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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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@Diana Blanche I don't think So would have killed the Crown Prince at his mom and Yo's bidding because one of the skipped scenes was of him being tied up on a fortress as a literal hostage when he was a child, and it is likely that it was the Crown Prince that saved him there. It is speculated that the attackers were Queen Yu's folks in that moment.

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5 hours ago, clarissasan said:

this will be too random sorry :flushed: I don't know if you already discuss this before because I just join this thread since around page 500

I was just thinking (I am actually very curious!)  what will it be like if 4th prince WS has normal childhood back then without scar, and being loved by his mother? What type of man he will be? What is his real interest and passion? (I only know he takes interest in trees and nature) :blush: and...for his natural personality, will he still be a quiet and reserved WS or more like cheerful and full of hope WS? 

What we see right now is the WS who has so many sad memories, alienated by his own family, living as hostage who received cruelty from his step family, practicing sword skill to defend himself, and the scar that made him think he was ugly all the time and lack of self confidence. :tears:


well, (This is just personality estimation from the 9 episodes in the drama though)

1. Will he be like ambitious Wang Yo? I assumed he will be exactly like Wang Yo, who's so keen for the throne (his mother will encourage each of his son to take the throne I'm sure of it) but I'm sure WS is less evil. He doesn't want to do bad things to people who care about him (maybe from this side he's more like Wang Jung) So, I think he just wait for his chance to be in the throne, maybe after WY died because of disease or etc. Since his mother wish one of her son to be a king, then WY and WS must be educated properly and familiar with the law. They will have expertness in governing better than the other princes. So maybe WS will have less sword ability. Just standard defence skill like the other. 

2. Will he be like intelligent Wang Wook? WS may be educated enough and has many knowledge about governing but I guess he won't be the same as WW, since the drama never show him visit the library or reading a book, or I don't see him taking any interest in literature and in the scene where the princes were studying together I thought he didn't look interested. (btw I don't understand why he pour out the water from the pot)

3. Will he be like Wang Eun? Hmmm this is what I doubt the most but what if his true nature is actually childish?! :D but I think WS is more clever than WE

4. Will he be like Wang Won? WW personality is not described clearly so I don't really know him. 

5. Will he be like Baek Ah? WS's face is actually handsome and from how he treat Hae Soo, he's quite flirty and he's good at it! Maybe he will be like Baek Ah who's famous around girls in the area. From the artistic side, I doubt it. I only know he can read emojis better than any other prince lol. But imagine WS is painting or playing instruments like Baek Ah, he will look very attractive <3 

6. Will he be like Wang Jung? This is the most likely since Wang Jung has good heart (remember what he told the queen 'if you want to make us enemies, why did you even give birth to us?!) From the fighting side, I actually quite doubt it. From the appearance WS looks more beautiful and a lil bit shorter than WJ, I don't think WS will choose fight as his main interest. And remember when the princes were playing together where the older brothers carry WJ and WE, WS's face looked troubled more than the other prince. He may actually not into sport or any other physical exercise. 


So, my conclusion is that WS with normal childhood will have passion like Wang Yo but less evil like Wang Jung, while being admired by many girls like Baek Ah. :D But I still can't figure what will become his hobby or main interest. Hmmm I wonder.... :huh: 

What's your opinion? :grin:  




Well, WS does like nature and being in the palace gardens as we've seen him there several times, usually by the palace lake. We've also seen an interest in trees. So, perhaps his hobby would be gardening/horticulture/landscape architecture? Perhaps he would build a greenhouse on the palace grounds which would enable him to grow plants and trees and perform experiments on them like cross-breeding, etc. or perhaps he would design his own garden? Hae Soo likes herbs and medicinal plants so this interest in plants/gardens is something they have in common. A normal childhood WS might design an herb garden for Hae Soo as a gift. He also seems to enjoy stargazing, so perhaps astronomy as well?

