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[Drama 2016] Signal 시그널


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@bebebisous33 I watched episode 12 raw. I wouldn't want to spoil the others here but there is a scene in the first 10 minutes that would shed light to your query. It's actually so unexpected which rendered ACS paranoid. 

My answer before watching the episode, I don't think a weak person like ACS would have the guts to lay his life on the line just to correct a corrupt system. I don't think he has it in him. But a guilty conscience can make people do desperate things, guilty people can be capable of doing just about anything to assuage their guilt. 

Did KBJ order the assassination of ACS? I would like to think he would want to see ACS take the fall so that the spotlight would go to ACS, not him. KBJ has been having a streak of bad luck ever since PHY embarrassed him on national television in that missing girl murder. He knows his days are numbered especially with PHY's string of successes, ACS sent his fears into overdrive.He knew it would only take a matter of time before he is found out. He also knows he's dispensable, any wrong move on his part would lead to his fall from favor. So he only did what he knows best, eliminate the problem. ACS's exit would severely cripple KBJ.

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26 minutes ago, drmjs said:

@bebebisous33 I watched episode 12 raw. I wouldn't want to spoil the others here but there is a scene in the first 10 minutes that would shed light to your query. It's actually so unexpected which rendered ACS paranoid. 

My answer before watching the episode, I don't think a weak person like ACS would have the guts to lay his life on the line just to correct a corrupt system. I don't think he has it in him. But a guilty conscience can make people do desperate things, guilty people can be capable of doing just about anything to assuage their guilt. 

Did KBJ order the assassination of ACS? I would like to think he would want to see ACS take the fall so that the spotlight would go to ACS, not him. KBJ has been having a streak of bad luck ever since PHY embarrassed him on national television in that missing girl murder. He knows his days are numbered especially with PHY's string of successes, ACS sent his fears into overdrive.He knew it would only take a matter of time before he is found out. He also knows he's dispensable, any wrong move on his part would lead to his fall from favor. So he only did what he knows best, eliminate the problem. ACS's exit would severely cripple KBJ.

I watched the episode 12 raw and from what I understood is



- ACS knew that PHY had been talking to LJH since he heard LJH's voice, well aware that LJH was actually dead, since he killed him.

- ACS confessed, he killed LJH before he died

- What really upset me is that the other cops accused PHY to be the one behind ACS's murder because they had witnessed a quarrel between the both.

- PHY has figured it out who killed ACS: KBS, the witness in LJH's dismissal case



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7 hours ago, kaqueski said:
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PHY becomes a suspect for ACS's murder. 

CSH wants to know the truth so she can help him. PHY told CSH everything about the talkie walkie and what he knew/investigated about LJH's death
It was hard for CSH to digest this information.



Sorry guys, I keep capture these two's side profile. I really like their side profile a lot hehehehe.


Wait for real?!?!? PHY tells CSH about the walkie talkie in the next ep? Wow I didn't think I could look any more forward to the episode. I really hope CSH's disblief phase won't be as long as PHY. Things are going to be chaotic what with PHY being a prime suspect in Chief Ahn's murder(?). He's grown immensely as a person and policeman but he still hasn't won over his colleagues. Not many are going to be on his side...

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I was tempted and watched raw before going to work. I was doing my make up while watching and now my eyes are ahdgadsdgsfgsdf ruined. I can't do this anymore guys. Even the preview made me cry.


So it's been confirmed that Jaehan is dead in the current timeline. Sigh. I don't know what to feel. So overwhelmed with emotions right now. After they showed us that cute and lovey dovey scene last episode, now, they give us this?! Hope and then make my dreams go crumbling down? Drama, I love and hate you at the same time!

I cried too when his best friend confessed about getting paid to fabricate the case. Damn. That's heartbreaking. This rotten world, seriously.

But Jaehan. ㅠㅠ

They do such a good job with make up and acting in the "past timeline". Haeyoung really looks young and he only changed his hairstyle! What sorcery is this?! Now, how to survive another week before episode 13 airs???

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Wow, what a ride. I just binged eps 9, 10 &. 11.

Last weekend was crazy busy and then I caught the flu bug so I'm way behind. I tried catching up on the thread, but gave up after plowing through a dozen or more pages. 

Anyhow, can this drama get any better? 5 more episodes to go and there will big a big void when it's over. 5 episodes devoted to the 1999 gang rape. 

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6 hours ago, Mico Ricco said:


If l can remember correctly the mountain hiker heard sound of dogs and the dogs seems digging at something which attracted his attention.  He and other two hikers then walked over to investigate and discovered a hand skeleton.


6 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

@flybabyfly Mico Ricco is right. The dogs discovered the bones due to the smell.


Yes, heard the dogs barking but couldn’t see them. 

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I am just at episode 11 .

