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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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32 minutes ago, shiraru said:

I'm sorry I posted this BTS again, but it's just. So. CUTE!


Notice how Kang Haneul reacts, his head immediately turned to whoever suggested him to shoot a melodrama with IU in excitement. And that little smile though, awwwwww~ :wub:


Then put his head down, while sneaking a peek, shy shy shy~ hehehe...even I think IU think his gesture is cute, she also immediately mimicking the gesture. :lol:


We definitely need a Kang Haneul in our life, ahahahahaa....what an adorable guy, where can I find one??




it's a pity that the director is diminishing their natural chemistry... I understand, but still. I don't ship Wook-Soo but KHN-IU. Sorry to her bf lol

an adorable ha neul:


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@ruizaio Thank you for listing those inconsistencies. I did notice the mistake in Ep4 when Queen Yoo spoke of being able to have Jung, thanks to So being sent away, but didn't realise how poorly translated Hae Soo's relationship with Myung Hee was. C-subs have Myung Hee as 堂姐, which is Soo's older female cousin on the paternal side. Is that somewhat similar to the meaning of 육촌 6-chon? Now more than ever, I am raring to go back and watch C-subbed, to see what else I have been misled about. Time. Time! It is really a shame though because while I normally immediately refer to C-subs for sageuks, this time I didn't think it would be necessary because it was pre-produced and expected the subbers would have had ample opportunity to do a proper translation even before the initial broadcast.

@40somethingahjumma Thank you for pointing out the DSS has another set of English subs that we can refer to. Are you on the subbing team? Will definitely check it out. I agree about nuances, particularly play on words, get lost in translation with subs, and this to be especially true in sageuks. And fervently agree too with the jarring use of name rather than honorifics in the dialogue.. which while perhaps is easier to know immediately who the person is referring to, loses the added layer of depth in the way characters relate to one another. On a side note, I revisited Tree with Deep Roots, this time C-subbed a few months back, and certain dialogues made so much more sense compared to when I first watched with English subs.

While on the topic of Tree and languages... I love how MLSHR takes care to stay true to the essence of the source material, and create their own spin on it. One which I found to be especially clever, is the evolution of language and how our heroine struggled with it. In the original, Zhang Xiao (modern day Ruoxi), was versed in simplified Chinese 简体字, since she lived in China. As such, she struggled with literacy when she went back to the past, because the written language then was 繁体字 Traditional Chinese, which can be vastly different. (Side note: If she had been brought up in Taiwan or Hong Kong, she would have had no such issues since they are still reading in traditional Chinese today! :P) Meanwhile, in MLSHR, Soo's problem is being versed in Hangul and not Hanja (which is comprised of Traditional Chinese characters). What a wonderfully adapted parallel, and one that is historically resonant. Well done. To top it off, the use of emojis was a totally unexpected but nice touch, particularly in this day and age when emojis are very much the rage! :D 

I have a question which I have not been able to find a satisfactory answer so far. Myung Hee told Wook of the doctor's diagnosis that Soo drowned, and only revived and came out of the water 2 hours later. How would anyone, doctor or not, have known that she died in the first place, since she was not discovered to have drowned before she came out of the water and frightened Eun? I could even accept Ji Mong's claim that he drowned as a boy and came back to life a day later, because his body was most probably brought out of the water and being prepared for burial at the time. Yet how did anyone even make a similar conjecture with regards to Soo? I understand that this is perhaps to draw the parallel between Soo and Ji Mong's experiences, but I find Soo's to be poorly explained, at least based on Ep1. 

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download..hahaha,streaming sinyalnya ga kuat..ga ada chanel One juga :P



cuman lagi ngomongin kenapa di Indonesia ga ada berita rating MLSHR :)

I think I'm going back to silent reader mode for a while..the thread is too fast to keep up..anyways, I'm enjoying all your analysis'..2 more days..happy weekend all. :heart:

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@liddi yes, 6-chon means your grandparents were siblings. Since they both belong to the Hae clan, they would come from the same paternal family. 


Which brings up another criticism on ML- historically, Wook was married to one of his half-sisters and had a son and two daughters. The daughters marry So's son that later becomes king after Gwangjong, and the son becomes the next king, too. By giving Wook a fictitious wife that dies without giving him children, some people are worried about how the royal line will continue. I suppose they can have him survive to the end and hint that he gets married later on (his son is born in year 961, and we're in year 943, and the synopsis suggested the show will only cover up to about year 954), but if that's the case, HS really doesn't need to fear for his life...


I myself have wondered the same thing about Hae Soo's drowning, and wondered if it was really Chaeryung's words that she was in water for 2 hours. I'll have to go back and check the episode 1, but this reminds me of another term that gets commonly mistranslated. The common unit of time in sageuks is actually 2 hours long, but DF consistently translates it as 1 hour. 

EDIT: there was one incidence where JM's line was translated as if it belonged to WS, which made me wonder if the DF translator was just translating from text without watching the episodes.

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4 hours ago, notintoyou said:

I'm team Hae Soo. saw this on tumblr and I agree with what this person is saying.



