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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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2 minutes ago, alleverything said:

I'm so happy this thread is so actice now, I really can't handle the main thread anymore!

However, can anyone direct me to the post in the main thread that was mentioned? Where someone talked about the possibility of a kiss in episode 12? I really want to read it but couldn't find it, and I don't feel like going through that entire Taek spam again lol

DS study plan : 

Well, there have been many DC posts today re-analyzing the study plan, but including the hours. 

3-6 Dreamland - Episodes 3-6 when DS was mistaken and living in her fantasy that SW likes her

6-7 Studying after waking up

7-8 Wash up

8-9 Eat

9-12 Math (trigonometry theorem)  - Love triangle starts full swing in Episode 9 and will end in Ep 12

12-12:30 Lunch - LOL. Korean DC gallers are saying that the kiss will happen in the middle of Episode 12.

12:30-15 English (relative adverb, relative pronoun) - Dating starts in full swing

Approximately 15-19 Mastering world history, this is a must!! - Separation for the couple, or worse, the neighbors as they move out of Ssangmundong.

19-19:30 Dinner - LOL. Another kiss in Episode 19.

19:30~ Physics (Electric current and magnetic field) - Lovey dovey scenes.

?-? More English (infinitive verb)

24-3 (the next day) Go back home and review - Viewers watch the dvd at home.

it's @blue_angel_1004's post

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 I remember when fans were putting in too much of their own personal feelings/preferences as reasoning for their ship during Reply 97. This year we get to see the future husband as a bonus for last season's fiasco but it seems like it's made it more complicated. This drama is like a puzzle where you shouldn't let yourself over think, the answer is right in front of you. 

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If they are so sure Taek is the end game, they should make their own thread instead.

idk how to put it under spoiler. Hope it will not make any controversy. 

What I mean is, 100% Jung hwan is the husband. Because taeksun shippers themselves knowing it for sure. Therefore, they didn't make their own thread.



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22 minutes ago, Kaizen68 said:



If they are so sure Taek is the end game, they should make their own thread instead.

idk how to put it under spoiler. Hope it will not make any controversy. 

What I mean is, 100% Jung hwan is the husband. Because taeksun shippers themselves knowing it for sure. Therefore, they didn't make their own thread.




Totally agree with you! I think deep in their heart and brain they realize that JH is the endgame.

By the way, hi everyone this is my first post here eventhough i've been stalking here since the first page hehe

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14 minutes ago, mininoona said:


Totally agree with you! I think deep in their heart and brain they realize that JH is the endgame.

By the way, hi everyone this is my first post here eventhough i've been stalking here since the first page hehe

Welcome @mininoona we can spazz, fan girling, discuss our couple even bad mouthing other shipper (ooopss sorry just kidding)

It's alright gaesss... everyone have different opinion. If you dont feel comfortable at main thread you can always turn at this thread.

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1 hour ago, MrsSoJiSub said:


I noticed that and a lot of other things that has me wondering if the two of them are secretly dating and the flashback of that will be shown next week. We know the "don't go" came before the birthday, beach, and everything after. With that in mind upon rewatch the behavior of the is sketch. When she comes in for the birthday breakfast there are eye contacts and body language that makes me do a double take and go "yo...you thought".what if after the confession Deok Sun hint dropped or asked him to the concert and that was to be their first date? I don't know she's waving that poster plenty excited his way in the preview and that scene where he says he can't...doesn't it look like just the two of them are eating at a resturant or something (the background looked outside the usual ones). In the last scene when Deok Sun is leaving the room (so my little puppy can confess and shatter my precious pit bull) Deok Sun sends a glance his way that feels different but like trying to play it cool keep it the same. I'm starting to think the confession hit Janghwan hard because "oh richard simmons I broke the bro code without even trying". Whatever it is (secret dating or not) the dynamic between the two has shifted since the "don't go" and everybody in that triangle is in for heartache because feelings are already very present all around. 



I also feel you! I also think, after that night (dont go night) there's something between them. Secretly Dating! Thats great!

Thats why Deok Sun seem so happy and says its secret when Mi Ok ask her.

