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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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14 minutes ago, lovumuchhyekyo said:

I woke up this morning and had my early morning breakfast of reading  Soompie news and of course the statement of DOTS photographic director about the dating rumours caught my attention. I think there is no Korean staff that works behind the scenes who will admit that the actors/actress they are working with is probably dating. It will be a career suicide especially if the couples have not admitted to it.  In the same token, he probably became very close to the song couple that he is protecting them in some ways as it is big No! No! in Korea to date while shooting a drama. In fact this one was recently discussed  in one of the entertainment shows in Korea where the reporter stated that when a married actor is shooting a drama that involves a love interest, wives usually demand from their husband that no contact is made outside of the drama with any of the actress as they can sometimes not differentiate between reality and the drama that took place. Whether a married or single man is involve, it is the actress that would be widely criticize by Korean netizen which is not fair as it takes two to tango. This is the very reason I prefer that the Song couple date quietly as any media backlash of the dating will just go against my beloved Hye Kyo. I just have total admiration to Mr Kim Si Hyung for doing such a good job in terms of directing the photography of this drama and I realise that my admiration was well deserve as he shown me his total respect to  the privacy of the Song couple.

Furthermore, it does not make sense that during the KBS interview and HK Press Conference he address her as Hye Kyo. Both are public domain/platform. Are they doing it for publicity especially SJK? Do they need publicity in the middle of the success of the drama?  Would SJK risk a backlash of media date rumour with his choice of words that will likely hurt SHK??. I will leave the SJK fans to answer those questions. Something is fishy!! Hopefully, the BTS disclose/uncover/divulge something that will make us all happy.


Everything you just said is so on point!  think we, the real shippers, do just really want them to keep it private because there will be more issues to come if they go in public! Like for example, if they are not together in an event, people will ask if are they still together? Why is he/she not with him/her? You know, things like that. Haters will like look for any reasons to bash them and question them if they will go in public. And just like what you guys told, the backlash of everything will be mostly thrown to Hye Kyo :( 


Goodvibes all the way, fam!!! 


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Please back read :) We do not need to keep derailing the thread by rehashing topics that cause people to worry needlessly.

What I will revive, however,  is @ilovesjk's impressive timeline/compilation of strong circumstantial evidence indicating a possible secret relationship between the Songs, and that doesn't even include the latest favorable instances that have come to light since she made that post. I hope I'm not overdoing things by quoting her diligent work, but some ya'll need serious reminding of why our ship's solid :)

Credit to @ilovesjk, who posted the following on April 10th. I've added an edit to the timeline regarding Song Joong Ki's manner of addressing Song Hye Kyo in front of the Hong Kong media.



Now this isn't anything new or some secret stuff I managed to snag from an insider but are just an accumulation of events and popular topic of discussions we've had in this thread. I just wanted to gather all of them into one piece and stem my reasoning from there.

To begin, above all else, the thing that convinces me the most about them is how blatantly inconsistent they've been since the beginning until this very day. So this will be my main focus of this post.

Here's what I mean:

May 19, 2015: Articles of SHK's Elle Magazine interview were translated and in there she dishes on SJK, sharing that they first met during the set of TWTWB and coincidentally on several more counts at cafes and always greeted each other well. She also mentions she feels apologetic towards him that fresh out of military, he isn't being paired up with a pretty young actress but instead with her. At this I want to say they aren't complete strangers to one another but can't really say they're friends either, due to the gaps of familiarity her words conveyed.

May 30, 2015: SJK's photo was uploaded onto @chulhwa's Instagram and the first person to comment was SHK. To me, I guess this solidifies that they're friendly. They obviously have mutual friends and hang out at the same places.

October 2015: SJK is careful with his words when talking about SHK in his Elle Magazine interview. He was a little hesitant to say they are compatible, feeling he may be giving himself too much credit to dare say he's a good match with THE Song Hye Kyo. Like the respectful man he is, his comment here evidently shows respect towards a sunbaenim and a noona and someone of higher stature in the showbiz. Note, he does call her noona in this interview. But he also mentioned that the two are so close to the point of confusing the staff and even gaining an advice from Writer Kim telling him to date properly. I guess with this interview, we can take away that the two are close and enjoy working together.

