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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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"uhm seong mo ham" ---- Doesn't come close to any name or place I recognize from this drama!   I had hoped there would be something in the "sound" or the "look" that would give me a clue.  NOPE!

HK scroll down to Eom Seong Mae Mo Ham (음성매모함) which means audio (음성) memo/memory (매모) inbox (), commonly in Samsung phone, it is known as the voice memo or a voice recorder (still a feature in Samsung smartphones), the voice recording files are in .3ga files formats during the heydays of 2006  

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"What is makjang"

There is 2 meaning to the word makjang (막장)

One is a combination of soybean paste (doenjang done in a short term process) & red pepper paste (gochujang) that is eaten with traditional Korean meat wrap (ssam) or ingredient to be added in stew or soup


The popular culture terms for Makjang depicts a drama genre....that represent a script, plot or story line of having reaches to the extreme...absurb & sometimes outrageous to the norm of reality of life (FAQ is there a likelihood that this can happened in an average person's life).....conveniently inserted story lines which deals with such illogical & twisted manner, in the exact purpose to just to arouse or hook viewers (to be continue  tomorrow or next week)......close cousin to this genre...I suppose....will be the american daytime soaps 

Makjang genre favourite mechanics....birth secrets, potential incest, adultery, revenge, terminal illnesses, rape, murder & suicide, it is not the mere appearance of this mechanics that make the makjang genre but how they are portrayed & managed that sometimes deviates from what is consider acceptable behaviour

Take a scene from a classic makjang drama "Temptation of a Wife"

Extramarital affairs doesn't automatically qualify to deem the drama a makajng but when the story line is line up as...husband had an affair with his wife's friend, tries to force his own wife to have an abortion despite her refusal to do so & then eventually watches his own wife to drown in a boating accident that he had orchestrated...that is a "makjang"

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@jechoi1 --- Whoa!  Had to double check those names first? But "Dangerous Liaison" was what finally what tipped me off! I first though Marquis de Sade?  No way!  But then I got that "light bulb"  moment --- "AH-HAH!... I got it!  You are so right.  Seoul Ri probably would have made moves on him after she saw those divorce papers ---She made her own decision to go after a married man who was ready to leave his wife.   So I think she's wrongly putting all the blame on Hae Gang.



@gerrytan8063 --- Thank you so much for showing how "closely" I stumbled on the meaning --- "voice recording"--- So kind!  Naturally, I'd never have known that, but such fun to find I got close, sort of.  Love your explanation & examples of two different kinds of "makjang". I didn't know the food version!

Edited by mdj101
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into the theater scene of JE and MH........

   after JE told his own version of what happen to MH and DJH in the climbing accident...

MH answered back....You don't know anything...you flapping your lips....What do you know?....What do you know about me?

Then JE continue saying  How MH stole the patent and killing his friend......

MH continue defending himself by saying........There was nothing like that, you're wrong....you have it all wrong......HE ASKED ME AND I DID AS HE ASKED.:confused:.. that's the fact and that's the truth I know......I'm the only one  know the truth......I know the truth! I do!



imo...maybe he ask MH to take care of the patent and when it become profitable  MH will take good care of his family( DJH family).....( GN left him and find a rich man that was introduce by MH...that's why in one of the ep.  GN told MH that commiting one mistake to that man is enough referring to the twins father) but it took a long time to make it profitable that's why MH never looked where are they...now that profitable and makes billion of dollar he gave it back to the twins.




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12 hours ago, irilight said:

@Lmangla, how about putting just the location without the user name? i.e. fan of IHAL from country x.  ?

I think this way they can see the global appreciation of IHAL.

@irilight ~ how about a google doc excel sheet that people can enter their username and location and for those who wish to be more anonymous, just their location. one it would save time and energy for whoever is compiling this list and also let whoever wish to post (even those not regularly active like lurkers) to enter their details if they wish...

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13 hours ago, a15t3 said:

@jadecloud chingu, I can remember which page it is.  You pointed out how to email hot topic thread such as this IHAL.  As of now if we can't see IHAL as hot topic, how do we point IHAL threads to be sent via email to us, as the record purpose?