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Hi new member here :D i was a silent reader but decided to post cuz my love for this ship is unbearable now lol

JH is so my ideal type. whenever DS wears a skirt he always tell her stuff like 'arent you cold?' or 'you shouldnt have worn it' etc it just shows that JH cares for her A WHOLE LOT.  Of course we all know that he thinks shes cute and pretty in his mind but he worries about her getting a cold more. His way of expressing concern may sounds harsh cuz he is a tsundere but i find it much more meaningful than any compliment hehe xD This ship is getting more and more precious i just love them so much. I imagined their first date and DS would wear a dress to impress JH, he would of course choose to brush her off if asked about her look but at the end of their date JH would shyly tell her that she looked pretty, in a very small voice more like a whisper lol And then a cute kiss scene maybe? xD idk but am i the only one who prefer cute kisses to passionate ones? Lol 

sorry for my english im not very fluent hehe #teamjunghwan

Edited by Cat Bishonen
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I'll try to keep my expectation very low.. yes, probably the blanket scene is a mash-up or something, but the "Jungwhan-ah", that DOES exist for sure and I'm impatient to know when she'll say it. It will be in front of JH or in her sleep, when TK is playing baduk near her? (This, if she really stays in his room, which I guess would make JH go nuts, he has been acting crazy jealous with all his friends: SW, DR etc. when there wasn't any reason al all, but now that he knows TK likes DS and she's sleeping in TK's room?? I hope to see some old healty jealousy.. That would make me laugh a little, despite all the angst that we'll get.. ) 

Also, I don't want to see noble idiocy and, more important, I don't want to see JH hurting DS in the process. I think she really wish to be finally "the first one" in someone else's heart, after having to share the love with her sister and little brother for all these years and right now, there's no doubt, she's the first thought in JH's head. He's always watching over her, he knows what she needs, what she wishes for, even if she doesn't express it openly. With JH DS is always on the receiving hand and she deserves that, because she's always so generous (like with TK, in my eyes she treats him like NE). So for her to be pushed away, now that she made herself hope for more, that would hurt so much. 

On the "she falls for everyone who likes her" matter I don't think SW & JH situations could ever compare in any way. With SW she was more that willling to "enter" the game, I've always thought and said, she was fulfilling her romantic fantasies at that time and she loved the idea of being in love, way more that the guy (SW). And when she was left broken she cried like a kid who has his favorite toy taken away (someone at the time said Hyeri acting was bad during the scene, but she was supposed to depict that, nothing more) and the main point there was the other girl being BR, otherwise I really think the scene could have ended with a goat sound.

Here with JH I think the situation is drastically different, she was already aware (the tiny street scene), and dubious (the bus scene) and shaking (the umbrella scene, the McDonald scene, the date, the "sleep well" scene), I'm sure that although all of us have lamented DS's lack of reaction during this crazy swoony moments, of course she registered them, maybe at a subconscious level but she knew already, before her hilarious friends said it openly. Only she didn't dare to admit it, even with herself, she didn't dare to hope. I mean, SW asked her for sauce and maybe offered to cook ramen for her or something, but JH has been constantly taking care of her in any way and she must have considered this and now she's scared to ruin this sweet-awkward relationship they came to have. For me she has already fallen (and fell deeper after the epic "Hajima" moment).

So I said I don't want to see noble idiocy, but of course I don't want to see JH acting like a jerk with his friend either (not that this is an option anyway *sigh*), so I hope next week at some point he'll be forced to show once more his feelings towards DS by the situation. Like I don't know TK having some last moment commitment and JH having to go to her or she'll be alone? I don't know, but if DS is in need and there isn't anybody else that could come to her aid he won't be able to stay put no matter his friendship obligations right? Please DS, put yourself in some kind of trouble, something that only your loyal neighborhood dog could take you out of.

*evil shipper laugh*

(Sorry for any english mistake, I really needed to express myself here ^^")


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You know if the blanket scene is not imagination we would be so overjoyed but i bet you the main thread will be chaos. There will be lots of whining and anger. Totally a repeat of Reply 1994 which is not fun. Sigh. Prep yourselves people. We can still spazz here hehe!

