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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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after reading about the hugh and watching the preview for episode 14 i was on cloud number nine... our ship finally was sailing, or so i thought

then i watched both versions of episode 13, and i thought it was a great episode, love all the action scenes (me looove some fights) and all LJK scenes (as always) seriously this guy is amazing, he's killing it! and even if i hate Wook with all my heart i thought him clever 

but... i'm still not buying HS... every scene with wook got my nerves, i don't understand her... why propose to go away with wook, if she was testing him it's ok, but if so, why when he told her he would make her return to him (or something like that) she answered that it won't be easy... she must have told him plainly  that he won't. period

and why she didn't told so about wook?

i wish she could have been more emotional when pating and embracing So... maybe she can't feel anything after all that hapened to her, but then how can I believe that next episode she will be happy and in love with So?

this drama just drive me crazy... and still i love it to pieces and can only think of it.. and So.

Is it just me? I hope next week episodes made me more confident in our OTP relationship, right now i'm so scared because only 7 episodes to go and I don't want the drama to rush things

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10 minutes ago, Gabi Bros said:

In BBJX they never liked each other but they didn't hate each other either. 14th prince was in the side of 8th prince at the beginning, 8th prince was his beloved brother after all. He adored 8th prince…but as years passed he began to notice that he (14th) was king material. So I think, he was not in the side of 8th anymore…he was on his own side that secretly wanted the throne. A throne that he really deserved. Everybody wanted 14th prince who was really smart and skillful warrior to be the king. The king (father) at the end before dying told 4th prince: "The new king will be 14th prince" and 4th prince decided to falsificate the edict and become the new king in his place. 14th prince got really mad because he kind of knew it but can't prove it. 

ummm, 14th and 8th princes are only half brothers. 4th prince is 14th prince 100% older brother. They have the same mom.

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9 hours ago, briseis said:

Episodes 14/15 - Predicting the Future - IT’S TRUE, ALL OF IT


What is even this show?! It takes a huge emotional toil on me and I’m emotionally exhausted after each episode. I still haven’t processed what happened in one episode and I’m already suffering from anxiety pangs because of the upcoming one. Honestly, I’ve developed some strange bipolar disorder because of ML - on one hand I’m happy to see SoSoo finally get their long-deserved time together, but for the most part I can’t stop worrying about all the richard simmons that’s coming their way. I often write how So would fight against the whole world for her, but it’s truly the whole world plus fate and history against them. Seriously, can’t these two finally catch a break?!


If episode 13 showed us one thing it’s that SOO’S VISION ARE ALL TRUE AND FRIGHTENINGLY ACCURATE - be it the throne room scene, WS covering Taejo’s body with his royal robe or Wang Moo’s death in the water next week.


This is truly the Korean version of Game of Thrones - the death count is growing each episode, MH, Lady Oh, Taejo, Wang Moo, and I’m pretty sure whose death will come next  - the 10th Prince Eun and his wife. It’s a historical fact that he was killed during Yo’s reign on his orders; and Yo is getting the throne in episode 15 at the latest. Plus the Eun’s “why die together, let’s live together” speech to SD pretty much sealed their fates tonight. It’s one of HS’s visions that still hasn’t come to pass, but it’s dangerously near. When I watch the HS kiss WS in the preview, all I can see is that HE IS WEARING THE SAME ROBE FROM THE VISION WHERE HE SLASHES EUN WITH HIS SWORD.


I’m almost certain he will be giving him a merciful death and Soo will understand it, but it will truly break him, even more than when he thought he killed Yo.


If you look really close you will notice a pale scar on HS’s neck - from the fight at Damiwon it looks like Yo will be using HS’s life to control WS because how else could he defeat the invincible Wolf Dog in a fight.


Finally, with Jung receiving more and more screentime it seems the writer is setting up the story for SoSoo’s eventual and ultimate break-up which I expect in episode 19. 


@briseis As much as I thought you're prediction is true.. I still want to scream out loud: NOOOOOOOOOO.... :crazy:

But ..but.. Soo will be Sanggong only at Moo's reign, she's wearing the Sanggong updo hairstyles - Yo will certainly not engage her as Sanggong. If Yo indeed takes her as hostage then she definitely won't take the highest position in Damiwon. 
Also, timeline-wise: 
During Moo's time, Soo is the Sanggong. She and So's love will continue to grow deeper (at least we can be sure to see the lovey dovey couple in ep 13)
Then by the end of 13, Yo comes and kills Moo. Battle with So and Yo. So is defeated? Please say Soo manages to escape with So?
Is there any screencap/proof that Soo is taken hostage by Yo?
At this point, I'm really curious what will happen to Wook. Wook betrayed Yo. Yo must be in raging mad mood by this time. Not only to Moo, So, but especially to Wook for double crossing him.

