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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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54 minutes ago, qwenli said:

the thread moved about 10 pages after I woke up,

indeed...look at how this drama thread progress in just 4 episodes....so forget ratings just enjoy the crowd in this drama...so far this is the most interesting  saegeuk for me...refer to myself who never enjoy watching one before....

I haven't watch the sub but from all the recaps I've read I can imagine how sad Wang Soo was last night...ugh that crazy eomma..I cannot stop my self from cursing her. WHY SHE HATE WANG SOO SO MUCH WHILE SHE CAN LOVE THE OTHER TWO SO DEARLY......

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36 minutes ago, solelylurking said:

The power of Hae Soo: 1. Can make a wounded heart always mistaken as a villain man smile and do aegyo. 2. Can maka a totally calm respectful always hide behind his smile guy cry and take off his mask once in a while. 3. Can make a boyish men suddenly want to grow up and be a handsome men to adore.

One thing I regret about this ep is not enough YoYo scene. There's no scene of them alone together even. Me as a member of YoYo club is kind of sad. 

Just think about it as Queen Mom skipping her bath so no YoYo scene.

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55 minutes ago, lostmymusic said:

The beating scene..wish WW reacted better. He was too slow.

I was less annoyed with Wook about his slow reaction than I was with his deliberate psychological undercutting of So, a thing that completely bewildered and hurt So because he defused the situation yet here he was being kicked yet again. Wook's phrasing was chosen for maximum damage to both discourage So and remind him of his place, which is nowhere. It had no root except in jealousy and (self-directed) anger unlike his slow reaction that was bound up in a lot of hierarchical stuff.

I compare it to the scene where we met the flower princes for the first time. 3rd Prince (one day I'll remember his name and that's the day he'll die, lol) was about to hit a servant for spilling wine on him but Wook *immediately* halts/distracts his brother and the servant is given a reprieve. It was nothing for Wook to instantly interfere because there was a clear-cut way to handle it without having the higher rank/his brother lose face to the lower rank/the servant. This is not the case between Soo and Wook's sister (I will learn her name, someday). Not disciplining a servant could be seen as magnanimous but with his sister, Wook would be undercutting her authority and social ranking for a social "inferior". This leaves Wook caught between upholding social/cultural norms and the right thing because choosing Soo in this instance runs a bit deeper than the matter of his feelings. Soo is someone who 1) is righteous enough to take a beating in place of her servant and 2) is under his household's protection. No wonder the perfect Prince who everyone thinks should be the Crown Prince freezes, his actions stuttered. He instinctively moves forward but deliberately stops himself and it takes a couple of strikes before he makes a serious move to stop it. This isn't the only time he's been slow to react when Soo has tangled with a social "better" - there was also her fight with Eun. The fight was already in session by the time he arrived and everyone watching was amused or surprised but also knew her fate was sealed the moment she laid hands on a Prince. Only So bothered to stop her as soon as he saw the situation because it was better to do something than nothing. We're likely to repeat this theme throughout the drama: Wook's inaction versus So's action which will likely lead to a situation where Wook overreacts to compensate.

Now for So, who arrives later than everyone else, the decision is easier because he's been set outside of society for all his life. He quickly assesses the situation, understands the costs of stopping Wook's sister and still chooses to do so. Why? Probably partially because societal/cultural norms have done him few favors in his life. Protecting the Princess's pride is not (should not be) worth more than protecting a person from being beaten over a mistake/misunderstanding. So doesn't completely throw away the norms because he does explicitly apologize to the Princess afterwards. The other reason to stop it is he's growing to like this strange Soo girl and while it's not at the depth of Wook yet, it is enough for him to put himself out there.

I'm not sure how much Wook stood to "lose" if he had stepped in sooner and really, he could have stopped it before it all began because nearly all the Princes were there long before Soo exchanged herself for her servant. On the surface, it doesn't seem as if So loses too much because he's already on the outs but Wook's sister is one of the very few people who seem genuinely on his side. Disrespecting her could cost him a rare ally and friend (?), so he might have less face to lose but more to lose personally. My take on the dynamics of the situation as I await the next episode.

