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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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Last night though I felt heart broken at ly and raon scenes but I felt hopeful at by and ys scenes. They provided the bit of hope in the episode with their rescues. Hgy appearing was also a big thing. I hope the truth will prevail. Seriously even if they deviate abit from history, I wont mind since they already said its a fusion sageuk and the prince was supposedly fictional as well though modelled after a historical figure but they changed some parts. They wanted to even change his name but didnt. i cant wait for next three episodes and I will watch it all over again!

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43 minutes ago, mangachickava said:


hmmm not yet...I wonder if after CP left, RO began collecting the beads? the bracelet might return :huh:

It will and it should..Why on earth introduce a significant,symbolic ornament if it's not meant to be,right?

I am sure the bracelets will reunite them again 

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8 minutes ago, tiendoank said:

no worries about the bracelet, my friends. yes.. CP's one had been broken and the beads might have gone with the wind. 



he still has Raon's bracelet, right?

When they get back together again, they can just share the beads from Raon's. I don't think CP would mind the pink color. I guess as long as they can still wear the couple bracelet, he would totally be okay with pink beads. hehhehe..



Oooooor... CP can just orderarrow-10x10.png one from J.Estina.. since Park Bogum is their model.

Raon will highly likely love waaaaay better than the pink bracelet. hihihihihi..


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You're welcome @nataliakay :wub: I totally understand your frustration. It happens a lot when you first watch the episode. I'm the same now (grrrr I just want to punch the guy who betrayed Eunuch Han, kidnapped (but failed) Ra On & hurt Byeong Yeon's little heart with his harsh words :angry::angry: - I'm watching the subs atm :P). I'm having chocolate crepe to cool me down XD Anytime you feel like needing a banana milkshake, let me know :w00t:

@cynkdf :wub: I'm watching subs! I've heard HCY singing Dururu -> I went 'Wooooo' :w00t::w00t:

6 hours ago, stroppyse said:


Given where things are, I am sooooo happy that they did not do the extension. I think they would have had to prolong this period of agony, and I think I would have entered the throwing things to vent stage which is not a very pretty state. Right now, I'm a mix of hope, fear, and nervous tension. I don't know if I would have survived multiple weeks more of Yeong's and RO's tears, though. 

Sorry that I cut your post. Just wanna agree with you on this @stroppyse :tears::tears: I'm happy to have MDBC for another week, but I don't like the idea of prolonging the angst urg TT^TT *somehow reminds me of daily drama/long series where they erm mentally torture each other until the last eps TT^TT* 


4 hours ago, xXMzSmilesXx said:

Oh wells it's just a bracelet, many more can be made to replace it! 

Sorry to cut your post! Just find this fun! You're so cool aha :P 

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I think I knew why the rating went down. Half of the nation was more busy waiting for Bogummie's ost to be released.. and then later they spent the entire night abusing the replay button and kept listening to it. That's why the drama rating went down but Bogum surprisingly got an ALL KILL for his 1st OST. ~Tiendoank's logic~

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12 minutes ago, panda08 said:

It will and it should..Why on earth introduce a significant,symbolic ornament if it's not meant to be,right?

I am sure the bracelets will reunite them again 



you know it is even now more symbolic if RO has CP's bracelet and CO has RO's bracelet right?


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2 minutes ago, tiendoank said:

I think I knew why the rating went down. Half of the nation was more busy waiting for Bogummie's ost to be released.. and then later they spent the entire night abusing the replay button and kept listening to it. That's why the drama rating went down but Bogum surprisingly got an ALL KILL for his 1st OST. ~Tiendoank's logic~

Your logic tops all else!!! I have abused the replay button while at work. 

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@uripuppies Annyeong chingu!  Thank you for your insights.  Hopefully, Daddy Rebel's presence helps in uncovering the truth.  I can't help but be worried since the Kim clan is still in power.  They can turn the tables with just one snap from Elder Kim.  I was thinking, what if the White Cloud swears alliance with the Lee family in order to overthrow the Kims?  But then, with the King going ballistic in the preview, I doubt he would still believe whatever Daddy Rebel confesses.  I'll keep my fingers (and toes) crossed though.  Daddy Rebel is our only hope.  :fearful:


Aaaaahhhh...  Spent the entire morning listening to PBG's song.  OH THE FEELS!  Like it's straight from our Seja Jeoha's heart.  You can imagine an entire scene while listening to it.  And the falsetto...  it's giving me GOOSEBUMPS, for crying out loud!  Oh my, Bo Gum...  I'm really happy your dreams are finally coming true.  It's definitely your time to shine.

And for the record, I will have a hard time dissociating you from Seja Jeoha after this drama.  It's like you were born to play this role.  Whatever role you play in the future, I will always see you as that handsome man in a royal blue garb in all his glory (...and dancing to "Boombastic" with the eunuchs! ;)).


Okay, time to backread.  Weeeeeeeeee!  :)

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5 minutes ago, tiendoank said:

I think I knew why the rating went down. Half of the nation was more busy waiting for Bogummie's ost to be released.. and then later they spent the entire night abusing the replay button and kept listening to it. That's why the drama rating went down but Bogum surprisingly got an ALL KILL for his 1st OST. ~Tiendoank's logic~


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Good morning Moonlighters! 

Went to sleep with PBG's voice lulling me to dreamland. Even if the lyrics are sad. But I could only flashback to all the happy memories they had. 

