case, I'm sure they both want to work with each other and would get along well too. 



Doctor will go against Beautiful Mind (no cast confirmed yet) and Monster which has 50 eps and already started last week. I think Monster would already score good rating by the time Doctors starts. Their writer had good record

So many people rejected BM so I'm curious who they will cast at the end too.

1 hour ago, Orion said:

I can already smell the "Eww, he's OLD" and "Nooo, she is not good enough!" comments around this casting. I plan to just dive into the series and enjoy it while keeping the fandom/s well away from me, frankly. XD I have not experienced Kim Rae Won much and have not warmed up to Park Shin Hye yet, but I know enough about both to trust them with this work and if given good material to work with. So bring it on. Let's see some medical goodness! I think we might get some good chemistry. I don't know if they will be an OTP or not, but I am good either way.


Yeah there have been plenty of those kind of comments on i-sites but it's mostly positive in Korea. 

If anything their fans only concern about script/writer/PD

Either way, like you, I think they will have great chemistry and will just enjoy the ride as well



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Those who think that he is too old for then that is them. I don't think he's too old, I mean the guy is only 34 and I'll take him over any flower boys because at least people will focus on the acting and story rather than just "oppa is cute, or hot, or handsome".

And I feel like shin hye really does better when acting with older actors as seen in Tree of Heaven,  Kimchi Radish Cubes, Royal Tailor...ect. so I don't mind the two lead having either romance or just mentor mentee relationship as long as it's done right, it's not the main focus but their individual story are, and PLEASE don't hate me for saying this aging PLEASE no love triangle period. I want to enjoy my OTP without worrying about the poor second lead whose heart is or will be broken because the girl didnt choose him or reciprocate his love. So writer nim please save me from another love triangle madness and just give me a good story with an OTE that I can whole hearty root for whether as lover or as mentor/mentee

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50 minutes ago, JohariN said:

Those who think that he is too old for then that is them. I don't think he's too old, I mean the guy is only 34 and I'll take him over any flower boys because at least people will focus on the acting and story rather than just "oppa is cute, or hot, or handsome".

And I feel like shin hye really does better when acting with older actors as seen in Tree of Heaven,  Kimchi Radish Cubes, Royal Tailor...ect. so I don't mind the two lead having either romance or just mentor mentee relationship as long as it's done right, it's not the main focus but their individual story are, and PLEASE don't hate me for saying this aging PLEASE no love triangle period. I want to enjoy my OTP without worrying about the poor second lead whose heart is or will be broken because the girl didnt choose him or reciprocate his love. So writer nim please save me from another love triangle madness and just give me a good story with an OTE that I can whole hearty root for whether as lover or as mentor/mentee


Same! I don't think he is too old for her.

In fact, you see younger girls and older guys often in real life because girls usually are way more mature than their age. It's just fangirl's fantasy that they like younger guys and older ladies  or the young flower boys so they can imagine themselves as the girl more... LOL

I also think she has more chemistry with older actor too... and act better since her acting technique is  basically responding to her costars. And most senior actors are better actors :)

 It's also my wish for her to work with more senior actors and learn from them so I'm happy 

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Yes, I too wish that she works with more senior actors.  I mean she already work with almost all the flower boys out there. ..now less flower boys and more seniors.

Also I know this is a stretch but Im still patiently waiting for the day that she will win a desaeng from any major awards function. 

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2 hours ago, JohariN said:

Those who think that he is too old for then that is them. I don't think he's too old, I mean the guy is only 34 and I'll take him over any flower boys because at least people will focus on the acting and story rather than just "oppa is cute, or hot, or handsome".

And I feel like shin hye really does better when acting with older actors as seen in Tree of Heaven,  Kimchi Radish Cubes, Royal Tailor...ect. so I don't mind the two lead having either romance or just mentor mentee relationship as long as it's done right .

Thank you for writing what inside me exactly I loved Kim Rea Won as her lead I felt wow mature , professional with manly  look  And I am glad that he isn't  flowerboy who have many fan girls but someone who has charisma  in acting .

Seriously I can't wait Doctors let us enjoy everything   and don't worry that much we trust that shin hye took her time to read her full script and accept after long time , the same go for Kim Rea won he won't  accept  anything and for big channel  as SBS won't  risk to put Un experienced director to direct a drama we should wait and see .

Thank you for sharing your thoughts :wub:

@thao_2512 @JohariN @irilight @maris1 @kilumar @Orion

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@thao_2512 Totally agree with all you said. Maybe i am the only one who did enjoyed watching High Society. I like the love story of Sung joon and uee, even the others said boring and more interesting to see Park hyung sik - Lim Ji yeon. But its okay, watching a drama is personal preference. I cant force someone to watch or not to watch a drama. 

Some of us worry about the writer and PD even there are people who wish PSH and KRW decline the offer. For me, isnt it too much? I am not a big fans of PSH or KRW, i just loved their performance. So, as a fans we should support them, everyting they do, and pray their works will success. They have made a decision to take the role, of course they have thought about it carefully. 

Like what some of you said, KRW would not take a 'crap' after Punch (personally it was best political and humanism drama for me) and PSH after Heirs (altough i am not really enjoyed this drama).  The script has won award back at 2010, so it already completed and the writer wont mess up with the storyline (i hope). Remember, back in 2013 'KBS Secret' win the rating competition against Heirs. 'Secret' also has won script award even the writer is a rookie, and more interesting Heirs was written by veteran and credible writer - Kim Eun Seok.

So, its okay to be worry. I am also feel it. But, lets just enjoy the ride, give the writer and PD a chance, and support our favourite actor/actress. If you feel boring when watching 'Doctor' next June, just dropped right away. Just take it easy. :grin:

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I trust PSH and her choice. She knows her goals and objectives.
In 2013 she chose a project FBND on cable television with a young director. It was very interesting. This role is one of the best her roles for me.
In 2014 - "Pinocchio" with the LJS. Many people was believed that the couple will not successful. The result - a great job, a great talented interesting couple.
The conjuncture, success for most  is not always an indicator.)
I am waiting this job with great interest.)

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KRW is a great actor too. I think we can trust to his choice too. :)

I like his works(Punch, Gangnam Blues and others). 
He's not a boy-flower, he is very courageous, but charming at the same time. PSH did not have such partner yet.)
At least ... we will see the work of two very talented actors and partners.)

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Hello everyone!!!

Finally the wait is over, Park Shin Hye will be coming back on-screen. yippeeeeee!!! Can't wait till June:)

Have been reading all comments regarding this show. Please writer, can there be a love-line between KRW and PSH. KRW is only 10 years older than Shin Hye, she has paired with many older men previously and I feel she has great chemistry with them. Like many of you I believe Shin Hye will learn many things from KRW. He has no inhibitions when it comes to acting. Great actor!

With regards to the writer's previous works, I have seen 'One Warm Word' and the I felt the story had depth. It isn't mainline popularity drama like KES fantasy love theme but her heroine is no candy girl. 

Anyway, just popped in to say I will be joining all of you to watch this drama. June can't come quick enough! 

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