I'm going to differ with this tumblr post.

It has nothing to do with girl vs boy. Nor does it have to do with how hot the guy is. In real life i would totally be on the hae su's side. But this is a drama. The simple reason is that people are more sympathetic to wang so because he touches our heart. Whether it is the writing or LJK's performance, wang so is the one who we understand.

Hae su's panic was so one tone. Given the confusing timeline, it has been at minimum 2 days since she realised that wang so is the future king yet her response is the same. run, flail, panic, warn wook. I like IU well enough but in critical scenes she falters. Example - I never thought she was seriously conflicted or saddened by falling in love with someone else's husband (when the wife for alive). Same here, i don't see panic but irrational behaviour which is boderline cruel to a person she promised she will not change and he can trust her.

LJK is selling wang so to me like anything. I can understand his pain, his desperation, his growing obsessiveness to hang on to the one person that has shown him care. Everything is not about male vs female, in dramas, it is all about who can make you care for the character. Here wang so has killed people, animals, threatened her, and yes forced kissed her, but people are still saying poor wang so! not because we don't know what is right or wrong but because the actor has completely captivated us and convinced us that "yes, the character cruel but you have to feel for him. I  have left you with no other choice. "

Edited by LyraYoo
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@liddi @ruizaio thank you both of you for all those analysis and translation mistakes that we being non korean viewers knowing nothing about the difference can also understand a bit.

@ruizaio you said you read orogonaoriginal script posted on DC , anyway we can also get hold of it to know more about the original drama planned and can compare how it deviated (and need to know whats DC sorry for stupid question but couldn't think anyone better to ask)


thanks frnd for article post.. I feel so much relieved that I am not the only one feeling bad and worred for the gal HaeSoo(I am still a fan of WS-HS) but still felt how much support WS needed then HS needed the same being in that panic attack situation (still no blaming the kiss or WS just wanted to give her support at least in words)


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wow... this is what I called the thread that never sleeps hehehe.... you guys are amazing, I just left for less than 24 hrs and already behind again. 

It's Saturday!!! I'm a bit busy this weekend so I just want to say hi chinugyaaa...! Thank you guys, I enjoy the discussions, and the video/BTS pics.... But but but I'm still waiting for kissing scenes BTS clips.... please PDnim..please.... 

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@ruizaio Based on historical Wook, ultimately MLSHR's most important lesson may be to pay full attention in history classes - which is what Soo should have done :P But you are right. If they were to stick to history, then perhaps in the end, we see So and Wook make peace with each other after Soo's death, one which ultimately results in marriage alliances and even succession to the throne? In which case, I cannot imagine Soo having a happy life leading to her demise... and perhaps it is the pain of losing her, and particularly her disillusionment with the two men she loved, that finally saw both men bury the hatchet so to speak. In other words, the loss of her life ensured that Wook survived? 

Speaking of which, how does the succession to the throne work in Goryeo? I notice that brothers and even brother in laws can ascend to the throne, even if the deceased king had princes of their own. Or do the usual line of succession stand, and it is only when the king had little power that upon his death, the stronger members of the royal family could claim the throne for themselves? 

Back to translations - can you remember which of Ji Mong's lines were wrongly attributed to So? And yes, 时辰 is 2 hours long, not 1 hour as often mistranslated. Thankfully C-subs do not have the issue of misrepresenting time :sweatingbullets:

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gak langganan one tv jadi cuma streaming (that's why i can live blogging) + download juga..




ribut-ribut yang mana kah? soalnya kemaren sepertinya situasinya agak hangat gegara ibu RT tetangga sebelah bahas rating ^_^


not only BB cream, sneaker also already exist in goryeo time Lol...



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@KdramaSwimmer DC refers to DC Inside, a Korean online community that has various forums for different themes. There is one for MLSHR where Korean fans discuss the drama and what not. There is also a general Kdrama one where most MLSHR posts are hate/ridiculing and a minor Kdrama review one that offers more positive reviews or constructive criticism. The MLSHR DC forum is mostly against making references to the leaked synopsis or scripts, whereas the other two often have people posting snippets to compare and contrast. I have explained or translated some before and I will bring them up when I think the timing has passed in the aired episodes where it should have happened.


@liddi Actually, the brother-brother succession thing was a long tradition since the Goguryeo-Baekje-Silla days. Only later, when Confucianism settled in the Korean peninsula as the central philosophy did it become the norm for oldest, preferrably queen-born sons to succeed their fathers. Wang Geon specifically gave 10 instructions before dying that included this issue. Generally, you pass the throne onto your oldest son, but if a brother is considered to have virtue, that brother can succeed instead. But who decides who has virtue? The powerful clans! That's why Gwangjong felt it was necessary to get rid of so many of the initial supporters of his father. Also, the family tree was really messed up because of the intermarriage anyway. The ultimate winner in Goryeo's game of thrones is Baek Ah, as he has an affair with one of the daughters of Wook and their illegitimate child is the king through whom most of the line continues.


