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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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55 minutes ago, millie10468 said:

Some much needed good news about something, anything.


Yes but too bad it wasn't for ep 16, that was a much better episode and deserving of a higher rating. OMG as someone mentioned earlier it is like the episodes are competing with each other :lol:. The international version was butchered in editing. I must mention that HJH did an excellent job in his parting scene, he gave it his all. I actually felt sorry for him when he realized that his mother was going to throw him away like she did with WS, poetic justice since his mother meant everything to him.

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51 minutes ago, enigmaticangel said:

Scarlet Heart Ryeo’ Season 2 In The Works? Sequel To Transport Characters In The 21st Century?

October 25 00:43
As the hit Korean drama "Moon Lovers" is nearing its conclusion, a sequel is widely speculated to follow immediately due to the massive success of the show.


SBS’ “Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo” has been enjoying its grand share of victory as evidenced by its impressive ratings in the tv show charts and the positive reviews from the press and the fans. As the historical drama approaches its last few episodes, it is expected to release another installment.

Despite the disappointment caused by the delays of the release of the future episodes, the strong followers of the show continue to patronize the interesting fate of the main characters.

A report highlighted the possible finale of “Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo.” The popular Korean drama is believed to set Wang So as the third king and will wed Hae Soo, who will be finally crowned as the queen of Goryeo dynasty. In addition, the lovely pair will be seen nurturing their family with their children. While Hae Soo and Wang So’s blissful life emerge, Wang Wook suffers his miserable failure in getting the throne and winning the heart of her dream wife.

While rumors remain as they are until the issues are addressed by the reality of the storyline, several questions are waiting to be answered. The forthcoming killing of Wang Eun in the hands of his brother Wang So is a heartbreaking scene that everyone awaits. Another interesting event waiting to be unveiled is the grand wedding of Wang So and Hae Soo.

A source claimed that the remaining four episodes will not be enough to accommodate the big revelations of the series, hence, “Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo" season 2 is speculated to be negotiated. Should a continuation of the already stunning Japanese series will come to fruition, their supports internationally would be more than happy to know that the fantasy still lives on.


The alleged second season is expected to bring the characters in the modern world as in Tong Hua’s Chinese novel “Bu Bu Jing Xin,” the female protagonist had died in the past life and only another near-death experience can possibly transport Hae Soo back to the present world.

High hopes “Moon Lovers” fans, high hopes.


Who the hell wrote this article? The whole thing is a clickbait. It clearly lacks credibility after failing to plug in 'international' success when S.Korea's TV Ratings have been failing miserably, along with a number of issues that pops up in this 'piece'. Whoever this 'source' is, take it with a grain of salt.

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40 minutes ago, trizha1 said:


As much as I would loooooooooove to see the Prince Pack in modern clothing...(Wang So's potential wardrobe was me drooling, gimme all the SUITS!) this has less than a 0.5% chance of happening lol.

As much as we love the show it's considered a ratings fail in it's home base, so I can't see SBS shelling out tons of money for the sequel PLUS getting all the cast to come back is going to be near impossible. I mean, do I dream of a sequel with better editing and flow? ALL THE TIME, but...I also dream of a time when my heart wasn't getting pulverized every week or when I don't ACTIVELY HATE/DREAD BASEBALL GAMES (since I prefer not to think about baseball anyway!!) so yeah. Don't think this will fly...


TV Rating does't mean money. With the buzz this drama is making, it's probably making tons more than those drama with more 20% rating. 

Watch the SBS version, better edited. They cut so many scenes in the Int'l version. Still the best korean drama I've seen.

I don't think this drama is intended to be purely a romance. From ep 1, I have not felt it to be a happy love story. The political side of the drama is more interesting. 

Sequel 2... Same material... I don't think LJG will be it.. Just purely my personla opinion. 

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4 minutes ago, Rose34 said:

Hi! You seems to be well-versed with Korean and Korean history. Can you elaborate more on Gwangjong life? Is he that ruthless etc? I can't really trust wikipedia...I don't think it is wholesome. 

Sorry to butt in, but raindropsfallingup @ Tumblr wrote up a very informative piece on Gwangjong. It was a really good read! I recommend reading it HERE.

