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[Drama 2016] Ms. Temper & Nam Jung Gi 욱씨남정기


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3 hours ago, anopinion said:


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NJG just confessed! Not to ODJ's face though. And 2nd ex is making a comeback for the last episode. I think we're going to see a love pentagon because 3rd ex is willing to give up Lovely to start over with ODJ too. But aren't they wrapping up the romance a little too quickly? This is all too sudden for me lol. I can't decide who to cast my vote for. I quite like the all the exes and our hero too... And somehow I feel that she's in love with all of them? :lol:

EDIT: I hope YJH gets paid per episode because this is a loooooooonnnnnng special appearance he's making here.


For me, the winner is WJ and ODJ love team :wub::D

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23 hours ago, Mico Ricco said:


i have found 2 different pairs of red shoes - see episodes 14 / 6.

l am wondering, are these the only ones or she has more collections of red shoes?



Thank you for the photos. I wonder about the significance of the red shoes. :mellow:

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In my opinion, although the romance has always been in the background in this drama, it was still always there, so I think it would be weird if they dropped it at the end and didn't have ODJ and NJG get together. I mean, compared to an ordinary romantic kdrama there wasn't much romance, but if you think about what this show would be like if there were no romance whatsoever, not even hints, it would be pretty different. I think this is just a more subtle and undramatic kind of romance than we usually see in kdramas.

I wasn't sure in the beginning whether I wanted our two leads to end up together or not, but ultimately I think they did show why NJG is a better match for ODJ than any of the exes, and that is because they share the same values and outlook on life. ODJ can't stand any cheating or underhanded methods in the workplace, but First Ex was fine with working under Kim Sangmu and didn't really understand why ODJ couldn't just play the game like everyone else. He supported her in the end, but I'm not sure he ever understood her. Second Ex is sweet and harmless, but he is kind of frivolous due to being spoiled and seems to live just for his own pleasure. And of course we know that Third Ex thinks money is the only important thing and is fine with harming others for his own advantage. It just seems that there is a significant disconnect between the things that the three of them care about in life and what ODJ cares about, and that difference is why none of the marriages worked. NJG is the one who is on the same page as her, partially because he learned from her as his boss, and partially because he already had idealistic tendencies, but had just suppressed them in order to get by.

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Lol I was right about NJG's Feelings for ODJ :blush::heart:
The long awaited confession, now to wait for hers for him :blush:
TeamLovely Fighting! Gold Chemicals is down and out now for HerEx to go down too! 
I wonder how Uri NWJ is going to take his fathers confession?

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‘욱씨남정기’, 러블리의 절박함이 돈의 힘 이길까 [종합]
'Ms. Temper & Nam Jung-gi', can Lovely win over the power of money? [Round-up]



1. [+1279, -33] How nice to see Lee Jung-jin again ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+1057, -24] It's very interesting ㅋㅋ please do another season.

3. [+856, -20] Ah ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Lee Jung-jin is freaking funny.

4. [+794, -33] At the crucial moment, the employees teamed up to help CEO Jo... He's a real leader.

5. [+665, -16] ㅠㅠㅠ Why was it so sad today? CEO Jo is pitiful.

Cr. OSEN, Naver
Source: http://entertain.naver.com/ranking/read?oid=109&aid=0003313307

Who's commenting?
StKyy8h.pngWin the ladies and you win the ratings. Congrats to the staff and cast on breaking 3!

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26 minutes ago, anopinion said:

Ms. Temper & Nam Jung-gi        3.191%


YESSS....this drama deserve more then 3.% actually...@anopinion, thank you for your hard work and update news...i watch without sub. honestly this drama need more then 16 eps,..the ending seem to rush and why all of suden all her exs.want  Da jung back, how about Nam kajang, i prefer.sweet.ending because Woo joo  need a mother...:sweatingbullets:

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31 minutes ago, mujay said:

YESSS....this drama deserve more then 3.% actually...@anopinion, thank you for your hard work and update news...i watch without sub. honestly this drama need more then 16 eps,..the ending seem to rush and why all of suden all her exs.want  Da jung back, how about Nam kajang, i prefer.sweet.ending because Woo joo  need a mother...:sweatingbullets:

You're welcome ;) I usually do this for dramas I really really like or for dramas my biases are starring in. I remember doing the same for some others too but then I'll disappear when I feel the drama has turned to s*h*i*t. Thank god Ms. Temper had good pacing, a good underlying theme (feminism) and two awesome protagonists (I'll admit I'm partial to Ms. Temper) or I wouldn't have stuck with it.