Ratings - overall all the drama ratings went down so the baseball had that big an impact?

I think I will be watching Ep 15 with my tissues ready after work today. I now feel the need to watch the wedding scene but not sure if I can stand the bracelet scene. :tears:

Thank you all for the different perspectives you have of all the characters.

I am glad YS and BY got more screentime in last night's episode too. 

So my next pressing question would be : What will YS do with that baby? He can't hide the princess forever and the Queen needs to be alive for evidence that she swapped the baby (which would mean either exile or death? Not sure how things work in Joseon times)

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1 hour ago, underthemoon0616 said:



Have anyone have same feeling like me, predict that the rating for last night episode must be lower than ep 14? When the story is just like going to circle, it makes me bore. Sometimes I click to another page when streaming last night,

I realize that Yeong has no power in royal court, because when he want to punish one of minister, the rest minister is backing up and threaten to resign. History told us that Yeong is dead, and probably the real novel write that Yeong will leave the palace, giving up his throne for Ra On (dunno, just guessing. Haven't read the novel) But the drama didn't show Yeong frustation because of his court problem. The drama only showed us the ministers united against Yeong. And that's it. It cut to another scene, not showing Yeong feeling.

We always see Yeong talk to Ra On about his problem, and have solution. Not because Ra On gave the solution, but the conversation itself inspire him. Like in yakgwa conversation. Talking with Ra On make him stronger, make him wiser. But now, when Ra On is not there, he clueless because he doesn't have someone to talk to. I'd like to see Yeong talk to Eunuch Jang and Byung Yung or Dasan teacher or even the king, but they don't give the back up like Ra On. Or maybe just a scene, when Yeong stuck to his problem and he remember how pleasant when Ra On beside him, accompany him facing the problem.

And on last meeting (before Yeong cut his bracelet) Yeong pleads Ra On to stay by his side. He doesn't care if Ra On is a name of rebel daughter, he only know that the girl in front of him is always beside him, only for him. 

Sorry for my long rant

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13 minutes ago, _Nachan07 said:


@cynkdf :wub: I'm watching subs! I've heard HCY singing Dururu -> I went 'Wooooo' :w00t::w00t:


@_Nachan07  Sorry to cut your post.  LMAO at this - I shall PM you to tell you why. Can't wait to hear the rest of his OST.

@stroppyse love your amazing insights (as well as your translations).  Yesterday, I posted your translation about that KBS article on my FB page and  the awesome fan who subs from Korean to English many of HCY's videos, especially the fancams)  says thanks and asked whether you are a blogger. Do you have a blog or plan to start one?. 

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"Moonlight Drawn by Clouds" comes in first despite drop



"Moonlight Drawn by Clouds" came in first despite the slight drop.

According to Nielsen Korea, the KBS 2TV drama "Moonlight Drawn by Clouds" rated 17.9%.

This is 0.8% lower than the previous episode but it still came in first out of all three dramas.

MBC "Woman with a Suitcase" rated 8.2% and came in second.

SBS "Scarlet Heart: Ryeo" rated 1.4% less than its previous episode.



Ratings all dropped slightly. I'm not sure why :mellow:. Wasn't there a baseball match yesterday? :P Oh well I still love MDBC as always~ :P 


 [/SPOILER/]"Moonlight Drawn by Clouds" Lee Yeong and Jo Ha Yeon's royal marriage




Lee Yeong eventually married Jo Ha Yeon and Hong Ra On's father Hong Kyeong Nae was alive.

On the fifteenth episode of the KBS 2TV drama "Moonlight Drawn by Clouds", Lee Yeong (Park Bo Geom) and Hong Ra-on (Kim Yoo Jeong) chose to break up with each other while hiding their true feelings.

Previously, they reunited after Lee Yeong told Ra On, "I'll never forgive you". Then Kim Heon (Cheon Ho Jin) disguised a letter to try and frame the prince as a traitor but Lee Yeong-knew this and ordered for the slanderers to be brought in.

However, Ra-on and Lee Yeong had to part once again for each others' sake. Lee Yeong was upset that Ra On was going through a difficult time because of him and Ra-on pushed him away by saying words she didn't mean, "Don't be worried about where I AM."

Ra-on was at risk of being caught by Kim Heon's men. Byeong Yeon (Kwak Dong Yeon) stopped them and found out that one of the men was Jang Ki Baek (Kim Cheol Ki) from the same gang he was from.

Lee Yeong was going to sentence Jang Ki Baek to death in front of Kim Eui Kyo (Park Cheol Min) and Kim Geun Gyo (Bang Joong Hyeon) but he'd already killed his own life. Lee Yeong was furious another witness had veen lost and Kim Heon set out to prove his innocence.

Ra-on was "Wanted" for raiding the palace and she decided to leave the imperial city. She was cold to Lee Yeong intentionally and Lee Yeong accepted it., knowing what she meant.

Then, he quickly got married to Ha Yeon (Chae Soo Bin). Also, Ra On's supposedly 'dead' father Hong Kyeong Nae, was alive.



Me: I feel so silly TT^TT The article is a spoiler article & the word <spoiler> is written next to it. And coincides with the spoiler function here & it spoilers the whole article >"< And I had no idea what's happening just kept editing:unsure:, took me 3 times editing to realise the <spoiler> word went missing <_<<_< And finally realised 'ohhhhhhhh spoiler function' <_< Me feel like Soompi illiterate :ph34r:

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