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I'm sorry about my post before..I was backread the pages and i clicked like(coz I like all your comments chingus) but then my connection acted up and I don't know what to do..so I just click submit reply..my bad..I'm very sorry for this :( ..oh well, I watched half ep 4 with eng subs..and I know now what our frinds here mean with WS is so cute..hihihi..but yes..there are also too many close ups faces and that kinda bothering me (I don't mind seeing LJKs face anyway :D)..

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This drama's low domestic viewings contradicts the amount of interest it generates. Every time I see a Dramabeans recap on Moon Lovers, there are 200+ comments, which is unusual for a show that's trending low in viewership.

I'm convinced there is more backstory to why Queen Something-something's vehemence towards Wang So. For one, I don't understand why she sacrificed him when she had 3rd prince at the time as well. The woman has shown us that she's capable of maternal love, so the reasoning that Wang So "embarrasses her" is an insufficient explanation for her hatred.

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13 hours ago, qwenli said:

@ahriev I watch on onetv and the subs are fine with me. 


Ah so they took out that silly rap song in Korea. Yep, they should because it's really weird to be watching a historical with that song. I think the drama try too hard to be everything.

ok firstly I want to say I like the romance but some of the things dun make sense to me

1) the evil queens attitude to So is so bad it's unbelievable, it really make no sense, because hey you are the one who cause the scar!

2) I find wooks feeling for Soo has developed too fast. It was like a sudden tornado that blew me away. Hey we are only in ep 4!

3) and then So flip flopping between all crazy and sweet to Soo. I dun know, I think for anyone growing up like he did is not going to be normal. So his sweetness to Soo is to me quite sudden.

sorry for griming but you guys watch with subs then weigh in. :)


I saw your comment last night and thought : YES, so agree !

I am also watching on OneTV (simultaneous telecast with Seoul). Sorry I can't catch-up with all the replies here. Is the version on OneTV exactly the same as the one telecast in Seoul (just subbed) ... I read here and there about director's cut. Honestly, the editing for the version on OneTV is really meh, especially the first 10 minutes of Ep 4, the scenes just switch too abruptly. I felt someone cut out all scenes with HS, WS, WW and put it together for me to watch.

I can't agree more with what you said about Wook's feeling for HS. I still think something was going on between Wook and HS(original) as Wook's reaction in Ep 4 indicates he is completely in love with HaJin-HS. His behaviour (reacting to HS's "rejection") in front of his wife and servants was not logical for a prince.

Even for Wang So's feelings for HS, it was too fast. I was so :crazy: I went back to watch Ep 3 (OneTV on demand). WS had that sexy 'dress your wound' scene with princess, then killing spree, confront mother. In Ep 4, he suddenly has feelings for HS ?! Even HS asked 'you wanted to kill me now you are so nice.." something to that effect.

There are good potentials in this drama but I wish they take time to develop the romance triangle between the 3 leads better - for it to be heart wrenching, I need to be convinced of their emotions for each other.

{I have thrown out BBJX and watching Scarlet Heart as purely inspired by the BBJX story skeleton}


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:P .. just wanna but in and say – Some of you gals are wrong … just because the rating is low it doesn’t mean ppl not watching it or people did not give it a chance …. It’s just that it’s not what people would prefer to watch first (in Korea at least) …. Don’t forget that there are other medium to watch (not just TV) … I have to admit I am more drawn to the MDBTC compare to Scarlet but did I miss any episode of Scarlet??? NOOOOOOOO .. definitely NOT .. No one would want to miss a production with this scale .. LJG is no doubt one of the best actor in Korea …. High profile actor and this is a high profile drama. No one would miss it .. rest assure … People are watching it and loving it … I guess after they watch MDBTC on tv then they will watch Scarlet after that on the internet? And if the storyline appeal to them the will start watching Scarlet first and followed by the other …

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11 hours ago, solelylurking said:


Yes the sub was acting up. Half of the ep didn't even have sub. It's kind of annoying, really. 


