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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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I love reading your posts so much.

I came here because I like Taek but I wouldn't love this character this much if it's not thanks to your analysis of him. I've come to treasure Taek so much that every single second of him is enough to make me happy. I don't think I've ever liked any characters in Reply series to this point before, back when it was Chilbong, I liked him and was on his ship but more because I wanted justice for him. 

I like how so far, all the gifts Taek gave DS are nothing luxury, it even looks stupid (the vase - I also think when Taek gave DS this, he didn't think of anything, he just wanted to give it to her) but they are simply meaningful. I love how Taek shows his weak sides with only DS (him leaning on her, and his "Is it okay if I loose?") becasue we've been showed how stressful he was because of the burden of winning for the sake of his supporters and Korean people, but I feel like when he asked that question, it emphasizes that he feels much less pressure now, he can loose as long as DS said it's okay.

When Taek answered SW why he liked DS "Just because.." I freaking love his answer so much, it's not because she's cute nor because she treated him nicely, it's just because, because it came naturally like that. Remember what Joonhee said in R97? It's also from my own experience that there's no reason when you really love someone, because if you know what the reason is, you would have found out a way to stop liking them.

Many people have said this but PBG's acting is just awesome, I didn't watch any of his works because he's too handsome, I thought of him as a pretty boy whose acting is just decent, if not bad. However this installment proves me wrong, in ep 14, when he told DS that she knew nothing about him, I can see from his expression hurt and a little bit coldness also.

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Aww. I think it is just a simple misundertanding between different ships. By comparing Taek and Junghwan and pointing out things which we feel Taek is better doesn't equate to us bashing Junghwan though. In fact alot of us here loves Junghwan too. Its just that some of our preferences lean more to Taek than Junghwan. And there is nothing wrong with that. Its the same for the number of Junghwan supporters who likes Taek but their preferred husband of choice leans more on Junghwan. See? There is not much difference between us is there?

The thing about preference is there is no right or wrong. You can't say that another person's preference is wrong and yours is right. Now that would be a ludicrous statement to make. Respect each others preference is all im saying.

I believe a lot of us here have shared a lot of things that we liked about Junghwan. And I have not seen anyone outrightly bashing or hating on Junghwan at all. So im not sure where this accusation is coming from? Or have i missed anything?

I, myself, love Junghwan's character despite me being Taek-biased. I find a lot of great qualities about Junghwan which made me root for him in some ways. It's even the reason why i refused to be in any particular ship because either Junghwan or Taek, it's all fine with me. They are both great characters in their own ways. 

So please Junghwan supporters if you are reading this thread, please don't feel offended. I believe all of us here have no intentions at all to make you feel bad. It would be great if we all could agree and disagree on points maturely without having to be overly defensive and sensitive about it. It would be great if you could drop by once in a while and share your thoughts so we can have a healthy debate about it. We are all quite a rationalized bunch here due to most of us knowing that our ship is the risky one (heck the ship is named Taektanic for a reason. Lol) so you don't have to be afraid really. 

So guys, let's just hug it out shall we? I look foward to bromantic scenes between Taek and Junghwan ala Taek and Sunwoo and imagine Taek supporters and Junghwan supporters doing the same. Hahahaha


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@hafunohane YES. SO MUCH YES. Thank you so much for deciding to share your thoughts after all!

39 minutes ago, hafunohane said:

i used to think that TK is given limited screentime and baduk- centric arcs to show that TK's world does not revolve around DS. but as the series unfold we see that maybe.... his love runs deeper than what it seems on the surface. while yes, he has so many things in his life beside DS, like his dad and baduk and the other friends, that doesn't mean that his feelings for DS stops at a level of "just one of the things he treasure." to me it's more like his love for DS becomes his greatest treasure that transcends to everything else he does.

This part especially just... *gush*

We're lead to thinking TK only knows baduk, but gah does he know how to love a girl and make others swoon. His love for DS is just there. There's no specific grand gesture. There's no moment. It just wraps around you.

I get that we have 27 years, but how can six episodes properly justify TK moving on ... unless we want to stick a Chilbong 2.0 label onto him. We were trying to console ourselves with the fact that he has a lot more going for him than his part in the love triangle. He's not a second lead blindly chasing after the girl, but I'm still feeling like she's his everything.

