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[Drama 2016] W-Two Worlds 더블유


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1 hour ago, Love1403 said:

Just some theories of mine:

- Could Yeon Joo's dad have wanted Kang Chul dead ever since when his family was murdered? Because remember he was supposed to get death sentence. But what if the Webtoon already wrote it own story then and the final verdict by Supreme Court acquitted him, hence he lived despite his creator wanted him dead? 

- Another moment Yeon Joo's dad wanted KC dead seems to be at the Han River. But Kang Chul's willpower or another 3rd invisible hand was at play and changed the story, KC lived. 

It's mention Yeon Joo can draw just like her father. I think what if Kang Chul was created by Yeon Joo when she was young. Or that dad took her's ideal type and shaped/made Kang Chul character, hence she's his real creator and hold a key to his life?

- About the black hooded figure, what if there's a dobbelganger of Kang Chul out there, like his twins or something who does evil and took the story writing it on his own (murdering Kang Chul's family). And SM has met this KC dobbelganger and mistaken for KC, hence he was scared and wanted to kill of KC to end the story. Bc he's scared of the black hooded figure (who maybe could cross to the real world and be a treat to SM)?

- Could the black hooded figure be Kang Chul other personality, having double personality he just doesn't know of? Hence YJ dad is so terrified of him, bc her dad witnessed it? Maybe he wrote him to have dobbel personality, but then the story just wrote on its own and he was terrified?

right now I just think of either dobbelganger or split personality of Kang Chul, which could make sense since the tittle for this drama W, read as "Double U/You" in Korean. 

Anyways whatever the unresolved plot is, the writer is seriously doing a good job at making us curious and make our brain thinking. There's so many possibilities with this drama, and I'm hella excited for the ride with W.



I remember seeing a stillshot of Yeon Joo in her younger days. She and Kang Chul probably formed a connection in the past. You could be right that she might have created him in past. Or she might have entered the world of Kang chul in the past but she doesn't remember? Haha! Let's keep the theories coming. :lol:

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7 minutes ago, usagi1997 said:

I rather think he is the hooded guy. He probably made kind of evil pact with someone. His old works failed and then he just came up with a big hit who was above his limits. Probably 10 years was a time limit until his works will start getting real and killing off the main character will end this kind of spook? At least her dad knows exactly this other world exists and how to mend the story. Of course he doesn't want his daughter to find out.

Evil pact ??? Have no idea about that , but yes , there is someone else who is controlling all this , changing and intertwining Kang Chul and Yeon Joo's fate. Maybe that someone is hidden in plain sight ?? How about Soo Bong. I mean he has been with Dad for a long time , maybe if not the actual master but he can be a grey shaded character. Who knows ?? The plot is filled with secrets and is forcing us all to think. And I am loving every second of it..

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1 hour ago, VIPgurl97 said:

Can anyone explain why YJ's dad always looks so angry (or stressed, idk)?

and in ep 2, what did YJ do in particular that she was able to get to W's world? I watched the ep but couldn't get it. It just randomly happened?


I think it was after she called her dad a murderer over the phone.

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that is why I really love the writer..she surely knows how to play the minds of the audience...to make us feel that we're really part of it..she's stimulating our ideas to come up with different theories of what might gonna happen next :D 


Yeon Joo's gateway to get back to her real world :P 

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Omg @ this drama <3 . I just saw an article about UF and W at the main page this morning and decided to watch it due to the comments saying this drama is different  (having no idea idea what it was all about). Now im hooked :D Totally loved it.

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8 hours ago, julie721 said:

First time posting here...

i just wanna say, whoooooaaaa what a fun drama. I seriously don't have much expectation watching this. I was anticipating the other drama before, but it's kinda let down for me. And when I give this one a chance I only see it because of LJS and HHJ. I didn't know the premise, didn't even know the writer is from NINE and QIH... But W has gripped me from the very get go...

so, yeah I'll be camping in this thread and spazz here... 


glad that you fell in love with the drama like us and that you joined us here, let's have a great time sharing our love for this great drama all of us here!!

8 hours ago, LyraYoo said:

Pardon me with the math number obsession of some sorts . This is Nine writer anyway.

I presume 10 is Kang Chul's key to karma. I don't know. Something happens between the '10's of events in his life. (Though in Nine, the number game SJJ did was not to hint the story but relfected it to viewers who understood how the numbers in the incense works with the elements of the show. This could happen in 'W')

Someone mentioned KC is 19 when his family was massacred. That was menboong really because in numerology 10 speaks a lot.