11 hours ago, Niki Azia said:

The sub in English, Malay & Chinese


11 hours ago, qwenli said:

@ahriev I watch on onetv and the subs are fine with me. 

Thank you for the information... I watch (finally until finish with the same app) the re run at 8 am this morning and the sub is in Indonesia - thank's God (that maybe the sub problem already fixed)


Can't wait tonight ep. Welcome back to Songak Wang So 4th

And can I say how much I hate his mother (ugh the actress who potray this queen is really good, but I have to say I hate her role very much).

For actress who potray Lady Hae, wow she's so good to. The way she potray her is make other people pity but I can sense the strong woman inside her. 

For Wang Wook 8th, I can't say anything except I hate you have this kind of fate, but I know you can resolve this matter.

I found this drama getting better and better (which is good, because my hope to this drama is huge)

MLSHR hwaiting!

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24 minutes ago, theseasasleep said:

I was less annoyed with Wook about his slow reaction than I was with his deliberate psychological undercutting of So, a thing that completely bewildered and hurt So because he defused the situation yet here he was being kicked yet again. Wook's phrasing was chosen for maximum damage to both discourage So and remind him of his place, which is nowhere. It had no root except in jealousy and (self-directed) anger unlike his slow reaction that was bound up in a lot of hierarchical stuff.

I compare it to the scene where we met the flower princes for the first time. 3rd Prince (one day I'll remember his name and that's the day he'll die, lol) was about to hit a servant for spilling wine on him but Wook *immediately* halts/distracts his brother and the servant is given a reprieve. It was nothing for Wook to instantly interfere because there was a clear-cut way to handle it without having the higher rank/his brother lose face to the lower rank/the servant. This is not the case between Soo and Wook's sister (I will learn her name, someday). Not disciplining a servant could be seen as magnanimous but with his sister, Wook would be undercutting her authority and social ranking for a social "inferior". This leaves Wook caught between upholding social/cultural norms and the right thing because choosing Soo in this instance runs a bit deeper than the matter of his feelings. Soo is someone who 1) is righteous enough to take a beating in place of her servant and 2) is under his household's protection. No wonder the perfect Prince who everyone thinks should be the Crown Prince freezes, his actions stuttered. He instinctively moves forward but deliberately stops himself and it takes a couple of strikes before he makes a serious move to stop it. This isn't the only time he's been slow to react when Soo has tangled with a social "better" - there was also her fight with Eun. The fight was already in session by the time he arrived and everyone watching was amused or surprised but also knew her fate was sealed the moment she laid hands on a Prince. Only So bothered to stop her as soon as he saw the situation because it was better to do something than nothing. We're likely to repeat this theme throughout the drama: Wook's inaction versus So's action which will likely lead to a situation where Wook overreacts to compensate.

Now for So, who arrives later than everyone else, the decision is easier because he's been set outside of society for all his life. He quickly assesses the situation, understands the costs of stopping Wook's sister and still chooses to do so. Why? Probably partially because societal/cultural norms have done him few favors in his life. Protecting the Princess's pride is not (should not be) worth more than protecting a person from being beaten over a mistake/misunderstanding. So doesn't completely throw away the norms because he does explicitly apologize to the Princess afterwards. The other reason to stop it is he's growing to like this strange Soo girl and while it's not at the depth of Wook yet, it is enough for him to put himself out there.

I'm not sure how much Wook stood to "lose" if he had stepped in sooner and really, he could have stopped it before it all began because nearly all the Princes were there long before Soo exchanged herself for her servant. On the surface, it doesn't seem as if So loses too much because he's already on the outs but Wook's sister is one of the very few people who seem genuinely on his side. Disrespecting her could cost him a rare ally and friend (?), so he might have less face to lose but more to lose personally. My take on the dynamics of the situation as I await the next episode.


I agree with you totally.