You were referring to the post on pg 605(below). The steps are for emailing each individual post selected. Not the thread itself. I now know why you mention 'Hot topic'(higlighted in purple background on the right hand corner). That happens to be the right hand side column on every forum page. Not part of the IHAL thread itself. I took a screencap but wasn't aware this will cause confusion. Please just ignore that 'hot topic' heading. :phew::)





@mdj101 I did a test run on emailing. It works! Look in spoilers for steps, if needed :) 

How To Email A Post From IHAL/ANY Thread





@jadecloud chingu, I can remember which page it is.  You pointed out how to email hot topic thread such as this IHAL.  As of now if we can't see IHAL as hot topic, how do we point IHAL threads to be sent via email to us, as the record purpose?

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6 hours ago, Lmangla said:

@irilight ~ how about a google doc excel sheet that people can enter their username and location and for those who wish to be more anonymous, just their location. one it would save time and energy for whoever is compiling this list and also let whoever wish to post (even those not regularly active like lurkers) to enter their details if they wish...


Hehe created a google doc excel with the link below :) Hopefully this helps with the process. Chingus, do access and fill in your ID and Country :) Added a personal message column cause maybe there is a possibility we can write a short message? Idk but i guess its better to have more than less right? Just be aware that that part is unconfirmed! 


btw, this is open for everyone with link to edit, and i understand some people may worry about their privacy (email add) but i've checked. Anyone who opens will be viewed as "Anonymous" with an animal at the back :D At most, just open the link in incognito mode

Why isn't anyone filling in though :tears: Is there a specific reason?

Edited by jyfan88
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Some friends hopping that MH did not killed his friend...i want to hope that too...but let's analyze MH ...THE way he run the company...he told TS :get rid of her(YK) TS fallowed his order tried to kill YK and solve PUDOXIN issue...he stole his friend patent started his company ...but did he stopped?No!He did it again stole SHIN work...used his son wife to destroy Shin and his company!!!Let her take all the blame!!!I hope the driver will tell us the true story...he looked so guilty in front of JE!!!I remember TS and MH talk...it sound like HG did not knew about those documents when she used its at the trial...i bet she did not check...it was her father in law who gave its to her...Maybe that's why she started her own investigation against TS and MH...she found the truth about those documents...

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Annyeong dear chingus. Just my tuppence on the pulse-pounding recent installments of IHAL. Once again, apologies if this turns out long and rambling. IHAL makes my fingers get carried away, not to mention the fact that this forum is one of the most fun, informative, and pleasant forums I've participated in. So, cheers to all!

The truth will set the chairman free. The uneasiness in his mind and body are clearly symptoms of his anxiety. It won't go away [unless] he -decides to spill the beans on what truly transpired in the mountains that resulted in the death of the twinsters's abeoji and -performs the necessary reparation.

It's unfortunate that Jin Eun is contemplating suicide (although needless to say, it won't prosper). But if we are to place ourselves in his shoes, the dynamics are these. He came to a dead standstill. He knows that his abeoji committed a grievous wrong, but he's helpless to do anything about it since the chairman remains obstinately tight-lipped about the whole truth surrounding the incident while impliedly admitting wrong-doing by mouthing off exculpatory circumstances. As a result, he feels helpless; he's stuck in the vicious cycle of anxiety making him feel hopeless and these feelings (hopelessness is a pivotal and observable factor in suicide) only cause him to become anxious even more in which witchery or otherwise, suicide is the only way he sees out. Besides hopelessness, other possible factors are feelings of shame/guilt and Jin Eun's sense of altruism.

Hae Kang was commendable back at the coffee shop. She has acknowledged her faults, her own wretchedness in front of Seul Ri, no less and that is humility. When one humbles her/him-self, she/he sees the truth in things. But what was more noteworthy was her exercise of charity when she exhibited sincere care and concern for the welfare of Seul Ri. As for Seul Ri, it's high time for her to swallow her bitter and misguided superciliousness. May she take to heart what Hae Kang has implored of her before finally reaching the point of no return.

Seok-a is such a magnanimous man. During his most trying time, he still was able to genuinely encourage Jin Eun in regard to his relationship with Hae Kang. It's a delight to witness their budding bromance, but above anything else, after the storm has passed, may Seok-a also find his own happiness.

