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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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15 hours ago, cheese79 said:


Dear @chelleshawol and @jayakris Chingu. You can find engsub for SBS version at subscene.com Here is the link https://subscene.com/subtitles/scarlet-heart-ryeo-bobogyungsim-ryeo (choose the dramafever version).

I had downloaded it just now. Hope it helps you.

Is that SBS version? Coz as far as I know dramafever uses international ver. :( 

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1 hour ago, zi4r said:

I am watching the Dramafever version from office right now. At this rate, I will be jobless and broke by the end of MLSHR. Anyway, just wanted to rant a little.....


Why did the writer-nim make WS/Gwangjong's ascent to the throne so anti-climatic??? From the previews, we were made to expect some nail-biting rebellion scenes, some interaction between So and Yo, some... some... some... I dunno, something else! I feel so empty and frustrated watching this.


It's as if the writer tries so hard to make the script unconventional that the show doesn't even get to benefit from what could have been traditionally well-done scenes.

So now, I dunno what to root for...

  • There has hardly been any real romance between the OTP before Gwangjong's rise to power
  • OTP is falling apart
  • HS is dying
  • No badassery in WS's transformation to Gwangjong
  • Yo met an utterly anti-climatic death (where's the justice in this?)
  • YH the b**** is gonna get her filthy paws on WS
  • WS has lost his ponytail
  • I've started to develop phobia of eyeliners

...... and yes, my Sep-Oct phonebill for data usage nearly gave me a heart-attack and I have zero productivity at work this month.

Thanks, show. Grrrrrr!!!


I completely agree on this one, the ascension to the throne was done before we could even understand what hapenned, I was waiting for some epic sword fighting or was the sword fighting done in ep 13 the last we'll see of fighter WS ? What hapenned during that time WS was preparing his revolt ? I'm just so tired of speculating, this drama is just so emotionally draining on all fronts. I hope the last three episodes are great enough to take my breath away

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2 hours ago, liddi said:
Ep17 subs are finally done. This is the worst of all the episodes yet, with so much deviation in terms of missing scenes, sequence... you name it, which took a good 6 hours to untangle the mess, and 2 hours or so to fill in the missing scenes with @ruizaio's marvellous translations. Truly cannot express my gratitude to @ruizaio enough... particularly for your patience and generosity to us, when so many gapping blanks would not have been filled otherwise.
Additional scenes in SBS version:
1. A longer version of So and Soo's conversation about his kingly ambitions. [00:10 to 01:00], [1:43 to 1:46]
2. Queen Yoo rushing to Yo's quarters saying So has attacked the palace [3:59 to 4:08]
3. During Yo's death scene, his last thoughts after he collapses are "I was only... trying to survive.", unlike the International version which has him literally saying it to Soo.
4. A longer scene of So going through the decree regarding Seokyung with Baek Ah beside him before being alerted that Soo has been waiting for him [18:03 to 19:49]
5. Longer scene of the dinner with So, Soo and Baek Ah, which better reflects how So feels about both of them - family. [20:01 to 21:11]
6. A detailed scene of So and Soo's conversation after he wakes up from a nightmare, ending with her telling him the story of Little Red Riding Hood as he slept. [21:59 to 24:23]
7. Slight dialogue change between Soo and Woo Hee where she realises how naive she was after So became king [25:06 to 25:13]
8. Longer scene between Baek Ah and Woo Hee, with PYG's voiceover which reminds her over and over again of who she is and the danger Baek Ah would be in if their connection is known [32:46 to 33:45]
9. So expressing his sadness to Soo over the change in people he loves after he became king - General Park, Baek Ah, Ji Mong, even Jung and his mother. [36:23 to 37:26]
10. Jung's audience with So before departing with the Chunju clan [39:57 to 41:15]
11. Woo Hee and Soo's dialogue in which the former speaks of her fear of repercussions for what she had done [41:34 to 42:45]
Fixed subs:
1. Wook's demands from the court officials [54:46 to 55:26]
Additional scenes in International version:
1. Soo supervising Damiwon after her return. Chae Ryung passes Jung's message to her that if she should wish to leave the palace, he has the means to help her do so.
2. Longer scene of Yo being haunted - trying to light up the lamp, finding the two arrows he used to kill Eun - then collapsing of a heart attack after seeing the apparition of Taejo. 
3. Previous scene intercuts directly to So and Baek Ah, masked, secretly infiltrating and incapacitating the soldiers, then escaping, which indicates that Yo's haunting was actually their doing.
4. This is followed by Wook discovering Yo on the floor, upon which we hear his thoughts that this is his chance to become king, which we were not privy to in Ep16 SBS version.
5. Beginning of SBS scene (Soo and So talking about him becoming king) becomes a flashback here. Soo warns Chae Ryung not to go outside even if there is a commotion, then is summoned to serve tea to the king.
6. During Yo's death scene, he tells Soo that he was only trying to survive.
7. Wook's conversation with Yeon Hwa and Queen Hwangbo when he finds out his sister opened the palace gates for So. Queen Hwangbo affirms that she gave the instructions to do so. When Wook observes that she finally decided to abandon her expectations of him, she chillingly counters that the game has changed, and that she is not only Wook's mother but Yeon Hwa's as well.
8. Soo being tended to by palace maids when she wakes up, and walking as fast as she could to shake them off.
9. Different dialogue between Soo and Woo Hee leading to the topic that the position of queen is yet unfilled.
10. When General Park takes his leave of Gwangjong, he asks that he be a good king so that he has a lot to boast to King Taejo when he meets him in the afterlife.
11. Queen Yoo asks Jung to investigate further into what happened the day Yo died and the circumstances leading to So's ascent to the throne. She suspects Soo to be a part of it since she was there when Yo died.
12. At the prayer tower, Jung asks if she remembers what he instructed Chae Ryung to tell her about having a way out of the palace.
13. Preview includes Chae Ryung being beaten to death, and Soo confronting So about it