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i get why So have to married YH and to be honest its fine but the only problem that this idea did't sit well with me is how they portray YH... she the evil and a  snake since the beginning.. she is the main reason why Eun and SD dies and now she will be the Queen??? even when you said So would't give his heart that mainly true and as a king he must have a child but to think he have to do it with YH just want to make me puke... even in BBJX the queen is someone that i liked cause she so nice and 4th really respect her... and in here i just want to throw something to YH face when she said she going to make babies......... skipping all her scene cause it makes me mad to think that So ended up with a evil women that essentially are the reason why he have to kill his brother...

about CR.... its not about whether she deserve the punishment or not but So tortured her (idk whether So order it or WW)... the idea of torturing really did't sit well with Soo since the beginning and now So used it to her friend.. i think it will be fine IF SO talk about it first rather than Soo knowing like that... the only thing that can make Soo understand as why CR do betray her is the blood letter the same with BBJX but i think even this one clear up the miscarriage just going to make it worse..

the praying scene in preview likely when Soo knew she pregnant and that what she will do every night.. praying for her unborn child and So just can see from afar cause at this point the only reason she will stay in palace cause she is pregnant... i kinda get why So really mad about Soo seeing him as a monster cause in the end Soo is the one that matter but he can see that she slipping away..... 

yeah can we wrap this era cause i did't think i can see another moment of them suffering.. this era is nothing for me except the way So loves Soo since the beginning and hopefully he will be there in the end...


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I'm not too happy with what they are doing with the presentation of the characters in this episode, and that goes for everyone involved ..sure i get that WS must became ruthless ...but come on..you do not  give him a righteous  and what seems to be a moral consciousness and then contradict everything he stands for...HS already warned him not to kill his brothers and i add ..his family extension ,so why would he react so quickly and order all to be kill...there are so many ways to have him get rid of the clans ( and yes   have them killed) that could more or less be justifiable ( because killing someone never is) but they could have shown that the clans were about to revolt and name wang won their crown prince...which according to history is not so wrong to think of...or have wang won    (himself)get rid of CR...if you are going to present a hero that is more than the mere rumors that  history emblems ...then do carry out the plan to fruition...as much as i like WS, i do not like what they are doing with his kingly mannerism...JM and me , were not expecting that order...is not the order per se...it is the manner in which is being use and carried out...be ruthless but with motive...that way i can still see that the character has consistency ...same for HS ,i do hope that they deviate from ( CR is my bf who cares that she betray me) feeling compassion for her death is one thing...another is to stand completely on her side...negating what she did wrong and blaming WS for seeking proper justice...or is it that she is not affected by having CR get rid of the man she thought of as her brother?....because i do think that WS is being manipulated into killing CR...per WW...which will cause him to go on full range mode( given that HS will view him as monster...his words...)...  I  know no human being ,who will  not  be affected by a deep betray of trust ...i mean it is all a process ...that is not so say that forgiveness is not possible...but it is not immediate...it takes time ...the first thing one will not do is to seek reason why that friend had to betray you...because for the most part it is something that breaks alliance and understanding out a personal ,most of the times selfish reason...and that does not sit right with a 21 century woman..although HS has challenge that already..i like her and respect her...i even admire her idealistic views( we all have them as well, if not what would have became of the world...) but her mother teresa complex drives me nuts...that is the reason why she will suffer and will keep suffering past ,present, and future...

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50 minutes ago, Immortal_Angel said:


Yes in the cversion

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Ruoxi didn't get too sickly until episode 30th, that's when YuTan (CR) was steamed alive and she fainted after seeing that. Her health taken a toll since kneeling in the rain and had to work hard labor as the laundry maid. Later when she found out she was pregnant, her body was getting weaker and she was falling into depression but after the miscarriage and with the stress and depression it shorten her life even more that's why she wanted to leave the palace cause she wanted a peaceful leaving and was tired of it overall.


As for CR, she was probably punished for betraying CP and had in hand of murdering CP cause she was the one that was taken care of his baths and adding mercury into the water that caused CP to die. She was in it with Won the 9th prince so he probably put the blame on her to avoid death and as CR (she probably was in love with Won so she took the blame and said it was all her doing and had no regret) HS was probably surprise at the punishment was because to her even if a person is a traitor, they should not be treated like a dog, being beaten up just for show. At that time, HS probably didn't know CR doing until she received the bloody letter that probably was given to her. And maybe WS told HS what CR role was in this whole thing that she was the one that was involve with CP's death and the other stuff. When HS read the bloody letter she probably realized that it was true so and that CR lied to her the whole time cause CR pretend not to know how to read and write but she could cause Won apparently taught her (that's how the cversion went the 9th prince taught YT to read and write that's how she fell in love with him) in the bloody letter it mention she has no regrets so probably CR knew her time was ending and had to get the message to HS 



thanks for such a detailed clarification, so we will probably see HS pregnant? At least if they follow the c-version then yes. 

Gosh HS is going to go through an emotional rollercoaster in the last three ep. 