Wook's step is always a careful analyzed one. He successfully restrain his instinct when it come to Soo for now. Taking step forward but then freeze as he remember what he will lose. But I don't know in the future. It seems to me he slowly losing his mind when it comes to Soo. He even kind of scold his wife at dinner in last night ep. Madam Hae looked a bit taken back. It's the first time perfect prince doing this, I guess. Imagine the pain and joy he might have when he saw Soo walking trough that door. But he choose to walked away. I think because he knows to be in the same place with Soo without touching her is a pain or he need time to think and gather his thoughts again. My guess it's both. Hehehe. 

WS in the other hand is really a soft hearted kind of person. He can bear to think Soo get beating because she wants to give back the hair pin. It's not necessarily he falling for Soo at this poin. But he is fond of her and begin to see her as his people (hence the claim she's mine). As we all know So is very protective of his people :wub: and he is living outside the palace norm all his life so he don't really care about hierarchy. I think rather than falling so hard so fast like Wook, So and Soo will begin their journey as a friend first. 

Btw I'm a Wook's fan so if I blabber too much about him, ignore me. Nice to meet you. :)

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1 hour ago, evok said:

guys don't care ratings...at same time spot at same days in a two rival channel there is a two historical drama and actually this kind of rivalry always brings one side playing dirty and try to drop other drama ratings by negative articles. A lot of people also think this "bad acting" article was unnecessary and unrealistic, ıt happened at 1st ep!.. everyone knows there was no real public reaction behind it... you write "public reacted to this and that artist acting skills and suddenly public really react after reading that! they show their reaction with losing their interest!.. I saw this so many times. After the news Scarlet Heart ratings dropped and Lovers in the moonlight ratings increased! 

but again I always say  5-6-7-9%... this are not really bad ratings! ıf you are old drama lover, you also have to know most of the very popular korean drama took bad ratings at korea. for ex now a teenage drama Cinderella and four Knights is in everywhere...people keep talking about it but ıts ratings are 2-3%...Pinoccho was very popular drama for i-fans..ıts rating was 5-6%...Healer was very popular drama..ıts ratings was again 5-6%...there is so many like this...

so don't be sad, just watch and have fun. 


I second this. I really enjoyed Pinocchio and Healer. Healer was in fact one of my top favorites. Although I'm sad MoonLovers did not gain domestic korean'a favour but I'm certain many international viewers appreciate this drama. Which is why I stopped posting the ratings results for this show since it is not reflective of what it should be.

And as @qwenli puts it. We like our dark chocolate. So let's focus on the positivity.

Back to the drama I wonder when HS will personally take off WS's mask... That would be a breathtaking sit by the edge of your seat holding your breath moment..

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37 minutes ago, evok said:

guys don't care ratings...at same time spot at same days in a two rival channel there is a two historical drama and actually this kind of rivalry always brings one side playing dirty and try to drop other drama ratings by negative articles. A lot of people also think this "bad acting" article was unnecessary and unrealistic, ıt happened at 1st ep!.. everyone knows there was no real public reaction behind it... you write "public reacted to this and that artist acting skills and suddenly public really react after reading that! they show their reaction with losing their interest!.. I saw this so many times. After the news Scarlet Heart ratings dropped and Lovers in the moonlight ratings increased! 

but again I always say  5-6-7-9%... this are not really bad ratings! ıf you are old drama lover, you also have to know most of the very popular korean drama took bad ratings at korea. for ex now a teenage drama Cinderella and four Knights is in everywhere...people keep talking about it but ıts ratings are 2-3%...Pinoccho was very popular drama for i-fans..ıts rating was 5-6%...Healer was very popular drama..ıts ratings was again 5-6%...there is so many like this...

so don't be sad, just watch and have fun. 

Totally agree!!! Let's be optimistic, put the rating aside and support our favorite drama guys.

Despite the fact that ML isn't doing well on the ranking table, my love and excitement for this drama don't change. Actually, I read some comments on other forums about the 4th episode last night and it seemed that this episode had received a lot of positive responses, so I did raise my hope for the rating to rise, even just a little bit, to support Lee Jun Ki and the cast, but it has disappointed us once again. Well, if it's like that, I don't bother caring about the rating anymore.

