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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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somebody said that Jung has a puppy face and it's so true. I can't stop seeing Labrador now. 

1 minute ago, irene123 said:

I think it's also because LJK is carrying a lot of the weight of the drama and he has very good screen presence whereas the actor playing 13th, though fine and very handsome, doesn't have as much screen presence, emotional expression on his face, and it'll be difficult for him to have as much screen presence as the one in the Chinese version, who was so good at portraying the 13th prince!!


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27 minutes ago, irene123 said:

I have been a silent follower of the forum, and just wanted to share my thought about the show:

I like the scenes, the very devoted WS, the whole idea of fate, and chicken and egg problem of HS going back to the past. But there are things that made me really sad and a bit disappointed (I hope I won't get stoned for this): I was really looking forward to the platonic but true-soulmate-found type of relationship between HS and the 13th prince. The K-version builds up such a devoted, kind and passionate WS but at the expense of other characters. The other princes were also very important to HS, but weren't fleshed out in character very well. 

I think I've heard that in the original novel and also in the Chinese version, the 13th prince is one of the audiences' most favorite character because he is care-free and has an open mind just like RX or HS in the k-drama. He was RX's true soulmate and one of the 2 princes that never hurt RX (the other one is 14th). He and his courtesan friends were the only ones RX spoke to freely about equality for all and what the world should be like (as it is in RX real modern time), probably because he (and he friend) really understood wanted to believe in such a world themselves. He is also one of the few who understands RX the best, and supports her unconditionally, and trusted her completely, never needing a explanation from her. The 13th prince in the K-version does not seem to have much character. His love line and support for HS and WS is cute, but you don't see the depth. I don't think the 13th in the C-version had a lot of screen time either compared to 8th, 4th, but each time he appears, you can tell he was RX's true  supporter and friend, no matter how subtle they showed it. It's sad the K-version did not build up his character well; it's one of the true friends that could be of much support for HS when the Titanic Soo-So ship hits its end. TT


I think the SBS version does a better job at building the 13th prince character & his friendship with Hae Soo, I don't know how it compare to the C-ver because I didn't watch it but he's my favorite after Wang So, there's a scene were he talk to her about him being low level prince & that's why he couldn't marry her cousin & Hae Soo talked to him about the future & equality for all

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On a lighter note the moment I saw the preview with the kiss for the next episode I couldn't wait to see the gif makers to zoom it in as much as possible, LOL, the drama has been generous to us in the kissing department, knowing it is a saeguk it makes it even more special. 

EDIT: Omo @MAROSA_JIN, your post links with what I wrote simultaneously, LOVE THE GIF :D  

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8 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

Part of the genius of the writer of this drama or K dramas in general, I think is how they provoke such strong emotions in people. Kdramas are such incredible reservoirs of emotions that are just waiting to be released and they really have their hand on the pulse with regard to tapping into viewer outrage. The best of the makjang are the top of their game in that regard. They really do know how to push our emotional buttons.

I've been wondering for a few weeks about how the writer intends to take a So that isn't the slightest bit interested in the crown to someone who will fight tooth and claw for it. Also how would the writer be able to create such a sympathetic figure out of controversial figure in history who was known for his ruthless purges. On those two points alone, she's done an incredible job.


@nubianlegalmind -- I think the exact quote you were looking for is "Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown" (Henry IV)


Unni, I'll be looking forward to what you think about our characters behaviors in this week's episodes :) especially HS, WS, YH, and WW.

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15 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

I've been wondering for a few weeks about how the writer intends to take a So that isn't the slightest bit interested in the crown to someone who will fight tooth and claw for it. Also how would the writer be able to create such a sympathetic figure out of controversial figure in history who was known for his ruthless purges. On those two points alone, she's done an incredible job.


@nubianlegalmind -- I think the exact quote you were looking for is "Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown" (Henry IV)

nailed it. Absolutely, there are many things wrong with the show, but the motivation for the hero is always consistently written and excellently developed. That's why we're all along for the ride, despite the complaints. 