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1 hour ago, MAROSA_JIN said:

:thumbsup:First place

Ratings 161024:

ScarletHeartRyeo : 9.8%

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It would be nice if they can bypass the 10% mark, but it's a real pity it's only starting to gain attention with three episodes left.

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In real life ...many people like wook you cannot get what u want and the next point is no body else can get...

Every episode is heartbreaking for me...and i hv too wait  for another week for more heartbreaking episode....and my heart so hurt ...

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34 minutes ago, krysyuy said:


A question for those who watched the c-drama -

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How does RX go from hating the 4th prince (for what happened to Yutan) back to being devastated by his coldness towards her later? O.o;;



Hi, first just to clarify: RX never means it when she says she hates 4th.

Simple simple: love fight & clash of moral principles.She understands that Yutan (equivalent to CR) was sly and wrong in her deeds, and agrees that YT deserved punishment, but disagrees over the choice of punishment by the Emperor (now 4th). In her anger she lashes out at him that she hates him, and it's just a choice of harsh words because both 4th & RX are very intense in their feelings, so by saying so she means to punish him for his deed (his boiling YT, which is wrong & cruel from her perspective); or in other words, it's her form of revenge for her friend. It doesn't mean she actually hates him. Deep down she still loves him.

And no, from my interpretation she is not devastated only by his coldness. She is devastated because he is visibly hurt by 8th's words. This is what he says that touches her: 'Why did you want him to seek and tell me about these, so that he could pierce my heart with every single word of his, while all I could do was to sit still and leave him to his stabbing.' She wants him to get angry & hate her to let go of her, but she clearly cannot handle the fact that he gets devastatingly hurt (even he admits to it). She intended to inflict rage & blind jealousy on him, but she never intended to get him emotionally wounded, if that makes sense. He was clearly more hurt & humiliated than angry. Actually, I think for couples who break up while still in love with each other, knowing that one hurts the other will eat more into one's conscience than when the other downright hates them. That's what I guess happens with RX too.



Just my two cents ^^

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I found this link on another forum, and I found myself enjoy reading it. I don't know whether the writer is one of us or not, but the detailed kinda remind me of few people with great writing style in here...the article contain prediction of the possible ending and detailed review....



Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo Speculations, Spoilers and Possible Happy Ending



If Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo stays true to Goryeo’s history, Wang So will marry Hwangbo Yeon-hwa (Wook’s sister) and she would be known in history as Queen Daemok. They will have 2 sons and 3 daughters.

Since Yeon-hwa is attracted to Wang So (they also have a triangle love affair with Wang Yo) and even asked him to marry her, there is a strong chance that the marriage between Wang So and Yeon-hwa would happen soon. I’m actually sad while typing this so let’s just hope this wouldn’t happen in the last few episodes but I really think we would see Wang So’s marriage to Yeon-hwa since she seems to be more prominent in Episode 17’s previews and she’s pretty determined to be the Queen of Goryeo.




Read detail article at http://www.joysofasia.com/moon-lovers-scarlet-heart-ryeo-speculations-spoilers-possible-happy-ending/

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20 minutes ago, may6 said:

I'm not too happy with what they are doing with the presentation of the characters in this episode, and that goes for everyone involved ..sure i get that WS must became ruthless ...but come on..you do not  give him a righteous  and what seems to be a moral consciousness and then contradict everything he stands for...HS already warned him not to kill his brothers and i add ..his family extension ,so why would he react so quickly and order all to be kill...there are so many ways to have him get rid of the clans ( and yes   have them killed) that could more or less be justifiable ( because killing someone never is) but they could have shown that the clans were about to revolt and name wang won their crown prince...which according to history is not so wrong to think of...or have wang won    (himself)get rid of CR...if you are going to present a hero that is more than the mere rumors that  history emblems ...then do carry out the plan to fruition...as much as i like WS, i do not like what they are doing with his kingly mannerism...JM and me , were not expecting that order...is not the order per se...it is the manner in which is being use and carried out...be ruthless but with motive...that way i can still see that the character has consistency ...same for HS ,i do hope that they deviate from ( CR is my bf who cares that she betray me) feeling compassion for her death is one thing...another is to stand completely on her side...negating what she did wrong and blaming WS for seeking proper justice...or is it that she is not affected by having CR get rid of the man she thought of as her brother?....because i do think that WS is being manipulated into killing CR...per WW...which will cause him to go on full range mode( given that HS will view him as monster...his words...)...  I  know no human being ,who will  not  be affected by a deep betray of trust ...i mean it is all a process ...that is not so say that forgiveness is not possible...but it is not immediate...it takes time ...the first thing one will not do is to seek reason why that friend had to betray you...because for the most part it is something that breaks alliance and understanding out a personal ,most of the times selfish reason...and that does not sit right with a 21 century woman..although HS has challenge that already..i like her and respect her...i even admire her idealistic views( we all have them as well, if not what would have became of the world...) but her mother teresa complex drives me nuts...that is the reason why she will suffer and will keep suffering past ,present, and future...