I didn't back read yet and maybe someone pointed this out but really i literally jumped into my seat when i searched the numerical equivalent of Potassium. Do the math.


  Hide contents



8+2+0 = 10







the dumb person in math that is me is impressed by your logic!! it can be meaningful though I still don't know how!!

7 hours ago, VIP_Cake said:

There's only 2 episodes so far and I'm already in love with this drama...

It's so refreshing and unique! It's different from the other drama that I've watched and I really love the unique concept!

I'm so happy that the ratings increased and that so many people are also loving it!! :D

The ratings will definately continue to increase! I'm very positive that it will!! :D


Yeon Joo's father said that Kang Chul is a monster that should've been killed ages ago. I wonder why Yeon Joo's father thinks that Kang Chul is the monster and how is he a monster... What did Kang Chul do to Yeon Joo's father to the point where he wants to kill him?...

Yeon Joo's father looks like the bad guy right now but what if Kang Chul is the actual bad guy?....

I also have a feeling that Yoon So Hee might be involved in a love triangle... the readers were shipping Kang Chul with So Hee in the webtoon so maybe there might be a love triangle???

It's also amazing that Kang Chul is now able to change the story with his own will!! This means Yeon Joo's father won't be able to control the story or kill Kang Chul... Kang Chul also has the ability to stop time??? I wonder what other abilities he's going to have. Maybe the ability to allow Yeon Joo to travel to his dimension anytime? or him travelling to the other dimension at will? It would be cool if he does have those abilities lol

And now we have to wait for another week.... ;-;


I'm sure that Yeon Joo's father's fear from Kang Cheol and calling him a monster has nothing to do with Kang Cheol being realy a bad person but it's because of a misunderstanding or fear of Kang Cheol being a real person would which can put him in danger somehow since he can't really controle him as he wish so he can go after him since he's the creator of his shattered life or because he can reveil a secret that shouldn't be reveiled but sure thing not because Kang Cheol is bad in any way!!

yes, Soo he will be part of the love triangle since she was the 1st lead in the manhwa who will turne into 2nd lead after Yeon Joo entered the story!! I can see Yeon Joo fighting for her love to Kang Cheol against a fictionel character that her father criated!! :lol:and when Soo Hee will learn of all this she'll be like "I'm the main lead of the manhwa why are you even here?" :lol:

we still don't know if it's Kang Cheol's will to live is what stoped the time or if there is another person/thing that helped him and stoped Yeon Joo's father from killing him but for me I believe that there is another person/thing that is behind it specially that we aw it twice how Yeon Joo's father screen started creating it's own story by itself and one of them took place when Kang Cheol wasn't even aware that he was in life threatening danger!!

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8 hours ago, Rania Zeid said:

WELCOME to  ALL the New  W's Fans here in thread, hopefully we will have a great journey together 



W-Two Worlds | Leejongsuk & Hanhyojoo

CR: Beab



like you I want to say WELCOME TO ALL THE NEW MEMBERS HERE and lets have a great fun sharing our love for this awesome drama! :D 

something crazy crossed my mind when I saw the gif or Kang Cheol preparing his gun to soot!! it was like you was "don't even think of looking away from this drama or else!!" hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that was crazy!! :lol:

but how furiously charming he was in that scene!!! :wub:

7 hours ago, Itenoria said:

Wow! Episode 2 is even better than episode 1. How's that possible? How have I existed in this year without W in my life. Hahahaha. I love it. I adore it. I'm so willing to give away everything because of it. It's just that good. All the actors are daebak. The scripting is daebak. The directing is daebak. Everything is daebak. And that scene with Seong Moo saying that he wants to destroy his creation before it reaches out to consume him is just terrifying and amazing and real because the guy really is terrified. If characters are reaching out to yank people into the alternate world, then which world is real and which world is imagined? And even better, what if both their worlds are imagined and there's someone else who's manipulating everything (other that the actual writer of course. Hehehe). God, I love love this drama.

