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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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2 hours ago, chubbz said:


I am beginning to see Wook in a different light. So is not ambitious, not keen on the throne, he just wants to belong and be loved. His cold and ruthless exterior is a camouflage, a defence shield. Wook, on the other hand, appears nice and friendly, but he is one who knows how to be politically correct. He may have genuinely wanted to be polite to So at the beginning, but it's not out of brotherly love. He is just being diplomatic. Wook was the first to appeal to the king not to remove Mu as the crown prince and Yo had no choice but to pretend to follow when Wook did that. Wook is all about playing Mr Nice guy but he is not necessarily really nice. Not that he is a hypocrite, because he was very frank in telling So nothing belongs to him. Essentially it's showing So "love and kindness" in welcoming him to stay at his residence like family at first, and then turn around and remind So he doesn't belong, when jealousy rears its head. He never really treated So as family but merely at superficial level.

Baek-ah, on the other hand, is more sincere and is not interested in power play or being diplomatic for the sake of it. Together with the fact that he feels Wook could have treated his wife better, and in view of ep 5 where he gets upset that Wook and HS have something going on, I feel these are all reasons he would feel more aligned to So in time to come. So and him are more alike.

Princess YH, I think she does like So, maybe because he is different from the rest? Don't think it's for power, or to get back at So's mum, or she could have chosen Yo?

I found the forest attack scene interesting. The bad guy had no qualms injuring a prince (which is serious business, since his arm was cut off just because he won Jung, so he should know how serious consequences can be if he hacks Jung's arm off. Pretty illogical move I feel), and Jung was defenseless before HS turned up. Wook tried to help but even after all his efforts, they could have all died because the bad guy had backup i.e. No one gives a hoot about these two princes. And then, hey presto, So turned up, and just his presence alone struck fear, even before he drew his sword to wayang (for show). I found that hilarious (even though that was definitely not the reaction the production team would have wanted from us audience) because it was such a slap on the face of those two princes. All their efforts were for naught while So's mere presence sent the bad guys running off.


I agree with you@chubbz Wook may love Soo but I think ambition will win out. When he invited So to stay with them he didn't consider him a threat for the crown because of his scar and horrible treatment by both parents so there is no harm in being nice and diplomatic. The 13th prince will side with So because he sees beyond So's exterior like Soo does, remember Lady Hae says that he is very much like Soo. I think he really wants to be a brother to So. The forest scene was fun, reminds me of the wild west where you don't want to pick a gun fight with a guy who has a reputation of a quick draw and numerous notches on the belt:P  but did you notice that the 14th prince couldn't bring himself to thank So for saving them all and only thanked Wook, wow with a family like that who needs enemies.

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5 minutes ago, MadraRua said:


Yes I did... absolutely :D You'll have to get in line girls :P Although sharing is caring so I might be persuaded to pass him round :P (joke of course, I own nothing)


@MadraRua :lol: :lol: :lol: LMAO. Love that! "Sharing is caring". True in most instances except in certain situations. He would be one of them.

 But...I sincerely appreciate the thought. :D


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Hello everyone,

I'm seeing some familiar usernames over here, some that I used to see back in the days when ''you are the best Lee Soonshin'' was still airing...very good memories :D

I never thought this drama would be the reason of my return on soompi, well technically  I was still  lurking on this thread (which I've been following since day 1 btw) but my official return I'd say.  I'm so invested in  this drama that it's  become my new obsession. I'm very picky when it comes to dramas but this one is becoming my number 1 favourite. I can't stop thinking about it, the urge of watching the  4th episode was so real that I even forgot I had an important meeting today lol the only thing on my schedule that my brain decided to remember was the airing of  episode 4 and nothing else :lol:

I'm so relieved that people  like it internationally which reminds me that even my family likes it. I actually converted my sister  after finding the episodes with french subs, to know that someone like her who's really not into korean dramas liked it means a lot to me... Wangso's  charms worked once again I guess.

To be honest,  I initially started watching this for my baby IU, the only one who can make me watch a drama without subs then  with eng subs and again  with french subs. I've been an IU's fan for a while now but I can't express how proud I'm, she may not be the best actress out there but I love the way she portrays Haesoo. I'm definitely hooked and I have to thank them all for that. All of them are doing such a great job even Wangeun is endearing but mamamia Lee jungki as Wangso is pure perfection, I really like everything about him.  Haesoo and Wangsoo are matching so much that it hurts. Even the way  he threatened  to kill her in the previous episodes made my heart flutters...Oh gosh after reading this out loud I think I'm officially a weirdo :blink:  please pray for my sanity  once  their romance starts :wub:...Oh pray for my sister's sanity too once I show her the 4th episode, I beg she's gonna join us soon with Wangso's picture as her dp :lol:

By the way, I loved reading all your posts guys, so insightful it makes the wait  for the next episodes much more bearable. Thanks!!!