I am really curious about how the lives of the saved victims might change ? Like PHY said what kind of misfortunes would happen to keep the balance of "fate" ? Why did they show the girl among the volunteers walking and him ( the serial killer) feeling something , when she was near his cell ? That scene was really absolute genius ! I can't erase it from my mind and kept me guessing and thinking ! maybe that girl will help him ( the serial killer) escape and he will start again with his killing ? Or could she change him and help him overcome his depression and become a normal person ? But this wouldn't keep the fate balanced ..Maybe the victims , who some of them really suffered from depression,  could do similar things to their children as the killer's mom. A new killer could be reborn from that  ! Oh Gosh! confusing and open end in that case . Or did I miss something ?

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I saw ep 12 wow, it shows how deep the corruption can be

under the spoiler below, i wrote down what i have found out in the ep12 



-the one who gave the picture to LJH is PSW

-PSW doesn't know who wrote the "confession" on school website

-there is a hint that the one, who wrote on the school website, might be Lee Dong Jin (one of 7 "human" "인간" School Student Council) (he probably felt shame and guilt, so wrote it on the school website)

-Lee Dong Jin is PSW's friend.

-PSW used to help the victim with school work (tutoring) in Lee Dong Jin's house. (probably because PSW's house is in a bad condition because PSW's family is poor)

-Lee Dong Jin's house IS the willow house. (school website: everything started at the willow house)

-police officers and other city citizens are making up a lie (ICS is also making up a lie)

-PSW became One Person who started everything. because 7 "human" all confessed that it was PSW who forced them to do it. (KBJ decided to make PSW the false culprit because he has no money and has no connections, which makes PSW a good target for a scapegoat) even the victim (probably because of the pressure she received from police and "human's" parents during her weak state of mind) also confessed that it was PSW.

-other students would receive weak punishment considering they're underage and were forced to, but PSW would have heavier punishment because he's the principal offender, One Person (school site: it first started as One Person, then 7 "Human" and then 10 Devils)



-others can hear the walkie-talkie

-ICS confessed to PHY that he killed LJH.

-PHY is a suspect for ICS's murder (probably KBJ's doing)

-PHY told CSH that ICS killed LJH

-PHY told CSH about his past and told her that school girl case was fabricated

-PHY figured out that ICS was killed by the criminal Kim Sung Beom (the one PHY called out to the parking lot before)

-PHY and CSH found the skeletons of LJH.



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Thank you for correcting me @bebebisous33. I apologize for late response. This week had been very busy for me. I meant to re-watched ep. 7 (and still do), but did not have a chance to do so yet. 

And thank you everyone for updates... as I am catching up on the thread.

Thank you for the English lyrics to the OST, @plappi

On 2/23/2016 at 7:15 AM, Mico Ricco said:


@kasjady probably this is not the right forum to talk about House of Bluebird so l will keep it short.  I just love his acting there; he is defiant with his parents; super generous with his friends but over-doing most of the times; super loving his girlfriend even though his parents objected to it.  He broke up  .... oops!  Since you have yet to finish watching it so l should not continue rambling on.  l have promised to keep short.:)

@Mico Ricco, @kasjady, That is where I first saw him and was totally hooked. His ability to portray comic moments and melodramatic moments are so captivating. And of course, we see more of the dramatic here, in Signal. I am so happy he got a chance to have this role, very different and challenging, for sure. And he did so well in it.

His character is layered, and he does a good job of it, to a point I could not "hate" him, but rather felt sorry for him.  That scene that was mentioned, in which the last girl gave him the tangerine, and he jumped as if burned by that act of kindness was so telling. I still think that maybe - had he not addressed her by her name, and her response - how did he know her name - maybe they could have had more contact, and maybe she would have had even deeper impact on him. That young man is really starved for real love and kindness.

These images are from ep. 10




thank you for all the gorgeous TvN stills, @Mico Ricco

Thank you for your insights, @bebebisous33   (pg. 50)   I did not realize that "they will start again" referred to the transmissions. It makes total sense now.



Nice to see her again in ep. 11...


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On 2/26/2016 at 6:40 AM, kaqueski said:

A moment that crush PHY/CSH shipper :)))


ha... ! @kaqueski   I actually thought he did her a lot of good, in persisting that she not play the female docile coffee server, and concentrate on police work.  He really acted as her sunbae, in that respect.  I am still on that ship, but I am beginning to think it is a one sided infatuation that she has...

@bebebisous33, Thank you for summary and POV (pg. 51). I agree with you about the similarities between LJH and PHY.  Maybe they sense it, and that is why we get also a sense of camaraderie in their conversations. I also agree with you that PHY is still naive and does not realize how corrupt KBS really is. In the last episode it was so sweet that LJH and PHY spoke of CSH, realizing she is in both their timelines. I wish that LJH will have an opportunity to speak to PHY about KBS. Right now - he does not realize that KBS is also in PHY's timeline, and how far he advanced in the police force.  I wish LJH will find out and issue a warning to PHY.



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Welcome to Soompi and Signal thread, @xiennora   :)  what good points you raise.

