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[Drama 2016] W-Two Worlds 더블유


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I can't sleep. Lol my mind is busy thinking of possible scenarios how the writer will wrap the story up. But i can't think of any!! But i am trusting the writer we will also be given a happy ending. 


P.S. I am like the YJ's doctor boss/chief. A hardcore fan! Lol

writer nim- can you give us some spoilers??? Lol

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3 hours ago, maryofbethany said:

@Rania Zeid @jeonghyang @drmjs @ayni @ilwoo_aein @sebnem @lovely_skham@VIP_Cake @andy78 @kasjady @LyraYoo @nonski @ezze @Yippeuni
& so many i can't remember, that was part of TeamWorld-er or TeamWorld-ist, (the Team that recap LIVE for World)

thank you, toda rabah, shukran, Merci beaucoup, Danke, Gracias, Xie xie, domo-arigato, kamsahamnida.
you who cried before us do, who thrill before us do, who drool before us do.

yeon-yoo ah, you deserved more. i cried along with you last night, having not see your ep8, but thru the very lively words of these Recap "World-er". i actually thought only Choi Jiwoo (or park minyoung) can make me cry so much, HHJ is definitely not just a pretty face, she is in a league of her own already, she is mellow and don't over act, even the crying scene is not dramatic, but so sincerely real. Who can be so selfless to single handedly push her loved one back to another woman and make him erase his memories of her by her own hand?
i actually though only Yeon-joo is most heart-wrenching to watch. now i dread seeing when Chul awakened from his 'lost memories' state, he will be even more heart broken to have cause Yeon-joo heart to shred, when he know the amount of pain he caused her at this ep, (even as she 'witness' his impending romance with SH, he will blamed himself real bad, one day when he wake up)
now is only ep 9, i have good faith in writernim, he will remember her. Memories of loved ones, will not be lost, not even in Alzheimer's , and in this case. the memories locked is forced, not as a disease that eat up the brain.... In His subconsciousness, he will remember her by itself one day, in fact his subconsciously draw her back is sign that its beyond anyone in real world to rewrite the roles of who is Female actress in this comic.  so one day he will unlock himself his memories of her. as what some of you said, its bitter sweet to be able to see him falling in love with her again a second round.
one day that sweet dream he wake up in tears in Hospital will haunt him and make him doubt  and wake him up. He being suspicious and  okay, tear our OTP, wound our OTP, parted OTP up, but as long as some in near future, give them a deserving ends, that worth 7folds or 10folds the heart-shredding tears. and i demand Option 4 for that worthy rewards.
we have  Option 3 fulfilled, Option 1 fulfilled, Option 2 should be the cycling one yet to come. maybe all these Heart-shattering will end with a Option 4. i am betting on it!
By Odin's Beard !

btw, is that a shipper name that we call ourselves, i keep coming up with "World-er" "world-ist" "World--ies"???? Have the Pioneer of this thread given us any shipper-name?


I cried with and for Yeon Joo this episode like I nver did before!! everytime she had tears in her eyes I start crying!! and her brakdown on the hospital scene was th worst I was sobing with her!! :bawling: that was a great scene from Han Hyo Joo!! :heart: 

I think that both she and Kang Cheol had made a great selfless act, he wanted to protect her at the cost of his free will and self-control over his life that he faught for it for years and she sacrifised her happiness to do as he askd her to respecting his wish!! and I didn't come cross any selfless character as Yeon Joo till now!! :bawling: 

I really don't know how I'll take watching Kang Cheol realising his truth AGAIN, AND know how much Yeon Joo suffered being left all alone with no one to share her pain with in her world and without him in his world while he's living his life without her and without knowing her!! he only wanted to protect her but will realise that she was left in danger all alone without him by her side!! :bawling: 

I love how Kang Cheol asked Seong Moo to give him a happy ending not for himsel, to end his miserable and fake life but for Yeon Joo to be able to move on from his story and forget him like an old book that she was attached to but came to an end and have to move on from it!! :bawling: 

and I think we have the name "World-ies"!! if I'm not wrong!! :) 

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I've just finished ep 9. Look man ain't nothing anyone can say about the OTP that will make me spazz. My brain just exploded.  Don't even know what I am watching anymore. I am used to sci fic but if I consider the  plot implications for today- my brain hurt thinking about what the writer wants.


I love it. Don't mistake me about episode 9. But did anyone warn us this was going to be a thriller drama? Forget about the OTP and sweet moments. I don't even know or can imagine what this writer is doing. How can one speculate when the villain becomes sentient. Then the writer goes nuts or the villain becomes sentient and has an identity written out. But it then or rather the parallel universes then morphs into what I perceived as the real world? So the father for whatever reason wrote himself or willed himself into the villain and the manhwa faceless villain then has to exist in another universe. But then if it follows this rule then he can't be the sole person inhabiting the same body in both worlds. Everyone else is a single identity in one universe.