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24 minutes ago, LyraYoo said:


  Reveal hidden contents

She never told to anyone. She might have dropped vague statements, but she never disclosed it for the fear that she might have changed the history, of which apparently she did.


I thought the Arrow Scene is omitted, but it is included anyway , in the later episode and with much more  in essence in the context. .

At this point on, I must say SHR had made the adaptation much sadder because of the tragedies  . The difference is, the deaths are gradual prior to 4th prince becoming a king. Wang So's path is arduous indeed.

Another angst that I anticipate SHR will take the route the same as the novel  lonely onion head

  Reveal hidden contents

Wang So and Hae Soo's unborn child . 




I forgot the exact episode where Ruoxi tells 4th prince, but in episode 33, 4th prince has a flash back where Ruoxi tell him she's not Ruoxi and she's not from his time period. Its in that episode that 4th prince realizes that she really isn't from their time period. He didn't believe her until that moment.


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Totally unsure if this was posted before: 

Irresponsible speculation time (from 韩版步步_惊心)

Some C-fans reckon the mask kiss is dreamt up by HS as she passes onto the next dimension / time travels back to the year 2016.

(This I doubt, since she seems to want to leave like Lady Oh, and even RX from C-BBJX and forget everything from this world)

Also they think the ring on HS's finger and the robe seems to suggest the mask kiss takes place after WS ascends the throne
(But it seems like her sleeve?)



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8 minutes ago, kdramawriter said:

**THIS IS A YEON Hwa LOVE POST/don’t hate me**

I gotta say, I really feel Yeon Hwa with this. I love her saying “Why does everyone on that seat threatens me with marriage. You must believe there is no better way to control a woman than marriage.” Daaaamnnn women be hearing this for thousands of years. Even today! 

Also this: “Feelings and marriage are just silly games to you when they are life to death for me.” BLAM the nail right on the head! This is the huge divide between HS and YH, YH knows how important these things are because as a woman in that time they are all the weapons we have to work with. So for YH, inciting feelings isn’t about making a connection, but merely a point of survival. Buying into the theory about HS as the unification goddess of Korea, this would never work for HS. HS is about love and unity, not about survival. I love HS/YH as foils against each other too. Because HS stands for love and YH stands for survival and we already known that one survives and one dies. So it’s like we have to decide between choosing love or death. Because Hae Su choose who she loves, she doesn’t get to live. Because YH chooses survival, she doesn’t get who she loves. Phew. Heavy richard simmons there, Moonlovers! (If you’re a GOT fan, this is the Rob Stark dilemma and why the Red Wedding happened) 

I think it was also smart of the show to really clearly define why Wang So fell in love with Hae Su and not YH as defined by their primary traits: Love Vs. Survival. Wang So feel in love with Hae Su and NOT Yeon Hwa first because Yeon Hwa was too concerned about her position to declare herself for Wang So. If she HAD done so, I think the story would have been a little different because YH and WS actually have some history too. So even though YH was first in loving Wang So, because she did not declare herself for him, he fell in love with Hae Su. Timing is everything when it comes to love. Had YH show WS’s the openess and affection that Hae Su naturally seems to have, I think WS/YH would have been a solid thing. (side note: YH’s smokey eyeliner is WERQ FIERCE COVERGIRL)

EW at Wang Yo hasn’t forgiven Yeon Hwa for siding with Wook EVEN THO he’s working with Wook, another double standard for women.

Hae Su doesn’t think about her own survival as much as she thinks about everyone else’s (most likely because she’s not tethered to this time). I understand how much easier it is to root for a character like YH and be frustrated with Hae Su.


Someone had to love her...might as well be you. 

While I agree that YH is a particularly strong willed woman for her time period I don't agree with  idolizing her. Yes i understand she is trying to survive but she is being extremely selfish and greedy putting her own life before everybody elses. Hae Soo has been in far more danger than YH lately but she always puts others first.   Where as YH was willing to let Eun die to save herself from becoming a hostage. That's cold! Especially since Eun could barely hurt a fly.