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Lets compare this 


With this tumblr_nyacx3aQOx1t0acxpo1_500.jpg

At main thread, they are so happy when TK and DS play happily at the beach,and assume that TK is the husband.. Maybe because they dont see all things JH did to DS..he protect her,wait for her and give her umbrella , quietly following her at night just for make sure she come back home safely..he not handsome but full of charm and i know DS will happy with him because DS NEED SOMEONE LIKE JH TO TAKING CARE OF HER ,PROTECT HER AND LOVE HER UNCONDITIONALLY..

i noticed something about this.. Hurm.. 

tumblr_n7dguhSksD1rs4uf2o2_250.gif RJY4_zpsjxjoxdwf.gif

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4 minutes ago, mojobobo said:

You know if the blanket scene is not imagination we would be so overjoyed but i bet you the main thread will be chaos. There will be lots of whining and anger. Totally a repeat of Reply 1994 which is not fun. Sigh. Prep yourselves people. We can still spazz here hehe!

Haha, which is why this thread exists! As a precaution of course.. R94 experience made me aware of the chaos that Is bound to happen..

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I'm really trying to prepare myself to be trolled with the blanket scene (if not I'm going to the moon), but if this is indeed just a conspiracy to attempt to our sanity and DS is actually sleeping in Taek's room, for him to hear DS's "Junghwan-ah" would still be a good thing for us, marking the beginning of TK's road to realize that JH x DS have feelings for each other. Because we can't count on the fact that any of them will go to him and tell him openly, he'll have to discover it on his own. As JH knows about TK, it wold be just right for TK to know JH's feelings too and maybe in the future he'll be able to give them some sort of approval? Either way I really hope this time they won't try to drag the "triangle" until the very end (like R94) *please*

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Guys and dolls can we please talk about, discuss, spazz, agree, disagree, etc about our ship/characters we like or don't like without resulting to bashing other ships or those who choose to ship them. I am all for healthy debates and pointing out why you think something is wrong or your evidence for endgame but let's not go too far with it. Live and let live. Ship and let ship, lol.

If people want to ship Deok Sun and Taek till the bitter end and feel that from what they have seen and for their interpretations of things Taek is the husband, that's fine. Ain't nothing wrong with that. That's the beauty, fun, and enjoyment of a drama. All of us are watching one thing but we all view and react to it differently and come out of it with different points of views and conclusions. Let it be. I like Taek as a character, enjoy his scenes with Deok Sun and squad, and even though I don't see it to ship it other people do. I'm not going bash it and take their enjoyment of drama watching from them just as I hope they do the same with us. I get frustrated and comment when I see people bring down a character or ship simply to boost their own. That ish is not right in my humble opinion because you can easily gush and spazz about the rightness of yours without painting a character as something bad, lesser than, undeserving, or of no value if not in your ship. You can debate and point out your reasoning for not agreeing on endgame or the merits of ship/character but let's not name call and such especially when you can agree to disagree and move on.

I'm not trying to police anyone and if it feels like I am just tell me and I'll shut up LOL. I too feel the shipping has gotten a bit much in the main thread and every where. However you can try to comment on other things related to the show and hope others pick up and add to it on the main thread. You can also simply post your opinions and choose/be selective of what you read and respond to and what you scroll on by. Like if I feel responding to something is going to start a discussion that is just going to go in circles and bring about pretty much of nothing; I let it go and scroll on by or hold a silent response in my head that I never post (I know I'm insane). 

Lets just focus on discussing and spazzing our ship while still debating other ships with respect to the ship and those who ship them. Let's not get low no matter how strong the temptation may be. Thank you, I am Farkle! (If you get that lets be friends :)). 

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Not bashing but just noting that the problem is most JH-DS shippers are ok with TK-DS shippers (even when they say DS will like whoever likes her) but not vice versa and they react very strongly if anyone says anything about TK no? 

We are only at the half way mark... hope everyone remembers to be cordial haha. You dontwant the mods to come diwn on the thread. 

By the way @MrsSoJiSub are you watching your hubby's new drama?

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