On a less serious note, it was such a funny sight when Tae Seok became infuriated with se-eomma's brutal memory recall. And, it seems that the weary Hyun Woo is meant to be always sandwiched between the impassioned exchanges of Jin Eun and Hae Kang. But I share his sentiment; by being nobly idiotic, they are only prolonging their needless agony and the end result: false peace and unhappiness in their hearts. The English lessons were enjoyable and hilarious! I swear that more than the reconciliatory/romantic aspect of the drama c/o Jin Eun and Hae Kang, it's them three, Kyu Seok, Yong Ki, and Woo Joo-sshi that I'm always looking forward to in each episode. When this drama ends, I'd miss most the constant bickering between them two and the doctor and Woo Joo's sweet OTP moments. Until now, I can hardly believe that Hae Kang and Yong Ki are portrayed by just one actor. Kim Hyun Joo is so versatile. I'm really in awe of her acting prowess. She is great in both drama and comedy.Before I forget, I love the developing mother and daughter relationship between ''ahjummeoni'' and Yong Ki!

I believe Shin Il Sang will have a change of heart after learning that his son got off scot-free upon the insistence of Hae Kang. Hopefully, consequently, this will be of advantage to her who has been invited by the prosecutor's office for investigation (complaint filed prior/while still in cahoots with Tae Seok).

Lastly, I can't wait for the day the murderous Min Tae Seok finally reaps the tares he has sown. Among his minions, I'm itching to see his disgusting lech of a secretary (ex-Cheon Nyeon plant manager) go down with him.

I have yet to read your latest wonderful insights. Thanks in advance. Happy weekdays! Happy watching!

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HK vs YK comparison-- IMO --update to my post page 555 -11 Jan 16
Another Common Thread

HK & YK are both in love with men who have close evil family members (MH TS) who directly harmed (MH possibly murdered) their loved ones (father, YK fiancé).

HK & YK Both continue in their love of these men, despite what their family members did-- they do not put the sins of the father/brother onto the men they love.
-- Sub Note-- HK is pulling away from JE not so much because of what his father did-- but more because of what she has done in the past and her overwhelming feelings of guilt in the death of ES-- also to keep JE protected and out of the coming battle HK vs MH TS.


mdj101 your post page 609 big red heart BS -- As reflected in my previous postings, I am 100% in agreement with your thoughts -- it is time (past time) to bring in a smart top of the class female lawyer to assist BS in the Pudoxin case -- and for that lawyer to be a woman who understands and appreciates that BS is a nice man capable of unconditional love --which can bring to a relationship a lifetime of love beyond the giddy heart thumping Romantic period and into the long loving committed period. @mdj101



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@gerrytan8063, thank you so much for explaining about the stockmarket buying on contra, and how it could possibly effect MTS.  Dangerous game!
And, also translating the conversation between JE-HK

Also thank you for observation about HK phone with recording device.

On 1/25/2016 at 11:56 PM, gerrytan8063 said:

HK will drag Chairman Choi as a co-plaintiff in his involvement in the Mido Pharm case....the hunting dog is going to bite its trainer

Got to love it!

On 1/25/2016 at 8:50 PM, deandraluv said:

I love how JE and HG mature up.  JE had the intitiave to visit BS and befriended with him, while HG talked to SR.  I think SR will help HG and give the recording to her later. It is a key evidence!  

The parallel in ep 40 was JE and HG talked to each other's best friend, HG to HW, JE to BS.


@deandraluv, great observation!  Many of us, were shocked to see HK going and apologizing to SR. HK shows her inner strength, of being in the present moment, rather than in the painful past - and acting according to what she believes is necessary now. We could even see earlier that she had compassion for SR, in the way she looked at her, once the PDX info. and SR's medical condition was revealed to her.

I wonder what caused the ratings of ep. 39 to jump like this, only to come back down after one episode...

Sad for decreased ratings too... desperate1 onion head

I think that IHAL main contenders are  My Daughter Geum Sa-Wol,  as well as Jang Young Sil. It is possible that the reason for Saturday's increase in ratings is because My Daughter Geum Sa-Wol was pre-empted with sports game, so it brought more viewers here.

Here is a ratings for the week info, (not including Sunday)



On 1/25/2016 at 11:18 PM, trust71 said:

sometime if really a drama is not profitable anymore they will off the air .....IHAL still being recognize in korea and international.

@trust71, I agree with you. And as @jadecloud had shared with us before, the drama already sold to China and also SBS recognizes that there is a following for the drama, despite the low ratings. SBS also recognized IHAL in their drama awards, (even though they denied Kim Hyun-Joo the Daesang)

If a network think the drama is dismal they will cut the number of episodes. If it is early in the game, they might try to fit it into a different time slot.