Power can change people, even the best of us. Sadly, our Wang So is gonna taste that cursed throne and endure long but painful reign :(

21 minutes ago, faeriealice said:


It would be nice if they can bypass the 10% mark, but it's a real pity it's only starting to gain attention with three episodes left.


I will take any good news right now. I can't even sleep last night because of MLSHR :sweatingbullets:

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6 minutes ago, maskros said:
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Hi, first just to clarify: RX never means it when she says she hates 4th.

Simple simple: love fight & clash of moral principles.She understands that Yutan (equivalent to CR) was sly and wrong in her deeds, and agrees that YT deserved punishment, but disagrees over the choice of punishment by the Emperor (now 4th). In her anger she lashes out at him that she hates him, and it's just a choice of harsh words because both 4th & RX are very intense in their feelings, so by saying so she means to punish him for his deed (his boiling YT, which is wrong & cruel from her perspective); or in other words, it's her form of revenge for her friend. It doesn't mean she actually hates him. Deep down she still loves him.

And no, from my interpretation she is not devastated only by his coldness. She is devastated because he is visibly hurt by 8th's words. This is what he says that touches her: 'Why did you want him to seek and tell me about these, so that he could pierce my heart with every single word of his, while all I could do was to sit still and leave him to his stabbing.' She wants him to get angry & hate her to let go of her, but she clearly cannot handle the fact that he gets devastatingly hurt (even he admits to it). She intended to inflict rage & blind jealousy on him, but she never intended to get him emotionally wounded, if that makes sense. He was clearly more hurt & humiliated than angry. Actually, I think for couples who break up while still in love with each other, knowing that one hurts the other will eat more into one's conscience than when the other downright hates them. That's what I guess happens with RX too.


Just my two cents ^^

Thanks so much for your input! The only things I know about the c-drama are what I read from wiki/drama blog reviews, so it's nice to read details that are normally overlooked.


So after what happens with Yutan, they don't really reconcile... ugh, I knew it would happen but my SoSoo heart is breaking...


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I really don't mind a season 2 because we need so much more closure and just So in modern clothes but as of right now I highly doubt this is true? Plus like mentioned it will be hard to get that huge cast to reprise their roles. Unless there is a miracle hehe or they just love their roles as much as we love the drama. Sigh. It doesn't hurt to dream but let's not get our hopes up :( I'm still dreading the end here comes the drama chest pains again haha.

Argh so annoyed with the ratings, are you serious korea? This show is legendary but I guess not "typical" enough to your liking. If anything shouldn't international fans get the free screening with LJG. 

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So will married YH tonight whether a force marriage or he willingly just to control both YH and WW... but in preview Soo is wearing his hairpin so i think she accepted the fact that she can't married So but stay with him as a lover anyway... So likely give the titles Queen and just be with Soo and never care about YH (this one i will paid to see YH face when So only cared about Soo.... ) that's why she will get pregnant cause they will live as husband and wife without an official marriage or titles...

but can i said how cruel the writer is......... Soo wearing his hairpin witnessing the death of her friend and hated the man that gives her that hairpin... she never hate So but the one that she hate is KG... i wonder if the writer will play out the pregnant plot cause in BBJX that the only reason RX still staying in palace after Yu Tan dies.. RX even asked 4th to let her go and she just want to lived peacefully with her child.. 

when i sign up watching this drama i know how it will end but still the feels is killing me...........

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We barely have 4 episodes to finish up the story. Feeling a bit rushed. Think they spent too much time building the story in the first 10 episodes and lost pace in the next 10 episodes. The drama would do much better with another 4-5 episodes to flesh out the other parts of the story.

Anyhow - what's done cannot be undone. The production requires a good cast (which they had), PD (hmmm...too many close ups but the cinematography has been spectacular), writer (come on - she has good materials to work on to begin with!) and good editors. The editor is the weak link for this drama! 

It is the beginning of the end. I do feel really sad for So as he is cornered by many forces - way more than 4th Prince in BBJX. Yeonhwa will get what she wants but not the heart of Wang So. I just hope that all her deeds will come back to haunt her. How did Wang So manage to live for another 26 years? Soo dies due to poor health and a broken heart but So would be the one dealing with all the regret, loneliness and sadness for the rest of his days. The wolf-dog really doesn't get a break. 


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