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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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i saw on the main thread that the writer hasn't written ep 18 script yet and that they dont know the husband yet and that such trolling. The only part of the script maybe not written is product placement scenes... 

the fact they had to take a break for a week does seem stressful but if people havent noticed most shows took a week break off for the award shows ( and its the new year)

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Guest aoikarin

I'm having ep 9 throwback here.. and I still don't understand the scene for this... especially DS action? what does it mean? Why is she frowning when she sees Taek comes wearing the clothes prepared by her (she personally choose and packed them for TAEK)? why she keeps scratching her bagstrapes? Why is she putting a very tense expression in the lift? Is that a strange feeling coming out from herself after seeing a different Taek? Is she not comfortable with the fact she doesn't know Taek well? anyone can enlighting me with this scene?





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Guest gerimisore

Happy new year 2016, my lovely shipmates! <3

I had no one to spend the new year's eve with so I was just doodling alone in my room while listening to the sound of fireworks (which is kinda sad but I like it that way actually. LOL). Well, I still have you guys! :D I think the last best thing that ever happened to me in 2015 is finding out this thread and all the precious people in it :heart: *giving you all a virtual hug one by one* Let's keep the positivism and enjoy the rest of the drama with an open mind while also having fun. One more week, chingus! We can do this! :D


This is my fanart for today. I had fun imagining Deoksun as a normal college girl with a very popular boyfriend (*cough*you-know-who*cough*). She does her very best aegyo to persuade her busy bf to accompany her checking out the new cafe in town. You know, the one with Vienna Coffee on the menu ;)


"You said you have class."

"Ah, the professor is boring. Let's go to that new cafe. I want to try that popular Vienna Coffee. Mi-ok told me that when you're on a date, you have to order that. Something good will happen she said. Hmm, I wonder what."

"I have to go back to baduk center 'though..."

"YA! We haven't met for a week. And next Sunday you have to go to China. Do you really want to be like this? I miss you!"

*Choi Taek 6-dan can't hear anything else except 'i miss you'*

*smiles* "Arasseo..."




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@gerimisore Eeeee so sweet,and deok sun would be of course paying with taek's wallet,right? This picture has such a positive feeling  to it,so even if we can't  think about what might happen to them in the future if they become a pair,we get to see it in your mind frame.You have an amazing hold on the color pallet and composition.Must be a happy feeling to be this talented and charitable towards us huh? :lol:. Happy new year to you too and don't think yourself alone yeah,because having this conversation with so many people at a time is so comforting if I might say lol.Happy painting!

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@aoikarin I noticed that too,while the episode was running.I found that episode to be somewhat full of mysteries.Deok Sung gets to experience for the first time how taek is in the real life,and seemed like she was so in awe of him.I wonder if we'd get a flashback to how deok sun felt during that time at all.But notice when she comes back,that awkward feeling is gone.But whenever taek comes closer to deok sun,we see that puzzled look on her face again.Either she feels something,or she's just shocked.Seriously they need to do a full fledged episode focused on deok sun's feeling.

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Guest gerimisore

@hmong_lubpaj Thank you so much! ^^

@MissBelle Thaaaaanks! ^^ And thanks a lot for the reblog~~ <3

@nearsea Indeed! Taek's wallet and all its content are available for Deoksun at anytime~! :D Sung Deoksun, you lucky girl! <3 Well, since we don't know the ending yet, might as well utilize our imagination to create a happy picture for TK-DS, right? ^^ To be very honest, coloring is probably the last thing that I'm good at. It's never coming out okay in my eyes. Idk why. So, really, your words is such an encouragement to me. It means a lot.

Actually, I'm afraid of bothering the discussion by posting my fanart here, since I thought it's kinda out of topic. You guys give feedback to each other about clues or something else and suddenly I post my drawing out of nowhere, without contributing any kind of information. But your welcome responses give me relief. Thanks for viewing my fanart positively. I know, they aren't much, and I kinda disappointed every time I finish drawing one (i feel like they're still lacking, but I don't know what else needs fixing XD). I'll try my best to draw better fanarts next time! <3

Once again, happy new year to all of you~ May you all have a great year and a wonderful time ahead! :)

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so I guess it's the time:




Here's a little something I made, especially to those one Taektanic. :w00t: (lol) It's mostly from Taek's POV because his POV is just that beautiful and also very heart wrecking. :bawling:




This is the best couple. uri taekie & deok sun-ah, the everlasting taeksun :heart:


#TAEKEN (my new favorite word lmao) :glasses:

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1 hour ago, gerimisore said:

"Ah, the professor is boring. Let's go to that new cafe. I want to taste that popular Vienna Coffee. Mi-ok told me that when you're on a date, you have to order that. Something good will happen she said. Hmm, I wonder what."


@gerimisore love your artwork... 

Hmm... Taek loves the coffee she "blends"...maybe she could become barista or own her own coffeeshop and have that on the offerings: CHOI TAEK 6-DAN SPECIAL/FAVOURITE BLEND...   