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5 hours ago, kilaalaa said:

As requested, here's the translation... XD

[Starts where DS is looking at Taek's fan mail]

[Letter with hearts all over says: My beloved Choi Taek-nim please read this]

DS: Do you ever reply any of them?

*TK shakes his head*

DS: It must be good to be you. Other than baduk, you don't have any interest in anything else.

DS: You've never liked anyone before right? Other than baduk, you're not interested in anything else, right?

TK: No, I have.

DS: You have? Stop lying. Don't you know who you are lying to right now?

DS: I've got you in the palm of my hands. There's nothing about you that I don't know. 

TK: You know nothing about me at all. 

TK: I have someone that I like. And I'm planning to confess... Soon. 

Wahhhhh!!!i literally squeeeeee!!!! I like how DS so confident how she knows Taek well and yet she doesn't know him at all??? Wow! Does it mean there will be more upcoming revelation about Taek..

I don't know but when Taek tell her that she have someone he likes,it's like an alarm clock to her...

I'm really wondering now what DS gonna think knowing Taek have someone he likes...

Because the way I see her she really likes  Taek  unconsciously ,no realization yet...and since she thought Taek does not interested to anything but only in Baduk, she doesn't pay attention..but this time I think she will be very bothered..

Well guys why I have this feeling that before Taek confess Ds might assumed that Taek have other girl he likes..and jealousy might trigger her to think that she really likes Taek... Hihihihi! ^^

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1 hour ago, liteulkwin said:

@hafunohane YES. SO MUCH YES. Thank you so much for deciding to share your thoughts after all!

This part especially just... *gush*

We're lead to thinking TK only knows baduk, but gah does he know how to love a girl and make others swoon. His love for DS is just there. There's no specific grand gesture. There's no moment. It just wraps around you.

I get that we have 27 years, but how can six episodes properly justify TK moving on ... unless we want to stick a Chilbong 2.0 label onto him. We were trying to console ourselves with the fact that he has a lot more going for him than his part in the love triangle. He's not a second lead blindly chasing after the girl, but I'm still feeling like she's his everything.


I don't know anything about Baduk, but as an engineer I can say this much about coping with problems or loses. "Look at backwards to find out root cause and improve it next time" I believe a person who use analytical thinking as profession mostly applies  it to real life problems. So even if love can't be formulated, Taek already has that determination to handle pain and move on. Let's look at backwards, after he looses a game he looks like his soul went to somewhere else. That's most probably he is ruminating the match afterwards like all the moves and other possibilities "What if..." Imo that's  the main reason he takes painkillers and sleeping pills even smoking habit. But once he snaps out of it. We can see upgraded Taek. lol. Maybe the happiness  DS gives him, is like catalyzer to fasten this process. Still he may learn something out of this experience just like most people does it unconsciously. That's why even he had said he feels likes dying without her which shows how deep his emotions and devotion  is, I believe he can overcome the pain of losing someone precious much faster than his father. Don't be too worried Chingudeul our Taekie shall move on ^^

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like what DR said... than asking who like her... more important is who DS like... we can say Taek like DS or JH like DS... but if she doesn't like either of them there is nothing they can do... but from her conversation with DR we know that she like Taek... and she can't even answer when DR ask whether she like SW or JH more... if she really like JH wouldn't the answer is clear... but no she can't answer him... so the conclusion is DS like Taek... game over... :w00t::w00t::w00t:   

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1 hour ago, hafunohane said:

hi guys, i've missed this thread so much it's crazy <3 let me share my 2 cents after watching the last 2 episodes raw+ reading the recaps. initially i didn't want to share my thoughts in regard to the last two episodes simply because of my stance as one of those who believe that JH-DS is endgame, but i honestly didn't write this with that endgame in mind at all. this is personally an outpouring of my respect and love for TK as my favorite individual in this drama. let me just say this to get it out of the way: i am in so much fear as to how the writers are going to wrap up Taek's love story. now before we go there, allow me to highlight a few scenes:

1. the trophy vase scene. i love how this scene serves as a comedic one but has so much more meaning to it than that. in this scene we could see that DS didn't realize the significance of TK's gift. in her mind she expected TK to bring a little souvenir from his competition, and to me this means what most of us here have probably agreed on: DS, as of episode 14 is still too focused on 'romance' and the crystal clear proclamation of love from someone, to notice this simple gesture is pretty much as romantic as it gets coming from a baduk player. she looks puzzled when she saw the newspaper's photo, but i don't think that revelation changes the way she thinks of TK. she is still pretty-ing herself up for JH the month after and still thinks that TK is too focused on baduk to even like anyone.

which brings me to my next point:
2. when i first saw DS' wide- eyed expression when she was holding the vase/trophy, i had this hunch that was further strengthened by TK's confession to SW during the sleepover. remember how this vase came from a competition that TK hadn't been able to win before? he's only been the runner up before. but seeing DS before his departure and how she easily nodded when TK asked if he could lose- only for him to win in the end- screams so much significance to me. To TK, baduk is his world. giving DS the trophy means that to TK, DS is as important as that world to him, if not more. this is also why i highlighted moonkeeper's sentence above, because i second your highlighted statement. giving DS the trophy says this, "you're an important part of me, so i'm giving you another important part of me to symbolize that." the vase is a proof of him ultimately winning this tough competition because DS tells him he could lose. this mirrors what happen in episode 12 when TK won the second match after he dropped his head on DS' shoulder the night before and DS told him, "you've worked hard.". giving DS his trophy is beyond sweet in my book. to me it means that TK's feelings for DS are beyond a simple childhood crush/ first love.

and this leads to:
3. the confession scene with SW, in which he said that he "might die." i knew we're gonna be given more insights about the depth of his feelings after he even gave DS the trophy. while this scene was portrayed as a lighthearted bromance scene, i bet TK means it when he said that he might die. the mentions of his migraine meds/ sleeping pills just before the two guys went to bed is a little worrisome as well.... especially when it's been built up for a couple episodes that he's been taking these meds to help soothe something, whatever it is.

4. and his previous words to SW when SW asked why. "just because." just because. aaaaaaa i wish we're given the backstory/ flashback or something that we could refer to as TK's turning point just like the alley scene with DS. because then the words "just because" won't mean this much. because now this means that him liking her for no special reason, with no moment to pinpoint to = he's always felt this way, and he's always seen her as a woman as opposed to just a friend (the porn videotape bit during JH's birthday, it makes sense why TK the one to blurt out that they're not ok with watching it with her. he has to be the one to say it because he's the one most upfront about seeing DS as a woman). and if the "just because" didn't mean so much =DS doesn't mean all that much= he hasn't liked her for that long= he won't be hurt so much later on.


i used to think that TK is given limited screentime and baduk- centric arcs to show that TK's world does not revolve around DS. but as the series unfold we see that maybe.... his love runs deeper than what it seems on the surface. while yes, he has so many things in his life beside DS, like his dad and baduk and the other friends, that doesn't mean that his feelings for DS stops at a level of "just one of the things he treasure." to me it's more like his love for DS becomes his greatest treasure that transcends to everything else he does. we've seen how influential DS is as a support system that keeps him going, as shown in episode 9 when DS keeps him at his best condition in china, and again in episode 12 and 13 when TK's victories can be credited to DS to a certain extent. his love for DS bleeds to all the other aspects of his life: he asked DS about what to give his dad, he follows her instructions to not depend on meds so much, and he actually always tries to fulfill her requests with the gloves and the competition souvenir.

these little details say a lot too: how his dad was a mess after his wife's death. how his dad and him are alike when it comes to love (episode 11 with the clingy details). how TK doesn't even bother opening any of those fan letters. how he personally sends her one banana or wants to spend 1-1 time with her (movie, pizza, clingy requests leading to the nosebleed and nap). how he puts their photo inside his locked drawer. how he remembers every single thing about DS or their moments, save for calling her "sooyeon" which i think he's doing intentionally because he likes her as is (or maybe he believes that DS doesn't have to be called SY in order to get to college, which just shows all the more how deep his feelings are for her). and how his green padlock was broken and then switched to black, since green and black are TK and DS' colors in the official reply 1988 cartoon poster.

