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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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2 hours ago, Bambiina said:

RAON ah,


I am so sad reading some of the accusation thrown to you. Especially the noble idiot term they called you.  I am one of those that can just drop a drama with a mere hint of noble idiocy in the plot.


Noble idiot – is when there is a way out but choose the stupid ones. Like you love this one guy and he loves you too but you are not his first love, His former ex is his first love til-death-do-us part kind of love. His ex left him and surprised surprised – she has leukemia. After treatment she wants him back and you let him go – THAT IS A NOBLE IDIOT.  


I’m sure you realize too that CP would not fall for your stunt, that pathetic attempt with the cute dagger just too fake. But with it you are telling CP that you are being serious about leaving. You want him to move on. If you did not make it clear to him that you are being serious to the extends of hurting him, he will do anything to chase you around the globe and if he can’t find you he will not be in peace with himself.


But by showing how serious you are about breaking up, he will see it. He may be hurt at first but he won’t be chasing you anymore. He has too much pride. I am sure you know him well, since you dressed him up – only some close to him able to do that.


I know from your point of view, the situation look bleak..  frankly speaking I too think that it is almost impossible for you to ever become CP wife without sacrificing CP status. CP will be accused of planning treason to topple his father (though I could not understand how someone so weak can be a king and no wonder the state is in chaos, no wonder the ministers are corrupt. He is not just weak but stupid too).


 You are not being a noble idiot, you are being practical and when CP broke that bracelet, you know he finally give up. He is a man, he has his pride too, I don’t blame him…


Both of you are caught in a situation which cannot be avoided unless CP leave everything behind and just elope .. there are certain things in life you can’t choose, your parents and your family. It’s call fate.


You are the daughter of a traitor that want to kill off the king .. (STUPID KING KILL HIM OFF PLEASE).


RO – I understand you…




For those that keep on wanting RO to be all spunky … Aishhh .. she was spunky in every episode (at least up till 12) of course she has to tone down her craziness abit, especially when she is with CP but just look how crazy she is with the two trainee eunuch. Look at her behavior around everyone else (of course don’t compare when she is with CP)… look at her and Kim Hyung. She is still the crazy and spunky SN .. and sometimes when she is alone with CP she is the spunky RO, except of course toward the ending she became more serious .. OMG – how can she be all bubbly when the situation don’t allow her to be that.


She is about to leave the love of her life.. she has to choose between her mom and the lover of her life.. how can she be bubbly. Of course everyone miss the spunky RO, who don’t but for the story to progress RO changes is in evitable .. her role is already map out right from the start. She is not someone that is good with sword..  or someone that can fight. Of course toward the ending her role will not be involved in all the fighting. What more with her status as the traitor’s daughter. I don’t see RO character can be written differently…


Why not share what do you think RO should do. What should PD do to make her character be spunky like the earlier episode. Do we want just very light heart rom com – no politic .. no drama? I believe people will start complaining that the plot is not moving and boring (I saw such comment before).


PD has stretch the story as far as he can, he postpone wedding (Eliminate the wedding entirely),  He kept the politic till the last 4 episodes ..


I am not sure how else he could present MDBC … he has the webtoon to consider, the history, viewer demand to not let the OTP be apart and at the same time there are people complaining the plot not moving only RO and CP …


No matter what the other say – to me PD and the team did great. One amazing ride (it’s to early to crown my top most fav drama since we don’t know the ending – My definition of Best Drama is when I have my happy ending :D )


Why not we take a look for the past 8 weeks, how much we have been entertained .. we squealed, we laugh we cried together … Lets not forget the wonderful ride we have been enjoying ..


I am so happy that MDBC has exceeded my expectation. PBG , KYJ, JY and Kim Hyung … they did a great job .. everyone ..


MDBC Hwaiting !!!


@Bambiina  100% AGREE WITH YOU !!! 



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1 hour ago, Mepuppy said:

@mujay I can safely assure you that CP and RO HAVE NOT had their first night yet!

My byontae radar is super sensitive... I can pick up even a whiff of lust from outer space so trust me when I tell you, these two are as pure as diamond or some say, extra virgin olive oil. 

Nobody will look at someone with so much lust if they had slept together. What you cannot have, you crave even more. Those 2 are like elementary school kids. MY GOODNESS!!! So much staring, giggling, smiling, hands-holding and talking!!! Nothing more, nothing less!  It is so frustrating that i want to scratch the walls! They do not seem to have any knowledge of the birds and the bees. Maybe its not them, maybe its PD nim who is clueless!