Whew that was a lot! Thanks for all of your hardwork @liddi & @ruizaio for the subs! 

Now I would like to want the international ver as well! 

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1 hour ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

Actually not true at all.. regarding multiple kids:) ...  we have the other series going on parallely:)

Its ironic, the moment we start justifying reasons for why WS had to 'make out' with YH.. his love is already being diluted from that epic status.


Well! Can't do much... Real life anyway doesn't have the concept of eternal one true love.. .. I wonder if HS had to sleep with Wook and have his kids (the whole act initiated by her) all in name of saving the empire...


I don't know what so wrong about wanting to keep your wealth and power and passed on to your offsprings...that is just human nature... that as a personal note and as  a king ... it is the duty of a king to procreate and provide an heir...people in those times tend to die early...diseases,way of life so many causes...if a king was not to have children he most likely will be overthrown and thought little of by his people...we are talking about the middle ages ,the federal system and what was expected of monarchs ...and it was a things that it was  universally practiced...all over Europe the monarchy interchanged wives...sisters and cousins...to keep the control within  small fraction of the powerful few ...Henry the 8 was one who went crazy for a male heir thus he saw ways to not only indulge himself in the company of women but to obtain his male heir...WS and HY had 2 boys...one died at a young age and 3 girls ...so obviously  the pressure from a male heir....and again how many people marry for love in the monarchy..you think a girl from Austria (marie Antoinette ) or a girl from prussia like Katherine the great and so many others were willing to marry their partners because they were so in love  with them...these were girls that were taken from a very early age to leave their costume, language, and basically everything they had known thus far...in order to enter  these political marriages , where they were no more than property and could say no to nothing ...in the early formation of Spain as a country isabella of castilla married fernando of Aragon  to consolidate their power within the peninsula and drive the arabs out ...these women had no saying... everything had to be yes..yes to cheating, yes to abuse,yes to child like husbands( even when they were the older ones) yes to child brides...yes to bed the person even if you don't like him,  or find him repulsive and can't even communicate... eternal true love might not exist..., but it does...it is something you make on the way ...not the ideal aspiration of love.. that you may find on books, dramas ( although they entertain us) and disney per se ...it is the practical imperfect love that makes it true  ... because love requires work and compromise ... it is bound to bring forward disagreements and swim in disappointments ....love is just as imperfect  as we are ....and there are many forms  and many ways to love a person...that is what love is for me and how i have  understood it over the years.. i guess what i'm trying to say is that ,the essence  of love is a constant in our lives  and that will never change ,in that aspect love is eternal ...what changes is how we live it ,because for it to be true ,it only has to be sincere ...my point is ,that even if you experience a bad break up , despite the bitterness of the after effect( that is if there is one) there had to be a time were you were sincere and in that form, love was eternal ,because you willingly give the best of you to the other person...when this is not done ...then there was no love to begin with..  this is how i picture WS and YH ...when you don't give that vulnerable part of yourself to the other...then there cannot be a bond that  will have a physical and intellectual level of gratification...and someone is bound to get hurt...i know people that grief for years and years ... they say they can never experience that bond  again no matter how hard they try ... I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything, or sell my idea,  and if i offended anyone then i apologize...is just that i wanted to give my 2 cents on this...firstly because we cannot always be so rationally , I give it to you as it is...   about matters of love ...because truly love is an experience  and it cannot be judge in black and white ..there are gray areas..we cannot be cynical either  ...there is love...is not like you enter into a relationship telling the other person that hey...love doesn't exist ...so don't expect that from me...and secondly to obviously  point out that you do not need love in order to have a sexual encounter ...and there are many ways in which this can happen...we have appetites physical pleasure is one of them...you cannot expect a guy and girl ...yes to live in complete celibacy ...unless you make a religious  vote and even then is questionable ( with all the things that occur in churches ) he could be drank ...she could seduce him...HS won't be there and his pain is far too great...plus he has a duty to fulfill...i will leave it here because by now i think i wrote a lot...have a great everyone or night ....it all depends on your side of the world....:)