it makes me wonder if my pessimistic view has to do with the fact that we're given so many scenes of DS taking care of TK so much, and so naturally at that. my fear is this: what if we're shown how DS gives him fork because he struggles with chopsticks, reminds him to eat because otherwise he will just skip meals, and answers DR that she likes TK without having to think twice... because that's literally all there is to her feelings for TK? what if the banana scene with Noeul is the writer's way of telling us that DS treats Noeul and TK the same? T_T ah, i don't know. i hope we're not being shown these snippets for them to become red herrings in the end. i also wish that the scene with Noeul isn't another red herring because of how formal/ awkward TK acts around Noeul to support the hubby's statement in 2015 ("i can't talk informal to you before").

i don't have any conclusions to draw at the end of these ramblings, so forgive me. but believe me when i say that as much as TK's heart was hurt by what DS said about him not liking anyone, i personally think that it's how DS assumes she knows all there is to know about TK (and that includes how he probably doesn't like anyone) which drives the knife across his heart. to TK this means that so far, none of his actions: the episode 6 first snow phone call, the trophy vase, being clingy with the requests on episode 11,... none of them went through her head as something, on the very least. i know TK's heart is too pure to even expect anything from her in return, but it still aches me to see how his face tensed up before he told DS, "you don't know anything about me." 

i hope i am not overthinking things too much. i hope the writers will prove me wrong. by all means, please, please.. prove me wrong. but man, if TK's heart is going to get broken sometime in the next 6 episodes, i wonder how he can possibly get back on his feet without being completely crushed and broken first (and leave us viewers who love him crushed and broken all the same). 

i've expected the draggy plot and slow development to culminate in a big cliffhanger next week before the one week break, but i don't expect that i'd be this conflicted over something that's yet to happen (if it does happen at all), and especially over a fictional character whose ship i'm still reluctant to fully belong to. *SIGH* but i swear whenever DS/ thoughts about her/ her actions caused TK to smile and we zoomed in on that precious smile.. i just can't taek it....


edited to add: @liteulkwin i think we typed our comments around the same time and i just want to say that I SECOND EVERY NOOK AND CRANNY OF YOUR POST. KUDOS. and the lack of reactions are intentional i promise. we'll probably be given plenty of flashbacks/ late revelations later on. so hang in there! 


yes, I agree with you on these points. I think many of us have similar worries too. Sometimes, I do think that what if they show how DS cares for her epileptic friend just to justify her actions for TK, what if, at the moment TK said "You know nothing about me!" and she became confused (I guess) just because TK's words attacked her belief (that she knows him well) and not because she likes him, what if TK's lean on DS's shoulder that night only made her think that he could be fragile and too exhausted and nothing more than that, what if her shyness (I think) when she was reluctant to take a photo wit him in China purely came from her concern to look pretty beside a famous and well-respected person like him?

So, I think there are many possibilities on how the writer deals with all these details. 

And I'm really worried about how the show wraps up the stories among DH, JH and TK. Having said that, "IF" (and only if) TK is not the end game, given what he told SW, given how his father was like after his mother passed away, given his love for DS is a slow burning love that runs deeply inside his heart and his mind, I'm not sure how the last few episodes can portray his breakdown. I'm not sure how this broken heart will affect TK's baduk career, how the gang (including DS) and the neighbors, and especially his father, will react to his coldness/despair/breakdown. When I type until this line, another scenario comes to my mind where TK tries to hide his broken heart or he could be SO SO SO emotionally mature that he could handle his heartbreak by whatever way. (which I think will unlikely happen because he's still young and most importantly, if DS is his first love, it would be devastating to a certain extent)

Nonetheless, I'm not saying that things will be better if the one that has this major heartbreak is JH. Complicated issues described above will still happen but because so far, we have seen how JH deals with his heart, I can imagine how he can grow from this, assuming his love for DS has not been around for too long and assuming he values friendship a lot more than love

Lastly, I think the one who will be hurt the most is DS. Assuming (yes, I have to assume again) DS realizes the complex love triangle involving her, JH and TK, when she clearly genuinely concerns for both, I have the feeling that DS will be stuck and she can't make any final decision yet. This brings me to think about how the time skip occurs, how they are all separated and what will happen that makes these 3 young people make a move in the future.