A sex education class must be conducted for CP and PD nim! Members of MDBC Byontae club will see that the latest syllabus is updated!


:blush:That's what i think too @Mepuppy . but i was read at another post, some of us believe they already share intimate night , when i am not wrong this teory came from streotype post , she assume they did after raining scene, and the morning after RA ON looks tired sleeping in library, with sweet smiling dream  :glasses:...

And after jillia post this argument quite realistic to axcepted,...ha...ha..ha..

But like you says, event the sexsual tension betwen them is strong, l still belief   they are pure like extra virgin olive oil....lol 

:grin:Can wait what ending pdnim have to conclose YongON hot cheimistry...

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1 hour ago, NRGchick said:

Sorry for the re quote but I found some of your comments interesting. 

PS. Da San sonsaengnim - ODI-YA? Where has he disappeared to? 

Thanks for the replies!  Finished watching ep 16 and I think Kim Hyung finally do what (he thinks) the best to rescue all parties involved ( Ra On, CP, HGN) at the moment :) I'm sure he also finally know which side that he will choose. I think Teacher Dasan  will appeared in last two episodes as ultimate adviser to OTP on how they could continue their life after all of these crazy events.

I'm really satisfied with almost everything on ep 16 , esp. the cliffhanger  ending and FINALLY STARING CONTEST IS BACK! I even chuckled when CP said "I imagine" after the staring contest ended briefly because that exactly what I'm doing :flushed: 

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Sigh...I'm always playing catch up but it's good that we still have so many things to spazz about! :wub:

If anyone has shared this or thought of this, forgive me if it was a repeated thought. 

Dramabeans has been my go-to blog on kdramas for many years. Up-to-date and well written by javabeans, girlfriday (Korean-Americans who write with much wit and humor!) and they have a team of recappers now. It's great for English speakers like me. Thanks to @Grace1003 for sharing javebeans' recaps here often.

Anyway, I digress. As I was wallowing in denial after Ep16, reading the recap and scrolling down the comments, I came upon this...

"Ok, after watching this episode, I just remember the prophecy about the crown prince that he may be timid but he is in fact courageous and that he will die young. That scene showed CP and YS clothes but they did not show the child Byung Hun's clothes. Did the fortune teller have mistakenly thought that the child Byung Hun was the CP? Oh, this is just a speculatiom because I think one of the three will really die but I hope I am wrong." Credit to commentator Kaye at Dramabeans.

Ahhhhhhh...what if, what if...that's true. Ugh. We need our expert panel @stroppyse , @Jillia, @lovehbhjw2013, etc. and many more! 

Share some thoughts? 

A shoutout to @parmma thank you for all the lovely visuals :wub:

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12 hours ago, Mico Ricco said:


the crown princess is no match against the powerful evil queen :(

For the wicketness & evilness yes true the one that can match with the Queen is her own father (eventhough I dunno if she's KH real daughter considering that she was once a gisaeng) As for HY I always look her in the gray line I can't categorized her as protagonist or antagonist. She's selfish but yet she's never purposely harm others, she's just being too obsesive with her own imagination. If for the last 2 ep they decide to bring her character more impactful then at the end it will determine her character category.  

As for the household palace issue Queen have different level because HY until now (I dunno if they decide to go on with the wedding later) is still consider only as a crown princess candidate because she's havent officialy married to CP so her figure in the palace not as important as the Queen. Maybe because from the first episode until now I still saw it as a battle between Queen & CP that's why I never compare HY & the Queen chingu :D

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12 hours ago, lovehbhjw2013 said:


In history, CP(posthumus King Munjo) married a Queen SinJeong (from the Zhao clan to increase his power) but when she was 11.....so not sure if Ep 17/18 wants to follow history at this rate they are going since RO/LY's love is supposed to take the limelight....not so much history.

Seonsaeng-nim jal jinaesseoyo? Mian I just have time to sneak now. Aigoo I really don't hope for them to force the wedding to happen in the last 2 ep because even without the wedding itself there're many issue to be settle in the drama here. And they already confirm no extension for MDBC so I'm affraid that will affect to the pace of the plot itself. It will be rushing to settle everything in 2 ep. Especially if it will make the result in the end as an open ending, I'm definitely will be disapointed. 

Oh btw about HGN character here, how about in the novel seonsaeng-nim? I mean is it in the novel HGN is also still alive like in the drama? can we take it as a hints that his comeback in the drama as another way to settle everything without the wedding issue? 

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