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OK so i had some more thoughts (as per usual..this drama has taken over my break) now some might say I am being delusional and that may be verrrrry true >.<! However, I do want to point out something personal. For one of my writing courses, I was thought an editing trick/practise. I was required to highlight every-single-damn-noun in my first chapter ( yes things like ceiling, door,names, cup...everything). Then I had to find if these nouns showed up again (~around 3 times) in the course of my novel/story. If they did not, then most of the time they could be cut or given more appearances. This lesson highlighted continuity, foreshadowing, and most importantly writing with purpose. So, anyways below are some things that I am predicting:

1) I think what might be the "close" to the time jump is SW's Mom and TK's Dad wedding. I would then also guess that Bora and SW wedding is the "opening" of the time jump. 

2) On the main thread, it was mentioned that JH name matches the name of a PD that did Jungle Fish and another show with Go Ara. The PD went to a science/engineering school like JH. So, with JH liking movies and not seeming too keen on the pilot dream, I think him being a director is an accurate prediction. If JH is a director the future scenes can be interpreted in two ways:

                   a) JH is a director and DS is most probably an actress, and he is filming himself and her. 


b ) JH is a director, DS is most likely not an actress, and TK is a retired baduk player and JH is doing a segment on them. Now, considering how the writer had dedicated a whole character on Lee Chang Ho, I don't think that is a stretch to believe. I also think that the point raised before that JH is the narrator of this love triangle fits in with him being the one behind the camera.

3) There had been two head rest scenes. Now I might be really looking to into it but, I found the imagery of the two scenes very interesting. In the first one DS is wearing a white headband *cough* bride veil *cough*  and in the second one she is wearing all white coat. Both times TK is wearing all black. Then look at the positioning of the body...kinda reminds me of another image...like a bride and groom...no? yes? 

4)This might be really odd and I have not seen anyone mention it. But, if the drama was to end with TK being the husband, I would say the scene below is what gave me the first strong inkling.

so we are at EP 6, focused on DS liking SW and JH liking DS and TK at the super intense competition ( which by the way there is a scene where the opponent puts 6 white stones and TK put one black stone...is that just a baduk thing?)

Then, the appearance of the *first* green phone in a home of one of the families is made


and this point I am aware of the color theory and so focused on JH being green and SW being blue and TK being red that the phone makes me pause a bit.

The scene of JH seeing DS postcard happens and I found it interesting that after he has his heart break we get it interrupted with this


now we then have a follow up scene of DS and JH dad going over to TK dads shop



Now, at this point the audience knows TK won, ( Korean audience did not have subs of the Chinese player saying he lost like we did) However, I thought it was interesting the writer had the scene of TK dad telling JH. As you see in the follow-up scene, it was not necessary to have that scene because the Dads were going to go over to the shop anyways because JH did not tell them. The scene of JH could have just ended with him looking at the postcard upset and going inside with the door closing and then the scene could have gone back to the match update. Later, we get DS waiting at her yellow phone, SW waiting at his black phone, and JH waiting at his black phone. 

this might seem odd but it was this setup plus my feelings from the lack of screen on TK during the pizza scene that I guessed the snow falling phone call before it happened.

5) So left on the path of thought by green and yellow phones, I thought about how the show is called "Answer me/Reply", which made me think that our "answer" is shown in the year of the show title. So I looked back at both 1994 and 1988 eps prior to the new year ( did not have enough time to check for 1997 sadly) and I found something interesting, something that even Dramabeans as noted in her recaps with BOTH installments.

so first with Reply 1988:

EP 8: we are still in 1988--> from DB: Deok-sun bundles up for the cold day and opens up her drawer… where she’s got a pair of pink gloves (from Jung-hwan) next to a pair of pink mittens (from Taek). Well doesn’t that just sum up her predicament quite nicely? She sits there contemplating them for a moment, then decides on the mittens. One point, Taek.

EP 9: we are in year 1989

Reply 1994:

EP 9: we are still in 1994: CB gives NJ the mage eye thing to figure out ( it is a heart) she is not able to see it till the end and it also reveals  to Trash that CB likes NJ--> from DB:

"I hope for Chilbongie’s sake that his Magic Eye metaphor isn’t true of love, and that just because Na-jung hasn’t seen Chilbongie yet, he’s doomed to remain invisible to her forever"

EP 10: we are in the year of 1995

both years had a metaphorical object used to show the love triangle and to quote DB again they "sum up [NJ/DS] predicament quite nicely" again the gloves/mittens might be total troll piece but just putting this out there since i have a 50% chance of being onto something.








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I still have some hours to go, but I wanted to say this eventually :D


@gerimisore That was beautiful as always! Please don't hesitate to share more!