I don't know if we need an extension. I think they could have wrapped up this part a little quicker (LJS's plan went on for ages) and leave some time for the romance. Overall it's still a great watch though. Knetz are calling for a season 2, but sequels are almost never well done so I'm going to say nay to that as well.

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NJG already transformed into a brave hero and no longer bowing his head for LJS, the CEO. :)

And a timely love confession for ODJ to hear it.

ODJ in a bind now to choose from the four of them; strongest candidates are 1st ex and NJG.



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is the new investor 2nd ex? o.O

When Director Kim got fired from Gold, why Manager Yang also out from Lovely? Did he resign or get kicked out? 

I really hoped that problem caused by 3rd ex would be finished at ep 14, but it continues to ep 16 :(

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I think OJD is fascinated by NJG personality and the conversation between them when he gave her the cappuccino sums why she is...

It has been emphasized many times even until the 15 episode that she is slightly apart or alone even when she is with other other people... I think a nice ending scene would be if they showed her sharing a meal with the Nam family

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2 hours ago, mumble72 said:

I think OJD is fascinated by NJG personality and the conversation between them when he gave her the cappuccino sums why she is...

It has been emphasized many times even until the 15 episode that she is slightly apart or alone even when she is with other other people... I think a nice ending scene would be if they showed her sharing a meal with the Nam family

Finally, in the episode 15, she was sitting with the other workers, while they were planning the next moves. So far, she was only with them for the meetings (only work-related) and no conspiracy. She isn't excluded any longer.

What I really enjoyed were the two scenes:

- ODJ and NJG'c onversation with the cappucino

- NJG and Lee SJ in the end

I am wondering if Yang will decide to work for Lovely later, when the issue with LSJ is resolved.

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I've come to realise that ODJ's major flaw has not been her temper, but her selfishness. When she has never tried to defend others before, it was always about her pain, the suffering she had to go through. How shall I explain it? She was mad at her mother because the latter worked and left her alone. She felt abandoned and she had the impression that her mother loved her less than her workplace, where she was all the time. She resented her mother for not being by her husband's side, when he died. ODJ only came to realise that her mother had no ther choice and all that time, ODJ had never put herself in her mother's shoes. That's why I say, she was selfish or maybe better said, self-centered. And that's the reason why she was a fighter on her own. She was ambitious and wanted to have a great career but she always thought about her own career and it was her fight. Her philosophy was "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth" which reveals that it was always about her pain. That's why her first marriage suffered: her ex mistrusted her and she felt hurt (I can understand why), but like she said, she wanted to punish him all this time, well aware that her first ex-husband had tried so many times to redeem himself. Only in the episode 14, she realised that she had been harsh towards him and that he had been suffering all this time. She finally got to see his pain as well. 

Through NJG, she has learnt to see the pain and suffering from others, she has learnt to worry for others and to protect others. IT is not just about herself any more. LSJ has realised it too that ODJ has changed: her love for the company LOVELY and the workers in it are the reason why LSJ is trying to separate Lovely from ODJ. He knows that ODJ has allowed this company to enter her heart and that way NJG. We have witnessed how ODJ only cared about herself and her pain/damages (f. ex. the car). She knew, she would put NJG into a terrible situation, but she didn't care because it was her car that had been damaged. Now, it is different, she defended WJ, gave him food and advice, she has started worrying for the Nam family as well. NJG learnt from ODJ how to fight, not to accept the rules of the game, even if it is so unfair because ODJ has always been a great fighter. Her fight spirit is inspiring, but NJG's concern for others was inspiring for ODJ. LSJ has realised that if he has a chance, he needs to cut the ties between Lovely and ODJ... so that ODJ is no longer under NJG's influence.  

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Found the new channel of the uploader who did the previous MV. Sharing one for all NJG and ODJ shippers:

@bebebisous33 I don't think the car damage issue is a great example though. In the same situation, I would have done exactly what ODJ did. Get back that $4000. It's $4000! If someone did that to my car he's done for, no matter what sort of sticky situation he has to put himself through to get that money.

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1 hour ago, anopinion said:

Found the new channel of the uploader who did the previous MV. Sharing one for all NJG and ODJ shippers:@bebebisous33 I don't think the car damage issue is a great example though. In the same situation, I would have done exactly what ODJ did. Get back that $4000. It's $4000! If someone did that to my car he's done for, no matter what sort of sticky situation he has to put himself through to get that money.

Well, the thing is that she could have compromised which she didn't in the first place. Sure, money is money, yet it wasn't  NJG's fault too, so she didn't really care who was the real perpetrator. Compare her attitude to JMR, when the latter betrayed the company. She would have fired her, if she hadn't started changing.

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