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[Drama 2016] Signal 시그널


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@Mico Ricco You know, on the flip side, that's probably exactly what KBJ is thinking.  "I'll punish (kill:tears:) whoever dares stand up for truth, so that everyone will have join me down here in the muck"  Even JaeHan's BFF fell prey to this, but with JaeHan making him feel guilty about it, he probably couldn't bear to stay in the police force any longer.  Which is why JaeHan (and SooHyun, and all the rest of the officers doing the right thing in the Signal universe) is so admirable (read: badass) for being willing to take the high road. 

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Finnally i managed to watch the last 2 eps before the ending. Rapist Rapist Rapist :angry: everytime i watch drame and have to make a deal with rapist, i cant help myself, feel like i have to fly to Korea and kill the rapist with my own hand. He was the moster! Its not enough to frame Sun Woo as a rapist but even killed him. Kim bum joo you will die in the end! On Kim eun hee's drama you always play corupt cop and/or manipulated politician, i got enough reasons to curse you ahjussi. The politician uncle-Son Hyun Joo-to save your reputation now and back then, you covered your family dirty sin :angry:

My hope has not died yet. The past can be changed. I will pray Det Lee will change the past, save Sun Woo and himself. But now i am more afraid about Hae Young's safety. Please writernim dont make him died :cry: . The last, time flies so fast, now we are in the last week of Signal, cant wait to watch how the writer wrap up the story but i am also feel sad - the journey will end not more than 24 hours. I will miss cold case team, CSY and my handsome profiler PHY :blush:. Please gime me satisfied ending writernim, dont be like Sign Ghost or 3Days! Heeee ... :grin: See you tomorrow my friends. Good night!

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@yonaomi123 @Mico Ricco

Even if Jang does appear as one dimensional evil, his character is quite well written, especially when you think that he doesn't appear often. I really love his dialogues. We learn a lot in the few scenes he had and he was mentioned:

- he uses people from lower classes as his minions and I would even say as meat (LOL!). His analogy was really disgusting and frightening!

- he even uses his influence and the justice system to get what he wants (the burglaries case)

- his way of threatening LJH by taking care of his clothes shows that he is very careful about his actions

- The way he wanted KBJ to assist him by saying the opposite shows how manipulative and cunning he is. If his conversation had been recorded, no one could have been able to prove that he was actually using KBJ. 

As conclusion, he behaves like a king in a country where it is supposed to be a democracy. He has no problem to use his son which means that the latter will become like him. I mean, his son had the idea to record a rape in order to threaten HSK. So I believe, Jang must have asked his son for help without giving precise orders.

 It appears to me that Jang must have been raised like that and it runs through his family. His nephew looks down on people as well. As conclusion, the members of the Jang family consider themselves as superior and entitled to privileges. That's why it is so hard to get rid of Jang... because what can a single person do, when one is as powerful as a king and he will always be able to find minions to do his dirty work?


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@Mico Ricco I can never understand how invariably in every drama/movie I see, whoever is found with blood on their hands next to a victim, is always immediately assumed to be guilty. If the victim is bleeding all over, and someone comes along and tries to help the person, I would really suspect anyone who has no trace of blood whatsoever on themselves, especially if they are holding the person, or trying to stem the wound from bleeding even more. Gah.

As for PHY in the previews, I guess someone tried to kill him but failed? The elusive KSB perhaps, which hopefully brings to his apprehension? 

It's Friday. I am a lot less muted in my anticipation for tonight. Rather, it is with a sense of dread and reluctance... afraid of what we might see, fearing for the characters as much as for our own hearts, and so unwilling to see this drama draw to a close. Where has all the time gone :( 

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On 3/8/2016 at 2:20 AM, annyeonghasibnika said:


Pd kim won seok said there is possibility that the season2 of signal could be made :)


He is considering whether to go for the s2 or not :)


@annyeonghasibnika, great news.. Thank you!

I'd love to see S2, but only if Cho Jin-Woong  is still in it. Ideally, I'd love the whole team to be there, but I cannot imagine Signal without him.

If PHY does not survive S1, I can envision PSW take his place in Season 2.


On 3/9/2016 at 5:21 PM, Mico Ricco said:

How about viewers?  Who's your ideal boyfriend - LJH, PHY?

LJH only, for me....!

And PHY is too young for CSH.  He was 9 years old, when she was have her secret crush on LJH!