Don't even talk to me about her being able to be a silent observer of the manhwa world. There are rules to sci fic even if it's used to explain improbable notions. I don't even know where the baseline is with the writer. As evidenced by me ranting at almost 4am. Geez. And I am expected to go peacefully back to sleep? And yes I understood the gist of the episode. What I can't explain coherently is that I don't understand what the h**k just happened in the manhwa world.


The Professor best explains when he was in actual ecstasy with the newest plot point. He looked like he was cackling with glee. If this was a real manhwa I would be flipping doing somersaults with glee. Except this poor Kdrama viewer which is me is still trying go get my heart rate down to normal.


Gosh... NO WONDER  LJS and the female lead signed up for this. If I was LJS I would be in the ultimate boy fantasy playing this sort of manhwa life. Or live out the fantasy of what kids imagine what an adventure is like. Except I won't wish that on any child. The bloodbath today is too scarey. 


Let me know when someone has a workable theory of what just happened today. Gosh I hope this drama isnt labeled a romance anywhere. Because it sure the heck beats any Kdrama thriller I watched.

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Dang,the studio scene with Oh Sang Moo loosing his face/identity is worthy of a horror movie,so creepy...So now that they made the plans for Kang Chul "happy ending" and closure to his journey the villain desagrees with Oh Sang Moo final and goes against it...That is quite genius turn of events,making him strong enough to not abide the plot the writer made for him and wanting to go against it,i guess he didn't loose his memories because no one thought of that,like a loophole for him...not even Kang Chul took that as a variable into his plan,that he might forget but the villain like him has a will of his own that doesn't follow any rules anymore and will still remember everything he'll forget...Quite curious how will they outwin him now,even more knowing all the plot that was to come and stealing Oh Sang Moo identity,now planning to write his own story where more likely he wins...

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ok..just finished watching raw.. was totally expecting giving same face and personality and implicit guilt consciousness of considering onself truly the evil one would play some havoc..


this is scary..

And again, what the hell..c an someone who understand korean explain.. what is it that evil one wants? and has the power just moved from KC to villain?


Villain exists because KC's set up is to follow the killer.. if KC's objective would have changed then killer should have vanished too like SH.. only problem is now killer came alive too.. so now killer's objective/set up needs to be changed somehow???


Every character who steps in the real world will become an indiviidual is it? With a mind and free will of his / her own?

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* peering through fingers *  and  * whispers * 


Can't spazz about LJS in a robe when you see his white slim legs hon. It is summer in Seoul. He has a pair of slim legs more beautiful and shapely then most of the females I know.



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Just a thought... W.. Double You.. Double Universe..

So far we've had Double Oh Seung Mo.. Double Oh Yeon Joo..(in manhwa and real world)

Is it possible that we'll see a double Kang Chul as well? A real man, in the real world? 

P.S: Appa looked pretty Schizophrenic to me..when he came out of the aircraft bathroom, he didn't have any bruises on his neck despite being manhandled by Black Hoodie / Voldemort ... Schizophrenic twist??

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Drama W is the number 1 drama in rating now and in top 13 of the top- rated program based on PEI.

드라마 'W'(더블유) & 예능 '듀엣가요제' 몰입도 높은 프로그램으로 선정


source: http://www.kookje.co.kr/news2011/asp/newsbody.asp?code=0500&key=20160819.99002002623


Another good drama review about how 'W" is popular....



.... the conservative national audience surpassing traditional melodrama that stimulates is that the <W> the unique idea was overwhelming.  (I like this sentence ;) :wub:


Yup....yup... this drama is DEEBAK. It's so different than others drama. It has variety genres: Thriller, Mystery, Melodrama, Fantasy and Romance into one anti-mainstream drama :thumbsup: :heart:

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saw ep 9 raw

Good things first

Only HHJ character seems to be acting the way it should. She is sad  and lost and in end surprised to see her Dad face as killer Smile

And that Writer Oh turned killer is acting wow too . Seems like LJS is really lucky to have good villains and heroines in his show LOL

Crtricism (u better work on it in next episode )

What a horror show ,whatever it is but for first time i realised , did director forgot to tell LJS and his bodyguard friend  to act suprised and conserned when those firing were going on ,on the sets .

I mean he and his bodyguard acted so normal while poeple were being killed .. I felt like lack of expressions ...it's not that LJS can't act horrified and awed , it's just that i felt director just forgot to tell action to him !!!!!Confused

I am really not liking the way story is being presented . Its so  jumbled up and incoherrent . In ep 8 and 9 something went missing . Too much of back story  and no indication is givnen about when it is past ,when it is dream ,when it real and when it is webtoon !!!!!

What happened to the show . R all  so busy with Olympics that they forgot that they have a show called W ,which just lost string


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as someone have said here, that writer is throwing a little bit of Nine here, like having a consequence if they reset something, thats why its getting more interesting. I cried for Yeon Joo here its really heart breaking..it was so unfair for her that she was the only one hurting,, hopefully in the next episode Kang Chul will start to remember her.

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I know everyone is still wondering about what the heck actually happened in episode 9 as I just finished backreading all the missed pages. Thanx for all the recappers and screenshots. Once again made me feel like I already saw the episode although I won't be able to do so before Sunday.