September 28, 2015: The cast and crew jets off to Greece. Everyone was spotted upon arrival to the airport but SHK. A fan account revealed SJK and SHK were both spotted together by the boarding area. The most interesting part about this day was right before the airport, SJK was hanging out at studio concrete. It would be safe to assume the two were there together before heading to the airport.

January 24, 2016: The two bought a birthday cake to celebrate Private Puppy's birthday. This we just found out recently. So alright, they were still meeting up after filming wrapped up and even making decisions together. They are beyond close at this point because what colleagues do this anyway? At least they haven't done this with any of their previous ones.

Somewhere in between January 28, 2016 - February 20, 2016: The very famous and most talked about among shippers, the New York rendezvous! So the original post, which wasn't known to the public until later but it came from a friend of the foreign exchange student and it mentioned she spotted a handsome guy at the store which drew her attention to him. After taking a closer look, she realized it was SJK. He was holding the hand of a girl who was pretty much covered up but can clearly be seen to be SHK. If any of this holding hand is true then obviously they are dating now. I, for one, believe it's true, but let's say even if it's not true, we at least know they were in New York together, for something completely unrelated to work.

February 22, 2016: So despite not knowing about the New York sighting yet, what we got so far was that the two are pretty close. So of course this was the most anticipated press conference where we'd finally get to see them together and get a feel of their chemistry. But nope, the most anticipated press conference turned into the ultimate press conference of awkwardness real quick. This sent fans of the show in frenzied, worrying about their onscreen chemistry since the two are practically strangers in real life. At this point, I was questioning it too. But later realized that it was more suspicious than disappointing, especially from judging SJK, the mastermind of Public Relations. Why was he anything but that on this particular day? One important thing we got out of this was he addresses SHK as Song Hye Kyo-ssi and no longer noona as he did previously.

February 24, 2016: Come the big day and everyone was blown away! Yup blown away! They couldn't believe how much brewing chemistry these two had with the question of whether they were even acting up for debate.

March 16, 2016: Mid Press Conference. We didn't get to witness this but got a scope of it through articles and it seemed they were more relaxed. Still not relaxed enough to be considered "close" as they professed themselves, however. But SJK's lack of promotional tactics remained suspicious to me.

March 21, 2016: The two were swept up in dating rumors in which both agencies released official statements confirming their meet up in New York but only as close colleagues. This was the game changer! Their aloof behaviors at the press conference back fired on them, raising questions everywhere. If they were so close to even hang out half way around the world and are truly nothing but close colleagues, what was the distant behaviors all about? What were they trying to hide? The puzzle pieces were slowly coming together.

March 28, 2016: The two met up, accompanied by 2 alpha team members for dinner and late night tea. Said to have stayed at the restaurant until 3AM. Something is really fishy. This really backed up the New York meeting for me that it wasn't coincidental like their agencies have claimed but rather planned by both parties. Relating it back to their suspicious behaviors during the press conference, I was pretty much sold on the idea that these two are dating!

Somewhere in March: SHK's personal hair stylist was spotted on the set of SJK's LG Bamboo Salt cf shoot. Note, they did not share this stylist prior to DOTS otherwise SHK would have mentioned it as she continuously mentioned during TWTWB that her and JIS used to share the same makeup artist. The two have gotten close enough to even start sharing staffs.

March 30, 2016: SJK gave an on air interview on News9. Was asked about the rumors and didn't deny them. Instead he answered vaguely that the two discuss this matter over drinks and are enjoying it. So he basically confirmed that they meet up often and are pretty close. Again he continues to address SHK as Song Hye Kyo-ssi.

April 1, 2016: They co-hosted a congratulatory party. Really, mere colleagues do stuff like this? Since when? Expecting that since they already publicly declared their closeness and nothing should be suspected of the two, they'd have no problem being seen together but nope, not the case. Albeit from their continuous claims of being close colleagues to cover up their New York sighting and other outings, they went back to their aloof behaviors, going the extra mile to stay apart.

April 4, 2016: Their 007 airport mission took my suspicion to the next level. With SJK posing as a decoy to distract the attention only to allow SHK to get through without trouble, securely and comfortably abandoning his staffs and joining SHK and hers on the other side. Again, the sharing of staffs.