Back to the 4th episode, I really can't wait to watch the eng-subbed version to fully enjoy So-Soo's cute moments together. And the preview of episode 5 promises us this will be an emotional episode. Arrrggghhh the wait is really killing me :D

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Thread was jumping to 14+ pages during the night and I had some great feedback from @violet90 @meahri_1 @sukbin @theseasasleep @solelylurking which is yeaaaayyy! and as I check onto the main page, we've got labelled as hot topics with hundreds of posts after the latest episode was aired which is yeeaaaaaayyy again! :D

I'm not saying that WS's falling for HS right now yet it's just that he's acting strangely for a man with that horrible childhood. But then as I was reading your thoughts on it, I guess it's quite reasonable to have WS's acting that way towards HS. Maybe I was just quite surprised with the fact that he might be actually cute hahaha

As for WW, he's falling in love with HS quite quickly and feeling so devastated already imo when he's just only couple of times interacting with her. I guess because of the time constraint that we have with this drama ie 20 episodes thus the pace of the love story should be accelerated so as to come in line with the political situations that will come later on. 

I know we won't talk and discuss and be discouraged about the ratings anymore, but I want to point out that maybe (this is my assumption) the decrease of the ratings for yesterday's episode is that viewers were confused and felt so attacked with the developments between WW-HS and WS-HS and the too one dimensional of Empress Yoo. And one thing I was quite taken back that (I saw screencap of Moonlight on my twitter timeline as I didnt watch it) main leads from both dramas called the woman they might be/is fall in love with as 'my person/people' hahahaha well, what a coincidence. Please correct me if I'm wrong though as I didnt see the whole scenes for Moonlight.

Some of us here already got the chance to watch BBJX first and engage with the pre-production stuff of SHR (previews, history etc) and therefore the rest of us can get another perspective on how the story's going and moving. However, I highly doubt korean viewers have this privilege or chances to do that thus I might say that I understand if they're disappointed with what is presented in SHR up to now. Or maybe Goryeo dynasty isn't as attractive and fun to discuss as other dynasties hahahaha

Anyway, as many of us already stated that we're loving this drama and still confident that the the plot is picking up with great events and heart-breaking moments in the upcoming episodes!

This thread is such one of  few most fun and friendly groups of people I have encountered therefore let's keep it this way till the end! :)



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38 minutes ago, Bambiina said:

:P .. just wanna but in and say – Some of you gals are wrong … just because the rating is low it doesn’t mean ppl not watching it or people did not give it a chance …. It’s just that it’s not what people would prefer to watch first (in Korea at least) …. Don’t forget that there are other medium to watch (not just TV) … I have to admit I am more drawn to the MDBTC compare to Scarlet but did I miss any episode of Scarlet??? NOOOOOOOO .. definitely NOT .. No one would want to miss a production with this scale .. LJG is no doubt one of the best actor in Korea …. High profile actor and this is a high profile drama. No one would miss it .. rest assure … People are watching it and loving it … I guess after they watch MDBTC on tv then they will watch Scarlet after that on the internet? And if the storyline appeal to them the will start watching Scarlet first and followed by the other …



I have to agree with @Bambiina low rating domestically doesn't mean that people are not watching it. It probably comes with the fact, what do one prefer to watch first before the other. Plus how much of the audience has read and is fan of the novel? I can see that the Moonlight Drawn by Clouds is based from a webtoon and may be more known by the domestic compare to Scarlet that it is from a chinese remake and the original novel is chinese which I can see as reason to why the viewing of Scarlet is so much higher on Yoku (with the chinese viewers) whereas Moonlight is higher in domestic.

I am sadden before that domestically, the rating is not as expected from a high expectation of the drama particularly since I want it to be high how amazing Lee Joon-ki is but I've come to the point that I just don't quite care about the rating anymore. I think a part of me feel satisfy that it is doing high on Yoku (even if not domestic) and is appreciated where appreciation are dues :)


Any who, I need more episode. When I mention to my niece that I wish all the episode were out at once, she look at me like I'm crazy. But what can I say. 4th prince just won me over and I need more of him. 

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