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according to this article above, writter kim eun hee wants to keep going signal for season 2:)


and what hold my eyes is...... the best comment in red box in the picture below lol






hizic... chizizic, you guys it's my last comment tome. but it is not end. the drama will begin again. at that time, you guys will be supposed to convince the writter. the writter of 2016 year... season 2 can go again. never give it up, tang!


what episode comes up in ur head? :)  this comment got much more like than any other comments :):) 

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@annyeonghasibnika Wow! PD Kim and writer KEH are both eager for Season 2? :w00t: Please please let it happen! And if I understood Google translate correctly, they are open to having Season 2 with the same casts and crew? Does this mean we will get an ending where our three leads survive after all? I dare not place my hopes up... but certainly, it is incredibly encouraging to know that the entire production is so supportive of a sequel. Yes!

I'm not sure I understand the comment... is the poster saying that it is up to the viewers to show their immense support for Signal in the finale week, and convince KEH to work on Season 2? Whatever it is, praying that the finale will be above and beyond all our expectations and more. Signal fighting! 

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10 minutes ago, liddi said:

@annyeonghasibnika Wow! PD Kim and writer KEH are both eager for Season 2? :w00t: Please please let it happen! And if I understood Google translate correctly, they are open to having Season 2 with the same casts and crew? Does this mean we will get an ending where our three leads survive after all? I dare not place my hopes up... but certainly, it is incredibly encouraging to know that the entire production is so supportive of a sequel. Yes!

I'm not sure I understand the comment... is the poster saying that it is up to the viewers to show their immense support for Signal in the finale week, and convince KEH to work on Season 2? Whatever it is, praying that the finale will be above and beyond all our expectations and more. Signal fighting! 


is the poster saying that it is up to the viewers to show their immense support for Signal in the finale week, and convince KEH to work on Season 2?

=> seemingly, yes. but what i did mean is.... thata you should have been reminded of the episode 2 , where a man sent message via wa...(omitted).

did you get it? :)



Does this mean we will get an ending where our three leads survive after all?

=> no it's not sure. honestly, according to other news, she said, it's ambiguous to tell if the end is making us shed tears or twist.

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`signal' wirtter kim eun hee "the ending, it's ambiguous whether it would be tears or twist(interview)"
['시그널' 김은희 작가 "결말, 눈물일지 반전일지 애매" (인터뷰)]

she said in the interview with tv report in last 10th, "it's signal that my husband jang hang joon questioned about what the next episode would be like" and "i didnt even tell it to him.while it was questioned to me whether the ending would be tears or twist, i dont know about it well as i wrote script. it's ambiguous to tell", being careful.

[그는 지난 10일 TV리포트와의 인터뷰에서 "남편 장항준이 처음으로 다음회 스토리를 물어 본 드라마가 유일하게 '시그널' 뿐"이라며 "하지만그에게도 말을 안해줬다. 반전이 있을지, 눈물이 있을지 물어보는 이가 많은데 제가 쓴거라 눈물일지 반전일지 잘 모르겠다. 말씀드리기가 애매하다"며 신중한 모습 보였다.]


and also she told, "i write scenario after making huge frame(or drawing huge image), ending could not be twist to me as a writer. when viewers take what they expected as twist, it interests me. ", asking "i want them to watch the end through broadcast" 

[이어 김 작가는 "미리 큰 틀을 짜고 시나리오를 쓰기 때문에 작가 입장에서는 반전이 아닐 수도 있다"며 "예상치 못한 것을 시청자들이 반전으로 받아들일 때 흥미로운 것 같다. 결말 역시 방송으로 봐주셨으면 한다"고 당부했다.]


and writer kim analyzed the success factor of signal, it's because the drama caught both of cases and characters. that is not only did it appealed viewers with genre-tic fun but also did it with attractiveness of characters.

[또 김 작가는 '시그널'의 성공 비결로 사건과 인물을 모두 잡았기 때문이라고 분석했다. 장르적 재미는 물론 캐릭터의 매력이 시청자에게 어필됐다는 것.]

"the rate is within God's area, popularity is amazing." and "what interests me is that i felt something different from what director kim won seok felt. director kim said 'south korea now can make straight-genre drama well' while i thought signal is drama with characters and emotion. such difference as this factored as merits.. if genre drama goes for cases, characters will be hidden while if it follows characters, it can be loose, but this drama seems to catch the both.", she said.