Upon arrival to Hong Kong the two were spotted walking side by side until they spotted paparazzi in which SHK obviously sprinted ahead of SJK, and her manager proceeding to walk between them. But if the two are close, there wouldn't be a problem walking side by side. So why the need to be so cautious?

Later during dinner, the same choreographed seating was arranged with Ms Park in between them, which was an amusement to the HK press, making sure to mention this part in details in next day's published article.

April 5, 2016: HK press conference and we get a complete swap of them being more open and showcasing their closeness. (angieknows_11's edit: During the Hong Kong PC, he spontaneously praised her beauty in Chinese, and all throughout this and the ViuTV interview, Joong Ki continued to refer to her as Song Hye Kyo-ssi.) Even during dinner, SHK suddenly decides to shower the fans with 4 photos of the two on her Instagram account, completely contradicting what the HK press had to say about them in their reports. After dinner, their mission continues with the two escaping backdoor and was reportedly chauffeured by the famous chef of the restaurant supposedly back to their hotel. (angieknows' edit: Based on media images, members of the Songs' entourage, including SJK's main manager, were spotted leaving through the front door, and so, the Songs could have had time alone together in the restaurant up until their meet-up with the chef.)

April 6, 2016: SHK shows up to the airport in the best mood ever but wearing the same exact clothes from the previous night. And the rest is for your minds to wonder...

April 6, 2016 - April 9, 2016: SJK was spotted with SHK's hair stylist yet again. She did not leave back with SHK but instead stayed behind with SJK.

In conclusion, from the beginning until now, the two have shown a pattern of inconsistency, contradicting their claims over and over again. If there was nothing to hide, what's the point in going through so much trouble? Say they're close and just stick to it! How hard can that possibly be? Also notice how the only times they appear not close are times in front of the media with Hong Kong as an exception?

For comparison's sake, I will bring up their previous costars.

SHK+JIS: From beginning to end, continuously praised each other as colleagues, harping about how much of an honor it was for both to meet in a project together. Sharing subtle laughs here and there. Contact ended once drama ended.

SJK+MCW: From beginning to end, excessive praising and skinships, openly "confessing". Contact ended once drama ended.

SJK+PBY: From beginning to end, excessive praising and skinships, openly "confessing". He supports her in her endeavors by attending her movie premieres but it pretty much ends there.

I think I've written enough so I will leave the rest for you all to form your own judgment.




So, everyone, let's bring back the calmness and fun mood here, and please thank @ilovesjk because without this timeline, we'd be more of a hot mess than we already are. And if the masterpiece above still doesn't ease the minds of some of you, then, you're on your own, but please try not to bring the thread down with your incessant worries and knee-jerk overreactions. In fact, getting reassurance ultimately doesn't come from the others in this thread and certainly not from the Songs; it all comes from you, and all you gotta do is think sensibly---use a bit of common sense :)

Also ...



if anybody brings up any of A Koala's Playground's articles here regarding SJK and SHK, I warn you that I'll be all over you! LOL. As articulate as she is, she also doesn't know what she's talking about. She's notorious for handing out misinformation, just recently about DOTS; she clearly doesn't fact-check, and her own readers have corrected her several times in the past. She also has a history of being biased against Hye Kyo, and so, her articles regarding the Songs are skewed against their pairing. 

So, please, exercise prudence when reading articles!




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Good Evening everyone --  just finally stole some time to back read some pages and read through this thread.

From a woman with no eloquence in words, lack of finesse and always straightforward to the point ---  Let's all ship with common sense .  Let's not make anything and everything a big deal and lets look at the overall BIG picture.  

All I know is the SHK seems to be in a better mood. She seems very happy and has a definite glow.  SJK - still playful but I feel this time more mature and sincere ( Dude - your loving looks/stares at SHK is no joke). Their chemistry is palpable and from my perspective --  there is a definite attraction. I do not know to what extent their relationship is but I know that they started something. Let it evolve naturally.  There will always be nuances. There will always be someone and something to stir our doubts.  But to be HONEST -- bring it on !!!!... at the end of the day... this ship continues to sail with Captain Jin Goo at the helm.  

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:sigh: I am still on vacation .  And .. screw my vacation ..AGAIN

Really . I dun care what media/pd/photographer/*insert job title* think or said or publish about that noonna-sunbae crap. I have no problem with that..