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Just one comment on the overall production/editing of this episode:

I have just finished watching SBS version episode 17 with eng sub. Maybe this is just me. I am not liking the progression of the episode. I feel that it is a bit rushed. Just when we have Yo dead then bam...we have the coronation of So..then bam So starting becomes ruthless...like the characters can't catch their breath and also for the viewers to soak in the episode/story. After we have the excellent episode 16, this episode is ambiguous. 

I am also not liking the progression of the story, where are we heading, not about Hae Soo Wang So impending separation but the lack of explanation on why things are turning the way it is. Like suddenly we have Wang So turning ruthless at his decisions? After we have years of Hae Soo humanizing him? Yes, he killed the monks for his mother killed the horse, aggressive at earlier episodes, but we have long episodes of him saving the brothers from their misery and suddenly in this episode we have him going all ruthless in his governance and ruling decision-making? I just feel a bit iffy, disjointed maybe (?) like what is going on? Not about understanding the story, just that the flow seems off? Like where is the progression? So far, for every episode I can get the overarching theme or main key plot that is happening. But this episode many things are going on...and it seems there is nothing that gel the story together. I feel a sense of vagueness and strangeness, I hope the story redeem itself for tonight episode. I really hope the writer can summed the whole plot and storyline well before the drama comes to an end if not it will leave viewers with so many questions. (I am not for one in dramatizing the story and adding plot device just for making the story 'makjang', it has to make sense, there must be an explanation and build up to it. I know Gwangjong/Wang So is ruthless in history, but the progression is a bit off.)

On hindsight, it seems that they are rushing the drama on the latter part and I thought maybe they could cut the first 10 episode of So-Wook to lesser episodes since they won't end up together anyways, don't they? Or if not lengthen the drama to maybe 24 episodes. But maybe they choose only 20 episodes due to the cost involved. 

Also, Wang So ascension to the throne is anti-climatic (like one user here mentioned), I expect more depth or more dramatization of it since it is the main character ascension, doesn't it? All that it is, it seems like a quiet, hush-hush affair?

Wook character seems to be beyond redemption as this point. His character just went astray and downward spiral. I hope he do redeemed himself before the drama ends. 

One thing I enjoy about the episode is the cute moments of our OTP. So cute! :wub: I am going to elaborate more on the episode at my subsequent posts. 

I am also happy about the increase in domestic TV ratings. I hope they break 10% ratings nationwide before the drama ends as a consolation to the casts and team's efforts. 