Also, hehehehe. Someone please tell me that this is the only way Yeon Joo can return to her world because I'm all up for a ton of smexy kisses (it's Lee Jong Suk. By the time he stops being shocked, those kisses will be steamy :wub:), all for our dear doctor to return to her world. 



hhhhhhhhhhhh don't think so!! :lol: a kiss can't be a cliffhanger if it's used many times!! but she can try it we will welcome it everytime!!! :wub:

7 hours ago, uknowahah said:

“W” And “Uncontrollably Fond” Compete For Ratings



Hospital scene BTS with chinese sub

That's hilarious! Tae Wan was saying it's hot, then HHJ told him that he should strip.
HHJ then said she don't used to make jokes like this. LJS remarked that she has reached that age (to make this kind of joke). LOL

cr: LJS Baidu


thank you for the yt video and the translation that was funny!! :lol:

7 hours ago, shanzay01 said:

Was away on vacation and damn this thread is moving way too fast, my poor soul unable to do all back reading :( and duh i missed lot na i missed presscon and first 2 epis errr ... but i keep an eye on news related W and to be very honest i was too disappointed by first epi rating chincha this show deserve more and was so mad but after seeing 2nd epi rating now i am little relax as it showing improvement and i have faith with coming epi its will improve more and will be slot leader... so cheers Worldies increase rating is positive sign we will be slot leader soon...

Oka now me going to get my self lost in  W, to marathon back to back two epi than will back :)



welcome back :) and though the rating isn't as the drama diserves I'm sure it will keep on increasing more and more with every new episode!! :D

all I'm going to tell you is to not forget breathing while watching!! it was THAT GOOD!! :heart:

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OMG!!! If 1st episode was gud, then 2nd episode was even better..

I am officially a fan of W and I want it to stay tis gud throughout..

This show gives me goosebumps every time I see a heart stopping, near to death Kang chul scene and God that 'Who are you' and that scared luk of heroine's dad

Can't wait for 3rd episode.Now, I am regretting to watch it simultaneously instead of waiting for whole series to complete

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3 hours ago, sakura2016 said:


could it be? but he said that he should have ended back then in the bridge!! and now we see that even though he starts drawing either a new draw comes from no where or it changes by itself and then he couldn't even draw anything on the screen he's using which means he can't even controle the surrounding of Kang Cheol like you said!! but yes there i something fishy about him always drawing by himself in the dark!! is it because he knows that he's screen is more than everybody else things of it?


My Guess - the Moment someone (his Daughter) is inside W World he can not draw anything. I would like to know if there was a time he draw the Figures - but right now for me it feels like he can´t draw living Persons. That could explain why the Muder is just a hooded Person - no fingerprints or anything - just a Person without a Face - and when the Car nearly hit KC there was no Person on the Wheel. Somehow he can lead Persons with a Telefoncall... but he could not draw the Nurse to do it - he only could give her the Poisen and order her to do it.

And as we know - KC without knowing takes more and more control. I wonder if Sung Moo could not draw anything in the last Scene because KC changed to the real World.

Right - the Bridge Scene seems to be a Key Scene. But I can only make wild guesses about it.

Maybe he was always alone in the Room because the Persone where createt on its own on the Screen and the Team would have notice than that it was not SM who draws them - but he too works only on the Background and Clothes - and something like that.


I have another question for myself - there was never a Loveline in the Story. Maybe it´s just because a Man don´t like that as we do - but So Hee was already there to get a bit hotter. So - can it be that Sung Moo never wanted KC to feel real Love. Can it be that this is the Key for him to become real. Something like this. So - the Women he will fall for - is the Key to his Life.


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I just watched the BTS and translated them based on the chinese subtitles (Please pardon my amateur translation). Sukkie is so flustered and funny haha! ^^ Seeing how this noona-dongsaeng get along so well off-screen with their friendly banter, it's no wonder our 'W' couple has great on-screen chemistry!!

Cr: Baidu Lee Jong Suk Bar


Director: Ready... Action!

HHJ: (Reciting a line) Now that your doctor in charge is here, I should get going.

Director: CUT! Okay!

Director/Some other staff: Cut okay. Wah very good!

LJS: Keep it up ~~

(LJS turns on portable fan for LTW)

LTW: Ooo this is really cooling!

HHJ: (To LTW) Very tired?

LTW: Yea… It’s too hot..

HHJ: (To LTW) Then take it off bah

LJS: Yea take off       

(LTW all flustered and laughing awkwardly hehehe)

LJS: Take it off~!