I have a problem with 2-3 people in this thread that I dun want to name here (yet) .. that constantly post link to news.. I call it fermented news .. ie old news .  (I dun mind old news which is positive) . 

What are you trying to gain? .. 

Why do you have a not so good heart that like to see people worried or get upset?. Why do you have a dirty heart?

Let me tell you something .. most of us here don't care for those media-service interviews... :D .. we trust Joongki reaction .. Joongki and SHK reaction only and also our own observation .. (I ajve to include one more person course -Jin Goo)

Stop coming here and camourflage as shipper, we know you are waiting for the chance to spite us.. 




As of now .. they didn't do anything that can break our (real crew in this ship) trust in them.. WE HAVE FAITH IN THEM .. THEIR HAPPINESS AND THEIR BLISSFUL FACE    THEIR BODY LANGUAGE SCREAMING WE ARE IN LOVE .. that's the sole reason that sail this ship .. 



Gals .. please excuse me this time .. I just have let this out or I can never sunbathe in peace .. 




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Hahahahaha why should we take it seriously what the director said...if u read the news in Korean....the comments of Korean people are same with us..they don't believe what he said coz it's different from what they saw on television...many positive comments rooting for them to be a couple ...they also saw different kind of sparks from their eyes...the way they kiss each other..thought were the only delusional?.? So it means their fellow Korean are delusional too coz they feel something is different between them

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Hahaha we need an updated timeline now. And add the possible timeline of visiting Snoopy's mom and their puppy's bday cake incident. 

Edit: oh! And his PCs where he couldn't stop himself from praising her  lol

Also, was it in the HK PC wherein he called her "Hye Kyo-ssi" only? I thought i read it here somewhere. Please do correct me if I'm wrong. I need to update my memory. Lol

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Small issue that no one else seems to be commenting on. I hope I am recalling correctly since there were hundreds of pages to read. In earlier interviews he said that "Then Save Him" was his favourite quote from DotS. In a later interview he also mentioned the classic" So should I apologize or should I confess" and "Beauty Blood". However I do seem to remember that he said that on re-watching the series he found the phrase "Don't be embarrassed that I found out you like me. Even so, it doesn't change the fact I like you more" cute. I thought it was a strange quote to pick. Maybe a case of life imitating art?    

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Please calm down! In life there will always be challenges and those challenges will make us more resilient. We will have fans who will invade this forum and pretend that they care but we should not outcast them but instead embrace their insecurities. We are all adults here and open discussion is always healthy as long as we know how to put it into perspective. They will continue to invade this forum if we show them that we are sadden by the negative comments.

 Welcome them but don’t let them agitate you.  I would say, BRING IT ON and let them challenge the true believer. I like it!!


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I really hope these two can work together again in another project. Hopefully we can see them doing some ice skating- romantic rendezvous in this new project. Film or drama, I am not fussy.

As for SJK fan meet questions, I guess he already knew the question before hand. Or perhaps, he was the one who ask the mc to ask him about his phone wall paper. SJK just want to tell his princess that she is always the one in his heart:- when he is working, doing fan meet or non working. He knows she is listening.

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Good morning comrades from a GTM+7 shipper :lol: I would like to have a flash sum up based on your updates in the last few days:

  • Photo of our double Song smile brightly and we have the captain Goo officially on board *applause*  
  • Joong Ki has changed his ideal type after many years insist on tall type, now he prefers the "small one" 
  • And for sure the relationship of double Song under any form is being protected by their co-workers and friends.


2 days left and we'll have the special episode of DOTs :w00t: Keep the positive vibe and happy sailing comrades :lol:

P/s: Thank you unnie @angieknows_11 I edited the information :)

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Love SHK's smile here, I can see that she is really enjoying her time with SJK and his buddies. You are glowing when you are in love, even with this dark and blur pic I still can see her bright smile, that is enough for me. 


There are so many occasions where SJK or their agencies can deny and put a stop on this, moreover almost all the people close to them are now being asked about their real relationship. It must be a bit uncomfortable for those people too, so if there is really nothing going on their agencies will do something to save those who are close to SJK and SHK, yet they do nothing. For me it says a lot on what's really going on between them.

So I won't dwell too much on what others say, I will stay firm on my believe on both of them. As long as they are happy, I won't mind if they stay low and not admitting to anything. 