I think that's why the stories have been moving in a slow pace because it takes a lot of time for the main leads to realize something about their lives and it takes much more time for the writer/PD to nicely and meaningfully wrap up everything without causing too much emotional loss and breakdown.

So, let's just believe that our submarine will reach where it is supposed to be, as naturally as how DS can immediately choose TK over DR, and as simply as how TK verbalizes his love for DS :) 

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So I just finished ep 13 and 14 with sub.

Let me say I love DR so much, in the scene DS met DR.

- DS: Why nobody likes me?

- DR: *looks ahead* Ohhh Taekie! (I think it's like his indirect way to say Taek likes you idiot)

*DS immediately looked to that direction but there's no Taek*, after that she asked again why nobody likes her and DR demanded her to choose

When DS and her friends talked about Mi Ok's date with JB, regarding DS's comment about JB being shy and he wouldn't do anything more than holding hands. Mi Ok immediately said "DS knows nothing about men." Is it only me who think it's also indirect way to emphasize the fact that she knows nothing about Taek? That DS always thinks she knows it all, when actually she's still too innocent, especially in love. she thinks she likes JH but it's just her fooling herself

I wanna talk a bit about the preview of ep 15, the one I watched is longer than what they posted on their official facebook page. I don't trust preview but if you look at it without interpreting too much, you still can see the atmosphere of each scene. 

There's a short cut of DS taking care of Taek, tugged him in his blanket


But I feel like she did it differently than usual, she made it gently and carefully. After that, DS left but looked back for a while



I think there's something change before this happened, it's either DS finally realized that Taek is not a fool like she always thinks (this wouls be the best scenario) or she found out his feelings for her

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@lovelyrainy yes! I do feel the difference too. I think that scene is deliberately made to focus on her hand (action) and her facial expression. But I fear that she looks like she's gonna leave soon and that seems like the last time she can do it for him. Similarly, the way she cries in the following scenes and the way TK leans on her (and may be hugs her) portray some kind of farewell/goodbye feeling to me :(

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I reeeeeeally want the scenario @moonkeeper mentioned to happen, and I also feel like this is the next logical step in the storyBut like @Phuong Tam Nguyen I'm also highly apprehensive that we're reading into this situation in all the wrong ways. What we've been pointed out has all been some deep, beneath the skin stuff. It hasn't been explicitly mentioned in the drama which is our theories' weakness.

So there's this moment at the beginning of episode 14 when DS and NL are eating the banana. She wipes at his upper lip, and we cut to TK's expression.


He looks at NL and then to DS. I can't really read his expression. DS kind of treats him like a baby, so I wondered if this was to show his reaction towards the way she interacts with her baby brother...? I don't feel like she treats the two of them exactly the same. She wipes NL's mouth, but she's scared to interrupt TK's concentration. What do you guys think?

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7 minutes ago, Phuong Tam Nguyen said:

@lovelyrainy yes! I do feel the difference too. I think that scene is deliberately made to focus on her hand (action) and her facial expression. But I fear that she looks like she's gonna leave soon and that seems like the last time she can do it for him. Similarly, the way she cries in the following scenes and the way TK leans on her (and may be hugs her) portray some kind of farewell/goodbye feeling to me :(


yeah, I can't think of all the reasons but it does feel like that too

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WOW. so many posts to read.

let me just post then read ok?

ep13: i love this ep.... the dads are so cute, esp Taek dad since he is the main for this ep. more than anything, i am so convinced that Taek is green. look at the countless green stuff in his rm and (mayb me) he seems to be wearing lots of green too. his lock! when i saw it, how can he be any other colour!!

LOL moments when Taek dad is so calm when talking about the robber and how everyone joke of sending a dog chasing after him and then when the 3 dads were drinking and the mouse scare happened!

Tears moments when DS mom had the medical scare and it felt so real to me, imagine dying and leaving kids behind. Airplane accident. just glad that Taek is ok and he knows how his calm like mountain dad broke down.