BUT I LOVED what you you had to say about love and survival. I think there's a big philosophical debate to be had there. YH seems to prioritize survival more than love while HS is the opposite. And yes maybe HS won't survive this journey but isn't it still better to be kind, to be loved, and to be happy and live a short life, than to be selfish, mean, and live a long unhappy one? The depth of life is more important then the breadth of it. YH may live longer but she'll never be satisfied or content. She'll come to realize that later.


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31 minutes ago, yuhotarubi said:


Yeah that's what I believe as well, I read the summary of the Chinese version from Wikipedia and I was afraid they might add this in the k-version, as much as I'm excited for next week's OTP moments, part of me is not. 

I also think they will include it. Remember, Lady Oh had the same fate with King Taejo. This time, I guess it will be YH's order to give the medicine to HS.

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Some thoughts;

-Since all her visions are coming true, Hae Soo's vision of WS as Gwangjong turning and looking at her coldly in the courtyard will also happen. I am so not ready. :cold_sweat:

-Today's episode was ..... Again, too rushed and disjointed. I'm sorry, I skipped Eun and Sd's "having fun by the pool before we die" parts. I could never have grown to like them as characters. We haven't even seen them for so long (for good) that, the lovey dovey felt so out of place. Aren't they on the run? Are they not aware that all of Eun's relatives are being executed? Why are they making ships and having fun? What are they doing? Duh! I'm so dumbfounded by their plot line. :blink: 

-Did Hs doubt Ws or not? I'm not 100% sure, because when Sd asked her why she didn't trust the 4th even though Hae Soo has a "special relationship" with him, it seemed as if Hae Soo was shaken and that cleared her head a bit (hence she goes to see Jm). Does that mean she was wavering before? But then maybe it's not because she believes WS will "cruelly" murder his brother, but will be pressured into it, since she saw earlier how he had to bend his knee before Yoo and sacrifice his honor, and leave Wang Mu lying on the ground (as in fail to fulfill his legacy) only to save and protect her. Hae Soo doesn't want Eun to die, she also doesn't want Wang So to be the one to be forced to kill him, knowing that will really be the thing to do him in. To all this, add her own sense of guilt and helplessness. Hae Soo was caught between a rock and a hard place. If she only had mixed feelings in this state (because who wouldn't), I'm cool.

-Hae Soo keeping her cool resting b. face in front of Yeon-hwa was perfect. Girl didn't even bat an eyelash. Bravo. That's how you survive in the palace. Don't show your emotions, don't look weak. Wang So needs to learn some of that, but then I love his puppy eyes. Please don't lose your character Wang So!

-LJG is burning my screen with his tan. RAWR. Why so beautiful? How can this guy be? Could he please procreate so that we'll have more Lee Joon-gis? Pretty please? Can I get his first born? *turns into a crazy witch

-Kang Ha Neul cries so damn well. Looks so good in black also. Dayum. He's definitely on my radar from this day on. I can't believe I've never seen him in any other drama before. Where was I? Lol.

-Ji Mong & Wang Mu bromance...... :bawling:

-Flaws and all, I still love the drama.

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14 minutes ago, yongwonhi4jfc said:

Totally unsure if this was posted before: 

Irresponsible speculation time (from 韩版步步_惊心)

Some C-fans reckon the mask kiss is dreamt up by HS as she passes onto the next dimension / time travels back to the year 2016.

(This I doubt, since she seems to want to leave like Lady Oh, and even RX from C-BBJX and forget everything from this world)

Also they think the ring on HS's finger and the robe seems to suggest the mask kiss takes place after WS ascends the throne
(But it seems like her sleeve?)


LOL WHAT. Omg, I both hate and love this idea. I'm imagining them meeting in the middle, but then HS having to walk past WS as she moves on to 2016... nooo, I'm so sad. Again! xD

I think that's her sleeve too but with the picture so grainy, it could go either way. I think this mask kiss, if not a dream lol, is definitely during WS's reign. (Just because there's like no time for them to go to a festival during WY's.) It could also explain the masks, especially for WS since he wouldn't want to be recognized if on a date with HS.