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1 hour ago, Bambiina said:

:sigh: I am still on vacation .  And .. screw my vacation ..AGAIN

Really . I dun care what media/pd/photographer/*insert job title* think or said or publish about that noonna-sunbae crap. I have no problem with that..

I have a problem with 2-3 people in this thread that I dun want to name here (yet) .. that constantly post link to news.. I call it fermented news .. ie old news .  (I dun mind old news which is positive) . 

What are you trying to gain? .. 

Why do you have a not so good heart that like to see people worried or get upset?. Why do you have a dirty heart?

Let me tell you something .. most of us here don't care for those media-service interviews... :D .. we trust Joongki reaction .. Joongki and SHK reaction only and also our own observation .. (I ajve to include one more person course -Jin Goo)

Stop coming here and camourflage as shipper, we know you are waiting for the chance to spite us.. 




As of now .. they didn't do anything that can break our (real crew in this ship) trust in them.. WE HAVE FAITH IN THEM .. THEIR HAPPINESS AND THEIR BLISSFUL FACE    THEIR BODY LANGUAGE SCREAMING WE ARE IN LOVE .. that's the sole reason that sail this ship .. 



Gals .. please excuse me this time .. I just have let this out or I can never sunbathe in peace .. 



@Bambiina Lovin' your post, homegirl!!! Please, enjoy your vacation and get your nice tan, will yah. Haha. 

We have good solid SS shippers here and we ain't going to dock out and get off board the ship, captain! Some are just too petty and insane going in this thread and thinking they can completely keel over this ship! I say, they are jealous for many reasons - 1) we are one of  the most active thread (everytime I go on the main forum, our thread is literally on "fire"). 2) we have the most dedicated shippers and willing to take on extra work for us, which we are oh so grateful for. 3) even if we don't have anything new going on, we keep on posting entertaining stuff, be it in text form or in imagery. 4) we try to keep our fellow members, especially the new ones in check and telling them to follow the darn rules without sugar coating anything, straight to point. 5) we give credit and value each heartfelt posts and give us motivation to ship harder and just believe. 6) we create positivity and shoo out the lame haters, bashers, discreet fake shippers. We don't play around over here, if you mess around with our OTP, we'll make sure you get in your right senses and get your sh*T straight. 7) our BAE's super hot and popular and theirs is not!!! Even after DOTS, our OTP is still pretty much up there, hello! We've got Hallyu stars to ship and again, theirs is not!!! Hahaha.

Now, like I said in previous post, let's just keep it classy, girls! We are better than them so, we just have to move on forward and shake it off! Let's bring abck peace and solidarity, please! LOL. Gaaaaaah.... 

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I think nobody needs to get upset or over analyse what the photographer or even a producer may say. So much is riding on the popularity of this drama..really big money for everyone from writers to distributors to even sales of jewellery and tourism which affect the GDP of the country, careers that on the uptake and reputation of producers and actors/actresses etc etc. The mystique and charm of the acting and relationship of SJK and SHK certainly contribute to its success, and nobody involved would want to be responsible to rock that boat. It appears that many Korean fans of the drama can be very personal /possessive/  almost self absorbed about what they want and reactions can be scary and unpredictable which may cause even more caution all round. Even shippers here have been asked to be careful, so as not to cause hate on SHK, which may also affect the popularity of the drama.

The importance of understanding words spoken in context has been shown time and time again in this thread and that is why we appreciate the time and trouble taken by the dear people who search out reports and translate them accurately for us. So even statements should be interpreted that way. If u look at the BTS of SHK and SJK, so far, on a superficial level they  look like professional close colleagues or two people with great sibling interactions and hence the photographer was not wrong in what he said..  But to shippers the BTS show how close and  fun and even personal the two were even at work. And then shippers also look at the big picture based on evidences gathered. The most damning evidence, to me, is  that SJK had never denied anything. If I remember correctly when there was rumour of SHK with Jo In-Sung, he replied with very clear denial..something like it was wrong 300X untrue ( please correct me if I am wrong, I do forget)..why doesn't SJK follow JIS's example, gentleman as he is and knowing how SHK can be affected by unfounded romance 'scandals', come out to say 'NO!!, Stop, it is not true. Leave her alone!!'.