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@junee22 our lovely country also into kdrama but it's few years ago... and for now indian drama are top rated and like @ruzikie said Jesica scandal all over the place, plus upcoming election in your town ^_^


confused-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862 ohh?? mimpi apa hayo?? mencurigakan Lol

@hallyus group hug, you not alone definitely 

@Mona Ys good to you, my regular kdrama lover not into saeguk, they said it's confusing. for this drama this thread the only place for me.


will there's a time when WS kiss HS in gentle way? i can imagine him approach her slowly, more and more close to HS lips and kiss her gently embarrassed4-onion-head-emoticon.gif?129. on that time i probably already pass out 




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48 minutes ago, innrukia said:

please someone search for this bts.................

btw i'm one of the lurkers & really enjoy all the recaps & analysis done by all of the seniors....lets continue till Oct 30:wub:

we can't imply our believe/interest in others so never bother with the rating @ negative comments & spread the love:heart:


ps:  im watching Joseon gunman while reply to this hence i dont fine chemistry between joongi & the female lead:sweatingbullets:


I tried to watch JG also but I didn't like it. 

I like Scholar that walks the night better.  LJG  & LYB did great there.  They're cute too despite the age gap. :)



Edited by LyraYoo
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3 minutes ago, dhia205 said:

@junee22 our lovely country also into kdrama but it's few years ago... and for now indian drama are top rated




Out of topic

Hehehe I am grinning like a stupid reading this.

I dont like indian shows cause they are suoer draggy and become like chewing gum after a while

 And kdramas my only saving grace.. but feeling lil good tbat they are appreciated in ur country 

Do you watch any indian ones ?


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11 minutes ago, Diana Blanche said:

Please don't get angry on me, I don't want to upset those optimistic but I think Wang So, as a king, (and maybe sooner) will show his soft spot only towards Hae Soo. And even so he will become possessive and obsessed with her. For many others he will be a king of Hell. Tough times demand a harsh king. Otherwise a nation can not survive. If this is an adaptation after C-version they can't deviate too much from the original story. (A very sad one). They also can't deviate too much from history. I don't expect to see much happiness and sweet moments from now on. I think that times of tranquility for Hae Soo have passed. She will have to start her own fight to tame the volcanic temper of Wang So. It's time to reveal the need for the emergence of Ha-jin in those days.



i have to agree with you in these bits.. WS soft spot only belong to HS and to be honest it always is since the beginning.. and yes he will later on became more possessive and obsessed with her cause when she did receive his feeling the only one that matter is HS.. in novel when 4th became a king if you notice everyone in his family that he punish have some kind of connection with the reason Ruoxi sick or against him.. Ruoxi even ask what he did is for protecting the country or revenge...?

if HS actually fall sick because of hard work and weak body i can fully believe WS will punish every single one who make her like that.. even now we can see how far he will go to protect HS as far as sacrifice himself... people messing with HS even the evil queen who have a taste confronting WS just because she try to hurt HS will have a very bad ending.. not even his family can touch HS..... that's how much HS mean for him.. 

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I love and enjoy watching this drama. I dont care about the ratings as long as i enjoy the drama. After Oh My Venus, i become silent reader and only this drama can make me more active in soompi again. 

Don't know whether someone already asked about this... But i want to share my thoughts... Do you think that we will have another second drama Scarlet Heart 2 probably? Because in Chinese version they have Scarlet Heart 2 that shows the 'present time' after Ruoxi teleport back to 21st century.  

I'm worried that the ML ending will not satisfy my soul. Because I want the Korean version shows that WangSo and HaeSoo can be together in the present time. And they have lovey dovey time. *please please PD nim and writernim... I beg you... Jaebal* 

But i'm not sure the production team can bring it up in episode 20. Maybe the ending will be a cliffhanger like in c version. *ohhh nooo please dont* 

I hope there will be Scarlet Heart 2 to satisfy my soul.  But due to ratings in Korea, i'm not sure they will continue to produce the Scarlet Heart 2. Or.... hopefully they combine BBJX 1 and 2 in Korean version of SHMLR  *fingercrossed* 

What do you think? Will they shows HaeSoo and WangSo together in love in the present time? Or leave us like the ending in C version? I will love this drama no matter how the ending later... But still if my wish come true, i will be so much happier.. Sorry for my long post... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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@jetsu I like you phrase saying that HS is not only treat his scar, it's like treating his heart.  you are absolutely right, WS regains his confidence and happiness because of HS's caring. How can a girl like her doesn't scare of him even after he threatening her to death. She treats his scar and treats and shower his heart as well....:wub:

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31 minutes ago, Diana Blanche said:

Please don't get angry on me, I don't want to upset those optimistic but I think Wang So, as a king, (and maybe sooner) will show his soft spot only towards Hae Soo. And even so he will become possessive and obsessed with her. For many others he will be a king of Hell. Tough times demand a harsh king. Otherwise a nation can not survive. If this is an adaptation after C-version they can't deviate too much from the original story. (A very sad one). They also can't deviate too much from history. I don't expect to see much happiness and sweet moments from now on. I think that times of tranquility for Hae Soo have passed. She will have to start her own fight to tame the volcanic temper of Wang So. It's time to reveal the need for the emergence of Ha-jin in those days.