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With the remaining of 10 episodes, its quit interesting to predict the ending. Right chingus :)

What will be the ending for HG and JE?  Maybe some of u already done some research on the writer's other drama (like me). 

High anticipation. But really want to skip until the drama completed. It will be makjang drama btw. :tears::sweatingbullets:

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19 hours ago, mdj101 said:

Monday --- Jan.25,2016 ---Afternoon.

@tambui --- Is it possible for you to post the  "milestone in HK & JH life, as summed up by DC" in some  other format, please?  I do not know why, but I am never able to open the format you used this time on p.609 ---but am so curious to see it.   Thank you. It's OK if it can't be done.

I have the same problem as you. Don't know why. I've included a direct link to the image for you. 

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5 hours ago, jyfan88 said:


Hehe created a google doc excel with the link below :) Hopefully this helps with the process. Chingus, do access and fill in your ID and Country :) Added a personal message column cause maybe there is a possibility we can write a short message? Idk but i guess its better to have more than less right? Just be aware that that part is unconfirmed! 


btw, this is open for everyone with link to edit, and i understand some people may worry about their privacy (email add) but i've checked. Anyone who opens will be viewed as "Anonymous" with an animal at the back :D At most, just open the link in incognito mode

Why isn't anyone filling in though :tears: Is there a specific reason?

thanks @jyfan88 for creating the sheet. @irilight ~ can you put it in page 1? or just mention in consecutive posts page 610 so that folks can find the sheet (once we pass the page)?

@jyfan88 -- folks are all probably waiting for others to fill it up so that they are not the first; too shy... so bold folks, put your names there so the rest can follow!

heyheypig emoticon 52

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On 1/25/2016 at 0:38 AM, trust71 said:

it wasn't the medicine  but DHK who made you angry, wasn't it?......KSL respond......JR continue.......There isn't medicine without side effect. And there isn't any break-up with -out side effect. Go and protest in front of DHK HOUSE. Then I'll support you enthusiastically


@trust71, Thank you. Got to love it.    JR is right on.


@Lmangla, what a story, of the affair accusation that turned later to a real affair because of the nasty accusations and aftermath.  Sometimes, life - has the best stories, right?   Only in our case, I do not see SR as being dignified in her behavior. I think the writer tries to allude to something similar as your story, but it does not come across as strong and viable.


8 hours ago, jyfan88 said:


Hehe created a google doc excel with the link below :) Hopefully this helps with the process. Chingus, do access and fill in your ID and Country :) Added a personal message column cause maybe there is a possibility we can write a short message? Idk but i guess its better to have more than less right? Just be aware that that part is unconfirmed! 


btw, this is open for everyone with link to edit, and i understand some people may worry about their privacy (email add) but i've checked. Anyone who opens will be viewed as "Anonymous" with an animal at the back :D At most, just open the link in incognito mode

Why isn't anyone filling in though :tears: Is there a specific reason?


@jyfan88, Thank you so much for creating the worksheet..... !

Everyone, please make sure you put in your country.  You can also put your Soompi ID if you want to. That is optional.


2 hours ago, Lmangla said:

thanks @jyfan88 for creating the sheet. @irilight ~ can you put it in page 1? or just mention in consecutive posts page 610 so that folks can find the sheet (once we pass the page)?

@jyfan88 -- folks are all probably waiting for others to fill it up so that they are not the first; too shy... so bold folks, put your names there so the rest can follow!


@Lmangla, Great idea, chingu!

I have put the link to the worksheet that @jyfan88 created on page 1 at the bottom, (just above Soompi rules of conduct). I also referenced the fabulous letter authored by @iamtaken (on page 597) that we want to send to the production team.

Everyone, we need to have a deadline for this, so that there will be enough time for @iamtaken to include the information with the letter and send it before the drama is completed.

I also do not want to leave that worksheet on page 1 forever for anyone to look at it.  I think we need to decide a date deadline for people to fill it in, and after @iamtaken, took the information and sent the letter, I will take it off page 1, and also maybe @jyfan88 can delete the document/spreadsheet by that time, so that it is no longer accessible after it has been used for the purpose it was created.

Please lets decide on a deadline to fill in the spreadsheet, and then we can creat a post only with reference to the spreasheet and link with deadline. I will also mention the deadline on page 1.