HHJ: Aye why have I become like this? (I) don’t make such jokes

LJS: (You’ve) reached that age. (T/N: Naughty sukkie poking fun of noona’s age again!)

HHJ: So sad! Just felt a little sad..


HHJ: (To LTW) You can take off one piece of clothing if you still feel hot

LJS: Yea that’s right (LJS smiles and HHJ laughs at LTW)

LTW: Ah so cold…

Words on the screen: Last piece of T-shirt k

LTW: Hahaha where did that gust of wind came from?


Director: Action!

HHJ: (Reciting the same line) Now that your doctor in charge is here, I should get going.

Director: You can’t see the numbers on the heart rate monitor screen

(LJS immediately reaches for the device and put it on his finger)

LJS: Because I took it off ah~

HHJ: (Faces LJS and the flatline on the monitor) He’s dead… Kang Chul..

HHJ: (Faces the screen/audience) The TV series has ended.. (Thank you for watching it during its run.. thank you..)

Staff: It would be better if you could sit up a little more.

(LJS sits up, reach and held HHJ’s wrist)

Director: Heart rate has crossed the hundred mark k

(LJS turns around and HHJ bursts out laughing. EVERYBODY JUST EXPLODES IN LAUGHTER HAHAHA!)

HHJ: (Tap LJS’ shoulder) Don’t get so excited!

(Shy Sukkie is so flustered he started fanning himself hahahaha!)

LJS: Ahhh no! (Continues laughing in embarrassment) Hey!

(HHJ still laughing at his cuteness of course hahahaha)

LJS: Let me cool down a bit. My face turns hot all of a sudden.

LJS: (Starts fanning himself) Aye why are you all like this?

HHJ: Ah so funny! (HHJ still laughing)

LJS: Can’t we just use CG to do this?

(Everybody laughs at his suggestion to deflect his state of embarrassment.)


Words on the screen: And this is how the actors’ heart rate tests begin!

(HHJ tracking her heart beat rate on the monitor)

HHJ: So those (readings) are mine?

HHJ: Ah pretty normal! Perfect heart beat rate.

(LTW’s turn to track his heart beat rate)

Everyone: Ah very healthy~~

(LTW’s heart rate reading started flashing)

LJS: (To LTW) Heart has stop beating!

LTW: So scary… Did it for nothing (Words on the screen: Gullible)


LJS: (Reciting a line) Right? Oh Yeon Joo?

Director: CUT! Okay!

(Flung the blanket and got out of bed)

LJS: (Smiles) It’s a very tense moment. It’s really a very tense moment.

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Omgg I have been in hiatus for a long time since I become silent reader and today it's about time I need to join all of you again to become fangirl for this drama... I just watching W since my country is delay 1 day premier for both episode which I can record it, and I never imagine this drama W was so good I need to give a credit to everyone that involve from the writer to production crew and also all the actors/actresses.  The storyline and directing was in line it seem it give you more and more and make you become addicted to this drama. I have been LJS fans since school 2013 and his acting in every drama was convincing and such an amazing actor at young age.  For Han hyo joo I only know her from dong yi and I love her character in this W drama (even though some of them say she overacting with her character) but for me that is the attitude you need to show when you meet your fav. Manga character in real life it's not the same like you meet your kpop idol because they are real person and some more Kang chul was seriously handsome and sexy as hell hahaha :w00t: ... This is my choice of best drama for  2016 (my previous choice was dots but W win it now) :wub: eventho just 2 episode but I already addict to drama and the character and I surely trust that the rating will go up with the upcoming episode on ..one more I really love  that intense music background sound it  make me feel nervous n goosebumps every time i hear it especially at end of each episode. Arghh I cannot wait anymore for another a week for W. I do wish they have publish the real manga /manhwa so I can read it.

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Han Hyojoo is a hoot to watch I tell ya:D That slap/kiss she gave Kang Chul was done out of desperation but it was SO FUNNY:w00t: Poor Kang Chul......:unsure: I thought it (the scene) reminded me a lot of Thai Lakorns LoL!:P Oh boy now Yeonjoo's Dad's webtoon has taken a life of its own, the ending scene was so cool, the special effects and stop motion what-have-you were v. matrix-like. It was just awesome. And of course good thing Kang Chul survived:sweatingbullets: Can't help but notice that Lee Jongsuk has such beautiful Cupid's Bow shaped lips eheheh:P

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