Please just sail along happily. Really its all for good fun. We will all be so happy if indeed SJK and SHK get married..I am sure it would be like the wedding of the royalty of Korea, if they ever had one. But only the couple really know what is happening and we hope that they are having fun too.

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Now for positivity and happiness, in Weibo I saw this translation by Drama Can't Stop and I will translate from Chinese to English here. All Chinese texts credit to Drama Can't Stop and the commentors

【《#太阳的后裔#》摄影导演:#宋仲基# #宋慧乔# 的吻戏 拍了大概100遍!】18号播出的《GOT TV》邀请到《太阳的后裔》摄影导演金时亨,观众提问:“宋慧乔和宋仲基两人谁NG的更多?”导演表示:“感觉宋仲基NG更多一次,但宋慧乔说‘再来一次’的话好像更多。”而谈到两人的吻戏NG,导演表示:“本来就是要多角度去拍摄,一拍就像拍了100多遍的感觉。因为拍很多,到后来感觉不是在拍吻戏,就是两个嘴唇贴在一起。”

My translation to English: The camera director says due to kissing scenes NG, due to the needs of filming in different angles, it felt like its being filmed a hundred times and because of the many shots, it didn't felt like kissing scenes anymore, more like their lips were stuck together!! 

Wah just knowing how Long their lips need to be stuck together for that many angles of filming that felt like a hundred times makes me happy!

And the comments below from the Chinese netizens that I have picked in response to the camera director are so fun that I just had to translate and share it here! 

@JoongKi_倩児:[拜拜][拜拜][拜拜]  嘴唇都要烂了,还说没什么。谁信!!

(Please please please, their lips are going to tear already and you still say they are nothing? Who would believe!!) 



(the balcony kiss scene if filmed more than a hundred times and you bloody hell give me one Long shot scene??) 


(excuse me but how is it possible to be walking at the beach Everyday in Greece and kissing so much and yet only just comradeship??) 

@乔我是宋仲基啊:就是这个摄影导演  [doge] 麻烦您老在说“两人不是恋爱关系”的时候把你那一脸褶子的蜜汁微笑收一收   [微笑]我们都是金刚心名侦探  分分钟识破你[doge][笑cry][笑cry][笑cry][笑cry]

this is the funniest!! (This director, please when you are saying they are not lovers, keep that honey  laden smile away from your face! We are all steel investigators and will see through you every minute!!) Omg, thanks for pointing out its true he had that smile on his face when he said that statement!! 


(after a hundred times and still cannot kiss out this thing called love, it's not scientific!!) 


lol this is cute (SJK why you always NG? Because SHK will always say 'one more time' ! With this feeling how can you stop?) 


(having filmed so much kissing scenes and yet you cut out the balcony kiss? Let's come out and have a talk!) ROFL


(SJK said at the PC that day that only he can confirm what's going on his personal life and others should not report otherwise. Director, do you even know SJK on a personal level? In front of you he called her senior or Sister but in HK with the house full of media, he called her Hye Kyo ssi, looks like you are just an outsider, director) Wah Hit the nail on the spot! 

Now this is translated by me strictly for the shippers here so please do not take this out. 

What a great way to start my day with this much hearty laughter

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Love SHK's smile here, I can see that she is really enjoying her time with SJK and his buddies. You are glowing when you are in love, even with this dark and blur pic I still can see her bright smile, that is enough for me. 


There are so many occasions where SJK or their agencies can deny and put a stop on this, moreover almost all the people close to them are now being asked about their real relationship. It must be a bit uncomfortable for those people too, so if there is really nothing going on their agencies will do something to save those who are close to SJK and SHK, yet they do nothing. For me it says a lot on what's really going on between them.

So I won't dwell too much on what others say, I will stay firm on my believe on both of them. As long as they are happy, I won't mind if they stay low and not admitting to anything. 


Weeh, double post. Ottoke, how can we delete post here? Oh well... 

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A couple more HBK spreads of Joong Ki from the May issue! Heeeeeeeh ... he's nekkid under the sheets? WHY OH WHY COULDN'T SONG JOONG KI HAVE DONE THIS SHOOT WITH SONG HYE KYO?! She could have joined him on that bed!





Cr: DCInside SJK



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