After that, once @iamtaken lets us know he has gotten the information, I will take it off page 1, lets delete the spreadsheet.

Thank you everyone!    



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9 hours ago, jadecloud said:



You were referring to the post on pg 605(below). The steps are for emailing each individual post selected. Not the thread itself. I now know why you mention 'Hot topic'(higlighted in purple background on the right hand corner). That happens to be the right hand side column on every forum page. Not part of the IHAL thread itself. I took a screencap but wasn't aware this will cause confusion. Please just ignore that 'hot topic' heading. :phew::)



Hidden Content


Alright @jadecloud, now it makes sense :) thanks a lot for sharing and clarifying.

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33 minutes ago, irilight said:

@Lmangla, what a story, of the affair accusation that turned later to a real affair because of the nasty accusations and aftermath.  Sometimes, life - has the best stories, right?   Only in our case, I do not see SR as being dignified in her behavior. I think the writer tries to allude to something similar as your story, but it does not come across as strong and viable.

so true... sometimes real life is way way way more makjang than anything a drama can cook up. sometimes I have almost fallen off the chair in shock when I hear those stories and find dramas to be way more sane in comparison!! :lol:

as for the deadline, how about feb 3 or feb 5 (next wednesday or friday) -- this should give enough time for folks to fill in and also gives @iamtaken enough time to compile the letter before sending....

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Tuesday --- January 26, 2016 --- Afternoon.

A few things are troubling me as we finish talking about Episodes 39 & 40 ---Looking back at where we've come from so far.  

It 's a lot to try keeping straight in my mind, the first thing I'll admit here. And I've wondered many times at how the Writer has managed to do so, as well. Sure, she's very smart & she is a very talented writer and has several successful dramas to her credit.

"Knowing what makes a TV drama a success" --- Isn't that a special talent  in itself? Do I have to criticize a writer for being good at that?  Doesn't the entertainment industry have a niche for writers who are very good at certain genres?  IMy knowledge is limited here --- But I'm thinking of the famous Hong sisters, Kim Ki Duk, Park Chan Wook's "Vengeance trilogy", --- mixing film & drama =, I know.  But I found some interesting articles online that group writers according to the type of dramas or films they have written. Very interesting, I thought.

Spoiler --- Some "groupings" of writers & their works. 



  1)   http://www.dramafever.com/news/meet-the-screenwriters-responsible-for-your-kdrama-tears/

  2)   http://www.kdramastars.com/articles/16610/20140228/k-drama-writers-who-are-proven-hit-makers.htm

  3)  "A List of Korean drama writers and their Styles"--- (If it is really possible to know from their dramas?) --- http://kreah-         craze.com/k-drama-series-writers/

 PLAGIARISM?  OR NOT? --- The problems in finding a  unique topic! topic, not someone else's idea?- http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/10/plagiarism-gets-yawang-writer-ousted-from-scriptwriters-association/


I think Writer Bae has special ability to dramatize a great story ---And to use the TV drama genre to explore interesting themes in that drama. But I think the genre will nearly always "force her to sacrifice some deeper, more realistic considerations of those themes".  I ask myself, "How much shall I find fault with her work for what gets missed, or skimmed over, or never fully developed in a particular TV drama she writes?"   How much can I ask of a TV drama writer? What is realistic to expect of a drama designed to be a entertaining story in that media?  A melodrama vs a Rom-Com vs a Thriller vs a Medical drama, etc. 

Early on, I  decided to accept some (?) defects (pointed out by many, for example, @lclarakl )  and to look at the "Bigger Picture" that Writer Bae  has created ---with the outstanding performances of the Actors, Directors, production crew, etc., etc.,!  Yes, I am entertained --- left hanging on for the next week-end's episode, moved by the performances of the actors & the sensitivity of the Director, etc.  So what "grade" would I assign "IHAL" --- compared to other TV dramas?  I'm still thinking about that!    :rolleyes:

I decided that the writer is limited by the nature of the TV drama genre.  I think it would not be fair of me to expect a "Nobel Prize"-like TV drama, when the genre does not seem conducive to that quality of writing. How rare must a talent like that be? 

Comment: --- Feel I may be "pushing my luck" if I don't hit "Submit Reply" now!  This is the time it all goes "POOF"! Never to be found again!


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