@sarsu Omo omo omo this is my new fave fmv. Wonderfully done! Please make another one after we get the last four episodes~ (regardless of endgame) You're right- Taek's POV is beautiful :tears:

@mangachickava I LOVE THIS???? I've been slowly going through all of the episodes these past couple of days, and it finally dawned on me that movies are given a lot of representation. Hell, we OPEN with OT5 watching a movie. At first I thought this was just following the TV theme of all of the Reply series openings, but hmmmmm? Not only does the gang spend most of their time in Taek's room watching movies (aside from eating ramen), but the Sung family often watches TV while they're eating. NL and appa have been seen discussing actresses on a couple of occasions. Similarly, the boys often talk about pretty actresses. It makes me scratch my head a little. You really could be onto something.


Someone breathe life back into me.

I'm going through Taek withdrawals, and the first week isn't even over yet.


cr. [x]

H e l p

*watches @sarsu's video over and over*

*watches reruns*


*Taek delivers pizza*

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25 minutes ago, liteulkwin said:

I LOVE THIS???? I've been slowly going through all of the episodes these past couple of days, and it finally dawned on me that movies are given a lot of representation. Hell, we OPEN with OT5 watching a movie. At first I thought this was just following the TV theme of all of the Reply series openings, but hmmmmm? Not only does the gang spend most of their time in Taek's room watching movies (aside from eating ramen), but the Sung family often watches TV while they're eating. NL and appa have been seen discussing actresses on a couple of occasions. Similarly, the boys often talk about pretty actresses. It makes me scratch my head a little. You really could be onto something.


since you have rewatched episodes I am interested whether you have seen the times there has been a yellow and green container beside JH's house tv ( it is also the tv that is at the start of every ep when the intro part is aired)???? most of the times i remember there is only a yellow container

*******also you might like this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DA2tWK6jP4Q

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The Real Love Triangle in Taek's life (Not like we don't know I'm just gonna sum up anyways^^)


What makes Taek, Taeken we known of is his professional Baduk career that he's established for years. (Sorry how many years was it?)

Ep 4 Taek couldn't  tolerate defeat  

EP 6 Taek strived to win tournament and his motive was movie date with Deok Sun

Ep 7-8 Taek disappointed Deok Sun while he was busy with baduk.(Ep7 Manito, Ep8 Dozing off)

Ep 9 China tournament, Deok Sun was beside Taek to support him and Taek realized something. 

Ep 10 Deok Sun ripped Taek off from Baduk table and they enjoyed  their beach date.

Ep 11 Taek kept  Deok Sun beside him one way or another and he'd continued  to play baduk.

Ep 12 Taek lost again however this time he smiled as soon as he'd seen Deok Sun

Ep 13 Taek: Is it okay if I lose?

Ep 14 Taek quit taking too much painkillers although it helped him to snap out of his ruminating mode, because Deok Sun said so.

Love Square?

Ep 15 Taek compromised for Junghwan's father.

Ep 16 Taek win the match and his motive was confessing to Deok Sun but ironically he given up for Junghwan's sake. He took painkillers.

Edit 17-18


17 Taek must be satisfied with some dream he focused on his career path even set records.

18 For the first time in his life Taek chose to pursue the love of his life  over love of Baduk   ^^

I think Taek is determined to move on after all and I believe he is strong enough ^^ Well yeah Deok Sun has always been the one for him...cries 

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Alright.. Its finally 2016 in my country. Happy new year once again. Hehehe.

@gerimisore i am officially a fan. I have been saving your drawings to use as my screen saver. Hope you don't mind. Hehehe. 

@sarsu nice MV and the BGM is so fantaekstic that it goes right into the feels. I love it.

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@onlysb1 I like how you have made the milestones of the development of our ship =D ... maybe you are right! Once Taek decides something, he will strive very hard and achieve it! ( GO TAEKIE!
However this maybe the next ironic life : When DS moved on from JH, JH decide to pursue her, but after Taek move on from DS, she decide to pursue him... How's this for ironic? hahaha... 

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@.crestfallen. Honestly tsundere is fine...and I think it does not have to do with age....as I gather a lot among us are not so old and all... I do agree that when we see any drama our choices matter..but then so does the story.If the story proves why a tsundere or heedong should be at the heart of Doolly then I'm all for it.Unfortunately after the passion I could not find anything much in jh-ds's relationship. IMO they don't have that connection...Compassionate relationships are again IMO great,but when you don't understand/connect to the other person in question..the relationship can start to fizzle out.So I wish if JH-ds is end game,the writer should have made the foundation more clear/strong... for the basis of their love.

Great post though. Had a moment of epiphany lol.


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Actually I really wonder at the 'passion' being mentioned here... As far as I can see, DS did not see JH as a sexually attractive or 'hot' subject... She even asked her friends, what should she do if he really liked her? Then her friends said, "that's up to you, to date him and see if you like him or not..." I dunno about you, but that level of passion doesn't really scream OH-I-LUFF-HIM to me... Her subsequent endeavor to confirm if he does indeed have feelings for her is really passionate indeed though... Waking up early, wanting to go to concerts with him etc :) 

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