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47 minutes ago, kdramawriter said:

**THIS IS A YEON Hwa LOVE POST/don’t hate me**

I gotta say, I really feel Yeon Hwa with this. I love her saying “Why does everyone on that seat threatens me with marriage. You must believe there is no better way to control a woman than marriage.” Daaaamnnn women be hearing this for thousands of years. Even today! 

Also this: “Feelings and marriage are just silly games to you when they are life to death for me.” BLAM the nail right on the head! This is the huge divide between HS and YH, YH knows how important these things are because as a woman in that time they are all the weapons we have to work with. So for YH, inciting feelings isn’t about making a connection, but merely a point of survival. Buying into the theory about HS as the unification goddess of Korea, this would never work for HS. HS is about love and unity, not about survival. I love HS/YH as foils against each other too. Because HS stands for love and YH stands for survival and we already known that one survives and one dies. So it’s like we have to decide between choosing love or death. Because Hae Su choose who she loves, she doesn’t get to live. Because YH chooses survival, she doesn’t get who she loves. Phew. Heavy richard simmons there, Moonlovers! (If you’re a GOT fan, this is the Rob Stark dilemma and why the Red Wedding happened) 

I think it was also smart of the show to really clearly define why Wang So fell in love with Hae Su and not YH as defined by their primary traits: Love Vs. Survival. Wang So feel in love with Hae Su and NOT Yeon Hwa first because Yeon Hwa was too concerned about her position to declare herself for Wang So. If she HAD done so, I think the story would have been a little different because YH and WS actually have some history too. So even though YH was first in loving Wang So, because she did not declare herself for him, he fell in love with Hae Su. Timing is everything when it comes to love. Had YH show WS’s the openess and affection that Hae Su naturally seems to have, I think WS/YH would have been a solid thing. (side note: YH’s smokey eyeliner is WERQ FIERCE COVERGIRL)

EW at Wang Yo hasn’t forgiven Yeon Hwa for siding with Wook EVEN THO he’s working with Wook, another double standard for women.

Hae Su doesn’t think about her own survival as much as she thinks about everyone else’s (most likely because she’s not tethered to this time). I understand how much easier it is to root for a character like YH and be frustrated with Hae Su.


If YH's main goal was to survive, she would have settled for marrying Yo from the beginning. If she married Yo, she would be safe if he becomes emperor. Other than Won or Wook, none of the other princes would have killed her or sent her off as a hostage if they had became king and she would be less likely to be sent as hostage bride if she was already married.

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1 minute ago, krysyuy said:


LOL WHAT. Omg, I both hate and love this idea. I'm imagining them meeting in the middle, but then HS having to walk past WS as she moves on to 2016... nooo, I'm so sad. Again! xD

I think that's her sleeve too but with the picture so grainy, it could go either way. I think this mask kiss, if not a dream lol, is definitely during WS's reign. (Just because there's like no time for them to go to a festival during WY's.) It could also explain the masks, especially for WS since he wouldn't want to be recognized if on a date with HS.

I genuinely don't know how I feel about that ending at all! Some buy into it and think that this could possibly be the nicer version than killing her off. They think it might be the moment she takes down the mask and she just moves on without each other.


Since C-BBJX RX was cremated and WS doesn't get to see her one last time at all, not even her deceased body. Just a pot of ashes in the arms of WJ Chinese equivalent. EEEK. 



I'm torn, I want more, but I don't want MLSHR to end WAAAHHH 

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The thread moving so fast, have many many pages to back read but I am happy to see despite some of the disappointment on the development of the plot or characters, this drama is still very much loved by the fans or even the love growing stronger. I too  kinda frustrated with HS and Eun and SD for not having or thinking better for the escape plan or trusting WS . But some of the explanation in this forum helps to look at different perspectives. Tq for that all chingus.

Looking at the preview on ep 16 and based on the eng translation, of course totally expecting the lovey dovey moment HS-WS but what really interest me is that WS motivation for the throne has change from HS to the need for himself, wanting to break free from being the 'dog' of the king and I would like to see what type of king would he be.  how would the writer develop him as a king....not sure how much development each character in the drama we will see as there are only 5 ep left...

Nevertheless, lets continue to support and love SHR......

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