On 2/26/2016 at 11:36 AM, bebebisous33 said:

Exactly. To me, the past has changed, since PHY asked him to investigate his brother's case. I believe, PHY didn't mention his brother directly, but asked to investigate the gang rape.

 But, @bebebisous33, maybe my memory fails me - but I thought that the Injoon High School rape case was listed on the note that PHY found in LJH's notebook, and based on that - he asked LJH to tell him anything he finds out about the case. In that respect, PHY knew that LJH was going to be involved in that high school rape case;  But -   LJH, on his part was not initially involved, but based on PHY's request - he put himself on that team when KBS took a team there.  KBS was even unhappy to see LJH come there.

We do know that this note - just like the whiteboard, changes as things outside change. i.e. the serial murder case by Jin-Woo was dropped from that note, as it was solved in the past.

thank you for ratings info, @Mico Ricco

@MissSquint, thank you for the Netizen Buzz article connecting our high school rape case to the real case of Miryang rape case. That case was also featured in an excellent film - Han Gong-Ju -  which won many awards.

It is so appalling to me. No girl, certainly a high school girl needs to go through that. And the assailants to go free is horrifying in my mind.

There was a similar case I heard of (not in Korea), where the girl many years later, won her case and the assailants were convicted of rape some 10-12 years late by the Supreme Court of that nation.



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I was also wondering about that young rookie police officer, @cafe99  (pg. 53)

19 hours ago, panappuru said:

Ep 11 was so sad.  PHY pitied the serial killer, as someone here has mentioned, and that just made it sadder. The "memento" from the last victim, her song, was very interesting. It seemed like many of the victims listened to music, but the killer kept only hers, the one he loved. It's so symbolical... a song is not "tangible" but it can touch hearts. Uwaaahh... And the last scene when the last victim (but now alive) passed by the killer... I guess they're just not meant to be. ;_; I can't imagine they'll have a future. Okay what am I even thinking, that guy is a serial killer LOL. 



I think the writer and the actors were able to translate the tragic life of this serial killer into us feeling a level of sadness and compassion for him. Looks like the girl did too. We don't know for a fact that she knows he is a serial killer and is being hospitalized in that facility, and that is why she chose to volunteer there. I suspect she does know that he was a serial killer and that is why he "disappeared" from the store and her life; And she may be volunteering there because of her level of compassion to misguided and tormented souls like him.





20 hours ago, louisawatson said:

the writer pointed out that the things could have turned out different if someone gave him a helping hand. and i think LJH was "helpful" justice hand where LJH put him in jail before he goes too far down the road of murder. he is currently getting treatment in the prison for prisoners with psychiatric disorders. then we see girl volunteering where he is. they have eye contact. and i think their eye contact is foreshadowing of them fated to meeting each other again. she could be the helping hand who connects with him and teach him emotions and how to form a relationship. 

Yes, I agree.... PHY is influenced by what happened to his brother. He is clearly aware that a helping hand in time can potentially save lives. And indeed we did see how that girl touched Jin-Woo (the serial killer) deeply. Even PHY was saying at the time to himself, that he wished they had more interactions and talked more with each other.


The "subtitles" below are PHY's thoughts, not words spoken by the girl.


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is it too obvious that its planted on PHY, I expect police to act smart regarding this issue of their section chief, if PHY is the killer why would he waste his time to call 911 and expose himself. Just what I notice, maybe emotions just get through them that's why they didn't think about that. 

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18 hours ago, liddi said:

For the first time in this drama, there are equal parts of pity and horror for our perpetrator, himself as much a victim as those he killed, and I reacted very much similar to PHY, when hearing him written off as trash. It begets the age old question of nature vs nurture

....  This time though, this time, we see redemption, both for the subsequent 9 victims as well as himself, when LJH arrested him in Jan 1998, putting a stop to his rampage, and enabling him to get the help he needs to hopefully undo, if even a little, the damage to his psyche.

sorry to cut your wonderful post short, @liddi.  I agree, this episode was horrifying. Just as Yoo Seung Yeon was trying to hold on to his coat, he was trying to embrace her, as he was killing her. Even PHY mentioned that this victim was disposed off differently than the other victims. That it appeared that the killer cared for this victim.  He had faced her, as if hugging her, and also wrapped her up in a warm blanket.

And the effects of this killing on the killer, Kim Jin-Woo? He seemed to be mourning her as we was holding on to her dead body.




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17 minutes ago, irilight said:

I think the writer and the actors were able to translate the tragic life of this serial killer into us feeling a level of sadness and compassion for him. Looks like the girl did too. We don't know for a fact that she knows he is a serial killer and is being hospitalized in that facility, and that is why she chose to volunteer there. I suspect she does know that he was a serial killer and that is why he "disappeared" from the store and her life; And she may be volunteering there because of her level of compassion to misguided and tormented souls like him.

um, she doesn't know him at all in this timeline. she might know if she saw him in the news or something.

she was last victim, but the serial killer was captured after fail of CSH. therefore, they never met before in this timeline.

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