I really really wish Soo's premonition of So laughing and killing Eun and SD is wrong. Or taken out of context. 
And I think he wore that clothing before? When he tried to leave Songak and blocked by YH?

Oh be still my heart.  



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1 minute ago, ddeokbokkii said:

ummm, 14th and 8th princes are only half brothers. 4th prince is 14th prince 100% older brother. They have the same mom.

Yes, but a brother is a brother even full or half. 4th prince was full brother but his beloved one was his half brother 8th prince. 

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Just now I had watch episode 12 and 13 :sweatingbullets: real life caught me really harsh :tears:

First I would like to apologize to the late king :tears: I threw stones at him as a father.. and I'm terribly mistaken. 

So the king new all along about JM as I suspected.. now it makes sense that he let JM do his tricks.. However is JM's position higher than the evil queen? He almost can do everything he wants, I mean when the Queens wanted to enter the King's chamber he got the soldiers all in command.


Confrontation between WS/YH and HS/WW simultaneously

This particular scene ironically lays it all, baring the naked truth not just with their intention but the contrast between the half-bros. Wook who claims that his reason for chasing the throne; to protect his people. and on the other side YH influencing..no trying to do the same tricks she used over his own brother and that's as Yo's said she knows how to take inner darkness from one. However her 2nd attempt failed again, as So never wanted the throne for the greed of power as Wook does. 

HS/WW after the rebellion plot

Now this is really on point. If the rain scene was the turning point then this scene is when she got over in-denial pace. I meant by denial pace, I'm talking about their conversation "Did you ever miss me? -- that's enuf" her eyes were empty and soulless talking to him.. she's denying to herself the fact which  ALL ALONG  what Lady Oh solely stated towards Wook was hell true and richard simmons accurate. I know she's blaming herself already by Lady Oh's death but she's holding on to that single hope that there at least that 1 thing, her vulnerable spot must not oppose.. and it's not for Wook it's for herself to have a tiny hole from her atonement cave. With this scene she's slapped by the devastating truth, she was deceived and mistaken by her fantasy. I won't put all the blame against Wook coz clearly it takes two to tango.. 

HS/WW "Is the king dead?"

With this.. I'm questioning the impression, does Wook really love HS? Or he's the one actually wants HS to be his person not a lover but a possession, like Lady Hae. I still don't buy (not gonna buy it ever) that he loved Lady Hae, she's no different with HS who falls for a man who'm they never saw his real face yet.. I get it, if he's reason is that he's longing or looking the devotion Lady Hae have in him at HS, but no.. I'm starting to think he's someone uncapable of trusting someone nor truly loving someone. It's not love if there's jealousy in between, it's not love with greed, and it is never love without trust. 

His intention of asking her and giving another freaking excuse is not to confirm if she's still his person or persuading her, but simply he manipulated her -- to get the right answer on who will he stabbed in the back.. not surprising he's man who broke his promise countless times, turned his back at her lowest point and proven that his claim "love" for her is never enough over his monstrous ambition.. what do I expect his "love" towards HS was improper to begin with. starting to feel what causes he's tremendous jealousy towards So, when he witnessed how HS shuts him(So) down, when exactly did he feel this threatened? I don't think he's petty as when YH beating HS.. there must be something :phew: they aren't showing us yet.

Am I too hard on Wook? I guess I am. but what can I do it's his character calling, starting to get unveiled and that unfolded truth is really dark.. and this is all thanks to KHN's brilliancy. *bow down* Weird I really hate Wook right now but as much as I hate him, why do I still find him pitiful? I'm still stuck with the saying even the devil was once an angel.. I hope they show why he ended this way


Funny thing is maybe the character description has been switched.. it's not So who is obsessive and possessive, when So is actually selflessly in love with HS.


My poor So, he's in pain mourning having to cut down his own brother.. :tears: anyway I feel that So is somewhat aware with HS and WW.. but that's all history. Now have to focus and cherish So-Soo moments as it is and not worry about the inevitable agony to follow.. that's how it works with kdramaland :mellow::angry:

But one thing I'm sure, episode 12.. HS is slowly recognizing that she's falling for So :wub:

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5 minutes ago, Gabi Bros said:

Yes, but a brother is a brother even full or half. 4th prince was full brother but his beloved one was his half brother 8th prince. 

Oh!, when you said his beloved brother, I though you meant they are 100% brothers to each other, my bad.

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2 hours ago, qwenli said:

Altho I find myself thinking about this too, but I think there are 3 factors to consider here:

Hence although its true that the director favour KHN (he openly praised KHN as being very handsome at the presscon), I cannot fully pinpoint him as being unfair. 

I agree. Like I said, I love to see more So/Soo screen time but I think the director's favor for KHN can't really make him give KHN more time. I think he needs the approval from other parties too. And if the editing was better, it will help with the story more and we won't have to see two versions. That really confuses the fans.