I wonder if Wang So would have killed CP if his mother and Wang Yo would have said they'll support him to become king. Something makes me think yes. And I think if those two would not have kept their words... he would have kill them too... very possible. (Well maybe not his mother). I wish I'm wrong in my statement and everything will go much smoother but I have to prepare my soul for what is worse. In any way I will love this drama no matter in what direction it will take.

Sorry to jump from one idea to another but... In nine episodes they have described a year of the reign of King Taejo. As I understand, the story must cover another nine years in just 11 episodes, and I think the action it will develop very fast. I wonder how they can achieve that and I hope everything's gonna be okay.


He already shown his soft side when Hae Soo got caught when they were trying to hide her before she marries the King. His body language already shown his soft side for her even when she smiles like that to assure him that everything's gonna be okay, his worry already faded a little if he had to life, he's still worrying her when she hurt her wrist and he couldn't do anything because Wookie already brought her to medic. 

He's not so evil to kill his mother and brother wether i need to say those two needs to be vanished from this world because they don't belong to live. They are a bunch of greediness reign their body, mind and soul. i could not even say Queen Yoo is a good mother.

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I've been thinking where did HS get the idea that WS/GJ will murder his brothers.  From what I've read so far, there was no mention that he did.  His political rival, yes.

It only shows that HJ were either chatting, absent or sleeping in her history subject. :D:D:D

This girl is too quick to jump into conclusion with an empty head. 

Me?  When there are things that I don’t know…. I'm probably absent or late. LOL

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39 minutes ago, ruizaio said:

@Diana Blanche I don't think So would have killed the Crown Prince at his mom and Yo's bidding because one of the skipped scenes was of him being tied up on a fortress as a literal hostage when he was a child, and it is likely that it was the Crown Prince that saved him there. It is speculated that the attackers were Queen Yu's folks in that moment.

Thanks for the clarification. I think I saw that scene, in this thread. It was a flash-back in white and black if I'm not mistaken. But I didn't think it is related to CP.

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I'm not..coz I don't have the channel that airs the show/shows..namely..Mahabharat,Mohabbatein(the series),Ashok(the series),Navya etc (I couldn't remember it all..while for me..I'm only interested on SRK's movies..oh and Hrithik Roshan..of course..hahaha




I'm not..coz I don't have the channel that airs the show/shows..namely..Mahabharat,Mohabbatein(the series),Ashok(the series),Navya etc (I couldn't remember it all..while for me..I'm only interested on SRK's movies..oh and Hrithik Roshan..of course..hahaha


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10 minutes ago, Table122000 said:

Well, WS does like nature and being in the palace gardens as we've seen him there several times, usually by the palace lake. We've also seen an interest in trees. So, perhaps his hobby would be gardening/horticulture/landscape architecture? Perhaps he would build a greenhouse on the palace grounds which would enable him to grow plants and trees and perform experiments on them like cross-breeding, etc. or perhaps he would design his own garden? Hae Soo likes herbs and medicinal plants so this interest in plants/gardens is something they have in common. A normal childhood WS might design an herb garden for Hae Soo as a gift. He also seems to enjoy stargazing, so perhaps astronomy as well?


Love your thought!! :blush: WS will look cool as a landscape planner especially if he design the palace's garden. But sometimes I think he started to like trees and nature because he was lonely when he became hostage. He became one of the kid who force himself into finding something that could cheer him up and he used trees as a friend figure. And that become habit until the present WS. But there's high possibility that his true interest is into nature :) 

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I know that this drama is more centered around the main leads and princes, but I just want to share that I love how almost all the female characters are strong and cool (evil or not). 

Anyways, I'm so curious about how 8th and Hae Soo are going to break up. My curiosity is killing me.. And I can't wait to see how 4th wins over Hae Soo! I hope there are lots of happy and heart fluttering moments before the game of thrones begins. 

I don't want to go to work, but I can't wait for Monday!

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