Taek DS moment. so so touching when they met before he flew. how she zip up his jacket. mayb me again, i feel that Taek asking DS if ok to lose is so impt. know he under lots of pressure to win but as long as DS is ok he is ok to lose. Taek eating breakfast, DS is protector so that he has a quiet rm to prep.

feel that Taek is slowly transforming from the dorky genius to a normal 18-19 yr old genius and all thanks (a big part) to DS.

Ep14: OMG, JH bday party and the boys want to watch R-film. DS questioned Taek if he like, then she hit DR saying she knows everything to know about Taek! isn't it like 2015 when hubby told DS i know everything to know about you??? LOL. makes me wonder what these boys have been up to in Taek rm without DS.

ok ok. NoEul and Taek. is it just me or did NE added a "yo" to end of his sentence when addressing Taek? that is formal speech rite? know that NE is in awe of God Taek. Taek seems very guarded towards NE, now so carefree with the gang and JB(only can think of santa example). another possible clue??? i think JH quite informal with NE.

i was hoping for Taek to confess but his gaze is so intense when he spoke to DS. i dun feel that he is angry, probably feel upset/disappointed cos DS kept claiming that she knows everything and he can't escape from her palm etc. Taek need to cross the T and dot the i with DS. hope DS is burning with jealously about this girl that has stole her precious Taek heart.

when DR counsel DS regarding nobody like her and his 1st answer was Taek, DR way of hinting to DS. also DR told DS to not wait for someone to like her but rather she like that someone who she already like. another push for DS to go towards Taek and Taek appears.

TBH, SW convo with his dad was kinda of freaky but necessary for him to gain closure and allows his family to move on. esp for JJ, since she really crave for a fatherly figure and teddy bear Taek dad fits nicely (since both him and JJ is of same level/standard) esp JJ would have hardly interact/rmb her dad. now i do hope both families can come together, esp for SW mom cos i feel so sorry for her.

preview to ep15: will Taek confess to DS? i certainly hope so cos pls pls pls only 5 eps left and we all need an answer now!!! it is also quite disturbing that JH has held on till now, he waiting for DS to know? there is already the misunderstanding with the pink shirt. evil me want DS to close/shut her heart/mind to JH and make Taek the hubby.

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35 minutes ago, liteulkwin said:

I reeeeeeally want the scenario @moonkeeper mentioned to happen, and I also feel like this is the next logical step in the storyBut like @Phuong Tam Nguyen I'm also highly apprehensive that we're reading into this situation in all the wrong ways. What we've been pointed out has all been some deep, beneath the skin stuff. It hasn't been explicitly mentioned in the drama which is our theories' weakness.

So there's this moment at the beginning of episode 14 when DS and NL are eating the banana. She wipes at his upper lip, and we cut to TK's expression.


He looks at NL and then to DS. I can't really read his expression. DS kind of treats him like a baby, so I wondered if this was to show his reaction towards the way she interacts with her baby brother...? I don't feel like she treats the two of them exactly the same. She wipes NL's mouth, but she's scared to interrupt TK's concentration. What do you guys think?


I personally thought this was him taking note of what a sweet and caring person she is. Not every falling-in-love moment has to be about how pretty or attractive someone is - I really think he appreciates her kind nature and cheerful attitude.

As I mentioned before, I think Taek's dad knows all this, too - that DS is a good person who makes his son very happy. And this is a small detail, but I thought it was amusing that Taek's dad seemed to not like Dong-Ryong when he came over to pick up the fruit. It made me think that Taek's dad knew that DR is the one who's bringing over all the porn and corrupting all the youth on the block. Ha ha.

I wanted to note one more thing: in a past episode, the present-day DS and her husband were looking at a photo of the two of them, and they note that the date it was taken is written on the bottom. Many speculated that this meant JH was the husband - because his picture was taken with his personal camera, which might automatically stamp the date. But Taek's picture was taken by a reporter, so there wouldn't be a date stamp.

We saw the actual picture today: (JH took the picture out of Taek's drawer) - and the date was written at the bottom by hand!

I'm just saying, do not count Taek out.


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