2 hours ago, clarissasan said:

 and what she asked to WS about not hurting WW is probably because she feel guilty that she betrayed WW, the person she should've trust. After the attack HS ask WW if she was tested by him and HS asked him if he ever trust her completely.... but from how HS told WS about WW's plan, HS didn't trust WW first. They didn't trust each other and the relationship clearly won't work. that's my opinion :) 

Even if Hae Soo and Wang Wook did love each other, it was too weak to begin, to shallow to withstand anything, and not enough trust for the two to share the struggle.

2 hours ago, LyraYoo said:


We must take this as a caveat as an OPINION and not jump into conclusion as a FACT.

This is in respect with the production specially the actors as well. 

We have discussions before in previous pages but is is for  an opinion but then we still stand by other factors. If this is a Cheese in the Trap move

  Hide contents

The 1 B Youku views acknowledged is is a LJG effect.

And article also acknowledged that he is no. 1 in searches


That alone defies any rumor about the CITT fiasco. Even if it is true. 

Only the production knows what happened. We can not only rely on RUMORS at this point.


I will be making a summary of @liddi 's post about the changes and differences in our first page. Will have a separate section on this . I thought at first the changes are only critical upto episode 10. 

But it was not :lol:

Thank you in advance for taking your time to assemble the changes and differences.

1 hour ago, fuyukoneko said:

As much as I want more of LJG, he had more screen time in the first episode than the 4th prince had in the first 6 episodes of Chinese drama. In the novel, the story is about Ruoxi's change as she adapts to living in the past and her relationships with the princes. We only see the 4th prince's from Ruoxi's eyes and there's no character development for the 4th prince at all. I couldn't even tell he was suppose to be the main love interest until halfway through the Chinese drama.

In the Chinese version, during the time Ruoxi is a laundress, we see how difficult her life has become and how she stands up for herself and overcomes it. There's only a brief scene with the 4th prince and another one with the 14th prince. In the Korean version, HS is completely defined by her relationship to WS and WW, so there's definitely more time devoted to LJG.


I love your words!!!

@hayperreality Maybe at first he was forced or he has always desired the throne. But for now, he WANTS the throne. He wants that seat. @sunshinefate And not to mention, So led the rain ritual. Wook wanted that spot. I think Wook saw that So became more favorable. So his jealousy stems from Soo and from his inner self.

7 minutes ago, Gabi Bros said:

In BBJX they never liked each other but they didn't hate each other either. 14th prince was in the side of 8th prince at the beginning, 8th prince was his beloved brother after all. He adored 8th prince…but as years passed he began to notice that he (14th) was king material. So I think, he was not in the side of 8th anymore…he was on his own side that secretly wanted the throne. A throne that he really deserved. Everybody wanted 14th prince who was really smart and skillful warrior to be the king. The king (father) at the end before dying told 4th prince: "The new king will be 14th prince" and 4th prince decided to falsificate the edict and become the new king in his place. 14th prince got really mad because he kind of knew it but can't prove it. 

In the original, the throne was the source of hate between 14th and 4th princes. In this drama, Hae Soo is probably the source of conflict, sooner or later.

19 minutes ago, freckledbelle said:

WW is clever. Sending a message to CP was a good move and from the ep 14 preview it looks like he will use it to get what he wants. But it's a pity because he will never be king.

Wook does become king but he just never sits on the throne. In this drama, I think it hurts a lot that you go after something but you will never get your hand on it. That's gonna happen to Wook. He wants the throne, the seat that will give him the power and most likely Hae Soo, also. But he never gets to sit on the throne because of many factors - So marries his niece and then Yeon Hwa, Soo turns to So now,... I think from now until the end, he's getting darker and he will reap what he sows. Now this reminds me of the Mirror of Erised in Harry Potter. He sees what he desires the most but will never have it. While So is like Harry Potter at the end of book 1. He doesn't want the throne but the throne belongs to him just like how Harry doesn't want the stone but the stone appears in his pocket.


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1 hour ago, LadyOne said:

This is beyond what my heart can comprehend.

My heart is really weak now, after watching the last two episodes... all the rejection, betrayal, the end of 13th‘s ship (I hope not) and (preview) child marriage!? If that child is CP daughter, I hope CP get/ask/forces WS to married her for her protection after CP pass on... and I hope WW has no part in suggesting it to CP to do it... (He is way down at the bottom of my list now, any lower he will below evil queen)

Does that child happen to be CP only child?

I would rather WS married YH than a child..... WS needs a strong Queen; YH is currently the best candidate.  