But although you are currently busy discussing episode 9 I still want to share all those blogs that came up with their reviews for episode 8 today. Hopefully I can do the same for the reviews for episode 9 tomorrow as well...


[HanCinema's Drama Review] "W" Episode 8

2016/08/17 | 1274 views | 0 Comment | Permalink



The shrouded static villain is weirdly sympathetic in a way, because its entire existence is the arbitrary creation of a Godlike figure who never bothered to impart any meaningful personality traits onto his creation. I can't help but see this character as being the personification of fan rage. Sure, we've only been watching "W" for seven episodes, but the in-universe fanbase has been waiting years only to be suddenly told that plot arc isn't going to end because now the story's a romance.

Which in itself brings up all sorts of other uncomfortable questions. Unlike the shrouded static villain, So-hee is a character with clearly defined personality and motivation. Even if So-hee never actually had a romance with Cheol, her existence too has largely been to provide him with logistical support for the sake of solving crimes. If solving crimes is not something that Cheol does anymore, why does So-hee exist? Realistically speaking, is it even possible for her to exist if everything in "W" takes place from Cheol's vantage point?

full review: http://www.hancinema.net/hancinema-s-drama-review-w-episode-8-97820.html


W-Two Worlds Episode 8


In the last episode Yeon joo told Chul, she came back because he missed her but nothing of that sort happened this time…that’s not important for now we have major heartbreaking going on.

The happy and lovey dovey moments and imaginations come to an end when the faceless killer shows up and threats to kill Yeon joo. She thinks she’s invincible, remember she got shot and nothing happened, but this theory goes wrong when she bleeds after getting a minor cut. She’s become a main character of the story and so can die.

full review: https://mynewpersona.wordpress.com/2016/08/18/w-two-worlds-episode-8/


W Two Worlds - Episode 8 Recap [SPOILERS]

FINALLY THE LONG AWAITED EPISODE darn it for being cancelled last week~ I CAN’T WAIT LET’S GOOOOOO WHAT HAPPENED LAST EPISODE AGAIN I DON’T EVEN REMEMBER oh right there was the creepy assassin’s creed guy with the hood



NO seriously literally who is he he’s so stealth even the author of W doesn’t know who he is


there is LEGIT NO CHILL IN THIS DRAMA Kang Chul please keep her safe (but wait if you’re gonna put a bullet in her head… isn’t it not going to work… last time Kang Chul shot her she was fine??? i guess we’ll see)

so we now see that he’s asking her when the words “End” changed to “To be continued” which meANS ITS NOT BASED ON HIM BUT HTE CREEPY DUDE IS THE ONE THAT CAN CONTROL THIS I’M GUESSING OH BOY

full recap: http://kdrama-hoe.tumblr.com/post/149109372742/w-two-worlds-episode-8-recap-spoilers


W – Two Worlds Episode 8: It’s Time For A Reboot


full impression post: http://couch-kimchi.com/2016/08/18/w-two-worlds-episode-8-its-time-for-a-reboot/

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W' Han Hyo-joo is summoned to web-toon, Lee Jong-suk does not remember her






On the episode 9 of MBC's Wednesday & Thursday drama, "W", all of Kang Cheol (Lee Jong-suk)'s memories were reset.

Kang Cheol made a difficult decision to let go of Oh Yeon-joo (Han Hyo-joo) after he realized the criminal man started targeting her after she became the protagonist of the web-toon and his close friend, Yoon So-hee (Eugene Jung) – former female lead of the web-toon – was about to be forced to disappear.

Kang Cheol asked Oh Yeon-joo, "If you leave here, make the two months we've been together to be what had happened in my dream. And draw a scene in which I wake up from dreaming". Oh Yeon-joo did what Kang Cheol asked her to do and Kang Cheol woke up from the dream.

The criminal man disappeared from the real world and all of the original characters of the web-toon did not disappear.

However, Oh Yeon-joo, who went to back to the real world was summoned back to the web-toon world. She appeared in Kang Cheol's hospital room and looked at him asleep sadly with tears in her eyes. When she reached out her hands, she came back to the real world as she heard someone knocking on the door.

Later, it was revealed Oh Yeon-joo went back and forth between the two worlds several times when she narrated, "It's probably because I remained in Kang Cheol's subconscious memory. After the first revisit, I could see Kang Cheol a few more times but only briefly".

The third time she met Kang Cheol was two months later. This time, Oh Yeon-joo and Kang Cheol faced each other. However, Kang Cheol could not recognize Oh Yeon-joo.



My heart breaks for her...so sad...

W' Han Hyo-joo appreciates her fans for support






"W" Han Hyo-joo expressed her appreciation towards her fans.

Han Hyo-joo's agency BH Entertainment posted on their official Instagram on August 18th, "Thank you fans for your support. Thank you truly" along with a photo of Han Hyo-joo.

In the revealed photo, Han Hyo-joo makes a big heart with her arms while her two hands show victory signs for her fans.

MBC's fantasy romance drama, "W" starring Han Hyo-joo airs at 10 PM every Wednesday and Thursday.

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