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1 hour ago, cedarwood said:

That's understandable. :D 

I have the same "problem" - just saw 4th episode and oooohhhhh... myyyy... goodness... Poor Wang So has such a terrible mother. I hope she'll have to suffer sleepless nights from now on! Even the 14th prince behaved badly towards his older brother - what an one awful family! :( I know you are all probably fed up with this but I have to say this once again - Joon Gi is great actor. What he done so far in ML... I can't even describe my feelings but I totally believe he's Wang So who suffers injustice from his family and is hurt inside and can't believe if someone (Hae Soo) treats him like a human being. Yeah, I know where this romance has its base. :) 


You can praise him again and again - I will never get tired to read it - and I will never stop to write it. We are the same with that Love :D

Yes - he is Wang So - and I cried madly right now - watching it with subs. I´m so terrible angry and I was like - damn... did I really asked and wished to know how his Life with the Kangs was... I was sure it was a Neighmare - but now we know for sure.. and it hurts so much .... I knew there was something wrong with the Woldcave - they throw him in - they tried to kill him but they need an good story to sell it to his father otherwise it would be  breaking the contract. And the Mother... the other Mother... the crazy woman... oh my Gosh... Wang So had to live in hell... with noone on his Side for so many years.

But he survived.

And I loved it that Hae Soo told him later that she understands him - it is not a sin to wish to survive and for that he must use his sword. Was there ever someone who told him something like that?

Oh this Mother.... no she is not his Mother - she lost all rights in my eyes to be that. A Mother is a caring and loving Person - she is just Ice - and she herself is the Shame in the Palace.



1 hour ago, cedarwood said:

I'm only worried that this is v. emotional role - I hope he doesn't suffer some depression after this drama...


I don´t feel like that - he is so activ. I follow his Insta and he like to use it. He recieve so much love - and even for this Drama I never heard someone talking bad about him. But the most importend point for me is - look at all those Pictures from the filming. They had so much Fun together. Lookes like a great Teamwork and a warm chemnistry. So - I trust it will not be like that.


1 hour ago, cedarwood said:

I'm glad that drama showed Taejo as a king who actually knows what his wife was trying to do and he's not blind to not know that his 3rd son wants to be crown prince. And I must once again praise IU for her wonderful job. She's fantastic :)


She is - I feel the same. And yes - the King knows a lot more. But he too knows how his Son was treated. And I liked that Wang So played all his card openly - you should know that... If the CP did not asked for it - I fear they would really send WS back in this Hell. And it became an obstacle that they used him - so the King can´t not really trust him if he became one of them. Gosh - really - they treated him so badly.... I better don´t think about it further... I´m still teary here.


1 hour ago, cedarwood said:

No, you're not alone - I was also like "WHAT?!" Thang goodness there was Wang So to save the lady.

I was so sorry for her servant. She got so painful beating. :(


I understand that Wang Wook was for a moment in a difficult Situation - extremly because he was not able to know that the maid never stole something. The Story behind - only Wang So could get the Points so fast. And I see it too that he still needs to find out a way . but his SIster is so eager to act - take the stick himself and hits without a moment to hesitate. And fast again... Wang Wook is cought in the middle - his Sister and the Ruler of the Houshold on the Place of his sick Wife so the one in charge - and the feeling he can´t show and still try to ignore for the cousin of his Wife. This Second he needs to find a way - Wang So was faster. Good! There is more - we can´t forget that Wang Wook just started to change - until that he never acted impusive or agaisnt the rules.


But that he waits for WAng So after that and told him all taht harsh words - hurt him too - for that he lost a lot of my sympathy. In that moment he was just as ignorant and stupid as the other Princes. He watched Wang So - he knew a bit more... but now he is mean to him too. Why do i think that his words could hurt Wang So? Because until that I believe that Wang Wook was one of the rare Person who still treated Wang So kinda friendly - and - Wang So is someone who can even fight with words. If he where not hurted he would answer with sharp words. Like - you should be a step faster than - so I did not even had to interfere.... That would hit the aim too - and I believe Wang So knew that. But he jsut said nothing.