The history man did married his niece though... the love of the crown..:bawling:

Edited by Noor IsmahwatiI
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I have not actually watched the new episodes but the previews unfortunately are not making me happy. I never cared about soo and wooks relationship because he was married to a sweetheart and his failure to give love after receiving hers was his fault. It appears that wook never tried that hard to love his wife or notice the wonderful things about her until the end and that was from guilt.  Heck he and soo were sneaking around giving poems and emojis like the girl was dead before she died. 

My concern with the upcoming episodes is except for the gazing at the stars soo still has this cautious look with So that I cannot stand. I think So  should be more cautious of her. She has set up the perfect scenario for So to feel like he has been betrayed by everyone and lose his mind. He asks her is she protecting wook because he is family but instead of being completely truthful she tells him she would be hurt if wook is hurt. She has given wook and the sister  the perfect ammunition to hurt So the most. They could be the ones to tell So the one the one he trusts the most loves wook and she asked to run away with him after making sure you didn't hurt him. Remember she wouldn't go with you or say she likes you at all. She is with you to make sure wook doesn't get hurt. Wook and the sister could even say soo knew about the poison. Hae soo needs to be honest or So going to feel betrayed because her befriending him, then turning scared then back to his side is too strange and those liars are going to go after him using her pitiful love with wook. I am scared for him for that reason.

Also I hated when she said he will be alright. Just because he will be king she doesn't worry for him but everyone else. He took it in the best light possible but when I heard it I thought wow great way to show how everyone matters but him. 

I never watched the Chinese version but it never sounded romantic to me from the synopsis. I like love stories where they battle all forces to be and stay together not leave and marry his brother. Die with your man, I say.  I was hoping moon would change the dynamics and be more like that but I guess not. I am watching anyway. 


End rant


Edited by lovesparklys
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15 minutes ago, Hanazumi said:

Wook does become king but he just never sits on the throne. In this drama, I think it hurts a lot that you go after something but you will never get your hand on it. That's gonna happen to Wook. He wants the throne, the seat that will give him the power and most likely Hae Soo, also. But he never gets to sit on the throne because of many factors - So marries his niece and then Yeon Hwa, Soo turns to So now,... I think from now until the end, he's getting darker and he will reap what he sows. Now this reminds me of the Mirror of Erised in Harry Potter. He sees what he desires the most but will never have it. While So is like Harry Potter at the end of book 1. He doesn't want the throne but the throne belongs to him just like how Harry doesn't want the stone but the stone appears in his pocket.

To add to that, Yeon Hwa told the King when visiting his chamber in episode 13 that she will make Goryeo hers. For sure, she will become the queen and Goryeo is indeed hers. But then, the king of Goryeo will be So (Gwangjong) and she does not have his heart or pay attention to her. In a way, she does make the kingdom hers but she also loses the kingdom. Just like her brother going after the throne and can totally get on the throne but it doesn't belong to him. I don't know if it makes sense to you guys. I know they're brothers and sisters. But they can totally be husband-wife, too. Maybe I'm having hallucinations after watching Empire of Lust. LOL :heart:

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1 hour ago, lovesparklys said:

I have not actually watched the new episodes but the previews unfortunately are not making me happy. I never cared about soo and wooks relationship because he was married to a sweetheart and his failure to give love after receiving hers was his fault. It appears that wook never tried that hard to love his wife or notice the wonderful things about her until the end and that was from guilt.  Heck he and soo were sneaking around giving poems and emojis like the girl was dead before she died. 

My concern with the upcoming episodes is except for the gazing at the stars soo still has this cautious look with So that I cannot stand. I think So  should be more cautious of her. She has set up the perfect scenario for So to feel like he has been betrayed by everyone and lose his mind. He asks her is she protecting wook because he is family but instead of being completely truthful she tells him she would be hurt if wook is hurt. She has given wook and the sister  the perfect ammunition to hurt So the most. They could be the ones to tell So the one the one he trusts the most loves wook and she asked to run away with him after making sure you didn't hurt him. Remember she wouldn't go with you or say she likes you at all. She is with you to make sure wook doesn't get hurt. Wook and the sister could even say soo knew about the poison. Hae soo needs to be honest or So going to feel betrayed because her befriending him, then turning scared then back to his side is too strange and those liars are going to go after him using her pitiful love with wook. I am scared for him for that reason.

Also I hated when she said he will be alright. Just because he will be king she doesn't worry for him but everyone else. He took it in the best light possible but when I heard it I thought wow great way to show how everyone matters but him. 

I never watched the Chinese version but it never sounded romantic to me from the synopsis. I like love stories where they battle all forces to be and stay together not leave and marry his brother. Die with your man, I say.  I was hoping moon would change the dynamics and be more like that but I guess not. I am watching anyway. 


End rant


In this case, Soo never betray So. That is not the storyline director or writer aiming for. So just relax and dont think too much. 

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