I think it was in the beginning, when WG and JM were observing WS. JM was asking WG if he called WS to the capital to serve the CP or something like that, but the subtitle was more like "Did you call me to Songak..." 

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Regarding the idea of "visions" to be original Hae Soo memories...

When HS talks with Ji Mong, he mentions memories: airplanes, for example. Memories from his travel. They would be, weirdly, memories from the future...but oh well :lol: He also said he kept seeing things but I think he didn't specify if they were always from the future (unknown in Goryeo things, things happening post 70's, etc.).  JM is pretty shadowy, we can't be sure if he has any better knowledge of Goryeo history than HS for example, maybe he lived 20 years in the future but how many are versed in their own country history being realistic? Supposedly he travelled to the modern era while being a child, so he wouldn't have the anxiety to read history as an adult would. Maybe his knowledge is as superficial but getting to live in the modern era will surely help anyone make a living in the past I think, our common knowledge is just much better (thus explaining his position). It's been hinted he's not as clueless, though.

If the visions would indeed be memories, it will bring the trouble regarding original Hae Soo life, since she was supposed to be very different and probably wouldn't get to be together neither with Wook or Wang So so where do this memories come from? Maybe she just witnessed those, none of the memories have been intimate yet. 

I am personally skeptic about the writer/production team attention to so many details/symbols (even if many I've read had been very interesting), I don't know, maybe JM just said that because we know he travelled to the future but the writter didn't develop a complex story regarding the time travel since it's not the focus of the drama at all. Maybe if they're or not visions from the future may not be relevant for the drama in the end since their purpose is the conflict at the Goryeo time between HS-WS and nothing more. At the same time LJK said the end would be happy so maybe the time-travel dynamics are more important to explain some "happy" (recognizing each other) possible modern-times ending?

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@cyriatan When did LJG say that it would be happy in the end? Most Korean fans expect it to be sad because the director said it is sadder than the C-version, although it's not clear if he meant that the ending is sad or the journey is sad. I would very much prefer a happy ending, although I don't see how that would be possible. I didn't like the reincarnation in modern time ending of Rooftop Prince. 

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29 minutes ago, kdramakrazy said:


I'm going to differ with this tumblr post.

It has nothing to do with girl vs boy. Nor does it have to do with how hot the guy is. In real life i would totally be on the hae su's side. But this is a drama. The simple reason is that people are more sympathetic to wang so because he touches our heart. Whether it is the writing or LJK's performance, wang so is the one who we understand.

Hae su's panic was so one tone. Given the confusing timeline, it has been at minimum 2 days since she realised that wang so is the future king yet her response is the same. run, flail, panic, warn wook. I like IU well enough but in critical scenes she falters. Example - I never thought she was seriously conflicted or saddened by falling in love with someone else's husband (when the wife for alive). Same here, i don't see panic but irrational behaviour which is boderline cruel to a person she promised she will not change and he can trust her.

LJK is selling wang so to me like anything. I can understand his pain, his desperation, his growing obsessiveness to hang on to the one person that has shown him care. Everything is not about male vs female, in dramas, it is all about who can make you care for the character. Here wang so has killed people, animals, threatened her, and yes forced kissed her, but people are still saying poor wang so! not because we don't know what is right or wrong but because the actor has completely captivated us and convinced us that "yes, the character cruel but you have to feel for him. I  have left you with no other choice. "


I agree with you that it has nothing to do with girl vs boy bandwagon, or anti-feminist sensibility that drove people's support. LOL. Not everything should be seen on that view. However, I think what the tumblr post writer trying to imply is we tend to focus more on his side of pain and support his standing, rather than looking at it on both ways. And yes, it likely because lee joongi's portrayal was so spot on perfect that we could feel it radiating directly across the screen. 

Where in reality that particular moment was painful for BOTH of them. Haesoo's was hurt as well. Regardless how irrational we thought of her reaction, she was obviously broken with the realisation and have not come terms with the issue just yet. Also different people have a different need of time to heal with anything, we can't just used our own experience and compare to her like that. And having him, her very source of distress, pushed himself towards her, when she still not grow past the issue just yet, would completely scare the heck out of her. It understandable at the momentous peak of her tension, she reacts so harshly with a raw and unfiltered emotions. I already try to put more context into her inner turmoil in my previous post, feel free to read for better detail. :)

What I try to encourage is it's better to try to consider both of their standing before giving our judgment. That way it will give us a better non bias view into the situation and will be fair to the people involve in it. 

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16 minutes ago, ruizaio said:

@cyriatan When did LJG say that it would be happy in the end? Most Korean fans expect it to be sad because the director said it is sadder than the C-version, although it's not clear if he meant that the ending is sad or the journey is sad. I would very much prefer a happy ending, although I don't see how that would be possible. I didn't like the reincarnation in modern time ending of Rooftop Prince. 

Mee too.....

In rooftop prince....Although finally the girl somebody resembles the prince a lot in term of phisical appearance....still they are like strangers....really 2 different people....

I cannot say that as a happy ending.....

Happy ending means the 2 same persons....doesn't matter it will be soo chooses to stay or WS will jump to the future....just like the ending of FAITH.


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