1 hour ago, cedarwood said:

Haha! Welcome, neighbour!



dance with me crazy rabbit

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Just finished watching ep 4! Already anticipating ep 5 haha.... :crazy:

14th's attitude towards 4th is unfortunate, but we have to remember he's still pretty young at this time in the drama and heavily influenced by his immediate family, the Queen Mother and 3rd Prince Yo (neither of which are very fond of 4th prince...to put it lightly)

I also would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself, I've been a member of the soompi forums for awhile but have been inactive for the past several years... who knew it would take this drama to get me active again! Haha!  Briefly, I came to be interested in SHR due to my love for the c-drama... I didn't know what to expect when they announced the k-version, but I'm really enjoying the differences so far!

Hope to interact with you all more often over the next 16 eps! :D

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1 hour ago, MadraRua said:


But I've got seniority... plus but I called dibs :D :P 

Get back ball-play-smiley.gif 

Edit: @matchacake @mintkiss sent you a link

@Berou @Mau_Cherry 

I'm in Ireland, waves hello to my continental neighbours hi-onion-head-emoticon.gif



Ohhh - I love Ireland - I had spend a Holiday there - your country is soooo beautiful!


Okay back to the Drama...

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11 minutes ago, akinahana89 said:

Omo omo! Annyeong @shabbychic! Long time no see! Welcome back to Soompi and congrats on unlurking. You'll have even more fun here now that you've made your presence known. ^^


Annyeong from me too!! :P So excited you're joining us!!!!

@mintkiss So glad this drama has brought you back!!! It bringing you out of inactivity (in Soompi, I mean) carries a lot of weight. :)

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1 hour ago, Gabi Bros said:

I think he did include Yeonhwa in that statement for not making it too obvious that he want Haesoo for himself. I don't think Wang Wook cares too much about Yeonhwa and Wang So being together. 


Not sure  - you know that his Wedding was to help his Family - to be able to come back to Songak - maybe the risk is to high for him beeign together with Wang So can bring his Sister - and therefor his FAmily again in Trouble.

And for Hae So - we all know...

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6 minutes ago, iasd123 said:

Episode 4 was good! Best not to look at today's ratings though, definitely not fun to look at. No matter though, it was a good episode.


So true T_T

I'm so surprised, because I'm not usually a big kdrama watcher, and I've enjoyed this from the very start! I genuinely think this is such a good drama, and aldkfjsfasklflsakdf why did I check the ratings :( Now I feel sad because all their hard work is going unappreciated (in Korea) and it's deserving of so much more love!!!!!!!!!! T_T T_T T_T Plus I thought the ratings would go up..... Ah why...........

Oh well, as Hae Soo would say, hwaiting!! haha

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I love love love IU's chemistry with the princes

-the sexual tension with the 8th prince. He was touching her neck, but her reaction :blush: sold me lol. it reminds me of this scene from the producers 



How could a one sided crush be so hot :astonished: ps I'm still low key pissed BSC was touching her so much when he's not interested in her

-the bickering (and cute) dynamic with the 4th prince

-the cute and childish interaction with the 10th prince

-and we have a new one from ep 4, the 14th prince. I already think they're cute because Jisoo is one of my biases...

new bts




Edited by notintoyou
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10 minutes ago, iasd123 said:

Episode 4 was good! Best not to look at today's ratings though, definitely not fun to look at. No matter though, it was a good episode.


that's so sad! the plot seems to be picking up a bit. hopefully more will tune in as the show progresses. 

(although... part of me wonders if the mediocre ratings are party due to the native audience feeling turned off by all the hype and promotion surrounding this series? just a thought...:huh:)



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I just finished watching ep 4 twice. It was wonderful. Queen Yoo is a piece of work, there's no remorse in her but I'm believing that she will come around in regret later in the show. Excellent acting by LJK and KHN! I also am enjoying IU cutesy persona, it's the perfect balance needed in an intense household with all these princes. I can't wait for next episode! I can't! 

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@meahri_1  @akinahana89  Annyeong chingudeul glad to be here. I knew I'd feel like home when I saw you, it gives me the ytblss feels once again. 

@Berou No way another one from Belgium, I live in Belgium too :w00t:


I can't wait for tomorrow....for later I mean (nearly 1am here) I'm excited already. 

See you in few hours !!!! :D

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Also can we please get a soundtrack that fits the historical period better? Don't get me wrong, I'm loving the voices on the ballads but there's a sense of the music feeling too modern or giving off a boys over flowers 3.0 sungyunkwan scandal vibe. I would love to hear the instrumental beauty of Korean folk music or sounds of that period instead and then the more modern ballads as the leads start to feel and express their love for each other. All in all, I still very much support this drama and am enjoying all of their hardwork put into filming. 

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