[그는 "시청률은 신의 영역인데 인기가 침 신기하다"며 "흥미로운 건 김원석 감독과 제가 전혀 다른 걸 느꼈다는 점이다. 김 감독은 '한국에서도 이제 스트레이트 장르물이 된다'고 말씀하셨고, 전 오히려 반대로 인물과 감정이 있는 드라마라고 생각했다. 이런 차이가 장점이 된 것 같다.. 장르물은 사건을 쫓으면 인물이 안 보이고, 인물을 쫓으면 루즈해지는데 둘을 잘 잡은 것 같다"고 전했다.]

she mentioned 3 actors who empowered signal. "jo jin woong is natural born attractive, so i already expected him to get popular. he is an actor giving me the feeling that he acts well an-inch-better (than her expectation), no matter what roles he plays. im satisfied that such attractiveness as that has been shown better in signal" and "kim hye soo's act which showed tears in ambulance surprised me. she acted tear without consideration of how she will look, she looked pretty because she did purely. about lee je hoon, i liked the scene  most, where he stood against lee dong ha.(who played role as han se gyu). i just appreciated them showing what is more than script." she gave thanks to them.

['시그널'에 힘을 실어 준 배우 3인 방에 대해서도 언급했다. 김 작가는 “조진웅은 원래 매력이 타고난 배우라 뜰 줄 알았다. 어떤 역을 맡아도 늘 한 뼘 더 잘하는 느낌을 주는 배우다. ‘시그널’에서도 그런 매력이 더 잘 보여진 것 같아 뿌듯하다"며 "김혜수가 구급차에서 보여 준 눈물 연기는 진짜 놀랄 정도였다. 어떻게 보일지 전혀 신경을 안 쓰고 울었는데, 너무 순수하게 울어서 정말 예뻐 보였다. 이제훈은 극중 이동하랑 대치하는 신이 가장 맘에 들었다. 대본 이상의 것을 보여준 세 배우에게 감사할 뿐"이라고 감사를 표했다.]




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48 minutes ago, annyeonghasibnika said:

is the poster saying that it is up to the viewers to show their immense support for Signal in the finale week, and convince KEH to work on Season 2?

=> seemingly, yes. but what i did mean is.... thata you should have been reminded of the episode 2 , where a man sent message via wa...(omitted).

did you get it? :)



"I think this might be my last transmission.
But this is not the end.
They will start again.
You can change the past.
Never give up."
-- Lee Jae Han

Right? :) 

As for whatever ending writer-nim has in store for us, I will be sure to prepare my heart and arm myself with a big box of tissues or two.

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if they really wanna make season 2 of signal or make more series of this drama, i hope they'll keep Cho Jin Wong & Kim hye soo, like what they did to reply series (Sung Dong il & Lee il hwa). it's bcs they both is.. too good.. ahh.. maybe.. :bawling: i should just prepare myself to the 2 last episode.. twist or tear-- bring it on signal!

ps: btw i'm not comparing both drama or the actors.


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37 minutes ago, liddi said:



"I think this might be my last transmission.
But this is not the end.
They will start again.
You can change the past.
Never give up."
-- Lee Jae Han

Right? :) 

As for whatever ending writer-nim has in store for us, I will be sure to prepare my heart and arm myself with a big box of tissues or two.

Technically, LJH could die again but he is sent to the past again. I mean, he died once but knew, he would relive his past again! So maybe LJH dies again but with that kind of ending, a second season can begin and PHY has to discover in which year he went back. So far, we had 1989; 1995; 1997; 1999 and 2000. Maybe a case from 1990 or 1991 or 1996... the writer has many possibilities. 

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So here we are, nearing the end. Or perhaps not the end entirely, but the end of this chapter. In just a while, Korean viewers will be treated to Ep 15 and I'll be anticipating my subbed version by tomorrow morning. I have a crazy busy weekend so I'm not sure when I'll be able to sit and watch the finale. I do not want to watch it with other RL things weighing on my mind and demanding my time. I plan to get myself into a special place for eps 15 and 16.

I also will be avoiding this thread because now, more than before, I do not want the finale spoiled. Honestly, I have no idea what to expect other than a smart, sharp closure with both tears and twist.

In this small window of quiet before the storm I want to express my appreciation to all who make up this community. You are all absolutely lovely, wonderful, thoughtful people! Being here is a true pleasure and hopefully we'll gather again to discuss, dissect and squeeeee over another satisfying intelligent drama, whether it's a second season of Signal or some other show that steps up to the bar set by Signal, regardless of the genre.

Let's fasten our seat belts. We're in for a ride. See you on the other side of it!

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