Nevertheless, will watch the drama till the end. :wub:

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i really dont understand why wang so mother hate him so much ...

i mean you want your son as a king ... granted!!! duh!!


and for wang wook ... Despicable Wang Wook!


this episode really turn my heart up and down ... i really brave to pass the 16 episodes before but episode 17 just make my heart into pieces and grit my teeth to restrain myself from throwing my mac ...:expressionless::bawling:


how can i survive for episode 18 and the rest .... :crazy::(:bawling:


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1 hour ago, zi4r said:


  • I've started to develop phobia of eyeliners

...... and yes, my Sep-Oct phonebill for data usage nearly gave me a heart-attack and I have zero productivity at work this month.

Thanks, show. Grrrrrr!!!


This was funny! I feel what you're going through! Lol. 

Apart from my job and phone bill, I think my bf will break up with me as I have been ignoring him for the past few weeks :D

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1 hour ago, chelleshawol said:

Eclipses, do you have the link where I can download the subtitle file of Moon Lovers ep17 SBS version? Because I downloaded from kissasin using my mobile but I was shocked to find that the subtitle was not included. Can you help me pls? I really really wanna watch it right now but I dont understand their conversations. Pretty pls 

@chelleshawolYou can find subtitles here:


Edited by LyraYoo
subscenes are srt ripped from DF
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I'm very curious about what WS will say in his defense when HS will confront him about CR. I don't know of this is likely but could it be that WS had to choose between CR's brutal death and HS? The more I think about it I feel HS does take some responsibility in CPs death because HS was the one that was incharge and she was suppose to be the only one who assists the king with his baths. I mean if I can think of this I'm sure YH or some other ridiculous idiot in the palace can. 

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2 hours ago, bitofmadness said:

Queen SMS caused Lady Oh’s miscarriage —>  her sons died  (2nd Prince and Yo)

Queen SMS did not love Wang So —> she did not receive love from King Taejo 

Yo used HS as a puppet —> he became a puppet for his mother 

Won poisoned CP —> I think Won will be sentenced to death with poison (hopefully)

So I hope that what she did will come back to her in a similar manner or worse. I hope someone will reveal her scheme just like how she revealed Wang Eun's and Soon Deok's hiding place. :rolleyes:

I am relying on Wook to do the dirty deed.

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1 hour ago, chelleshawol said:

Is that SBS version? Coz as far as I know dramafever uses international ver. :( 


Yes chingu. I double checked :D. I give the one that i chose

Edited by LyraYoo
subscenes are srt ripped from DF
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Why do I feel that YH/WS marriage will not take place. There will be a twist ..(since they take creative license to history). 

WS and YH won't consummate the marriage. I FORBID!! ...


Wedding is one thing .. having children - 6 - is another different story .. he could stop at 1 or 2 .. but 6? There must be feeling involved - at least a little ... and sex is something men enjoy (VERY MUCH ) I don't want YH to have that satisfaction. 

That Person will definitely suffer for the deeds that he has done. Nobody can escape the Law of Karma.

With this belief ... I am holding on to the thoughts that YH will never Wed WS ...

I deal with it when it really happen ... 

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18 minutes ago, SizzlerZ said:


We're being eaten by DOTS fans :(:(

im wavering between TO VOTE or NOT TO VOTE at all...the reason is becoz of cheat incident last time  LJG vs SJK....it only profited the web and the cheater....its not credible website anymore

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4 hours ago, scarletcryz said:

i saw this on tumblr about Story of Wangso to Gwangjong ( base on the flow of Moon Lovers ) so interesting .. you have to read it so you will understand more !:) 

kudos to him/orher :)


After read this article about gwangjong.. i can imagine that gwangjong become as a Mad King after HS leave him.. he also dont like his own son (with YH).. aarrgh...my heart..i am gonna cry now :bawling:

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15 minutes ago, SizzlerZ said:


We're being eaten by DOTS fans :(:(

I don't know if i can say this...but it is to be expected ,after all DOTS was a huge success domestically whereas ML not so much....that doesn't stop us from trying and from loving moon lovers...even from the name it was bound to have a very star cross love with everything that involve its participation...starting from the cosmic room of editing to seeing the light of the day in 3 versions...this drama is a fighter all on its own .... it has plenty  of survival instincts  

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